The Albany news. (Albany, Ga.) 186?-1880, August 21, 1880, Image 1

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: ';]S'y ^w^Iteins. The Little Keck witter work* here J. VT. SHEFFIELD, ; America*, Oa. County. been sold for $80,000.' » The Kentucky conference of the ,M. K. Church, South, will meet ill Lsxiugton September 15. One Pembleton, of Marshall, Ky.. lofthla wife and (even children end rau off with two aider*. Five men were under arrest last Friday in Monttcollo, Ky., for rape. Two Glassgow (Ky.) ladles have made a circuitous buggy trip by themselves of 166 miles in ncighbor- gpgpigl to meet in Arlington on Wednesday, the ist dsy of f&phHntnr, 1880, at 10 o'clock, a. m., for tbs jiorpoae of nominating a Democratic candidate to represent the i^ndtfiianatnrWIHatilet ln the neat Gen- eral Assembly of Georgia. Each county ed, and Or. J. H. Pickett moved to appoint one. The name of Col. M. P. Jones, J. H, Pickett and Hon. R. R. Jenkins, were placed in nomination and unanimously elect ed. Mr. J. W. Fowler was elected' permanent chairman, with same secretaries. Speeches were then 1 had from Dr. J. H. Pickett, Col. M. P. Jonee and J. J. Ford, Esq. - Dr. Pickett, in a second speech,explain-’ ed the object of the meeting. Showed that it was called at the wish of the people, and had a legal right to transact business, as- per call. They had a second speech from J. J. Ford, explaining portious of his first speech, which had fallen under ^misconstruction, and again churning that the purpose of. the meeting resolved itself uuto the “Court House” question. That re moval and nothing else was the real issue before the people. Col. M. P. Jones made anothor speech, in which he gave his views on the Court Honse question, and named Sumner os the best place to advance the interests of Worth County. The Chairman then vacat- ed the chair, and asked to be as sured that the present meeting was legally called, and if the objection of .the people was to the nominee of present meeting, or to the fact that said meeting had transcended its authority in naming a candidate. The meeting then declared, by a rising unanimous vote that the objection was not to the nominee, but that previous meeting had transcended its authority in naming him, as it had not been 'called foi that purpose. ',. ” Mr. W. L. Lane then moved that, a committee of three be appointed by the chair to select the name ot a suitable man to * be presented, as, Senatorial candidate, before, the centlydiedin convention which meets in Albany., ^eath'though on 24th insL Chairman appointed forty years. I JOHN. O. PERRY, Cb. Dem. Ex.; CoimjBaknr County. .... rt. C. MITC1IEELL, Ch. fin. Ex. Cora. Calhoun Co. T.F. JONES, Ch. Dess. Ex. Com. Early Co. cnl bureau, and then go home ' and then” go homo and glory in haying retrenched, and reformed.' Mercy on na! what-I'obts our people do send lo make laws far ’em. Why, there are' twenty teams passing my house every day loaded.with maganese worth ten dollars, a ton—600 tons a month Sold, under one little contract—hud it was the State geologist who found U and made known it* value. We used to have a game law in ibis county, bbt 1 understand 'it’s abolished. A filler who dideut have anything else to do was shooting partridge* ou my prem ises, tho oilier day, ami I pufauajied hint to get out and let my birdaalone and so ho got out In the public high way by the branch and set there and whistled “bob white” -and called ’em to.the fence and sliot/em nowriln the road.' What’s to be done about the like of that? Cobe says all these little aggravations that can’t be hoped are sent upon us to weaken our at- world and to fit heaven. So I I reckon it Is.— Bill Ahp. a fish-canning factory. Joseph ’ Jefferson, who has been spending a portion of his vacation at Vermont, has purchased a herd of twely«s|iort horn, cattle, to iiuprovq' the stock ou his Tartu in Louisiuua. The new. State Whlslry law of Mis- BUILDER’S ,MATERIALS, &cj counties of Dougherty, Lee and Worth Is hereby called to meet at Albany, Ga., on the 31th T day of August, 1880, to nom inate a candidate for Senator, for the Tenth Senatorial District. - D.H. POPE, Ch. Dem. Ex- Cotn. Dougherty eo. H.L. LONG, Ch. Deny. Ex. Com. Lee co. W. A. "nARRIS, . - Ch. Don. Ex. Com. Worth eo. a young ladies cooking club. A portion of Texat is destined, to become a great sugar producing sec tion. •• ” 'It Is nffw evident that, the cotton crop of Texas 'this year will be the largest ever made or marketed. ProfessorSilliman, of Vale College, has been on an exploring trip to Mex ico. He says that there is ho reason in tho. world why those great plains, heretofore considered uninhabitable, should' net be converted into fortile farms. .’ A woman in Marshall county, Kan sas, has bod bad luck with husbands. Two of. them were hanged by vigi lance committees,: a third was sent to the penitentiary, and a fourth com- reckou its all right. —It would seem that the lore of the Bepublican party for the The citizens of Baker county are re quested to meet st the Courthouse on Friday, the 37th day of August, 1880, for the purpose of nominating a candidate to tepmeeat the county of Baker In tbenext General Assembly; to designate a candi date far the 8th’ Senatorial District; to elect .delegates to attend the 9th Senato- rial Convention, and for the further pttr- poee of electing a Democratic Executive Committee to serve two years. Tile nom ination and designation to "take place by po Is not j. ‘Sunset” Cox has intwiewe 1 a uejro wenttowho hell iu a dream. ' “Were there any' Democrats there?’* “Yas, right smart sprinklin'.”' ' “Any Republicans ?” , “Heft war. toll oh uin. “What were they doing?,’ “Homin’tie ntggahs twlrt them amide milted suicide. Nutting bad has yet happened to.Uie fifth. The native'Christians of tlic island of New Hebrides in the South Pacific have recently shipped for Londou thirty-seven hundred pounds of arrow-root, to pay for an edition of A Busy Family. WE ALWAYS; KEEP ON HAND Rubber Belting, Lace Leather and . V' NAILS, Guns. Pistols, Powder, And in fact EVERYTHING that A c'nse of assault aud battery, iu whicli farmer’s sons were plaintiff sad defendant respectively, was on triiai injustice Alley, yesterday, and Hie plaintiff’s lawyer was very anxious to make out that the defendant’s (sin ily must have teen the fight which took. place just outside, the kitchen door. The defendant's mother being on the stolid the lawyer began: ‘’Well, where'Were you, when the first.blow was struck?” .ballot, requiring a majority to nominate. Therefore it is desired that every Demo crat In the county he present at that time. / JOHNO. PERKY, - ti £h. Dem. Ex. Com. Baker co. Newton, G*., July 6th, 1890. _ I ought to be found in a First-Chi ware Store. We respectfully invite you to call and see our stock. The-publisher is determined to place ■e Savannah Weekly News in the hand* f everybody In Georgia and Florida who Bg^AD 8TREET, Albany, <*•- Next poor to Gilbert’s bri want a fiixt-daw news and family jour- nal, and to that end we offer to sand the MPa’from this date (August Hth) to March 14th, 1881, for om dollar. ITda wfll cover the electfoo and Inauguration of (be Democratic candidates. Send In caprcE rah?” • . “Sarah was in the-north bed-room changing the pillow-cases on tbie spare bed.” “And where was JJtne ?” ; “Jane ? She bad run over to a neigh ' J. H. Estill, Savannah, Ga. bogus petrified baby, which she .wheeled from town to town in a per ambulator—telling a story of its sick ness, death, and final - transformation into atone. The Jlguro had been well mado up as to head aud arms, but plain m'arks of the chisel were found elsewhere. Approposot the Tanner excitement is the following anecdote of a Lon don lady of fashion. She was walk- JOSEPH HERSCHBACH, April 39, 1880—ly. PROPRIETOR J. W. JOINER, Among all the disagreeable qoences that follow the decay of the an impure breath must be the most Mag and unpleasant to Iu possess^ tt ia the mote Inexcusable and of- sty; and yet the cause of it lawHy removed tycleansingthe 'with that justly popular den- SOZODONT. It puri- the breath, cools and and gives a peari- to the teeth. < who indulge in smoking should cleanse tbeir teeth. with SOZODONT, as It to- moves oil unpleasant odors of the weed Ask your druggist for it. - July 8 The New York Tribune and Times havffhot published a line of General \’(8hennan letter, although they both freely discussed it as long as ft could b« misrepresented as au , . >pr unseen document. When its pnbli cation was forced by the misrepre sentations of organs, they ceased to be newspapers and surrendered jour nalism to the behests of party. As Mr, Jay Gould, the owner of the Tribune, - is supporting Hancock while he runs his editor and organ the other way, nobody will be sur prised at any vagaries of that journal but.tbe Time* has many of the bes many or the best qualities of a.newspaper, and it can’t afford to suppress news because it doesn’t like it. The infirmities of or gans add to the importance and*cir culation of Independent newspapers with every returning campaign, and Lgoitable candidate for Senator from newspaper* can stand itiforgaus can. i «... the following eommitte : 14th district—W. L.Lane, W. L. Storey, W. W .Hall; 7th district— G. W. Smnner, C. A. Alford, J. Wl Trammell; . 6th disirict—D. A. Garrett, Joe Willis, N. Thornhill; 16th district—J. M. Rouse, E. W. Hill, W. W. Kemp ; 15th district —E. C. Lippitt, M. P. Jones, J. R. Hill; 8th district—M. W. Pool an, S. D. Parker, W. J. Ammons; 2nd district—S. H. Williams, Alf. NoweU, Wm- Gravy, Committee after retiring and con sulting, presented the name of Hon. J. M. Rouse, who was declared the nominee by acclamation. It was the motion that same com mittee select names of suitable par ties* tor delegates, in addition to those appointed by previous meet ing, to the Senatorial convention at Albany on the 24th inst, The following names were se lected : 2nd district—S. H, Williams, B. Hobby ; 6th district—I*r. J. H Pickett, D. S. Sumner; 7th dis trict—C. A. Alford, J. L. Sumner ; 8th district—L. D. Parker, R R. Jenkins ; 14th district—W. L. Storey, W. L. Lane.; 15th district —J. R. Hill, M. P. Jones'; 16th district—W. J. Ford, E. H. Hill. It was then moved snd seconded that these delegates be, and are hereby instructed, to present the name of Capt J. M. Rouse, as a 1/ ing with one she deemed a kindred spirit.' The lunch-belt rang. The lady was thin and esthetic, anu proud of her mental and physical ethereal ness. Her companion suggested a move to the dining-room. The lady said, With ono ofJiqr.sw.cetesl, saddest smiles: ‘Thaveeaien half a rose, and have kept the other half for my sup per.” V The Heathenries This is the title of a new serial story, Miss Mst Grim, of Atlanta, the first chapters of which will appear in the Sa vannah Weekly News of Saturday, Ang. 28th. Without anticipating, we may as sure the lovers of pleasant fiction that i rich treat awalta them in, the perusal of this charming story of home life. Sub scribers, to have it entire, should send In their names at once. Subscription, six months, 41; one year, $2. Address J. H. Kstii.i., Savannah, Ga. Certain Dutch naturalists are test ing the ability of the domestic cat to act as postman- Selecting Luik for their headquarters, they thence dis patch's number of cats, securely tied dp In woolen bags, to the neighbor ing villages, where they are freed from confinement, aud turned loose, with neat packets of letters firmly strapped to their backs. At once their domestic instincts conie into full play, and they swiftly fleo home ward with unswerving directness. Of thirty-seven cats thus constrained to serve their country, not one has hitherto failed to fulfill its postal function with excellent punctuality. 10th Senatorial District, and that they stand by him so long a i there is a reasonable hope of bis nolraina- tion. Meeting then adjourned. J. W. Fowleb, Ch’n. W. J. Hail, J. N. Riddlxt, Sec’tys. vy, cowhided John Gerneher, and in Whitney county Mrs. Steele shot at Sam Eagle. Women will have tbeir rights. bor’s to borrow some coffee am nutmeg.” . t ■ “Let’s see! Haven’t you a sister liw. ing with yqm?” “Yes, sir. 1 She Was sewing carpet rags upstairs.” “• — -■> j- “Ah 1 she was? You have a young son named Charles, haven’t you? 7 “Yes, sir, and he was salting sheep, across the road.” “Just no. You are a very busy fan! ily, I see. . I suppose the dog was very busy just at this particular mo ment.” Yes, sir, he was. Old Boss was down at the gate looking toward De troit for one-horse lawyers I” That closed her testimony and set tled him more than a foot.—Detroit Free Press, A saw mill at Rehoboth, R. I„ was burned in a curious way the other day. The mill was not running, but it is supposed that the large amount of rain which fell raised the pond so high that it started the wheel, snd tho machinery was run so rapidly without oiling that the friction pro duced fire, which was communicated to the mill. A Fasting Match.—Mr. Charles D Keep, of the New York Wail street Daily News, offered a prize of $1,000 for any ouc who will fast for forty days or more under his immediate su pervision, and quickly received appli cations from five candidates, with which he closed tho lists. The last applicant contends that ho can fast thirty days without food or water, and twenty days moro with water on ly. Dr. Hammond has highly rccom mended this man, and will, It is said, give the exhibition his personal alien tlon. A hall will be hired about Sep tember 1, and it is not proposed to charge any admission. The money will be paid to the man who fasts tho longest. Mr. Keep says he hopes to get fifty days of amusement out of his new enterprise. Ro good Preaching. No man cun do a good Job of work, preach a good sermon, try a law suit well, doctor a patient, or write a good arti cle when he feels miserable and dull, wtth sluggish brain and unsteady nerves, and none should make the attempt In sncli a condition when it can be so easily and cheaply removed liy a little Hop Bit ters. See other column.—Albany Times. At Indianola, Texas, the waters of the Gulf, under the pressure of a windstorm of forlv-cight miles per hour velocity, and the water rose to the depth of three feet throughout the town. On tho 13th the velocity increased to seventy-fivo miles uer hour, and tlic water rose rapidly, lifting tho track of the Morgan Rail road from the bed of the road and carrying it half a mile away. No lives wero lost. 0. J. FARRINGTON, MERCHANT TAILOR, In m!llnttiftai<» Balldinc, upttalr*. Will ent and make Coata, PanU and V«aU In firsts I am atjle and aa cheap as any house In the State. I keep always on h ind a full line of Cloths. Come and examine my goods, and hara your Spring Suita -^“"•'b.rCTnNGTON. mchCVtf ATLANTA, GA. HUFF & BROWN, Prop’s. An ico factory lias been established at Nashville. Ten tons of ico will be turned out daily. First-Class in Every Partianlar. WHEN YOXT GO TO ATLANTA STOP A T TH E MAHKUAM. HEADQUARTERS -FOR- GREEK AHO OflIEO FRUITS. GROCER AND IMPOBTEfe,' SATAXVKJJBt - » GA. Circular No. 8. Offloe of THE RAILROAD COMMISSION, ATLANTA, OAn June 18,1090. two month’* buslaunhy a Railroad, the allowance 1 Rate*," la continued, aa Imum rate* aa. to OoUoa, Fertilizers and Lumber; end on all other dame (100) one hundred per cent, on the "dtandanl l&tar 1» allowed, as a maximum. JAMES M. SMITH, Chairman. R. A. BACON, Secretary. june!99-4t