The Macon news. (Macon, Ga.) 189?-1930, December 17, 1898, Page 6, Image 6

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6 WITHTHESOLDIEHS All the Regiments Getting Ready for The Review. THE COURT MARTIALS Will Sit Next Week and Try the Cases to Come Before It— Camp Gossip. 'Many chang/s have been made at the provost guards' quarters recently. New cell* have been built, a dungeon arranged and everything put in better Shape. A News reporter was shown through the building last night and found it to be In excellent condition. New celbs have been built on the left of the building and the white and colored prisoners are now separated. About one hundred prisoner* were confined last night and the summary court was in soseion dur ing the reporter's visit. Captain Hardee was in charge of the court and was ad rainiatering justice to the prisoners. (Many of them were up on the charge of being drunk, and in each case they would be fined from $2.50 to $5. . > On the lower floor is the ducking stool and the dungeon. When a prisoner be comes unruly he is placed in the ducking stool and cold water is poured on him land be is kept there until he submits. The dungeon is walled in with brick and is a/bout 6x4, and the darkness is intense. A man is generally kept in the dungeon three or four days if he cannot keep quiet up *tairj»- a The men are <till very crowded in their quarters and it is very unhealthy for the men to sleep so crowded. All of tbe pris oners are went to the mess hall to take their meals. They are given the same fare as the other soldiers, unless they are bois terous, and they are then fed on bread and •water. At present there are four companies on provost duty and the men seem to be well pleased with staying at the guard house, and say that they are belter satisfied .than they would be in camp. SEVENTH CAVALRY. The troops of the Seventh Cavalry are still looking forward to the coming of the paymaster. Their money is long overdue and they are beginning to get unasy. The men say that they want the money and that they haven’t received any since the first of November. The cavalrymen still continue to be pop- ' ular with the citizens and they have the : largest number of visitors every after- I ’ndbn. Their guard mountings every morn- i ing are very interesting and are witnessed by many people. Their band has not yet received the instruments for a mounted band and are using the infantry instru ments. As soon as the instruments arrive the men of the band say they will give the people some music that is worth listening to. The cavalrymen will no doubt make an excellent show on the day of the pa rade. The dress parade yesterday afternoon was decidedly the best that has yet been held. The men all seemed to take an in terest in the drill and the colonel compli mented their officers on the excellent J showing made by the men. It is probable that all of the companies of the Second Ohio will appear in the pa rade Monday. As the president is from Ohio, it is understood that the president will allow the companies that are now on provost duty to appear in the parade so as show the Ohio regiment off to the beet ad vantage. The regiment was 'four compa nies short in the last review and the colo nel wants all of his men in line Monday. Since the new rule was established al lowing five men to the company to come to the city after dark, many of the men of the regiment are seen. Twenty men from each company can come into any enter tainment if they are accompanied by an officer of the regiment. During the past two weeks the number of soldiers at the opera 'house has been noticed and it is ee timatvd that fully 200 are present at every ; Play. While there are some men in this regi ment who wish to be mustered out there are some who who want to go to Cuba for the winter. The general opinion among the men. however, is that if they do not get into Cuba 'by the first of January that they will never go there and that they will be sent home to be mustered out. About fifty men have been discharged from the regiment recently, and mure applications for diKc'harges have been sent in but it is exceedingly doubtful as to whether they will be granted. Private John L. Corey is very ill at his tent on Company 1 street., Lieutenant E. W. Maratz, of Company D. who nas been very ill with pneumonia for the past few days, is greatly improved. “Divine services in the Second Ohio to morrow afternoon at 2 o'clock, the band accompanying the singing of the hymns. Anthem by the glee club. by the i band after the service.’’ The above was given out by Chaplain Crawford, of the Second Ohio, this morning, and he cordi ally invites the public to be present to morrow. All of tbe friends and the public generally are invited to the camp tomor row. Sergeant Samuel Blakely and Privates O. A. Steinevery, Henry Agenbroad, of Company L, have received their discharges and have left for their homed in Wapato neta, O. Corporal George W. Barry ha* been promoted to fill the vacancy caused by the discharge of Sergeant Blakely. Corporal R. A. Breese, of Company L,, ■who has been acting as regimental sten ographer, has been promoted to the posi tion of regimental sergeant-major! Mr. Lester Bayne, of Macon, has enlie terd in the Second Ohio and has -been de tailed as regimental stenographer. Privates Marlette, Ausman and Barber, of Company M, and Corjoral Phenneger and Privates Wallace and Riley, of Com pany ’M, have secured furloughs and will ®pend Christmas at home. The first three are from Palduing, and the latter from Belfountain. THIRD ENGINEERS. Tbe men are becoming better satisfied since they see they cannot get any encour agement from their officers in regard to being mustered out. Still that does not keep them from longing to be out of th* 1 service and it is expected that many of them will still continue to flood the de partment at Washington with applications Cor discharges. . u In this regiment are many Georgia boys, | and it is known that their people are tak ing atepe to get them out. It will probably take some time, but they will eventually i be discharged. The men of the regiment have not yet been able to find out the man Who wrote the article in the Telegraph a few ago. They ©till claim it was wiitten by i oae of the officers and they r°fer to one of { Fam Jones' sayings *aboui a nom de plume. | Tb’ey have inspected the regimental roster and found no name such as was signed to ihe article in the Telegraph, and they say i that the author had better keep quiet. ' The dress parade yesterday afternoon wis very good but it was not up to its usual standard. Private Till ford, the man Who cut Pri vate Flynn at the camp several days ago, will, in all probability, be tried by court martial in a few days. The plea which Tilford will put up is said to be self-de fense and as there are several witnesses to rhe' affair, it is not known what will be | the outcome of the trial. The regimental .band will give* a coiacert ’ tomorrow afternoon and the members of all of the regiments and the citizens are cordially invited to be present. The band is fast improving and will soon be one of the best stationed here. The band has a | good leader and he is bringing the men up i to a high standard in music. Many of the officers attended the ball ' last night at the Volunteers Armory, and I they pronounced it a grand affair. The-public are invited to visit the camp tomorrow afternoon. * CAMP HASKELL. Every regiment was out on dress parade yesterday afternoon and the coioneis gave the officers the final instructions in re gard to the parade on 'Monday. The men were put through the different evolutions and they all showed up well. A general courmartial will be summoned I in a few days to try the negro Thomas, [ who killed his tent mate, Ellis, several days ago, and ft is very probable that he will be sentenced to be shot. It is said that he killed his victim In cold blood. The bands of'the different regiments will give concerts at the camps tomorrow at j ternoon, and it is expected that a large r crowd of peopjle will be present. The Chaplains will also hold services in front of the headquarter’s tent. Several men engaged in fights yesterday, but none o>f them were hurt. The negroes do not seem to like the idea of riding on the trailer ears on tbe Vineville line, and it is expected that there may be some trouble. The conductors are very firm and are making all of them get on the rear cars. Several have been put off the cars and several times there came near being trouble. Many of the colored troops are sick and about twenty were were carried into the division hospital yesterday. None of them have penumonia. The negroes of the Sixth Virginia aye anxious to be mustered out ; of the service and are raising a great kick about it. This seems td be the cause of all of the trouble an'd several of them said yesterday afternoon that they were going to kefp it up until they were given their discharge. Very few of the men will be allowed to come into the city tomorrow, as the offi cers say that they have no business in the city on 'Sunday. Spain’s Greatest Need. Mr. H. P. Olivia, of Barcelona, Spain, spends his winters at Aiken. S. C. Weak nerves had caused severe pains in the back of iris head. On using Electric Bitters, America’s greatest blood and nerve rem edy, all pain soon left him. He says this grand medicine is what his country needs. All America knows that it cures liver and kidney trouble, purifies the blood, tones up the stomach, strengthens the nerves, puts vim, vigor and new life into every muscle, nerve and organ of the Body. If weak, tired or ailing you need it. Every bottle guaranteed, only 50 cents. Sold by H. J. Lamar & Sone, druggists. THE MOUTH As Described by a School Boy in an Es say. The following was written by a boy whp was compelled by his teacher to write an essay on the mouth: “The mouth is in the front door to the face, -v is the aperture to the cold stor age of anatomy. Some mouths look like peaches and cream, some'look like a hole in a brick wall, to admit a new door or window. “The mouth is the hot bed for toothache and bunghole for oratory. The mou|h is the crimson aisle to your liver; it is pa triotism's fountain and a tool chest for pie. ‘•Without the mounth the politician would be a wanderer upon the fact of the earth and go down to an honored grave. “It is the grocer's friend, the orator's pride and the dentist's hope. It has put some men sto the rostrum and some in jail. “It is lunch counter when attached to maiden, and tobacco’s friend when attached to a man. It is the home of rhe unruly member, the tongue.” MOZLEY'S LEMON ELIXIR. A PLEASANT LEMON DRINK. - Cures indigestion, headache, malaria, kidney disease, fever, chills, loss of appe tite, debility, nervoue prostration and heart failure by regulating the stomach, liver, bowels, kidneys and blood. MOZLEY’S LEMON ELIXIR. Cured me of indigestion. I had suffered for ten years. I had tried almost every medi cine, but all failed. Since taking Lemon Elixir I can eat anythinf I like. W. A. GRLFFETH, Reeevesville, S. C. MOZLEY’S LEMON ELIXIR. Cured me of indigestion and heart disease, after years of suffering when all other doctors and remedies failed. N. D. COLEMAN, Beulah, S. C. MOZLEY’S lEMON ELIXIR. I have been a great sufferer from dys pepsia for about fifteen years, my trouble being my liver, stomach and bowels, with terrible headaches. Lemon Elixir cured me My appetite is good and I am well. I had taken a barrel of other medicine that had done me no good. CHARLES GIBHARD. No. 1515 Jefferson st., Louisville, Ky. MOZLEY'S LEMON ELIXIR. Cured me of enlarged liver, nervous in digestion and heart disease. I was unable to walk up stairs or do any kind of work. I was treaed by many physicians, but got no better until I used Lemon Elixir. I am now healthy and vigorous. C. H. BALDWIN, No. 98 Alexander street, Atlanta, Ga. MOZLEY'S LEMON HOT DROPS. Cures all colds, coughs, hoarseness, sore throat, bronchitis, hemorrhage and all throat and lung diseases. Elegant, relia ble. Twenty-five-cents at druggists. Prepared only by Dr. H. Mozley, Atlanta, Ga. MACON NEWS SATURDAY EVENING, DECEMBER 17 189 b. MANY CROOKS IN TOWN Operating With Success at The Railroad Stations. A gang of croks is in the city. Yester day three men were robbed at the Union depot and a nice sum secured from each. It seems that the gang has been following up the president to the different, places in the South and the are making big hauls everywhere they go. -4 Yesterday Rev. J. B. Holland, of Nor wood was robbed on the Central train in the Union depot. He says that he. was go ing out of the car when he met four men in the aisles and they hemmed him in so that he could not pass. He says that they kept him there for over five minutes, but he did not once think of being robbed. He made several efforts to get by but without success and as soon, as he left the car he found his pocket book missing. He returned to the car to look for the men but they had disapeared. He said he noticed that they came all the way from Atlanta on the train and that they were constantly watching him. He did not re port the matter to the detectives as the amount secured was very small. Yester day after noon Mr. John Anderson, of Nor folk, Va., was robed of $l9O in the same manner. He did not discover his less un til he had left the depot apd he at once reported the loss to the police headquar ters. Detective Clark began work on the case and last night arrested four of the supposed crooks. He believes that there are more of them in the city and will con tinue hie search for the others today. CASTOR IA For Infants and Children. Tbe Kind You Have Always Bought S JnaTurTof Pay your State, County and poll taxes before Dec. 20th and save costs and interest.' Fountain Pens, SI.OO up. Bet land, Jew eler. ’99 Ramblers, S4O. Typewriters, $15.00 up; fresh stock car bon and ribbone. J. W. Sbinholser. Star Clothing Co. Dave Wachtel, Mgr. Many dealers in this town wonder just how we sell high grade goods at the moderate prices we do. But it is an open SECRET. We buy for cash and in large quantities— Two great big advan tages to start with. Then we sell mostly for cash. You don’t pay - - other people’s bills—An other big advantage. A VERY Simple Secret After All. Free Medical Treatment for Weak Men I Z Who Are Willing to Pay When . / I I Convinced of Cure, / A scientific combined medical and mechanical cure bw ''/Cj/ .. I been discovered for Weakness of Men.” Its succe*r has II I been so startling th*, the proprietors now announce that \* — I j I j-tbey will send it on trial—remedies ami appUanc* )\\. I / /*' —without advance payment—to any honest man. As 7* YS s I If not all that is claimed all you wish send it Zz *» • / back—that ends it—pay nothing! li // No such offer WM ever niade ‘ n R°°d f»’th before ; U i //y\ *"XTy 3 X\ S we believe no other remedy would stand such a te< [jfA I I s This combined treatment cures quickiv, thoroughly V \.JA If/ and forever all effects of early evil habits, later ex- -f i cesses, overwork, worry, etc. It creates health, Tx (r/• ;/v strength, vitality, sustaining powers and restores ♦ x- weak and undeveloped portions to natural dimen- «U nrv_ sionsat function’s. ■ 1) Any i an writing in earnest will receive descrip >’ ’ p CZ** tion, particulars and references in a plain sealed en- \ I velope. Professional confidence. No deception not vt imposition of any nature. A. national reputation packs this offer. (Cut out and send this notice, or mention per.) Address ERIE MEDICAL CO., ffalo, N. Y. Now Here’s 1- -|. ••• Your Ladies, • Chance. $3.00 Shoes forj[s2.2s. $2.00 “ “ $1.50. And you know the class of goods we keep. SOLDIERS, REMEMBER THE NAME. Mix Shoe Co. 107 Cotton Avenue. To the Soldiers. Christmas is nearly here and you will want to send the loved ones at home souvenirs of your stay in Macon. We have the prettiest line of Christmas goods in Macon. Everything in the way of Jewelry, Watches, Diamonds, Silverware, Novelties, etc., at reasonable prices. Call and see us. J. H. & W. W. WILLIAMS, 352 Second Street. We Are Better Prepared Titan Ever To take care of the building trade of Macon and tributary points. Our facilities for prompt ly filling orders are unexcelled. If you are go ing to build a nouse it will save you money to see us before buying your material. If you desire to build by contract, we are contractors and builders ana take any nouse, large or small by contract. Macon, Sash, Door and Lumber Co. Office, Fourth Street, Phone 416. Factory Macon, Phone 404 With Christmas Cb Fires ani taitals. Take Out a Policy With J. S. BUDD & CO. Regreseuting several leading Fire Insurance Companies, and the Best Accident Company in the state. Telephone 439. Office 461 Second St. I For Christmas. | K An unusually choice and selected line of Gold and Silver nov- 4 cities. - 4 p Wrist Watches, Corps Badges. | SILVER jj Ic For Table, Bureau and Desk. A small and J > choice lot of Pearls found in Georgia; and of « Georgia Gold.J J i L. O. STEVENS & BRO., | f; 366 SEICON D ST. 4 PROFESSIONAL. JI DR. C, H. PEETE, Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat. 270 Second street. ’Phone 462. DR. MAURY M. STAPLER, Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat 506 Mulberry street ’Phone 121. 1878. DR. J. J. bUBEKS. 1898. Permanently located. In the specialties venereal; lost energy restored; female iregularities and poison oak. Cure guaranteed. Address in confidence, with a tarn p, 519 Fourth street, Macon, Ga. HARRIS, THOJHRS 4 GLRWSON, Attorney* and Counsellors at Law. Macox Ga. ■ ▼ ;es of the f lus. Have a ys? HaveC rvotis sys- f w ith your 1 Save you T ck groins S flabby ap- \ a vi me race, especially Y w under the eyes ? Too frequent de- A * A sire pass urine ? William's Kidney T X Pills will impart new life to the dis- w w eased organs, tone up the system A A and make a new man of you. By \ T mail 50 cents per box. " f Mtg. Co., Props., Cleveland.oA Far aala by H. J. Lamar 4k Son, Whels •alo ip—ta. For Croup use CHE NEY’S EXPECTOR ANT. A COLLEGE EDUCATION BY MAILI A a— Thorough instruction | Off ME? in book-keeping and S KnfiA 13- '»JL) business, short hand,Ml-3 once, Journalism, lan- 3 a fcVl I rY\// guages, architecture, 5 3 W _ surveying.drawlng;civ- j ; e AMh l * mechanical, steam,: 1 W c al. hydraulic, : municipal, aanitary, ; . « railroad and structural = s engineering. Expert in-: Btructon, ‘ Fifth year. 2 Fee* moderate. : Tnffli IH UBtrate<l c*tak>g free. | ' _rai™l*lw s,ate l " lb i ect iu ‘ E interested. 3 MITIO’VL CORRKSPOXDESC* IJiSTITTTI, 2l*CfeM.ud .National Bank Bulldlaf, VtaaLlnfton, I>. C. Latest Stgle Type, Attractive Designs, Original Ideas. We invite you to call and see us when you want up-to-date printing of all kinds. We make a specialty of grade commercial printing. Everything in our office is 'the latest and the best. News Printing co, 412-414 Cherry Street. Telephone 205. SYPHILIS ! Primary, aecondary X>r tertiary, no mat ter how long standing, cured for life under absolute guarantee in from 15 to 60 days. K tMLve used this wonderful remedy in my private practice for over 20 years and have never failed. A patient once treated by me is free from outbreaks forever. I use no mercury or potash. I will pay |SOO for 4 any case that I fail to cure within 60 days. Write at ence. DR. GRAHAM, Suit* 1109, 114 Dearbora st.. Chicago, ILL News aud.Opinions OF j National Importance. ) THE SUN ALONE] Contains Both. Daily, by mail $6 a year * D’ly and Sunday,by mail..sß a year A The Sunday Sun is the greatest Sunday Newspaper in the world. , Price 5c a copy. By mail $2 a year ! Address THE SUN. New Yerk. Book Binding. , High class work. Prices the lowest. Get our estimates. t ' News Printing Co