The Albany news. (Albany, Ga.) 186?-1880, March 16, 1869, Image 3

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k «clMUj MrtUe art (hMtauea ' ' ir. tfa Kailrwnd. He*itaMon am! tidy ro c nothing but auQlhe form of suicide whcu you have a remedy at low* bond to remove paltt, Instantly. PYRAFUGE I PYRAFUGEI ‘ Lamia or Auraicx! Mai Soil 1 Po you »l»h At (I health to fauihe brow with i Do you wish the pile i»C 01 tho roseate huts cf nature t dark, murky clouds of doepi «d by tho radiant oolort of I latUn? Ifae, ttta TVROMOOOUf* CO.'S- utdkt every quarter olong the line from New Orleans to Mobile, present scenes indicate tbc commencement of this muck talked of road, and tbj echoes, far and -fploHK storal and .pads,” three Are the true grains aud easenoe of health, and tbs latest gins that Urienro lisa (Iron to the world. FROMMEXIOOTO ALASKA The people know them I The people tue them) The people praUo them The** pills grapple with Disease at lie foun* tain-heart, ami root it out ot the patient's sys tem, at once. They fortify (hr l»<nly against Disease In all forms of sudden attack, and epidemics, and enable nil to brave the rola*. uatio danger of swamps and forests. One of Dr. Maggie 1 Fills relievos the entire ays* tem of pains and aches, enliven* the spirit* and •end* new blood BOUNDING THROUGH Till* VKIN8 Call for these Inestimable medicine* at your nearest druggist's, and If he is out of them •end to the proprietor’s office for then . They are mailed safely all over the globe. ONE MINUTE TO SAVE YOUR i*!FE Take Disease iu tirno and you will suffer | less *ud he saved many days of useless ml*- i ery. the Amcrlcus Republican attempt at-wit, ahd only ot the ^ i ...^gr oin all the oldest tiers who have heretofore . njoyed tho quiet repose of those peaceful - lotaente, to be on the lockout and stand ckai of the Awr Iron hotle, who will com* puffing ns the herald of many «*tf«ns, with tidings of greatjoy to those that art sad, and paaee b*nd.QQt^fo*t *o the weiuy. Wo are heartily glad tb see this CUtuprUc conducted with such magnanimous skill. t The munneat man yet board trom liven in Philadelphia. JGfn wan rescued iiAiumiAmc, moN, steel, etc. GROCERIES. ’-*26 barrels Hour, I6() bnrrela A, B, and iJ, Hugar, 100 bugs Rio aud Java (bff*e, HIO boxesTobacco, 60 barrels Sjurup, TH barrels Whisky, too bom Candles. -1 ««*ceSardinos» 76 cases Canned OyMer*, loo boxes Octobers, 26 boxes Layer Bftlslu*, ;• 26 half-boxes Layer Raisin*, 8" qnnvlcrd>oxe* Layer ftqlslss, *-’oo boxes Hoop. 26 boxes Soda. 1 .o boxes Po tn*h # ( con cent rated;, o p.ise* i'otnsli, 26 oa*e* Pine Prenob Brandy, 26 i'ksos Wolfe’s Hchisrtam Kehnapp*. •U boxes Starch, . . boxes Candy. OSNABimUH, lo bajies Potter’s Rxtra No. I Genalmvg*. U» halo* Potter's Extra No. 2 Osnsbuiy*, lo bale* Film River Osnabnrgs, 20 bale* MlUfdgMlUe A and U 0*nn\»uvg«, oconntV'for fits stealing- it her. edit ors. Wo giVc iug a neat, paper, but wo *»" "««> an original, ins ;\ahj hir ..sssjtlon ihvayrpo badly printed ' and 1 we, look ^ia Jain TONS SWEDK'B IRON. - 30 tons English and Antfrloau Hcllno.l Iron, It) Iona Wow 00*1, MO ktg* Cut Nalls, 11H) dorm 0. ,S. IIosj, 1000 pairs Trace Chains, , - -1)0 tags Shot, 300 pounds Bur Lead, - 600,000 0. D. Caps, • *50,000 Nley'a Cal a, 50 dosen Lnvrrou'a A sc. COdoicn II. Collins' Asm *0 dosen Root Home■*, 100 dosen Curry Cuptha, - t as Do yon wnh the (loan ot misery bushel and the tears of the deceased wlpadfrosa Sorrow’s ! cheek? ■JJBEENaLIOtl Female Bitters. Do you wished to bo of that linger- , wbhb an^W^on^ TT SE ENGLISH and Positivo urevarlciUfoi to' theft, for it ifMBditbt- could, obtain . our dm off Upon hh mdm ai bis er way than by readluff.ihe ging from tht> frtjgtteuey^eud Female Bitters- Id coot collar, in drawing 'fraagasa pound* Bad. Iron* i deyanWMtfpeffi Joien Jtm Crow ( As 0 CapTASM »»n Powanrnt UTERINE REGULATOR restoring the Ulema tail* healthy function* at all limb* when tnmatiirally disturbed, it has no equal on lbo American continent, and no suffering female ehould delay In tailing Us in 1 riuaio vain*. Two*thlrd* of the edtlre fe • mile population are suffering with some form of those complaints peculiar to their sex, which annually consign* thousands to an un timely grave. rj’IHE ENGLISH Female Bitters la the only combination that will actual, ly arouae and reatore the wotub to Its natural condition. tor, and illustrate lit* ItorinJ paragraphing. «*x. Bheckinridok was welcomed home by hi* people at Lexington, Ky„ on the 11th Irtt. JHc wiiy,re*ume the practice of law. v * Kei»ainfl~bpsb No. i ar- 20 dosen Jtm Crow Cord*, 60 nest* Cedar uml Poiulc.l Tubs, 76 dosen Painted llucketH, 20 dosen lira**-llound Duckets 20 gross Mason’* lUacking, 26 dosen Bh*« Brushes. v A good assortment of Table* Pocket Cutlery SHEETING, 60 bales Macon Bhoeting, Irt Dales Houilon Sheeting. WTPOR SALK BY What One hundred T«cttor« a day say from patient* all over the* habitabw globe Dr. Maggie), your pill* has rid m* of all bllUouenoaa. No more noxious dose* for me in five or ten pills tnUcu at a time. Ono of your pills oufed me. Thanks, Doctor. My hoadaoho ha* left me. Send me nnothor box to keep in the house. After Buffering torture Horn billions cholic, two ef vottt plil* oured me, nnd l have no re turn oflho malady. Our doctors treated mo for Chronic Consti pation, as they called it. end at last laid 1 was taettraMe, Your Magglel’s Pills cured me. I had no appetite; Magglel’* Pills gave me hoarfy on*. ^Your pill* are marvellous. I send for nnoliier box, and keep them lb the house. Dr, Magglel 1ms cured my* headache Hint wit* chronic. I gavo half of one of your pills to my babe for Cholera Morbus. The dear young thing •got wall to a day. My aausea of * morning is uow cured. Your box of Maggiol'i Halve oured me of nolle* In the head. I rubbed aome Halve be hind my ear aud the noise* left. Bend mo two boxes: I want one for a poor family. I enoloie a dollar: your price 1* twenty-five ceuts, but the medicine to me is worth a dnl lar. Send me five boxes of your pill*. , Let me have three boxes of your Salve and Pill* by return mill. Doctor, my burn h*« honied by your Balve. . ,WDh dj.p.ptloB sTSrjrlhlng I. whang. not illgtsi-sleep do., not rsfroh; wine does not cheer; smiles do not gladden ; mulic doe* not charm, nor can gny other joy enter the breast of the miserable dyspeptic. \ ou must get rid of it, or it will heromo seat- ed and confirmed, and life wilt be a burden and existence acume, Plantation Bittkr.h Will do away with all this. New life, strength Andenex£y,wi}l tfko paasesRionof you. Tbo ‘duAskjfiJll |gain bloom upon your cheek, krid the lustre in your eye* will again be a* bright a* in youv heaUbieai, hapnle*t and CHILL FEVER, FEVEK and AGUE ISIS Dill, rsporled llial the ari- (a discover any fraud. 'The re- optad, snd sent to the Governor. io» yel learned whether the bill' the signature of the.jfcoMijfn.; . reason to believe there ts no J. B. ROSS & SON, DO f'litlry ItlACUN, OA marchO—exp'r npril Hit It, FNMALKS OF EVERY (’LlME! Whether old or young, married or single, who are suffering with any term ef UTERINE DISEASE should at onoo procure tjiis remedy and he cured. It is particularly recommended for PAINFUL, SUPPRESSED, or,IRREGULAR PitAMEN1A in each and every case tin- m, h func tion helng RESTORED to ii- NORMAL AP- TION, whether PROFUSE, &PA.S1 V, DIFFI CULT, PAINFUL, SUPPRESSED or IRREG ULAR. lls gclion U truly womlerfuL ** u never-fainnig yf — A . thi* compound qdiots and soothea the her* von* system, rogulafes uterine notion and en ables one to pass that period almost imner. ceptibly. It oures Leucorrhoca, or Whites, UWTON 41AWT0«,!'0nes, sinraT dat ! UrMiMracco wmffUnr*' Hnlni'ilrsilou. .■ f* fork ft.'r.tU opens a eolumn lead, •this heading, with the following IT against the new .administration Ay commenced. Qbu&ftfendias noUier battle of Belmont, but this bright a* iu youv hcnUhieai. happiest and dSolt joyous dayi"*^ * f Magnolia Water—Sunorior to tho importftd German Oologno, nntl If price. Mnoon Cioovftiiv: r<" T R 1“ "loro and arc constantly r#r#lv* ling it Inrge aupply of 11* now taking the place of ail patent medi cine*, and a ; Dorn Red Iiloo$ pour it* crimson stream* fKlMtiyr lif; accustomed purity and vitality ! Or has It became thick ened and poluled by disease, until your gland? linve broome .swollen, your skin «dis- eased, or covered with ulcer* and old running *OBj»? i Jlave yqti any diseasv which leads Sumner, n* gencuAl-in-cliief of politicians, nninoaked the bat- i faction and opened. tl»o -,firo.— »\ tbo very * first vc^esi (iVant win repulsed. When bo Vtalrtd t and absorb law prohibiting a ie«M from lioldingoffifce berepoal- r that Mr A, f T. Stewart might bis duties tia Secretary pfthc «*d a motiou was madf indbo 0on- i»F EVRRV OR ADC, ALL (IRADKh, COFFEE trfo'*ND Java, .soil's, CANDLES, ■ . noHN, . yj^,; OATS, an.l WHISKIES or evubv ohadr. and a large rtocX COXKTaKTI.V on liaND, SOLE AORNtfl FOR ' Chestnut Ghrova rornrn street, yod to^fldppeei Impftre Mood, ns the cause ? The spring of the year is Hie time to cure all such complaints, and Dronigoolc .k Go’s. .^'Constitutional Monarch," is the most pow erful Vi.oon Poninr.n ihot can be found. Tetters, 8cald-hcad„ Plaiplw, Wofchrs, (linn- ular, Swelling, Horofttia, Erysipelas, Gout, Bhe^tnatifluii npd.eU such diseases cured by it use. Sold by all principal druggists. Womb, aiddincH* of the hhadi,6« .' &ei ami hands, PaipUntion of the heart, Diffionlty of breathing, Sick Headache, Melancholy, Wakefuluesn, Los* ”f nervous energy, and nil iUo»e ttottWeaoslo complaint* peoalinr in the ctualcsox. Au eminent physician of Memphis say*: “The combination known as the ENGLISH EEMALK BITTERS i* the most certain Uter ine And general Tonic I have ever known. T>oaloi'« in j£h*f war against, the iicw.adminls- jffWainner found allies among tho pastor* nnd in the radical press.—- * mask of compliments to Rr Ht^w; nctoudod ruYcrcuco fou ^tbe |obao- 1780 the wholo radicol press of tbl* Us the judgement und action tit!Och. It does not think tho' l’midW’s nt will be found *ftti*fuotory or *uf- lo.itlioua ftml niMkcrt aa U.1. ho»- ha motive is opporent imA the object. .Mo. -The rodlco! politicians of 1)10 ) not Kko tho clisrsctoc of tbo Csbl- FOR ALL DISEASES OF Tl NEfS, RETENTION tfVRINI Magglel’* Villa are a perfect oure. will satisfy any one. I often prescribe It for various female com. Fine asHortmest Ladies’ Drees Goous, At ZAOHARTAH*. (MUa.) Chronicle, say a: “This will certify that the ENGLISH FE. MALE BITTERS is highly racoiumended by tho medioat fraternity at this place aud sur rounding country.'' Messrs. Carpenter & Co., of Ifaxlchims, Miss., write: “Tbo sale of the ENGLISH FEMALE BIT- tfir Wk surroex by (hi* time the wonder ful cures effected by the “Pyrafugc” is town and country talk, for lo our oertain knowledge some of the wotst oases of chill fever, fever and ague, ami dumb ague, have been entirely oured. No cope, however obstinate, oau re- ibt U»o health and Ufa giving effect# of this great medicine. Parties who have had chills Moodily day by day, and with whom all other medicine* failed, have been restored to health by tho use of one bottle of onr •*l'y- lafuge.” This medicine ^otsat the same lime '^WgniN iilpijlUting giving an appe- tjIo» wliilo tho ohtlla and fever is entirely 118 healthy ef- FOR FEMALE DISEASES, NerroMf Pfotlvalion, Weaknem, General Inn- utit and Want qf Appetite, MHggiel * Pill* will be found an Effeetnnl Remedy. of all kind*. SuppllM CompIMf at ill Tillies. For Those Complaints. TER8 ia something mndtiful." The Bitters are beautifully put up in larg* bottles at the lew price of $2,60 per bottle, oi three bottles for $0.00, sent to. any part ot thacountryf by eyprna, oh receipt of prlee. Also, for sale by DrugglBta' Are almost uuHerean their ffeclh ,d alraoat Always guaranteed. EAfR BOX' CONTflltir TWELVE" DOSES| on* rung a Dos*. “CotarxArxiTa.l Buy no Maouikl * Paw Halvx with a 111 tie pharaphlet Inside the X: they are loguM. The gcauin* have the • ring and influence. Theu they il the reinroyce th? new Free!, ■ir; did over Johnson, nnd they A RE ' m ' - PYRAFUGE lungs affected? In those troublesome Pulmonary Afikotions. AND DINT ITS DROMQOOLE R CO.'S AMYGDALIN PECTORAL 1 m ^ i... .BcL-i, bU—i »A cbwp «p,„„. Wonderful Proportfee I asi. It imavAUUlj rolltt«» lb. cough, , the pain, Booth*, and quiets the nenou* eye-! AND THE MOST OBSTINATE * ' CASES MUST YIELD ! 1. ' AMVAV-rt OX ITANI*. At Jin. «N HTOnK ' . ' • 700 Bags No. 1 Peruvinri Guano BlttEOT FltOM THU OOVUtlNMENT Afl'T t E\KUi BAO 0UA1IANTRBD OKNUIN*) 150 Barrels Best 1 Nova Beotia Land Plaster 75 li)!X„S .AIAU1KTTA AIILLS . Particularly present to the notice nf Planter* •urtounded wUb wbite powder. fACtloaandprido, to point to an article spring ing up directly in oar midrt, and ene possess- ing so BWhR greater virtue (ban any of (be numerous quack physics now afloat. We. are All Ord.ia for the United fltatM mint b* ndRieued to HERBERT Si 00. ■* *m Deotblwey, N.W Viek! DH. MAtieiEI. 1 * PILLS OH SALE ARE GUANO C dm, refmh i and Catart uuhb ui > wRvRiriig Ai. rhuiub urouiii j relief. In Bronchitis, Pneumonia, Pleurisy, I Asthma, Croup and Hooping Cough the relict I is prompt and decided. For Spitting of' Blood, Night Sweat*, Pains in tbe Cheer, pif-! flcult Breathing, Ioflneaia, and sU those Lung diseases ultnnUa vtith C.ugb or I'.In. ill ivmrtUtlo ft ml ..fflolrnt notion. if truly I rhuaiog.' ij '• • I Doing proporod by rognlor phyMttoAr.of; Ctrtilc&tos of Rrftidentft—City anA Cono- y—nlli bo shown no Inquiry jinin or.tfiwDAV 1—K«r IS.TV);!,!, GfttftAtft ' ■ SSorcffte, And Kollogg’n USTfor Mftthinrry. Oils, kin .tore ond for salt hy p. 1VKLCII, Drnggiftl.; ihd hoard ot TO ‘'Pyrafbgft," thut It I. dot- lined to loao tho fint position for the thllli '4>A-fcvoi.; a&a. n fnmmit m MX' world whit, for, whenoror ntod, it will apeak for itself, and when in the fkr Vast they will htarof ■•Pjrafnge?' one “Pomt City will bo known ibrongh Ult immtsM sale of tbo jlou»*,~a^EWtoafi. , tf PO WDER of HAWBONE The most honest, and best product of the kind over pat up In fbis country, Chesapeake Gunno. 4d)(i I.Ba; IN. STORE TBiB arllolo needs no noommendatlen .whereIt bas^beon used. , Tho letter below shows whftt il bta dnas in this section : . Drayton, Dooly Co„ Oa., Oot. 1, Id(|8. Messrs. JoN.aa, Daxrn R Par .- flenls—l think tho Chesapeake Phoinhot. a rainahle msnure j I went orar my Reid to. detwhptiU was applied on cotton, and up on UtmugUoramlnailonl hartoonolntW It paid 230 per cent. 1 am willing that any fariy ahonld'ao* It, and think any acnalld* ■sMttMBMiWnKlA W ssmeceuoliisioil. ami thl. re,'Xls obtained, although Iho coM- was aerlouelr Injured hy drought, boll worm Worke under the inunediefe jtipirialendenfo 1 Deo—ll-!y WARD'S eureka: recommended for ihe same diseases, largo bottles $1,00, or six boUlas far sent to .all pselsof the country on ) of prioo. Also, for oalo hy Drugglata. WHOLESALE PBUG STORE. 200 Shawls, at reduced prices to close out ’ ' at ZACHABIAB’ This Guano wi Ing CommDrtott JWofssrs; 'fit A«lam« jon II;«[. SpnrJiB; .oynoltls; Jon* mnE KIDNEYS AND D L A-J) D E it 51 k ana ratqCTKvtr rnt ierTsoT rear rsotatr aoKs aud mintaaawT Do yone KUim.ja sot, fro. enough t Are yon troubled with Orarel or any: kind of Urinary depoaile ? Do you phaa bloody Urine oeotmonally ? AniMtakeyed with too freqnont lnrlioation to Vrlnate? lo your Urine thick, ropey, or milky? Dare yon a pain in tho berk?. Rasy yO'IMJn*iMQiiPnw a piHR boat in lha market ia kept by all L Druggists, and will cure U/aptntU, IA- gMtlopc^slIls and Parer. Aa eefevaa *j»t' phettbaad PWonaPerera. pkosHUUifoi Matt* ralgla, Cougks,, Conenmptioa .'hi. to— stage", anil Female Irregularities. It has proeed. itaslf tks brat remedy of thh age. I For sale at wholesale and reus »y. Whsrc thl* invaluable remedy eta always bo found. febO-ftms fffaWJjfWM WP for »»!• byj ,• L E &H-E. WELOH, alRany, GA. US'lha "Home Montbly.''] . Borne years alace, while residing in the allyofTroridt'iiee/we beard much said la praise ofTerry .Paris’. "Rain JHUir.; .. We Well, health falling, aa a leal resort, the dqo. tors sent us lo lltanaaela. The winter wet Intensely sold, ond a terrible form of Nett> ■ranac-iy : ralgia prerallad among the settlers, and wo fell into the grasp of the disease, aud day and night, for weeks, endnred untold agony. Tog paftt'li) I It. .region or tho Bladder? Are yo«TMr?oim, jneUochelty or alarmed Rt pAw dreams, from Ilia effects or habits of dlaaipa. restore your Kidneys and Bladder to a heal- Lpkbftiled by MAny^ewwtadi—%re 'rled without aran. Beg least i publtoidM t complete ?;'>^Ljsnio-Sots. mutual (UUUEBIRH, . it It in California three year, before, ring It externally and internally gave health nnd manhoodagaln. Oner botlto, or six bottles -and bo restored to L,<„ Trice, only $1.00 nor botlto, o tor 8obl by. all DmggUls- rzcjir TII0UA8 PATTIRON. DR1VOOOW, : tb'J.iacttj-dtn-