The Albany news. (Albany, Ga.) 186?-1880, March 21, 1878, Image 3

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( Special business Reading. TTrR AIVRA^ryNEWS Special Xeticc, «n,l Uett Ih+e'r. """*»*•' I *,« *, ,u,. « >•• 7»« ^ ifoM K A F F A r. R S. _ — INVITED. j RECEIVED AT ■ Fancy and Family GROCERIES K lorr iW* tnnko Intt-sl • MlrUk,' i..» iteU. hill ln>iutfu «,ne*-ertl»iin.r l» >i-mi io« r» K .iiv* n .*> Uif**. rioiir, «nil». W»l«*r r.HiniTf >vni|».C»m..xl » tlnwi> »i. l a full In Piques, Nainsooks, LaWns and Cam- Tobaooo. Cigars. brics, Lorillard's Snuff ©HEAP! , w,„; kcy Ladies 7 Scarfs and fx; 1 ; 1 ,". n ii.criu. I.»r il tt%>i * «it|w»ii,»r in i»—*r- HOWS. i »*■•• «»■<!In'll.- «»- ,# ' F " '^1 l.hiarliar, Hem » VmlW., • M>rbior. «.l __ — "h»l th.-i «,i>i l.j a|i|.l«in* l-i In.-. l..r I ititlea Batirely New. sggsfejgjgas A beautiful sclec-.'^^^ 'il. kr.rriUCs.r.'X', Will linu*. pelt. ' * .—t... Cion of Roiieliings. Ladies’ and Gtents’i^^nHS^U^ Fanev colored ;)tz, ™ Linen Handkercli’fs. j pSl’fe:, ESHS'SS A Beautifu I stock * h “ ,4U T£i£«f£i57 f of. Dress Goods will _<*_'* **■ ' 1,1 be opened early next tlinsi*nowi*:it. wIioih-mt iropl.- ' an- lu-f.>■•<■; " . „ .. AYnl lhost- who aiwiivx air, A full assortment vM u.,. of Ladies’ and Miss- — es’ Baltimore Shoes. Bread! Bread!! Bread!!! Ma^tuac I liatpliv. and 'hrm in mi l !u\.* thi’i « sf.<ri l hrsiiA in 3 ih! jiroloUy ininf.ii tw.l.- in work woll. I «•(!• i inl-hii.J Whtvi. r.% U'il-n nowljr fiuUh’.d, I'm A large and beau- *vi li *» ho ml lUhit.nuJ. tiful stock of Pearl ^ and Ivory Buttons ‘" J j At JUHetaMyer’g. l, ’ resl ' Brea.1 Eveiy Day! Larger Loafs than Em. Confectioneries. At all uuam a fj’.l ar.l com lolo !l le of Confoc- tionvi’s flono-riKKi.* cati-itn* a specialty, at wh..!vs*lo *r. t retari. iViuniry merchant* are in flict tv oxamtr.u my *U*.fe. Editor, Albany Xews IsiqUOrS. I wish, through your widely cxlen- wiwifStt 1 "* * at ded circulation, to reach the greatest .. .* possible number of persons in need 1 Xja & er 0eer. of * flue Phaeton. Buggy or Plants- n w a« *»n; bj c— sinju .oute, tion Wagon, good earnest work, at Cia-ars the lowest living prices to call on or v-Igars. addre- MARCLS CRINE. Albany, Os. •rerisliyon i iroi C '.'Itjltl Joe. Demont. Nice variety of la.lie,’ button hoots. Just What is wanted. Ci i v Shoe Stoke. Short iVleter Notes. > priii Merchants and Mechanics, Planters and Farmers, Lawyers and Doctors, Rich and Poor, Arc earnc-fly invited t«» extend id ine u portion of their patr.inage. when in need of Dry Good-. Cloiliing, und Shoes, Hals, lamilv Groceries, >priii<‘ i> Tip*'*ii in «*sii*n«*-t ii*»\V j of nil descriptions. Corn, Oat-., Meal, , u ' Bacon, Hour, and in fact a full line of * * * *•’ * Plantation Supplier at -triker.w prices. * or :l notching p'»eiu. Striker are quite proper, only -.irike I5err:en superior t *«»tirt i- iu -e-;-ion right, tliiw week. Strike to *ome piirpo-e. Lut not fora ... ... . dtidge u right L pre-tdmt* at \\ eb- Sfrike for your manhood, for honor **ter Superior t ’oiu t. r. f tirand preparati«»;i« -til! go «• i lor Strike right and left till \<m get to M. . Crin*’». tin-spring lair. M.-.-r-. ht-tuiiill & Strike with a haninn-r. the -!#*«lge and Barton, the lniiMing t-oniraetor.-. will the s«x, ^ pay h**avii\ for any man to put down Strike off bad habit-ami hurdfii-ome „n„|| l# . r vvag«-r. tax; strike a good blow w hile tie* iron i-. several of our im iehaiit-are in the hot. Northern market-, laving in their Strike, keep -triking. till you hit the -,|, r j llir -j... k-. right wfK»t. AT M A KIT'S f'KINK’S. 1 he li-hcrare dmuiug in the 1 can give extra iiMluceinent- to tiiiM tribe iittmerou-h now. utrirtly r#.|, ..t..-r.. I’-r-.n- l.av- T) „. i. mg aceouni- will do me a tutor by nettling them a-far a-they ran. Gen- **I» ri«jn*IIy. h ha- already IM-conie end Farm Prodm-e taken in exehange «»ne of the in-tituti..n- of onr eity. , ... i.’.t. Willi- M. flu—<-li ha.:il...nt - Thanking my for p:t-r)!ivi,r-t. and .oli'-iting t(o- -ann- in tin- fntnr**. < '-' ll ' Il,, Eit»*.l ail arr.-iii'''-im-nt. : and .J am di-ti-rtiiinf-'l t-» liavo yaitr tnalr will .•«*mnn*tii-»* tlo- ptiMi.-aiion of i!h if giving von tie- wt.rih of nn>n- ,-y win -•-.-nr*- it. l.*.*| m.\i:» i- < him. lift what ’ o-i l.iiv a! maimts n:r\r>. Slop tv lit-n voti at MAID I - < IMNi.-. Pav a- von go at maid r- i Ordor- bv mail prompt!'’all'-n-lfd to al MAlMTs < IMM. '. Onf Tlion-aiifl I'.ip-lo-l- Corn At MAID I S » Fivf 11 im.i r.-. I ISu-hfl- >f><! ami Kff.1 Oat-, at M AID l’> I l:i.M>. Five Hiimlrf'l ltti-ln-1- Fiflil !’<••>- At MAID I'S UllXirs. Tbm- l!nn<lr.-,l Itn.hi-!- Orniiml Vm», at MAIDT- riMNF.S. Two Hiimlrf'l ISn-l.fl- Half! '.round a! MAID I S rillXKS. And in fart thou-aml, of niiiiifr<oi, article, von will find at M AID r~ < III N F.'-. Tii J; ill, <lf v.-lopim-id gat! Till, il i- Till- A! 1 * -: t. Morgan, ha- I., hand-otm. -loo llanm-l. " ith -r.i ■•til font, w ilii i IiestltolloB. will an !.i;.-.oi-|ant spring lair. I’mler .I.-m-f of Mr. X. F. I lo h.- a -tiff.-,-. t .Hard-* I iriioilmr. up with a • <■• > itniform. of Mini irl-1 liifing.—-i -«| mi re i".. row- ofhnitonn, I l» uol and plume. I'ln- uniform " a loath- lit lln lii st- • i t— t .iloi in . -tahll-iiin. nl of Mr. ■lo-a-ph lihrti-h in ihf . in. W. O. Hml. r i,.r. al Arl ton *.va- I5‘-JI:ii ippmt fi t l i idti' night uhih lo- and Id i-lfrl. w •• n- a I supper SoVfral dollai-, in rnnnfy wt-rf -iohtll, and onif holt, of floih li inovfd. Worl: on tin- r.iff trafk at tin- l air drriuinh i- now progressing. “We mo t n -p.a:ifn|ly .all thi- «t- untion of the Sheriff, Coroner and Ordinary, who,e duty ii i-, to have the-advertising done lor the • onnty, to have the twine traniferred to the Ala a ;v VI tv n new.jnipi-i liaviaita in illation in thfeoiiulv ’— l-vlrift lion. < nlhouft eoiiniv l.rnnd Atlfinpl lo lvscn|M> liy lliirniiig. I In Tuft-day morning la at, alnuit ft o'clock. City I'nlim-ninn Smith wan railed to the jail h> Ihf alarm of lire. Upon rnafliing the prison ho entered and discovered a largo Idajso coining from one of the roll’s. In which wore routined Shop. Wndcl, c irorge Bync, and four othor oolorod prisoners,— I'pon invostigatlnii lit discovered that siiep and tieorge had sot flro lo their '■•‘II. tints attemudiag an bscspo. The lire was at once extinguished, and no damage was done except the burning of a bole iu the wall. Prof. Tripp. I-asi evening, at 4lie Presbyterian church. I’rof. Tripp delivered the first of a series of lectures ,in thisr cltv which are fo oeeitpv fliroe ovonliig*. A good audience attended.lust night, and the -XilijM'f' wa* grandly dis- oussod—I.oiiU Napoleon from birth to the Imperial Throne, proceeded by a brief account of the thrilling Paris lie volutions of Fchriia ry and June of lsl>. a- witnessed Itv the I.retnrer. The programme for (o-uighl und to morrow night nr |ually ns iutorost- ing and instructive. Part of the pro- 1- arising from these entertain ments are to he given to the Library V'soeialioii, under the auspices of which Prof. Tripp appears onr pie. l*rof. Itynn A Hon. It i- seldom Ihal our people have u opportunity of enjoying such leiisant enlerlaininenls ns those nf- >rded them bv Prof. Itynn and his talented son Itoll.-i al Willingham's llall. on Monday and Tuesday even ings. Although they came upon us unheralded, the audiences on hoth Or ion- a ere eompo.-ed of some of otlr -t .intelligent and appreciative •pic. ami the Itvaii- won a reputa tion enviable indeed. Should they •ver come this way again, full houses will greet them. Considering his age do not believe the younger Ityan- tragedian, eominedian, or facial t. has a superior on the the Amer- ■tage. We expect to "hear from him" one of these days. I ’nlieo Purlin Bull. Our I.-Baliti-h friends commemor ated the ‘‘Feast of Pnrim," with u very enjoyable Calico Hop, at the Bogen House on Tuesday evening last, At 12 m supper was announced by the obliging landlord, Mr. (r. Bogen, and was served in a most elegant style.— Xot until the “we sma’ hours were rowing large, did the merry dancers cease their jov. Mrs. C. Beringer, of Eufauln, Ala., and Miss Mary Casper, of Xew York, were the visiting ladies in attendance. All who attended pro nounced it a most enjoyable occasion. IVe are requested by the Committee to tender thanks to Mr. and Mrs. G. Bogen for the use of the llall, and numerous courtesies and liberal hos pitality extended. Our Mule Academy. Albany can now boast of one of the ■ i organized Male Schools in S. W. -in. Already it is attracting pat ronage from other counties. Prof. Clieve-. the principal, through the in- lluenee of the faculty of Mercer Cni- xitv, has recently secured the ser vices of Prof. It. late, of Irwinton, in connectittii with the school. Prof. Lee i- a graduate of Mereer Cnivcr- sity. and eonies among us with the highest testimonials of scholarship. He i- a teacher of experience, ami en joy- a reputation -ceoml to none in the State, (tin- eity lias gained a val uable .-iniui-ilion in the person of Prof. Lee. both a- a eiti/i-n ami edu cator. 'Iorgan |fof**l. T:i!k \ Fifth Avnitir Hm- D'l. yinir p:il;iti;il St. \irbola-; but 'iivp u- :\ liioib*! rnttutry liHlMt'lrio fur n ti! «omforl :iimI o«miI faiin^ am! -otiiu! s!»*i*|»ii»«<f # I;n« l«* I’hil (*lay- d»ii’- lum-r at Morgan i- an na-i- in tin* lii -iTt «*r lit**: ami whon \t^i* r«*ar)i th*»n- \va b»njf ilrawn -i^b nl* -vv.-* t rclii f. tickle mir rib-fm- tin- (*<«iiiin*r f**a-l ami j»n*jiari* fora |»b*a — :tnf tit...- r«*m'rally. Ifi- cow*>can o|vc milk ctjna! In a wl.o|c belli of Soutli- «b»wn.-: ami bi- butter i- a- rich ami wee I a - a yoiiiiy J-'irl.s fir-1 <leela ra tion of love. I.ikewi-e hi- other think—Il»f*v are <51,oil. 'I’he Im'iI of Attention, Latlii% Klil'LV TO “TAX PAYm.” Y °" "J’ -speeHMIly l»vl«e.l T " K "1“™ X™ "" to attend n meeting to lie held al 1 ( .|ii: taxation. Capt. Bust's rosldenee on to-morrow evening, at four o'clock, for tlie pur-, LViV«/-.< Mlmnii Xeirs: pose of instituting plans and ■ h '* “ pwl niisforliiiie, if not a forms for the celebration of ihe thull. Unit somt- people soem iu- 26th of April. il is hoped 'that i ' n|«'Wep|' di»' jis»ini evihiju tpioetion gentletnen will meet with tliei" 1 pi;f)IMinfi|V'ri»m*. wUhjoit Hii ex- w- - —• -*« - swSitras S: r ,.K YnngonirnL. ami HrieeUn« an orator 1 will, tlinn in opinton. for tho oeeansioii. t«rn. Alphcus lla-: I>* I umler.**laml the point nimlt* by kcr, of * Etlfanlii. Ala., the silver | ’i , y<r" in your last paper, it ii, tongned oratnr of the South, and j ISrS”? ShvdJ?^”.’ whoso soul IS the home ice jmi, repealed hv the amending and pathos, has licpu proposed and il | act of LS.'iS. and that this Act giro, the Is hoped will be selected. .Mayor and Cotmell of Alnnnv no It Is fit and proper and a grandly t •" «'1>- , .... ... . .. ' i "ii real and personal property and a beautiful custom of keeping Memo-: | M , | .. s(m „| sti-«>cl tax. rial day. ; The dillieiilly of "Tax l'ayer” seems Bvmemher.the hour, half past four, I <° he that lie ini.imder.inml the and let there lie a big crowd preseiil. ph'''' language of Hie law. The act 1 °I *‘ V *I :mi I liori fv* I In* Mayor ami Otir Tnx Colleetor. I'ouneil In tax “all persons; profes- i sums ami property of whalevor kind, it makes no differeuee how or where \ !,lv -nl»jet?t‘ lo taxation by the we proeured a eopv of the following i l,l ' vs °. 1 ' th'' »««••’ is ">‘"6 , * . 1 • ..... —:ui absolute power ol taxation equal letter. Suffice it to say we publish it | () the power of luxation posse.Sect by without the knowledge or consent ni l tho State, an liir as the subjects of fatxa- Mr> Forrester. We know that his linn aid concerned. But another thing modest nature would forbid us tl„.! """d a, "°" nt « f *«e«, tition . ..... . each of I hose subjects, was limited to privilege, it it were in Ins power to -a lav of not exereiling lillv per cent cheek our inclination. Hut ii is a de- over the Stale tax.” served compliment ton worthy pith- The act of 18/iS, amending tho act of lie officer; ami a good showing for .provides. “That to much of the l% . ^ ^ <*liHr(«*r nl Haul city of Albany «*. re- ouglierty eounty : , ,/»,'re, In.res for the support of the city t’oMPTnoi.i.KB Gknkuai.’s Ofxick. i government ami other purposes Id be Ati.a.nta. Ga., Jan. IS. 1S7S. j asse»sed n/ion the Slate tax be ami the J. H.'Fiikkkstei:—Hear Sir— Yours 1 -aim! it hereto/ rej," conveying papers for a linal solllc- And that i^ all that is repealed.— incut to hand, ami upon examination t tuly **.‘1 much as requires taxes to be found rorrret. Al the of the i ••a-sessi-d It|i0ti the Stale" is “repeal- year's transactions, let me thank you | ed." The power “to tax all persons, for Ihe uniform eourtesey you have j proles-iotis and property,” remained; hown tliis etlliS' in your odieial ea- j and, instead of the repealed limita- paeity. and especially for the business- tiou a. to the amaant o/‘ tax aullior- like manner in which you have eon- i/ed to In Heeled, the act of 1858 lurled your affairs with this office and I provides that “in future the Mayor ■i,)),/rat,ilafe\au tii your very-mall ami City Couneil' he. and they are insolvent list, ami your comity tor I hereby aulhori/t-d to Icvey such taxes having hi tnilhlul ami efficient an I at toay be neecssarjiJ'or the support of "'C- . \ ours ltes|M-et. ! raid citij t/overiiioent as aha 11 be deeni- W . I,. Goi.osvirru, ed by them to operate most equally Comp. General. . ou ail the inlizens ami property with- * 'T~~.— | in the corporate limits of said city.” ■Hurried. | -To levy such taxes’’—on vvhat? At 6 o'clock yesterday morning, by There is no stdijeet of taxation inen- Hov. It. AV. Dixon, at tlie residenceot lioned in this eonneelinn, in the the bride’s father, Mr. 1’. I„ OlU'M, of amending 'art.—why, evidently, on Xewton, Ga., and Mi.s Ki.i.rv M. "alt pertout. /u’ofestiont and property, Pr.r.ei.tts, of this city. ! <»/' tehafecer kind, which are subject to We were not present, Imt learn that taxation tot the laws oj the State. , ... .... , , 'Ihe anthnrilv of the Mayor i tilt ceremony was beautiful and verv and . Council is limited to “such tuxe . impressive. \\ e eongratulate Mr. j may he necessary for Ihe support of Odum upon his good fortune in win ‘aid eity government,” and the wav Iting the hand and heart of oue of!'" "hirh such taxes are to he levied Dawson's third and ,m... aeemn ! i a S,1C, J 11 ...... by Iheni lo oiwrato moat equally on plnheu uaii^hter-. j ?i!i lie* eiti/ena ami property within Immediately after the ceremony, j the corporate limit** of said city.* 7 the happv two, together with a few * **> ,,|U 1 1>C riear to any unprejii- of the groom’s invited guests, bid a . ic<! ' 1 i,l l;.I>ose we take the i 1* T . ; view oi “lax Payer, —that the power lieu t IrmmlH ami loved ones, and , of taxation, as well as the limitation departed for their homes in Baker of the amount of tax, provided by tho county.—Dawso/t Journal, l!Jh inist. | t ot 134L 'vas repealed by act of ■— — — -- '1863. Then, the whole taxing power Personal. | of the Minor and Council will be Mr. John A. Butler, of Arlington, ‘' Th<! “ ttv ® r M . . f .. and t.-ouncil be and thev are herebv graduated at Augusta Medical Cc.- authorized to levy such taxes as may lege recently. We wish him much lie necessary for tlie support of said itv government.” So subject of taxation being men tioned here, if this language does not give authority to levy taxes upon all subjects which are taxed hv the •State, then it give-no authority what ever for taxation. Hut il will he seen bv the decision of the Supreme Court—“Tlie Home Insurance Co., ele.. vs. the eity coun cil of Augusta,” quoted in my former eoiniiimiienlioii. that the taxing pow er granted hv Ihe Legislature to the (.'itv Council of Augusta in these words: “To make such assessments bet-, lor vv Inch he Inis our thanks.— in the same as may seem expedient,” He reports things moving along i' held to “include the power lo as surers-. Messrs. L. I\ |>, Warren. It. Holdis, D. II. Dope and J \ C. .lom-s are down at Savautiah, attending to an impor tant law ease. AVe had a pleasant visit yesterday from Jas. I’. Broads way. Ordinary of! Baker county. He reports everything flourishing in Baker. AVe hail a pleasant call from Mr. Arch Culhreath, Deputy Sheriff Ba ker county Tuesday. Mr. C. I ' smoothly ami quietly in Bake oceans of grain planted. Another Mooting. Ai.banv. Ga.. March gti. 1S7S. I’lirsitanl to rati looting of eili ,1 si— ’ all -objects which are taxed by the Stati—-liiisim—, occupations, pro fessions, property and polls—“unless then- he some other provision to limit it." Thus taking “Tax Payer's” errone ous view, the authority granted to Ihe Maroraml City Council of Albany bv zvns wa* this «!ay hob! al Willing- i| H .* anuuiilinir acl of ls:>8—“Toi<*vy luiin*?* Hall, to tnUostop* tow aril-pro- «ni*h laxt'e. as may b»* m*ros«»ary for id eolnfurl I'hil's lout uvail- the traveler This is becoming alarmingly seri oua in our mid i. ' It ir, depicted <>• the countenance of huudreh- of ladp who are • trnggling ilirongh life. I ia seen in the dull tj.i-ii .,i the eve, it,. ■ languid laugh, the pah- • heefc, il, feeble walk, the .lull intellect, Ihe pal piloting heart. Ye-., sin- ir de«titut< - —- of health, and the family is alnm > car load ot l-iat- deatitute of a home Scienee anil eru Hay, tor stile cheap Chnsiatry have combined a reined-. BAl;NFS X YANK1.I quick, powerful and never-failing. - —»• • which will regulate her whole sy stein Al a..:- v. < >.\ , Jan muy 26, 1S?8. and cure her aches and pains, oil! Metsrs. S. Jfaiter d. Gtaidwe build up and restore her health. Dfai: Sic We have tried your strength and buoyancy. -i .1 J owl Guano an 1 cheerfully o ti- The article i-known a' i-ngli h J e. /V to it, inciii,. Have nevei n ed male Hitler-, and -ell- at one dollsi any ' omincicial dnnnia- triun which Welch, at Albany, can give all inform- we ol,rained in-tin re nil -. alien. II. No not. . — — - —- W II Wit SON. W. H. Gilbert, -Ag't. A • *>. -ell only* - — . Ire-h and reliable gooilv—Garden Make a Gaidati lor the l air in .May, band*wspecialty. and buy your baud*at Wzxut’a. Colt nte I'fei t Nickels. On Wednesday la-1 Mr. J. W. Kemp of thi- city. Deputy Cnitcil Stale-, Mar-lial. was ordered to Amer en-. le-ar u liicli place, on the follow ing day lie arrested Janie- .lack-on and sei.11 1,'ohinsnii. two citizen- of that city, miller a warrant front the I'. S. Mar-hal. for i—iting anil jiassing counterfoil uicklc-. ’I'ln- pri-nner- vvero Inoiight to Albany ; and on Ffi- il.av la-t at i! o'l-lnek. were tried lie- fore Coiiimi—inner F. F. Putney, lion. Allen Fort, attorney lor defen dant-, and a number of witnesse- wefi> here from Aincrteiis. The par- lie- were cionlnittcd to Doltgherly jail in d- fait of three hiimlred dollars bond. 'I here are some other devel opment lo be brought out in Ibis c.i-e, ami il i-. not altogether certain that .Me-,i-.. Jackson and lloldti-on will b.- i onvieted. An AMonisbtug Fact. A large proporliou of the Ameri can people are tu-ilay dying front Ihe • II. t nl I >y .petsia <ir disordered liv er. I be result of I lie—e d isea-e- upon Ihe In.I c e. of Intelligent ami Ulllialdl' jieople ii tno-t alarming, making life actual!' a burden in-tem! nfa plea- snt exi fence i,f enjoyment and u.-e- fnlne:-. a- it ought to lie. There Is no good reason for thi-, if yon will only throw aside piyjmliitr and -ke ptiei lit), take the advice of Diuffgi Hand your friend-, and trv one hnllle of Green'i Align t Flower. A onr speedv relief ih e.a l iin Million , of hollies of thi medic ne have been given away to try il- rift with satisfactory result-iu every ea-.e. Von can buy a sample bottle for IP rent t to try. Three de»es will relieve the worst Oii-e. Positive ly old In all Druggist ■ on tin- West ern Continent. testing against the action of the City Council in imposing certain speeiit'e taxes for the present year. On mntion J. T, Hester was called to the chair anil L. C. Plon-ky tra* re quested to act si- Siaactarv. A enininittee. eonsi-ting of Me—r-. Westbrook, f.'ulliff, Hester. Plonsl.y and Breitenhaeli. was appointed lit procure eontrihiitioii- to defray e\- pen-es of employ ing eiitin-el, and to lake mtrli action in Ihe matter as they may see lit. with full power lo act. Meeting then ailjnnnieil sine die. J. T. IIkstei:. I.. C. Pl.ONsKV Ch.'lirni.'iu. Secretary. List of .Iiirora— I taker Count v. The following nauieil persons were Irawu as Grand and Petit Jurors for the May Term. 1878, of B.jUer Su perior I 'iiurl: t.isr or littANii -it-tail's. W T Morgan. M Bit I la id. ,1 K Gory, T W liiimmoml, W H Thompson, II Adams, .It the -uppo i- atilhoritv I are laved by lie some othi f said eity government.” o tax all subjects which the State, “unless there r provision to limit it.” I 'itizkn. ■I !•: LG Powell. John Holt. W J Jeffrie-. AV TFniri'loth, A Screws, T S Gray, D II Askew. K B Biehat'ilson. J M Solatia, J I. Boynton. I.Ist or i .1 B Fleming. .las Gore, T IV Fleming. W P Ilya Is. J F Keaton, A J Kelly, .1 P Toilrhstoue, S C Cnrlv, F K Bronkling. J II Hall, •S Thompson, J M Galewooil. J Lovell. GDI loui'li, J Irvin, W Woi'dlmni. II It (hloin, I. .1 Mathis. “News, news, send its the new'-,!,. whatever happen-, w hat anyone lines, j the If you raise a big pumpkin, polaloe- , or eggs; if your neighbor falls and -pi, break arms or legs; if von have a vis-1 Un it from uncle Julio or coil-in Sarah, or the festive hunk iigcnti'uiuOs round huz/ili'; if you happen In raise a live- h'gged calf, or any thing happens lo am kick up a laugh, why.-end them right in by railroad oreal't, ami bring sw eet peace lo the editors heart.” Wholesale 1,000 Ih . Fine Candies ju t iu L. K. A II K W FI,l 'll. Dpugjfictr. -I '» Pen v. I. Pllu.lgiiis, •I II Linqiii'lield. Jas Irvin. <' 'I' Smith. SJ W Liviiigsln John Smith, i: A Ga v. IV W William . TIT .ll'ROUs, Jas Minis. J II Bodiford. S Butler, J T Norris, M S Davis. II K McCollum. J II Adam-, A P. Moore. II D Taylor. J P ISronda wav CL Bell, II McLendon, It Barnett. A Well.on. G B AVor-hain. W I. Spurlin. A .1 Mi-Miirria, .lll-t l.eeels nl Low Ijiiarters—for genllemen. al Tiik. City Shoe Store. Fine Liquors for medical purposes. I.. K. & II F WK1.CII, Druggists. That Viiiiiig Sinn. lazily -canning over a sen- per. hailing from Ihe great l icked city of New A’ork, and •- at la-l rested on Ibis adver- li-emeni : "Any one sending uslwen- tv-live cents w ill receive in return something which will he of value to him,” He sent, he did that, and re ceived iu reply thus: “Don't lie such a find a , lo -end your money to us j lignin, tint keep it in your pocket.” Onion Set-, Irish Potatoes and fresh Garden Seed. fl'Eini't Corner. lie -alio ‘nr 1 Ids e La-1 week we thought we would have I a around before this lime so liciting special premiums for Ihe Southwest Georgia Industrial Asso ciation Fair, l>nt want of time Inis prevented us from doing so. We will lie out in a few days, and hope to get a good many put down in our honk. They will he published from time to time in the News free of charge. tji’iRV : "Why will men smoke com mon when they can lmv Mar- liiirg Bros. "Sealq/ Xorth Carolina,™ al Ihe same price?” janillst-ly. rAttention, Everybody. ~|j| ^ I'l.twit, t»l t-At'ijf coiit'tfifftMt* kiutl, a irKU’H A IIACON. • t til. 20 rents per gallon. WELCH'S COKNFl!. •iiv aiiv tun fresh garden It. Gilbert Ag't A' Co. sell assort motif of I 'hildrens’Slioei •pie are invited in to look a I Trv Shoe. Store. Ai.iiaxv. f ia., Jan. 17, 1878. 1/• .s'. Mai/er .1 U/oniter:— Rive used the Sea Fowl Glliliio, and mi Milislied thill il is as good as any II the market. I propose trying it igain this season. G. II. Vincent. .It:. Snap . Pota-h. Soda. Slat'eli. Spices, •lo., etc., w bole •lleatld I'elall. L. F.& It. K. WELCH, Druggists A OimmI Doriinienl. AA'hile in Calhoun last week, during tin; session of Court, it was remarked to us by an attorney of shrewd in sight and common sense acumen that, the Grand Jury was as fine a body of men, singularly and collectively, as he had ever seen drawn out of the Jury box of any county. To read I lie document they present lo their peo ple, published in another column, you agree in totn to vvhat the attor ney said. It shows upon its face Rome good, earnest, careful work for the county's constituency, ami clearly presents even to a casuist in thought ful minds that made the paper. Some important recommendations and conclusions arc given; but we don't propose to synnp.-i/c, so read. In reference to the recommenda tions given the News oil account of its general circulation, ns best suited as the official organ of the county, we most humbly bow our acknowl edgements. and return many, ninny thanks. AVe propose for our paper to ever have a high and noble stand ard of journalism, ami to be hold, fearless, unswerving and unbending in its course. AVe aim to work for, battle for and sustain our section of country, lo give a live, newsy, pro greasive. well-balanced, well-edited paper, and to these ends will ever use our energies. The recom mendation of the Callmmi Grand Jury is an appreciation that we will not forget. To the worthy gentlemen who en tered the protest we make our obeil- anre, and say we do not bluine them at all. but rather commend them. If we mistake not, a majority out of the five sire originally Early county people, and thus it is explained. New Militia District. The Board nl' Commissioners of Ronds and Revenues of Calhoun coun ty has given notice that a new Militia District has been formed and laid on: of the Xorth end of tln-tiSfilh District, G. M., of said county, bounded on the North by the Terrell county line; East by the Chiekasawhnteliie creek; AVest by tlie Ilehaway-Xotchaway creek, and on the South by the laud line running east between lots Nos. 182 and 178 on east and lots Nos. lPl and 167 on west side. The same liar- been entered on the mi not os of the Board, and forwarded to the Govern or, and numbered by him as Militia District 1301. You Can'i Help it.—AVe mean the nmminoth advertisement of Mr. Joseph Ehrlich, a more extended notice of which w ill appear in onr next. Tribute of Respect. Tlie Atigel of death lias summoned to the throne of Jehova one, whose loss we deeply mourn. The devotional piety, the implicit trust our departed sister reposed in the tiod of onr Fathers led her safety over the rugged paths of her earthly destiny, 'ameliorated her bodily suf ferings anil upheld her in the 'hours of trials ami sorrow. Mrs. Mariana Grass rests by the side of her son, who in the bloom of youth left his bereaved parents to be wail his loss; she reposes by the side of her husband who was called from her side by the inexorable decree of Providence, when sickness had chain ed her to the bed of sufferings, when two little orphans looked up to her for comfort mid sustenance. Drinking life everlasting and eter nal joy out of the pure fountain of her spotless life, freed from its earth ly fetters, her spirit soars iu regions celestial, oonsumating the union en tered into upon earth, mid now sealed in Heaven. The Angel of Peace and divine con solation will hover over the bereaved family anil |mur comfort into the bleeding hearts of the orphans sob bing at the grave of their parents; the God of Isreal, the God of tin- afHined aud motherless will guide their foot steps. and ever lead them iu the paths of virtue, lead them in the wav their devoted mother would have them go. A faithful mother, a pious sister haslet! our midst; our. community has lost an'ornument. llesolced. That we will ever cher ish her memory and that this Obitua ry be spread upon the Minutes of the Albany Hebrew Congregation, a per petual memorial of a true daugh ter of IsreaT. Retained, That tlie officers mid members of Albany Hebrew Congre gation suhniifthis Obituary as a token of our sincere compassion to the stricken family, and ordered that it lie published in tlie Air.asv News and Jewish South. L. Arniikim, i Jacob Iaihcii, > Committee. I,. C. Pi.onsky.A Brant Zester Brass Lucy Brooks Mrs E List of Letters, Remaining in the Albany Post Office, March 20,1878. Arnold J T Karnes Manuel Bolton J AA’ BiggerstaffThos Culhreath Archie Curtis Louisa Dumont Fritz. Dicksaw Jack Edwards Jennie Edwards ltnLt Furlow Charlie Griswood Sintson Gilbert Susan Giimmage Kohl Grant l > F Grew Chiles Hicks Sallie Holmes Davis Hooks Joo-pli Jones January Johnson Jacob Johnson Crawford,Johnson Kizztr Jones Lizzie Jay AV T Jones Eliza Johnson AV C Johnson Ben King Lizzie King Primus Lemmox M C Lonticr Ham McElroy Susan .McKay Robert Merrick Sans MnyesB It Paris R 0 Powers Rill Reese Elizabeth, 2 Russell B J ltitcli Annie Sherman Tlioa Scurry A'erJa Standerper Emma Stevens Cornelia Gi-nud .Jury Presentments. Hl'l.'ivu TERMCU.HOUN Sl'PF.RIOR COURT. AVe, ihe Grand Jury, chosen and sworn at tlie March Term, 1878, Cal houn Superior Court, respectfully submit the following General Pre sentments: AVe have, through a committee on Public Buildings, found some repairs needed on the Jail, to-wlt: Anew lock on tlie outside door, also a break in the weather-boarding, needs re placing, and we recommend that said repairs be made as early aa possible. AVe find that the Court house needs Rome improvements, which we recom mend be looked after by the proper authorities. AVe here report the roads and bridges of the county in excellent con dition, with some exceptions. The road leading from Leary to Milford is iu bad order, notin consequence, how ever, ol‘ remissness of duty on the part of the Road Commissioner*, but owing to the fact the road puses through a low, dat section for some miles, and that said road Is a new-cut road, not having been in existence long enough to have been packed by travel. AVe also find on the road leading from Leary to Timmons’ bridge, two smsll bridges needing re pairs, and we call the attention of the Commissioners of Roads and Rev enues to the necessity ofpurehulng lumber for repairing said bridges after which we recommend that the Road Commissioners of the 3d Dis trict proceed at ones to put. la order tsid bridges. The Committee ou Public Roads find the books of the various officers of the county, including the Ordina ry and Treasurer, Clerk of the Court, bhcrlff and County School Commis sioner, Judge of the County Court aud Commissioners of Roads and Revenues, neatly kept and having the appearance of beiug correctly kept.— The books of the Justices or the Peace we also rind in proper condi tion, except a slight omission in the books of the Magistrate for the 3d District, who has failed for some months past to enter up and itemise as required by law, on his docket cases disposed'of, and respectfully call his attention to this omission. AVe find that Ills Honor, J. J. Berk, Judge of ihe County Court, and the Solicitor James Keel, Esq., have tried and disposed of since last term of the Superior Court, twenty-eight crimi nal cAses s follows: 13 found guilty; i nolprosed for wout of evidence; 4 settled and suspended^ and six not guilty. Fines imposed by this Court amount to |61,7S: which has been col lected and secured by notes not due, which will be collected and properly disbursed. AVe rind upon examina tion of the records and vouchers of the County School Commissioner the following creditable and highly approved showing with the public School funds of 1877: To balance ou hand from 18761 80,04' Received from State ftutdt.. 899,7S “ “ J. AV. Colley on poll tax 67ft,00 Making total from all sources 11,648,79 41,632,90, of which has been paid out and properly vouched for, leaving in tlx: hands of the School Commiss siouer $115,87. There will be in op eration during the year twelve white shools, 412 pupils enrolled, 270-29-65 ns the average number in attendance. There will be nine colored schools,' 308 pupils enrolled, with an average attendance of 187-16-60. There being a vacancy in the Board of Education, we have' supplied said vacancy by electing three members whose term of office is for four years. Dr. P. P. Geer, of the 4th district, Mr. AV. J. Horsley, of tlie 3d district, and Jos. G. Collier, Esq., a new member from the 1,283rd district, have been choseq by this body for that purpose. ’ AVe have also recommended J. J; Beck, as Judge of the County Court, and James Keel, aa Solicitor, and have the honor of requesting his Ex cellency, A. II. Colquitt, Governor of the State, to appoint the above named gentlemen to their respective posi tions in accordance with the action of this body. The Cierk of the Conrt and Sheriff report, supported by a sworn state ment, that the Clerk has in hand #2-50 belonging to the County, on lines, and iti the Sheriff’s hands $1 collected on Jury fees. • AVe append to these Presentments the affidavits of County officers, not however, for tlie purpose of having them printed us a part of these pre sentments, but as suitable papers for record in the Clerk’s office. AVe find the value of the entire tax digest to be $631,690. The Btate as sessment upon that Is $3,408^5, on which the County levied a tax of 100 per cent, for county purposes, amount ing to t 3,508,95 Gross, upon this last gross amount levied for county purposes, the Coun ty Board levied a tax of 20 per cent, for bridges amounting to. $ 681,79 For Court and incidental ex- S enses, 15 per cent uroreaud Bailiffs, 25 per cent For Paupers, ^ per cent For books and stationery, ft per cent 170,04 For Jail fund, 2ft per cent 852,23 511,94 852,23 340,08 Smith Scaly Spence (’has AV Thomas D R AA’alkor Sam Williams Jes-c Wise Clms Stevens Ann AVilliams Isabella AVutson Addix AVare Raze. IVrsells calling I'orauy of the above letters will please say “advertised." C. AV. ARNOLD. 1*. M. Fi sh Garden Seed at W. ILGii.iikiit Aii’t.A Co*n. I have used Ihe Sen Fowl Guano and it has paid me. I do not hesitate to sav that it is one of the best that 1 have ever seen. John TVi ker. Don’t neglect your garden. Inn buy vour seeds at once of AV. 11. GILBERT, Ao'r & CO. Making in all the sum of.. 8.406,96 general tax of the County. The Tax Collector haa paid the Treasurer, according to his swom statement hereto annexed, $ 3,081,97 AVe find entered ou the minutes of the County Board, to the relief of the Collector, an Insolvent list of general tax $ 39,66 AVhich foots to the relief of the Tax Collector... . 8,121,63 which leaves a balance due the county of 287,32 AVe find due tho School Commis sioner, bv Collector on digest from poll tax’ 1,295,00 From recM on insolvent poll tax 19,00 Making the total balance from that source...... 1,314,00 The Collector as credits as follows, commissions for Collector and Re ceiver, 36,01 Insolvent poll, errors, Jfce., allowed by County Board.'. 410,00 Amount paid School Com- ■nissiouer 675,00 Footing in all. . 1,141,01 Showing a balance in hands of Collector, due School Commissioner 172,97 We call tho attention of tho County Board to the balance still due by the Collector, and earnestly recommend that a settlement be lmd os soon us pos-qlilo for the amount that seems to be still due the County Sehool Com missioner. Tlie Treasurer’s books makes the following showing or exhibit- Amount received from col lector, Nov. 10. 1877.. $ 1,176,27 Amount received Jan 9,78 1,823,73 Amount received March 8 82,00 A total amount of. .. 3.081,97 We find plaeeil to the credit of tlie eounty, from lieenoe on liquor, 150,00 From Wild Lund Tax.. 30,00 From lines and forfeitures 6,00 From insolvent Tax tifas returned ... .... 10.00 Which added Jto the sources 198,00 to I, U1C 3,271,es named makes the sum of Now. this amount added to the amount received from Collector makes a total of 3,278*10 in the hands of Treasurer. AVe find entered to the credit of the Treasurer for which beholds good and sufficient vouchers, numbering from 1 to 7^ the amount of. AVhich leave a balance iu the hands of the Treas urer of C,3i for disbursement. AA r c find that the larger amount has been paid ip coun ty orders, and having been received by him in payment of taxes promis cuously. Now, in order that tlie Treas urer may be compelled to keep his account, and pay out the money be longing to the county, as the law di rects, which was giveu in His Honor’s charge to the Jury, we most earn estly recommend that the Tax Collec tor be Instructed not to receive in payment of taxes these orders as here tofore, but that be collect the taxes as provided by law, and pay the same into the Treasurer, and that the Treasurer hereafter shall be held fefa strict account according to lawjfor the payment of mouev on the partic ular fund for which it was asaeai&L It appearing to this Bodv that tha I, 28311. District of our County'1* iu need of a Notary Public and ex- officio J. P., we respectfully recom mend the appointment of Chas. -J. McDaniel for that office. We most respectfully call the at tention of the Sheriff, 'Coroner and Ordinary, whose dnty it Is to have a4vairtis{ng done for'tlie county to have the same transferred to the Al- avarNaws, a newspaper having • general circulation in tho county.— We respectfully call the. attention of onr Representative elect to the Legislature. Uon. O. H. Paul, tha$ it it the desire of this body that ho have the law consolidating the offices of Ordinary and County Treasurer, Sheriff and Tax Colleetor, cjerk'aad Receiver, repealed, and that the'old law of paying commissions accruing ftrom these offices be re-enacted:. We recommend that our IteprAshtatlve procure such additional legiiffiltbn as will bring to speedy trial all of fenses below a felony in our County Court, including all bills found be low a felony by the Grand’Jury at the. regular term of the Superior Court’. AVe call the attention of clticeas to the'law In reference to vagrancy, and request that the law in this particu lar he rigidly enforced. We also call the attention of the citizens of the county to the law in reference to p»c- vcntlon of cruelty to animals, and ask that they report all infractions of this law. To the proper tribunal for inves tigation ana prosecution. * ' . • We recommend that the Sheriff of the .County be allowed tw6. riding BaUUb during the criminal.- Evasion of the Court at each term, and that said Bailiffs be allowed three ‘ dollars a day for their services. - AVe deem it proper to state that the present Indebtedness of the.Cotihty up to the present Term of the Court amounts to about $1,200. - ” In severing our connection with His Honor, Judge G. J. AVrtght,. we beg leave to tender our thanks for his ' hie arid impartial administration of the law. We foel especially indebted to onr •Solicitor General, AVm. O. Fleming, ;Ksq.* for his efficiency in facilitating ■the business of this Body. John C-ollev, Foreman. - Richard R. Davis, AVm. C. Dillon, L. A. Davis, J. E. Loyless, P. E. Boyd, N. C. Greer, J. G. McCullers, T. J. Perry, D. W. Hallowav, J. T. P. Daniel, M. W. Bell, J. E. Moseley, John A. Cordray L. J. T. Bunch, B. F. Bray, Peter S. Barbee, Thomas Briscoe. We, the undersigned Jurors sign our names under protest to that part of these General Presentments to re move the Public printing from the Early County Xewt: J: M. Rawls Peter F. Geer, Joseph G. Collier, Madison G. Bryan, J. M. Bass. A true extract from the minutes of Calhoun Superior Court. Alfred I. Monroe, Clerk, S. C. Our MonuAfrat. We have secured the services of that Indefatigable gentlemen, Judge A! 1. Monroe, as our Agent at Mor gan. He is duly authorized to receive .and receipt for subscriptions, adver tising, Job work, etc. Our Calhoun friends will please extend him all fa vors. WsxrED—To rent, by a young man, an unfurnished room, in some pri vate house, near the business portion of the etty. Apply at this office. All our Seeds are fresh and reliable, and our Stock complete L. E.AH.E. AVELCH. ALBANY MARKET* Corrected Weekly by a. c wnraaooK. c. w. wamooi Westbrook & Go., WBoliaale sad Retail Dtalcn Is Merchandise as Follows BACON—Clear rib aides... ▲lbawt, Qa, March tOth 1176 CtUABB—tYc u CHKBOOTB SNUFF—Railroad Mills. —... JMtmVUM - 12J0» IU0 — 75 M Urtfpow .... MACKELKL-Kita No t Kite Mol.. **4Sc. *Je, A*. 7k, 1.00 .1.00 to UW .. UAIoAM bbls No S frMt He 1 » , LL WELL BUCKKra-nir 1NU—Acconliog ».U0 toiiba 1*40 le trot BAQQINU—Accent fa a to wetfbt*.n!*”!“ i tW to l«U TIBI—Arrew......^,^. 5 to Pieced*. 4*4te 6 MACON Sheeting 71?to • Shirting u • Cheeks. 1* to 1 Plw'lSpe”: mSaSsPz B&ANDT MATCBBi WOOL 17 to tt 1.70 tofl.00 2.66 to bJOO -2.MIOW6 23 9«S