The Albany news. (Albany, Ga.) 186?-1880, April 20, 1869, Image 3

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(IsM *°** PorawaaWe are Indobtcd iollr L. ®* Welch for a baukrl of Terry line fatly Boeepolefeee.' He Informs ii« Hint he abated at the came time, the Early Good* rirt, Pinkeye and Early Hose. The UooJ- tich’are nowabolil U large aa a bullet, tlie Piaktye as large aa a baehehot—thorn aver- are larger than a ehanghai a egg. ^,. l o.».»~— Paaioatt.' Onr friend, Mr. .1. II Dehorn. t Allan!*. Agent for the sale of l>r. I,. H. gradHeld’a medicines, paid ua a vieil yeater- left a half column advertisement Ne»t, which will nppcnv on Friday.— gjnd to learn that Mr. Ovhorn is do tat(00 d W ork for his house, for no Druggist I» Georgia % more clever, reliable or coiisd* than Dr. Bradtield. y ||gtl Baous & Stki'IIK.vs, in close prox- ivlty tot*>® N * W8 o' 1 * 00 * l,avc * for f, ‘ ,ver ’ 11 wuhltl** h * on n »letly Ailing their I ,#AtJt*e with a moat select, stock of vari ed* of goods. We have watched with iatereet the drays almost daily unloading n» their back door, wondering when they would a^klptith> We suppose they have'been do- JJUin marking and putting up their goods brIkecalle of their numerous customers: lO»0 work accomplished; their shelve 11 'ireeenta magnificent appearance, nnd they r enow ready to exhibit their goods and to | p # t t with any nnd all in quality nnd Halfway up Lockout.Mountain, the place wfeiro memory is stirred by a thousand thrill ing associations, nud where the brave boys of toih nrtntea met and fought hand to hand, fWhero the blood of both frieud aud foe was mingled together and rad down ihemountaiu sido in rivulets, is a mooth faoed rock, upon which a poor, wounded soldier inscribed the following : “8. T.—800—X.—Early in .lie bat'L* l was wounded, and carried to this spot by two clever “V.anks.” Thcp bade tnc tuowell, and, aa they supposed, to die, for l was so weak from loss of blood that I could but faint ly thank them for their kinduesa. They left iu my canteen a part of a bottle of Plantation Bitters, m to ‘which 1 owe my life, for it strengthened me, and kept life within me un. til help came and my wound was dressed. God bless them for their kindness, and forthe Plantation Bmaas.” Henry Dayaqkl, Company B, 10th Ga. Magnolia Wateh—Superior to tho beat imported German Cologne, and sold at half prieo. ♦ ♦»— 1100 Shawls, at reduced pricea to cloac out at ZACH ARIAS' No REASON WHY nK 8UOP!.l> HAVR DIED.— There need not l>4 a caae of Colic in horses re sult fatally. Mr. Rentier,of the Ledger, might just ns well have saved the life of his valua ble Auburn horse, as not. A dose of Dab* uy’s PnoniYLAUTic Finn never falls to cure t lux.very worst cases of Colic* Drench with two table spoonsful in a pint of water. Read their card which appear: [ft them a call. to-day, and iposilor committed so many blun- otlng the proof of tho following ,t wo reproduce It as it was writ- lt left the hands of tho nronf- Itcr JCoL i*o» Tin at Home Our h'on- sstecincd representative reached I Tuesday last, and his artival was for gcuorttl gi'atulation and ouroitucus improvised a bund or rather resected nud.recoiistruc- Brass Bund, ami repaired to the f Col. Tift, when, after ‘‘Home 'and “Dixie,” three cheers nuil wore pronounced with vim aud iloome. Col. Tift appeared, ami with much feeling ami seiitent- thanked his frlcmls and tendered Not satisfied with hcuWfolt citizens renewed the call aud dn domandiug something more. Col. Tift hustily reviewed the tho schcino of Duiluek und his to ro-cstuldish despotism over .nd plunder her treasury. He thalBullock left the Express ageiiey bt, and sought the position ho now forthe purpose of plunder; t hut his In the herculean effort lie ha I made e Saute Government, und sc- urn grasp military control over id her treasury was plunder, ho had succeeded, the pro n mado by Ids party friends a timo of his nomination for Gov* that ho “would bankrupt the lit* than a twelve-month,'' would, probability, have been verified. Ho coll ated the people of Georgia on the do of tho nefarious purposes of that bad i, and shameless plunderer; and uttered burning sentences illustrative of Id: recklessness of truth ami total deprnv bfheart. Tift paid a glu wing Iril tile to mv I at Washington—both in uml out of who stood guard with him over 'speoplo, their interests and their lion J(..ltad friends there, friends who from tho beginning to tin* end thsdgbt, and to whom we were indebted from political thraldom and per- ion. Among these, lie men >ride nnd gratitude, Mr. Rock, Wkjr. whose zeal, energy and im- watch and great ability, Imd done towards Saving us from tin* calamities ik’s scheme. Idcnt, he said, i not enemy. tyLviews, warmly and energetically we are much indebted for six tespite from congressional iuteijVr.. Grant is an honest, earnest man, tWVest friend the South lias in a po«l- her any good He believed lie p.«Ur os he dared go nnd escape Jtlusonlicd, to restore pence tin il ly and good government to the South, projlo owe him n debt of gratitude, and tmUnue to pursue their peaceful to maintain and uphold the done since the Fresiden- will have no cause to coin- ration. Col. Tift, there is another source ’e rany trace the cause of our dc* I believe wo arc more indebted ion, In our behalf, of that ^nlfloent Providcnoc, who con- tles of men and nations, than mtnan agencies that were exerted Lotus rwturn thanks to nim, it ourselves in future that lie irt us in the hour of our need, waslistenod to with tho deepest his remarks wore frequently wiik approving plaudits. His was then accepted, and for \|ibdJfuLsong, went round, iheers,finda Tiger for Gcor- .the same for tho wclWfi. rhig, If you wish to see a splendid assortment of Gents’ Garments, call at J. ROSES FIELD & BRO’S, Thf. wondkhitl ritorF.RTixi of the Pyrafnge is showing itself dailyjnthe bloom- ng checks of our former emaciated cltixens, all of whom declare that until they tried this great chill nnd fever cxpeller, they kuew not what it was to be clear, oven for a few days, of the scourge of our.Houthorn country ; but thanks to science and onr enterprising towns man, we need no longer fear this great scourge, and wo can now go on our way rejoicing that ai last a conqueror is nt our hnttds which will instantly expel from our system chills and fever, dumb ague, and those diseases in cidental to malarious climates. Keep a bot tle of the Fyrafugo in the house, nud ns soon a? the chill or fever is felt commence .taking p, ami at once you*arc really inukinga lusting and permanent cure. Exchange. % upriiO-lf §. MAYER, H AS JUST UETURNED FROM NEW YORK, an.l ollirr Kesloro cities, will, a LARGE AND WELL SELECTED Stock of DRESS, FANCY AND DOMESTIC DRY GOODS! 7 Gent’s Clothing, lints, llools nnd Shoes, v SADDLERY, HARNESS & BUGGIES- ALRl), t ^ *%*%%*%■*%% LIQUORS AND1TOBACCO All of whirl, nrc otfereil for cole on MUST REASON A 1! I. K T‘K It M 11. Those needing goods in his line will find it to their advantage to call ami. examine his stock and prices. SPECIAL iNIHICEJIliNTS arc offered to COUNTRY MERCHANTS, and PLANT ERS purchasing supplies for their hands. JW^The most liberal terms will lie extended to those desiring lo purchase ON TIME but Oily Acceptance will be invariably required. Highest Market Prices paid for Wool, Hides, ami other country produce. Albany, April 13, IWifl—Mm READ THIS Kayto.n’h Oil or Lin: cures all pains and aches, nud is the rheumatic remedy. Kaytonh Pills cure sick-hcadache nud all bilious disease. tf "■«*» t Sp’cmlid Muslins and Robes for summer wear, arc to bo fouud nt J. ROSENFIELD & BRO’S. Pain is supposed to bo the lot of us poor mortals us iucvilible as death, and liable nt any time to conic upon us. Therefore it is important that remedial ngculH should he nt hand to be used on nny emergency, when wo are mado to feel the cxcrutioting agonies of pain, or the deposing influence of dis. case. Much a remedial agent exists in the “Pain Killer,” the mime of which has extended nil over tho earth. Amid the eternal ices of-(lie Polar region, or beneath the burning sun of the tropics, its virtues are known and nppre dated. The effect of the Pain Killer upon tjie patient, when taken iutcrordly in cases of colds, coughs, bowel complaints, cholera, dysentery, nnd olhop nifeclioiiH of the system, has been truly wonderful, ai d has won for It a uninc among medical preparations that can never he forgotten. Its success in moving pain, ns nn cxlcnul remedy, in can- os of hurus, bruises, sores, sprains, cuts, sting of Insects, nnd other causes of suffer ing, has secured for it the most prominent position among the medicines of the day. jjiay- Beware of counterfeits and worthless imitations. Pull for Perry Davis' Vegetable Pain Killer, and take none other. (fcjy*- Mold by all druggists and grocers. 10,000 yards the very best Calicoes, lDcls. At ZACHARIA8’. /Incha ft r the Kiilnri/i ami IJlaihlcr !—The best nud tho cheapest Jiuchu in the United Staten, is that prepared by Dromgoole & Co. For all diseases of the Urinary Organs, its action is quick, powerful and satisfactory. For Gravel. Gout, Diopsy, milky, ropy or bloody urine, frequent dcsitc to urinate, difficulty and pain in urinating, burning pain about the bladder, pain and weakness in the back, nervousness, mclancholly and all such complaints, it acts in auch a manner ns to gain the entire confidence of physicians and every one who gives it a trial. One bot- ,tle will cure all ordinary cases. Send to any drug store and get it. Trice only $1, or six bottles for ?5. If you want a nice Calico dress, cheap, cnll at J. UOSENF1ELD & BRO’S. And be convinced that wo keep on band the L AltUK XT AM) • III! ST SHUH'TKl), And cheapest stock ol *in M I D D L Ji G E O Cr I VY 11 h-Iomors. whi And arc ever ready, ns heretofore, to prove what we say, by our dealing with us. All Goods shipped promptly aud guaranteed to Don’t Inko our woril-for it, but TUTUS yomvdves. Always mi limit UACON, CORN, POKK, SOAP, FLOl'It, MEAL, MACKKUEL,STAUCII, LARI), RICE, HERRINGS, CANDLES. 4:50 BOXES TOBACCO. CIIEESE, WHISKY, OSNA11URGS, SNUFF, l’OWDER, SHOT, COFFEE, SARDINES, HR ANDY, YARNS, CK4AKS, SUGAR, CRACKERS, CASE UQCORS, SHEETINGS, PICKLES, CAPS, TEA, .Lib, Ai\ THE PLACE! '‘(-o' A T ( i>> N 15 w. 'S r r 0 RII, BROAD BTItTCTST. AI.IiAN V Till’. PEOPLE WILL FIND — CORN AND BACON Family Groceries ami Plantation Supplies, lOTIlSNO. BOOTS, : A OUTLEUl, Ujini’KE DXIY GOODS AND OLOTHXNO. IIARDWARI HOUSE runNXSHINO SHOES :ry, glam GOODS AND AND HATS, Jah. Skymoi’B, A. R. Tinhlky. T. D. Tinslky •0, 1 KV. | KV, J Seymour, Tinsley Sf Co., MACON GEORGIA- April U, ’OO-fiin. OR. PORTER, THE GREAT-- Medical Electrician, ECLECTIC CONQUEROHOF DISEASES W splendid assortment ol aGbods at J. B03BNF1ELD 4 BRO’S. LixnuiEan Anare, of thp 10th says : « U. Colquitt, Maj. L. C. Bryan, aud S'ltt attendance upon tho l at this place last week, d known hero that Albany 1 at said District meeting, I ought not to havo slighted us. xi'cnnii to OrH^fn V Our Su- l announco that tho Ordi- A city, who wo believe is a Re- , —decided that negroes arc inel- fcuoik c in Georgia, ami refuses to raogro constables. ~ previous to tho vear 1801, hold an oflico, aud tako an offiotal oath to Bullack Ignores ibe Slate ('ODslIia- tloa and Spits apon tbe Law, Tho mountebank and knave who disgraces Georgia’s i> xecutivo Chair,. assumes the pow ers Congress refused to bestow upon him; and in utter defiance of tho Const tution and laws of tho State, carvo9 out mischief and proposes to perpetuate strife. Ho is sending out circulars to tho recently elected Magi* tratos in tho following shape. The objeot is patent: ••Sib: I am directod by His Excellency •the Govcrner, to request you to furnish this Department with answers to the following questious: *. DidVvon, d an office, _ support the Constitution of tho United States? If soj whatoffioe did you hold ? « 2. Did you hold an office under the Con< federate or State Government during the war, If so, what office ? .... « , , “3. Havo you, since you took the official oath-aforesaid, to support, the Constitution of the United Ttatos, given aid or comfort to tho euomie* tliorcof ?” Ladies’ and Oents r Traveling Trunks are to be found at J. 110SENFIELD 4 BRO’S. Ww. II. Srnytho, of somewhere, has been nominated for U. S. -Marshall for Georgia. Tho Savannah Republican asks “who^ lieT” lie U’nt the man who was mistaken j-or “John”, i« he? HO HAS VISITED ALL THE PRINCIPAL CITIES IN THE NORTHERN. SOUTH ern, Eastern ami Western Slut oh, ami nicl with such UNPARALLELED SUCCESS In the treatment of all diseases, but more especially those nf n Chronic nature, nr long Mantl ing, and which have batlledthe skill ufall physicians, will (Providence permitting) Professional !y Visit. Albany, («eorgia, AND OCCUPY A SUIT OP r.OOMS AT TUB ANY HOUSE From Wednesday) April 14th, to Thursday, April 22nd. 1869. The Dootor treats all diseases, in their various forms and Bingen without the use of Calo mel or Mercury In any form, Strychnine, Quinine, Arsenic, or any poisonous substance whatever ;his remedies being compounded by himself, and composed entirely of Roots, Herbs, Barks, Seeds, eto., purely vegetable, and highly eloctrical—-remedies that do not woaken or debilitate the system in the least, but strengthen, vitalize and invigorate; neither do they prevent tbe patient from attending to his every-day business. Particular attention paid to* DISEASE OF THE EYE AND EAR. The dootor has visited many of the cities two, three, and four times over, hml has success fully treated more than 1200 porsons in tho Btato of Georgia and Alabama alone, nud more than 2600 if wejaelude Kentucky and Tennessee, nnd more than 3700 including North and South Carolina, very many vh6m*wero pronounced incurable by their attending physicians, and given up to die, but who to-day, thank God, arc still in the land of the living, und in the enjoyment of peifeot health, pursuing their usual nxocaiioos. The Dootor does not Make these stdlcments because he considers himself more skillful than other physicians, but simply because he sincerely believes that the remedies which he em ploys will prove muoh more efficacious, and are completely adapted to the treatment of dis eases, eapeoioRy.those of Chronic nature. 9 Consider seriously and unprejudicedly, nnd act iuimedintoly. Call nt ouce at his rooms, ns the Dootor charges nothing for consultation and advioe. The Dootor furnishes all the necessary remedies at once to remove the complaint thorough ly and permanently, at a very reasonable price. The Doelor, if he oan cure you, or even benefit you, will tell you so : but if be oahnot he will ao inform you, and will not lake yoor osse in band* PalUnts visited at their own booses from 5 to 0 p. a., if the doctor is not ctherwiso en gaged. Oftee hoars from 7 o’clock iu the mornin&io.D o’clock in (he eveningon Sundays from 8 to 12 Ut the morning, and from 2 to 6 in the afternoon. For farther information, soe Circulars, with a large number of recommendations, distribu ted at tho dwelling houses {throughout the city nnd violoity, and which also can bo ob tained ai his rooms. Dr. PORTER will visit Albany, Ga., irom Wednesday. April 14, iaTharulcy, PftHnsI Albany, Apr 0 4t ' Wostbrooli cfcs Bro . Have on. hand a barge Supply ol Hulk !U«*uN, t'leuruud 4’ II Slioul- <1 «*»•', SiiioImmI, SimurCiiMMl M itiivakM'd II AND m E A la , Sugar, Tons, CAN NUD M HATS ami FliriTS,ol nU kin,Is, W1N ICS and MQl’OlJS, of all ({ration and llrinds, TO I i AIM) ami (’ItJAKS, And fVfiytliin^ olso to l»o finnid in a PIUS T { I. \ S S GENERAL ASSORTMENT. FLOUR Collar GREAT : () : TIME Will be extended to lluytcjldioluive’ut Ilia renly chhIi, on the u-uitl IcrnuL 0- Gur fueiliiles fur Hiipplyiiig the tlemaud are ample, ami we ni all liliteH, a full Htoek, itml to Hell at llielowenl passible priees. Ik'tV" Gur IViemls and etiMtoiiicr.-, ami the puhlie generally, are price our goods. 'Albany, determined In ke ■p. nt invited to examine Mnrtdi, 2W, iHtfii. Kmoh PANTBCHNETHEC A! E ZACHABIAS St'iitlsi greeting to his friends, Customers. AND THE PUBLIC GENERALLY, AND ANNOUNCES THE OPENING OF THE Having Jnsi. LietiirnocI from tho BEST MARKETS ON THE CONTINENT, WITH OYHU 500 CASES OF STAPLE AND FANCY DRYGOODS, L AD lU S' Southern Preparations! WHAT ARE THEY? They arc a class of selsct family mtdioines . repnred by physicians, with accuracy and neat ness, from pure and fresh remedial agents, for the convenient use of families when a hytdeian is not nt hand. They are the re sult of a long bedside experience in the South ern nud Western States, and physicians, drug gists nhd farmers are preferring them to all others: A CHIViD OP FOKTiriMI Who can boast of n name iu tho casket of a nation's glory, and who is surrounded with ill file glittering grandeur that richos can bestow, is unhappy, melniicholly aud misera tile when nfilieled with llinso terrible female t'oiiiplaiiilH which are so common nil over the fountry. If thus ntHicled, buy DKOMGOOldC As CO.’S English Female Bitters ami l«c oueo more restored to health, beauty and buoyancy. This compound i*t specially prepared for all those female complaints ami irregularities de pending upon un unhealthy action of the Uterine organs. It immediately arouses, re stores and regulates, giving lone, strength ami color to the pale nmt feeble. Pul up lif large bottles, at $2.00 per bottle, or three bottles for $d.OO, Dent to nil parts of the country on receipt of price. Mold by all Druggist.s. rr.H Ai.r. hhapti'I English Female Hillers r.iigli-h Female lljtiers l-.tiglMi Female Ritters English Female Billers English Female Bitters Cures all Female Complaints Cures all Female Complaints. Cures all Fomnlc Complaiiila. Cures all Female Complaint*. Cures all Female Complaints. An a Female Regulator \h a Female Regulator As a Female Regulator As a Female Regulator A-t a Female Regulator It arouses (Mil ami Young It aroiisea Old ami Young It arouses old ami Youtig- lt mouses Gbl and Young* It arouses Old ami Young I'llU KIIIMUS AM) ltLAI)I)i:il, Fse Exlrael Dearberry and Rucliu. Use Extract Bearberry ami Biielm. Fse Extract Bearberry and Buchii. Fse Ektrncl Bearberry amt Buchii. Fse Extract Bearberry ami Buchii. Cures Gravel aud Urinary Deposits Cures Gravel ami Urinary Deposits. Cures Gravel and Urinary Deposila. Cures Gravel ami Urinary Drponit:i. Cures Gravel ami Ciiuary Deposits. Physicians prescribe it. Physicians prescribe it. Pliy sieiaiin prescribe it. Physicians prescribe it. Physicians prescribe it. Cures Weak Back ami Gleet. Cures Weak Buck ami Gleet. Cures Weak Back ami Gleet. Cures Weak Bark* ami Gleet. Cures effects of Dissipation. Cures effects of Dissipation. Cures effects of Dissipation. Cures effects of Dissipation. Cures frequent dcHirc to Urinate. Cures frequent desire to Urinate. Cures frequent ileairo to Urinate. IT 18 A POWERFUL DIURETIC. IT IS A POWERFUL DIURETIC. \l One Dollar per Bottle. At Gue Dollar per Bottlj. At One Dollar per Bottle. At One Dollar per Bottle. IMIIIIFI’ VOII 1C III.OOD With Constitutional Monarch. With Coiisliliiliiiual Monarch. Willi Constitutional Monarch. With Const it ill ioiial Monarch. With Constitutional Monarch. Cures Scrofula and Old Mores. Cures Scrofula and Old Sores, Cures Sorofula and Old Sores. Cures Sorofula and Old Sores Cures Scrofula and Old Sores. For diseases of the Skin and Glands. For diseases of tho Skin and Glands. For diseases of the Skin and UlnuUs. For diseases of the Skin nnd Glands. For diseases of the flkiu and Glands. For Gout. Itch and Tetter. For Gout, Itch nml Tetter. For Gout, Itch and Tetter. For Gout, Itch and Tetter. For Gout, Itch and Tetter. fob ciTi iTsaShfrvi:II. King of Chills is the beat. King of Chills Is the best. King of (’bills is tho best. King of Chills is the best. King of Chills is the host. It arouses the Hlomach and Liver. It nrouses the Stomach mid Liver. It arouses the Stomach sud l.iver. It arouses the Stomach and Liver. It nrouses the Stomach uud Liver. Does not effect Head, Earn or Nerves. Does not effect Head, Ears or Nerves. Does nut effect Held, Kars or Nerves. Does not effect Head, Ears or Nerves. Does not effect Head, Kara or Nerves. CLOTHING AND FOOTING GOODS, HOOTS, SIIOKS, HATS, AND II E A V V G O O D S Fur I,:ilmi'cr» Wear nml 1'lnntntinn use, E. ZACHARIAS — — larpfpparcil to supply EVER Y WANT Anil to pleaso the Taste and Fancy of every Customer. -:Q:- All tire invited to TAKK A LOOK nt tho ALBAUIAIT SPLENDOUE/ —OK THE— PANTECHNETHECA! And pxatniiic tho varied, fati'lllest nnd magnificent Block on Exhibition and FOH KALE nt prices fabulously low, EITHER FOR CASH OR ON TIME, With the usual arrangement a to guard ogaiust misfortunes and accidents. - J8B|r*-ppHte and lit felllive Clerks always ready and willing to show Goods. Albany, Us., March 30th, 1 MG'#—3m FOH PHI VATI! DllliAIEK. Use Eureka Hecrel Cure. Use Eureka Hecrel Cure. Use Eureka Hecrel (hire. Use Eureka Hecrel Cure. Use Eureka Hecrel Cure. One Bottle will cure you. One Bottle will cure you. One Bottle will cure you. One Bottle will nuie you. One Bottle will eura you. It c/)h!h only $2 fill. It costs only $2 fit). It costs only $2 fiO. It costs only $2 fill. It costs only $2 6(1. THE A HOVE I’KEI’AHATIONS ARM OrrEHKI) UV .r. i\imoM«ooLK & co. t PROI’ltlHTOHS,. MEMPHIS, TENNESSEE. gMjjr Hold iii Albany, Ga , by HILSMAN & BALL, April 2, 1809—cq Druggists. Aluany, Ga., April 2d, 1809. HTRAUrt iuforiuH his friends and cus tomers that Mr. J. Neuendorfor will occupy his Dry Goods and Jewelry Btore from the lot of May until the 1st of Ooloher. After whiohiio will resume his business as of old, with a replenished NEW«RTOCJ£ bought personally in New York. All Watebee, Jew elry, Ac., left foi repairs, oan ba redeemed from Mr. Neuendorfer by paying expenses. Should any mistake occur the p pleaee wait ttrflil Mi ha will eorreet It. Albany, April 0, 1809—till 1st May. NOTICE! A LL PERSONS •» hertbj IrailB for . not. on mt, d poll, 1809, for llio auu of fort, dollar, aril lUfMr-l.. cents, (S40 U), pty.W. to Donnla York, or bearer, one 0a, after data. -aa-lbe-oaaaidrraHoa'OflaM -note bad failed I -hall not pay aald not, ualoaa compelled by •aw. JK. J. FORD, Jr. April 13, '00-liw Worm Co., Da., a ooour the parton will Slraua return., when rob, notllad not lo 0, datod thoCth day