The Albany news. (Albany, Ga.) 186?-1880, January 12, 1869, Image 3

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0‘Wtti' J&- .HexaiuUiut u.u Wlii vi^ * ■«<>* *«*.*#» 44* •'•»**< wj ttiuftljttp •» •■•••*»*WJ»iX ' '>■ awa'onft af . * f --kAa 4 ’ l i;:n , i ilio'm-order wmtM l-fiyct- - rit ot lvni.unc* and 1| .. ;,, ;.. \ ,) ;.;r thu law In lake its course. Sunil worn the motives that anima- toil the considerate men who havo had this matter in charge, ami we rdgrot to i . ;h t limj !.:' . :; . : ndcr'. -I in somesections ol'tiio country, ami we f.inr by the insi items «hi>niselvc». The militnr;’, accompanied by the civil authorities, liavo proceeded to the revolutionary distrfot, and wo an- ticipnto the liappiest results. Somo of the partins aocused have already oomo forward and delivered themselves up to the authorities, and no doubt the great body of them will soon be in the hands of the law, and without llioso frightful scenes that would have fol lowed a collision between them and the oitizens. In this we believe our pooplo have acted with commendable wisdom anSl J irudcnco. Besides securing a peace- ul solution of a most dangerous rebel lion, the Iiojics of tlioso who expeoted to mako political capital out of these troubles, havo boon badly disappoint- .and uomtpL.iii in oi..i . jn aroipialto that which n i. ulously ill the United Si l^rom tliat Tobacco Ini ; h ue, no doubt extracted t id a of going into the cottd a inland goverumenlal senlij not surprised that tic ,-dioull such a bill, nor should wo it I ho bill becomes a law. list e.l to expect any seliot m dug corruption and in< u. : s (or plunder, and th tin lltievos the handling a died millions more than have, and the temptation I I-in. It is a curious f u ' .01 n egislalipn, and sou el the very depths , till., iiglumt the laud. Thu press dispatches a as follows: The Cotton bill'authofl tary of tlie TreasurJ [Senator I blight tmdo or Wo are ntroduco lurprisid ) arc prc. I for pro.. ■sing fa- ftbilL gives [tour littn- Itoy now ill certain. Uro in onr mot fail to patriotism -, v . i, rmerly o|io of ,h,j lAe Editor of the 1 -lo-.ooUecl money , .,viyc suhautiptlou iUj uicol Wet. Hi e re to r NOTIONS, ETC. »or CASH, at LESS i s i*/ICES than they can boli. And their ENTIRE STOCK, where. ^ ’ ' ' | Wo are di torminod to Boll'but'hoods at SOMEt] If fM arc iookiag after your £<f yc r. v r, Sheri ft’ of thin county ♦dJUgeBt to - solicit sub" d arfv.ei>kieittetlts,. to ro tor the MMSSS- j4>i Jfal tvwn —Wo have ordprod new type, KrislirVat, iin’jj'sa. Tuesday next [beaVlr ni'iV' 0 [pir i calling columns Lhe Scores purchaso mssago of Iroad de pot, it nit any steamorpiitkiug dircot ooiilHvlion with Now *>rk, at twee. Worm-per pound lift upland, and ' ' ' ' ■arohascs mndo Its, to bo cx- r old to. others Id States, tax- I Cotton pur- nneiit sliall bo [than five cents i full report of to Congress at each regulr sus- I’sr-rsf: or vns 8. » - li.lonl's notice. it d Wit Chartered hy tiie L; ,;: New Ybah’s Gifts at tuf Book .Stobi:.— Ahkough L. E. Welch & Co ho'J many fine goods during tho Holidays; iliey mill have many goods suited for lu . o # *s presents. Call and see them. Paid op Capita] AM eats July 1st. I A jeURlCI A r SOrTl!: Fino Gold Jewelry, Fine Gold Wfttchos and chains, Fine Silver Warn, Fine Plated Ware, Fino Bound Books. Fiuo Desks a . • Work 1k»\*c.», and a groat variety • »i g *■» jua » uitc*d for the Chri tmsi’* 1. hum r. If yon *.v : t - r v ■ n jfoofi .n * • • • ttj mvvH't'tiw-isi, -r.r- |i(Jo of hecidtig.iWir.L^iocfa eon^t&nt It tho public. ; . I cliavuctor "may Jbe judged , Wu kaow fropa ob<cr. Lilrt'VAWricntio bo dh* I in adytijiieaipulfJ. Men who ndverw L tally or* itlwci: universally men oi \A vflwWttftauu. impulses, and hon- t barton?, -itrt .lhtf jiiicJdiul pursue no aud sco who they- find lu Its sc. >\ r AND 1 than agents of'thoUl ed ihnu» eonts n pond ihi.iM -i hy the Gove] h.. : 1 u:. a price not lJ rtdva- e • <>n cot, nndl t :iti> i.ui ms (ircMenv •t h 1 cHtimcncenumtl sion. i t.Qilli, B the FMJWeu [(tliat the ti l. tug Goner:, ill! II' ■ General Grant . It seems, after i was in error in mi r. visiter to tlie tv I eaa Iiutter. ihUftli 1 '< >■ A»m’..ali yretuc pfin”'Ujr‘ • i.y i.ii 'Tiiii.t iVor.tttviui. ^fcja^ nr:iel -s with 1 1 for rep: ir, nvo icrjuunted to call -d time, ni v ■ do our work promptly.. id rondutU lift uf.uw Laori,»elt Ifsuwir co tfOr t e«G rs f-u need uuy romeut^ot cn ; l -Kworofimmead liiuud- 1ICT t to’ i ■■■ niters fUl'i W* vt ivioll'/the iflit till' m all ri/‘' i. rwy 'p:m»otii »r, niul / i'nvfapity, faithfully !»IS Jew-^wi- *. •• IK 13.\/.\11.- . ^ .:li hi IH-J.V.blN •" Ht wit!:' jpJi • c - ‘ ' ‘ : :,,r Now stock clothing and Ovrr tviuallv cr rfuartorlys** of Asseta to T.MdhtifS* ^200- .pany can <’.at doesftiofii i jrn.1 JO- i ^ kJ lit. ,/j : U : ' , . ri! n. i •>vlcuu ft ul;:! - ^ ■ '*• ..t-utiifliofl tlii’.i thoks": rm’s U aro bylar the host in tlie market. t Auxll!r.ii i'i'jiiui .LAliiiA,! W. A. BioUnrdflon, IsouisriUo Ky. A. J- Ttebor* - Man i.M, t.i i. J. A. Blnauor, Mi’.riotia, Hi. th-nf'.att i. iifi' ; ^iblnti'JUH ill i>«ugh tt^ u . ,1^ kov^ and llstty ijgB'P’lAiyig li’hf.!iv... V • ;i,) • 1 > !,l I h■ t o ,4t.uih*v l *od0 acre?, ^suon'fgfisntiug Imsinc.c >■« MO lion. 11. li ijiu .entire csfalo— lO,ttttn-Luthil.^ ^WaittWLIWIJLi J' ri i IQ C!} - ( ‘T)' !■ view ot ii nmltcr,and i; t •, ht> . ! aesco iVoui the city, to nay ti c lc:i|t,sVSR not manly. \Vo exactly ace how a recon- cili'ition auld bo brought abonl In ' tweeu that two distinguished jmblio lunptiouAi, but there are few dillcr- onccs tliMcannot be settled with self- rAspect ■ 1 bO>* li parties, and thh whnE fconittry - would - rejoice to Witnessfi friendly co-operation be. tween tbm in the approaching inaug uration iremoniej. Are now prepared to fill allOrdor4 for Mai bio, aud to furnish ' liked la lbs best style and at lowss ntcet than the eaue work done with Hortkren *• ' -“X WXJtir ?ll8Ab Onr Marbl* in equal to the bekt Amerioan, 4 Peeler, uu be supptieil e rUh nfflMs Md stiABs <f say dlmWions. Pbr eey’lirtoriiMUlon or desiM,^i|ittaSR. A. ftS< are, Albany. •*., or in igV) vih the very bent Caliooesl l r »ots. J At Z AC If AUl AS* irnipa Muntard. iTm. , icetl, try them once, and you K.. B. ft If. £1 WELCH !nrfy CJonflrlch ftotlftH',’. Ildra llnrly Ilona Polulac. T.vfr If-int-CTl Pilsit^i*' iheu t’olsloei ore eoladcd oiproivly lur eooil by .1. M. Tliornbiuu ft Uo.i f r nole it! 1 "W eioii’a ooi*atl;eftr k i •*'“ Colton itlarkcM. N. Y. Jon. 11- looil ’'maud for cotton, at (tSJcta for'tniddlfngs. At.n.tNV, Tan. 12.*—Colton dosed firm lasv evening at iS^ota @ ' 26ots; good lots readily commanding the latter price. y« tl'rv JWhwcat JouitNAr. laker lbs ,1'. 8.. .Mnvical lleviow yhlcb Bbbtr at Murltlle, C.a', or Jasper. Tlclfcos Co,; Qa ^ed'aud cominimiled Tho Joi.umaJi odn. ■I 1 Uir.fl iba, Roview yelebt and h*UW9fV ^ ... Ktsfe*; raw, rrv^T.cs *PWV pfeparedir | ISrdtisb" ahd i its , is I'la tidjJ,-. bpj 1 SPECIAL 'ICES. “ Umor lo Whoa Honor, *c. ” ironRio Serannob ltepabliceo. Jan. 7th.] V o think the manner in wbioh the O^cceheo troubles havo been rmod by the people of Savannah, <t(ethnig that Should bo sot down Itfir credit. It reflects favorably iKf^ieir good Judgment, Jheir for- raiicoanu their humanity. AW- fesurrcaclion, embracing, jt it va- niy oatimated, from five to twelve tired- armed men, tnko possesion of {onntry, drive off tho whito Inhab it, plumlur tno plantations of ovory ^valndfle, and laving organized ivornmont of their own, set the au- ■itfes of the State' at 'defiance, y went even further; they, ftrreat* .nd robbod .til 0 offioors of the* law, . -a 'T. '.(Tk JMJ-s 1m * ' *S ury, i i 'JA' ... V"^ lv ^/. Our pficesftiid Gootis r WiilJ6ilt|uuJ a« fiiVortibb nsf any lion* lilig.a, tieln lwm'Jha_-i'hom" ofthaisrvloa. ' , . „ , t The pabUo %t Albaay are earaerty faTlted lo attend. . 1 | • a Cossoe, of Atlanta, will de- Sign. oi'.the C.'olJen Eagle, 'j ' > t,, t }_ } • 1 *'') '' r> . rt lhipl ft , -j?Mc JKSfr* Hitt* ae/:-a-..d 1 firoaffiStroul. Awiy,'tiars. ■jTrv~ ■■ ** ‘*=~ ! Hot. Geo. i.— v 'liver a Leo lure lb the Bopthrt Church Wednesday ereolwg next, at I o’eleek. 1 eommnnity fa lavlfed to allcnd., ibed tno ottieors oi toe taw, i them from the diatriot with if death fq the event of, their m|S g. whom ail •tt*^e1ei , 8 ; wei^ iporoun vo' H« wUl slso'give au exhibition on ‘ day ovoobig fbrthrhtacQt of ih« poor dill*, dren of Atl»nla;' - : ^iij)OV^*of any LARGE co do so, I am now tf- iw- « ivr'adt A i REPARA'fnHV klff,,JRu-' - and Varied■ bashdtf.ti -ads, wrl.%in <• • -J. rJ' j -•. W -A'*!,. ftfk’EVi BJtl ■■TAn»'Wf^t>W'parH-«i.’toflSw B0OOT aaitll Siyfeer”' s'-'- 1 - «<* -wiw.-. LOTHtWI-VMitbli' tar she ‘-fteiwoo,-r.»i * BOOTH wad SHOES u- idt-itinifte.r. IIATK AV/JCAWh.'*-, I and subjected to insult and in- vrgi the state of things which ,pla of Savannah had to face, gooufd lw meie exaaperating, •calculated to aroueoa feeling of ncc in theirboaoma. It wa. al: o' Jmii’dKintheabaencooi'iln t..i or to bo .called, u;.,.: I,it forcci a =o wiwiv RHT..TG-IOX/a Dm^QJTOHT,. c ; lUrrrsvCnva'jH, H.*v. Bailor, Fa»- ; :chiii3'it II o^lftijls'A.'^t. nn:! 7 I*. I i )yaxiiipiay> l > ^« bio cJat? -iftfi-M r X ‘ .... arrivea. >«H*wt Mv-iK (Ik .-I t-iAffiTV taGOLDABiWffP and Jcwelry--fiollfr .pilvor.E»MrgUToi - k»* ' All. 1C IIY, ^ j bftiiotiH. pjitlcrni?. *011 PnpOc« Windoir C.url r to uavo orgunir. tk«ntf.*,«pS proavvtie vrpre otbu:' or-” iftto UtOftBCOO*:.! A iot«f t'd s*rff*ldf fJfti WAra IVAbbimlWra^; iw rtoiraa. . itc'f.ii pubtifihodv ElOjw * 7 - ^ *i» «• . ' “a"’ ' j ; . , SOUTHEf ii i .! [li HSU RAH BT s. aT