Georgia courier. (Augusta, Ga.) 1826-1837, July 26, 1827, Image 3

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AVGUSTA. THURSDAY, JULY 26, 1327- The GEORGIA COURIER .ill be wgiilarly issued on *«***£ Thursdays, precisely a' 2 ° cl “ k ' P ; “' and it is hoped all Advertisements will be handed it), at least, by 12 o'clock on those Hays. i new s has been received of the pas- enrrers who attempted to reach the shore n ,], e boat of the Falcon, lately ship wrecked off Cape Look Out. The venerable Mr. Madison, whose ifo was lately jeopardized by Cholera Morbus, is recovering his wonted health. Mr. Clay’s denial of the Charges pre ferred against him in the Beverly Letter of Gen. Jackson, is published in to-day’s paper. Our next Number will contain the con tusion of the terrific story of Don Algo- nah. We hope it has not been uninterest ing to many of our readers. Many inqui ries have been made of us, whence the tale originated. It has been sent to us in manuscript, until lately, business calling the contributor to a distance, :ie was kind enough to send the volume which contained the Sorceress of Montillo to the office. But we are at as great a loss now as before ; for as the title page is torn off, and the book otherwise mutila ted, being stitched, patched and pasted, in sonic hundred places, and as our read ing in this line has extended little farther than the Vicar of Wakefield, and never to Romances, our general reading cannot furnish us a clue to the mystery. We iiink from the antiquated appearance of the book itself, it is considerably olderthan any living inhabitant of this world, and must have first seen the light, when many of the superstitious notions it contains, formed no inconsiderable portion of the religious belief of the world. We have not the satisfaction of finding even the .subscription of that universal writer, Mr„ I “ Finis," at the end of it; and if we had, I under the circumstances mentioned, we ¥ I diould not know to what part of his vo- I luminous works to refer our readers for the I '.'ratification of their laudable curiosity.— I But it matters but little who is the author, | the tale is good. We think some of the I ’cues which our readers will recollect, I a ill justify us in the descriptive epithet of I terrific, which we have applied to it. We I hope it will be seen in the sequel, that I Don Algotmh, although so long triumphant I hi his course ofvillany, meets at last with ■ the merited reward of all his wickedness. We observe in Ol. White’s talk with f the Florida Indians,(published ononr first | page,) he informs them, that in case they | emigrate to the proffered country west of | the Mississippi, thev will never he asked I to move again. We presume this is in pursuance of his instructions; but whe ther it is or not, we are not sure that such a pledge will not have to be violated, and that too at'no distant day. We are not satisfied with the policy which places them there even temporarily in national bodies. The immense wilds of the west, and their own insurmountable aversion to the arts of civilized tnan, will soon destroy any existing tendency to improvement, and engage them in the exclusive employ ments of savage life. In fifty years they will have less civilization among them than at this moment, when necessity alone, arising from their circumscribed limits, and the sca-city of game, has compelled them to adopt some of the arts of civiliza tion to support their existence; Every one acquainted with Indian character knows, with what extreme reluctance they yield their own customs and adopt those of strangers. In the deep wilder ness of the west, remote from the humane government which has trained thei*- minds to run in proper channels, they will soon relapse into all the torpor and stupidity of savagism. The deer, buffalo, bear and panther, will soon have more of their 'attention than the wheel, loom or the * P lo ugh. If possible, they will soon be in a VVor se state of moral and intellectual debasement, than when their intercourse w ith the whites first commenced; for they have contracted the worst vices of our character and will carry them with them into the desert, to flourish in all the unrestrained luxuri ciousiiess, W hen, therefore, the tide of our popu lation which sets westwardly with a cur rent that will, with difficulty, be stopped, until it meets the opposing tide of the Pa cific, shall have rolled its waves to the assigned limits'of Indian territory, will it there be stayed? Ought it there to m with an insurmountable fiance of savage licen- ver, the Arkansas, and the Missouri, be doomed te eternal‘savagism? Shall its fertile plains never smile benealh the hand of cultivation? Snail the buffalo alone forever stalk over its meadows, and the panther prowl upon its hills? Shall the yell of the Indian, in the depth of his ignorance as stupid as the one and as sa vage as the other, forever ring through the solitudes of such a country ? We are sure not; and if a promise is now made, “ hitherto and no farther,” shall the tide of our population flow, another half cen tury will laugh at the presumption of hu man foresight, and question the right of the present generation to limit the march of future improvement. These observations are bottomed on the belief, that the Indians will extinguish, when thrown on their own energies in an uncultivated country, the light which ci vilization has shed on their minds, and relapse into that state of savagism, from which necessity alone has ever tempted them to depart. Surrounded on all sides by white population, their limits circum scribed and game extinct, they were obli ged to listen to the voice which called them from the “evil of their ways,” into the light of civilization; but thrown, as they are expected to be, and some of whom must be, into the western wilder ness, where all their savage propensities can be gratified, both in the forest and the stream, if they do net relapse into all the savagism, in which white nien found them at first, and from which necessity itself has scarcely been able to move them, we will in future reject all the suggestions of reason and lights of experience. Yes, there we will find them a century hence more debased in moral and intellectual attainments, and more hopeless in the eyes of Christian benevolence, than they are now, or ever have been since the commencement of our government. What, then-, is to be done with them ? That is the most difficult question which the United States have to decide. Some, no doubt, will be glad of any removal, the more distant the better, from the neigh borhood of civilized man. Let them go, and rove in their wild freedom over the hills of the west among their brutish kins men, the elk and the buffalo; but what will be done with those, who answer us from every tribe, in the lagnuage of Mico- nope to Col. White: “Here my navel stiing was cut, the earth drank the blood, which makes me love it. I was raised in this county, and if it is a poor one, I love it, and do not wish to leave it.” We know of no plan so humane, or less objectiona ble in all its bearings, than the one we suggested in an early No. of the Courier, their incorporation with the states and admission to the rights of citizens after a probationary state, to qualify them for all the privileges of freemen. For some of the details of this plan, we refer our read ers to No. 10 of the Ceurier. As to all of them selling their lands and leaving them, we do not see the remotest proba bility. What then shall we do? Drive them off at the point of the bayonet?— Heaven forbid for the honor of our coun try and human nature! TO CORRESPONDENTS. “A Looker On” is received and will have its place in the next number. Lexington, July 4. We now lay before our readers the fol lowing communication from Mr. Clay, on the subject of the subjoined letter from General Jackson to Carter Beveily, for which we had not room in our last. TO THE PUBLIC.* On my arrival at Wheeling, on the 23d inst., I was informed that Carter Beverlv, then at that place, had received the pre ceding night by mail, a letter from Gen eral Jackson, which he had exhibited to several persons, and left with my friend Col. Noah Zane, for my perusal, and which I was told formed a subject of gen eral conversation, and had produced much excitement in the town. The Captain of the Reindeer having kindly detained his steamboat for my accommodation and as I was unwilling longer to delay his depar ture, I had only time to obtain a hasty, but I believe a correct copy of the letters, and I now seize the first moment, after my ar rival at home, to present it to the public, together with a copy of another letter ad dressed by Mr. Beverly to Col. Zane. I purposely forbear, at this time, to make several comments which these doc uments authorize, and confine myself to a notice of the charges which General Jack- son has brought forward in his letter. These charges are, 1st. That friends in Congress,early in Januar proposed to him that if he wouL . sa '> or permit anv of his confidentK D riens to that Pin‘ ed President, House of Representatives attbe last Pres idential election, or to the friends of eith er of them, for the purpose of influenc ing the result of the election, or for a,ny other purpose. And all allegations, inti mations and inuendoes that my vote, on that occasion, was offered *o he given, or was in fact given, in consideration of any stipulation or understanding,express or im plied, direct or indirect, written or verbal, that I was, or that any other person was not, to be appointed Secretary of State, or thar I was, in any other manner, to be personally benefited, are devoid of all truth, and destitute any foundation what ever. And I firmly and solemnly believe, that the first of the two above mentioned charges is alike untrue and groundless.— But if (contrary to my full belief) my friends or any of them made any such proposition or offer, as is asserted in that first charge, it was without my knowledge and without my authority. The letter of Gen. Jackson insinu ates, rather than directly makes, the fur ther charge, that an arrangement was pro posed and made between Mr. Adams’s friends and mine, by which, in the event of his election, I was to be appointed Sec retary of State. I pronounce that charge also, as far as I know or believe, to be un true and without the least foundation. General Jackson having at last volun tary placed himself in the attitude of my public accuser, we are now fairly at issue. I rejoice thata specific accusation by a re sponsible accuser, has at length appeared, though at the distance-of near two and a half years since the charge was first put forth, through Mr. George Kremer. It will be universally admitted, that the ac cusation is of the most serious nature.— Hardly any more atrocious could be pre ferred againsl a representative of tha people in his official character. The charge in substance is, that deliberate “propositions of bargain” were made by my Congressional friends collectively, through an authorized and distinguished member of Congress, to General Jack- son ; that their object was, bv these“means of bargain and corruption,” to exclude Mr. Adams from the Deoartment of State, or to secure my promotion to office ; and that I was privv and assented to those propositions and to the employment of those means. Such being the accusation and the pros ecutor, and the issue between ns, I have now a righ to expect that he will substan tiate his charges bv the exhibition of satis factory evidence, In that event, there is no punishment which would exceed the measure of mv offence In the opposite event, what ouvht to be the judgement of the American public is cheerfully submit ted to their wisdom and justice. H. CLAY. Lexington, 29th June 1827. OUR RIVERS. Extract of a letter from Mr. Fulton, State Engineer to the Governor, dated DUBLIN, 2d JULY 1827. “ The Oconee river is capable of be ing made a good navigation, but it will re quire a great deal of labor to make it so. I have seen the river so much obstructed by logs that unless the Commissioners very greatly increase their ' number of hands, they may give up the idea of effecting any improvement of consequence for a num ber of year*; if they had 200 hands em ployed for a season, between this place and Milledgeville, they would not be able to remove the logs and trees. The prac tice has hitherto been to cut the logs and drop them into the river. I do not sup pose there is an instance of a log having been put on the bank. I have given Mr. Barrow, the overseer, written instructions as to the manner he ought to proceed, and if he is permitted to follow these in structions, what little he can do with 16 or 17 hands, will be done effectually. “I have made a survey of Carr’s shoals & drawn a plan of them to shew their present state, and the plan I pro pose for their improvement. If the Commissioners contemplate steam nav igation, the improvement of this shoal by a lock must be given up. The difficulty at Carr’s shoal is by no means so great as I was led to believe by report. I found the fall to be only one foot nine inches. Some of the cuts on the river answered a very good purpose, others had been bet ter left alone. The rapiditv of the cur rent is so great in several of them, that it would be impossible for a steam-boat to stem it without warping; there may be a saving of labor and time for boats descend ing the river, but I do not think it is any saving of either in ascending. There have been attempts made to increase the number of cuts, but it is a fortunate cir cumstance they have failed. one or two instances, the velocity of the current in the natural channel is now more than desirable ; how much more so would it be if the distance should be shortened from one.and a half mibyi to one or two hun dred yards.”—A**- Fee. > PROCLAMATION Of Simon Bolivar; Liberator, President, tfc. Ifc. Colombians : Your enemies are threat ening destruction to Colombia—it is my duty to save it. Fourteen successive years have found me at your head bv the unani mous vote of the People. During all the periods in Which glory and prosperity have fallen to the Republic, I have re nounced the supreme command in the purest sincerity. I have no stronger wish than to. avoid the use of the instruments of tyranny, which I abhor more than ig nominy itself. But ought I to abandon you in the hour of danger? Would this be the conduct of a citizen and a soldier ? No ; Colombians, I am resolved to face it all, in order that Anarchy may not usurp the place of liberty, and rebellion that of the Constitution. As a Citizen, as Liberator, as President, my duty in volves the glorious necessity of sacrificing myself for you. I will march, then, to the Southern confines of the Republic, to expose my life and my glory, to liberate you from the perfidious wretches, who, after having trampled on their most sacred duties, have raised the standard of treason, to invade the most loyal Departments, and these most worthy of our protection. Colombians ! The will of the nation is opposed by the many pretors who have taken upon themselves to dictate the law to the sovereign whom they oughttoobey. They have arrogated to themselves the supreme right of the nation ; they have violated all principles—in fine, the troops which once were Colombians, the Allies of Peru, have returned to their country to establish a new and extraprdiuary govern ment on the ruins of the Republic, which they outrage with more insolence than our old oppressors. Colombians! I appeal to your glory and your patriotism. Rally round the national standard, which has waved in triumph from the mouth of the Oronoko to the summit of the Potosi. Love it, and the nation will preserve its Liberty. The cry of Colombia is for the great Convention. It is her most urgent want. Congress will, doubtless, convoke it. And in the hands of Congress will I place the staff and sword which the Republic has entrusted to me, both as Constitutional President and Supreme Extraordinary Chief, constituted by the People. I will not deceive the hopes of the country.— You have acquired liberty, glory, and laws, against your former enemies. Lib erty, glory, and law, will we preserve in spite of atrocious anarchy. Head-Quarters, Caracas, 19th June, 1S27—Independence 17th. BOLIVAR. The Rev. Mr. Weems lias been tried in Boston for larcerny, and f rnnd guilty ; a plea of insanity was set up by his coun sel, but it was not admitted by the jury. [Chas, City Gazette. ing checks upon Banks where he never had an account, defrauding militia JJio- cers of the late icaraf their compensation, keeping clients money in \his hands for years, and deceiving them by false infor mation of their business. 'this man may be induced to exculpate Mr. Clay, but he cannot be a competent witness in a Court of consicente.” Yet although this man’s character is so bad that he cannot excul pate Mr. Clay, it is sufficiently good to traduce him ; for, from him alone accor ding to this editor, has come the stale chargeof bargain and intrigue, upon which Gen. Jackson, in the true spirit of chiv alry, has thrown his glove to Mr. Clay. More in my next. INVESTIGATOR. COMMERCIAL. Extract of a Utter received at Ntw-York, dated Porto Cavello, June 27 “ Iii haste I address you a few lines re specting Colombia and Peru, which are in a state of revolution, the latter support ed by Gen. Bustamente, and the former bv Vice President Santander. All the Colombian vessels in this harbor are busi ly engaged at this moment in embarking troops for Carthagena. Gen. Lara lefi yesterday, and Gen. Salon will sail this evening. The corvette Ceres is repair ing with all despatch. Bolivar is still at Caracas, but it is supposed will sail shortly from Laguira in the British brig Druid.— It appears that Santander is determined to separate Guayaquil from Colombia. We look with anxiety for the result of the present proceedings. Extract of a letter received in New York, from an American gentleman at Paris dated May 30, “Mr Warden has found a book 100 v^ars old in which is the whole of captain Sjmmes’s theory. He intends to send it tojlhe Philosophical Society.” The schr Sivift, arrived at New-York sajled from Leguirs on the 27th ult. A lejlerfrom Caracas of the 22nd, states tbit Bolivar was to leave on the follow ing day for Bogota. He would embark injtlie British frigate Druid, accompan- iei bv the British Minister. His inten- ti^i was to take the field in person, to put dqvn the rebelion in the Southern part of Cilombia. obstacle V. 1 ought not, nor will not." ShalL * rich country which is drained byf' ec ^ r *~ say, that, in case he was ele . , „ Mr. Adams should no. - c 1 on '" , “ e<1 Sec f rotarv of Stale, by .-<> n 'P ls,e » f ‘ii’ j c ■ >ds, we would put an myseli and my tr*'. r , end to the Pre^ nt,al coutest ID one hour 93?- r ** at shove proposal was , vifeneral Jackson, through a dis- member of Congress, of high Tl nciing, with my privity and consent. To the latter charge, I oppose a direct, unqualified and indignant denial. I neither made, nor authorized, nor knew of any proposition whatever to either of the three Candidates who were returned to the H. Fub' 0 ! Esq State Engineer, arri ved iq^is city on Wedensday last from Dap** 0, He has been engaged in exam- I jr-dg the rivers Oconee and Altamaha.— Irfis views of the Oconee will be found in another column of this paper, in a letter to Governor Troup. Of the Altamaha, we understand he speaks in the most fa vourable terms , and that the expense will be trifling to clear it for steam boat navigation. In a few days he will com mence the survey of the Savannah riveit between this city and Augusta. It wij he recollected that the Legislature their last sessiou appropriated a large sun of money for the purpose of clearing oii the rivers in our State. It is in the pei* formance of the duties devolving on hin as State Engineer, under that act that h; now proceeds on his Surveys. We are also informed that his report will be sul> mitted to the Commissioners appointed under the said act, and by them laid be fore the next Legislature. Savannah Republican. FROM THE RALEIGH REGISTER. No. I. Gi i. Jackson and the Editor of the U.S. Telegraph. In giving the General’s celebrated let- te to the no less celebrated Carter Be verly Esq. to the public, the editor has jejrn fit, in the exuberance of his friend ship for the General, to precede it by sev eral explanatory remarks of his own. Be lieving the letter itself was not quite “ as strong as proof ol holy writ,” to convict Mr. Clay and his friends of corruption, he has-endeavored to bolster it up by some Ihappy illustration of his own. He tells us that a member of Congress, a passive instrument in the hands of Mr. Clay, a friend of Gen. Jackson, one who voted for him, did say to another friend of the General, “that an offer of the State Department had been made to Mr. Clay, by the friends of Mr. Adams; that if a similiar offer was made by the friends of the General to the friends of Clay who had agreed to act together, they would vote for Gen. Jackson, and unles (said he) we fight them with their own weapons, we shall lose the election*” Now admitting such information was given by one friend of the Geueftal'to a- nother, and by him subsequently commu nicated to the General, let us see what re liance is to be placed upon the veracity of the member of Congress who first gives the information. From their own shewing, " He is (says the Editor) a man of no pretensions to moral principles, has lived expensively for several years at the cost of others, borrowing money of whoever would, trust him toithout intending to pay, giv- Savannah, July 21. STATE OF THE MARKET- CoTTOjf.—Some few sales of Upland* have ta ken place during the week, at prices from 8^ to an< i 9 5-8 has been refused for prime. There are but few buyers in consequence of a want of shipping. Sea Islands remain steady at from 18 to 21, and for a fine lot 23 has been paid. Rice.— I he want of vessels tends also to de press this article. The few sales that have been made, were at 2^ to 2$. Corx — Is selling from the stores at 60 cts We have not had a cargo sale for several weeks. Fbeight. Our port nevei was so bare of ship- P ln m We have but 1 ship. 3 schrs. and 2 sloops at our warves. The last freight to Liverpool was I Coastwise $c—{Georgian. Extract of a letter, dotted Liverpool. June 7. COTTON.—there has been a very extensive demand since the commencement of the present week, and it was till to day rather easier to sell Uplands at the price of the last week, which were 5Jd and 6£d for extreme, and 6d at 6Jd for average quotations. To day there is an increas- quantity of cotton offering especially of the Ala bama and low New Orleans, and there is certainlv less spirit in the demand.” LOUDON’ MARKET. JUNE 5. Sugar.—Foreign. In public sale on Friday, 720 cases of Havana, of excellent quality mid colour, found buyers white 43s to 48s yellow 34s to 35s. The transactions in Brazil have been con fined to 130 cbts : middling to good sold from 36s 6 to 40s, low white 39s 6d to 34s 6d yellow 28 s a 29s. Cotton.—The public sales of this day se’nnight went off very lanquidly. and established a decline of l-8d to 1-4 in the prices of Surats and the Uni ted States. SISSOI^TTION. T HE Copartnership heretofore existing be tween the subscribers, under the firm of L. Gibson &. Co. is this day dissolved by mutual consent. Those indebted to the late firm are re quested to come forward and settle with Ralph Ketchum, and those having claims will present them as above. RALPH KEfCHUM. J. H. BURROUGHS L. F. P, GIBSON. July 11 19 3t XEWIS F. F. GIBSON", (wheeler's building,) OFFERS FOR SALE, 24000 Lbs. Sweedcs Iron. 2(X) Casks Thomastown Lime, 50 Bhls. Flour, 15 Bbls. Apple Brandy, 35 Kegs White Lead, 30 Boxes Raisins. 10 Quarter Casks Wines, assorted, 10 Reams Writing Paper, St. Croix Sugar in Hhds. end Bbls. 5 Tierces Jamaica Coffee. July 12 i9 t , JUST PUBLISHED, - AT THE Office of the Georgia Courier, THE I ETTERS OF THE REV. JAKES E. GLENN, Of Mount Ariel, Abbeville, Dist. S. C. IS ANSWER TO THE SERMON OF THE Rev. Joseph C. Stiles,o:i Predestination. Those wishing to read the above letters, can be supplied with copies, by application to the Rev. Mr. Ken nedy, or at this office. v Jidy 19 oj 3t 7KE SUBSCRIBER C ONTINUES the Manufactory of TIN H'AIIE, at No. 115, corner of Broad and Centre-streets, opposite the lower market, where he keeps coustautly on hand, a general assort ment of READY MADE TIN, At wholesale or retail. Also, a general assortment of 11 liich will be sold for Cash, or town acceptances IV. A. MITCHELL. July 19 oj 3t FOR SALE, A handsome, well finished FENCIBLE U- NIFORM, which will be sold low, on account of the per son’s leaving the place. Enquire at this office. July 26 The Agency of ihe “ Farmer’s Fire In surance and Loan Compa ny.” and the business of H. H. Field, during his absence, is attended to hv BIDIVELL & CASEY. Jnly 26 23 3t city. July 26 Barna M’Kinne, Esq. is our authorized Agent, du ring our absence from ihe HAND & BARTON. 23 tf J ul v 19 Messrs. Reilly & Sheils will act as my agents du ring my absence from the City. J. C. SNEAD. 21 3t NOTICE. John P. King, Esq. will transact business for me in mv absence. SILAS BRONSON. June 25, 1827 15 tf NOTICE.—During flip iFfiv 7 Subscribers’ absence from tin State, Messrs. L. Reed and R. Gresham, will act as our Attornies. CARLTON, COOK k. KNOIVLTON. June 11 112m3m NOTICE.—Durin S my absence from the State, Mr. G. M’LAUGHLIN will act as my attorney. A. GOULD. July 26 23 3t JUST PRINTED, AND FOR sale AT the office of the GEORGIA COURSE ?, D ECLARATIONS, BLANK POWERS OF ATTORNEY, MAGISTRATES SUMMONS’, NOTICES OF INSOLVENT DEBTORS, CLAIM BONDS, SHERIFF’S TITLES. MAGIS ■ RATE’S EXECUTIONS, NOTARY’S NOTICES, LAND DEEDS, RECOGNIZANCES, MILITIA EXECUTIONS, &c. kc. July 26 23 DRAWN NUMBERS, OF THE SKODS ISLAND BAPTIST LOTTERY 5th class. 25, 47, 48, 45, 7, 49, 27, 43. Those Tickets having on -them three of the Drawn Numbers, are Capital Prizes. Those having two on them, are Prizes of from $40 to $6. Those having one one on them, are Prizes of $3. And those having none of the Drawn Numbers are Blanks. Holders of Prizes are requested to call for the Cash, or renew in the New-York Consolidated LOTTERY, 4th class. The Drawing of which will be here on SA TURD A Y NEXT. Highest Prize $16000 TICKETS $5.—Apply at BEERS’ Fortunate Lottery Office. No. 241 Broad-street, 3u\y 26 it ; jTg0s WANTED, to attend iimSSr in a Bookstore, and make him self generally useful, a smart active Boy or Young Man. Enquire at this office. June 28 j 6 tf TO HIRE, A good healthy Girl, for a Wet Nurse. En quire at this office. July 9 18 tf NOTICE. M essrs, a. i. k g. w. Huntington. will act as our attorney, during our absence from the Slate. TAMPLET k ROWAND. June 28 16 tf INSURANCE AGAINST J OHN BEACH having resigned the agency ofthe Hartford Fire Insurance Company in consequence of his intended removal from the State, the Board of Directdrs have appointed the •Subscriber their Agent, who will take risks on property in Augusta and its vicinity. Apply at the store recently occupied by said Beach. No. 317, Broad Street, w here the Agent cau be found or at the store of J. k W. Catlin, JOEL CATLIN, Agent April 26 90 tf ttJ; W O FFERS his services to the inhabitants o Augusta, and its vicinity, in the differen branches of his profession- His office is on Campbcll-Street, third dooi round the Corner, from M’Dowc-U’s Store. June 25 15 tf TO RENT, From 1st October next, a Dwelling on Reynold-street, in rear of the one i on Broad-street, occupied by the sub scriber—a very - comfortable house for a small family. WM. T. GOULD. July 26 23 tf PLOTS &GRANTS. THE SUBSCRIBER, I S continually receiving from all parts .of the State, so many orders for Grants and Detach ed Plots of Land in the recently acquired Terri tory, that he feels himself compelled to adver tise a general Agency in this business. • AH pei sons, therefore, who may desire Grants or Detached Plots from the Surveyor General’s Office at Milledgevi^e, may depend on receiving them by the earlrestTmail^-on remittingtheir orders post paid, covering in Bills of the Macon, State Bank, 01 any of its Branches, the sum of §19, for each Grant in the late Lottery, $11, For do in the preceding one, §6, For do in the ante-preceding one. Detached Plot's Fifty Cents. ^ . E. H. BURRITT Office of thre Statesman If Patriot, \ Milledgeville, June 15, 1827. i June 18 13 wt f Dr. George A. Buck lin', offers his services to the inhabitants of Augusta and its vicinity, in the professions of Medicine and Surgerv, His office is in the adjoining building to JVlr. Lafitt’s boarding house, on Mackintosh-Street. June 11 lltf DR. M’WHORTER will continue his Professional Services in the City and its immediate neighborhood May 24 f. TO RENT. FROM the first of Oct one or more years, th Lot on Ellis-Street, fort r dence of Walter Leig For particulars enquire of T . DAVI July 16 NOTICE. 1 All persons hi business with the subscrib ~ please caU on Messrs. 1 D. G Haviland, who are duly authorized receipts, and act as our agents duriug < sence from this State. WASSON k NICH1 Augusta, Geo. June 27,1S27 H