The Albany news. (Albany, Ga.) 186?-1880, March 09, 1869, Image 2

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: ortty portion of 5b lb? beginning, Gen. (!«>r- don/aMuso posseccinp the confidence And Admiral ion of *11 true Southerner*. 1* ths Vice President of iliel.'ompany, and U now c*UT*Hfling thii sestion of the State for A subscription of $80,000, llie amount already 'TeatWrcfi ofuniversal suf deU in VSyW f*d{*M*or aiy *nb*ta«tUl objeo fflrlahak CifgrepUd that (Jen flranl is etta* Bad that he ie hontst in bi* utter- >*»d Tjewia* hi* addrcsM from this certainly disclose* non* of the rtiva ptejudiees or oppieiurive purpose ly* coat roiling spirit* of bin party.— •uth; but we bad a right to expect a decided and just foreshadowing of a X%7 B hare I his day opened a FIRST-CLASS W JEWKMtV STORE In Albany, under fhe Town's !lo|el. where wili.bnJUmj.MrjfrJl. times a good assortment of Watches, Clocks, Silver-Ware, paid in, <120,000 not being stiflicieni to sup ply the demand for tbe books for which , bis company has tbs copy*rlgbt. He spent iev- •raldaya in Our city lasL week', and wili Wholesute Di-ii£g'n&^ JjfYou want CORN -in Largc or Small Quantities, for C public. That investment in this stock ‘wili pay’ handsomely aitntti'dfWaroely the shad, ow of n doubt. There*!merits of'tli^hooks will Insure ready sale and, prevent other books from superceding |hem. Wt hope ourcUizenn will call on Don, Gor don and examine the books for ibowwolvea, and obtain all the information necessary re- ialive to tbe design* and proepoeta of the Company. Time, call at the lk»l should recognise ,11. sections of lk« Usiol .lid Ik, tights ef the people, sad U •eeat* I, u« we k,T, a promise of It 1, Ik, it-fnl gleams of tbla Inaugural nddresu. We car* raj liule about tile anffrage ce gold questions just sow—thcy-wlllwork out their owu proper solution In future i uer ere we much interested lit tke delant altitude eeeua ed toward* Englsad la relation teike Alabe aeelalme. Oar domestic oeae.rai are ofgretl er aoaea*, aadtkeee orerehedow ell alee.— Any pelley thuggee mobility aad tranquili ty toeurladuatrlalaad commercial pureulte wtU nullify tke south, aad tbe Preeldent eeeae le be earaettly devoted to that end. Tun Caataar t* by aetacaae a dimonitratim of hostility tft**,F*h. 17, 1M*. r—We k.t. your Hrret I. . We win ettead to eat deelrahlt generally, S EE ARK MOW PREPARED le aell Plan 1 terelkeir auppllre oa lime, ATRBA- ABLE KATES, POE GOOD PAPIS, JOHNSON, OAMPBELL B CD. ■tar 0 2m klaeea, Oa * Thla Incldeht la Ike aarly history of It couatry, occurred la tke North; but wi cited by the author to create and lutcnal odium against ait laelllutloa ef the South. CORNER CHERRY AND THIRD S ; Rich abdion’*. Heath aro requested * ar,ry dmCHpllon, made t» order. FRBBMAir BROTHERS. Marck2-lm - On Friday at noon the President Mnt Is tbe names of tho following goslleioen, which were ratified by the Senate. Secretary of State, Ellhu D. -Washburn, of Illinois; Soerelsry of the Navy, Adolph E. Doric, of Pennsylvania, Becrelary of ibo Treasury, A. T. Stewart, of Now Tors; Set- retnry or ibo Interior, Jacob D. Cox, af Ohio; Postmaster General, J. A. J. Oroaawoll, of Maryland!; Attorney General, K. D. Hoare, NOTICE. ATCWAMBBR8, 7 Aunieua. Oa., -Feb; 24, IflfUi. / Youel 0. Rnsti John T. Sima and Frank Wiigbt, Ksquirrn, are hereby appointed Jury Gonmistl<toertfor1he'c4iiniy -cf Dougherty, under tbe late Aet of the Legislature, approv ed Feb. JGth, 18G9 They will proceed at OHM io select from tbe book of Receiver of Tax Ret urn* Upright and to the South, and though to the country ■any of tho members are comparatively un known, tkt faet tkat tho old parly bask* and political Ire-braads aro Ignored is evidence of a determination to avoid extremes and run Ibo maetiao independent of tho evil In fluences thst have well-nigh bankrupted the nation’s honor and exchequer. There is not much talent la the CaMaei, but so much Ibo hotter—Grant means to ho President, and there Is less danger to bo apprehended from him than from half a doion bold, bad men.— Wo doubt if Waahburae baa the ability and (not to ran Ibo Preeldonl'a schedule with England and eseapo n collision. [Spteisi fo Oh Albany AVw»,] Brmttwtek * Alkali; CHINA, CROCKERY AND] imm, M»r. Ronate passed the hill gi anliag aUtoihe Bmnswiek A Albany R. D.—you 24, any*14. . Uruton offered a resolution to refer Ike r, miter to the Nupvriotvndcat of Public Work* to see whether it woabl damage tho other roads in whieh the State was late rested—No diirussloh. Hmith, of tho 7th, gave notice that he wontd move a reconsideration to-morrow. of Massachusetts. For Seer start of War no nomination is made, Oen. Scofield Is to bo retained for Ibo present. A Press Dispatch of the 6tb, eays: Tbe Bur has the following. Judge Hoare, tbe new Attorney Generals for several yearn has been upon the Supreme beach of Unsea ls is about fifty years of ego, and *-yed n very successful . j. lie is n man of and very positive in in tke Supreme bench of Massa* chusetts. Ht for many years enjoved practice at his profession, the highest integrity, a;.:- .... his manner. His brother entered the House of Representatives yesterday aa the new member from the Worcester District. Adolph K. Doris, of Pennsylvania, tho new Secretary of the Navy, is a relited merchant of Philadelphia, having for many years been engaged in tbe East India l" # *' , * u ho reaped n princely fortuoe. e-las on# of tbe wealthiest n try. I!_ L !-V - nsver having been mixed up in polities.— President of the Union League. In summer be resides at Torresdale, uear Philadelphia, where he has a magnificent estate, but in winder resides tot Philadelphia. . , jjj A Dispatch of tho sains (late says; MERCHANTS and DEALERS will Aad they m save money by purchasing i* Macon. Sr.w Pmctit—There is a bill beforotbe Legislature to create a BOW Judicial CtlWWlt l<i ho eamposod of tho oountieeof Dougherty, Calhoun. Worth, Dakar, and Mitchell. At a matter of convenience, and to expedite buri* it as a means n. A. WI8* 80 and 82 Mulberry Street. Orders filled and pviee list forwarded ifstion. , \ . t } Mar 0, tf He is* well- bred gentlemen, kind-hearted, amiable, and possesses tb# tuorattrin i*odt in a remarkable degree. Of him wa apeak from personal ac- qualntance. Of (ho others wo know nollilng, except that they aro new and untried men.— Lei na hope that they are not the worse amongst tho bad. nes* we kUoiiIU favor of making a place for a scalawag ar a trading • irmoerai, we oppose it, and oar people aro la nu Irarry tot the Change. ;ed in tbe East India trado, for whiob sped a princely fortune, lie Is mgard- one Of the wealthiest men ef tbe coun* lie is n man of tbe highest character. DISSOLUTION! fflHFe copartnership heretofore ex I tween ROGERS A PATTISOJ foundry Dusiness, is this day Uisa IE YOU WANT BAOON OSTflHLK MEA' IIi.oi»o*tt’a CosV*»fI I was or- The nbtvo Mined Company was "iueorpor- »ley, Free- tied under tbe General Laws tf thp State of lonnt “tho New York, baa a Capital Clock of #200,000 cfuict Eh- divide# Into 3000sharm of $100 each." Of this earn, $120,000 kae been paid in, and (tests Cm- Gen. John B. Gordon, Vice-President of the iture, die- Company, la naw soliciting IVoib our cltUena last oath; subaoriptlan* far tba balance, $80,000. Ir, apd ew- Tke bucintas af the Company baa an “A7/- HClthHsl Dffurtmrnt and a Snb»rriptin„ „„,l id a reso- Littrtrjf DfpttfmtHi." Adopted. Educational DarAaTMaKv coaslats field to bo Mcjor General, Auger to ba Briga* of interna) llevenqe. All, with cabinet, con firmed. Orders (Yea ike rresMeat. IIiiii’r. or Tile Aunt, Aiu't Oes't Orricc, WA*lll«aToe, Merch A. 1800. Oetiernl Order* No. 1.] The l’reeldent of the Hilled Bistee direct. Hitt the roltovlog order* be curled Into ex ecution aeeoon tepreollcable: 1. Tb, Deiertmeot of ibo South vlll ho oomiuendod b, Brlfodler uud limit klujor tienerul A. II. Terry. 2. Major denerelG. 0. Moult, I* tjalgned UIhe publkhtlouJuiHIUIkcturoendlele ortho "Unimuti fitriu" of Collego end Hchoot The eulbore of Ibis eerie. >ua oeu.iiriug Kurd aad Bryant eut of order. O’Neal wauled i, Ttxl-Booka. aten wboM ulSelenoy for the erurk they kuee undertaken cannot he aur. paeted. Tub UuunnarnicaL TeaUllooka nre by hi. K. Muury, L L. D., ttkoet rune a. a Oeo- grayker cutenda near Ihe ci.lllmt world. Taa Martmuriu*n'^TeiUBooki are by Ckec. B. Venable, L I.. D.. Prof, of Mallie- mallce la the Valeerally or Virginia. Baanaae, by Prof. •«. p. Holme*, J. U 1>. (lair,rally ef Virginia. Kaaitau Oa.oiMABe h VoMMatnuN by ibo name. Paaaia Texl-Bouke, by Prof Holielc dc Varr, L L. 1>., of Ihe Uuletrally or Virginia. Lana, by Prof. B. L. (Illderaloerr, Pb. lb, Dalcerolly of Vn. OaiteiaraT, Oaouior anti (Inannai. Pnraica, by Profa. John and Joaepli L. Coni,, qflho Onlearally ofB. C. U will bo toon that Ibo authora of tho VUalrerelty Berlea" aro all of Ihe Bonlbibul (heir erkolerly etlalnmenle art known and receguUed tkrongboul and beytkd Uee;w|>»le country. Tkt atui of lha author, aaf| fltk. llekcte, Ik to dliieJniuate Sokool Book* of tuck aupcrlor merit ai lo elicit tbo apfroral of pereatl oad teaokere, tkne eelabllihlag a uniform eonraa of texl-booka, and beeidea tkn adrantage, of (Mb a eoureo to Iho^tplla, obriate tbo expeuoo to wkioh parent* are ITOLB-N Proai tbo oubaoriber, near N.wlon, n Qa., on Wednoaday night laai, n SMALL BDUHLL PONY, about 5 year* old, n regu lar pleor, with while kind teel, and a small alarln Ike face. Alio, a McLrlla n Cavalry Stulille, a home-made hrhBe with lb’ 8. Ml, nhd a hall or i SEVENTY-FIVE DOLLARS will be paid forlha Pony and Ihlef, or TWENTY-FIVE DOLLARS for Ilia Pony.' _ 11. D. TAYLOII, maroh2-1m* • Ncwinn, Oa. io Ihe Senate, If Oeorgla waa reconllrnelcd. Tit* Anaaicoa Tat-Wauxir Oof an a i— The tine number of thla new applicant far NOTICE! A LL per anna holding olalma taainoi tho eatate #r A. 0. Drapar, lain of Dougherty county, ileceaaml, will preeent them wllhln tho lltut prracrlbed by laws aad Ikoaei In debted lo acid eaiala will make paymant at once, to J. O. STEPHENS’, Kx’r, or D. H. POrE, Alt’y at Law. , marohtt-40d. public favor, woe laaued on the 3d Inal., and !« before uv. It I. golleii up lit gcod nlyle, i« neatly printed, and bear* nnnilnlakablr mark, of eueray and indu.lry on lha pari of the proprietor., Ik. Mere. CkrI.llan, W* trl.b Ihrio a toug nod pm.povon. voyage. Actiaa af ih« Haaikrra Press tnwlilln. - Tho following ootaprliee ihe atition of lha I’re.a Ooavealion, M Mobile, on all mullet* hat really iotereet the public at large.— Will be hold on the Bret Tuwday In April next, before thp court honae door InUo town of Isabella, WuilUeeualyJlU.ilf fbllowln, properly, to-wll i Loti of land No*. 222] 221isa0, SOT, 208, 200, being whole lola, aad Naa. 288 and 280, being fractional Ida, mak. ftBLSii property of A. J. CratOalM, lo mtllify one Inferior Court 8fk, lamed from Sumter In. 1YM. KEEN, BhanN W. C. IS TR4DD MARK FOR BRADY’S FAMILY BITTERS. Mnoh other bunlocii wa* iraaiacled, bat It wav mainly applicable lo Ihe anaoclalion aid the repreaeniatiteo who were preeeel. B SEE THESE FOUR MAO 10 WORDS BVBRV DAY, on nearly every fence. 0*1, Oaedner, Charlmen »f Ike I’ommlllee on Proa* Nawa Berckie, wbmiitad iha M- lewiag refara. wkiek, aftar a abart debate, particTpalod In ky iko President, Cels. For. aylh, Stylea and Ollaby, Major Bleele, Meoora, DoLom, Bndall.nnd Doweon, was adoptadi ,b. T i:.ffl;{rof l,, ,h: k ::. 1 :“^ icl«gr*pbiA news *crTlcs, rvporl Oia fullow- ing ns Among tk« chief objections lo Ibo *ju ism now in foroo: 1. Tha torrltor/ reprast^ea iu Ilia con- ventlon pays about $60,000 nnuw«))y ib tha Naw York Attainted Press for tvfvgripjno new*, wkioh $60,000 U net in any way com. trolled t>y tha Southern Press AsaooUiion, hul ia collected and remitted by tka lacal agentx of tba Naw York Assoelatad Prats. . 2*^fk* New York AMoeialed PraMolaims tkt right to admit, and ha* admit tad, pa per* to tha benefits of tba Southern naw* ayalem, without Ilia couseat of tha Eauth- ein l’ress Asnix-iatioa or of ikt Roulhern Biltara’. which art now considered Ihe FINEST TONIC for debitiiatril Map or Ifoman be/ora Ike public, and for LIVER AND KIDNEYS ■ A ’it ttik Mb SQOAtl! ■" Manufxetared hy i). c. Brady & ro. f LouiariLtk, By., 11. M. SCOTT, Agent Suutljeru Blsjee, At- Mnta, Ua., lu wlinia jtll.oedero .honld be »d-, , Reynold!, to Ikt corn- land, anmbora not known, but known ao Iko place where H. K. Oough formerly Heed, lo the lull, district of said county. Levied on aa the properly of If. K. Oough, lo autlaHr *»y Clly,- Wendell-PhlBlpa eommfnled W Orant’e Inaugural. Ha urged rigorons, aid IfaaoeaUary. nanjpilnarypolicy toward. Eng land a* the only tneana ;honuenrn a lasting front tho PielorUJ Primer to the Academic or Rlgh School Header, tlx bosk*, aad Ulna- trato Southern HMniy, Biography, t-n*lom>, jitosoN oiiiSBA ' IS ALL XlaHTAQAINI Literature, ete.’ Judging from the hoeko kareldfkro need In our eoho»l*,H would seem,lobe the olm of parlnu and knap tka children In Igneranee ofloel.l customs, history, litera ture and Institution* ofth* South, oeto prej. ttdico their'minds tgalnet them. The gaog- rspbles wo hare need illuwl rate Ike 8euthern States by pictures repreeeatteg’slnwee, *1- most la a stats of nudity, picking cotton or culling lugnr-ctae, wklln saragn looking ernneern tiwtd with whips ready to he op. plied to the naked becks ef Ihe sletM. WII- lerd’s history, a etandsrd werk la many •cheat* af tke South, rtlstes SB Incident la wkiek a ferlMed ladbn village-wse burned wUb Ore or «lx buodred of Jim, lami|og con- •MuNwa, women nil nUtdrew, tbe meet berribl* re.uD of which waa, ik*r sort ealees of tkeprlsenen csplured were add lata slavery. •- While Northern men tad wvama have heaa eaetonnef Ike chivalry aad aaptriar relsesaent af South train, tka beeka waed la Southern SrMals, are, waU calculstodio eageader tke opinio* Yd the mind, of one cMIdteo that we arn'ha Inferior E WILL MAKE THE BEST ^v.Lowtarritas' ka made for la' Ihe’ClIy.-.. t-ils ,f gvaaavit’i " v-lt -II .•*■? ' -V. S I -■ ciVV OUOCEUIKS. 225 barrels Flour, • - • 100 boxes Tohacen, ; ,, Irani! Street. habdwaius. TONS SWEDE’S IKON. 50 tone Eoglieh end America*Reieed Iron, TO’leaa Flew Sle*l. 250 kegt Cot Kalla, 100 dankh C, 8. Hoes .'— 1000 ptlra Trace Chains, 250 bags Shot, 500 pounds Bar Lead, aoo s oeod.p.Cap*. ' . ^ t Advartiaamenta forwarJad lo all. Nawiplpar*,- No advance charged on Pubiiriiert friee*.; All Leading Newspapers kepi on fil<.. Information aa toCoat or Advertising furnished All orders receive careful at trail on. Inquiries by Mail answered pMmpliy. ‘ Complete Printed List of Newspaper* lor stia dpeeial LlsUprepared for Customera. , AdverUsemeala Written and Notices seoored Order* frew liuainess Men oapeoialiy^^7 •UldiO tin* child rea that W*.l aforiaawriu li should be be vested wm *• « r he BMleO sad best set of UABNEBB In the wo amount can be made by wiling the LATEST IMPROVED COMMON SENSE t'.MHIOXS