The Macon news. (Macon, Ga.) 189?-1930, October 25, 1898, Page 2, Image 2

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2 THE MACON NEWS. ESTABLISHED I 884-. NEWS PRINTING COMPANY, PUBLISHERS. R. L. McKENNEY, Busina** Mnffr. TOM W. LOYLESS. Editor. THE EVETNINQ NEWS will bsfislivsrod by carrier or mall. per rear, $6.00; par ww*. 10 cent*. THE NEWS wiH b« for oq train*. Correspoodecee an Mre subject* •oitelted. Heal nama M wrtter should accompany same. Subawtptlooa payable in advance. Failure to receive ptp«r should be reported to die business sffloe. Address ell communications to THE NEW 8. Offices: 412 Cherry Street. In a Spirit of Harmony. « A few week* ago The News questioned the wisdom of holding a prohibition elec tion in Bibb county at this time, and it has since bad the satisfaction of hearing It* views endordaed by some of Macon’s best and most conservative citizens. But our ultra- prohibition friends have stead fastly refused to listen to such a sugges tion unless ofTered some plan of reform which would bid fair to approximate the results sought for in the movement al ready Inaugurated by them. By virtue Os its position as a represent ative of all classes in the community, Tho News does not believe It will be considered presumptious should it assume to be the one to offer or, at least, suggest such a compromise as would seem to guarantee the desired end, and which, we believe, will meet with tho endorsement of more than two-thirds of the community. i)t course there are some who will never accept any i>ro|>o»ition involving anything less than straighout prohibition. These gentlemen are thoroughly conscientious and are laboring for what they believe to bo tho best Interests of the community and of humanity. Whether or not their plan for promoting temperance is the best one is still a mooted question; still they aru entitled to their views, and we would not, for a moment, impugn their motives, it Is to the great body of conservative people of the community, however, that The News would appeal; for the proposi tion which it has to offer, in a spirit of harmony, is not to be decided upon by the extremists on either side. The News' proposition briefly outlined is as follows: INSTEAD OK INAUGURATING A HEATED PROHIBITION CONTEST IN 8188 COUNTY AT THIS TIME, LET THE ANTI-PROHIBITIONISTS AGREE TO A FURTHER INCREASE OiF THE CITY LICENSE, SAY TO $750 OR $1,000; LET THE SALE OF LIQUOR IBE CON FINED TO THE FIRE LIMITS OF THE CITY; LET AN ORDINANCE BE PASS ED DOING AWAY i WITH SCREENS AND REQUIRING ALL SALOONS TO GLOBE AT AN EARLIER HOUR—SAY EITHER 10 OR U O’CLOCK. For the Information of the prohibition ists. It may be stated that it is the almost unanimous opinion of tho people of At lanta, and of other cities where this sys tem is lu vogue, that the arrangement atjove suggested Is far preferable to pro hibition itself, and operates more satis factorily in the interest of temperance and good order. For tho Information of the anti-prohibi tionists. it may be stated that from obser vation and investigation we have found such a system to bo far more profitable and satisfactory from a business and per sonal standpoint to the reputable dealer than is the low license system—and cer tainly more acceptable than the “uo license" system. In the hope of preventing a heated, demoralizing prohibition fight In i.Macon at this time, (when everything seems so propitious of prosperity and greater unity) and, at tho same time, of securing the very best adjustment of the liquor problem that, from the experience of others, seems possible under any circum stances. we take it upon ourselves to make this suggestion In a spirit of harmony, hoping that it will be carefully and con servatively considered by the partisans on either side, and especially by the great body of conservatives who will have to decide whether it shall be "license” or “no license.’’ The evil effects of a heated prohibition contest need not be pointed out. Evi dences of discord, dissension, personal bit terness and business disorder are already abundant. The contest has hardly begun, and yet enough has already been said from the platform and elsewhere to pro voke bloodshed did not cooler counsel pre vail. And so it will go on until one-half of the community is arrayed against the other, until neighbor is turned against neighbor and the friendships of years severed. All of these things, and more, will be the outcome of such a contest as is now about to be forced upon the people of Macon a people now more united and hopeful than ever before in their history. And what will be the result? In all probability , even in the opinion of many of the prohibitionists themselves, things will remain as they now are. Then here are the twtf points to be con sidered: For the prohibitionists and all friends of temperance, would it not be better to secure while they can such a wholesome reform?—a system which the most ardent prohibitionists of Atlanta, who have tried both systems, declare to be better than prohibition itself. For the liquor men. would it not be better to pay a further increase in license and accept the restrictions above suggested rather than enter into a demoralising, expensive fight? For the great body of conservative citizens of the community, would it not far better to enocurage such a solution of the problem rather than see Macon thust into the throes of a bitter, demoral izing political fight that will disturb busi ness and throw a damper upon everything and everybody for months to come? We make the above suggestion for what It is worth. We offer it in a spirit of harmony. We shall be pleased to receive and record as many expressions of ap proval or disapproval as the people of this community may see fit to offer. U_ Let's Redeem Ourselves. The forthcoming congressional election gives Bibb county Democrats an opportun ity to redeem themselves from the odium necessarily cast by the small vote polled m. this county in the recent state election. Biibb has been made the object of criti cism and ridicule by (Democrats all over the state since the last election and It must be confessed that such lukewarmness as was then disloyal does not speak well for the Democrats of this county. 4. To redeem ourselves let’s make the No \ vember congressional election a record breaker. In one sense It is more impor tant even than the state election, in that It records the attitude of the county in na tional politics, and the relative standing of the parties m judged in congress and throughout the country by the vote cast In the congressional elections. We may be able to stand the ridicule that has been directed at us for the poor showing made in the recent state election, but we cannot afford to have it go out to the country at large that there are In Bibb county oniy five or sir hundred Demo crats who take enough interest in their party to vote for its candidates. The elec tion occurs on November 8. Make it a matter of duty to go to the polls and cast your votes for the party’s nominee. All the News Before Night. The News believes it Is justified in say ing that it is giving the people of Macon and surrounding towns the best afternoon paper published in any city of Macon’s size. At considerable expense The News baa secured the Associated Press supplemental report, which adds from two to three thousand words daily to its already ex cellent telegraphic service. It must have been noticed by the News’ numerous readers that they are getting practically all of the news of the world every day Just eighteen hours earlier than It is published by any other Macon paper. The News’ local department is kept fully up to the standard, and it is the con stat effort of the management to mak° the paper the best that can be published la a city of Macon’s size. The editorial policy of The News is, as it has always been, frank and 'earless; advocating what it believes to be right and condemning what It believes to be wrong, regardless of who is pleased or dis pleased. The News Is now about to make another stride In Circulation, and it presents the Teading pubic. The News confidently ex reading public. The News condently ex pects to add another thousand names to its local circulation within the next ninety days, while as many more wiU be added to its mailing lists, a first class circulation manager having been en gaged to place The News upon a formid able footing in every town w’ithiu seventy five miles of Macon. With its enlarged press service and an Inevitable enlarge ment of the paper, nothing can prevent such an increase in circulation as the management have planned for. Hon. Jno. T. Boufeillet. It is gratifying news to the people of Bibb county that the Atkinson-Southern railway combination against Hon. John T. Boifeuillet, in the latter’s race for the House clerkship, will fail of its purpose. Were Mr. Bo ifeull let’s election less cer tain a whole train load of bis friends could be carried up from Bibb county on a mo ment’s notice to work for him, but it is all the more a tribute to his ability and merit, and evidence of the esteem in which he is held, to know that he can and will whip the fight almost single-handed and alone. The (House of Representatives Can make no mistake in choosing John Boifeuillet as clerk. In his long public career he has been devoted to his friends, true to every trust and self-sacrificing in many ways. His friends have ‘felt all along that his reward would: come in time, and that time now seems at hand. It is now thought that the Czar of Rus sia's recent peace procamation was call ed forth by the attitude of his wife with reference to a certain European actress, who is said to have made a monkey of the Czar. The rtnpotency of the Atkinson pull on the present legislature is already making itself felt. John Boifeuillet is going in in spito of them all. There Is a growing impression that France arranged that Fashoda affair as a sort of counter irritant for the Dreyfusian agitation. 001. Hancock, the (bachelor editor of the Savannah Morning News, writes a very interesting, editorial on “Naming the Baby.” Just let it alone and the iMacon Tele graph will soon claim credit for the intro duction of wheat growing in Georgia. Somebody has written a French play that is “absolutely clean.” This is likelyto cause another uprising in France. It looks like Macon is determined to sail ahead in spite of the numerous bar nacles that cling to her keel. A few more days and the Hon 'Wiliam. Yates Atkinson will retire into innocu ous desuetude. It takes all sorts of people to make a world—which includes agitators and cranks. Spain intimates that she prefers sui cide to paying her debts. The News is for harmony and a greater Macon. 'Don’t try to hold Macon back. Let her grow. OA.STORIA. Bean the Kind You Have Always Bought An Improvement. “What can you offer my daughter that equals or excels what she has now?” de manded the old man. “Well,” replied the young man after a minute or two of thought, “I think tho name of Martindalo is an improvement upon that of Skraggs. ” Those who heard of it afterward decided it was a clincher. Anyway, ho got the girl.—Chicago Post. A Devonshire Curiosity. One of the curiosities at Chatsworth, tho Duke of Devonshire’s place, is a weeping willow made of copper and so dexterously fashioned that at a distance it resembles a real tree. It is actually a shower bath, for by pressing a secret Dip a tiny spray of water can bo made to burst from every branch and twig of the tree, to the dis oomfort of any who may be under it. SearolillKhts In Balloons. Russia is experimenting with giant searchlights mounted in balloons and con taining electric burners connected with dynamos upon tho ground. The largest of these yet reported is of 5,000 candle power. At a distance of only 600 yards above the earth it w ill illuminate a cir cular area 500 yards in diameter to the brightness of the day. Wronght and Cast. “Tell me,” said the teacher, “what Is the difference between wrought iron and cast iron?” “Well,” replied Will, smiling, “the shoe worn hy a horse is a wrought iron shoe, but when the horse loses the shoe from his foot it becomes a cast iron shoe. —Lon don Answers. Soldiers In Cliina. Soldiers are despised in China. They belong chiefly to the coolv classes. The German officers engaged some time ago by the Chinese government found that their most important task was to over come the soldiers’ own feeling that they were a lower order of beings than other Chinamen. OASTORZA. Bear* the / \ tm &AK|NO POWDER Absolutely Pure Glnduton?'* Memory. Mr. Gladstone had such u good memory himself that ho was inclined to be im patient with those who had not. At a din ner in London a few years ago he was sketching, to the delight of. the company, a stirring scene in the house of commons in the early forties. Lord Granvillo was a guest at the dinner and was in the com mons d t the time of the events to which Gladstone referred. “Did you take part in the division?” asked Mr. Gladstone of Granville. “I’m sure I don’t know,” replied Lord Granvillo. “I can’t remember whether I did or not.” “Not remember!” fairly shouted Glad stone. “Why, it was only 48 years ago.” Old Age Pension. The New Zealand assembly has Just passi-d an old age pension bill, which ap plies to all persons over 65 years old. The pension amounts to but S9O a year, or about $1.75 a week, and no one who has an income of over $5 a week or property worth more than $2,700 will be entitled to It. Twenty years’ residence in the colony and ten years’ exemplary conduot are among the other qualifications, the va grant and the drunkard being thus shut off. His T.lfe Was Saved. Mr. U. E. Lilly, a prominent citizen of Hlmnibal, Mo., lately had a wonderful de liverance from a frightful death. In tell ing of it he says: “I was taken with ty pkoid fever, that trail, into pneumonia. My lungs became hardened, il was so wuafy 1 couldn't even sit up in bed. Ncrth helped me.\ I expected to soda die of dtGsumption, when 1 heard of Dr. King’s New Discovery. Nine bottles gave great re(i(|f. I continued to use it, and now am Well and strong, I can’t say itoo much in its praise.” This marvellous medicine is tih»‘ surest and quickest cure in the world fotr ial throat and lung troubles. Regular sizes 5 cants and SI.OO. Trial bottles free at H. J. Lamar & Sons' Drug Store; every bottle guaranteed. SiiUsbnry's Gaard. Lord Salisbury has a powerful lifo guard ever at his side. There is at Hatfield a cherished breed of faithful hounds of Im mense strength and bulldog tenacity. One of these is tins premier's close friend and accompanies him in his walks about Hat field. So faithful a guardian is he that Lord Salisbury, with a touch of hia char acteristic playful irony, has called him Pharaoh—becauso ho will not lot the peo ple go. _ ——Even the healthiest con- V stitution some a rut. • Many people are weak M I because their JJ I shipped off the mire of disease, which' might be avoided al t o g-e the r if some strong and friendly hand would only give them a lift. Thousands of weak and debilitated men and women have found Dr. Pierce’s Golden Medical Discovery the powerful and timely aid to set them uj>on the level road of per fect recovery. It creates health by making the digestion perfect and the liver-action regular and thorough. It repairs wasted tissue and builds up solid healthy flesh and muscular power. It is palatable, and digestible by the weak est stomach. In chronic coughs and lung diseases, it is far superior to nauseating “ emulsions ” or mere stimulating malt “ extracts.” Its good effects are real and permanent. For nearly thirty - years Dr. R. V. Pierce has been chief consulting physician of the Invalids’ Hotel and Surgical Institute, of Buffalo, N. Y., during which time this re markable “Discovery” has wrought thou sands of cares which seem*** well - nigh miraculous. Some of the most interesting of these obstinate cases are fully discribed in one chapter of the great thousand-page illustrated book “The People’s Common Sense Medical Adviser” by R. V. Pierce, M. D., which will be sent free for cost of mailing only; 21 one-cent stamp?, or cloth bound for 31 stamps. N. Gaddis, Esq., of No. 313 S. J. 9treet, Tacoma, Washington, writes: “I was taken ill in Feb ruary, 1592, with headache and pain in my back. I called in p doctor and he came three times. He said I Was bilious, but I kept getting worse. I took a cough so that X could only sleep when propped up in bed. My lungs hurt me and I got so poor that I was just skiu and bone. I thought I was going to die. I tried a bottle of Doctor Pierce’s Golden Medical Discovery and it did me so much good that I tried another one and it made me strong and well. It 9aved my life.” HiftDIPO mpgu VITALITY Made a \ r~T Well Mail THE .«LYo*» -~Y. Os Me. GREAT DRENCH REMEDY produces the above result D in 30 day 3. Cut es Nervous Debility, Impotency. Varicocele , Failing Memory. Stops all drains and losses caused by errors of youth. It wards off In sanity and Consumption. Young Men regain Man hood and Oiu Men recover Youthful Vigor. It gives vigor and size to shrunken organs, and fits a man for business or marriage. Easily carried in the vest pocket. Price rfl PYC 6 Boxes $2.50 by mail, in plain pack-£)U L | O.age, wit h written guarantee. CR. JEAN CHAKRA. Pari* For Sale at Good tvyn’a Drug Store and Brown House Pharmacy. Iflacon and New YorK Short Line. Via Georgia Railroad and Atlantic Coast Line. Through Pullman cars between Macon and New York, effective August 4th, 1898. Lv Macon.... 9 00 am 4 20 pm 7 40 pm Lv Mill’gev’le 10 10 am 5 24 pm 9 24 pm Lv Camak.... 11 40 am 6 47 pm 3 33 am Lv Camak.... 11 40 am 6 47 pm 10 31 pm Ar Aug’taC.T. 1 20 pm 8 25 pm 5 15 pm Lv Aug’taE.T. 2 30 pm At Florence.. 8 16 pm Lv Fayettev’le 10 15 pm Ar Petersburg 3 14 am Ar Richmond. 4 00 am Ar Wash’ton.. 7 41 am Ar Baltimore. 9 05 am Ar Phila’phia. 11 25 am Ar New York 2 03 pm Ar N Y, W 23d stj 2 15 pm| j Trains arrive from Augusta and points on main line 6:45 a. m. and 11:15 a. m. From Camak and way stations 5:30 p. m. A. G. JACKSON. General Passenger Agent. JOE W. WHITE, T. P. A. W. W. HARDWICK, S. A., 454 Cherry St. Macon. Go. FRENCH TANSY WAFERS These are the genuine French Tansy Wafers, imported direct from Paris. La dies can depend upon securing relief from and cure of Painful and Irregular Periods regardless of cause. EMERSON DRUG CO., Importers and agents for the United States San Jose, Cal. C. T. KING, Druggist, sole agent for Macon, Go. MACON NEWS TUESDAY EVEWTffr. OCTOBER 25 «. Y. MALLARY, E. N. JELK3, President. Vice-President. J. J. 0088, Cashier. Commercial and Sayings Bant MACON, GA. General Banking Business Transacted. $5.00 wil rent a box in our safety de poeit vault, an absolutely safe plan in which to deposit jewelry, silverware and securities of all kinds. UNION SAVINGS HANK AND TRUST COMPANY MACON, GEORGIA. Safety Deposit Boxes For Rent J. W. Cabaniss. President; S. S. Dunlay, Yllce-Pre»ident; C. M. Orr, Cashier. (Jopital, $200,000. Surplus, $30,000. Interest paid on deposits. Deposit your savings and they will be increased by in terest compounded semi-annually. THE EXCHANGE BANK of Macou, Ga. Capital $500,000 fterplus 150,000 J. W. Cabanlss, President. 8. S. Dunlap, Vice-President. C. M. Orr, Cashier. Libetal to its customers, accommodating te the public, and prudent in its manage ment, this bank solicits deposits and other business in its line. DIRECTORS. J. W. Cabaniss, W. R. Rogers, R. E. Park, H. J. Lamar, N. B. Corbin, S. S. Dunlap, L. W. Hunt, Sam Meyer, W. A. Qoody, J. H. Williams, A. D. Schofield. ESTABLISHED IX6B. IL m. PLANT. CHAS. D. HUHX Ciukiif. I. C. PLANT’S SON, BANKER, MACON, GA. A general banking business tr*m*ati*4 and all consistent cortesies cheerfully ex tended to patrons. Certificates M -isposi ifisusd bearing Interest. FIRST NATIONAL BANK of MACON, GA. The accounts of banks, corporatism* firms and Individuals received upon th< most favorable terms consistent with eoa aarvatlve banking. A share *f year ferns Usees respectfully solicited. &. H. PLANT, Prezidaut George H. Plant, Vice-President W. W. Wrigley, Cashier. HEADQUARTERS FOR Real Estate Loans We have large quantities of money sub ject to sight draft for loans on city, farm or suburban property. Straight Interest loans. Annual payment loans. Monthly payment loans. Security Loan and Hfistract Co. 370 Second St., Phone 82. T. B. WEST, Secretary and Attorney. PHYSICIANS, r>R. C, H. PEETE, Eye, Ear, Nose anc\ Throat, 270 Second street. ’Phone 462. DR. MAURY M. STAPI EB, Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat. 506 Mulberry street. 'Phone 121. 1872. DR. J. J. SUBERS. 1897. Permanently located. In the specialties venereal; lost energy restored: female iregularities and poison oak. Cure guaranteed. Address in confidence, with stamp, 519 Fourth street, Macon, Ga. HARRIS, THOJHRS & GLRWSDH, Attorneys and Counsellors at Law. Macon. Ga. “THE HIAWASSEE ROUTE.” Only Through Sleeping Car Line Between Atlanta and Knoxville. Beginning June 19th the Atlanta, Knox ville and Northern Railway, in connection with the Western and Atlantic railway, will establish a through line of sleepers between Atlanta and Knoxville. Trains will leave Atlanta from Union depot at 8:30 p. m. and arrive in Knoxville at 7 a. m. Good connections made at Knoxville for all points north, including Tate Springs and other summer resorts. Tickets on sale and diagram at W. & A. city ticket office, No. 1 North Pryor street, Atlanta. Also at Union depot. J. E. W. FIELDS, G. P. A., Marietta, Ga. J. H. MCWILLIAMS, T. P. A., Knoxville, Tenn. We have received the English Lawn Grass Seed for winter lawns. H. J. Lamar & Sons 416 Second Street, next to Old Curiosity Shop. For Sale. Johnson & Harris store building, corner Fourth and Cherry streets. The Glover place on Huguenin Heights, a good five room house. The Ghapman property. No. 1020 Ocmulgee street, two four room tenant houses and large lot. Tenant house on Jackson street, in rear ot Hawes’ store. Two 2-room tenant houses on Tindall property. Large vacant lots at Crump’s park. 20 lots on the Gray property. Mclnvale plantation in Houston county. M- P- CALLAWAY. Receiver Progress Loan, Improvement and Manufacturing Company, Macon, Ga. Picture Frames TO THE PUBLIC: You can find our work in the mansion, the cottage and the cabin. All are unani -1 mous in. their verdict, “that we are head ' and shoulders above all competition,” es pecially in a business sense. Call and see our beautiful pictures and - frames. Best work and lowest prices. W. Lamar Williams, 422 Second St. tfte NEW YORK WORLD Thrlce-a-Week Edition 18 Pages a Week... ...156 Papers a Year FOR ONE DOLLAR. Published every alternate day except Sun day. The Thriee-a-Week edition of the New York World is first among all weekly papers In size, frequency of publication and the freshness, acuracy and variety of its contents. It has all the merits of a great $6 dally at the price of a dollar complete, accurate and impartial, as all of its readers will testify. It is against the monopolies and for the people. It prints the news of the world, having special news correspondents from all points on the globe. It has briliant illustrations, stories by breat authors, a capital humor ous page, complete markets, a depart ment of the household and women’s work and other special departments of unusual interest. We offer this unequalled newspaper and Th* News together for one year for $6.00. The News Printing Co. Does Binding and Job Printing of every de scription. Ask for estimates. Higb class work. It is The Quality Os Our (Ml That raises it in the estimation of the con sumer. Our specialties are Best Grades: Montevallo, Jellico, Alabama, Anthracite. Cheapest Prices, Prompt Belivery. The Empire Coal and Ice Co Phone 136. Yard Cherry and Sixth Sts. Wihiam’s SCidney Pills \ Has no equal in diseases of the | > y Kidneys aLd Urinary Organs. Have* , >you neglected your Kidneys? Have 1 ’ ' you overworked your nervous sys- < > ( > tern and caused trouble with your'. , Kidneys and Bladder? Have you’ ’ pains in the loins, side, back., groins, * j I a ud bladder? Have you a flabby ap s pearanee of the face, especially 1 ( under the eyeo ? Too frequent de-, | I sire pass urine ? William's Kidney ‘ Pills will impart new life to the dis- ( ’ f eased organs, tone up the .system > , 1 and make a new man of you. Bv , mail 50 cents per box. A JWttLiAMs Mfg. Co.. Props., Cleveland O. \ a j, a# F*r sale by H. J. Lam ax ft Bon. Whole sals Axsnts. Book Binding. Higb class w’ork. Prices the lowest. Get our estimates. News Printing Co “Queen or Sea Routes.’ rierchants and Miners I Transportation Co Steamship Lines Between Savannah and i Baltimore, Norfolk, Boston and Prov idence. Low rates and excellent service. Accommodations and cuisine unsurpassed Best way to travel and ship your goods. 9 For advertising matter and particulars address J. J. CAROLAN, Agent, Savannah. Ga. R. H. WRIGHT. Agent, Norfolk, Va. - J. W. SMITH, Agent, 10 Kimball House, Atlanta. Ga. J. C. WHITNEY, Traffic Manager. )W. P. TURNER, Ceneral Pass. Agent General office, Baltimore, Md. macon Screen Go. Manufacturers of the best adjustable wire window screens and screen doors. Your patronage respectfully solicited. Es timates furnished free of charge. J. D. Newbanks, manager, 215 Cotton avenue, Macon, Ga. ; Money. f 4 Loans negotiated on improved city prop l erty, on farms, at lowest market rates, | business of fifteen years standing. Facili -1 ties unsurpassed. \ HOWARD M. SMITH ! Second St., Macon, Ga. 1 s Hudson River DyDaylignt The moat charming inland water trip on the American continent. The Palace Iron Steamers, “New York” and “Albany” Os the , Hudson River Day Line ■ Daily except Sunday. Leave New York, Desbrosses »t. .8:40 a.m. ■ Lv New York, West 22d st, N. R. 9:00 a.m Leave Albany, Hamilton st, 8:30 a.m. Landing at Yonkers, West Point, New burgh, Poughkeepsie, Kingston Point, Catskill and Hudson. The attractive tourist route to the CaJtskill Mountains, Saratoga and the Adiron dacks, Hotel Champlain and the North, Niagara Falls and the West. Through tickets sold to all points. Restaurants on main deck. Orchestra on each steamer. Send six cents in stamps for “Summer Excursion Book.” F. B. Hibbard, Gen. Pass. Agent. E. E. Olcott, Gen. Manager. • Desbrosses st. pier, New York. D. A. KEATING. Genoral Undertaker and Embalmer. OPEN DAY AND NIGHT. Caskets, cases, coffins and ‘burial robes; hearse and carriages furnished to all funerals in and out of the city, telephone 468. 322 Mulberry street, Macon, Ga. [Montevalloj COAL ROUSH COAL CO. Agents, Macon, Ga. Phone 245. [A COLLEGE EDUCATION BY MAIL I A , Thorough instruction | V'-.. A, .*• IM £7 in book-keeping ’and j IISPAPa-sSL\\ —ocl business,shorthand,sci-j P l ipfr ence, Journalism, lan- j - rp VI I nV/ guages, architecture, 2 'Aw surveying.drawing;civ- i I /r- Jjßbl, mechanical, steam, | - W hydraulic, : railroad and structural 3 engineering. Expert in- j | structors. Fifth year. I Fees moderate. i 5 Illustrated catalog free. 18 subject In 9 I 0 NATIONAL CORRESPONDENCE INSTITUTE, (!««•> 2^46Second National Bank Building, Washington, D. C. 4 I *?—wm ■>&*' —| ~ Men’s Top Coats. The road to etyie leads right through our shop. From here a man can start out correctly appareled. Our meithods of meas uring,' fitting and furnishing are pains taking and the goods are of extra good value. Look at the line of Covert Cloths, Black Cheviots, Black Unfinished Worsteds and Oxford Vecunas. We make up very hand some top coats from ‘these at very moder ate D rices. REO. P. BURDICK & CO., Importing Tailors. SYPHILIS ! Primary, secondary of tertiary, no mat ter how long standing, cured for life under 1 absolute guarantee in from 16 to 60 days. I have used this wonderful remedy in my private practice for over 20 years and have never failed. A patient once treated by me is free from outbreaks forever. I use no mercury or potash. I will pay SSOO for any case that I fail to cure within 60 days. Write at once. DR. GRAHAM, Suits 1109, 114 Dearborn art., Chicago, lIL WATCHES. JEWELRY. Right Prices. Honest Goods. BEELAND, the Jeweler, Triangujar Block. DIBIDONDS. CUT-DLfISS. We Are Better Prepared Tlian Ever To take care of the building trade of Macon and tributary points. Our facilities for prompt ly filling orders are unexcelled. If you are go ing to build a house it will eave you money to see us before buying your material. If you desire to build by contract, we are contractors and builders and take any bouse, large or small by contract. Macon, Sash, Door and Lumber Co. Office, Fourth Street, Phone 416. Factory Enterprise, South Macon, Phone 404 FOR RENT. DWELLINGS. 202 Cole street. 612 Oglethorpe street. 719 Arch st., 6 rooms and kitchen. 863 Arch st., 6 rooms and kitchen. 858 New St., 8 rooms and double kitchen. 855 Arch St., corner New, 12 rooms and double kitchen. 135 Park Place, 6 rooms. 814 Cherry St., 6 rooms, 2 servants' rooms Walker house, Cleveland avenue, 6 rooms and kitchen. 966 Elm St., 7 rooms and kitchen. 758 Second st., 8 rooms and kitchen. 459 New St., 5 rooms and kitchea. 457 New st., 5 rooms and kitchen. 136 Cole st., 6 rooms and kitchen. 1363 Oglethorpe st., 9 rooms and kitchen, with stables. 417 Forsyth st., 6 rooms and kitchen. 664 Plum st., 7 rooms and kitchen. 765 Spring st., 4 rooms and kitchen. sl7 College st., 10 rooms and kitchen. 913 Walnut street, 10 rooms and kitchen. 917 Walnut st., 9 rooms and kitchen. 12 room house on Cherry street suitable for boarding, one block from business portion of City. Dr. Shorter’s residence on Orange street. H. HORNE, 315 Third Street. F O R HARNESS AND SADDLERY, ilvil) j ~ GO TO <3- BERND &c CO. Our goods are the Best, and our prices the Lowest. J. T. KNIGHT. g. H. DOLVIN KNIGHT DOLVIN Livery, Feed and Sales Stables. Telephone 329. Plum street, opposite Union depot, Macon, Ga. CHOICE §§j§g| Wedding Gifts Fa In SterliDg Silver And Ric k Cut Glass. yon to call and Inspect our ’■z 1 beautiful new goods. We talfle pleasure in showing them to you wftetfW*>pou wish to &purchase or not. J. IT & W. W. WILLIAMS, 352 Second Street. C H. & D. TO MICHIGAN. 3 Trains Daily. Finest Trains in Ohio. Fastest Trains in Ohio. Michigan and the Great Lakes constantly growing in popularity Everybody will be there this summer. For information inquire of your nearest ticket agent. D. G. EDWARDS, Manager, Cincinnati, O. We Have Brought In combined force to bear on Energy, this stock of ours. Judgment RESULT: The handsome and Cash Trunks to be seen The handsomest line in of CLOTHING in Georgia, Telephone 276. 408 Third Street. PILLS. Aflk for DR. MOTT’S FZVRYROYAX. PULLS and take no other Law &f~ Send for circular. Price SI.OO per box, 6 boxes for 85.00.* ■r 13R. MOTT’S CHEMICAL CO„ - Cleveland. Ohio. For sale by H. J. LAMAR & SONS, _Wholesale Agents. Harris house, Vineville, Cleveland avenue. Elegant 10 room dwelling of Capt. P&rk’e on College street. Irvine house, 7 rooms and kitchen, second door from car line on Rogers avenue. STORES. 416-18 Third street. Garden’s old stand. No. 173 Cotton avenue. Mix s old stand, 107 Cotton avenue. A desirable suburban store and dwelling combined, on Columbus road, for rent or sale, in thickly populated locality. TO2-704 Fourth St., corner Pine. 417 Cherry. 419 Cherry. 421 Cherry. 125 Cotton avenue. "* »■ 469 Cotton avenue. 465 Cotton avenue. 431 Mulberry. 259 Second. 357 and 359 #ecoad, will seat portion or all. EJlkan’a old stare, rear Exchange bank, Wolff 4 Happ building, half or all, will ar« range suitable for tenants, pfaflvles near Cox & Chappell’s. Walker honse, Vineville, 6 rooms and ! kitchen. No. 415 ♦hfl<o street.