The Albany news. (Albany, Ga.) 186?-1880, January 07, 1870, Image 1

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Carey W [From the Macon Telegraph & Messenger.] Notes oa the lullway Situation lu Georgia—No 1. M basks. Editors : It in my desire to Bond you aii occasional uote or com- ; munLaiion on the KaiUvay Situation in Georgia. Next to our landed es tate there is no single interest in thtt Slate of greater magnitude and' im portance) than our railroad*, which have rort their builders and owner*, tint and last, nearly, it not quite, titty millions oi doll us ! This rough call-* mate includes not only the original cost. Inti the repairs which have sinoa hern made, US well as the depot build* inji*, ou fl:, • 1 . Tit e seems to be some danger, however, notwithstand ing the magnitude of our railway in Ideal h, that pnblii* opinion is about to take, if indeed it husuol already takuii, a fatal departure from the track blast* ed out 1>\ our tat hers ; and hence it tiiSS-occurred to tno tliat it would be no disservice to point out the danger with which they are threatened, to the cud that they may retrace their step* be fore it is too late. One or two observations just here : 1 I shall otter these articles to the Telegraph & Messenger tor puMicu* lion because ot it* central location, its large daily and weekly circulation, and tho conspicuous liberality and ability with which it is conducted. 2 1 do not own or control stock in any railroad in or out ot the Slate of Georgia, nor do 1 own property on or near any railroad in or out of the State. I am a quiet man, hold no of- road a* it is-disignatcd in the act, wav accordingly built at the exfienseof tin# State, au^ extends from Chattanooua, ou tin! Tennessee river, to Allantajou the south-eastern aide of the Chatta hoochee river, where it connects/with tho Imdf'from Augusta, Macon tud Savannah. v f I •Tlie peop!o aud J-egialatare, under the lead of our delegates to Knoxville, gradually abandoned the Charleston! arid Cincinnati project, andetruck ont boldly for a more direct connection with the Tennessee, the Ohio and Mis sissippi ; and this abandonment, an<^ the difficulty of erossing tho Allegha nymountains, at length led to th^ defeat ot that uiagui6ccut undertaking Thtf-grand highway Irom the SdulU Atlantic to the Northwest now passes diagonally actons the State of Georgia throughout jla entire length v and bread til. So much for the pluck and enterprise anil' sagileity of tbif nteo who projected onr great Slate railway and tho system ot railroads as they existed up to 1805. 1 This article is already longer than I intended it should be. In tuy next, I shall proceed, by your leave, Messrs. Editors, with the history of railroads in Georgia, nml shall show what the railway system finally settled upon was, both *ft»r reaching the Northwest and tiie Gull of Mexico. IIlSTOKICl'S. Carolina, South Cai olitia, Georgia and Alabama, were* represented in 1 the Convention by three liuudred and thirty delegate!, including m their ablest and moat cntei cStiions. General Robert Y ol 3oath Carolina, the Convention. DR. J. BEADFlELD’S rising —it x aiaytie, , was President of wliiuh, remained in lya. Among the del from Georgia were Wasningtou Poe, H lotte, Augustus 8 Clay ton' .Richard NY Habersham, Mathew JIMl McAllister, William Dealing, W. NV. Ilelf, and other prominent ckfeeps. inoludihtt, I believe, Charles 3^ Jen- Kris, arid'Joint 1* King. The Cpnven* tiou attracted iriucji attention at the time in all ports oi the Union, and e*< peo'tally in the States named above, its priitib object being tq cbnmjfcl the M onies lit ’ tho tAiuirtg Nbrtli- ith those washed by tlio South The cUu'r,tei>. which had already been granted by Ohio, Kehtueky, Woman’s Best Friend rflHlS valuable Medici* a, U . fra X exeiaaively, and to be used by MERCHANTS& PLANTERS STORK. ■ "I TO THEU HEAVY FALL ffTOCJt OF IERCEB A. BlilVSO [Jerry WtUrr,- Mm BROAD 8TM»T. fc*. 21,1868 *»-■ • V.l ... j DRY GOODS & NOTIONS’ Groceries & Tobaooo. Hardware and Iron Ties; BAGGING, HOPE AND TWINE, JaA 1od#e4 *v4tf ariL-Li k.-pt Iu’ " *i ■ 1 • a i Hr rj - p. ; WHOLES AXU HOUSE! AMMb H «., 1U. , ekum, 1>J U1SOUABQB IB BVKBT IBKTABOB the fever, headache, pain itf ti back tad Howe* atotascb," fl LCtCAl BROAD" ST. iu tine, mil these symptoms pass away imme diately, without Injury loth®. eouatilution. Frequently, however, Uw proper remedy it not applied in iuu, t*A draoaeebM«Mt ehronio, and(tofemdktisR laid for ttamtim less evils to ih* ooasthoitoa of iko •omen. Tho next "MT? comes around and la no "sho#/* or perhaps tho **whiu»a” will ap fnar. There will bo sow* oasaaiaasa about ibo womb, but vary lit tie or aoao the salt ural fluid escaping. The complex ion Woa>e« aalluw, bowels swolsn, a sort oTgr—tih easl about the face, constant d*U aoking paiaa in the bead, weight in tho lower stomach *Jkd back, with or without the white®, palpitation of the heart, pallor, exhaustion, indigestion, weariness, lengour, aching across tba loins, iocs of appetite, pain in left hraaat. lighlam across (bo cheat, cough and giddiness. If ALBANY. (UCEK’S KCILMXG, ®f STUBS, Utzt Dear K Il.nn i UM't Qfct. . M. EMid.Bc. S«det, Slnu, u» tram ** *f Judge Vaeoa’s. m*rch23—ly Prompted by a desire to atari! and increase the very bestowed upon as by a generous public, w# have Bade m additions to out stock as will justify we in ffUpfrbjl ral patronage which has been improvements in our store and Highly Satisfactory! OUR STOCK IS LARK, PULL MB COMPLETE, IN EVERT DEPARTMENT. and comprbm erenrthlnjj needed by Wholemlo Buy- -n, aud such as win bed suit their customer*. If yoa want Goods, In which there fat a Large Margin for Profits, B3- Mend your orders to, or call on PURER AND BETTER DRUGS, MEDICINES AND CHEMICALS CANNOT BK FOUND. ’ V Dr. Itenj. M. t’romweli S leof South Carolina were equally chi roue a that it ftliouhl pass ncroes their State ami empty itn rich ami va ried freight* into Charlcatoii—dele gate* from Georgia, Ted by Chappell, rope, MeAliialer aud Halwrs-ham, fi nally tmcceeded, but not without a hard struggle, in prevailing upon the Siguor Harm’s Mail for the Intro duction of tinropean Iiamlgrallon /Into Georgia, Signor Joseph Hurra, in oonneelion with the Italian Consul in New York, and hi* brother in Italy, is engaged in cm ducting Italian immigration, ami desires to inform the people of the South who are interested in the mat ter, that whenever the necessary ar range ent* for their reception shall be perfected, lie will bring over a largo number of agriculturists. Signor Ilona was himself an extern* sive planter in Virginia for the ten year* preceding the war, and may be presumed to bo familiar with the wants ot the South. He has already engaged a company ot French hatters, and proposes to es tablish a hat manufactory, either in Savannah or some interior city—Sa vannah is preferred, if the necessary lands can be secured for the establish* inent of the houses .aud woikshops, ou terms that will render it possible for him to undertake the project. To enable him to undertake the in troduction of immigrants on an extern* sive scale, it is absolutely necessary that he have a plantation or island, ot trom five to ten thousand acres in ex tent, near the city and easily access*!** Dr. R. L. I'onmiliy, [AS REMOVED bis o&ee la (be room* asuGr* Dru * ° r£TiU>Z£B A B9u Starring room over Siroztr k UH* • Drag Sure. ' fllbmjr, J»e6—ly SICK STOMACH, (ljflpepsift, DO X» Usb for fobd. lues of Heel). increeseU faltering of ike heart. ewxLLiNu ur thb fbkt, legs sad body oadoe* FOREIGN AND DOMESTIO "Wines? -Brandies and -Whiskies? FOR MEDICINAL PURPOSES. Cigars of onr own Brands, Fine Chewing and Smoking Tobaooo, Pipes. PERFUMERY, TOILET mnj FANCY ARTICLES, J. B.Boss & SON, Witch-sale Dealer* In Dry Goods, Groceries, etc^ Corner Seeowd and Cherry Streets, MACON, Li A. October 12, lS09-:Un Convention to recommend the States named above to amend the charters granted by them a* to allow a branch road to be couslructed from the main trunk at or near Knoxville, to some point on our northern boundary, there to unite with the road then building, aud to be built in Georgia. This was a vital point gained by ALB A y Y. B. F BROWN EIRE! EIRE!! FIRE!! truth of history, and to set forth the part which certain communities havo played in the course of that history ; with no view, however to tind fault, but rather—having indicated their error—to aid them in correcting it. 4 Such being the object ot these articles, aud the magnitude of the sub- in great variety, INSURE IN TUB Liverpool? London and Globe FIRE INSURANCE 00. CAriTAL $17,000,000 in;oold! Rates same as mU first-class Companies. end to tlie abandonment of the idea of connecting Charleston ami Cincinnati. The advantage thus obtained wasaub- experi*nced and succehsfal Physicians of Georgia. We repeal, (bet Dr. J. BRAD FIELD’S FE MALE REGULATOR is prepared fur Wombs and to be used by Womeu only. A trial Is all we ark. Prepared and sold in any quantity, by L. *1. BRADFIELI), WHOLESALE DRUGGIST, Atlanta, da. Price, $1.90 per Bottle. Sold by Druggists generally. Atlanta, Qa., December 29th. 1868. Dr. J. BijiDriELO—Dear 8»r: I uke plea sure in staling (hat some lime previous to the war, 1 used, with the atmtoii success, on a servant girl, your FEMALE REGULATOR, prepared then at Uradfield’s Drug 8tore, West Point, Ga. Sbo bad been suffering severely from suppressed menstruation, and this Medi cine toon restored her to health. 8ke is, to- , and the magnitude of the sub ject discussed, and such the temper sequently pressed by our people aixl Legislature, and the result is uow re alized in tho magnificent tail ways which, to-day, stretch Irom Savan nah aud Augusta to Atlanta, and on through Chattanooga and Nashville to the Ohio aud Mississippi. The delegatus to the Convention traveled thither on horseback, and iu gigs aud sulkies, aud were as many days ou the road as it would now require hours to perform the journey. Kut they have their reward, and the fact LAMT GOODS, FIXTURES, ETC. ♦ PRESCRIPTIONS A. SPECIAILITV. R Thankful far past favors, ve earnestly invite all to call a«l examine our slock end judge r themselves. Practical Watchmaker & Jeweler. PROVIDE FOR YOUR FAMILIES By Insuring in the will republish such of them as they have room for—ami to that end they shall be as brief as possible, this arti cle being the longest probably, of the whole eerie*. The public mind in Georgia was much occupied with railroad topics from 1833 to 1840. The first charter granted by tha Legislature was for a mHE finest vetches repaired—broken and I worn purls made new: Jeweling and electro gilding, all at moderate prices, acd warranted. Also, GENUINE PEEBLES to suit alleges. t@r At HOWARD & TURNER’S. Aug 27,1809-ly . Ou Broad Street. We Buy for Cash and Defy Competition. ASSETS $11,000,000. All kinds ot Policies issued upon reasona ble rales. JOS E. JOHNSTON -v CO , Genl. Agents for Georgia & A1 .bania. WESTBROOK & BRO . ‘tl9-3m Ag’nts Albany, G BUIST’S Warranted Garden Seeds- vast and beneficial changes wrought out by the foresight and capital ol these earnest tnen who have preceded n». ““ Having accomplished their object iu having Georgia admitted to share the bene tils of tho contemplated road from Cincinnati to the sea, our dele* gates to the Knoxville Couvenlioii issued a call for a State Railroad Con vention to axseuible io Macon the first Monday in December following, and recommended that every county should send delegates to the same, equal, at least, to tho number of its Chattahoochee river, but nothing was ever done with it. This was iu 1831. The second charter was granted to the Central Railroad and Com pany—uow the Central Railroad and kinking Company—December 20, ►V SPECIAL ARRANGEMENTS MADE > WITH MANUFACTURERS, we can WAREHOUSE AND Commission Merchants ALU.l.-iY,;«SA. W1RRIST EVERY PAPER WHITE LEAD 1 *12, *15, $2A, *25. W ITHIN tin* p*-t six month* « havo brought “Oroide Gold” to perfection. For appearance, style of finish and accuracy of time keeping, the G XIASD WATCHES are universally acceded to lie the bent. They retain their brilliancy :.ud color till worn out. They are all iu Hunting Caics, Gentlemen's and La dies' sues. Every Watch Kturauiccd fu* Uhm and wssr, Ly special certificate. A laree assortuit’nt “Improved Oroide" Chains, 92 to M it - #? .1 I- .2? T II..—, I . “Construct a rail or turnpike road irotn tho citv of Augusta witli branch ea extending to the towns of Eatouion, niadixon, Alhcu-,” etc. Tho fourth charier was granted to the Monroe (now Macon & Western) Railroad Company, December 23, 1833. The * * *’ ! , j was to build a Macon to Forsyth, ••freedom.” I do not hesitate te iadoraejeur preparation for tho purposes for which you recommend it. Yours truly, JKO. C. WIIITNER. STATE OF GEOROfi, Tmonr Cocm. This is to certify that I have exemtued the SiMi j- Suifi Wareko utt, lately oeevfteJi Jfeiurt. MUST, JOBMOXt CO.) ft Also Gentlemen'* sad Ladies' Jowelry in greet variety. Beware of imitations, order direct front ns or our aa- thnrizcd »'*enf*. Agents and others apply!uz for olr- Jost received. Also a choice selection of CONSIGNMENTS SpUClTgD Albany, Ar^tist 3d, 1860-1r . recipe of Dr. Joseph Bradfield, of this oeunty, aud, as a medical man. pronounce it to be a combination of Medicinea of great merit in iha treatment of all diseases of females for which be recommends It. Will. P. BEASLEY, This December 21st. 186R... U. D. MoOHTVItCB, 1868. Dr. J Bradfield—Dear Sir : J have much pleasure in saying 1 have witnessed the most decided and happy effects of your Female Regulator in this neighborhood. December 2 object of this company railway from J* which was subsequently extended to Griffin and thence to Atlanta. Au act was signed December 21, 1833, to incorporate the Chattahoochee Rail road Company, with authority to buiU a road from Macon to Colum bus and thence to \V.*st Point ; and December 22, 1335, au act was ap proved by the Governor to incorporate the Brunswick & Florida Railroad Company, which was subsequently amended so as to authorize a branch road to be built to the Chattahoochee river. Charters for other railroads, canals and turnpikes in various parts of the Slate followed in rapid succes sion, among them a charter lor the South western Railroad and its branch es. There seemed to he at this time but little system or method in the el forts of the people to provide them selves with the means ot international traiis|H>itation*aud many of their em. lerprises were in direct conflict with BLOWER SEEDS. STROZER k HIL3MAN. STROZEtt k HIL3XAX. D.c 10, IS-VA—till 1st frb. tubouoh Georgia, to some point on the Atlantic.” The Convention met in Macon on the day designated, and was one of the ablest^bodies ever as sembled in Georgia. Among the del egates present were such men as Ber rien, Way tie and Purktriaii, ot Chat ham ; Chappell, Poe, Seymour, Niahet, Holt aud the^ Lunar, ot Bibb; Glas cock, King, Holt and Si. John, of Richmond; Cliylon, Hull and John A. Cobb of Clark; Cuthbert, Ruth erford ami M. A. Kenan, of Baldwin ; T. Boiler King, id Glynn; Campbull an I Everett, ol Houston ; Bedding and Speer, ol Monroe; Spaulding, ot Ale lulosli; R. liiil and Snead, of Tal bot ; Floyd aud Williams n, of New ton; and Oliver H. Prince, who rep resented the Georgia railroad; Grittiii, E/./.ard; Stell, Habersham, Com*, Fob. ter, I’hipley and others that are well known throughout the State: Upon motion of Judge Clayton, a committee of forty was apjaiiiited, by whom au able and exhaustive report was subsequently made through Mr. Chappell, upon the practicability and desirability ot opening up vommuui* cation by rail with the Tennessee riv er and the Northwest. The report was adopted with but two dissenting (Skeceuer f# MUST, JOBySTOy # CO.,) WM. H. FINCHEN. Movxttuab, 1868. Dr. J. Bbadfield —Dear Sir.* I Lave re peatedly U3ed, in myfamily, yoar Female Reg ulator, and have, hi every ease, met with com plete success. G. L. DAVIS. DQX- 1 «Lo prepare, and have for sale, a YEAST POWDER, equal to Urn heel, and for ranch lees price. t<£r! also prepare a LIQUID BLUING, now in use by many ot the beet houM-keeptors in ibe city, am* pi enounced by (Item to be very superior. 1m. H BXLADFZEIii). Druggist. AtlAnta. Qa* T HE xiiliscriben. have l.kcn ih j Aj«*iu->* frmu Watt X Kiilgfil, <J hli-hiaoni, V*., lor lb<? tale of Ihe Celebrated Watt Plough! which they ofT-r at uaiuiftcturer’* prfies, freight •di.A. Tv.raaCASn. MEIlCEU A SMITH. ALBANY; GA. Angiul W, KW-ly 4 ^ *AlLlBr&A B WAREHOUSE. DICKSON C <) T TON SEED! T HE nuh-mi/nMl will deliver at Ilia DEPOT IN tOVl.S't.TON, l.-\ , Iu Uroug srkj, Dlckaone Improved Cotton Seed I In any quantity, at the fullowla,; |>*i.?-«: |.w I Iiuii .V» IhhlN'Ii ... t'2.50 j.*r ImvUrl Mur« lluu La), au* Ira than IJU l-o-.lul' [2 2'i |K*r “ Mon? than 1«« tm-.bvb - - - tl.uil j«?r - inn STANDARD MANLE1 end South Carolioa >r the pruductlou of SmcIbI attention given to Sales of COTT Keep for sate BACON, CORN. BAGGI KOBE. TIES. GIN GEERING .& BELT I SUGAR MILLS, GULLETT'S STEEL BR1 COTTON GIN. J ■ad Ly Ua use it certain to lurrme Dot only THE YIELD, Let to IMPBOVE IHE QL'ALRY OF TIIE PRO- iH.CT.i: It U udr with a - portal fir* totbv want, ol tW uiU of Uu* South, an 1 ran lr relied upon a. to i-x- idt-m U Mlrrud, cuntainiug highly iino-arf wMaiKvz, tho great (H.I of which bare (itiWvlurr prerluJrd :kcl, Lelug in c.Nwtu..u aw. It .au he depended oa a> uailornt, always r.-luld.*, aud productive ui good rropa. We have made arrau/eiucnt* for an EU H I XT SUPPLY OT PUKE SEED! and all order* to na, ai-coni|aniod with tho CASH, OR SATISFACTORY BEFERENCKM, will 1(0 promptly fillnl. Order* oulU-itcd. CM UK & COBI', MERCHANTS, COVINGTON, OA. R»:rr.BKXcK!»—lion. R. II. III11, Athens On.; M«in .Ion?-? A I’.axl-r, Moron, Co.; Win. P. Turner, (oltiinhu* < ioorgix compare viewa with him. In particu lar, lie desires to meet the Convention Committee before referred to, for an intercharge of views, and will be pleas* ed to receive any suggestions or re commendations that their wisdom may offer.—Sav. Republican. hrM in n-. i*J ut r.1 uirt.'ilrily adapted to tUr »n! of Uaurzu and Sjulb Carolina. THOMAS II. WILLINGHAM. PRICE PER TON 2000 POUNDS, S . PRICE PER TON 2CoO POUNDS, $- Payable November I-l, with ExpcnuB from Surununb. 13* JLr WIIJ INGHAM, GENERAL StPERVLSIJfG AGENT FOB SOUTH CAROLINA, GEf>RGlA AND ALABAMA. PHILLIPS Sc m.EXJL3, Manufaetatera, Savanuah, Ga. 239* FOU SALE BY N. 8. FINNEY&-C0-, Factors and Comm. Merchants, RECSIVISQ. FORWARDIXQ, —ABD—* , k Shipping; Agents, Brunswick, Ga Oct28-3m before tho Legislature, then in session. The Convention recommended that the Legislature should commence a sys tem of railroad improvements “by constructing a railroad from a point on thu Tennessee river, at or near llossi'illo, to Home suitable point, at or near tho Chattahoochee river, run., ning through the Cherokee counties, on the most practicable route between said points, hereafter to be ascertained by legislative provision.” This is the foundation and beginning ofoui Slute road. Tim Coiivtulion also recom mended that piivutc companies be au thorized to build branch roads from said trunk road to Madison, I. CoLyeiTT, Jambs Uauqs, Baker County, Ga. Newlou, Hue it II. Colquitt, Savannah, Ua. ALBANY, 0A. SAMUEL KIRK & SON, 17J-W. BALTIMORE STREET—172 ^ * > Baltimore, Md„ Maaufhctrifer* of " v ELBftANT SILVER-WARE, Watches arid Pino Jewolty. "r COTTON FACTORS & GENERAL RANDALL’S BAR ! P LAIN ami mixed drinks 15 cents, or TWO DRINK* FOR 26 CENTS. Fresh huger Coustanlly on band. Fine Smoking Tobacco, / \l'R MR. JOHNSON baa W Mluraed from Near V " York aud tliu West, where ha biu wade heavy pnivlin*.'* of (Jommission Merchants? y Street, SAYA1\!VA1I, SUGAR, COFFEE, MOLLAS9ES, Special attention to tiie sale it Cotton, Lumber and Timber. Liberal advances on Consignments. april 20. 1869—tf BAGGING, TIES, TWINE, BACON, LARD. i, Macon, Columbus, and such other points as Eureka and White PuA! FRESH OYSTERS Raw, 26 Cents TUle. FRESH OYSTERS, Stewed, 60 Ccnta Plate. LOOK OUT FOR TIIE SIGN, RANDASLL'S BAR! Dec. 7, 1869. the Legislatuiu might dcsiguatc, tho State investing onu-fourth ot the cap ita! necessary lor each branch. The I.egi hvturc proceede«l iuuhcdi ntely to net upon the suggestions ol the Convention, and an net was pass. ed, nnd assented to December 21, Ib36, “to authorize the construction of railroa«l communication from the Ten., nesseo lino, the Teunossec river. WHISKY, FLOUR. FISH,all kiad, CHEESE, CRACKERS, SARDINES. PICKLES. HAMS, SOAPS. POTASH, SODA, WHITE MEAT, SALT, Ac., ho. In fact, everything that it usually kept in a FIRST CLASS GROCERY HOUS11 AUofwhfc-h we otter to Win. Henry Woods, COTTON FACTOR AND €i!?M2U.lL 1011 MISSION M Kill'll ANT, KAILS, IRON, PLOUGH anJ CAST STEEL, (all size*.) WAGON and BUGGY MATERIAL. BLACKSMITH usd CABPENTEItS' TOOLS. TI L ir.MlDEV and UOllttW WARE. STOVES, OF ALL KINDS. CUTLERY, GUNS AND PISTOLS. Cotton Factors FOUR HUN1)KKI> RUSH El JS t Sroi>ii.\Bi>’a Lowkb Ranob• OFFERJ.L, COMMISSI OX MERC1LA .V 2 'S, Bay Street, Sawannab, Ga. Agents for Bradley's Superphosphate tf ZJue. DIGGING, uorr & IKON TIKS Always on band. Usual faciliticB extended to ciislome r augl7-Cm - In fact, everything usually kept in a First-Class Hardware Store f CHARLES VOLKEB, Agent Albany, 0a , Oct. 29, 1869—2m TS prepared at all tiiuf-s to advance liberal- 1 ly on con.iigutnent.s of Cotton for sale in Savannah, or for nhipntent to bis correspond dents in Sew York and Liverpool, July 30th, 1869-Cm* Wat ranted Genuine and Good, by C M CLARK. Albany, Jan 4,1ST)— Cheap at dirt—Flour und Bacon at Hestik h Caooia’s.