The Albany news. (Albany, Ga.) 186?-1880, January 08, 1869, Image 2

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mndrefl rtnd thTr*' mat whomJjj/m »;cd above, 1m ve acted.that tlicpc •d by tho milil/i** J3 luo civil an- ] rw\»* B«r«#4*r fliaffirt'Wb®'. '•%'bartden tajiuTghitt* WWM*M 1 .wX 'fat*?*,,. *«*»»» «f *n*+~*» - * l ,»»lni<n In” sound* so ntltoh like (be t oiff-thro talk at tb* Florid* Indian 1 ,i**Rjta(.sna wight well inspect the ;P@pPlK$rs£ ' » YFokoow what it all probably been i**no,l again, l several w« Radical, aposlleii bulong- laeky, who hastened tot he *•*»!,•*’the trouble occurred, AI4A.NY, £MU . !'*«’;• •'■.'■ ■■■■:■•■..• ' v- • l/lrt ai4UK ntlhcrt mlhii, and In the- fff, RfJIBsr-*’* “ • V . . JNL- • ■%i hcsspc turned loose on .Georgia Low Priepd Corn, and Meat in been there over ,'sfnqc illng the Ogoechee no. bad deeds. The New*farther siyattluH scoured a, foil 01 the Ogeochee Black Infantry, and publish?. about cue-hundred and flty oi iholr ndmep. one to hold tholr ‘pray he Oaecoheo planls. od by Invasion, either Sheriir* poeeee com!- sal ot tbsmiHtary ha* e letter, and thoee Who tmsetaeafor eeiviocin a yesterday notlled means. Time and observation havo taught at the exact value ol these eonceeotono.' In Florida, whenever (he Indiana lelt theinaelvea cornered, or aaw an epproaohing catastrophe Which might be fatal to farther resis tance, they surrendered and “ oamo They took a broothing spoil—got The Kdltor ol the Novra.of the saino date says: I V Onr looal oolumns contain the latest information from tho Ogecchuo pUuln" lions, by which it will ho seen, lliat a truce had taken piaeu between certain military officers of this Department and the negroes, which resulted In fife. ; . A’Mm o jj i a’Ms d ; itew bone Superphosphate Soluble Paoifio Guano. k ■*.)>' . ?Pr>|VX|'‘ * p® *70 PER TON; CASij. that their aervicee would need* ed. The representatives ot the “beat government the wrold ever saw”hav mg takes the matter in band. The ex citement among oltlsens appesra to -be dying out, the general impreeeion be ing that the negroes had gained a point, and the civil authorities also. The idea that this armed intarroo- tion against tbo laws was preconcerted and arranged by partioa whose Inter ests would be furthered, should tho Stale be piil out of tbe Union again, is also generally behevod. Tbeso-osll- od Governor, whoso duty it should havo been to have put down the trouble nt onoe, instead of being whero ho should havo been, waa away, and endeavoring to fortbor hie own tolflish interests, nt tho expense of tho peaoo, quiet and prosperity or the country; and nothing in the world could have ibrtherod his purpose moro tiian a dis turbance ot this kind. Nothing easier some seventeen ol tho innocoulR coin ing into the c|ty yesterday and sur rendering themselves to the military authorities, by whom wo understand they have been turned over to the civilisation. Iiow far tho parallel may hold good in tho caso ot these to-called “Ogeechec insurgents," - uro will not undertake to pronounce with oouMinee, but we have couvictioas so strong lliat we regard tho suppres sion of tbe “insurrection” iu this way, as a great misfortune to thut part of tbo Statu—to tho whites and to the negroes 11 *" l ‘ , *1mjLibBttss The “insurrection,” so-called, will now probably dwlndlo into that worst and most incurable of social disorders, n chronic condition of predatory va grancy. In this Klato of affairs, whilo Jtatfor newndvcitiso- ta ittuwd. adding » wJM Im room for. all, rending matter tiian I AM sow prepared to ^.J^pj^OUK at ONE DOLLAR RER UUailEL, •red at Macon, when ordered in lol. of ono uoi.JrcJ bushel, or more.' N. order, f.r, qusnliiy win bo Allied it this Parties seeing, and wanting tide Coib, must not expeol it , the money in adrnnoe. I. am "on It" again, and do net intend to all any onuf, out Ih, QASlr lu adranoo. «n do not want ha order for b.H.r Corn wllhjt 0, •loB” ooraea wlili II. “REMEMBER THIS." T NKSE FERTILIZERS havo been uoed by a largo number of planters fofclhe jmat two years, giving entire satisfaction. Also Peruvian Guano $100 per inn, Carolina Superphosphate, $00,—to arrive.-- Double Hpfincil Poudrutto, $85<> w ‘/n-v. Laud Plaster, $25. ,1 £ • < For Mlo by known to have parlicipatof) in the in* sorrootionary and lawless donioustra- tion on tho Ogocobee plantation)), whom Sheriff Dooncr, under tho pro- Lcotion oi tho military now hero, will a treat. While this matter is in progress, wo shall refrain from saying anything, moro than to reiterate our conviotion that the whole disturbance is chargea ble, not So inuch to tho disorderly character of tho * ; L*ata^;-W. had no ndmlribie “bmdek" la our brain, bat aupprsmed and- kapt .it them In order to giro our iTOdera the latest -total Ugeooe from tho scat of war, and car advertising patron* room for display. Tbe ndver- Ueomeate are tar more interesting to • ns than any matter that we find in pur exchange*, and ae they pay better •f w« feed »Or« oar eubeorlbers will have IMktienoe till we ran procure material for enlarging. . .’tpr"* : ■ -w.ia. . ‘ - "irilal Tka UfMatHre Will I)a. <■' The following datpateh is somebody’s<%td*lHiV . Artiwr*, January *.—It ia general ly understood that when tbe Legisla ture ot Georgia OfTO* pi this cUy on tho 13th if til pale resolutions ASIiKK AYKltS, ' ,.v^.Kl.U»nb bijpot, HALL & LONG, _ ^. negroes, as tO ' the bsd influenco exerted upon them by Kiulical emisssriuB in out* midst. Wo bolievo that the disturbance on the Ogeechoe Is tho result ol premeditated design on tho part oi a few whitedom. sgognes In tho interest of thb .carpet- baff BuUook<BlodgeU in this titfttc, and was inaugurated for tho expresu purposo of aiding the revolutionary schemes of the inlamous littio faction who are now appealing to Congress to trample Constitution, law i\nd jus*. Packors and Commission Merchants, ‘.V I»roporc«l lo shfp Corn through my house, Imshojs |\nd over, nn.l delivor it at any point on <h Uailroad fit $l;ia PKlt DUSIIEL. ' ■ Partioi ordering it must not expeol it iu lens q t -KM, hor muil't^j^*.,,, . ; m0 „ ,' ( liEAtiKItH I1J PROVISIONS, l'idu'R, CORW hud HAY, NO CREDIT AT THIS SEASON Advertisements nro j^soiled eroy’s Democrat nt ono dollar for every insertion, and he «a “the beat and cheapest ndverlb dbun in the country. Wo c< licit ordorn from* ihy frionas, giniaiilfreing perfect nBlixfitrlioh,' My oflico is Mnooii, (Ja., All oidor« dirri’led lo mu tlitre sdinll liavi pi'oiiipt Hileulfuti,. Qoodj ulilppod direct from Louis vilify*. ♦ .I ff, Fl^ARg, W. A. HITPP- vfltJGAR, COFFEE, SALT AND OTlpR ’ 0STOCK Op'sUQAR, COWKE,' upontha SAhT aiul 8YRUP i, slnys^my^k Fino Toilet Svts, Goods at - , ,and otlicr Fancy Wcloho’a Corner. n the l(hh duy of Jon., .-in,Ml. a. in., ot Camilla. ;■- fjk roaekrw tbe sMUHTWiliFl cnch vt cat Indie* and in Ilaytl. • This, wo fear, is tho moral and meaniug of the “coming in” business, and wo point it out, not to annoy tho white population of those counties with fear* which may poeaibly, after all, prove groundless, but to stir up tbe people aad authorities of the oonn try to too neoosilty of timely vigi" Unco and precaution againat so natu ral and grout u catastrophe, whioh would not only inflict tho proviailon* ortho Cooetltuilon. Wo are sorry to learn that some of tho trocet men In the- Legislature, our friend M*). Burns for inatanoe, have got this {knae.eroakiog oroohol into their heads. Aw axplaaeaorjr ret- olatlon will be rogarded at Waabing- ton aa a ooaflsaolon ot lasproprlaty In expelling the negro, aad an Invitation to resort to tho- oanrta, will be non. rtrned as an imbpoile effort lo shuffle off reeponeibflity. Wo are doeidedly opposed to any auoh a movement—it ie’in every aspect orawfiahiog,. and will do more harm than good. There iatio necessity tor a word oa tha oab- jeot—tho oxpctllng jpejjorities stand u pon hifch ground and are sustained by the supremo law of the land. They should maintain their positions, and waR act km from those who feel aggrieved. Lot us have no more jMm 181(9, lav2i‘ .?**'»? GK'fittuu-imtcheii' $50 REWARD ! lfooner, Deputy Sheriff Mondoll, 8po.. cial Deputy Sheriff Husacll, and Officer Kauffman. These are the parties agaiaat whom warrants worn first is sued. Their names aro as follows : Paul Bank*, Sila* Green, Ben Mnr-/ ry, Carolina Karlv, Abram Min!*/ Thomas Booodiot, Richard Jones, Dan dy MoNeal, Janaary Hamilton, Iiarry Blake, Cnur Malone, Cuffy Williams, Jurry Jones and York Hamilton. Dandy MeNeal l* one ot tho drill inaatere, and baa been a prime mover in the insurrection. Harry Blake waa captain of owe of tho oompantos. Tho ebargea against each one of these par lies areas follows; 1 Insurrection againat tbe lawful authority of lb# State of Georgia. 8 Assault wlthintoot to murder cer tain watohmun on Bouthfield and Fra irie plantation*. 3 Robbery from J, M. Middleton. 4 Robbery from J. t. Tucker. 5 Highway robbery from Special officer Ksnffman.- « Highway robbery from Deputy Sheriffs Mendel. 1 Resetting prisoners from arresting officers and resisting the.Sheriff of the county while in the discharge of hit duty. It. A. Word has applied for exonipflou of porojmsbr and selling apart unit Toluoliod of hcmaateoJ, amt I will pass upou the earor onMiie lOlh (loy uf .fnnoary, 1809, ot 10 o'clock a. m., at my oflico, m (Jamilia. lr.C. BASHER, " ■ ap- -Av.._•’ V. '-Oriy.:A Jon8lh,-'89 1o»SlFccg2 GEORGIA—dlltciiell County.- ■ *" Isrcal Maples AdmiuUtpotor on (he cslolo frf Nnilian Maples for miiior cliildniu of -BMlil tlcocuRcti, Jma nppliotj for exemption .of per- tho Bamo on Fly K llOSpitllD flAfiga PRIME IIAY, sad TWENTY-FIVE IIUifDBglk ef- BRED A dark idoum oatored. horw mule—long- bodlod strolghc-bocked au-1 medium height. Raid mni. ntroyod or rrna ntolrn, ol food time, Dora a wagon In 1 hi* oily, on Wmlncn. day tho Oth inat. - I will pay a reward of vital .injury on that section, but tend to demoral ise others. Those tida-wstor counties offer all the conditions of a savage paradise. With tlurfr mild olimato—thuir abun dance of flab, oyster* and gemo—their impenetrable foitnaasc*—their oonti- guify to tupplien of powder and all other savage necessities—tliol,- teom- ing abundunee of lightwood, that crowning luxury of the southern idler, whilo and black, nothing will praveut a great cougregation ot squatters there, Itom up and down the coast, from highland and lowland, which would toon establish a populona Congo in Georgia; and pa long as they have far moro privileges and immunities than any white paeseator of the soil dares to olaim, the problem of prevention strikes us aa an oxtremely subtile and diffioult point—a point to bo dealt .with deftly and gingerly. Let the wits and tho wisdom of tho white pc-pclstlcn of the coast sot themselves about it, for, wo tall them, in all sinoer. it*, that the condition, to ue looks nil. Tho “surrender" end the “coming in" will, no- doubt, be praotiqally uocepted in aalisfacticn of all ntiroblef done. Tbo property destroyed—families drH lioiQOBteqd, anil I will pu«n m Ihc IGlh day of January, 18C.*, at 10' o'clock a. in-, al uiy oflico in Camilla. U’-a-kjSAT 1 - it Alt fltK Iftr.l) tAWI'?( Dw'.r FLOUR AND 0 LORO I.Mitchell County* * Rlacksliiro Uarcy> aa next friend L> May r^t„_ n._ .. Feed, Sale and Livery Stable, ‘iteAL on iiBtul,. I am always prepared (o iheci. ON A CASH DASI^. WAflilikgioii Kl., Allmsiy, tin. RAGGING ADD IRi press as mheb;' A LARGE,SUrrLY of lliat BORNEO CLOTH nit Nt Hum. and iiupgies (o hire on Bun Joy, except iu eases of emorgohoy. JauS-tt Marsh. and wo belftvo uvef every olod-beaded, land lias a rakf(J-7l cau afieuro the filifl acre* are all in the ( Whereas, My Inst yem-’a business was a success, and m 1> profit* siitticient Id coyer rny losses for 1806 ; and whereas ih" Stay Iritw is l«o longtT of force, and llio Relief Law n doublfu 1 remedy 5 ti»w, therefore, ho it known to creditors and customers, th# I. ZAOHARIA.3, of the city of Albany, and Htntc of Georgia, do hereby wjhmi and publish this, my General Amnesty; to ol! person* indebted (o me for goods, wares and merchandise, far mid year of I860, and curdially extend to. them that magna- hiijiity and hun.Hno forbearance lhat distress always finds at the To tho amnestied, and' ail otheis,} further announce that I destiny. We conceited Flouehette the other night and i'onnd ent all about it, bat were -fotbidMa Vo tell the startling revatadotk . A»g hnug for a wt^ m«l!ta»;*b« in auguration. .. .. ' to»rar«~men murdered mud so on, Will tobtd, and whole business to the negro will be, : that it is an oasy- and olioap niatter to ■i • 5*»fta" mako JImJCuncunl A^VS tuff Buggy, tgdibe*!t “A«SMiltii’’’.- prbparrd Aa fill a» or^r far Any oIh«> giurauUo