The Albany news. (Albany, Ga.) 186?-1880, August 06, 1869, Image 1

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feat ftuntife v * * ,S ?KJ V A.1j Vt'u ..r HjCfwHM.ijuee «£iii agr 'V l«r _ _ . ■ „ * V * Wi |>w* . duricftr. HiMtoi^.Krci tiir OMJKli& Islands cahnot heoontm- |S«n*t* ilotiw, w*hH*»y.r,Hdre n pbitfc*, dieted, jiiiips ‘moigedin the tradejgoea judae and ot|>*r/mUiorittea **. are niofliy nwneiUnl'en^Jiul aall am pointed hy I lie gnwf indent, tf„.j r ^ tier the lm!Un iUg andWwnmoaml- Hracta arcrcipl i«- tl.cni by duly q**t' I'd/Ivy. Italian captain*, They are ; «<>d interpveti i-, and hey are « a ^ igmif rally, old Amerlearf'ldl^per ahlpa, Pi they are willing t" a'opt the Con* • 4»Ai't4h||. reaped are tuperhir tophtlouiv lrMp‘\My.'»ve. u thi^ they ar» jnttuw.iifwiilii'iti Hu' Iriwle,' Bat on an* Umlnclrd IweU to ill.; >v,i,ii 0| i hoiw., •taMlynCidS bad. inMiogimiriit on where theyremain lohi. -laye.'. They ‘t Manlillto K» Iw*j' j^Hroul.lepw. howtyer, ,«f .per t rlj,li.rt y y.|£ ‘ m rough’ <3(ufeRtioB of Chiucsc .umigfi - mortalU i’ern vi*ns qiuf £l*a»n*tpi medial* ilon to the United State* » at press! l* lCo b«r f or attracting a great deni of pwM^a&T.i* y The tuibth. yn" lo Tight* on thV information, thrown hut little viiAi, lor tile reason means ot obtaining ble accounts of t his rust httj<Yit<;**,^d( , d pur statesmen and lemiiog mop a»,o perfectly Ignorant of hW »Ue«y »** v monly call'the oocUo'- 4 tl , adc.‘ R i jj| Mr Iinopmausdiaup, \v|ip Wumc* to be an oraeli* on this nuly-ad, is un •* . <}Uftihted'With jt, further .than in {v«*j "ortviug ’OilueHC people* m t 'aliioi inii lor he ha* novelty hi ted < 'lunar in iiir life. The opposition to lids ''ecjdm movement arises lrout '! his general state of ignorance-in rec tid torjt, hud . n w*» through thin l;;unr;\uce, togAili. . *r, it.inuHt. he admitted, ivitli A ,4-<i.| deal of fanaticism', that tin act M iloi^ • gross of January, UUP.', wu* ptutecpio “prohibit the ooolie Uadu. toe leading men in the New England Statves protest against the importjfii.-.ft of coolies to this'country hecau'W lh.\ believe the odolie trade and the Jl:%\« trade are identical; and ovin they convinced the eprdft ,\+ •imply an tmiigram who 'roimy |t«» make fruitful ilio barren , wh t. • throughout the length and bread'll bl the South, the Southwest and 1 tin West; that lie nomce m build o»n railroads and canals, and even Jo fill our workshops and factories nn.l jubikc them busy with bis industry, star the New Englanders would *J»K r ' J v , biui, fdrthey am opposed to n \r{y body and everything than* liltfdy i.> Gouflict with t lnsif «Intele.-ti., j That this coolie enngfatidii enteijhirn) Mill, ultimately he perfectly Hiieo.«s^ui m> one can doubt after being euljgb’oncd on iheenhjeot. The n*‘Xt tii y»ni- will give un an euoriuoiis <lbims. /''population, particularly in the Souih; . and iu view of this tart the purpose if . lhl| article is siiniijy to »ive m v\' baustive, comprehensive and juipar tial history of the coolie i in alf its rauiifinalimiK. . Nearly all nation.- have oe«i, ; and are now, dealjrg; in tie- •mdi.j busi ness, and. fcycry nation that ’ lop- per I .. ,,rt iuwualHMlonii IM pa JSfc'*** •l.*te^ w »ni W u'd .1 in other siting 1Vt»r« *t*W tr«»tM »n, f«l. lo *»«r. ;r thip-t ... — in thi-lr ooollcj from room Uior* i» * ooi.jil tlm conttwt' ,»nd t»k« tl-o inu-r. |tlioy »ro oupwlra, I «i(;n, wrtttoo j'w'fon AhriUhrt Oo-»» «w Clilnwe Unj-i*; Hliioh th.V [IptllOUl -jpii - — 1 — .1 —' loon all noorl llin.iiillix.Mu J. * lirlr lr»«lo, [ r »« »ll retd. pimMlijiie/ ||r Htyi •mtll.— fh.y l-»ve |il> , ntv ojiuii" in reReet the Iwlii'tlicr they will si or not. Atlht very |»nd "I this time t\ ms i nnveytd many "K-ln to lh« Seim iffiime ami art lie hits'tK-i" illterniKwiisI to jlieir perfeot willingness to entdito Hie contraci. fiiil i . lain -od,.Iuitl- Ipne-I. gehllsinenly men, ami; ‘I'l-ose Hint object 1. otfus now curry on the Imslnens. Itsr.ll.JftH' AJIll' SI'AMSH COOI.IK THAIIK jMinMiaUly Hie advan. diniiiiH » d, and ihuav tagool a weckV ho mid their clotlTea • as no charges anode. Tims* w jj 0 ’ ,VI.c, English have been engaged inf sign the dncuuieiM iIk*»i titt«d out tb.i eoolio. trade tor many |»eani, and'with new dotheR*., I >r f h«- voyage, anvip tael,the tlrat jicople who ntart«*[aud olyTjeuerall'**'* two Uiotiths' •H this <?y«tem of emigration. They / wages iu money l vanev. They are have,aly ays objected to other national then aont on l»n»d tin* ship lying >V"iuu i tJii,‘. business, desiring to kdep 1 in the harbor. l <h«\ may lie li*. milted these people to labor lor ii‘ba iohud become cnrichud tlien*by. KniUnd France, Spain, Holland, f'ortiigiU and iPeru have long since icknoa 1 lodged the benefits they pako rtejived lioin ' Chlneeo labor. Th^ 1 largest imsinesH that was dohe fbr some yttars* \|as in the'Cuban trade, and a number r(t first 4 houses in Havana i *pngagml igi>wrnnieiit put tmme.JlupMjnu*nT» - the way. ot.this tmlfic. Vicr it fH. •off a^illhi for a y«ar : dr two^hui ajiei wards hpgijn again with Jronh tvigor- The- business rnilil lja<l -been principallr paj^iwhou by jhc nur ch nts ana joint -sl/jck conipAijins-^if Hivana, but lit thrift year somd^oyhi^ planters licgan -to jcceiyc r -heir own account. Don M gUeh'Ai dama jpnit nn Jgent tA MaAa » (11 ffbS4, and until 1 tyr redelvod la . ments. Qtliei plaaterV, example, but orijy ^»»i > The leading houses tipinri tion in OnImi were Um . Ai _ piny and Messrs P*ml»»l4n, «& Uo, flw ’Ffeholi ifoiiscf oi' Hernia & ’.NVatsm^jfiPnaJ ! tjir}i Jill tiiM profits In their own Intnds ; njnd cbaiacteristic of their hypocrisy and M-lfi'iliii.-hK, have from time to time do., itompu'd it and 4**1 U»<1 upon the phil* auilirppic to take measures to stop it. Thy old ciy id the thief to the crow'd 10 stop thief; tiul it hits been of little avail, and 1 hey have beeu detected 'Mel.uiwtitl'd in their “little game,” which they believed' theTTOutil n»o" !iQ|i*diKo. The English take coolie* from t’fiiim. India and from Africa, and their ireniincut of them while 01 In* bouid and after they are lauded is not neat Ij >:• good as that shown j tb« ward iheM‘ people shipped to Tuba. Tin. Spaiu.-vli cootie trade lias Ih>os largely r.mliced p» (luba, and cnolias haw been .hipped to this isjaud sines n.* 1 .'. At that time mid for a nuinlwr "I years uficru aitl they were shipped not only lumi Mitean, hut from tiws- low and Amoy, mid as the expensr* in (’htna wcieat that timu much leu • ban al present a great .deal of mnuet' was madi by the parties enneerued.— • >f !.u 1 yc-ivc the agents tor the ship- u-iil oft In-Hi- laborers tor ridna have keen obliged tnVcHtrirt their opi>ii.ion in the Eawi and almost exclusively tr* • he town ot .Macao, which has coiisr* •lit I v become 1110 principal ooofe pot. Tldii place is in potsession »f tin r.ortiigesc, and the authorities at this government arc so strict in regard lo •I*' 1 shipment o| them? people that it would lx almost, impossible for an agent from f'uha or elsewhere, even were.he .,o i»»cUuod, to commit any il- lc*fnl aoi, alih'iugh the English pa)>ers ih Hong Kong, udy forty mile* dis- ?am, conMantly amusing themselves by y-'tcmaln ally ahiiHinu the Sj>an, iardii engao.ed iii the business,'fhrgi-t ting rliat .iltcir own countrymen nre tin lar;p at.-hippers of coofies in the world, and ilmi they are sending wot only large number., of f'hinesn, hut also llengal, Afalahar and even negro laborer- to Dcmcrara and other Kag- iinli West India imssessions, ns well MaWfUm*. The custom of the „ Half lists boon, oven when. they __ lured a slaver, to Mud the slaves .0 mirvo as apprentices to Dmnemra. This lias actually been done within the past low years, and was a regular practice for over twenty-five jrun, as is nntniiout to every one engaged in the -ilftvc trade during this period. Idu in remain a >h si v Week* before the iiiiuih pa«t nt<t,i> a i a cwm> ph ted, and this ibd the wont torn latuiu the l*cutil** haw fXuwevsr, rtJKMon COOMB TRAftR. Kri'iich htvinj have less need for ui4i* r ti Kugli-b, bin. from the yet l*V»2 the P'rcncli governm colonies than the mo intil government was wit- ^swnnd legs in the coolie trade than in m grri shipments. During these vsars Aureal numher ofnegroe^ wire ahip- [iM by the Krojinh from the .npast ol even on the da harbor im.alci ('hiiieae bavin of, or even by lo support, \u on shore agaii r tl.T ftuwev sails,* the id, and auy l,,i K to com plain ; In lias a parent nuiiu-ditttely put so desires. • *,e 11 eml rule, ure ,1 oovtila S: Aivauza on three 1 ceut of well ihs 11 any Thu list carry ilia eooli 8 •. . the best venti* 1U "‘ piev isioneu ot any ships in world, ami it Ameri can vessels v permitted to carry coolies, as to I v, would be evmn much better*he*»» x inigrauts, be- cuusc the oi'PP**‘ f hip» ‘...riuerJy iisc«I iu tliigdc hid pi» at lieight between dcit‘»‘) were always well manued amumamlvd. Tbure iuu instance of 1,1 Captam bee^ (an American), l, “* •‘•h , P • Almira, liifhig •«• the f'Ompauy, llaiana, win* voyages hP* 1 * l h.u» t *v.» pi bis passei*- C’oolio .p* Havana proviaionr U1 f* rl other of tgVttlit Avaaels. ofatorea «winl?* “f hed uni pms, salt and driei*b, »•»* »* u ' 1 '“hum, g©** hisenit tides t Uuua suit polk in jars, aid salt 45s. To ibn 1^ .vddsAmuugo, j«?rs, mir, ^huoes (dried psas), sauer kui.uji arsoils ot I'bmese pickles, loi.isev). niptietUn.: jnpes, &<'■ And, tot fllnsepeitls. playing cuids, do- inhori, imruiueuu and gungs—a usi tliiU ft U^t l.ivei| I packets can* not ton to evpial. (‘apUins arc or. dermngivi* us liltlc walci lo coolies as|/»iMc, but always t«‘ have a siillfnt »piauliiy ot icu made. Med ieiiv wines and tT-piq^l»»r ilu* sick arejiciallv provided. vcnsels arc?t permuted l" leave .M.ic.m with noifs lu lori the 1st ot October or ntutlie 1st «»1 Apnl, thm bring the tin) in which the norlhesst innsooo hlijs, ami the ship* have u fair wind dnii the China Sen. The average psAge, when American ships were- aljyed in carrp coolies, ju as about lOlays. Tlie passage by other whips,, hfovc-r, is much, longer. The agents irrhina arc very curd at in (tanliouing tl captains nl the‘hips they charter UiAVoa proper regard lor lb*- sanitary l^rs, which arc mentioned in the chau- tr contract : hut 111 nuuy cases tk# ifulion it-not In civil, and xhi?* negisu* i the cause for Un exc4*haive uoiaxi.txv illicit HOincbiMicK tikUfn place in uoolits ‘ ;»h. Dysentery is one. of 1 ho princi • diseases common among the pss- —^ and there is no aubker way tv «iits (rhlch ho hips. ] ial dbwit cftgeifH, d Villim Isst ycaty as dhl al^o Havana houses. ’. A NP rosT amp rnr.n r i TfYi id* the yMf fkik 111 landing a coolie in 0*tli Al20,: Mexican,; Ol couisi; expenseaafter. Vhs lauding " tiUlilJ #d to thia.digl4t.thal eragein China wa* sekUu 1 if l clai I, 1 'Utt*‘Js*gip:i 0! Hu nf shivc dealing, am! I'urchascd r (nr Id. SV i idecks sWU'! ’»(• doutiiiuftPy splashed i)',, r tor his amwHASfuI J w j t | t WR ter, and they cousequautly < pm* •Wjtliis method, who h invariablyy " ,:| y remits in the certain deujh ut u loro-.'’ "Rft, 'or ?*<», -I Iii. 4 fevoi libuiit ty :l t.l (loll.L. |>.-r In •igbty-flTtf' tract, have i'fhgultr Re unit, in I PH J, d i> Uie tl^if . I- >.1 a large' ■erqentage nl' (MMniKiir.. The be (vieeii ilcr-ka alioul.l lie ilrv “linl. 0 ,'while Ifi tfioil il ivjui I 'lrfli^nl in the same I'oruIf.iWhRIM ■ -lliis iiuaineu ruul 'i iii' hjreiich. JP - dry, “halt •boned”-—i,«.,s ruhbcit with atmies-’ Btlckwatcr should In* very seldom Cfer used trelow. I'onlieB sir** gen* ally'afflicted with the itch wlnle^ air. J». .0 ; gtlus . blTiftr jjfiUlhosri tfltf li an! <#»at long hi AitUoutintci rest. rants wor *«sposn*l of f * vs tv b yoars , ami The r idt •nr'jwwi* a i r fAiiicVIcAit ft. •ng^ivcj.' of h* hut su it the oo/iim- W)Tip OOOI.S* r«i^K.' Tin J)u*ch also' bji(' j\ eett e»i -.-it iii thift ImaiiWM, awl i lllioagj — i.Jiniow mi tlt» I»Urt » ' Java are ■,i, r.taR IbM a .uuvunaiu- "IwiiPni l«;i nM ■ :fl »»■ -i grew. IwiKt Jo b». no 111 ... nn « ..r 11... j colli] l ofllu- niriHiilly olliudillnii--ha pamnngera tngrUn-r; luiUln., <it* ‘ in »linrc ia aattii-iriit t<> lliui..nt|lih the wont ciur.. many of. Iho irnafitOl ujtdwa, Iliarin iimlartkui. *ing 1 c)iinn • now i-iimambx jiliK 'qirrAii . Tim nung'vK nt olainil TUB RATKA OB B.WAl.K .. f foythe la.t lew year, tfmu :>iv;>o lo try,' Havana have'.'been Trbm i*elve to icr.. W • ' ' '* ijrlu"ii (mumU n«Hin^ par l.ail and l» ppun-Ttiilhe' liapiinii. i'he .hip 1 only wi*»r,' flrewoid, “ one. iflnda th<' Hmuilli an. as alti-a va Lnliljfilti n^» ™vura! to ;u|th«.|ltii*, him wm»c» for the J l>r»»l. as raiiirt Time tiuiidingft WfeSffi m.igmhccnt vdil cmno.lioniii*iid t Ssysii chinew liroki.r | ^IV.ChiuA ili of il- •o 'Mfhoiij an J th > 0rP ^ TU«ATif; i tor tc.lllg irmy istico icia- i\ by ode - i to hud to hu tlm com ! our \ our , IVjrtogea. Wj hire several r ot; 4>< RRii« gala them.— ly, Jh* old ■fe'SMM.vl. !•» really -all'bl them proper berlha, galley., ifcu. Tlie eliarurer. put on board all tlie pro/uiuu#, medi cines, &c., and when the ship sails tbsy S ire the captain one Jfhxluuu duller »reach man nu board, with which to do, purchase veg. tables.nt either ins Caps pr9t,7^ieiia.-~-~ Iftml IVJIAT i'll|£ M'ORl ioAuK 4IKAVS. tlioif ^lost ‘Aitieriiuiuw Euroseaus, who are'unacquainted, with CSiuess life, imagine that.tlie woid coolie em 6rai ItfilHf proi'or piiUii In |.ih tiro l« 'Wrong Wrong Wrong Hast h Tht* $r,o,oo door* of -"■ns S2£a?8» racer in itif meanMg uil the populu- thfh ot the Chmsae JUnpire, which is deyoisd tetat'fiouluire-ui.d the vari^ dus depkitnieiiUftM'pxoducti' e iudus- hiii'ift ' *6 The wotd On arriving .veyaii U> the ‘ reeepliou; '.bared and day Ut«r tl jneao they «n eon -preparedfar their they *re weelied, i end well ted- Ue ’ «re takes t e f