The Macon news. (Macon, Ga.) 189?-1930, October 13, 1898, Page 7, Image 7

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t IIMC] fl] il T* 1 /7T^X , eX'XK^?s x .xS x X ; x<xxv^^^^>x^’<<<^>^lX^siS^ ; The Kind You Have Always Bought, and which has been in use for over 30 years, has borne the •signature of — —• and has been made under his per annul supervision since its infancy. Allow no one to deceive you in this. All Counterfeits, Imitations and Substitutes are but Ex jieriinents that trifle with and endanger the health of Infants and Children—Experience against Experiment. What is CASTORIA Castoria is a substitute for Castor Oil, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is Harmless and Pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic substance. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys Worms and allays Feverishness. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic. It relieves Teethiifg Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates the Stomach and Dowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. The Children’s Panacea—The Mother’s Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Bears the Signature of Ths Kind You Have Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. THE OCNTAUn COMPANY, 7T MURRAY STREET, NEW YORK CITY. SfInHBHHBHHBffiWMMHHfIHMHHHUKfInBHHBnB IwfITCHES JEWELRY. I | Right Prices. | | Honest Goods. | | BEELAND, the Jeweler, I | friangujar Block. I I DIRHIONOS. CUT-ULHS3. | We Have Brought In combined force to bear on Energy, this stock of ours. Judgment RESULT: The handsome ess line of Trunks to be seen ana casn iu Macon> The handsomest line in of CLOTHING in Georgia. Our Trunk Department occupies an entire floor. Benson & Houser Un-to Date Clothiers. * hWHMI : Furnishing Goods, < and Hats, Trunks, us^UilfcS#w ' and Valises Telephone 276. 408 Third St eet. F. fl. GuttenDerger & Co. ■gJB *555* 452 Second St. „>a| 1 have accepted the agency for the wt.l- known Everett and Harvard pianos, and in addition to other celebrated makes, sueb ' Os as Sohmer & Co., Ivens & Fond and Bush <£.Grests, have the finest line of pianos ever : "A brought to the market. Lowest prices and ywu ..rTj* ou eas y terms. Have on hand a few second haud pianos and organs I will close out ,rt at a bargain. We represent Six strong and reliable FIRE INSURANCE COMPANIES. Protect your property by insuring with J. S. BUDD & CO. Office 461 Second Street. ’Telephone 439. Home Industries and Institutions HENRY STEVENS, SONS & CO H. YTEVE?*JS’ SONS CO., Macon, Ga., Manufacturers of Sewer and Railroad cul vert pipe. fittings, fire brick, clay, e<c. Wall tubing that will last forever. MACOrTREFRIGERATdRST MUWCKE’S Improved Dry Air Ref rig era lots. The beet Refrigerators made. Manu factured right here In Macon, any size and of any material desired. It has qualities which no other refrigerator on the market possesses. Come and Me them at the f**- «£. / h w ecr~*- MACOI? THURSDAY EVENING. OCTOBER 13 1898. THE MALE PATTI. Will Be Here in "1492" Friday and Safar- i day Nights. “Stuart the Male Patti.” who will play the Isabella” in the big production ct , ’ 1li»2 ’ a the Academy «' Mu- c, wll no , •loubt c'iatc a sensation in ihe part in Ma- ! con. A exchaTge «ayr '‘Without q-i'*tdn. he is remarkable He .ook.* hk< a queenly, well-proportioned woman, and bae that pecliar lady-like grace. He con verses in sweet, womanly tones, and he sings a soprano that, save for the begin ning of each higher note, would satisfy the leader of a fashionable church choir. It ia a sweet- liquid voice, delicate, and of wide range. The handsome gowns of the singer might rouse envy in the prettiest woman.” “14H2,” the musical extravaganza, which ran for two years in New York to enor- I mous receipts, is to be presented for two 1 nights and a matinee Friday and Saturday nights. The piece is a satire on the Co- I lumbus episode of 1492, presenting a lavish stage embellishment, which has been taken advantage of, it is said, for the manage- i ment promises some of the meet beautiful and striking stage pictures and tableaux ever shown o nthe stage. No one ever claimed mlch of a plot for “1492.” Plots are not needed in this class of productions. The songs, specialties, marches, novel scenic features, all combine to make the “tout en semble” highly picturesque. The story deals with the financial troubles of the Kkig and Queen of Sapin in 1492, and the discovery of America by Christopher •Columbus. These historical happenings form the basis of the play. “1492” Is one of those creations of music and mirth, in which the play itself is not as important as the cast which produces it. It is a combination of comic opera, farce, vaude ville and spectacle, a glittering and glow ing display of elaborate and costly scen ery, handsome costumes, young and pretty women. In the “1492” of former days, in terest has always centered in the “men” who played “Isabella,” the Daisy Queen, and the latest aspirant is “Stuart, the Male Patti.” A prominent exchange says: “As Queen Isabella, Stuart, (the program refer ring to him in this abbreviated fashion,) presents a representation of a woman that needs to be seen. He may be tall, but he Is queenly, and he may be a man—if he were not. the chorus girls would not smile so fetchingly upon his apearance, but he does not forget that he is portraying a female character. He is called the ‘Male Patti,’ and a true measured and reaching soprano voice justifies the assertion to a great extent. Without being compelled to tell the audience that he is a man who is acting a part, “Stuart’ manages ’to deceive a great many people until that stage of the play is reached where, in one of his specialties, he makes use of his male voice in siuch a manner 'that there is no mlstak- ; ing his sex.” MOZLEY’S LEMON ELIXIR. A Pleasant Lemon Drink—Regulate® the Liver, 'Stomach, Bowels and Kidneys. For biliousness, constipation and ma laria. For indigestion, sick and nervous head ache. For sleeplessness, nervousness and heart failure. For fever, chills, debility and kidney diseases take Lemon Elixir. Ladies, for natural and thorough or ganic regulation, take Lemon Elixir. 50c and $1 bottles at druggists. Prepared only by Dr. H. Mozley, At lanta, Ga. A PROMINENT MINISTER WRITES. After ten years of great suffering from indigestion, with great nervous prostra tion, biliousness, disordered kidneys and constipation, I have been cured bv Dr. Mozley’s Lemon Elixir, and am now a well man. Rev. C. C. Davis, Eld,- M. E. Church South, No. 28 Tattnall street, Atlanta, Ga. A PROMINENT MEMPHIAN WRITES. Dr. H. Mozley, Atlanta: Having been a great sufferer for three years from indi gestion, and been treated by many phy sicians, who failed to give me any relief, Continuing to grow worse my brother ad vised me to try Dr. Mozley’s Lemon Elixir, which remedy he had used for several years. I commenced its use and must say that your Lemon Elixir is the greatest medicine on earth. I have never suffered a day since I commenced using Lemon Elixir. Thanking my brother for his ad vice and you for Lemon Elixir, am for ever your friend. R. L. Rocco, 206 Hernando St., Memphis. Refer any one in Memphis to me. A CARD. This is to certify that I used Dr. Moz ley’s Lemon Elixir for neuralgia of the head and eyes with the most marked bene fit to my general health. I would gladly have paid SSOO for the relief it has given me at a cost of two or three dollars. H. A. Beall. Clerk Superior Court, Randolph, Co., Ga. SPECIAL TRAINS To the Carnival, Via. Central of Georgia Railway. The Central of Georgia Railway has ar ranged to run special trains as follows to Macon during the Carnival: Special from Atnens October 11th, 12th and 13th at 5:30 a, m., from Covington at 6:30 a. m.; arriving Macon 9:30 a. m. Re turning, leave Macon at 10:30 p. m. Special from Machen via Eatonton and Milledgeville, 11th, 12th and 13th, 4:45 a. m., arriving Macon 7:45 a. m. Returning leave Macon 7:30 p. m. i Special from Columbus 12th and 13th, 5:30 a. m., arriving Macon 9:06 a. m. Re turning leave Macon 10:30 p. m. Special leave Millen October 5:30 a. m.. arriving Macon 9:00 a. m. Returning leave Macon 10:30 p. m. In addition to the above, special train will leave Macon connecting for Thomaston, on the 13th and 14th at 10:30 p. m. Second division, train No. 7, due to leave Macon at 7:40 p. m., will leave on the nights of 13th and 14th at 10:20 p. m. Persons going to Eatonton and Milledge j ville may leave Macon by regular No. 4 at i 11:38 p. m. on the nights of the 12th and 13th, special having been arranged to run from Gordon to Eatonton on arrival of No. 4 at Gordon. J. C. Haile, G. P. A. DIAMOND JUBILEE CARNIVAL. Macon. Ga.. October 11. 12. 13 and 14. For the above occasion the Central Rail | way Company will sei Iround trip tickets from all stations on their line at very low rates. On October 11, 12 and 13 tic ets can be purchased for les sthan one fare final limit October 15th. Ticket® will also be sold each day of the carnival for one fare, with final limit October 16th. For exact figures apply to nearest station agent or address J. G. CARLISLE, , Traveling Passenger Agent Acme Brewing Co MACON, GEORGIA. Makers of the famous American Queen Beer and Acme Malt Tonic, which have forced their way into popular favor wherever put on sale. American For the Home b ueen Amopinan Refrigerator. This is a bottle Beer of VI. JI Vfl 11 As a home beverage Amer- rare flavor, absolute purity * can Queen Beer is uusur- J x passed. Bbth gentlemen and and mature age. Its consti- , * . . . * ladies recommend it in the tuents are the finest material g | 111 f\ AV) highest terms. It is bright, that money can buy. Pro- & e lltjlj I | . I sparkling and strengthening. d ii » U V ULI ill | Furnisbed in crates of two nounced by experts to be the 0 1 i r I | dozeu bottles, or barrels of perfection of JBeers. | I 10 dozen bottles. ACME BREWING CO Acme Malt I I For Nursing Tonic Acnie ..Mothers A most excellent liquid The use of Acme Malt Tonic food brewed irom pure malt plf 1 J enables mother/; to nurse their in- and hops. It is an ideal IVI f| I I • * fants, producing a bountiful j-upply tonic, strengthening, nerve LIL IXIL of-rich, nourishing milk, which bracing and stimulating. - B agrees with and strengthens the Nothing better for sick, | M All IO child. It has never failed to work weakly men, women and £ « tll 111 , children. Cures insomnia 1 JLvllHJi these results, and mothers all over and other evils arising from B the countr >’ testify to its efficacy, nervous derangement. g ■ 1,1 crates of two dozen bottles - $3 • Correspondence invited with dealers who desire to handle our Draught and bottled Beers and Acme Malt Tonic. Private orders promptly filled. HCfllE BREWING GOfllPflflY, fllflCOfl, Gfl. Money. Loan® negotiated on Improved city prop erty, on farms, at lowest market Tate®, business of fifteen years standing. Facili ties unsurpassed. HOWARD M. SMITH Second St., Macon, Ga. fl HBartu welcome TO < Carnival Visitors. "We extend you a cordial invitation to make our store, 420 Poplar street, Your Headquarters. We have an abundance of Chairs and Rockers, easily accessible and you can rest here at your leisure time. We will be pleased to show you, mean while, our entire stock and quote you price®. We offer for the week some special Bargains in beautiful Sideboards, Wardrobe®, Wal nut and Golden Oak Suits, the latest styles and finish, Combination Desk and Book Case®, are beauties. Stoves and Trunks the beet to be had. The A. S. Thomas Furniture Co 420 Poplar Street. PULLMAN CAR LINE I S ... BETWEEN . Cincinnati, Indianapolis, or Louisville and Chicsago and THE NORTHWEST. Pulman Buffet Sleepers on night trains. Parlor chairs and dining cars on day trains. The Monon trains make the fast est time between the Southern winter re sort® and the summer reeortc of the Northwest. W. H. McDOEL, V. P. & G. M. FRANK J. REED, G. P. A., Chicago, 111. For further particulars address R. W. GLIDING, Gen. Agt Thomasville, Gt. FOR HARNESS AND SADDLERY, GO TO G. BERND 8l CO. Our goods are the Best, and our prices the Lowest. Keep out of Reach of the Spanish # Gun. TAKE THE C. H. & D. TO MICHIGAN. 3 Trains Daily. Finest Trains in Ohio. Fastest Trains in Ohio. Michigan and the Great Lakes constantly growing in popularity Everybody will be there this summer. For information inquire of your nearest ticket agent. D. G. EDWARDS, Passenger; Traffic Manager,‘Cincinnati/O. J. T. KNIGHT. G. H. DOLVIN KNIGHT DOLVIN Livery, Feed and Sales Stables. Telephone 329. Plum street, opposite Union depot, Macon, Ga. w ' CHOICE Wedding Gifts • In Sterling Silver And Rich Cut Glass. . "V’e -invite you to call and inspect our beautiful new goods. We take pleasure in £ '' showing them to you whether you wish to purchase or not J H & W. W. WILLI AMS?i 352 Second Street. .. j —ratal 7