The Albany news. (Albany, Ga.) 186?-1880, May 11, 1869, Image 3

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\a Tlie Plc-XIc. 7 *’’*« a day lo ,; bored by (he little udqk and j, ^ Last Friday jvaa a day lougt4 be 1 Ih/bigc jy, GA.f MAY 11, 1360. Column- >cai rjarj c*rllfiOfil*s of service for Also, Merchant’s Liens Youth” -• Letter received. Very Ihalenough ha* already been raid on tfor the present. „ «»■» 1 ,, U0 10C» Noncr. -The Rev John Jones, ■ Bn-wlll P'encl. in «»>c Pre.bylerlon , Is Albany on Thursday and Friday (this week. Also on Sabbath morn. J^IOJo'clock. The public are mailed jfcf.—Tlie brands otrfe. .1 Welch a' Horner. . sold al » for the money in Ihc mnrliei par.', and r-.f. arc iliP t»p* it, Y. 0. Rm, who ha« "a guid*-u us is ’ Rent us yesterday some veiy fine Accept our thanks, Captain. and C^r'happiness, like yoi" vegrioMe., br r relied by any other. IfCMtLL Count l tke Superior I'mirl r„v County wo. lo hare convened yes. iy, hut HI,Honor, Judge I'lnrU h. ■ad, and the Court Adjourned till to . All hand*, laeladlng onr Editor, n t nt (0 Camilla yesterday afternoon. l*»t Macaitiiv : We iiitiiiteniioniilly Hd to notice llarry’a coining, in our 1 a^i. vt are glad that our lovers of tun re. winot away on that aeratin'. A good ftee attended Inst night, and were [ Jitir heart’s content. Harry niul teonnively happy in their per- produced the most wonderful the rlniblcs of nil classes present, epeat this even! ng, and we ns- mu ids they cannot spend a couple pleasantly than at Tift's hi want a nice fitting Uoot and Shoe J. HOSKNFIKL1) & llltO'S. pftrua Tun ^Street** T— Our eflicieut 111 is hiring a vast deal of substantial I tal work done on some of the int, and streets toes much improved, and we nro glad ttte g6od work is being pushed for- wllh energy. remew- one*—the young ones and the cld ones hereabouts. The Sunday Schoc's united iu a grand cel- ! ebrution, a general v .union, mingling social ly and harmoniously, fs If d ily impressed j with tbo uuily of the church. An er 'iiraion : train hatlbceu •generously pre . led y the 1 liberafmimjgd gemlcmau who b- ..tol of . the roadyfca& it wua astonishing ,. what a mass of Sunday scholars nud tea. hen» col lected at tbo depot. Four hundred and eighteen, nil told, from Albany", and our numbers were hugely augmented at tho sta- tionn along the road. The Wooten's Station delegation was nn important one, at Adam’s Station we were considerably reinforced, and arriving n! our place of destination— * "The Sehoolhoitse”—which, to the credit o(, all concerned be it said, was a singularly pleaiaut and judicious selection of a placa for j a pie-nic—the train deposited its passengers and freight, and ran up to Smilhville for its ( i epresenlative-i. The day was delightful, tm,| the wenthei ull that could have Kern desired, nud all ■•eemed to have left cave and sorrow behind | ihem. ami i«• be intent on being, and making 1 ' others happy. j The bountiful repast was spread on tables •el iu a hollow eqmirc, I wo deep on one side : Th o children, as pretty nud merry a set ns, ct.nld be gathered on such an occasion, wore I placed inside nud (heir seniors on the out*' -ide ol the table** to wait rfb them. They feasted, gloriously, all niiugliug in ••tie gnat family, with not nn incident to 1 mar I lie pleasures of the day. Of those who went gathering tho beau tiful white lilio* which Hunted on the pond a , lew stops distant, those who discovered such a wonderful love for botanical studies, and : strayed off in search of specimens, and those who steamed up to tho hospitable dome of MeAlVee to find smooth floors and an obliging orchestra, we have nothing to say, but will he ready lo pen a paragraph on occasion, if the printers'fee accompanies the .notice.— , We repeat it was a happy day—a perfect suc cess, Old and young, minister and people. I parents and children, teachers and pupils, enjoyed the Sunday-School Pic-Ni«. That live hundred people should have uni ted in such an excursion, and returned wifely homo without an accident or an unpleasant occurrence, wna cause for thanksgiving. May we all live to enjoy a repetition of the plensaijt occasion, and may our people be as well represented iu tlie weekly Hnhbnth- .Schools ns in the yearly excursions. BLUN & STERNE THE PLACE! IMRKt'T t M ro R T ATI ON. M.OOO DOLLARS' WORTH WOULD RESPECTFULLY INFORM THEIR FRIENDS ANI) THE Public generally, that they have now on hand, and am daily receiving, A ITBT (.Alton tilD EXTRINVI! STOCK OF SPUE Al $111 GOODS! CO r. TINti, PARTLY, OF STAPLE AND FANCY DRY GOODS. A.T 'tfl 9 ' iCHTNA, CROCKERY CLffSSWAR, AND j MO and iHnlltetty M., ilfat'on. NEW STORE, B RO AD STREET. A LR A N"Y Mr.Ht’MANTS and DBA UHLS will find they cm save mobey t*y purchasing in Macon. II. A IVIRK. Si* nud Hi Mulberry .Street ItJT t'rdcrs tilled and price li-t forwarded on application Mar • if (U<K AT ■tin: imioim.i: mill find- (■lotlfma;, Hoots, Shoes, Hals. €rrocerie§, COM AND BACON t'iiuiily Orocorioa ami Plantation Supplies. SHOES AND HATS, I Southern Preparations wit at auu rnm ttHY GOODS Alii) OliOTHING. BOOTS — ItAltmVARi: & CUTI.KflV, CROCKHRY, GLASS. AND — HOUSE rUHNXSHIN(^pOODS I hey are a china oi aalect family tuidiolnr* prepared by phyaicinus, with accuracy and lie at ne.HH, from pure and fmh remedial agent •, |.»i ilie convciiii'ut uae of famillta when a phyalclan is not at hand, ’they are the re- •f w long bedside experience in the South • :<>:. } cm and Western Stm,•«, and physician*, drug j gist,, a ml farmers ate preferring them to ah ut Iters OBOCZBBYWABB, ScC. These (iooijs liavo nil Won solectoil PKl'lAl. ridumtci* t• * tin* wsmts o* tIt with (IKKAT (’A 1*1!, : • |K!n|do ni - this Sooti.m. ltd with ( h»r Hto ICS. K Of Wosttoi’oob. dks Bro, Have .'U hand a Large Supply wl Hulk 3li'j*U, t!le»r ntltl d' K‘ Mill 1 *. Shoill- deis Knioketl, Hiiuiii ftiimUCniivaoed II l )l\ flip FLOUR Collcc A ND MEAL Sugar, Teas, A < OF FOHTHNi: Who can huasi uf a nniiie in the canket of n nation a glory, and who ia aurrrmnilfd with nil the glittering grandeur that rlehea can bestow, is unhappy, meUncholly and tnlaora tde when atllicted with those terrible female complaintB which are ao common all over the country. If thus atilictcd, buy DKOMUOOLE *& (TVs Is the* LAIJfiKST wohavo t v«r hnd in Sion*; mill the I.AD1PS mv TI(rr*AIII.Y ivinifstcd to notice that our stock of PAIN White Goods, CANNKl) MKATSmnI l'Ul'ITS.ol ull kinds,, WINKS and JiUjUOUH, of all Oracle* and HraniN, TOP.AOCO and OlfiAKS, And ocvythinjv «dt»e to I»e found in a FIRST 1* \ S S GENERAL ASSORTMENT. TIME Will be extended to those whohave’nf the ready caeli, nn the uoiinl terms or Tfe Election for Clerk. ching election forV^lerk of the Mart, is exciting no little interest uHdatos and their respective Into Ate/our candidates aunounc- , and we understand there urc Wnton nuK 1.1 nsr it is freely Rardiana TO SHOW THAT ALL DESCRIPTIONS, IS THE Largest and Most Complete ever brought to S, W. Georgia! -D- lo To those who have been in tho habit of going to Macon and other largo Cities to lay in ther supplies, vf« would nay, you can buy your Ooodw . rumored ou the streets, ■ These Goods will be sold at the LOWEST POSSIBLE RATES rompati- thai onr friend Governor Bollock, will never j ble with FAIR and HONORABLE dealing toward ALL PARTIES, again return to to Gcorgial We think he will. The Era cau’t very well get nlong without I, others named us compctiturs for the | hitn, and we have sent a special tnessonger, j . UealdesthcBi*, it U hinted that there ' uffftpg hia immediate return. We caunot i jurtwo .loopora Uod cut in tko bu,h- 1 lbl,lk uf . hl " V". 1 ! 1 "* a “ r * , » .">! lh “ ‘ He are likely to have fine, sport at klutaiyctuo bets are offering. i of tho knowing ones will posd us . En\ has destroyed the Kepuhltonn party in • . itble us in te weav a new suit, nt Georgia. All seuaible wen know that the Ailtl B8V0 exponfcs. If you doubt this, call on us and lie convinced. ; shoe is on tho other foot,— £V.j •When last heard from. Governor' V&F Appreciating tho patrouage to liberally Y. We hope ! will be spared to DESERVE the same in future. Onr facilities for supplying the demand arc ample, aud.wc are determined all limes, a full slock, and to sell at this lowest possible prices. Our friends an I t iihtouteis. and the public generally, are invited lo oxamine price our good'*. Albany, Maroli, i!U, IRtW-Umos keep, at and PABTECHNETHBCAI English Female Bitters and be once more restored lo health, beauty and buoyancy. This compound Is specially prepared for all those female complaints and IrregularltUadr • iicuding upon an unhealthy notion of the Uterine organs. It immediately arouses, ro storen and regulates, giving tone, strength to the r 1 *'*"'■* and color to the palo and feeblo. Put up In large bollloa, at $2.f*0 per bottle, or three bottles for §11.00. Hem to nil parts of l lie country on receipt of price. Hold by all I’niggHa. JUST AS CHEAP IN AbiANY as in MAGOHI tie fltgy- jhe ttiennds ot Bullock pretend the e of come unlucky looser. i t V&kiety Works We omitted to Bullock wns ul Tarrytown, tan •Era N. uj haretofore, h** etforta Kist sttention t. th. advertisement of J” " ,J In ,h *' f “ r 1 loB * llm « 10 1 200 8hnwlt, nt rtduced price* to oloaa out at >ZACH ARIAS' I Kendall A Gilbert, in our last, for the i ft that wa had’nt room fov the para- he establishment dcscrvss notice, i ua pleasure to give it promi- j u **■ * *tr columns. It is one of tho insti* j BUfft- Thp. woxPERrci pbopirtiss of the BtRt® city, and perhaps the most | Pyrafugeis showing Itself dally ntha bloom- H in its usefulness. The adrertiae-! ng cheeka of our former eraaoia -1 cillsens, kktmeagrely epitomises the extent and ' all of whom declare that until the- ,r*ed this asi-tyisr Albany, March 26th, 1869—3m-pycq. y of the mechanism, and afford® but a : great chill and fever expellrf/thsy kn«v» not >fwhat the shops really are. The what’it wns lo be clear, even for a few dayt hire admirably fitted up, and arc ample of the scourgo of our Southern country r bat j W^rtltsi purposes, while the skill and thanks to science and our enterprising towns-! “We workmen employed equal man, xyc need no longer fear this great scourge, and we can now go on our way rejoicing that at last a conqueror is nt onr hands which l will instantly expei from our system chills GRAND BAZAAR! *fts4,aml execute orders with credit tc Satisfaction to patrons. They W«#ing that if. wanted, of wood AftiUfir proroplncst and faithful-' and fever, dumb agmi, and I hose diseases in- highest commendation CpatrQnngc. and ! a splendid ussorfmeni ot. da at l ROSEN FI ELD .'i BROS. I N—Tho unprecedented and ms sty deaiaml for Blaxtauhn Bit- I»*ti4ettjyowing to their being pie- *>®rs St. Croix Bum. CnlUayer Oar Druggists complain thot it tqjuop a flU pp|y ( an j ibat their Mpg tP the grant demand, are but JtfPW, Do not bcoome discoitra- I 8Ure Wdget the genuine. tident&l to malarious climates. Keep a bot tle of the Pyrafnge in thchoiise. and as Boon ' as the chill or fever Ls fell commence taking it. and at unco you ure really making a ln»ting and permanent cure. [Sdi'uiinaft Erchanpe. apr20-tf J. Kwion’s On. or Life cures all pains and aches, and if the rheumatic remedy Kwtoms Vili.s cure sick-hendnche and all HAVH JIJHT DPKNRII ATTHKIIl BAZAA.R, .S'Ki’OND BOOK FliOM TOWNS' HOTRL— 1 TOWNS’ Hill.DIM. A LAIKiK and RLEUANTLY ASSOJiTKI> STOCK ol' E 2ACHARIAS .Sends greeting to his friends, Customer®. AND THE rUBf.IG GENERALLY, AND ANNOUNORH THE OPENING OF TffF msAos. n I lMMI.i: BEAliTV I English Female Bitters English Female Bitten l.ngllxli Female JUttcm English Female Bitten Engllnh Female Bitters Cures all Female CoapUlnta. Cures ull Female CompUtnte. Cures all Female Complaints. Cures all Female^ Complaints. Cures all Female Complaints An a Female Regulator t As a Female Regulator At a Female Regulator As a Female Regulator As a Female Regulator K arouses Old end Young lr arouses Old and Young ll arouses Old and Young 11 arouses Old and Young It arouses Old and Young „ F«H KIDNEYS AND QLADDKR, Use Extract Bearberry and Duchu. Uee Extract Bearberry and Buchu Us® Extract Bearberry and Buchu. Use Extract. Bearberry and Buchu. Uso Extract Bearberry and Buchu. Cures Gravel and Urinary Depowlts. I 'llr.u MM..I IT T ri Cures Gravel and Urinary Deposits Cures Gravel and Urinary Deposits Cures Grsvel and Urinary Deposits Having Jusl Returned from the BEST MARKETS ON THE CONTINENT, WITH (IVHit — •SOO €A§E§ « Deposits Cures Ornvel nud Urinary Deposits; Fhybicians preaenbe it Physiciuns prescribe it. Physicians prescribe it. Physicians prescribe it. Physicians prescribe it. Cures Weak Ua*k and Gleet Cures Weak Bank and Gleet Cares Weak Back and Gleet' Cures Weak Back end Uleet Cures effects of Di.cRipntion. Cities efleets of Dissipation Cures efl'ecla of Dlseipafioti Cures effects of Dissipation. Cures frequent draire to Ctiusie. Cures frequent desire to Urinate. Cures frequent desire la Uiiueie IT l»*A POWERFUL DIURETIC. IT IS A POWERFUL DIURETIC. Al One Dollar per Bottle, Al One Dollar per Boll! v At One Dollar per Bottle, At One Dollar per Boitle. bilious dirC.VC. tf Pai.v is supposed to be the lot of us poor J^WATEH-Suporior to tho > German f price. «Rats and Caps, At EACHAUIAB. PJ* HprOTutmc Fluid.—This is no j p»Wi»poanded of a dozen materials, i scientific skill, and chemical 1 morials as inevitible as death, and liable nt any time to come upon us. Therefore D is important that remedial agents should be at Oologne, and hand to he used on any emergency, when wc arc made to feel the cxcrulinling agonies of pain, or the depressing influence of die. ease. Such a remedial agent exists in the “Pain Killer,” the name of which litis extended all over the earth. Amid the eternal ices of the Polar region, or beneath the burning sun of ......,.v»» j the tropics, its virtues are known and appro °«rtainly a most valuable j dated. The effect of the Pain Killer upon l,R*¥TOt| Impurities that arise the patient, when taken internally in cases of colds, coughs, bowel oomplaints, cholera, dysentery, and other affections of the system, hue been truly wonderful, at d has won for U a name among medical preparations that can ucver be forgotten. Its success in re moving pain, as nn cxternnl remedy, in das- cs of burns, bruises, sores, sprains, cuts, sting of insects, and other causes of suffer ing, has secured for it the most prominent position among the medicines of the day. jpy Beware of counterfeits and worthless imitations. Call for Perry Davis’ Vegetable Pain Killer, and Inks none other, STAPLE AND FANCY DHY mm. GOODS, lulnal d * ■Trj'H -viecay—a n d for any corroding ”2 Bklnor iqflaraatory sores, is that science hatrnp- disinfect ing agent,and I Qvalnable family medicine. Pro- &tft , ^ 0W * ,er ’ 11 <0 ° woW k ^ own at - 0 »wd our recommendation.— • Afoeen Oa, Noe 14, 1808 Rns and Robe's for summer Bbefouudot WIBUXtHpo'S. i Sold b,»ll druggist, ami grocer.. tHa.hiud ud 4 M to. the times. The -it T *« ve can do just tn^pendent, in a peou- kJ V frCOllfl f h ® Worth, and himself with a purpose of looking planUrsof-hia fJPaiMit Journal. »»•.*•»> mtCUooe*, 16 cl.* ! ■ ■ At SACHAIlIAg. D^**®*. or rn« Sootuikk Bu- ••-Tic Mtcon p.per^ for lifiY „ n Vco 6U»d with lh« . -«.. h ', !i * ptl ' tCoDT, "' i<ra . Which *“ ,r * “Ottro»n, lntr rest log. ^.ttotu.fc, our , P «.; »»d » 0 da lo a meting llu'hu for Ike KUotgi and Qladdtr /»-Ih. bsslcndlU. cheapest Vucku in th. Unlied State., i» th.t prepared b, Uromgoole & Co. For all dl>ea«ea of the Urinar, Organ., Ua action hr rToickrpowerful and aali.factorj. For Orarel. Qout, Diop.y, mtllij, rap, or blood/ urine, froquant dooiia lo urinate, difficulty and pain in urinating, burning pain aboal the bladder, pain and weaknen in tho back, ncroononoao, melancbolly -»« nil such complaint., Unci, in inch n mnnncr M to oain the onlir. oonddonco of phyoleian. j and etery oho who glrea it a trial. On. bol- j Ot will onrtnil ordinary 8 *““ ,0 *" T ! dreg .tor* and gei it. Prior only SI. «r «* | buttles for $•'». Of Kvery DcscriptiRn, Variety ami Quality, Such as FINE TAELTONS, BRILLIANTS, MUSLINS, CAMBRICS, Alpacas, Bombazines, Mourning: iGoods, Morning Robes, Shawls, Ribbons, Worsted Goods, all kinds, Corsets, Hoop- skirts, Kid GloVes, Hats and Bonnets, and TEN THOUSAND other things, for LADIES’ and CHILDREN’SWEAR. ALSO, an IMMENSE Stock of FINE CLOTHING GENTS’ FURNISHING GOODS, OF THE BEST ENGLISH and FRENCH MATERIAL, AND Custom Made Work. BISTS SHOtS 4 GMTEBS tor Ladles iUlasss, Sants & Kays, HATS, OAFS ATBUHKS. bf the Latest Styles and Best Make. HOSIERY, NOTIONS Eto, ( Etc. AND ALL MANNER qf HEAVY GOODS for Laboring ClauiVB, and IMeuiation Use IN FACT, EVERYTHING usually found in a FIRST CLASH pry Hstatolisliment NOT betug aocnaiomed to charging exborbitant prise* far thtir Goods, R08ESFISLD & 3*0„ . Ara D^.rmjntdlonil a. how oath. rent, and nun will admit j and being EXPERIENCED MERCHANTS. Tho, If you want a nice Calico drf<». rk»»P' -BLnS BBO‘3. ''<■/ announce their putpe.c they uebacifoliy (elicit a i •hen ibrir Onoi*. and ability lo keep a fall Sleek, and la eaUaly cujlom.ra. aharn of public patroaaga and win c— '— - OF STAPLE AND fANCY DRYGOODS LADIES siiw mm** H AND FURNISHING BOOTS, SHOES, HAT'S, AND EA V V GOODS l'or Laborers Wear and Plantation uao, . ,• c dr n j. J' -•'5 %\ Is prepared to^ipply ' '' . EIVE3H.V WANV And to please the.Taste afid Fancy of every Customer. V i» : t* All are in*B»4 to TAKE A i.OOKst the A.HiBA.lSriA.ctSr SFXiElSriDOTJ^ —OP,THE— PANTECHN ETHECA1 And oxsmtna the varied, taultlnM and magnUlcent atock on V ■; RvktMtinn and POlt SALK at prlcm fahnlonily low, EITHER FOR CASH OR ON TlMlv With the usual la guard again.! ■tafertaM. and| JW~re1lia end .'biW 1 - - 1 — ITHIFt YOU* BLOOD With (.'onstliutioiinl Monarch With UtmHtUuGonul Monarch With t'onfiiiiitiionnl Monarch With CnnsliliilionRl Monarch With ('on<«litiiiionnl Mouorrh (hires Horofula nud Old tiotoo Cures HcrofuU nod Old Sorts Cures Horofula and Old Hors*. Cures Horofula and Old Horaa Cures Scrofula and Old Horea For tliseaseft of the .Skin nod Glands. For U(teases of the Hkln and Glands. For (lfsenaes of the Skin and Glands. For diseases of the Skin and Glands. For diarnsps of the flkiu and Glands. For Gout. Itch and Tetter. For Gout, Itch oud Tefter For Gout, Itch and Tetter. For Qout, Itch and Tetter. For Gout, Itch and Tetter. Xing CHILL* AXD PETER, la th* hr... tin Ib.brii. I. lathe bnt. Ut il the hwi. 111. lathe bent. It arouse, the Blomoek and tif.r. U arouM. the Blcmach and hirer, I t oroum the Stomach and Urar. It nrouaac tha Stcmtob and Llrar. It arouaca the Siomteb and Llm. Doe. not efftet Hoad, Eng. or Norm. Doea not tffaot Hoad, Ear. or Rerras. Doe. not rffret Head, Ears or Norrta. Dm* not offset Ilead, Ban or Noma. Dooapot effect Head, Ear* c . or Nerve.. JOB nUTATEyBIUAin Dm Socrrt Cnro. Dm Eureka Secret Cure. Dm Eureka Secret Cure. Dm Eureka Seogrt Cure. Dee Eurcke Secret Caro, On* Bottle will onto vt OWTJoOIoairow# you. SS SISSI! iSJS: Oat Bottle will Sara yon. It cotta only $: 60. It ooU. only $2 60. It coal* only *2 60. It oootn only Bt <0. IteMUanly WfiOi THU aanvn rair«n.Tto>. m orrratn nr .!. P DHOMOOOLE A CO., norantau,' MEM I'll 18. TENNESSEE. ..Wr Sold in 1 b.l.v