The Macon news. (Macon, Ga.) 189?-1930, November 03, 1898, Page 2, Image 2

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2 THE MACON NEWS. ESTABLISHED 1 884-. NEWS PRINTING COMPANY, PUBLISHERS. R. L. McKENNEY, Business Mngr. TOM W. LOYLESS, Editor. THE EVENING NEWS will be delivered br earner or mail. per year, 15.00; per week, 10 cents. THE NEWS will be for sale on train*. Correspondence on live subject* solicited. Real name of writer should accompany same. Subscription* payable in advance. Failure to receive \ paper should be reported to the business | •ffice. Addrea* all communication* to THE NEWS. Offices: 412 Cherry Street Zr.~ —_i -anraa._—: : —■ ■ —•——? “Doctor" Lee. We have very patiently listened to the nighty flings directed against The News by. "Doctor” Lee, who, so far, has been the chief fugleman of the prohibition cause in Bibb county. We have remained silent while ‘ Doctor" Lee characterized The Neu* as being fifty per cent, respectable, b< < ause, forsooth, the other fifty per cent, happened to differ with min a* to the de.sirability of prohibition. We have not at tempted to correct "Doctor” Lee when he, recklessly if not purposely, misconstrued the altitude of The News in this fight. • Although working for a reform which we loiiMueutiously consider of more value to the community and to mankind than that which “Doctor” Lee advocate* (at so much per speech) we have refused to cor rect him when he attempted to make us appear a* a "liquor organ.” At i confcfes (if the public will allow us to indulge lu a little personalism) that private ami not public motives have in duced us to remain silent. To be very plain, personal friendship and business tiuai, rather tlrau any consideration for ' Doctor" Leo or faith in his cause, have some what deterred us in our customary policy of saying exactly what we think at ail limes and regardless of who is pleased or displeased tuoreby. These same ties, even now, cause us to say less of “Doctor” Lee than wo are prepared co say, and .to prove. AVe think we but voice the sentiments of more than itwo-thlrds of this community, however, when wo say “Doctor” Lee ha* not practiced temperance in speech, al though advocating temperance in other thing*, 'io be perfuoUy frank, we think our prohibition friends realize that they made a serious mistake when they in jected Doctor ’ Lee into this campaign. At least the most couiscrvative of leel this way, though, no doubt, the “Doc tor" has been using the very sort of am mumiion that is best liked by some of them, in fact, it. is wry apparent that Nome of tue extremists have been nuiking the bullet* for "Doctor" Lee to lire; for everyone is aware of the luot 'that the "Doctor" iumself knows practically noth ing about the people and things he unuertaken to denounce. He has demou nt raud his utter unfainiiiarity with this community and its citizens by the numer ous mistakes he lias made. And he has also demon st rated his utter recklessness ■when handling facts. To say nothing of the very bad quality of refusing to make u correction or apology when he finds out he has done someone an injustice. But all that we ' do with "Doctor” Lee is with reference to fils speech of last uight, in which he sought to make this paper appear as a liquor organ, and other wise attacked its position. So full of bigotry 1* this “Doctor” Lee that he never for a moment stopped to consider whether or not we are as much interested In temperance as he; whether we are as much of an abstainer as he; whether we are as conscientious as he. No, he simply jumped at the conclusion that we are an avowed advocate of whisky because we cannot see that his plan for promoting temperance is the best. We do not care to enter into a prohibi tion Tgument with this “Doctor” Lee. AV e do not even care to enter into a con troversy over that solution of the problem which we still think the best. It was our purpose to hold hands off as much as pos sible, without actually stultifying our •elve*, for the personal reasons already alluded to. But we cannot allow “Doctor” Lee or anyone else to wilfully put us in a false light because we happen not to agree with him in his peculiar views as to how best to control the sale of liquor. We* have a great deal of respect for a largo majority of the prohibitionists, and we believe that many of them are capable of doing us justice, whether "Doctor” LeS is or not, so that in correcting the impres sion which the "Doctor” has sought to create we .would not be understood as in tending to say aught against them or their cause, except that we cannot conscienti ously believe it is the correct solution of the liquor problem—a problem which we are quite as anxious to solve as they, but which we think finds its best solution in high license and strict regulations. To Prevent Fraud. Representative E. C. Speer, of Sumter county, has come forward with a very unique plan to prevent fraudulent convey ances of stocks of merchandise, by re quiring purchasers of same to give notice by publication. Representative Speer has embodied his ideas in a bill, which, he believes, will benefit the commercial in terests of the state. Under bis bill in all sales of stocks of merchandise made out of the usual course of business, or of sales of merchandise which have the effect of practically discontinuing the business of the seller or sellers, it shall be the duty of the purchaser or purchasers to cause a notice of such purchase to be published once in a newspaper of general circulation In the county where such property Is sit uated and to retain in hi* or their custody and control the purchase price or consid eration of such sale for a period of ten daysg after such publication. Said publication shall give notice that *aid purchaser or purchasers have pur chased such merchandise of the seller or i sellers, (whose names shall be stated in said notice) and notifying the creditors, if . any, of said seller or sellers; the residence of said purchaser or purchasers shall also ! be stated therein. * In the event of a failure to so advertise, such sale shall be void as against any • creditor or creditors of the seller or sellers, a penalty which will, no doubt, guarantee a strict observance of the law. Mr. Speer's bill has already been endorsed by many representative business men of the state, and it is quite probable that it will be en acted into law. After .d, ghere is more in being any SWI of no citizen at all. A Larger Standing Armv. There is harlly any doubt of the fact | that cur standing army will be .ncreaaed to at one hundred tho ÜBaa .i men and ; probably more; and this ia a sac . w should engage the aD.ent'm -u teer eoldxns who ? n j th ‘, . ‘ he Vo!un ‘ vms attractive to them. " Plofes6i <»n of In the first place, they have ate opportunity to a.j ant . an irn “A’di ' session for life, and pravijl- “ orab:< ’ P™- ' ficient, they w-ilj find ,' r ar ‘ pro ‘ I tempting one. They sboul(1 V " r/ i-ider well the advantage. a:1 Z C ° D ' attendant upon • case they by such a life, they ’ Kh ? , A attracted i mean* go to work to 'thn aH j themselves. There will > r ° Ug ‘ ly «FJip I. 111 many officers' Places to go to the and may be believed that there ar- ’ ' army berths awaiting the SEUg volunteer service. The following figun. show how gener _ ou.-dy our government remunrr tary service: Remunerate. miU- A lieutenant general receive* $n 000 P«r a a «. tooe i , 3 , 500 . a lieutenant colonel SWun. •9 ♦•J,wo, a major, J2,u00, a captain, mounted, >2,000; a cap jttL“ O LX7 Dted ’ ’ 1 ' 800: Cental ad jutant, >1,800; regimental quartermaster ll.KOO; first lieutenant, >1,600; first lieu tenant, not mounted, |l, 5 00; second lieu tenant, mounted, >1,500; second lieuten ant, not mounted, >1,400. All except the generals receive 10, 20 20 m > vu duu 40 p er ceni inrea*e after 5, 10, 15 and 20 years of Ser vice respecUvely. p fficer3 Bervibg aides-de-camp and acting commissaries, receive extra pay, and mileage for trans portation, largely in excess, of cost, is pro vided for officers traveling under orders. There are other incidental iAcreasea of revenue that might ba mentioned. The present regular military establish ment of the country consist of 2,139 stall' and line officers and about 25,000 enlisted men. Ihis force is acknowledged to be in adequate to the demands that acquisition of territory and other conditions have im posed up on it, and it is certain that Con gretJ will provide for an increase to the btryngth of at ie&3t 100,OuO m g.u This is as it should be, and we urge upon our young men m advance to fit themselves to take advantage of the op portunity that is soon to be offered them, lhey cannot rely on political influences aS* they did some mouths ago; for the reason that the standing army will 'be re cruited on a very different basis. Effi ciency will be the standard which will measure the rank of new officers in the new standing army, and those woo nope to take a high stand there will begin to look to their laurels now. At the meeting of the Georgia Federa tion of Women’s Clubs in Columbus No vember Bth Mrs. E. J. Willingham, of Macon, will deliver an address on “The Condition of M age Earning Women and Children in Georgia.” Mrs. is one of the brightest women in Georgia! and she is greatly interested in the social problem. It goes without saying that her address will be one of the ablest that will be heard on that occasion. The sad death of brilliant .Tom Cobb will cause general sorrow throughout the state. No young man in Georgia possessed more natural ability, and there were few whose future seemed so bright. Young Cobb fell a victim to that dread disease, cousumtion, and thus the state has been robbed of a citizen who in the years to come would, undoubtedly, have added lustre to his state and to ’the lion ored name he bore. It is being demonstrated more and mofie every day that The News, suggestion of a compromise was wise and timely. But just wait a week or two longer. There are some things even worse than being an anti-prohibitionist—and bigotry is one of them. * Spreads Like Wildfire. You can’t keep a good thing down. News of it travels fast. When things are “the best” they become the “best selling.” Abraham Hi *A’, a leading drugigst, of Bellevue, 0., writes: “Electric Bitters are the best selling bitters I have ever handled in my 20 years experience.” You know why? Most diseases begin in disorders of stomach, liver, kidneys, bowels, blood and nerves. Electric Bitters tones up the stom ach, regulates the liver, kidneys and bowels, purifies the blood, strengthens the nerves, hence cures multitudes of mala dies. It builds up the entire system. Puts new life and vigor into any weak, sickly run-down man or woman. Only 50 cents. Sold by 11. J. Lamar & Sons, druggists. Guarantees ROCKWOOD HEWITT, Well Known in Theatrical Circles, Died Today. By Associated Press. New York, Nov 3 —H. Rock wood-Hewitt, widely known in theatrical circles all over the country as H. Rockwood, Mr. Charles Frohman’s general business manager, died from appendicitis last night at the San Remo. ’ Mr. Rockwood’s start in the theatrical business was made more than twelve years ago as a manager of road compa nies. He was connected in this capacity with “Esmeralda;” “Young Mrs. Win throp,” and “Held by the Enemy.” When Mr. Frohman established * his stock company at what is now Proctor’s,* Twenty-third street theater, he made Mr. Rockwood his general business manager, a position which he had retained ever since and which has grown to be one of the greatest responsibility, as Mr. Froh man’s enterprises have increased, in num ber and extent. From New Zealand. Reefton. New Zealand. November 23. 1896. —1 am very pleased to -state that since 1 took the agency of Chamberlain a medicines the sale has been very large, more especially of the Cough Remedy. In two years I have sold more of this particu lar remedv than of all other makes e for the past five years. As to its efficacy 1 have been informed by scores of persons of th.e good results they have received troin it and know its value from use in my ott n household. It is so pleasant to take that we have to place the bottle beyond the reach of the children. E. J. Scantleburj. For sale by H. J. Lamar & Sons, druggists. RECEIVER APPOINTED To Take Charge of Stienhiemer s Stock of L’quors. The Rock Spring Distilling Company filed, a petition in the clerk’s office yester day for a receiver for the stock of the 1 Steinheimer Company which made an as- I signment a few days ago. The petition was heard yesterday after- I noon by Judge Felton and Mr. V. A. Menard was appointed temporary receiver. I A petition for involuntary bankruptcy , had also been filed by the creditors against i Steinheimer and this will get the civil and United States courts in a tangle. Another hearing will be given the case on Monday and a permanent receiver will j probably be appointed. Bucklin’s Arnica Saive The best salve in the world for cuts, bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fever sores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains, i corns, and all skin eruptions, and posi- I lively cures piles or no pay required. It is 1 guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction or money refunded. Price 25c per box For Ml* by H J. i,*m*r a 6<m*’ drug sum*. <4l fe 13 POWDER Absolutely Pure Useful Material. Lady Novelist (getting up copy)—Are you on duty, my good man? • Sentry—Lor’ bless yet, no, mum! I’m jest a-waitin for me churn. Lord Wolseley. We’re a courtin the cook an ’ousemaid ’ere!—Comic Cuts. Trade Term*. > The KverwlSy Girl—So she threw him • er. did she? 1" 1< 1 Yr- she spilled him. ► J alia'iciphiu North -American. o9| * =Ffc IImk: and a capable mother, if she will but take the proper care, of herself in a womanly way. Dr. Pierce’s Favorite Prescription is the best medicine for ailing women, young or old. It strengthens and invigorates the organs distinctly feminine. It promotes regularity of their ninctions. It allays ir ritation and inflammation. It checks un natural and exhausting drains. It puts the whole organism concerned in wifehood and motherhood into perfect condition. Almost all of the ills of womankind are ’traceable to some form of what is known as “female complaint.” Troubles of this kind unfit a woman for wifehood and mother hood. Tliousasids of grateful women have been rendered healthy and happy by the use of this marvelous medicine. At their own request, the experience and testimony •of many of them have been included in Dr. Pierce’S Common Sense Medical Adviser. The “Favorite Prescription” is sold by all good dealers and an honest dealer will not try to induce you to take anMnferior substi tute for the sake of extra profit. Mrs. G. A. Conner, of Alleghany Springs, Montgomery Co., Va.. writes: v ‘ My daughter, aged 15 years, had a goitre coming on her neck and It disfigured her very much. lam happy to say that it has disappeared after the use of one bottle of Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription.” In paper covers, 21 one-cent stamps; cloth binding, 10 cents extra. Dr. Pierce’s Com mon Sense Medical Adviser. Address Dr. R. V. Pierce, Buffalo, N. Y. VIGOReMER Easily,Qi- ,? zkfy, Permanently Restored MAG ERVINE -gr antee to Cure Ins Fits, Dizziness, Hysteria, Nervous Debility, i.ost Vitality, Seminal Losses, Failing Memory— 'he result of Over-work, Worry, sickness, Errors r.< Youth or Over-indulgence Price 50c. ant! .1:6 boxes $5. Fot quie'., 1 live and lasting results in Sexual Weakness, Imnotenev. Nervous Debilitv and Lost Vitality use YELLOW LABEL SPECIAL-double strength—will give strength and tone to every part ;nd effect a pcrinarmt cure. Cheapest and best. 100 Pills $2: by mail. FREE —A 1 . lie of the famous Japanese l.ivei Pellets will b y; ven wit h as l box or more of M*g 'etic Nervine tree S.'4d onl bv For Sale at Goodwyn’e Drug Store and Brown Honso Pharmacy. I THE EMPIRE I CO A F oal aR d Ice CO AT w M Best grades of Domestic. } 7 Jk.-_M-._7 — COJkL, | Phone 136- Yard cor. Cherry and 6th sts | MACON NEWb THURSDAY PVttNiWv,. NOVEMBER 3 E. T. MALLARY, E. N. JELKS. President Vice-Preaident. J. J. COBB. Cashier. Commercial mw Savings Bank. MACON, GA. General Banking Business Transacted. $5.00 wil rent a box in our safety de- I posit vault, an absolutely safe plan in i which to deposit jewelry, silverware and securities of all kinds. UNION SAVHFGS BANK AND TRUST COMPANY | MACON, GEORGIA. Safety Deposit Boxes For Rent J. W. Cab&niss, President; S. S. Dunlay, Vice-President; C. M. Orr, Cashier. Capital, $200,000. Surplus, $30,000. Interest paid on deposits. Deposit your savings and they will be increased by in terest compounded semi-annually. THE EXCHANGE BANK of Macou, Ga. Capital $500,000 Surplus ~, 150,000 J. W. Cabaniss, President. S. S. Dunlap, Vice-President. C. M. Orr, Cashier. Li be tai to its customers, accommodating to the public, and prudent in its manage ment, this bask solicits deposits and other business in its line. DIRECTORS. J. W. Cabaniss,, W. R. Rogers, R. E. Park, H. J. Lamar, N. B. Corbin, S. S. Dunlap, L. W. Hunt, Sam Meyer, W. A. Doody, J. H. Williams, A. D. Schofield. ESTABLISHED 1868. 8. H, PLANT. CHAB. D HURT UaahHr. I. C. PLANT»S SON, BANOk, MACON, GA. ▲ general banking bualipajx transact** and all consistent cheerfully ex tended to patron*. Certificates es dapesn Issued bearing interesL FIRST NATIONAL BANK of MACON, GA. Th* accounts •? banks, eorporatl**» trms and individuals received upon th* most favorable terms consistent with e*fc servatlve banking. A share «f year has iness resisoctfulty solicited. ». H. PLANT, President George H. Plant, Vico-President W. W. Wrigley, Cashier. HEADQUARTERS FOR Heal Estate Loans I We have large quantities of money sub ject to sight draft for loans on city, farm or suburban property. , Straight Interest loans. Annual payment loans. Monthly payment loans. Security Loan and RDstract Cc. 370 Second St., Phone 82. T. B. WEST, Secretary and Attorney. PHYSICIANS, DB. C, H. PEETE, Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat, f 270 Second street. ’Phone 462. DR. WSAURY M. STAPJI EB, Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat. 506 Mulberry street. ’Phone 121. 1872. DR. J. J. SUBERS. 1897,. Permanently located. In the specialties venereal; lost energy restored; female iregularlties and poison oak. Cure guaranteed. Address in confidence, with stamp, 519 Fourth street, Macon, Ga. -< HUBRIS, THOHIRS & GLfiWSON, Attorneys and Counsellors at Law. Macon. G*. “THE HIAWASSEE R.OUTE.” Only Through Sleeping Car Line Between Atlanta and Knoxville. Beginning June 19th the Atlanta, Knox ville and Northern Railway, in connection with the Western and Atlantic railway, will establish a through line of sleepers between Atlanta and Knoxville. Trains will leave Atlanta from Union depot art. 8:30 p. m. and arrive in Knoxville at 7 a. m. Good connections made at Knoxville for all points north, including Tate Springs and other summer resorts. Tickets on sale and diagram at W. & A. city ticket office, No. 1 North Pryor street, Atlanta. Also at Union depot. J. E. W. FIELDS, G. P. A„ ‘ Marietta, Ga. j. h. McWilliams, t. p. a„ Knoxville, Tenn. We have received the English Lawn Grass Seed for winter lawns. H. J.Lamars Sons 416 Second Street, next to Old Curiosity Shop. For Sale. Johnson & Harris store building, corner h'ourth and Cherry streets. The Glover place on Huguenin Heights, a good five room house. The Ghapman property, No. 1020 Ocmulgee street, two four room tenant houses and large lot. Tenant house on Jackson street, in rear of Hawes’ store. Two 2-room tenant houses on Tindall property. Large vacant lots at Crump’s park, i 20 lots on the Gray propertv. Mclnvale plantation in Houston county. M. P. CALLAWAY. Receiver Progress Loan, Improvement . and Manufacturing Company, 1 ( , Macon, Ga. | Cinderella’s I fairy god-moth- S er, with one * touch of her I magic wand, | transformed ithe maiden’s § rags and tatters I into the richest I silks and sat* I ins. There are I thousands of I young women ■to - day who U need a fairy s god - mother J who will touch r them with the B wand of health. tA girl’s best gift is her health. Every girl may be a healtjiy girl iand become a healthy wife TH El NEW YORK WORLD Th rlce-a-Week Edition 18 Pages a Week... ...156 Papers a Year FOR ONE DOLLAR. Published every alternate day except Sun day. The Thriee-a-Week edition of the New York World is first among all weekly papers in size, frequency of publication and the freshness, acuracy and variety of its contents. It has £ll the merits of a great $6 daily at the price of a dollar complete, accurate and impartial, as all iof its readers will testify. It is against i the monopolies and for the people. It prints the news of the world, having special news correspondents from all points on the globe. It has briliant illustrations, stories by breat authors, a capital humor ous page, complete markets, a depart ment of the household and women’s work and other special departments of unusual interest. We offer this unequalled newspaper and The N»w« together for one year for SS.OC The Reason Why The people should and do buy their frames and pictures from us is simply this, We have three times the assortment of any one else to select from, we are th only xclusive frame makers in Macon, we do the best work and our prices are as low and often lower than our would-be competl torrs. New Goods daily!. W. Lamar Williams, 422 Second St. JTlacon and Birmingham Railroad (Pine Mountain Route.) ' Schedule effective October 16, 1898. 4.15 pm|LvMaconAr|ll 15 am 5:04 pm|Lv LizellaLvjlO 25 am 5 45 pm|Lv.. ..Culloden.. ..Lvj 9 45 am 556 pm|Lv.. . .Yatesville... .Lvj 933 am 6 26 pm|Lv. ..Thomaston.. .Lvj 9 03 am 7 07 pm] Ar. ..Woodbury .. ,Lv| 8 23 am SOUTHERN RAILWAY. 9 05 pm|Ar Columbus So Ry Lv| 6 30 am >O7 pmfAr Griffin Lv! 650 am 4 20 pm|Lv .. ..Atlanta.. .. Arlll 10 am 6 03 pm]LvGriffinArj 9 18 am 5 25 pm|Lv.. ..Columbus.. .. 7 07 pm|Lv.. ..Woodbury. ~Ar| 8 23 am 7 27 pm|Ar... Harris City.. .Lvj 8 03 am CENTRAL OF GEORGIA. 7 45 pm|Ar.. .Greenville.. ..Lvj 7 45 am 520 pm|Lv.. ..Columbus. ~Ar|lo 15 am 7 27 pm|Lv.. Harris City . .Ar| 8 03 am 8 20 pm|Ar.. ..LaGrange.. ~Lv| 7 10 am Connections at Macon with Central of Georgia to Savannah and Southwestern Georgia, and with Georgia Southern and Florida. At Yatesville with Southern for points south of Yatesville, and at LaGrange with A. & W. P. for points north of LaGrange. JULIAN R. LANE, General Manager. SAckohia Wz/lW' ISLAND w lv rliOF tK-fSIPELAS Two Diseases That Cause Their Victims to Ba Shunned fay Thslr Fellow-Man. SpSINGFntLD, Mo. Gestlemem : I commenced taking P. P. P., Lippman’s Great Remedy, last Fall, for Erysipelas. My face was com pletely covered with the disease ; I took 6 short course of P. P. P., and it soon This Spring I became much debilitated and again took an other course, and I am now in good condition. I consider P. P, P. one of the best blood preparations on tha market, and for those who need a gen eral tonic to build up the syst«m and Improve the appetite I consider that it has no equal. Will say, anyone who cares to try P. P. P. will not be disap pointed in its ijesults, and I, therefore, Cheerfully recommend it. ARTHUR WOOD, Springfield, Mix Erysipelas and Scrofula cured by P. P. P., Lippman’s Great Remedy, surely and without fail. Spring field, Mo. Gentlemen r Last June I had. a scrofulous sore which broke out on my ankle. It grew rapidly, and soon ex tended from my ankle to my knee. I got one bottle of your P. P. P., Lipp man's Great Remedy, and was agree ably surprised at the result. The entire sore healed at once. I think I have taken almost every medicine recom mended for scrofula and catarrh, and (cur P. P. P. is the best I have ever rfcd. It cannot be recommended too highly for blood poison, etc. Ycurs very truly, W. P. HUNTER. F. P. P. cures all blood and skin dis ease, both in men and women. Rheumatism, which makes man's Ufa a hell upon earth, can be relieved at once by r. P. P., Lippman’s Great Rem edy. It makes a PERMANENT cure. P. P. P. is the great and only remedy for advanced cases of catarrh. Stop page of the nostrils and difficulty in breathing when lying down, P. P. P. relieves at once. P. P. P. cures blood poisoning in all its various stages, old ulcers, sores and kidney complaints. Seld by si! druggists. LIPPMAN BROS., A, * hecarles. Sole Prop’rs, Llppasao's Bieck, Savannah, On. D. A. KEATING. Genoral Undertaker and Embalmer. OPEN DAY AND NIGHT. Caskets, cases, coffins and burial robes; hearse and carriages furnished to all funerals in and out of the city. telephone 468. 322 Mulberry street, Macon, - Notice. Notice is hereby given that at a meeting ; of the stockholders of the Macon and In- I dian Spring Electric Street Railway Com- I pany, to be held at the office on the lOta j day of November, 1898, a resolution will | be offered calling for an increase of the j stock to the amount of four hundred shares j and calling for the issuance of bonds to ■ the amount of one hundred thousand dol | lars. Macon and Indian Spring Electric ' Street Railway Company. October 15, IS9S. To the Honorable Secretary of the State I of the State of Georgia: The petition of the Macon and Indian 1 Spring Electric Street Railway Company shows: 1. That the name of the petitioner is the “Macon and Indian Spring Electric Street Railway Company.” 2. character of the corporation is an electric street railway corporation. i 3. The date of its original charter is July , 29. 1893. 4. There are no amendments to said I charter. 5. It desires an amendment to its charter 1 I changing its corporate name so that hare- I after its corporate name shall be “The Ma con Electric Light and Railway Company." I Macon and Indian. Spring Electric Street ■ i Railway Company. I October 15, 1898. “Queen of Sea Routes.’ Merchants and Miners Transportation Co Steamship Lines Between Savannah and Baltimore, Norfolk, Boston and Prov dence. Low rates and excellent service. Accommodations and cuisine unsurpassed Best way to travel and ship your goods. For advertising matter and particulars [ address J. J. CAROLAN, Agent, Savannah, Ga. R. H. WRIGHT, Agent, Norfolk, Va. J. W. SMITH, Agent, 10 Kimball House, Atlanta, Ga. . J. C. WHITNEY, Traffic Manager. W. P. TURNER, General Pass. Agent. General offices, Baltimore, Md. [Bacon screen co. Manufacturers of the best adjustable wire window screens and screen doors. Your patronage respectfully solicited. Es timates furnished free of charge. J. D. Newbanks, manager, 215 Cotton avenue, Macon, Ga. Money. Loans negotiated on improved city prop erty, on farms, at lowest market rates, business of fifteen years standing. Facili ties unsurpassed. HOWARD M. SMITH Second St., Macon, Ga. IRscon and New York Short Line. Via Georgia Railroad and Atlantic Coast Line. Through Pullman cars between Macon and New York, effective August 4th, 1898. Lv Macon.... I 9 00 am 4 20 pm I 7 40 pm Lv MiH’gev’Je|lo 10 am 5 24 pmj 9 24 pm Lv Camak....|ll 40 am 6 47 pm| 3 33 am Lv Camak.... 11 40 am 6 47 pm|lo 31 pm Ar Aug’taC.T. 1 20 pm 8 25 pm 5 15 pm Lv Aug’taE.T. 2 30 pm Ar Florence.. 8 15 pm Lv Fayettev’le 10 15 pm Ar Petersburg 3 14 am Ar Richmond. 4 00 am Ar Wash’ton.. 7 41 am Ar Baltimore. 9 05 am Ar Phila’phia. 11 25 am Ar New York 2 03 pm Ar N Y, W 23d stj 2 15 pm|| Trains arrive from Augusta and points on main line 6:45 a. m. and 11:15 a. m. From Camak and way stations 5:30 p. m. A. G. JACKSON. General Passenger Agent. JOE W. WHITE, T. P. A. W. W. HARDWICK, S. A„ 454 Cherry St. Macon. Ga. J® -T zA !iBT® 2Wr_:- Men’s Top Coats. The road to style leads right through our shop. From here a man can start out correctly appareled. Our methods of meas uring, fitting and furnishing are pains taking and the goods are of extra good value. ' Look at the line of Covert Cloths, Black Cheviots, Black Unfinished Worsteds and Oxford Vecunas. We make up very hand some top coats from these at very moder | ate prices. GEO. P. BURDICK & CO., Importing Tailors. I William’s Kidney Pills ’ 1 \ Has no equal in diseases of the ; > < Kidneys and Urinary Organs. Have ( A you neglected your Kidneys? Have I T you overworked your nervous sys- (I ff tem and caused trouble with your . k Kidneys and Bladder? Have you I < pains in the loins, side, back, groins (> a and bladder? Have you a flabby ap- . i pearance of the face, especially I' under the eycj ? Too frequent de- ( ) sire pass urine ? William's Kidney ’. Pills will impart new life to the dis-1' eased organs, tone up the system,A and make a new man of you. By mail 50 cents per box. " £ Williams Mfg. Co., Props,, Cleveland O. A F«r sale by H. J. Lamar & Son, Whole aal« Asrenta. SYPHILIS 1 Primary, secondary or tertiary, no mat ter how long standing, cured for life under absolute guarantee in from 15 to 60 days. I have used this wonderful remedy In my private practice for over 20 years and have never failed. A patient once treated by me is free from outbreaks forever. I uae I no mercury cr potash. I will pay 3500 for I any case that I fail to, cure within 60 days. Write at once. DR. GRAHAM, Suite 1109, U 4 Dearborn st., Chicago, ILL Comfort In Driving rn ISi During cold weather Is guaranteed by si’- J—r-eJI, ! l * I curing one of ’he warm and handsome H 'I 'svV'-I plush or wool lap robes that >ve have in —such large variety in stock. Anything in Vk ' L-ai Y i a ~/Y the ,ine of horse blankets, or carriage rugs B^aßA** s ** /VW flne haravss. whips, brushes ar sponges, 1 \ t that ls needed by the driver he wiil find here in a ’arge &ssortment to select from. • We flt r,,bber tiree to your vahiales that s ’ s ' P ARMELEE > k" ■w— iJ. Corner Second and Poplar Sts Wb flre Better Prepared Than Ever To take care of the building trade of Macon and tributary points. Our facilities for prompt ly filling orders are unexcelled. If you are go ing to build a house it will eave you money to see us before buying your material. If you desire to build by contract, we are contractors and builders and take any house, large or small by contract. Macon, Sash, Door and Lumber Co. Office, Fourth Street, Phone 416. Factory Enterprise, South Macon, Phone 404 HARNESS AND SADDLERY, GO TO G. BERN DBc CO . Our goods are the Best, and our prices the Lowest. * J. T. KNIGHT. G. H. DOLVIN KNIGHT <§6 DOLVIN Livery, Feed and Sales Stables. Telephone 329. Plum street, opposite Union depot, Macon, Ga. Does Your I Watch Keep Time? I Most watches do, but few do so correctly. A grain ot dust, a bit of hair, a loose screw, may be the trouble. You can’t find it—we can. The best watchmaker in Macon is here at your I service. BEELAND, The Jeweler. ARE-. -. Ready for Business ! After the fire —next door to old stand. All orders promptly filled and shipped. T. C. BURKE. Telephone 129. Clothing and Gents’ Furnishing Goods. BENSON & HOUSER. DRY GOODS. HUTHNfINCE & ROUNTREE GIVE TRADING STAMPS. Also forty other merchants in Macon give Stamps with all cash purchases. Ask for a book. 'Save your Stamps and get an elegant Clock, Lamp, Oak Table, Onyx Table, Watch, Set of China, Morris Chair, or any one of the numerous elegant presents We give away. Office—Goodwyn’s Drug Store. Buy your drugs from Goodwyn’s and 1 get trad ing stamps. HF. R. GuttenDenjer & Go 452 Second St. Celebrated makes of Pianos and organs New Upright Pianos from upwards. Organs from $35.00 to 150.00. Sold on easy terms. Sole agents for the Yost ——— — typewriter. C. H. & D. TO MICHIGAN. 3 Trains Daily. Finest'Trains in Ohio. Fastest Trains in Ohio. Michigan and [the JGreat Lakes constantly growing in popularity Everybody will be there this summer. For information inquire of your nearest ticket agent. D. G. EDWARDS, Passenger'Traffic Manager, Cincinnati, O. iJ. T. CALLAWA Y I Ell bank, store and office fixtures. * I E I&" I TYPEWRITERS. EOg A. SCALES, DESKS. N ! k F SAFES CASH REGISTERS, 811 IjJJ ELEVATORS, SHOW CASES, -4] [jj|l Jill i