The Albany news. (Albany, Ga.) 186?-1880, July 06, 1869, Image 2

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|K AL uXWr u W)i‘.;^rr,r rrttt tn* p<- 6, rsSK iksii tie l>ett fit/wp!rt' J’n.itetJ hp poerer W 4)f fill ulC Otrto KiI(mb1 ti«k Nfw York, thf robbed of from $300,1)00 to $1,000,000. En- Irun ,u rlroltd Ikr.ugh 111. ®» or rrom n rtHM»: Tk. b.rfUroui lool. ltd b.hlu.1 by Ik, robt,«ra'xri aalNMad *• Cinucul reran 1 orJuiiT.—ft Ml ro«IM L\ queolton hen kern' ralMd" 44 la .In bul uoteo ».do payable w lb. 4lh of July are 1. b. nrflMlnl. Th.Baukaf.ktoo- U>1 ley. down Ik. follow!.* rutra to M*l* to qttooUoai on Ik.l poto* l J From lb® brief abstract i»*<w P* pohliiibcd Ujbe * • iid MiK ri • o*m ia which the queiUM lo ouy of lit multiform phases, hat been pre sented. We sincerely h>p# (here will bo do unwllllngnc?* inxoiferied by lh« Court to deal with too mujk urtWk‘%udik4l Ik. people who m latorMtad, win lot ba .*.ln rrm.mled fVl .III. •T~in.lfil.iKi2 •h.p.ilM .Oil unc.vf.Inlj, 01 wh.t, lo ra.ny or Ihen, In . flun.Ho. of t|t»l Tb. Injury ■lrrady Inflict ad, rrkila ikl. mailer h>. bora Hi turn lunlcu- tRH nml of nlplit nr, ! ntila r«l .1 M{« llJef gtrlug a range of from luraly lo Ihlrij fral •nd IkodidnoUlMof Ik. antyMl, In- of IcvicdI.*, b.T. grown Ivor, forml. ou Tlirml.y the Clh of July. . ...> wlfln &s&3s&miu UssSSgw*] Me on Turad.y Ihn 6.U ufjulj. ilaya of gru., g, will b. p.j«- mlot . 10 on > Tutid. J Tigun AWfejfe idiboainhiNiM. Th. Radical. kavagtora if Ik. .ImIIow la Virginia, H hr u Al *Fftor 710. la eraMnad, ml.ti M Mi tort Jtop.rato card. Tk. Infamous gama la forlk In Ifta following fWipipl wki.h k la the follewl _ _ ». g.d in Ik. gutiifawrnal, Ik. lUtllaat or- fu al Rlckfaoud: ^SGafflCsS.l'l^rB.l^ Promlaaut H.publinan. of Ik. Norik of Ik. Norik .r. -mtog t. Virginia, to ak»w wV.Uk.j lkl.k of Iko uwes aad Ik. men w. h.r. b.for. ua iusssSS^W®'? They begin 1. tort Ikal 111. time lorobuko Ik. dlarapulukls Irlnk of pratradiagto .ImI u"RapuMlMU'-8UlaG«e«*mml I® r.h. veto Tk*j wUl MW. to ray wk.l Ik. greet RtpuMhaa p*rlj of Ul» Union " . condition of raooartrucU.n, firm lk. pro- pi. at Virginia. TkaywIU saaradsuay Ik.l ■bay « h.r. n. nnltooto 81.1. govern■ Kju unnow by Ik. unlaw ■ of our Billy Bmltoa, our Huu- tm, HI Basraks. nnd «nr Bk.llo. Lraks. Tkay will soma la proclaim Ik.l wy 81.1. li.k.l, al.lmlsg or not alalmtag lu be Kepub. lic.n, to ha accepted of Ikm, Mull Mck.w tk. support end .empathy of all .uch oh.r hM® Ur# wit mUw Smi t imh pfr* mint in tuck Aandt. I. Ikm no Irutk, ko.or, Ju.llcr, good fkllktoAlalk. Bndlul parlyf Cougrn. ku prnorlbod ocrl.ln nondlllon. on which lb. Bl.t. of Virginia ba con.ldcr.d rc- conatrnclad and ^Jnlllwl into tha Union—i. U auywhara aald to lk. rcoonolruollou .ole, uy wbara .uid M an. of Ikon, oouditluu. ik.l Virginia .h^l MtStdical t Did tha Almighty, la Ui. wralb. or.r ba- f.ra com lha c.rlh with .uab p.opl.! (Son. Republican. dabla ky.dolny and lndnUion. Por, with many atom, wa do nal regard the ntller at haj^ng been fl tally Ml tied, by the opinion* of JfcJfcb^rowm and McCay, at the latl term. 0# Iho oon^^, jawing from inch portlotn of their optnlotuh^ggliavt tcon, and are at all intoliiglblt to ni, weTiIHUit to think that hat* meetly Introduced •'confusion founded” into Iho whole tubjoct. ••IpropDMto criiicixo thptf opln •wboof only intrit, probably, it their rify—or more properly their absurdity— but-wade hope tht labor* of Uio prceeat tot alow of th« Court will not terminate until a quietus hat been put to all future specula* lions on Iho subject. The people demand it If Ibero bo an ulterior remedy or resource lo bo appealed lo other than the supreme tribu nal of this State, they desire lo know once for all, whether they will be driven Id seek it. Wo desire, however, to addroM them one more note of final warning, before Ibey in voire the Sttto in nil tbo odium of primle repud iel ion. That wo are indebted lo the Hlrlirf Swin dle" fur the eelabllehmeiil of itadical supr« maty iu (leorgia, 110 one, we prefoiiur, will doubt. That to the name tfkriMf, and it* <ul> Mqucnt modifications, may bo asoribed three fourth* of the sbNUirlen* corruption mul |nu IIigary complained of iu nvery OrpiHiumt, we firmly believe ; and tlint the apathy nnd criminal indifference manifested thereto, the part of a great portion of tljo people, may he traced lo the same eource, we think deoi onelrable And that any other rational plan of ••Helief" can he devised, lo restore confidence, and afford logitim-ite mid not ieftclory refiv/to the people and the Hteto, thfiu a return ti the old tsiahlMn d !anJ- mark. of nil iel Jiieliee and equity between debtor and creditor, wo do not h.dirve po-n b! i It ie the fault, however, of the claim of |>o litico legal esperiiuentaliafe,that have sprung up einoe the war, when they have succeeded lu effecting radical ehaugea in any funda moved to at to admit the same claat of vet- •uy r on tho bar Bruntwldk^t report from whleb be ex ited a^ove, Onye there U eeventeen feet nt m water, the tame claimed for Feraaadlna. Thtt vettelt can eross tbo bar drawing 2d to 34 fe«t, and that vessels have come up to the wharves of tbo present season, drawing. 17 feet, Is n posit!vo fact. yrooUfrtt. point jrbero the Macon and Brunswick ltallrond design building their wharVrs, at the South end of tbs eity, there It a water front of about three-quarters of a mils, whero wharves oan be erected to am commodate the largest class of vetMls. lo reference to the small aaad shoal In tbs river we have to My. that parties who etf taialy bnow of jrhei they epoak, claim it can be re sell up to t|ie entire frontage of I (several miles) at a very low figure. We as sure gonlluuion at a distnnou that wo have sufficient first-class water accommodations for all present purposes, and that very soon what few obstacles that may now exist will bo entirely removed. Wo believe Ferneudinn a fine port, but do not admit that it can claim as many advanta ges ns Brunswick, nor do wo beliuvo that they have tho depth of water on their bar that Brunswick bar hill. If the editor of the Mail had r«a 1 tho report of tho government commissioners attached to tho addroM of Mayor Houston, from which be made copious extracts and has our thanks, he would have scon that they "founJ ou the bar of Bruus wick Iweuip-hru fotl nt low water," which figures twenty eight feet at high water. or two utter tin* appearance of the article from which the above extract 1 were nude, uv find a long explanatory and com pliincntary article, from which we extract ihn following paragraph : ys ago of the impor lAnrn of t-Vrimndina a< a uarhor for Alabama, we bad tin intentiuli to ducry the value' of Brunswick as a seaport lor Montgomery.- gkr^*l! o UiM. ia n ■fAm-JiltTifi.w.—llauyitiKigin tho sp]ifopch ot tho, d«ll acaaoniaa ion tbaCSTtUicr • -hen, if they but.tonaidcr oobidet and real i-flcct oi _ at aTlUinoa ia to atinlatolrj trade, (tie# would improve this very opportunity to inaugurate a vigorous and judioioua oourao of oilvertiawig to tiioca, vorc^mo tbo dopacuiou ol dull time#,, nd to iuViio customer OVC! and to idviiecuttonicrs and encourage trade Troia souroaa uovar boiora reached The beneficial rctulla of advertiaing can. never bo ovey-catimated. It haa created many a new baaineas; baa en larged many an obi business; has re vived many a dull business; has rescued y a lost business; bus saved many iling business; lias preserved many true business,and insured success iu ’ business.—N.v. Anveimasit ! man n fail any BBrcnkwick, Albanv and Ecpaui.a lw Drsacb of Ik. old rhllsdclpki. Firm of Hacker, Wetherill & Co, —Jaroanas, Dianna k Gaowcss id- PENNSYLVANIA Garden, Field & Flower Seeds, ,A!L Hoau.—Mr. T. J. Perkins list* shown as s Telegram tills morning from President Wells, slating that “ar rangements nrn about completed for tho rapid construction of tho Hrun- Hwick Albany nnd Kulanln Hail Hoad.” Wo bojHi \©ry soon to be able lo sn notinre, that such arrangements bare been made for tbo completion of tho Kuluula nnd Montgomery Hood, be tween litis City nnd Union Springs. We want nil of them, bnt let iliono receive attention first that claim it by virtue of liret hn|>orlance. The carrying outr of any of the different projected schemes that have lately agitated the puhlio mind would prove ol inconsid erable importance wluui eomparoij with ibis. Weigh all tho coiu^deraliotis nl- lecting thi'so ililferent iniereats and act promptly.—Kl'Kaui.a Nkwh, -'8th. Heeds warranted FRESH and PURE, and sent by mail to IMantera on anelosing money to the above firm. Postage 2c. per each 4 outer*. WHOLESALE DEALERS IN Tuere is a nsiursl itUisiii'R holwi i u Mont - goiurry mu I Briinswirk, Imtuul luiliedetri- uii'iil of Kuriiitudiun, .liouM Went FlorMs to* nuucxed lo \tid#amn. TIuto biKCcsutly for routes from \|oriigoiin*ry lo t>olli of t!•••?.»• por In The rivalry li.lwt'cn tho two would liot d.m.ige, Lilt rulher heiiefit both.'* Brumwiek does not four tho rivalry of Feruaiidiuu, «Mpeeiiilly for llio trud. of ceu- AI.Ltoiuto. If the editor of I lie Mail will r.ih’iiUle the disUure front Ferusndilia via Baldwin nnd TsUshssiee lo IVusscoln nnd up lo Montgomery, lie will tin J the route si trail 4J* miles, purliMp* Uiore, while w« bnve every reason lo helieve our oily will suou he within :<U7 mile, of Ills. rnsutal portion of the system, to imngine Ihnl every Greelty DtiHKO lit "Vrufi ike SepakHc.” Tha Paw York f rlkaaa, a akart Uaartuo., lu reply la . laltar #»!».» by n»«ry !»■ Uan.alt, of l«w». talltog to. poF-f lo .«■ couat for dasauaol.g lha "ilva.'l Army," rOMpla. IU tUargVv .od apaaka aa fall.®, l Tin I iXrw«»fa* M *><*"' Wlf Thru prupatt lo beep eeliue Ih wralb aeeJ bil- eeraeee o/Ibal ebeaeiful lieai. They m.»u to control conr.alioo. and aomin.t. m.n lo of. See-to perpetual. I. our civil .y.lrm tor tillUrnaw of war. W. bvll.v. to. mtldl.r .bould rccelv. aktudwl MW.rd. Whm » toUtor and k aivlllau apply tor. »■«> •« i va.kl.i llravd iImi. «vd aawaatoll# w. dial! getting tola a aaraar and karlag pm.word, ami grtpa, aad auktog aa aiai.«lva ■ flh-atwlaly oflkaOtoatoMl auoclatlou tha Ini atop toward aa .vUloc- rwy, ■■ ——-- WhM W.lhl.gtan Mid . ad DOW. *<Uow la tut aaaMtotloo mora au moron, and more powirfo! tka. Ik. Clnoln- . .11, whiak auiViiail taav.rkMpOlv.awur iitokaMlwSSdtoilow oou.lrymco, to oriel over Am.rlc..., to rqjoioo ud k* io alto hlrairlf with It. ■" thould bo remember JvafthKSSraellbi ofm.. I. who., 'blue vaiura.lhq blood which la owa. ud who, wkUotor their crime, or grow Again, of MM omo more cor.rcd with our commerce, ^l.eatio. for Ik. I|••r«nl. talk protoctlu to the >p»r.MiJ. JmIU. lo .11 o-V* My Ihie, ud imtIImi »om of Ike S^^MStoritoiru. military goti SVMMMU »M with tbl. •a mora claim iu Thauidlar, to llugo'a norel. called lha Btrgaul ol Waterloo.— •dike army aad rakkad lk. bmltor oflkaakla- Tbalrua aaldlar toMtk— hit ■word aad burlea ll ia. the cloMl aad it r. aratilauokMaua. li.bacuM a .Ultra aadmakiawaalalm torpaUltoal koaar bat UtaMaMawMMf. Aba*. aU tolag. ha dorr uolony bla apulaltoa aad ribbona,' ■ wouodi end brui.M, toapoUUcalooor.a. t Uork-d doWU to lb. bid. gig to iC r .«y““fk7 MpdBImVb. probably .aUr«l with lb* vlaAafW. Sea •nett. Tbry will aoaw w. haw Ikay may Ul : tka true sclJlcr is iraui or cnernsn, or , or Msa4s, asssmbting ■ for »ors blood, more a? Da tea fiai Let, or who commanded the Do we find Grant Sheridan, or Thomas, or together and howling for etrife. more bitterness? fagfbaulubalucj'e'ece'eiiowiMI hi Then meo fought thrir <|ht am Their eogcr or .r»,I will tb. aakoa# IkalaM go., lr.2 ia ugor. From IkU Army of tbo R.poblio oow perediag Ibradgk pal litic.l conr.alioo. ia tha W«r. cotamaadmi —— UW iKr.t .Moctotioo .. ool of oymp.toy * P-rly. «d M ' ' x ..4 It,. Uaioo. ooolry wool. ■mow, aad ram, ud harmony ud juiUc — TkMiuaml . d^lMcl.J coo.nliy that part of ilia slruriure rnu L<> ri'iumli'led aid reeast with the »*■•« impunity Kx perirui-e baa iudee«l thuglil us ilisi msuy i.f life principles uf social ami puliiirtl liLurly, heielufore fondly ileemed saerrd nmi ilislifu able, eaa very readily and quietly submit process uf sever* triinoalinu; nnd thnt msuy of the f/ui/yiivn rights nud privileg**" of the oltixeii of this favured land of thn free, fermlng a ropious theme to every 4th ul July ornlor throughout the fountry, may he handled with an lit tie oemuuoy as the mo* I iirdiuary subject uf leginisliuii. Hu far, mi guud. Uulres we greatly de Orive uurselves, there nr* ueverlhrleM certain rights and privileges nhioh hate, suiuehuw, •ever been considered in nur system, nt lewd to occupy the first rank among the sacred and inalienable class, yet whioli it argues a gross and perverted ignorance of the tench ings uf history, and uf human nature, to dis regard. Which experltnen lias shown, in bold within themselves it principle uf self- preservation, whioli will not fail lu assert ll* Mlf ou oecasiun, and cause its neglect lu lie fell In ths most disastrous results to socirly. Thtsoare nuuo other than lho right lu nreu- mnlate nnd enjoy properly, lo he secured '.u ill possession and enjoyment, and lo.he aide at all limes to command, as of right, the full power of Government in enforcing their right * to the earns, nud restitution when unjustly i withheld. U is trus the creditor portion of the cour reunify may not he deeutod of sufficient ire* porfance in numbers nr influence to inspire much dread by threat, or sympathy by re* monstranoe. With •hist class in Georgia ••sufferance has thus far boon the badge ol all their lribn; H and any nitempt on their part to claim or onforco their rights, other than by n patient walling op the fiats or a bankrupt Legislature, or a meek suhmissiun to eoforoed, ruinous and flaeoiug compromises, might appear the height of presumption and absurdity. It mgy bn well, however, on the whole, for law-makers and Iaw*ospounders, not to treat this class so slightingly, lest with Samson like energy they eventually in volve many more besides themselves, iu the min they cannot sscape. Forbearance with them, although enforced, hMlong since eras ed to be a virtue, and the exasperations nat urally caused by aneonslltutfonai and perfi dious legislation, in the mind of almost every creditor in the Htale, certainly forebodes' consequences not very ebeoriug lu those ol the debtor class, who have uniformly availed tbemsfdvee of such legislation, lu avuid a just, and equitable settlement. ALBANY. ('•tile l.abor at Ihr Suulb. Ham* of llic Houlhcrn papers, and notably lliose of New tlrlesua, are of opiniuu lliol the cotton and ran# erops ran never tie biought up lo the mili war proportions without a re- inforremeiit uf th* labor fore* i, nnd for the cultivation nf those stnple.i they prefer Mon- eitliauti. The lute .XL-mphiM mid New OrfonnH t'oii.inercjiil rmivei,lions, among otlirr Ihiuga. I'Olisideied thin labor question iu all ilabear mga, mid the conclusion arrived at win suit rtuiumlly Ik* aame as tliat enuuuluicd by tin iire.-s of I hose aerlioiia, vix. ; that, out ol the indigenous resource* of the South, the max- iiniiin of (shor has been evolved. ft it said that the effect of emancipation nnd high Wage* ii to itiNpiie the negro laborer with a feeling of independence under which lie ia inclined lo form on Ids own aceouni. nfier leisurely nnd perfunctory fnabion,' or to Uoat off with the tidal drill toward*III* towns ami cities, n movement which threaten* the oven inal elimination of negro labor from Huullieru ityririiltuio. The** report* are *•> widely inineurreiil, nnd emnunt* from Hourccs sn re ipeulahlc, that tlndr eulialnullsl correctnes* cannot be doubled : and, aa they involve Hie future welfare of nur cotton production, and cunarquenlly that ol our cotton manufaclure* and much of our foreign exchange, they lire pot without significance and weight. We have said that I lie South prefera Coolie labor, ns being belter adapted to tho cotton fields, than whilft labor, ll appears that Chinese Immigration Company lias already been established nt Hi. Louis, which propose* to bring Chinamen from California via the Pacific Railroad, nnd to enter Into eontraets with planters in tho cotton Htates fur the supply of I Id* class of laborers. The agent of the company, who ii now canvassing the •South, estimate* the coal of tr* imperial ion from the Pacific court nt about fitly dollars per head, and ibe cost of iho laborer, when on the plantation, at from tour to five dollars per month and fed. it is claimed that there are upwards of two hundred thousand Cliiua- men in California, and. as tbo number is con stantly being augmented, no doubt of sn ad equate supply from ibis source is entertained. The California experience is that these Chi nese are faithful workers, and adhere lo their coutraots in a scrupulous manner; and. as they have been found to bo of great practical utility iu many hrauchc* of industry nu that coast, there secuis Io be no reason why they would not mike excellent field hands at the ffoutb. Tho commercial prosporitr of the country i* at the buna uf it* material pros perity. nud, as between the abandonment nf plantations for lack of labor, aud the Imjor- latiott of a class who may be morally objec tionable, but who are no d.nibt susoeplible of cbrislUniaing influences, it would seein tu be tar better to pei»e the last mentioned horn of the last dilemma. Willi the adoption of Ibis kind of latmr, a recovery of Ike lost ground, in cotton and enne culture, could hardly fail t > bo twill and sure. [If Ykkifpinp Jeitl. Braaswlck—I'cnurilaa The folioirififf w» tlipTriiflb* Monfg-ipj- try Mail, at least the second newspaper Alfibama In slrfulation and ihrfufinte: ! ^•ThAannexation of Wool Florida, w :| will, wo hnvo aaid, force throu^the Fcruandiaa and, ly two Poaaaeoln Jtfiilooqd-. Hilff road would bring Montgomery nearer to Fernandina, tho tcc< kaafror on Ike Atlanlio south off) fforfcU) than tho U now to Savannah. Alabama have on- its to which thoy aty look for n t—oithsr Fsrnandina or Brunts Bn,.,wick rroDld | ok wontd present lha best entrance Mplmd MMX<kAW**WW#r.'’ .l.u ...<* H t He , • ■ totk. Hiir,y Mi. of Ik. tk# fitorh. iwfeffvinw harbor of Bmnawlek by Prof. Bukt. •4itor*ra>.t.toj: ..... . "Tk. kMk*r at iernuJu, i, f.r lo to.t at Bran,wick. Tk, .HUM i, Me. rritk .11 wlmit, Ik, ckuMli eiralgki. to. isgagg Ik. or Iko I..-1 klnJ. Tkw. A u.k, room for Id. mIIu .f»k>rf.g*, Mk.AfU Now A <1 v o i-l i Horn on t h CAUTION. aud the ciliiens of FI1IIK public vein-rally the Houlhwe*lern part of I lie Hlsle **• Flour, Biscuit, & Crackers, HAY. cfcO. en 81. Julian 81., : : lara«Mk,Oa J. M. COOPER & CO., Agt’s, ALBANY, OA. Juuit !!5J, IkUtMill 1.1 Jm. BARTRAM & FANTON, N. MASON,. f.:Aaa«hs^A«h^ : HORSE SHOER, R EBPECTFULLYinferni hi. friwto, end lk. public generally. Ural k, kM tpnii A SHOP ON W48BXNOTOW 8*. oppmui HEAP'S Shop.) A«. h. U pro snoe Horses. end do .11 .tocr kind, sf Smithing, wiM> UMl- neii ud dlepnlck* gST- A libarnt ektr. sf public pO renege eoliciledj.nd mUMmUcu MMuaUnd. Albany. On., July 2d, 18#9-»m -■0:- MERGER & SMITH, -AT TnEIB- OL3D STA.3ST3D, Stilt keep on hand A rULL BTOClp OP GROCERIES. Steal liMr froa Tewa’s B*M, PLANTATION PRIZE MEDAS. Elastic Stitch Sewing Machine, penally, mt hnrlp saiUiontd vyain*t one K. 8. HO'/. I Kit, wifi * now iu I list sreli.iu, nud preleuda lo have authority froiu mo to oau vast for th* "I'hueuix." have loug iiiiiee revoked bis eoiuiuinbion, and all of bis act* are improper and unwar ranted. W. C. HA RUHR, tirueral Agent lliuenix Mu. Lit*, Augusts, (is. July l», 18f.fl—It ll, S, Internal Revenue Notice. IfllK loin Uiviidoii 2d I»i.-trict (leorgia, rr g heretofore eousi.iliug of (lie euunlie* of Lee, Worth and Ifougheriy. having been re urganixi'd, will runsiit beieafter of the roun- titn of Lee, Worth, Hitler and Doughtily, nud will be known n« the Hi Ii Division, 2d t'olleetioii I'ivlriet uf tieorgln. The office ol the .Wnlanl Ahiep-or will reiuain as hereto fore in Albany, Donuberty enunly. GF.OIUIK M. HMITI1, AHNi.itanl AihphsR Hi Ii Div. 2d Diet. Ha. .Inly U, Ihrt'l "-2I niamiOflory, U.INBIIHV, «ONN OFFICE eu lSALKSHOOM. M18 BKOADWAV NEW TOU rir.l Premium otur Doublu Thr.ud Mnoblnoo I Ptomlum nt Parts Exposition t ITxat Promium nt Ainnilnan Iuatltuta Family Supplies, DM GOODS, HOO^ AND SHOES, IKON AND STEEL, HARDWARE «t CUTLERY, 08NABURQ8, 8TR1FED GOODS k YARNS Talr 18C7I And wherever exbibitrd Tlie Monl OeritrublH Family Machine in the World. Tin: Cuisk • linn ksk ii Uamfobnu.— litivcrnoi- IkiRlilaii l tho n»ri<ui|Uiral .iicti'lirxul t'uliluTilia will shortly ill,- |,luy ii nii|>ori> uulioiiul ousign ul tire Oupilul, in Wasliiiigluii. i-ouiposi'd ex- rtuaivrly df Culilohiia iiik, u u utrik- ti,y> nmi uuilviiiuhl. uviduucu lh,t tho uaw ,tt|il» is vigorously sdvuiuusg. IV, »id it llib riprrieiioo ot—Chinese nltivaloru i, flowing lo Californiu in ikuvriy nick, of time. Within Id day,, uolen then 12,000 immigrants from the “Klow.ry fraud,” bavv ar rived at trail KruuriKO, 1,M0 on one atesme'r And tlto rest in aailing vessels. We sraglsd lo obMrve, too, thst they , been received cordially by tin, li,v, I sulliorilie, and people yf C'eliloruie, been I - ’ u ■rMeuliona lufiiotod upon ibeau self. a i siftr , a#5Sfis£r‘s turbulent eleieei amonj month of May, 88 sletindnps end S3 sailing vmmI, brought 82,034 psuen- Kfr, ifom Kurope to lb, port ol New York,rand ol theea tlie c. rwhelmtog oujorily were loreignera. Tlie ia. •My lo Iklrly tt.l Mlour w.Ur,— d.olk ou Ik. k.r.ccordiag lu tk. r.,.rl ■xut- 1 -*-"— - - — ■ - of from twenty woUhferi divislDU I ol ths War Dapartoieut i* fourteen - 1 r —frith a rixs of six feet at c \iS; Sisrp i majuriiv were lureiffoera. TU cn-uing dumber el K.»pli»h And 8ea»J diutrmia (Dams, Suedes, Noi aujeadrUmel —— ^ _ j Ihnl u •»rtk." *.w w.t.r rrilh's rii. of air feet at ordlour# Norwegi# Kinu,) roulinae, to b, rc- •«d tor lbe rnniwer,. • vest rat too of the Uimu total id List of Letters R KMAININU in I he l’o*l rtflicoal Albany, tla., July Irt. IWiff. Algen Mis* Arbtdla. Burnley J J, Rozeiuaii Mathew, Buckalew Mr* Cilia. Cooper J C, Clinks Herrington. Fau cell Dr .1 It (I, Fort 1* Y & Co, Full on Neil, (eol) Fleming Ham. I! ti i 11 on Mitts Matilda, Gipson John. Haws A L, lien id) Mrs Mary, Henderson Daniel, Holman .1, Ifnrne II AL. Howard .1 (col), Harper Mr* M .1., Hill George M.. Jerkin* Col IlC.. .Iordan Kmma, Joiuer Mr* Knrali A., Jay William*. Mason llenbvn A .1., Motlnly Joe, Moody F Iterien, Merrill Samuel (col) Owen* Mr* Annie, Oliver Martha (col) Ondmrti Damon. Powell Abb, l'oHiu Rebecca. Robinson l»r., Rice (3 W., Roger* Mr Wil liam. HUdcr* Gilo* (col) Hike* A., Hiniili Mrs Farali, Halwanx Mr* Kiiiabelh, Koiaua Mr* Joscpbciic M., Hcutt Jack (col), Sammoi* Franklin T . Hpiller* Richard N., 2 Halkcs Mr (ool), 8ml h Jaok (oa!) Tnrnsiier D ll. West Gibson, W'oodall Harrsy, Whcelor Cap! J C M Watkiu* Thomn*. AV hit took L T., Wheeler, Mclioii & Co , William* Casturiusn, (col), Whitley r W , iVright Mr* Milton. Ford Mr* Margaret. C. W. ARNOLD, I’. M. Persons calling for any of the above letter* will plrs*a eny •* advertised.” IT IB BABY TO MANAUK! BBAUTIFUL IN DKSIONI PERFKCT IN ITH CONSTRUCTION ! and can perform a larger range of work than any find, claa* Machine now made, ft I* al way* In order, ami consequently always reatly lo run. Price* range from $r». r , to $200, or *aine a* other first cln** M u hinc*. June 22d, 1800--dm A«sti«la Female Seminary STAUNTON, VA. M/SM .MARY J. J)AU»nX—rriiteij>al. The Aeademio Term of tliia Institution be gins the middle ot deptember each year, and closes the middle of tne ‘ “ s following June. For ALBANY STOVE -AND— EMPORIUM ! Ira D HOYTI J^KSP IIC T FULLY IN FOR M 8 1118 Friends, nn.l the public generally, that it* tiaajuHl received a Urge aud elegant Block COOKING STOVES HOUSE FUltiXISMKd GOODS! TIN, PI.ATKD AND WOODEN WARE, FIND GLA88 AND CROCKERY! f LAMPS, LAMPCHIMNEVS, FIXTURES, SHADES, OILS, PUMPd * PUMP FIXTURES, MOTIONS, At 1 . He ia prepared to take and axeeute or ders for Roofing, Guttering, Pump-fixing, nnd ‘ of Tin, " in auy kind ofTiu, Brass anJZino work. Friers ul Ttr*i Llkrral Albany A| tllSS. I8a»-ly, NOTICE! Suutuvun Dl.f.ict nr Dnriiu. Albany, 0. , Jurat 283,180t». / Tk. uulmiiun) giv.e aotiv* at kl. •t.nolaliucnl .. A.3|... of F«l.vic Irakrauu. otto, nf Otor- (in. Arks ku, upon ki, own piiiw, kwu • u b.nkiu,,l by tk. JAMEA. it. HILT., Cwirl at Albany, Jura. 2J, lWi» 21 , AralguM. . NOTICE! 8uviu«u!i bisTUiorM Qr..ui«, \ , Albany, Qb, Jun. 23d, I8«9. t heraby bI... nwle. «f MMblum aa Aadfiaaat Jukt it.., at f-inV"j — ’ to* 1 * * r °to" uh.ku,. upon hia orru (irlilinu, l-era ■ ‘ - bankrupt by to. Diatrloi i ourt of .* janm h. hill. , Alkuuy, Jum 28, J8CI 2t iulpto full particulars apply to tho Principal for io catalogue*. The oharaeter and reputation of the oehool may ke learned from the annexed levtimonials: ean honestly advise parents to eend their children lo thin excellent Institution, which l regard as a great pabiis biersing. WIL8 JOSEPH R. WILSON, Augusta, Ga, I consider Ibis school as amongst the best, if not the very best, lu the South; and I am acquainted with no Seminary where young They have in store a large lot of BACON. ('LEAK & CLEAR RIBBED SIDES* SHOULDERS, HAMS and FAMILY MEATS, CORN AND PROVISIONS SUdAR, GOFFER, SALT, nnd everything ei*o usually found in their GElVEfUL AND COMPLETE STOCK t Their old friend* and customers, and the public generally, arc assured thst thsy con tinue to well at the LOWEST LIVING PRICKS, nud that they keep the BEST GOODS they can find. ftdr* They respectfully invite inspection, and defy competition. Albany, npr 2, 1809—Om cq. FIREPROOF , Cotton Ware House for Rent ladle* mny spend their time more profitably, .. .. or more safely end agreeably, than at tho Augusta Female Seminary. If. McOUPFEY, WM. if, University of Virginia. Two of my danchtcrs have been pupils of Mis* Mary J. If** *• -* Baldwin’# school. I have', then become familiar with her Ryslem of iustruc.. lion and the merit* of the Institution. 1 cor dially endorse all the commendation bestowed upon bulb. ALEX. II. II. STUART, Staunton, Ya. 1 can truly commend this school in all respect*. WM. B. PLUM KB, Columbia, 8. 0. This school ia, in my judgmeut, as near a hat a Christian parent woald wish the school where hi* daughters are tu be tralued, or any we ean hope to find. WM. FLIKN, Milledgeville, Ga. JuneS, 1809- 1m City Marahalt Sale. just received a LARGE and W1 JED Stock of lb. fir ILL b» mO before lb. Court Hour# door in Ik. oily of Alirauy, Ur., on to. lr.t Tuodoy I. July unt, within to* - ■ ‘.follt—*— * ■ ^ loful kour. of Ml., too foilowlu, proptrly to Mli.fy to, oMouliou. to my baud, lu favor of too Cily Counoil of Albany, Ua : Pan or pamla of lota aumbara 22 aad 24. au Ptoa .iroot, to Hu oily of Albany, Oa. aad know* aa to. Former lota, lo MlUfy a ui •XMaliou tu favor of Cily Council »«. cily Uto for tour, for too year 18(18. Perl or parrel, of lorn number. 8, 8,10 aud 11, fro tolag .. FHat Mrael. baluna Frut • ud Washington alra.I., lulkaCity of Albany, On., lo Mli.fy a lax .x.cuilou in ray bond, in (Oror of tka OUy Couuoll or Albany, Oa., ra. •aid Into for toiM lor toa yaur 1868. - AHo, part or parool of Ul number 79, oa Iko aaraar of Br oad and Monroe atraoto, la toa ally of Albany, Ua., to uiirfy two lax •XMUiioui to fuvor of Oil. " Oito Council c». Henry Uorgan, tor tor yore 1807 ahd 1868. . J. C. deQRAFFKNRIEli, City Marxbxl if Albany, On. SINS! 80andaua60 8aa Cotton Oil far t—WAKKANTKD! Will In —f LOW ,p|dy lo Id at very LOW PR10BH. WTM J«m 33d, 1889—2w WILDER, Aflxjnr, rpilK LARGE and COMMODIOU8 F1RE- JL proof Ware House In Albaoy, Ga., here tofore oceupicd by Hunt, Johnston & Co., will lie offered for rent al FUBLIC OUTCRY, fn Albany, Ga., at the Auction lions# of Messrs. Cooper k Co., On Saturday, July 31,1869 The renting lo be from let August, I860, . ^ fine opening l*t August, 1870. A fine opening forasplen- * “ Fi ’ did bu*iiit‘M in offered lo Cotton Paetors. For particular* apply lo either - Y. G. RUST, or KICK'D IIOBBS, Trustees for Mrs. W. I*. Jennings. Albany, (la., June 22d, 1808—td MT Macon Daily Telegraph copy until day of renting. CHAS. VOLKER, Agent « Bege leave to inform his old J iatrous and the publio « friends that he has L SELECT- HARDWARE,»' »n Kind., PLANTATION IMPLEMENTS MEilUMlAL TOOLS, tf 8WPJ Dcicripllan Ac. FINE LIQUORS, WINES ft CIGARS All of ubicb ka will sell ext lha xowaat CASU VX1CKS. He would also inform the publio, parties larly the LADIES, that he has opened connection whh the ebeve, ' j First-Class Confec!onary< Ikay ou Aftd a full supply of FRESH UAKKF, CAND1K8 fta, FOREIGN and CO- HE8T1U FRUITS of all kluda, and u Urg. or..oil oi out of CniLDREN'S TOTS. . . „.g. rientai Splendour! fSSfi st nicxjL ROSENFIELD k BIO., Have just e| al thrir BAZAAR, lr f (Town'. Burtuina.) 0 LARGE and ELEGANTLY .Mortal rtator< , BTAPLB * PAMOT •»la« DRY GOODS, Ladies’ Dree Goods. or ar.ry d.aoripllou, rariuty ud <graaU4|bJ such as Finn Turltoua, Brilliant,, Mualiaa, | Cambrics, Alpacas, Bomb Mourning Goods, Morning Rohm! Hhawla, Kibbona, Worst ad Goods, rail Iriada, CoraWi, j lloopakirlo. Kid Glovn, Hats Bonncla, and TEN THOUSAND | other tbioga for For Ladies’ & Childrens’ Wac, Also, an tmmenas alack of FINE CLOTHING, fc —AND— Gents’ Furnishing F«»«c or the best ENGLISH ahd FRENCH I ftk —AND- Custom Made Wc l who i £ Far Ladita aad Ulaaaa, Grata ud 1 I toady If« Hats, Caps and Of lb. laltal alylaa aadbMtrab.'' Hosiery, Notion*, 1 And all uiuar of ' HEAVY GOODS,! ti J'MI PH* Far labor] irlug BTEI RYTH1NQ ■ •IWrp. — k-Iy.! Not Fart it* and Weddl notice. supplied at lllrauy, 2,—8ra UonuHxuvr Juno uRsuvr Borairau Couar, t Adjournad Term, 1869.j ./ the fourth Vaaibar kaxl, and lot Grand hr tob'ttcond *r.k uf toa praaral tare, are required la h. pr.ual on tool day. . j. urSi . . Ajste, A ini. rilrad from lharaUiulM, Jui • ■ - • dr— 1809. . J. F. CARO ILK, July 2d. I889.-41 Cktk. 80* Miron Telegraph copy t track daily Her". Iraadc Ara datormtoad t . \K- f; !>o, Experi traced “0 * rilvdp