The Albany news. (Albany, Ga.) 186?-1880, October 01, 1869, Image 2

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OCTOESK ' Xv . : r :.-. : VMS -Here,loin Utet 1 -. ViiAvri.lif Rostra SAVANB. 1 Foa SiViixii' BiyijNSfcf APVKBTr ' Foh - BIU^JLL > «HT.vruv;«— Pj . -iTbe Central game u] I v .*- should have been li cteja in the depot atsWyV r * > ** ,i ^ . 4 xrbero ou tire ro, «•, ' ^ eight day^ago from Chariton 'E*te-jiot ar rived. We understand AiaTVama *n<T >fi*bis-~ aippl freights go through' mthont R momeDt*B | ; • dtlent?^^ >/>/• *•. j!> !\ v k ^Verily^jw^ii^e. opgfflTfoJre: f ei^ : £M p* - In'love with tho’p^frijk-'.i *,-v rv -’ > A f -: ' '■» a* » " \ J "■ ■ •’ rt--- *‘ WAairiKOTor;, Hoar has HVI Tfriven ^n*r«pinura . regardiiig tbe election of Virgini.n Senalora,- to ’:t!ie 'cfTect that the Provisional LogSrialwre nleyciocl them.."- ’" '■ - '* ’ v The f*>M Fa Hares. k- New York, -Septctnher^Q^Thc Gold i2x change Bank has Veen placed in the bund.-: of a receiver. . ^ ^ *-^>: ► Sloane & CoHare fai’ed. • Quite a number of failures were rumored,among them; Lack.' wood&, Co. ■’• ; vq New You k. September 20—C A Meigs & -Son, aud Fuller,-Trent A Co have failed. Jordan Fu willing ms Destiny,— It is reported that’ Gen. Jordan hftt surren dered, in Cuba. The following dispatch f» §?* • TTavaxna Sept. 28—Tie telegram regard ing Jordan’s surrender for money was found ed upon official dispatches. A few days ago the.Clmrlcston News said .* The Cubans, it would seem, have at last found out the real worth’of the valiant Jor dan. The lost news from the rebel camps informs ua that lie had been .promoted from the position of an 'independent commander in-chiet to that of cbiefofosfaff to General Cesp^des. v ♦ ^ Nobody who knows General Jordan’s. his tory-will be surprised at this. Wc Said, op liis embarkationL/or Cuba, that no man who 1 joined the enemies of liis country lo slander its leader whilo tire latter was in chaissv could be relied on to defend ' the" liberties of. a people. Ho w far were we wrong ? •. How rnx Golu Maekkt is Mam i pul ate?. — The Washington correspondent of the Bal timore Sun, says: ‘Secretary Bout well stalod to-day that the prime cause of the ad vance of gold wap the work of a combina tion of rich gamblers Jyi Wall street, who have locked up the gold in order to control the market and compel impo- ters aud others whose necessities are'go "to the speculators for their supplies of .coin. Hfti Bou t well feels confident in his ability to smash the combination,’ tut the plan by which it is to be done is left to surmise. It is stated here that there are font* individual dealers in gold in New York who can; com bined, demand payment in gold and -with- draw eighty millions of it out of the mnrkot, and thus create a panic and rise in gold whenever they please.” . j. , J .. 'S. Cotto x Manufacture South.—A Mem phis papor shows, or attemps to show, says ~ the Savannah Republican, that a cotton facto* ry in that city will clear $82 75 mere'' on-ev ery bale of cotton woven into doth, than can be realized by the mills qf Lowell, Mas- aachusetts; and that 3 000 bales at Memphis would produce a profit of $248,000 in one year against the $20000 of the mills of Low ell, built at nearly the same cost. The New England manufacture pays $10.toi get a. bale to his mill, and loses entirely'the profit qf the oil from the cpttou seed, $60 per baled which, with the advantage of labof at low rates, enters into the-gains of the home man ufacturer. MiMDAxeS.-^-Judge Pope 'has. issijod a 7xaft&*iyi atihe istance of Govetnor Bullopk, v^aiASt. Treasurer • Angicr, requiring him- to enow cause in November, why he refuses to pay an.Kxecative wat-rant in, favor of Mar shal DcGraffenreiJ, Secretary of the Gover nor, for one hundred aud fifty dollars, one month’s solarj—AtUnta Constitution. Thf Era Aulrmkd The Atlanta Bca think* jt ha# discovered a conspiracy' among the Democrats to buy out - the frag ments of ite party, and pours a broadside of - hard, names and Vulgar epithets at the sup posed conspirators. We have no dojnbt that there is truth ■- in the accusation—the whole radical party of Georgii arc in the market, and we know they are offering at a very low figure.. , The*Democrats know fulL well the value of bach one of the scamps, and they aYO now P a J toe price. Ther^ will. be tf >rbkiw«.office opened " at once be instituted for Bard add' the Brw< r X>i*al4 ’ailyi nee on the ^ ^ ' :ifV - - * aga >411 win Office Geosgia State . . . ‘ .*■«». «§-, __ Dear Six: In fepfc toyour; Md r allow. me'la aay thai all persons Ti® to«^. v * r “- naoiVs by letter or ethorwSae offict -specifying thfr lisps?tmaht of these excrcii ’.*W *■»!>«■ lo-«o»P«t^«ad ^extract ! HaHri tlercet bjr.tUc S^uihwu on of iho 1'actfic riiilroii3d>K.^ I'st- logef ber. ;.u»i ryl-»liji?l> ‘ " * 'ir ha- »ii ’ii pathway of t fit-. World.T'.lAppUiiHt j nr^itdew»a»d , ihc xMmr Baidu, together in direct ftili ibi-finul \ iin**. one.suppose tbat this enterprise. >t 2f»4It3obg without m coupe at ttoit a Soui hero from i he Mia&iemppi far South at least jt-i—~£cheer»] —a . the fertile ami bound .. _ia; through a country •almost every acre of which a£ncullnr»I wtal.l., siiBceftiW^I a country! no- yast aierile phuns meet the eye urn --.a-. ——that exists no need^H t»«P heds, and wheye there can be mv^irn- tQt iO COW Mi pediment to commerce at any season bf the pounccliwg the southern portion of your 8iate, aud, l hclicvb \Le moat fetlile, having ono of . the hesiThtrhoni ou thiachart Viih the great commercial tuetrojtoju of Ihi ioulh, wliere couceRtralrs so luucb ot the treaUb.and intelligence and enterprise of the .4onili. aud which, likq some Eastern Quern respleudent beneath byr diadem, aits at the ioquti of a river.twice as long as the Danube aud live times longer than the Rhine; having, fitfcta afitaqnla, « linp o/ more than lti.OOU milee of navisOilo waters—a dty which is des tined to rccejvpjiuo her lap and pass through jiecportols .info the Gulf of Mexico almost the entire commerce of the Mississippi Valley, amouuting already to rlwo bilitous annually, or.three times the whole foreign commerce o! the United States. It : is the boast of an Eng lishman that the Thames is navigable alrnort a,hundred miles from its mou‘h. It is the boast of an American that a steamboat leav ing New Orleans can navigate thirteen hun dred miles, pud then turning into another river, lrarcrte tbat nearly three thousand mites. [Laughter and applause.] You may depend upon it tbat in a very short time we will hate a railroad from your magnificent city by way of , the southern portion ot your Slate, through Texas, to New Orleans, which will be shorter mere direct and or less grad< than is the Toad just completed—passing (iirongU a country unsurpassed in ngricultu ral.and mineral wskltb, and as perennial as the ebb and flow cf the tide. From thence forth the entire-commerce of the East with this country will come to your shores, to go lienee upon a thousand axles across the cou- tinent, to the.cities of the East and of the South, diawn by the ( ron Horse, whose <*mokc will darken the landscape, while its presence. asthelMtrbingftr of civilization and prosperity, will make the hitherto waste places clad. [Cheera] [From the New York Ili-ruld.] toother CoDfioenUl Line—Begionias of the Southern Pacific Railroad. General Bosecrans and Sedgwick were ad rertised in 8ad Francisco to leave that city- on the 12th instaut for San Diego, the seaport at thcraoutbern extremity of the State of Cal ifornla, there to inaugurate the work on thn San Diego and Gila railroad, null Mr. Seward was also'to be present to assist, in the cere monies nf breaking ground. Funds sufficient lo bnlld the road to the Gila riv;er have been subscribed.’ This is the hogibning of the Southern continental railway line. A compa ny, headed by Gen Fremont, has been or gaoized East, to begin at Memphis. Tenn., and thence to build a road south west&vd!>. through Arkansas and Texas to El Faso on the Kio Grande, thence across the tableland? to the Gila river, aud down its valley, or near D, Co n junction with this Sau Diego branch. From the Mississippi river this is a branch shorter route to the Pacific ocean than tint of the Union Pacific-road; aud as it U&uks the Rocky Mountains and the Sierra Nevada chain, it may ha built all the way over the Plains. Il is also below the region of inter rupting snows, and the work of b.iilding it, -atid'of running it when completed, may be continued without the stoppage of a day from iriiitrY storms. With anything like the en terprise. which built the Uuiou Pacific, this Southern road ought to be finished withiu two years, for there will be comparatively Utile to do'in building it beyond marking out the line and laying the lies and tails. When finished, it will l>e the main Hue fur through travel: but there will be work enoiigb, not only for the two continental roads, which will then he In'operation, but for one or two more In the building tip of half a dozen new Plates, -the Union Pacific will soon be an immensely profitable liuer and so with the Southern Pa cific iu tapping the undeveloped resources ot Texas and of New Mexico, and Ari- Western _ r zOhai hfcd of the Northern Stales of the Mex ican Fepublio. and the vine and olive lands of hern' Calil tlifarnia, the most productive in Southern tbp world. ' In Gils connection il will be seen that Gen. Roetcran* iaja belter business than he would be in rtranlig|; jui the Democratie candidate for Governor of Ghtb. General Fremont, we 'believe. Is npwia 'Kuxope raising money for the main line from Memphis westward. lie only asks the right of way and certain Terri torial lands along iue line, from'Congress; for with these and the liberal grants offered by Texas, he 'calculates upon building the ,road without, the further assiaataaoe of gov ernment bonds. We think, too, that on this basis the rood ought,to be pushed through without difficulty, considering the advantages of the. route,, die lightness of the work and ihe profits sure to follow. Fatal Affray at Colry’s Station Passengers who came in on the Macon & Brunswick railroad yesterday forenoon, re port a fatal shooting affray at Coley's sta tion yepterday morning, while the triUn was at that point, b stopping at that point, between Mr Samuel Golsoa nndhir W."Wt Mason, in which the latter wax killed aimdst instantly by a^pistol shot. Deceased was a eon of Mi T'N at once be iMtHnted . lowing are theparticnlars nf the unfortunate • ^Iktlkn: MkMa rad Golftoa bad km «r? intimate i t» •»>—nrniWai daja nine*, bmnJifiag theTatier^bSnl bb nreet- -t. and bad made Mine remark at which ““ ‘ ind it saaesBSs?^-^ hMmr) t tUlnking tint Ceieon wkt aerionTy of- so com knowing - tbat be ■.'Her ■•* prepimliona or slrnetoree which they wi&L .in n'tiii' i. .I.„ r .. r ecectadnninmiirUntenmicrtaHo il.eir per- . . r eannianhicntheir per- , fixed by seseimch. ..... . 1 w0 ?“ ^ presenL’- • He fuiarediatcly \nd. approaching young Mason, ordered him to defend himself and began til fire. lit made two shots before Mason could draw Liz pistol, but neither took effect: Mason then sjasaassssassi-!^ ->r—i andmak,t known to me the result of their couference Air who are interested will, iherefoie, nleare hr lell.r er in lo this call for r . - ... - i»x inorniflg. thereforo, whsa d^SMedand his drove Hp in a themselves U? ■ e r .\ •, ... . - |JtDtU., 1/U» uvuucr UlUI. cU(.C». -Ua-U il IIICU ed in thin list of ei.r-i.I °11 fired one shot but misud his aim, and Colson oi.y nbont t(^t of-;Ko^Mr?i^ f 1 .”™®! !»"?“!»* l!,r . M S , ‘ body. He fell, Lut fired one shot after he was down, and* expired in a few minutes — -olson w^s immediately arrested and is non in the hands of the Pulaski authorities. The father of*ba deceased sent an order to'Mr’Haff, by the same If.aiij which brought' ♦he foregding.'for a cofin, W. f and staled the t»6«Jy of his son would be brought to city for interment, to-day, In Rose Hill hi Macon, and wai a Guards during the ♦•bloody Eighth” Geor ‘ ' aeius Lsmnr. lie r, and vrithal a S/SU. ' lie met • • - - >'• . «s . >. . :**•-£*>*< A t»igo pile of old kerosene barrels, tali;- r.Aeil wilh u»l, wa-isel ou fire iu- dut pres ebeo; aud nltt-r allowing I ho-' fire to get full Lead-way, the Extinguisher .was turn-' l on the burning pile aud extiugitisbed it iu om- minute.-' . Fur warehouses, gin bouses, or any large frame buildings, we think the machine iu- valuahle fur cheeking fires al tbe out-set.— The a: rangeuient is simple in construction, and the tnaUrLls used easily procured.. The machine bas our fullest commendation. .CH. JOHN JACKSON, OBBS, Y. G. BUST, MWELL, D. II. POPE, JAS. M. iWtClill, Mayor pru fettt. s Committee We werej)re9eut yVsterdny rfterncon and witnessed the exhibition mentioned above The Extinguisher i/. iu our juil;reiii(‘Ut, a sac- cess, and oiiglaJo bo in griicral use —not $iWic biiiWIiigs, but private residences. A7r. Ill organ, of Chicago, is exhibiting the machine, with a view of s lling rights to States or individiiHls, and we hope some one of our enterprising citizens may be induced to take hold of it. -l&stHif ityhol teller to Fresjda nt." 4.6.Jn ULidiV^ r»irs in -TeuEie, h-r- - ; -s—--y—*., i hn two wiatitirrtitltqi hunt The HaiHoaT, vhig Act Oatl^r: p^->' I fcsnioDs of mdbvpriQjM Udli o^nnsti|ria ' Uwst ef Conp-esa and>iy^cnt fov ‘. Rice men are q^'G. J »» ^r thrsa Conservative wiug?fi$^i|.cfttlyjs * fur office who waHE^va 'u-0 Under the reconstrudiuW. laffs. bdi.who* are also known to b* acccjuSWeto the Ib-m'T.ratA The success of iLe A. ^nia'tt'i oi» f:>ctK>n **- it will be predated by Dem;*cm;ic vo*e» wiH be ’he defeat of Crpublicaui^m in Texas, m.d will pul the State iu the harnb of ihe -very men. who, during Ike efitirje period of the re bellinn, exerted every nerve lo des.roy the Union, and who have uniformly opposed the reconstruction laws With a {persistency worthy of a belter cause. f ~ Oilot Markets. Bacmnc ras oui L. E. WtLCH R 1C I I’D. 1101 BENJ. CROM Aluvnt, Oct. =irt.—Since our report of 23d ult., prices have gradually declluvd, and we hare to report a dult market yesterday, with hut littie offering. 4 TLe tew sales made were at prices ranging from 200224. Receipts up to 23*1 September 2,7* r »0 bal Received this week, ...J ..1,01!* •* Total receipts,. Total’shipments . Stork on hand...... 1,544 [costMUSIC VTK!>.] Post Ornrc, ■* Albany, Ga. # Sept. 21*, ISO!*, j Editor Albany Xctcx : Sm: My attention lias been cal’cd to an article in your last issue, under Ihe cnptiou “Postal Law,— lias Mr. Arnold interpreted it correctly -” In that article you seek to “correct the Postmasters error," and as my attention is called to certain paragraphs therein contain ed, areply in support o! my action is ne?essary. The paragraphs copied from the “ U. S. Mail” (a semi-official organ,) and to which my at tention is directed, is not at all applicable to the case in <iuostiou The paragraphs alluded to apply only to those “Postal Routes'* where in the P. 0. Depart men! In s its duly author ized Agents generally kuowu as “ Route Agents.” The great aim iu the tranepena tion of the mails is security, and for that se curity, the P. 0. Department, upon all Rail, way Postal Routes, (with a few exccptiuus.) has its duly authorized Agents (Route Agent**) egularly commissioned, under a stringent oath for the fairhful discharge of their duties Their duties are to receive, distribute and de liver the mail over the route tiiat they travel, and in addition thereto, to receive all “ m til- able. matter” to be tramp tried over their route, and until the samp, under proper re strictions, which are as follows: Section!*!*, Postal Regulations, ISUtV: On ly such letters as there is good reason to be Sieve were written after the usual hour for closing the mail at the I.ucal Vast au^ such ns could uot, with due diligence, have been placed in the offices iu due time to be despatched in the outgoing mail, uiay l»e re ceived by the Ageut, ( 44 Route Agent" coin missioned by the Department,"/ and mailed in the cars. TbejVplfrlmenl has no authorized Agent (R»>ttte Agent) ou Postal Route No. tin16, hich is from Albany-to Smilhville, conse quently no authority is given to any one to mail letters on said route: and tbe provisions of the aforesaid Section, as for as our case is MARKETS ! Y TELEGRAPH. SA I 'ASSAM CoTTOX MARKET. Savannah. September 21*.—4'oltun . pelted with a c»»od inquiry, with middling at 2’*A Sjiles/fuDtKbuh^. Rtceipts 2th** bales. Ex* ports,9J8 bales. New York Cctton Market. New Youk. Sept. 2!* -Noon - Cotton mar ket easier, with middlings at 2H](/?,2SJ. Evening—(\»ttoo market closed lower, with midd'.icgs at 28|c. Sales footed up bales. Liverpool Cottca Market. Liverpool. Sept. 21*—Noon.—Cot*on mar ket quiet, with uplands at 12](bj.12]d; t*r- lenns. 124(**)l**^d ;. Sales to-day will proba bly reach 7**00 baits. Lnter.»-It is now estimated that sales will reach 8000 bales. Evening—b’otton market closed easier, with uplands at 12jd; Orleans, 12AJ. Sales fooled up 8.000 bales of which 400d baits for export and spcci lation. HAS TAK!!.\ THE FIRST PRRMIUM^AT 37 ST- TE FAIRS !, Over n(MH> are in Use ! BtaJe for SI • AUt'ANIxanJ canuot be chokrd nor LroLru. Cook’s Sugar Evaporator I la- ! r.Mi:* i unit lloli- u a**T»rt»\! ih*- tlrsfpr vioiii at^IXTY > nVKU- 1T.*«*W IN tsK: l.iv.-Hinort* U*tlcr. and ul L-* «a.i. h-* than any oilier |»m lL.ltr liuvc Uvu t -l.*l in l/mi-iaii Tex t*, auii mi ll».* heavier tun-*' <•» Mexico, il unto and Smith Atm-rha. JX*x.rij't:vc cutalostu* '**nt free. Addrv>» 15LYM Y Kit, NORTON A ro <":nciniiiili. Ohio. Or. ItAC JS * STKITIHNN, .UllMIV.tiX Or J. W. Ht TI.ER, St*l>». T. isfii* 2m Smitlivillf, Oa. Keep Your Money At Home Xeiv Aclvertisemei its. ISTOTIGE ! fllllK TAX' P.tYHRS OF fK»l r r 1 a ill hereby take n*dhv and «;•! I1ERTY rcl NTV i-rn UiciiiM-lr.-' a.- 1 Mill o|M*n my I-»4.k.' f«»r theicoHection «»f Stun* awl <‘.runty Tax for IS*?.', at MKIM'KU A SMITH’S, <>n the 4TH DA'S OF OCTOBER 1869- and will lt»n riVKLY ih«c'*on the lmh day «.r N.. vciiiIkT. No t*xt.-a»ioil nlhtwinl. U. T. tul.P.KUT, Oct 1st, IST.O td T.I* F, Stable iYolict* ! / YWIXt; to the M-arr-itv ai d l.ich |.ti.*.* ot t orn " /*ll:iv. tin* lolloMiin; «'.\stl l:A 11-*> li.r r.t-dtic* l«a*b*|>i«d Hour I hi- dal.*: siuA* f«*t. : : : • Hoanl tian-iciit h..r-~. |ht day, : : Vl " LK., |m i mouth, - • t) FINE HORSES & MULES On hand nu.1 for >ul«-. .h I I t-t a .-IMS A KI UK'M AN. Mill U FUST Of Fit II, | Al.UaSY,tiA..c-.-|it. J*'th, tMLi. * >;•!..l..*i |.t, 1-l.a, I tux It. lit at thi.' i> lotloMh: *:;.tiO|H>r Annum. \ folti t.t.1" ItoX. i laaL ’’ : = ^ N..i». ** i-> ht-.r.-hy rivi-u that rhe -P.wtal Ia.w>” r-*i,uiic the iinvm.-nt Sir N«*M-|«c»|». r IWaye and It *v lt»*M, i^t VliJI-ICl.Y IN AMA.M I- All t.illn v.ill !•.* i al> ■and |dao d in lb.* •«.>.* In U*I..U*r Th All »-*\<*- not | tot by il» * I octoirfi, vr.ll U- .li vuntinn.d, and iii.-w*|>:iii<-r' utnii which ill* po-tti^e i' tud |.ard by 11. »t lime, Mill «iihl.i Id. it t*.- Impod ttmt the citi- ,'tiu will .Jl Cjlully l*t‘*>i*«rU«l. t . \V ARNOLD, (H-tnU. l't, t-f. *-1w Pt»* Must.r. concerned, mvmR nolhiug. fol- Seclion 4b!), Postal. Regulations, lows.* , “It is the duty of a Mail-Carrier lo receive aud convey a letter ^«n*l the money or a stamp of suitable deiiomiimtiou for its postage when tendered) if delivered to him wore than a mile from a post ••dice, and to hand it, with the money or stamp, into the lirsi at wbich be arrives. penalty ol' fitly dol lars attariies for failure to do so.” On “route’’ OOlti, the 8. IV. R It., (through its Ageuts) is the “ mail carrier. * Under the aforesaid Section, it is its duly lo receive and convey nil let ters, if delivered more than a mile from a post office; but to deposit them in the first posr office ou Ihe route, which is •* Woo ten’s Station.” Therefore they have no right to receive letters at Ihe Depot, r.s it is not more than a mile from a post office; and as there is no Route Ageut, there Is no oue who can legally mail letter^, under Section 9!*, (before referred To) on the cars, travelling over said route. Section 4.7 is as follows: “Slag8 Coaches, Railroad Cars, Steamboats. Packet Boats, and all other vehicles or vessels performing regular trip* at stated periods,, on a Post Route, between two or more cilice towns, or places, from one to the other, on which the U. S. mail is regularly conveyed under the authority of the P. 0. Department, are prohibited from trans] o.Tiug or convey ing, otherwise than in the mail, any letter, pack et or packet of fetters, (except those-scaled and addressed and prepaid by stamped en velopes, of suitable denominations) or oilier liable matter whatsoever, except such as may have relation to some pail of the cargo of such Steamboat, Packet Boat, or other vessel, or to some article at Ihe same time conveyed by such stage, railroad car, vessel or vehicle, and excepting also, newspapers, pamphlets, magazines and periodicals. Let left prepaid by stamps", lawfully carried out cf the mails." 1 . • I - . . • - V. Section 40 relaies lo ll>e poaall j wliieli lias bMn mentioned. Section^) oompeUs Postmasters lo see I list tie Postil Lsws an fsitlifulljr executed. Section 100 is *s foliovs.- “Ercry Postmssler wjll consider himself .the agent ef Ihe Depsrtmen! in regard lo its sSsirs in his immediate vicinitjr. no fsr ss to oarefolijr obeeree and pmt^p^^oBort eserjr thing lending to sffeet its inlerejtiwplfciencjr. nlilit/, sod especially to,Steeps ri-iisnl eye upon the manner In vhieh Ihe mails XT. mwried to am) from U»OSe*-” Were.tW* s “JUnfe' Agenl' 1 on Ihe sswl foote, then I woald sdmlc the plansitility ol yohr srlicle,* bai Ihers being none, my in. StnMitett# Md construction of the h» »r. good. and. 1 think susfsine.1' by lh* Deport. ON EXHIBITION I The Victor Cane COOKS EVAPORATOR Will I*-- ou t-xhil.iti>>i) in i.*ar«.f Itac? A Stfj-b«*i»‘*-. , 't"« 1 * SATURDAY. 2D OCTOBER. ami fur the wtfk f.sll.tnin^. Th ? Mill u».l Eva|*orat.*r Mitt lit- i.jH-rat.el l.v ttie A^viit, MV. J. W. HI'll .Kit, on .^aluntny, Misti e-iti/a ii.-' arv r«f |-titSully imiti-d Iu al- t.-ii.l :iimI t-xauiiln‘ lli.-iu. Albany,«K.tol«-i L*t, !!«W-ll Notice of Copartnership. rpiIF. «uia*TiiKH«l.<*.L rARRlN<iT**N au-I Ji»IIN 1 STANS, hahi* thi* iU) i-tit.-f.ti Into |iartui-r*hi|* uiitb r lh-* litUl liMiui* of FARRINGTON & STARS. ami M'ill coutiutu* th«* tm-tui**.-* of l*ra|H.n* ami Tailor, at tin* OLD STAND »l «*. J- * arriustoii.over Zacliarfaw* Store*, Itroael etrevt. Tbauklut f»»r th** |*atroiia/;** lu*re- tofor<« *• \le-mh-U to t >. .1. FMrrii<<l«*u, he I.o{m.» for a coa- tiiinaucc of tlie auuu*. Y\V Iiave jiaU mvivetl a laoj.'aiitl choi.-c assortment ol FRENCH, ENGLISH & AMERICAN OAflSIM E It E S, for winter wear. ^Alw, Vestings and Coatirgs au.1 r.*spcctfatly luvih* our friend* toexatiiin^ourst.K-k, m ttieh will *»e made in tin* latent Parisian or New York .*tvle. **• J. FAItltlNGTuN, JOHN STANS. jfi. All pcfMiy.% iflhchttxl to O. J. Farrington uiil i.lroio call an>J setlh*, AUaUiy, Oct jsiia-nw O. J. I/iRUlMiToX. ALliANY FOUNDRY and 'SHOPS. -IwroEyBBa, Dkalcrs & Growcbs is— PENNSYLVANIA Garden, Mi & Flower Seeds, Seeds warranted FRESH and PU1!E, and seut by mail lo Planters on enclosing moiiej to the above firm. Postage 2c. per each * ounces. i -.j •*- Y - -o— t WHOLESALE DEALERS IN Flour, Hlscuil, & Crfickers HAY", cfcC-i «n St. Julian St , : S;t vauimli, On J. M. COOPER & CO., Agt’s, ALBANY, GA. June 22J. 1 BGO-till lit Jan. A BARGAIN! FOR SALE, One Fonrf ockct Billiard Table, Of Cuvciiihn A iHikrA fo-'t Iinprovotiieut. PRICE, $350 00. Merrtuuit’.' Kxctiange, (lie SAVANNAH GA. ANttKL YIIANKSA BRO. Cm fall at tin 1W Office, Sep 14, isfiy-lm COTTON TIES! T. Pattison kV; Sons, - ir.t.s/ii\<:rfa srm:t:r— AISJVIfy, : Y\_te nuw I'it-pitreJ t.i : GEORGIA niiuiufncturc all kinds IRON & BRASS CASTINGS. Sorb »*» ' ngrir Mills nnd Kettles «f nil pijes: Gin ••***r. Il<dt<.w Unn*. Dog-Irons, of nil descrif.iiot!**: < n-t an<l Wroiipht Iron Rail ing. of aTiy pattern desired, for CBRi:TCKir.«, VCR tiVOAS, &C AND—- IKON FRONTS FOR STORES PUBLIC BUILDINGS. AC. Fpeeiil attention given t-» thei*pait« of Machinery of all Kinds ffc3Tt*rJers .*-n! gu-irautecd it MAl' added. Albany, il a., Aug ifed. *N Pi St hi and satisfaction -i«’l-’.4, with fieight ’*"* till l.-t J«n. SPECIAL NOTICE! P22,2£. T*» rs A UK HHHEBY t»i<*i *hi, u liel.t, iiu<t they «**|ht tally PHL -tjji.ii HORSES >ii hau-i :«•**! for *-mI<‘ - s lMS A lAuKMAK. To th© Pnblio at Ea rge. lH’.OWX’S HOTEL, Maccs, Ga , Sep. 21, ISO 1 .*. Dunn’s Patent l otion Tie. A S Acenlt of the above named p beg to ci commend it to PluuletM aud M «*Iinln. Tliis lie is a decided ilnj-n-v me and contains tlie advatilnges of GUKAT STUKNCvTH ! UUKAT SIMPLICITY :uxl K.\sK IN MANIPULATION ! . Being superior to any oilier Tie iiian.ilae tured. we can confidently recutumend it to the public. J.s’O W. ANDERSON’S SONS t t* . Agents ui SavHtiii,ih. G<t H. & A- 1‘- TIFT, Agents nt .'. Ibanv. Aug 1 Hi;* 1-4II M A ( ' < ) iN HARDEMAN & SPARKS, r C tendering their services a (tain to their pbidiin frf ~ • ... friend** a-* War--b,»n o aiui Ooor.iH hm Merclia|>t . iI.m-iu ii mholly imiHTii'Nir,* to m:»kv li«.ihI-j- a*> *<> th*-ir Milliiijrii**" nnd ability to ~. rve thvi.i faiihioHv and adv iiitag, on le Th- ir l »uy «A|. ih-ni- • ar.<l the lar_-<* |«n:i4C which loi' «her !*••« it i xt. ImI"*I th«- h-Hi-<* i- j.nM.f < •nchi-J.i that tin v .1- — I*, ihe< tin- |.I.ti.t.n,- i-»i.i- mi.uii*, iii.l l»» j.r.-iHj.l (I all-oti-n l.. •!.. ii inter, -t. tin-y int'-nil to m- nt in ill- i.ituiv th.- pair ui a>;e iila laity I hi in to th. i»l- t. ohdfr- roit .<m*Lii:s )...,niptlv filled at !i»tte-*t market jiric. :*, Ihe n-ital iacililh'rxteniied to tiio-e M*ho iotr.ot iheii l-ii'io." Mith o-. O ii. -I* VICKS, au. tl-hn **■ ’1. liAiilU.MAN, ».. JUDGE OF US BY THE PAST. Adams, Jones & Reynolds W OULD Plant* Wc art? receiving every day application.* for reserved rooms dutiug the corning Fair. We beg leave to state to all our numerous and obliging pair* us that ive will do nil iu our power to accommodate all wlui come until our capacity to receive gue-ls is exhausted. IVi lo uot tes. however, how we Cau hold in re serve rooms for exported visitors whoa others are here already to enter them. \Vp pet*taipt ly cannot be expected to do so without the ex' piectcd guest paying for the room while i- should be held unoccupied, a measure which we should be unwilling to adopt, as likely to prove unprofitable to us and Unsatisfactory to the parties. All we can -ay is. that we will leave no effort uuspared to make comfortable all who call, aud our enlarged moans iu every department f r doing so, are very ample. We are dPtcnpined that none who stop with us go aw&y diisaiisficd. Our terms are and will be our usual rates. E. E. BROWN & SON, 8ep24-tf Proprietors. Samuel Kirk & Son, 172—W. RAXTIMOKE .STRUCT—172 Baltimore, Maryland, MANUFACTURERS OF ELEGANT SILVER-WARE, Watejiitt 3B$ Fine Jewelry. -i - ! tlu.Muti.n tfv.! October fU. I For Sale at Public Outcry, One of k Best Plantations IN' DOUGHERTY COUNTV! ('octaini.ig ICG2 1 2 leres O NTO,: 1ST •I'n-SD.llMS I.E( EMBEK NEXT, *b« Co irt ihotsf door of the iMtiufy of /^EOBCilA, llilrhell Uunutr.-jt;. A. Mali.y appUes VJ fcr cimnitiun of in-ranualty aiui valiuifott *»f Iwbbj- r on tlie 9rt» d*y h lit 10 o'clock,«. hi. Ac to “harshnexx,” .nothing of the kiud If- intended; ihe faith Col performanco iif xdBt. rendered necessary by a solemn oath is the apology 1 tor the ennruj. paraoed' SiirEKLoyal:—\V«fiiid the lollovr- ing letter from Lexinglon, Ya., to the Rich- snoad Dispatch .* The visit of Gen. Gordon, and especially seeing Mix ift company with Gen I»?e and & ouml>er of hi» />id «>»Wr>ud, awukched many Xloafederate memories, *r« pnold alijiost see ••stars and bars" final lag in tbs breezy eejnore. Butihrea visions were rudely ■*“**■•* morning by seeing run up in y headquarters a large Uni- flag. This is Ihe first time it has been ddfend necessary to hoist “the flag" in Lexington In M cppspicnona a Banner. !« * ,1.1 at public ’out- “ PLACE, adjoinclfencrsl Ionian's liillionrflle Place, and the phuvskiioM-n a. Mod Creek a:i*t TaJla.» v. The |Jautatiou t-ouiprue* lot.* of land nnmlxMS G9, &7, 9j<, Wt, mm! «2« £ a*' r—i of the M«*st aide of WT, in the *Al IMstriet of lANi^herty inttinfr; fill,-.-* .'nti-rfaelorr. •*- aiuine the |tlaee, Mee'for yo<fr>.-lvt>* a urrt do uot foj » in. 1IJXES A Hollis, Atl)VX.> Re»*Jn-rsid tlie uiatfCr of N.-al et. ml. In Two of fJMlELUTb Administrator’s Sale F t vir.u* 1 of an order of the Court of i.ij.iinarj cf the county of Chatham, and State of Gesorgi*. will I boom of hale, as the u Dta ' J3 the county of thatham. and flirts of Georgia, wffl - he sold foforo tbe Court lloum door of ixAigherty coantrA.±. ON THE FIRST TUESDAY IN DECEX- ~~ NEXT, tiwtween the' legal bourn of ‘ ty of the e-vxUt of Mu-haci S*i»-nhan, ' ofChrtkiU. and .‘Vale of io0**4s% w%lrt.' of hurt, to-wi! Lnriwun*jpr ^11, k» »iw lUt '* «, in Ihe I* Wtfri M 21. 22, 111, 173, H9, re.-pert fully s«y to the f’.>ttoii 'footers of South wort e u and Middle (Georgia, wli<>tu il lin* been their pleasure Ie serve the part season so >:ilisf:»rtnrily. that they will find them fully prefrtred nn<l read,, to receive, store, ship or sell to the very best advantage, all l.'oltoti consigned to them du ring the coming season; while lo those who Iiave uot heretofore trfo.1 us. we would say we know we can please yes. We offer the usual accommodation in our patrons on their growing crops, nnd will take pleasure in filling their orders for sop plies promptly and at lowest market rales. Call and see us nr the PL A NTERS’ W A R Ellf »I7SE. Opposite Brown’s nnd Ryintfluti's II. tel. Aug 17. l8*i!Mill 1st J.-m PLAN T E It S . AN&, —— IT/ K Again tender you our services Yf Colton Factors and Commission Mer chants, at our old stan I on Third street, and pfodgo oursglves Jq pqijd/it "Irjctly a Com mission Business, and Wall give special care ami attention to all bt/iness entrusted to us We return our sincere thanks to our old pa trons for post favors, nnd^so’icit a contin uance ofthe same, aud would request Plan ters generally, to give us a trial, as we make the sale of cotton a specialty. Shall be prepared to rcuder the usual ac»- commod-tliou, JOVAIUtN f01.LI.VS & SOX, COTTOX FACTO US. Aug. 16, ’G9-.-tm macox, <;a. ITORg,; GILBERT^)) Avi ' ‘ ' ] ' ' , ** . ' % (Old Stand of AV. H. oil bout BROAD STREET, ALBANY, ro,\ rrE ARE NOW REEK [VINO INVOICES FI (lM THE I.IUMM! w alile lloupc in New Volk. Hie Lnrgeaf, Cninpieir. :m.l REST MEDICINES AND DRUGGISTS 1 Cl EVER BROUGIIT TO ALBANY. Wt are determined that what we tell to our friends anj jvoffc G-ZEdSTTTXlSrE JL3SOD FRESI And'wilh this view one of cur fiim, DR. WM. L. DAVIS, a pLyririnn uf tn widl*known throughout this section, has been induced lo spend the Futurner tilb'jL Markets for the purpose of selecting the PUREST AND BEST STtn'R ClIEMIC.VLS kuown to hfo profession. We propose to kt*<*]> eveiydiing intll^:^ Needed DKUGS, Druggist's idnd JlpofJurarics Li| this loca’ily, or that is likely to be called for-ndij GEOBfi MEDICINES, ClIEMICAI^i, namv am! iU-«crii>lion.) Also, ATKN'T MEDICINES, (,,d TAISTSS (I I,ASS, I'U'ITY KEIIOSKNK OIL, & LAMPS, Il.Ult, TOOTH, UAIN'I TBUSSKS, l'OBCEI’S an.l INSTKU.MEN UEUFUMEItV aixl COSMITICS. Also, I'ine Brandies, Win< (FOB CIGARS, GHEWING AND —o— DYK STUKI’S, Jt WHITE WASH BBitfl r-s. TOILET SOAI’S, Wild s nnd r npos€s ) SMOKING TO! we respectfully solicit a ooutiimance ot (he same ro onrselves PRESCRIPTIONS carefully andncatly compounded and prompt attention giveu to all orders. &t ail liour*, i lUrjfR ept 21, l«6!b|«t Ju RISNTIl 8n§Mflf J. ROSENFIE -HAVE REMOVED TI1EII IIAZAAE To Iii the Store formerly occujiie l Where they are now receiving th ir NEW FALL ST .1) & Bl l.v M. Hit'll .t c0| JvXhibitjjig; ft Large ami Eli.; -ant Ael OltllKMt «f iSi 1 I. Thankful for the liberal p ttronsge heretofore bestowed un the tirm of uKncr;^HE^ U UA VIS SMtTlI. h. r. wRcrtxrrT. taSIhpKflT III! GA- H AVE mow in stori*, and keep roiudantlv on liand a heavy rtock of HARNESS, SADDLES, BRIDLES, SOLE LEATHER, TRUNKS anj VALISES, CALF SKINS, Sli FINDINGS.A)AK an,I W^rSLRttlBT i CARRIAGE-HA(lEjl’S JIATEJJULS. of alj descriptions, CHIJ.DRPSSCAR >•1 BCGlilEB.X-SRHUCfV. * 14, lrlct of Mltcbrtl eocitfy. I>Os number 2X 2>t, Cio, in jetb IHrtrtci tf Exdf roonty. LsOo number X2, la Lbe IMh Dntrict eoorty. of Swakur «Ma<t y. Ill on few ate c UDffiffDRSIISCOODS ■ * 1- ■ - Such .19 Fine Tarltona; Brilliants, Muslins, 3ambric.*, i MonrninuGoods, Mornin'IlolK-c.SImwla, A Ritjlwnii, Wornlel Gootls, (an Mmla.VConu U, IloopsVirls, K'‘* and Bonnet-’, and ’gSN TIIOU SAND oilier thing*. m hll Atso. an Immense ! took of m A fr«npli it xt c* . if I- - * Vk '• if '¥!*•-.> , A*' • -r nr,'..-».*: • •• !•”“* . #* ■ Custom M: Ida Work *, Boo s, Sh^es ip? X caps & muNksd - jjgp^ •1H manner of II --giH & J MteBBuZh E* *L^-KI3ID« Of Ghroceries, Grain & RwvislonB, aiMiJa. rbr^abariog Claasee and Plantatioo uze In fj|ct, LVLRTJUING GO i ISD BRl/., .. *HUi VUM ! J-tll'orlHloOI aaLiaa^-aiA onstoiura F»«U!a» show t*ualr V(hi^|. , ires R>r ! . rwjrtaVW-.-jj,. ^0^ m