The Macon news. (Macon, Ga.) 189?-1930, December 31, 1898, Page 2, Image 2

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2 OUR INTERESTS We Have Great Stake in Paris Exposition. JATTLE ROYAL FOB TRADE Ail Nations to Compete With a View to Enhancing Tneir Com mercial Prestige. By Associated Press. New York, Dec. 31 —"At the Paris ex position of 1900. the United States will be second in size and completion among the country's outside of France,” said Major Brackett, secretary of the United States commission of the Paris exposition at the New York offices today. “Russia,” he said, “will have little more apace but the United States has a larger allotment than either Kngland or Ger many. However the French commissioners wil! try to give reasonable favors to the /our great countries, the United States, England, Russia and Germany. So far as *he*e nations are concerned the French will show no favoritism. Germany is mak ing great effort to all other nations -it the exposition and' the United States wMil find Germany its keenest competitor. ’The German government has made liberal and generous appropriations for their ex hibits. the amount appropriated being twice .the sum which has been provided for our commission. The Germans are i going to make a great fight in Paris in 1900 for the trade of the world. Japan will «l«o make a fine display. Commissioner General Peck has secured additional •space amounting to about 50 per cent over The original allotment. The space now given this country is about 217,000 square feet. As the applications from intending exhibitors, even now, ask for over 700,000 square feet, of course somebody will be •disappointed. ‘‘This is to be an exposition of select ion. The struggle for supremacy between nations will be a great one and Coramis -sioner General Peck will eliminate all dis plays that would be other than creditable to America. The demand for space in the machinery and electrical departments aiane now amounts to over 300,000 square feet or. say 83,000 feet more than the en tire allotment to this country. “There is no coldness or indifference on the part of the people of this country to ward the 1900 exposition; on the contrary • Americans are enthusiastic over the oppor tunity they will thus have to show the Ten l oT the world the results of their Yankee brains and their wonderful en ergy. As to visitors and tourists going to Paris in the spring and summer of 1900 from this country, are going ■ from Maine to Oregon and from Vermont to Florida by the thousands. The steamships will be taxed to their utmost capacity to vvarry the people who will go from the United States to the exposition. Tourists 'HMupanies are offering such inducements that even now with the fair almost a year and a half away the needs are arranged to see Paris in 1900. “As to the allotment of space to ex hibitors, that will be clone at the earliest practical moment by Commissioner Gen eral Peek and his directors or representa tives. The commissioner general is com pleting his plans for organization as rap idly as possible and there will be no need less delay in assigning space and to notify ;thf (exhibitors. As to the rumors that the exposition would he postponed until 1901, -«aid iMajor Brackett, “there is no truth in ! such rumors. The strike in Paris prob ably did not seriously affect the work. Paris has been having unusually fine weather this winter so work on the palaces and buildings has progressed steadily. The French commissioners say that everything will be in complete readi ness on the opening day of April 15, 1900.” A NARROW ESCAPE. Thankful words written by Mrs. Ada E. Hart, of Groton, S. D.: “Was taken with o bad cold which settled on my lungs; j cough set in and finally terminated in consumption. Four doctors gave rue up. saying I could live but a short time. I gave myself up to my Savior, determined if 1 could not stay with my friends on earth 1 would meet my absent ones above. My husband was advised to get Dr. ing's j New Discovery for Consumption. Coughs and Colds. I gave it a trial, took in all i eight bottles. It has cured me arid thank j Hod I am saved and now a well and ! healthy woman.” Trial bottles free at H. j J. Larmar & Sons’ drug store. Regular ■ size 50c and SI.OO Guaranteed or price re- ! funded. 4 J&lMr | LAND LITIGATION. N jrthwestern fßailroad Camparis Con testing the*Court.s l»y Associated Press. • j St. Prul. -Minn.. De-c. 31. —Arguments j have been made in the district court in the « c;e of Edward H. McHenry and others, as Tneeivens r.f the Northern Pacific Railway C m nuiyu.gainst «‘te St. Pool and Duluth Railroad Company, involving title to near ly one hundred thousand' acres of land. Judges Bunn and Otis sat together in the The case before the court is to de termine the rights of the two companies j to the lands concerning which the two land grants are conflicting. The question was submitted to the court. THAT THROBBING HEADACHE Would quickly leave you if you used Dr. ing's New Life Pills. Thousands of suff ers have proved their matchless merit for *ick and nervous headaches. They make pure blood and strong perves and build up your health. Easy to take. Try them. Only 25p. Money back if not cured. Sold by H. J. Lamar & Sons, druggists. Seed Irish Potatoes. For tliose who wish to plant early, we have a ship ment of 50 barrels of Lan dreth’s Seed Irish Potatoes, different kinds here in stock. Now is the time to buy as potatoes will be much higher later on. H. J. Lamar & Sons. GLASGOW EXHIBITION. Adequate American Representation Wanted at the Great Show in 1901. '" | By Associated Presa. Grascow, Dec. 31.—The Lord Provost of Glasgow has charged three commissioners. Messrs. Crawford, Simons and Mason, to visit the Un-ited States and lay before the president and his cabinet particulars re garding .the Glasgow exhibition to be held in 1901, in order to insure adequate Amer ican representation. The commissioners will rail for New York on January 7th, on board the American line steamer St. Louis. CHINESE INSURGENTS, Whipped By Imperial Troops JAfter a Great Battle. By Associated Press. Shanghai, Dec. 31.—The North China •Daily News’ Chun King correspondent telegraphs that a great battle took place at Sachio Tsang on 'December 27th and that the Imperial troops were victorious over the insurgents. SPAIN’S GREATEST NEED. Mr. R. p. Olivia, of Barcelona, Spain, spends his winters at Aiken, S. C. Weak nerves had caused severe pains in the back of his head. On using Electric Bit ters, America’s greatest blood and Nerve remedy, all pain soon left him. He says this grand medicine is what his country needs. All America knows that it cures liver and kidney trouble, purifies the blood, tones up the stomach, strengthens the nerves, puts vim, vigor and new life into every muscle, nerve and organ of the body. If weak, tired or ailing you need it. Every bottle guaranteed, only 50 cent 3 Sold by H. J. Larmar & Sons, druggists. HOWELL’S ONLY CHILD. Death of the Daughter of the New England Poet. By Associated Press. Cambridge, Mass., Dec. 31.—Mrs. Mabel | Burnett, the only child of the poet James Russell Lowell, died yesterday at her home at Elmwood, where she was .born fifty-one years >ago and where she had passed nearly all of her life. ONLY AMERICAN BANNERS To Float Over Havana on the | Day of the Spanish Evac uation. By Associated Press. Havana, Dec. 31. —American flags will j be raised on the forts and batteries eu- j circling the city, the custom house, the | police headquarters and the military ! offices when the Spanish surrender them. The Cuban police authorities asked Colo- j nel Moulton if they might raise a Cuban j flag at the police headquarters, beside the ! American. Colonel Moulton denied the I request. Lieutenant Colonel Livermore, of the ! corps of engineers, Lieutenant Colonel R. Bernie, of the ordnance department, and Lieutenant Caron Bell will go to receive Motto Castle and Cabanas fortress from the Spaniards and Company C, Fourth Virginia volunteers. Captain Mayo, will j occupy this fort and the castle temporar ily. MOZLEY’S LEMON ELIXIR. A PLEASANT LEMON DRINK. Cures indigestion, headache, malaria, j kidney disease, fever, chills, loss of appe- j tite, debility, nervoue prostration and j heart failure by regulating the stomach, I liver, bowels, kidneys and blood. MOZLEY’S LEMON ELIXIR. Cured me of Indigestion. I had suffered for ( ten years. I had tried almost every medi- j cine, but all failed. Since taking Lemon Elixir I can eat anythinf I like. W. A. GRIFFETH. Reeevesviile, S. C. MOZLEY’S LEMON ELIXIR. Cured me of indigestion and heart disease, after years of suffering when all other j doctors and remedies failed. N. D. COLEMAN, Beulah, S. C. ; gW- T"* 5T T * S * - MOZLEY’S iuN ELIXIR. I have been a great sufferer from dvs- ! pepsia for about fifteen years, my trouble j being my liver, stomach and bowels, with terrible headaches. Lemon Elixir cured me j My appetite is good and I am well. I had ; taken a barrel of other medicine that had | done me no good. CHARLES GIBHARD. No. 1515 Jefferson st., Louisville, Ivy. MOZLEY’S LEMON ELIXIR. Cured me of enlarged liver, nervous in digestion and heart disease. I was unable to walk up stairs or do any kind of work. I was treaed by many physicians, but got no better until I used Lemon Elixir. I am now healthy and vigorous. C. H. BALDWIN. No. 98 Alexander street, Atlanta. Ga. MOZLEY’S LEMON HOT DROPS. Cures all colds, coughs, hoarseness, sors I throat, bronchitis, hemorrhage and all ; throat and lung diseases. Elegant, relia- i ble. Twenty-five cents at druggists. Prepared ; only by Dr. H. Mozley, Atlanta, Ga. TO TAKE A NEW START. By Associated Press. New York, Dec. 31.—George B. Wray, a druggist of Yonkers, N. Y., filed a peti tion in bankruptcy. Liabilities, $78,375, assets $465. TWO FRENCH 2 London. Dec. 31.—The Paris correspon dent of the Daily Telegram, whose dis patch this morning deals at great length with the royalists' hopes and chances, says: “Both Prince Victor Napoleon and the Due d’Orleans are burning to be up and doing. Should an opportunity • present it self it is not impossible that the two pfe fenders might attempt to appear at the same moment. The authorities, however, are exercising the utmost vigilance along the sea coasts and the land frontiers.” CASTOR IA For Infants and Children. | The Kind Ycu Have Always Bought Chamberlain’s Colic. Cholera and* Diar rhoea Remedy can always be depended upon and is pleasant and safe to take. Sold by H. J. Lamar & Sons. MACON NEWS SATURDAY SVENfrWtt, DECEMBER 3 t 1898. EXCITED COMMANDERS. j Wben the Fiying Squadron was Sent to Hampton Raods. It was at Old Point Comfort in those i nervous days preceding the actual declar j ation of war, with the “flying Squadron” | “ready to sail at>a moment’s notice”’ ly ing at anchor in Hampton Roads. One | forenoon just at the stroke of 11 a six j pounder boomed from the flagship, the Brooklyn. There was something ominous about it, and upon the faces of the fash ionable folk who poured from the Cham berlain and Hygeia hotels there was writ ten terror such as might have been ex pected had the will-'o-the-wisp fleet o * Spain suddenly steamed into the roads— a terror that was aceeneuated as anxious women tried in vain to read the signals rising and falling in quick succession at the military fasthead of the flagship. A gig came scudding ashore from the Brooklyn with Commodore Schley in the I 3tern. He was serious, excited and mys terious as he stepped from his gig, and the general excitement among those who crowded around him was heightened at the | only words he uttered; “We’ll sail at 2 o’clock!” Other boats from the squadron bearing the ship’s commanders came ashore. 'Every captain was excited They only , knew that they had been ordered to sail— it might be to San Juan, to bombard Ha j vana or to meet the vaunted fleet of Spain i The tension was like that preceding a | battle itself. Women w*ere in tears and i imploring to know, and officers of high J rank \yere exhausting in vain their diplo matic powers to find oua. Back to their | ships they started to make ready. Ca,p --| tain “Jack” (Philip of the Texas had his 1 boat held while he rushed back to me say j ing: “For God’s sake, try to find out where we’re going. The old man won’t teel us.” Amid cheers and tears the flying squad ron weighed anchor and went to sea. Tw» days later it came back and waited for weeks in Hampton Roads. The scene that day came to my mind more than two months later, when Com | modore Schley, now rear admiral, figured on crippling the Cristobal Colon before going down with his own ship, and Cap tain “Jack” Philip, now Commodore (both promoted for valorous deeds) cool as an iceberg, told his men not to cheer, be cause the poor devils of Spaniards were dying. I don’t believe that daring the moments of battle any of the commanders of the flying squadron showed the excitement they did that day when they sailed out to practice before the war began. Annual Sales 0ver6.000,000 Coxes sepsis FOR BILIOUS AND NEBVOU& DISOEDS3JI such as Wind and Pain in Giddiness Fulness after meals. Head ache. Dizziness, Drowsiness*. FlusMu*f» of Heat, Loss of Appetite, Cfostivoness.- Blotches on the Skin, Gold Chills, Bfe turbed Sleep, Frightfu. Dreams and all; Nervous and Trembling Sensations* THE F18.3T DOSE WILL GIVE L'JLIEF IN TWENTY MINUTES, Every-sufferer will acknowledge them to be A WONDERFUL MEDICINE. BEECHAMPS PILLS, taken asdireefc ed, will quickly restore Females to com plete health. They promptly remove* obstructions or irregularities of the sys tem and cure sick Headache. For » Weak Stomach Impaired Digestion Disordered Liver IN MEN, WOMEN OR CHILDREN Beecham’s Pills are Without a Rival And have the LARGEST SALE of any Patent medicine In the Wsrtd* 25c. at all Drug Stores. llilEll Easily, Quickly, Permanently Re&loresJ MAGNETIC NERVINE SsS.’SS; antee to Cure Insomnia, Fits, Dizziness, Hysteria, Nervous Debility, Lost Vitality, Seminal Losses, Failing Memory—the result of Over-vvorfc,. Worry, , Sickness, Errors of Youth or Over-indulgence i Price 50c. and $1 ; 6 boxes $5. For quick, positive and lasting results in Sexual Weakness, Impotence. Nervous Dehit it v and Lor-t I Vitality, use YELLOW LABEL SPEClAL—double strength—will give strength and tone to every part and effect a permanent care. Cheapest and best, too Pills >2; by mail. FREE- A bottle of the famous Liver ! Peliets will be given with a $i tox or store at i \etie Nervine, iree Sold onl bv For Sale at Goodwyn’s Drug Store and Brown House Pharmacy. The Direct Line from Cincinnati, DAYTON TO TOLEDO, DETROIT AND MICHIGAN POiNTS. Five t-ralns every week day. Three trains on Sunday. Pullman and Wagner sleepers on night trains. Vestibuled parlor cars on j day trains. Cincinnati to Indianapolis and Chicago, ! four trains every week day. Three trains on Sunday. Vestibuled trains, Pullman Standard and Compartment Sleeping Cars, parlor cars and case dining cars. J. G. MASON, General Southern Agent. S. L. PARROTT, T. P. A. D. G. EDWARDS, Pass. Traffic Mgr. A COLLEGE EDUCATION BY MAIL! n A _ Thorough instruction a rtf V— In book-keeping and | business, 1 j ence, journalism, lan-g l I riv/ guages, architecture, | | Ip lyU <1 _ purveying,drawing;civ-1 - y hydraulic. | | I municipal, sanitary. 5 I railroad and structural | I engineering. Expert in- j * i JcQ * structors. Fifth year, ; s Fees moderate. I Illustrated catalog free. iSiillibt" -&rate subject in which 5 tinflTlL COSBESrOXDEXCk ISSTITTTL Ballding, nylon, ». C. I —TiirivnT— —*" 1 “ I " w,tt ' M,TC ‘ p * nM> '” aiM * For LaGrippe and In fluenza use CHENEY’S EXPECTORANT CHRISTMAS WINES —AND— Good >{< | Cheer -hi i*— A i\ Look at our price list and begin to save 50 per cent on all purchases In our line. Do not throw your money away and pay twice as much for inferior goods. Give us a trial. See what we will do for you. All goods bottled at the distillery. Original bottling only. Whiskies. Pr Qt Belle of Macon (Kentucky Bourbon)— 40 Old Monoagahela Pure Pmnsylvania Rye 50 Our Monograos( 4 years 01d),.. 60 Baker’s A. A. A. A. Rye 65 Canadian Rye 75 Finch’s Golden Wedding 75 Old Dacar Pepper (green label). 75 Old Club House Rye 75 Hoffman House Rye... 90 Mount Vernon Pure Rye (6 year* ol»d>.l 00 Old Oscar Pepper Rye (white label)..! 00 Old Crow (7 years aid) -2 00 Guckenheimer Pure Rye (6 years 01d).2 00 Sweet Pansy (8 years old) 1 90 Old Private Stock (cream of whiskies) 1 25 Park & Tilford Fine Rye 1 25 Wines and Brandies. Pr Gal. California Sherry, Port and Angelica. .75c Imported Sherry, Port and Madeira... 1 00 Old Cognac Brandy 2 00 Pr Bot. Martel Brandy, 3 star 1 00 Hennesy Brandy, 3 star 1 00 Clarets by the case of one dozen quart bottles 4 00 Rhine Wines by the ease of one dozen quart bottles 4 00 All other goods by the gallon, such as corn whiskey, peach and apple brandies, etc., sold equally as low, from $1.25 per gallon and upwards. We make a specialty of the jug trade and all orders by mail or telegraph will have our prompt attention. Special in ducements offered. Send for price list and other information. Phone 265. The Altmayer & Flatau Liquor Co. 506 and 50$ Fourth Street, near Union Passenger Denot. % li MSi m w 2 35 Kbuffet miKSDAILYIIViIkIMMMtARS FROM NASHVILLE NEWKjLEANS f.P.JEFFRIES.O.P.A. O.n.MILLMAN.G.S.k ‘ NASnviUE.IEHiy «tsi2 G is a Sion-poisonous emeay for Gonorrhoea. Tleet, Spermatorrhoea V'hites, unnatural dia harges, or any inOamma ion, irritation or ulcera tion of mucous mem branes. Non-astringent Sold by Druggists or ia plain by express, prepaid, for SI.OO, or 3 bottles, $2,75. • Urr*T»la.r or Money. Loans negotiated on Improved city prop erty, on farms, at lowest market rates, business of fifteen years standing. Facili ties unsurpassed. HOWARD M. SMITH Second St., Macon, Ga. p m JUSTIN >• A new line of Ladies’ Fur Top House Slippers, Kid and Patent Leather Party Slippers and Low Cut Shoes, Kid and Patent Leather, with Welt Soles for Winter Wear. Nice Christmas Presents. El. B. HARRIS, * The Shoe Brokers, „ I Corner Cherry and Third Streets. THE MACON NEWS \ Gives you the news of the world and the news of Macon sixteen hours ahead of any other news paper published or received in Macon. Associated Press Dispatcher From the greatest news gathering combination in the world. t?”'! In these days when the whole world is on % r ~ the qui vive and from every corner of the earth the wires are full of interesting and important news affecting the interests of the whole people, the ASSOCIATED PRESS dispatches are of extraordinary interest to every one. T| The News Gives Thelir To you hot from the wires. f The Merchant L / Should remember that THE NEWS’ circu lation is greater in the local field than that of any other paper. It reaches the fireside and it is read there every evening. fp If you have goods to sell and want to sell f them |I | Advertise in The New^ 1 jj Market Reports ¥■ r U In THE NEWS are furnished specially by lass, f t the most reliable firms and from the Associated Press wires. They are correct and reliable and J ! cover every feature. * I M l ' ' s ■yin The Local News Service is ComfffeT f \ Advertise in THE HEWS li' Subscribe for THE HEW , If you want Value for Value. r j With Christmas V Cm Fins mil Ascidenis. j Take Out a Policy With { J. S. BUDD & CO. i Regresentiug several leading Fire Insurance Companies, * and the Best Accident Company in the state. Telephone 439. Office 461 Second St.