The Albany news. (Albany, Ga.) 186?-1880, September 28, 1869, Image 3

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W wmm ? “'.tttlEAT Southern Preparations. T HESE are-tbe et-mJerd Family MfdietLti •f America. ' They «re prescribed and Med by the medical profession. They f ? preferred by every mother uJ father. Tl. « immediately merit pofciTcVetecni as.) «1*e c dsaoe of all who twee teat their virtues. They err prepared by physician* who are f ully .-fit ikon ted by the CongtoSs of tbe UnjtuJ Si a:.*?, aad are the remit of m.lofcg bedside c*i e rieaeo. Belay neither AeCretsnor pa-Seii 1 '. the medical profession bare do hesitancy :*j giving them a fair trial and a hearty i ires. * mendatioa.' v DEATH 1 ,v v : o • . . ■'-*& r. ' . ■ • , mk » Mlt M-m ub. Jl la haven loatl that tbe majoriry ofibore SMITH’S Ci rious enrhiyjiow. larking in their vein*. Du ring the Utc oar cJiousamls of men were vac cinated with all forms of diseases under the pretense of guarding against that loll destroy- er. Small Fox. Vaccination ia a bom to mankind wbeu the- vaccine viroa ia porebut wbeu it is taken from-the arm of a pfiliettt who baa Scrofula, BOTH PERSONS ARE TAINTED ALIKE It ia perfectly notorious (bat vaccine matter mff’s MAM OS! THOUSANDS of our fe|low brrfrga arc nn- nnally consigned to untimely graves, and the dying groans of obi and young are constantly drying aloud for ralief from Diarrhea, Choleri*. Morbus, ke^ TStu 4 result of much Beirut i|i*; research a rorig and faithful bedside ex- perienee. we offer a Keiueily for all lh«»e Ofuamar Complaints, vhiok is pleasant and •M0«r falling in iia effeeia, Noiuuther abouli fcavyall the lift wit . indaffiag the .hange within twelve months^/ not entire] ya 2X2 ItROAt) ST has, and ia n«W being taken from tbe bodies of negroes and white men. full of ruercurial aud kindred ilinease*. The remedy now so well known for tbe cure of Scrofula, giu*. always on hand, bun «N to Kumxn, Who have oca Gen. BoM. E. Lew favtiwtom T - .l^AVIlminstonTN. U ;; ft* 4Ur Oil* of the abwa IQhfiuwia rr*-:-r daTE AVISO completed arrangemenla for ex .4** &&**• uowMoeivipg tbe LABGJ their accommodations to Country Deal- (s offered to all with tbe strongest assurances of a Perfect and Most Complete Cure l For SCROFULA, SKIN ERUPTIONS, 8ALT lillKUM, SYFHALIS, BOILS, PIMPLES, WASTE OF VITALITY, RHEUM ATiSM. ULCERATED THROATS, and CONSUMPTION, entirely Jnstlfia- Dnucioca&T Mbdicival —This is the jinl- «P° a Mentation B'mer»>ytll Who lpte tried then. The dsMolovt heaRh-promoting ingredients boa which they are made, and their invalt • remedy for Indigestion and aQ Its consequent ailments, and the preven tive qualities against diseases ariang from —A -a AJP— —.1' according to exteorive medical ct pi-ru-nre, unique in finish and appearance, indd. j ant and cooling la tbe Mormrli, aud never- failing in remedial rileci*. tbe unerring tingei of troth polials to the REi' 1*1 \UIUIEA REMEDY as tbe boasted combination of the day for all forms of Diarrhea. C’boVri. t'fu.l- ara Morons. Nausea. Vomiting. t'ran.|*>. etc. Fries $1.00. oraix bottles for $•’» 0*>, Sent to all parts of tbe couuiry on receipt vt price. Sold by all druggists. J. P. DROMGOOLE & CO.. Prop -., Memphis, Trim. English Female Bitters. WHAT WILL THEY DO : They will restore failing female l*ec*u:v will paint the pale cheek, wilt hurl Lark the gathering storm that encircles your brow, will add brightness and lustre toy our lilelfsH eye. will give brilliancy and artirity *© >eur dull intellect, will strengthen and soothe your ah altered net yes, add lone, health i»uib«uv- ancy to yonr whole system. dF HOW WILL THEY DO ALL TUI?? By arousing, yegulaiing^niul restoring all sickly females tc a brailnp condition it;/ caring all those complaints peculiar to t!»o female sex, such as painful, Mijiprrwnl nr ir regular Menstruation, Hysteria. Leticorrbu.*a. Chlorosis. Prolapsus. Ut»ri, Ulceration and Irritability of tbe Womb, Pains in the side ,f the! Plantations p 1 1* a nin JtTIVB rox CIMLLS, FEVER, eta, WILL KEEP THE HANDS HEALTHY, SO TIIEV MAY LOSE NO VALUABLE 1 TIME DURING THE BUSY Befi tiers & Distillers. . _ SICKLY SEASON. TO BE lakes la tba place of Quinine « niiiers or Any kind ; the done it umII. end its virtue undoubted- It wiH be frondcheap- er Anil better than any other remedy for that purpose, and also aa a general Plantation aud Family Medicine. D bap no superior. The mslarioua season is upon you. aad you require some remedy other than Quinine, ah eh distresses yonr head with pain, and sometimes deatroyayonrb>a>Iii|j^S8$iiel«ia. why not use tbe natural aoun- try in which you live. cannot be equalled by any other preparation '***" 1 If any person should be skepfi- iis, let bim ank his tii'ii * ‘ cal about (hi our remedy. Nine Hundred & Ninety-Nine men out of a thousand know of this remedy, mil cannot find words enough for tbeir praise ighbor about l.iqnor tM.-ibll»biuru< KfikR STORE, LX) Si^EET, —THE PEOPLE WILL FIND— Below we print a few samples of letters we are constantly receiving daily : EXTRA CT FitOSI LE TTERS. “I was vaccinated at tlie llcspitm' at Vickvtmr/ f-.r Small Pox. 1 vra-4 nt* \vrrk4c U-iniv Si bo- then, until 1 tried a liottie uf roui Couatitatinu Rot nr.-r, I was never live fnau hcsIm. Mr. \\ ilUnl, *»f lCutnw, Ain, ■h-i.t uu- a IxAttlv uf your remedy I am now, hIikv 1 have taken it, tree tn.ui all aorea, «xr.-|rf a siiull mie on LmR hr |>lc.*j«C wo* for End ikr Uio, the llT dat jtrkrpmi.* «rtie hot gorin' lathe pr^H-r dais for Jon h Vo .kail ho pleased V die. Ifckndl and aosi almeUro ne«i.ed so inrosce € MW ■ opmslp for joc. . , ImMIm fvBrir It. 8crafbl% or King’s Evil, Rbeunatisiii, Neurbt^a,'Swelling of the glande and Joints, Urnptions of tha akin, Secondary Syphilis with all its train of evils. Impure Blind, Fe- yh pltCMiH Lew Spirits, Liver Conplaint. Serf mm, Re., fall to the lot of mmkind. Bot. happily they have their antidote^ DR. TUTt*S SARSAPARILLA and QUEEN’S DELIGHT possesses tho qualities to expr] them from the system, rastota perfect health, and prodnee happinast, where all was pisery. lltoy have, nt great expense, uece-dary mai'hiuery f*»r in W hich Ls composed or leaves aad herbs |^at are indigenous to tbia climate, .udia tnaonly natural remedy for ita diaaasea. Perfectly harmless in it# effect, thoronghly reliable aa a preventive, and a aura cure for LIVER DTSEA8B. CHILLS AND FKVER. CONSTIPATION, DYSPKP8IA. CHRONIC DfARRHOBA, HEADACHE, Etc. Send to yonr Druggist and gat a package without fail. Price, $1. Manufactured only O X H Z2T&XX tc. OO. MACON, OA. July 27,1889 If. Pure ;m<] Uimdullerrtted and back, - v , . r ., ... r heart. Swimming and Uidilint'AN of ihe head, Cold Feet and Hands, Nervousness, Sick Headache, a feeling of suffocation, indispo sition to.enter society, and all tboae^diseos'-.i Family Groceries and Plantation Supplies- GOODS AND CLOTHING, BOOTS. SHOES AND HATS. — HARDWARE A OUTLLRY, CROCKERY, GLASS, AND— HOUSS eiTBlRSHXNO GOODS. m—tkAva wanting doubJt t t»mr ia on Vediaday, their <ii sea intkihigh- ariaing from a deiauged tondirion'\of the uterine aystera, whether ~ ’ roung, married or bingle. _ a neither secret nor patent, but' is prepm r l and offered by the regular medical profession. We have hundreds similar Ihefollowin.' From an eminent Physician of Carroll co., Ifist. Masses. J. P. Drouooole A CA .* Aa your “English Female Bitters” is neith er a aaerat cor a patent,'L lunfo frequently prescribed it for the various tamale com - plaiats of our country, and altrny witb^lW moataatisfaclory results. It is decidedly tho most valuable combination 1 have Yvor known for the treatment of those complaiais peculiar to tha female sex, old or young, a*J I do ni>t hesitate to five it a hearty recou^nendafion. Ita aatonisbing cures have won few it man/ laurels in thiroll County, and-1 h<y<* its e«i- cianoy may soon be k*r«lded all over tho county that the medical- profession and tlia female community may reap its advantages. G. W. VASSEI^ M. D. Tha English Female Bitters is accurately and beautifully pot up in large tallies, nt affecting old ov This compound —thanks t<» jour remedy.' “No more rheumatisia. lion Restorer'’ have iu.ul.: “Doctor, euelosed find $i And they ar nounce their reaJiness tr orders, aud guarantee wbut they sell. Three h.»lth~t of 'Totmtilu- iu • a u-'w man." > Pica*.* h -n 1 m • a lupjdy. A Jott Tribata: We find tbe following card in one of our Augusta exchanges, li tarsal If gratifying to u», aa journalists, to woord so deserving a notice of one of our lmding and moat enterprising merchants, and ibows that these gehlleiuen, who have mad* tbe life lime atudy have ihatui. rui itik-u iimi f >. riciv i:ui iu • a lilpjill Two families hero want to trjf vuur Constitution K storor.” WostDroolx. dts Bro . Have on band a Lar#e Supply of Rulk IHcata, Clear mid CR Sides, Sfcanldor*, SmOkv'dN.Jiigar C'uri'd A Caufawed II .4 US, We lmve room for no more letters, enough hft* beeu said A last appeal is to you of the -Yes?* glai to wrleomjbock, here trip, aur friend! fol . final. Cqk Davis ad Mr. Will be furtiished, and nil Hoods tli.d fail lo come up taereto, will bo taken back without coat to pm chasers, and the money returned. PURE SOUTHERN RACE! compounding of drugs •aeeeeded iu placing before the publican ar ticle which seems fully up to all they claim for U. This being « borne enlerprbe, we hope ear people will give the house I he pat ronage they ee richly deaerve. 1 take pleasure iu saying that my daighter. aged eighteen years, has ber». ratMy re stored te health, after suffering m*&/ penths' from general debility aad lots ef iff gift, by the use Uf two bellies of HOHtfONS. STREOTIIENIKO ANDINVQOEAtW BIT- TICKS, of Sannub. Oo.. uf ubiA i piok.w.1 •ftmm you. I take further pleadM* lx reoom- monding t^tse blners to all wha are amllarly •ffretrd. Vtrj roupMIfulljr, Jtmn, t>, ’’ AileMHU CHILL AND FEVER EXPEIiLER. • kme b.-altk. and full « vigor r* *cv»e.Ai. The Iafte firings tefT* . (i«*h which fll be form of wasted, siunii-d bodies and aiclcly skins For DELICATE FEMALES, Sickly -Iren—for diseases of the and Kidneys, this remedy o.inuot be surpassed^ uAUTIwN ! - In ordering our remedy al ways place the number of uur Post office lb»x our New CANNED MEATS »>..] FI!HITS, ot nil Wind*, WJNES ami lJliUOKS,. °t all Uradt* ami ISranJa, TOBACCO aad CIOAItS, And everything el.-e to Iw. tonu<l in a F1IIST CLASS aa your tellers Tlie new Ti Vurk Postoffice cotopells thi.- Address, DR M E HENRY A CO , post office Box 5272. New York, fed* Constitution Restorer is $1 per bottle, .Six bottles for $5. Seut anywhere on re cuipt of pr ce. Patients are requested to correspond cotifidentia'Iy. IT IS IN FACT A Most Wonderful » » ' i C TU f f fi V s K R 0 IT B3 6% AttJOCHT or n( u n t- - .i i.-.f 1 | .! ‘if. <■ J Instant Remedy $2.60 per bottle, or three bottles for $»i— on boltU laiting about two weeks. Stripped t all parts of the country on receipt of pric. Sold by all druggiris. /" \ J. ? t DROMGOOLE A CO., Prop’rs, September‘Jl. 18t»R-ly ■>[: h ihrt-'rrsjtfitrsE [Aprs long felt the necessity ©£ a remmly that .eeuhlbe relied upon in all thuae affections. aad tone ara better qualified to prepare such • rmmdj than Urn phynictau himself. V.'e have practiced medicine about twenty yea. s. and tan safely aay (hat we kuow of no coiu- blaatioa to equal our Ext. Bearberry and Bucnu. L ia recommended to cure all derangements of die Kidneys and Bladder, such ns Crave!, Urnary Deposits oral! kinds, Bloody ur Mil ky Urine, frequent desire to urinate, pain in saall of back, dull burning pain in region if bhdder. Goat, Dropsy, nervous trembling, wuluiukuljr, evil foreboding,. «ffrcI»of Iiubiiu 4 dlksipulioa or rurlj abuse, lo»Jt_of power nd memory, and all those sffectioos reqnita hga prompt and decided Diuretic, whether rid or young, male or female. t Fnce $1, or six bottles for $5. Shipped to all parts of the country on receipt of price. — Sold by all druggists. „ i J. P. DROMGOOLE & CQ»rop’rs, Mentis, Teiyi. THE CHILL - PUZZLE. LOUD ! bottleu ef your Bitiers. I have bkea using fh#m lately upon the recommenislioh of a VeieiuL with decided benefit, in giving tone to thadigsoliwe organs and general strength to the system. Send by Exprea<s with vulue Deeming it an absolute fact- that a man's health should be his first and most peculiar rare, wc have taken Ihe liberty to pr.ut be law a few testimonials which go to show how richness mny lie removed and licalfh main L-ined by a Southern Medicine made only for Southern People- We refer to that lime hon •red remedy However (Jan Resist its Health-giving Properties. Yours, respectfully. (Signed) Alsxaxdeb 11. SrxrRos, Aug 24,180-1 in MAGGIEL’S LIFE PILLS! Oreutos an A ppetite-brinKs color to the cheeks or the emaciated- and ' 5 sti entrtli to the ieeble. Used as they are almost universally, we •annul but take pride to ourselves that these medicines indicate by their sales alone a ;»rouder eminence than most preparations of rh.) day attain It shall always be oar aim <nd moat earnest care to maintain Ihe stand ml of their excellence. Q Every Bottle is AecrapaiM by i Guarantee of lls EOetry. 'a ■ Tto l-rupri.lor onUPYBiVuGE ek.lla- ges every case, no matter of how long atetfl* ing,lo try Ibis GREAT CHILL AND FBV*R CURE, aud then deny its wonderful cursive properties. Ask For LIPPMAH’S PYRAFUGE r Uko your lioo. Any hum*OK l you to aueept. I'oacs of twclvr b* thoroughly etxdicnud by the y I < i A * $iij Uk\s S now in New'Yovk where she is ntakiug large addin Furnisliin, Restore the .ffjsffsi* e«n v.,i^ uru.Uy kepi i..JTRST CLASS MILLINERY ESTJLLI81IMENT TllE opening of MKS. SQAW’i BONNETS dts HATS bl» ?—Cvory |»n*o if* |h»I in a vrhii*. wo nr*- >h tho eoBvic%n that a Will bo the RICHEST DISPLAY of*U that is Stylish, Elegsnt and Graceful, Ladiua* Uead-Dro- scs that has ever beeu exhibUod in this Ctty. Tills is frMi Ihf vm"% H. Stephens. LlSCCTT dm, CSAWrOttbSTILLE. Oft ) Ally IS, 186!*. 4. MAoatii'i Pill asd Salts IYosks. N. Y. Qsktlemrx ; * * * * a* And I also 1b additFoa to. her usual full line of K1BB0HS, LACES, IfcEXCH FLO WEBS, Ac ^Jpen a Large ud well sclrctcl Stnck of tverjlbiug The riuw will enrofimySStiT'-LirXtifbeen ’ »*x months standing, without affecting the terij'eMeev werves. iLArouxes tho stotpach unison ami so difli- i of tho country on reqnire. Boots, Congress Qaitera, Elegant Ladies’ Walking Whit© Kid i. .. | '-*‘5 a?. Is suoh as to induce tho purclmfeo *4 Kid Olov«B-'Whire,’ Blaok and Colored, ■j ^ ’’’ • • . t- ^ r joyin’* .£ - - H, MM w««l ouUV^uJ ... »• JW- OS ‘e WE. & H. E’. Welch. * Wholesalx DsuauLsm, . .. - —AH-uuy. U*.. Jn'x ll. 18419 Oiui Sinnctui. Our cmMMii • In thu kigbnt mutr at tkam. Wad OlLofUFE auJ ,htk« »»8 b«k» •M*e rl tup. qfruiwt «•«»,»*. pCTWsMutlj «MK> Oil* «««| To«^Y.« HffAiaKMaoiArmkai SUru, ure p^mlar bm. ,Tta xjll more *U*-. giri'a Fill. Ik.n W oiber - I’ill—jra..B«rai Ums uy IvVoIbun joa nt The Mu**iel S«Iv« Mile aemach »a Dr II——; hut for MeggW i PilU *efa»e .itruordinerv ZBILIR 4- 00. Te tbVrtuder^ wIB.hrft i^ “7. thel tar ihepurpowaf tffliag tbin whan ^rewu- •t.m-ef,r.»ut«l tbe best, try lbrw crrrftcMee, •e paiiuBtJ, raw oj urrtrc, Oue BeUer’s uyeruGeMtoe - COILS, TUFFS, nilIGSONS, CUJUS, SKIRTS; l^*»e • ^ ;T ' M,Tl ’ VOKES, Bf.Ail'F. *C.. if. Mrs RJ1 AAY’S-purelrntr* ui^emi*frr Art-'oh•n'pcnoaat' lone the tenr-Mi.f iHbrn nTTHR LADIES OF ALBANY, i iha( her rWeilJUM wltrafl perfect -HlUr-rliuEL ITS, end all Bili tperone mlnSh rittma la k,.e J feg ” vu nave u t t0 4HtJ i-Ut ut#*S MUbefa tf’nt