Georgia courier. (Augusta, Ga.) 1826-1837, October 04, 1827, Image 3

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■tr - 7 rs .' -o ; ^ T : 1 here were but three deaths bv \ellow t’ever in Charleston during the week end- inn the 2d inst. The Courier says, “the delightfully cool weather the last 4 or five days, warrants the belief that tie ^is- ease will very soon disappear entirely. ' The Georgian of Saturday, states, that there had been but two deaths in Savan nah within the last three days; from which ,t was hoped that the fever was subsiding. ^hy of the Northern papers deny that >T r . Clinton will be run for the Vice Pre sidency. We with pleasure call the attention of this community to .he advertisement of Messrs. Foster* Henry, in this day’s pa ler. It has heretofore been suggested that an establishment Upon their plan, in this city, was practicable and called for by of the times. Besides COMMERCIAL. flic circumstances the services often or’twelve male work men, we have good authority for saying diat they now give employment to at least 5ne hundred females ; and from their ad vertisement, it will be perceived that they amrendv to employ fifty more. We have no doubt but the patronage of our citizens will be extended to their manufactory, and ilntt however widely may be the differen- -es of opinion upon the subject of a tariff of duties for the protection of the Domes tic Manufacturers of the U. S. there will be uo division in sentiment among our cit izens as to the propriety of the protec tion, ami the encouragement afforded, the industry of the females of Augusta and its vicincity, by the establishment of Messrs. Foster At Henry. WASHINGTON, SEPT. 24—We understand that two separate Conventions were signed at London, by Mr Gallatin, in behalf of the U. States, and Messrs, Grant aud Addington, on the part of Gr%at Brittain, in the early part of lost month mid have been received at the Depart ment of State, to continue the joint occu pation of the country beyond the Stony, Mountains, provided for by the 3d article ot the Convention of 1818, and to contiuue the existing Commercial Convention.— Our readers will recollect that by the terms of the Convention ot 1818 its dura tion was limited to the 2Sth of October, 1828, on which day the article above men tioned, and the Commercial Convention would h ive ceased to operate. Bv the recent Convention, we are informed, that they are coniinued indefimtly, subject, however, to the right of either party to put an end to them upon giving a notice of twelve months.—[National Journal BV THE LEEDS, AT NEW-YORK- CIRCULAR. Liverpool, Aug. 25. Sirs—This market has been hut flat during the present week for the sale of most descriptions of foreign produce ; the inquiry has been principal ly confined to supplying the wants of consumers ; for exportation; few purchases are now made, so that the demand being for domessic use, it is stea dy hut not urgent, and so soon as it is supplied there are few calls until the wants of dealers and consumers again bring them into the market. Throughout this week the demand for Cotton has been languid, though somewhat improved yesterday. The imports have however been ve ry light, so likewise have been the sales when compared with the past, for last week 27,549 packages were received, and 14,768 bags and bales sold : whilst during the present the import only reaches 2748 packages against 7859 bags and bales sold as follows: 3390 bags of Bowedes at 5 7-8d a 7.jd; 919 do. New Orleans at 6 a 8£ ; 1806 do. Tennessee 5 5-8 a 6|d: 414 do. Sea Island at 10.J a 18 ; 24 do. Stained do. at 6^ a 8£ ; 310 Pernambuco aj 8i| a 9 5-8; 178 do Bahia at 8 a 8^ ; 259 do. Maran- hams. at8^a8J; 113 do. I 'emerara at 7 7-8 a 9j ; 43 do. Barbadoes at 7d; 90 do. Surat at 4j a 45 ; 10 do. Benegal at 4^ ; 305 do. Egyptian at 7A a 8. With so heavy a stockand a demand so limited, it is reasonable to look for rather lower rates, and such has been the case this week. On ordinary qualities of short staple American a decline of £ per lb. has been submitted to, and large parcels of this description are placed on the market, but good and fine qualities are becoming scarce and fully maintain the previous rates; Brazil and most- other descriptions aie offering at a decline of 1-8 without findingfieebuyers As before stated, the heavy stock operates unfavorably, **.nd this is in- creasedby the want ofa demand for export Twist. Since the weekly sales were made up, 000 bags of Uplands have been purchased on speculation at 6d per. lb. In Tobacco the transactions are undu ly circumscribed, and until the result of the pub lic sale advertised forthe 28th inst. is kijoivn, it is probable nothingwill be done; in the mean time our prices are lower and nominal. ilrites Cm'vrut, THE SUBSCRIBERS H AVE entered into Copartnership, under the firm of FOSTER 81 HENRY, and car ry on business at the old stand of Thos. Foster. Thomas Foster. Morris Henry. 43 it October 4 FOSTER & HENRY Beg leave to inform the inhabitants of Augusta and Hamburg, and their vicinities, that the have just received a part of their supply of w — — r ~- FALL GOODS. AMONG THEM ARE Fin# and extra fine Blue and Black West of Eng land Cloths Very fine Steel Mixed Claret, Drab and Olive Cloths Cassimere and Cassinets, some ^ry fine A beautiful assortment of Vestings, of the latest Style, fee. fee. They will receive in a few days the balance of their Stock, together with the Fall Fashions, from their friends in Philadelphia; and their Goods will be made up in the latest and most ap proved Style. IMly ^ a ^ so ^ )e o i eave to inform the public, that they have commenced Manufacturing CLOTHING in this City on a large scale. They are convinced, by experiment, that they can afford Clothing of evc- ry description, of their own manufactruing, much cheaper and of better workmanship, than the Clothing brought here from the North; and by furnishing employment to a large number of the ingenious and industrious Females of this City and its vicinity, they trust their establishment will be patronised, and ate confident of giving general satisfaction. JUST FINISHED GROCERIES, DRY GOODS, FURNITURE, &c, A® BY BUOS dt aXBESWOOD, O N FRIDAY, the 5th instant, at 10 o’clock, in front of their Auction Store, No. 327 Broad-street, near-the Planters’ Hotel, and next door to John Madden fe Co’s Dreg and Medical Store. Among the Groceries arc: Two pipes Holland Gin ; two ditto Cognac Brandy; four bags Coffee; two barrels Flour ; two casks Cheese, fee. 81c. ALSO, 12 barrels (Florida) Sweet ORANGES. ALSO, FURNITURE, Consisting of Side Boards, Bureaus, Counting House Book Case, an elegant Clock and Case, a Time Piece, Mattresses, Sic. fee. ALSO, A NEGRO It OMAN, about 35 years of age, a good Cook and first rate Washer and Ironer. Terms at Sale. S? 3 And nt 11 o’clock, (within doors,) will be sold without reserve, a general assortment of 500 Dry (jrOOdSj SUITS OF CLOTHES, of all sizes, suitable for Laborers, made of stout Cassinets, lined with Green Baize, and which will be sold low. ST 50 Seamstresses wanted-—none need apply but faithful workers. Apply as above. October 4 43 tf Beers’ Register of Lotteries CHARLESTON, OCT. 1, 1827. 20 a 25 17 a 18 9 a 11 23 a 25 31 21 a 3 5 50 a 5 75 It is pleasin'? lo contrast the temperate course pursued by the presses in the inte rior of the State with the violence which marks some of those upon the sea-board and in the middle country. - While the lat ter are using all their exertions to alienate the affections of the people from the Gen eral Government, and unblushingly re commend a. dissolution of the Union—die former (we include in the numbei the “EdgefieldI five,"the (l Pendleton Messen ger,"the. “(irecnville Republican,''anti \ ho Vo- kvilln“jPco/i/c’s Advocate ").ise char acterised by all that good sense and mod eration which mark their editors as the true disciples of Washington, and the re al friends of their country’s permanent in dependence, happiness, and glory. Charleston Courier. —caO©— Wo publish the following anecdote of •General Jackson, From Niles’ Register, Cotton—Sea-Island, lb. Santee, and Maine, Upland, Bagging, (42 inch) Rice—Prime, Inferior, to good, Flour—Philadelphia, Richmond, Baltimore, Howard-st. Do. Wharf, Alexandria, Coffee—Havana, prime, i good, > middling j St. Domingo, Jamaica, fine green, Molasses—IV. India, good, Havanna; New-Orleans, in hbds. fe bids. Whiskey—hhd. Pf nn. Do. bbl. Do. hhd. New-York Do. bbl. Gin—Holland, Weesp’s host, Anchor, Scheidam—direct import, Northern, Rum—Jamaica, (direct importation), a 110 115 West India, do 80 • New England, hhd. 39 Ditto ‘ bbl. 4ft Brandy—Cocnac. 4tb pf. (direct im.) 140 n 160 6* 5 50 a 5 75 17 a 17^ 14A a 15 14 none 18 35 34 36 a 38 32 a 35 34 none 34 120 100 40 do. Do. Bordeaux, Apple Brandy, ■* Iron—Russia fe Sweden, pr. cwt. Corn, (cargo) Peas. Black Pepper, (scarce) Tobacco—Georgia, 1 Fayetieville, / Kentucky, Bittter—Prime Goshen, Common, Bacon—Corn Fed, Haras, T.ard, Tallow, Bees Wax. 110 a 125 35 a 36 dull 4,J 40 a 45 45 18 .3£ a 4£ (scarce) (plenty) 20 8 a 12A 8 a 8i 10 a lOA 10 12 25 Soon to be Drawn. Rhode Island West Baptist Lot tery—Class 8th. The drawing will be received on Monday morn, ing, 15th inst. Highest Prize §10,000 1 Prize of §3000 J 2 Prizes of §1000 1 * 2000 6 600 1 1650 I 5 250 With Prizes of §150, §100, §50, fee. fee. ICP Tickets §4, Halves §2, Quarters §1 Union Canal Lottery—Class 33 The drawing will be received on Saturday morn ing 20th inst. Highest Prize $15,000 1 Prizg of L 1 1 1. §3000 2500 2000 1600 1500 1196 4 Prizes of §1000 5 500 5 400 5 300 10 200 20 100 With Prizes of §50, §40, fee. fee. O’ Tickets §5, Halves §2 50, Quarters §1 50 Maryland Literature Lottery. This deservedly popular Scheme will be drawn in Baltimore on Wednesday 17th inst. and the drawing will be received here and ready for ex amination on Thursday morning 25th inst. Highest Prize $20,000 With One Prize of $10,000 TcnPiizesui 2,000 Ten Prizes ot 1,000 Ten Prizes of 500 20 of $200, 20 of $100, 40 of $50, &c. Tickets §5, Halves §2 50, Quartet s §1 25 Sugar.—Masco Jarn. fine (declining) 10A a 111 do 104 of October 26, 1S25. While General Jackson was prose cuting the Creek war, there was a mutiny in lus army, occasioned by a want of bread. One company actually resolved on quit ting the General and returning to their home. The General was apprised of their intention the evening before they .intended to march off, when he sent for the officers and invited them to breakfast will) him the next morning. They accor dingly came to his quarters, and tound him under a large oak tree, eating acorns.— Sit down gentlemen, said he, this is my breakfast, and all that I have to give you. The officers were so well pleased with the visit, that they returned and persuaded the soldiers to con.inue during the cam paign. At his seat in Edgefield District, S. C. on the 2d inst. Capt. JOHN RYAN, in the 82d year of his ago, a revolutionary patriot. On the 3d inst. at Edgefield c,h S. S. Miss F.L1ZA DR1SDALE, after ajo^pand painful indisposition, which she bore with Christian re signation and cheerfulness. In Abbeville District, S. C. last vveek, Major JOHN BOWIE, in the 88th year of his age, an active p.iriizan offi er of the revolution. Id Barnwell District, S- C., on the 26th ult. Caroline Busch, aged 2 years, 3 mor.tiis and some da\s. “ Why should we mourn departing friends, Or shake al deat’s alarms ? 'Tis but the voice that Jesus sends, To call (hem to bis arms.” - TO RENT, a And immediate possession given, the large and comfortahle Brick Dwelling, formerly in the occupancy of Mr. N. Leeds, on the corner of Broad and Elbert-streets, with every necessary out building and a large garden. For Terms, apply to A. J. DILL, or JOHN M. SILBERT. October 4 43 w3t Do. St. Croix, Do. Matanzas, Do. Havanna, New Orleans, Havanna, white, Do. brown, Loaf Sugar, refined (declining) Salt—Liverpool, coarse, (bags °G©o|.g to oi 4 bushels,) J 9 a 10 8 a 84 8 a 94 13 a 134 17 a 21 Do. in bulk, Turks Island, Hiy, prime Northern, Pimento, Tar Wilmington, Georgetown. Turpentine—Wilmington, hard, Do. do, soft, White Pine Boards, clear, Merchantable, Piich Pine Boards, Beef—Boston, No 1, Do. do. No. 2, Do. Mess, Pork—New York Inspection Mess, Do. Prime,. Do. New Orleans Inspection, Candles—Northern, Charleston, Sperm, Mackarel—I -No. l.C No. 2.7 No. 3. r Boston Inspection 40 a 42 62 a 55 35 a 40 80 a 874 25 §1 3-8 a U §1 none ,. do W 25 14 a 15 12 a 14 9 74 a 8 94 a 10 14 11 none 124 16 a 18 31 a °4 64 64 4 TO RENT, Hl THE large Fire Proof Brick Store, in rear of No. 144, Broad-street FOR SALE, 98 BBLS, Philadelphia Whiskey, at same place. Apply to October 4 H. WESTON, No, J44, Broad-Street. 43 tf EXCHANGE. N. Carolina State Bank Bills, Newbern and Cape Fear do. Georgia, do. 6 per ct. dis. 5 per ct. dis. 14 a 2 per ct. dis, Raisins, Ac. 60 BOXES Raisins, just received and for sale low, wholesale and retail bv J. FREDERICK fe Co. ALSO, A general assortment of FS.SSH CONFECTIONARY. APPLY AS ABOVE. October 4 43 3t c ANAL FLOUR, from New Wheat, Old White Coffee Do. Madeira Wine FOR SALE BY Merriman & Rowland. Oct. 4 43 2 SAILW Si BAWHUm* 1 41.UUU BUSHELS Liverpool ground 7 Salt, 200 Pieces Baltic Hemp Bagging, TOR SALE BY AUSTIN R. GORDON, Macintosh-Street. October 4 43 4t Tickets and Shares in the above Lot- cries may be procured by application at BEERS’ Fortunate Lottery Office, No. 241, Broad-Street. QJ* A few chances may still be bad by application as above, In the New York Consolidated Lottery—The drawing will be received by To-Morrow night’s mail. $20,000 Highest Prize—Tickets $6. Oct. 4 43 Hl TO RENT, THE Store next above Mr. Geo. W. Butler’s, which is considered an excellent Stand for business ; posses sion can be bad immediately. APPLY TO HALL fe HARDIN. October 4 43 3t New Goods. THE SUBSCRIRER IS NOW RECEIVING A LARGE ASSORTMENT OF BRITISH, FRENCH & AMERICAN r 3 Consisting in part of the follov/mg articles, vts : D UFFIL and Point Blankets, Black, Blue, Oxford mixt, and Olive Cloths, Red, green, yel ow and white Flannels,aud green Baizes, • Red and blue Plaids and Camblets, Plaid and Camblet Cloaks, Black, red fe figured Bombazetts fe Cercassians, Fine Bombazine and Italian Crapes, Nankin and Canton Crapes, and Crape Robes, Sarsnetts, Gre*n Florences and Levantine Silks, Black and coloied Grosde Naples, 200 pieces Flag Hdkfs. and yellow Bandannas, 300 do Fancy Calicoes, 100 dozen Ladies Cotton Hose, 100 do Lambs Wool and Worsted Hose and half Hose, » Clark’s Spool Cotton, Linen, Thread and Tapes, Black and blue Italian Sewing S’lks, 1 case Irish Linen-, biack and brown Linens, Long Lawn and Linen Cambrick, 10 bales brown Shirtings and Sheetings, Domestic Plaids, Apron and Furniture Checks, Satinetts and Negro Coaling. ALSO, 1 Case of Leghorn Hats. A4 of which will be sold at a small advance, on New-York prices, by the piece or package, at 271 Broad-street. , H. W. SCOVELL. October 1 42 8t Consisting of Superfine black, blue and mixt Broad Cloths and Cassimeres; white and mixt Plains Blankets; white, red, yellow and gieen Flannels ; Silk aud Woollen Vestings, Worked and Plain Muslin, Muslin Robes. Silks and Sat- tins, Crapes, Handkerchiefs, Silk Shawls, Silk and Cotton Velvet, Black Bombazine and Bom- bazette, Irish Linen, Colerets, Black Lace Veils. Calicoes, Silk, Cotton and Worsted Hosiery, Silk and Leather Gloves. Ladies Cloaks, Negro Cloth ing, Ribbons, Artificial Flowers, Sewing Silk, Tapes, Buttons fee. fee. Terms—All sums under §100Cash—over §100 and not exceeding §200, 60 days—over that a- ruount. 20 days credit,, foi approved endorsed Ntftes. October 4 It SPLENDID SALE AT AUCTION. £7 BUGG &. ailESNWOOD. On Friday the 12th inst. at 10 o’clock, At the Store of J. H. OLDERSflA IV, No.— > T IIE Subscriber intending to close his busi ness iu this city, will dispose of his whole Siock at Auction, on that day, without reserve, Among which are: Two elegant fine toned Pianos ; Side Boards, of various Patterns; Pillar and Claw, Card, Tea and Dining Tables; Grecian Sofas; Sets of Dininz Tables; Mahogany BedSteads; Tea Tables ; Ladies Work Stands; Candle Stands; Wash Stands ; Bureaus ; French Presses ; Count ing House Book Cases; Portable Desks, Brass bound ; Wire Safes; Gilt Looking Glasses ; Toi let Glasses ; Hair Mattrasses; an assortment of elegant Fancy Chairs and Window Blinds ; and a variety of Articles suitable for a Cabinet maker. ALSO, An Elegant Horse and Gig. O’ The above ai tides are all made of the best materials, and by ti,e first workmen.—Persons wishing to purchase, are requested to call and examine for themselves Terms liberal, and made known at sale. JOHN II. OLDERSHAW. October 4 43 3t AUCTION COMMISSION BUSINESS. LATHAM HULL, No. 210, Broad- Street, . I NFORMS his-friends and the public, that he has returned from the north, and again ten ders his ' est services as Auctioneer and General Commission Merchant, for the disposal of every description of property, at public and private srle; and flatters himself, from the central situa tion ofliis Store, and from his general knowledge of the business ; together with the experience of Mr. G. TOMPKINS, in that capacity, (whom he has engaged,) that he will give general satisfac tion to consignors, who may rely on the strictest punctuality in receiving sale with proceeds as soon as effected. O’ Liberal advances will be made on consign ments when required. Oct. 1 42 tf New Fall and Winter LATHAM HULL, No 210, Broad- Street. I NFORMS his friends and the public, that he is now opening a large quantity of fresh im ported CrQ&RS, comprising as complete an assoitment of Staple and Fancy Fabrics as was ever offered in this city ; all of which will be sold for cash or city acceptances, by wholesale or retail, on any credit not exceeding 12 months, at as low prices as can be bought in the Southern states. Oct. 1 42 tf BALTIMORE Bacon &l Lard! 200 PRIME HAMS. 200 do SHOULDERS, 10,000 lbs. do MIDDLINGS, an l 50 kegs LARD, for sale by A. 1 SIBLEY. Augusta, Sept 27 41 8tis NOTICE. FOR SALE, A SMALL lot of choice Bacon Hams, at No. 282, Broad-Street KERRS It GRAHAM. October 4 ! 43 tf Having leased a tract of Land for a term of years, situate on each $ide of Mc- Bean, at the junction with Savannah l iver, con taining 250 acres, originally granted to Zachari- ah Tenn, in 1763—I.hereby forwarn all persons that have been in the habit of trespassing upon said land, by using -it for navigable purposes, overflowing rafters, or cutting timber, to desist from like trespassing in future. -W.A. BUGG. Sept. 6 35 wlm Wells 4* Kibbe, Take this oppor tunity of informing our Friends in the City and Country, that owing to our being burnt out on the night of the 2d of July, that we have removed to the Brick Building, formerly occupied as the Post-Office, between Broad-street and the Man sion House, where we continue our business as 3>j&A7ERS & TAILORS, $20,000 FOB. $6. THE DRAWING OF THE KEW-YOR IS. Consolidated Lottery, A.Ni> Commission T HE Subsr ihcrs. in *■ usiuess. conti-nip'at c mmencing the AUCTION '* DL’SIXFSS. Rejrular and > xt ': Class 7tii, ^ Will be received os SATURDAY MORNING j Merchandize of every description NEXT, when some of the following Splendid Pri- 1 City ami Country Trade, wi\< be re: ze^will J>e distribntedpat BEERS' FORTUN- j New-York Boston, and other places. S inducement, we trust, will be held f< rtr- and Country Merchants, to attract I ATE LOTTERY OFFICE. No241 Broad-st. 1 rRIZE OF $20,000 5,000 1 1 1 1 1 5 5 * 5 5 10 20 46 46 40« .46 92 92 920 H2S0 this .* ” 2.500 2,000 1.500 1,080 1,000 600 500 400 200 100 *70 60 50 40 30 20 12 6 j to this market, and mo e particularly i tablishinent for supplies. Nothin w ! !•< * ,it- ’ ing, but a Liberal Patronage, to stirmil > a’.tr ■ exeiti-T.s. an-! enable us to meet their w -hes acd supply their wards. The business w ill be !on« under the name r.std Orinot G. ABELL fe Co. REFERENCES. ■ Messrs. Fields Tl ompson fe Co Mitchell fe Blucker, W. fe S. Lawrence fe Stone, ) v , i Lyman, Tiffany fe Co. ) Boston. j Miller, Riley fe Co. If.,. \ Edward Cement. \ Charleston. | Xtic-Yor A. Slaughter fe C. Labuzan, ) . • .- M in Sfrns, Williams fe Co. ) Au Zf ltz - Tickets §6—Halves $3—-Quarters $ 1 50 THE FOLLOWING ARE THE DRAWN NUM BERS IN THE | N. B. Liberal advances of Cash will be made I on Cotton, shipped to our friei ds in New-Ynfk, j Boston. Charleston and Savanna', and on Mer chandize consigned to us for sale. JEW ETT, ABELL & Co. Augusta, Sept. 27 41 tf Union Canal Lottery, 32nd Class. 28, 35, 9, 4, 52, 36, 54, 25. Holders of prizes will call as above and re ceive the Cash, or renew in the above Rich Lot tery. October 1 42 2tis MSR&XMAXU<Sk ROWLAND, Are now rece ving and offer for sale, their fall supply of Groceries, FOP. CASH OR GOOD PAPER. COXSISTIXG OF ) 400 ASVZUtlTXSDRCBK T. Persons having busi ness in the following Coun ties, (to wit:) Bibb, Mon roe; Pike. Upson. Butis. Henry, Newton, Crawford, Houston, Fayette, De Kalb, Coweta, Carroll. Troup, Muscogee. Lee, Twiggs and Jones, can have it promptly attended to ny the undersigned, by leaving the papers in the hands of IVm. Longstreet, Esq who is authorized to receipt for the same. PRINCE fe rof. of Macon. Augusta, 23d Aug. 1827. 31 w3m 100 100 20 1 50 10 100 25 700 50 60 .60 20 20 4 5 3 1 75 20 20 21 50 1 10 5 50 25 • 10 10,000 do do do do PIECES Hemp Bat Tow do. Pieces Calcutta for square bales, Tons assorted Iron, do German Steel, Hhds. Sugars, do do superiof, Bags Coffee. do old white and Java do. Pounds Bagging Twine, Bbls. good Whiskey, Northern Gin, do Rum, old Monongahela, do Apple Brandy, Pipes Holland Gin, Hbds. Jamaica Itum, Pipes Cognac Brandy, do old London Dock do superior, Bb]s. No. 3 Mackerel, Hhds. Molasses, Boxes Sperm. Candles, do b-st Northern do. do Mnscatel Raisins, Pipe superior old Madeira Wine, Quarter Casks Teneriffe do. do Sicily Madeira do. Bbls. Loaf and Lump Sugar, Kegs Tobacco, Thousand Cubana Scgars, Bushels Liverpool ground Salt. Avid on Consignment, AND FOR SALE CHEAP, 40.000E3PATCISH SISGARS. Sept. 20 39 6t JUST RECEIVED. A Splendid Dicky Seat Coach. Also a new supply of Northern Gigs. Also, a complete assortment of Coach and Gig Harness, which will be sold on terms to suit purchasers. ON HAND, Light Coaches. Gigs and Sulkeys. Gigs, Car riages and Sulkeys built to order. Repairing at short notice. THOMAS G. IIALL. July 16 20 wtf 1500 SADDLES, At the old stand of Bostwick, Gilbert, fe Co. soM*e of which are of a very superior quality. —also— Q ADDLE TREES. Hcgskins, Skirting. Bri- die and Harness Leather, Plated, Brass, and Japaad Saddlery Ware, Harness Mountin', Whips, Spurs, fee. togetlier with every other ar ticle, usually kept in the SADDLERY IK2, all of which will be sold at the very lowest pri- s. S. KITTREDGE, No. 30?£ Broad-Street, Augusta, Geo. July 19 21 tf Id all its various branches. We have on hand, Goods of all descriptions, such as will suit the lovers of fashion with any article of genteel Dress. Augusta, Aug .417 cfiUtf [V' - * The person who by mistalTej permission or otli- fertvise, took from the sub* <s * sciibcr’s office, the first Volume of Curran’s Speeches, is requested to return it and pay for this advertisement, or call and get the other volume WM. JACKSON. Sept. 24 40 tf .FINAL NOTICE. Th use indebted to the Estate of James S. YV«;lker, de ceased. are again requested to make payment.— Those to whom the estate is indebted, it is pre sumed have exhibited their claims. The affairs of the estate will be closed as soon as the law will admit. J. HUTCHINSON. Adm’r. August 27 32 w6t Dr. Ge rge A. Buck- rjSJiSr UN, offers his services to the inhabitants of Angus tit and its vicinity, in the professions of Medicine and Surgery, His office is in the adjoining building to Mr. Lafitt’s hoarding houst, on Mackintosh-Street. June 11 11 tf HTOTJCE. John P. King, Esq. will transact bus!mess for m** in niy absence. SILAS BRONSO.N. June 25. 1827 15 tf DR. M’WHORTEIT will continue his Professional Services in the City and its immediate neighborhood. May 24 6 TO RENT, a From the first of October next, the Dwelling House on Reynold-street, opposite the Episcopal Church, occu pied by M. Roff. Esq. The Dwelling, on the ally, in the rgar of the subscriber's grocery store, and now occupied by ’James Oliver, Esq. The Store, on Broad-street, occupied by Mr. A. S. Turpin, an excellent stand for business.— For terms enquire of BENJAMIN HALL. July 19 21 tf TO RENT, thrill A very commodious Counting Room or Cotton Office, situated on Jackson ■ SflBpI s * reet ’ * ,Par the corner of Reynolds- Jin.iPr i*. street. Possession given on the first of October proximo. Apply to Mr. Jakes Har rison. 6 3> tf Sept. FOR SALE, PLOUGHS. TO RENT. The Dwellk <g on the corner' <Jf Broad and C impLell street* The St* e recently occupied by Mr. J mes Bishop ; and tv o or three Offices. Apply to McKENZ1F. fe BENNOCII. Sept 27 41 tf 11!' TO RENT, From the first of October the Building, No. 16! Broad-street .owned and occupied by »fce subscribers — The stand for bu.Tness is desirable. Xlie store for pleaso.i-triers and convenience is not equafed by any in 'hi city; and is ad mirably calculated for an extensive It h'lesale and Retail Dry Goods 'business. The dwelling contains four spacioas rooms, pleasant and con- veniebt for a family. JEWETT, ABELL feCo. June 28 16 tf FOR RENT, One of the Tenements in Wheeler’s Building. Also, one of tiie snacious Stores iu the tvoodeu building,—Eqnuire of BRADLEY. Sept. 24 40 31 Ml. EXECUTOR’S NOTICE. T HE subscriber has and will constantly keep on band a large assortment of Wood’s Pa tent, the Light Scottish, and other Ploughs. ALSO, A general assortment of _Agricultural Imple- j ments. Next door above the Planters’ Hotel,! Augusta. ROBERT PHILIP, j Sept. 24 40 8iw T^TINE months after date application will be il made to the Honorable the Inferior Court of Richmond County, while setting for Ordinary purposes, for leave to sell so much of the real estate of John Twiggs, dec. as has hitherto re mained in the possession of the w idow of said de ceased. G. L. TWIGGS Ere’r. Jan. 22 71 m9m NOTKli. is after date, ap_ made to the Court of Ordinary of Pvichmoua counrv, for leave to sell a tract of Land, belqn° ing to the estate of Ferdinand Phini.v .Jb'H N INE months after date, application will be m ’ ’ " LITCHFIELD, (CONN ) ILAW P m ' f |~1HE Fall Vacation comirences on the 29th instant, and the Lectures will be resumed on the 29th of Octobe;. Sept. g7 41 Ft erdiuand Phinisv, uec’d,’ situated in the county of Greene, and State of Georgia, on the waters of Ricbiand creek, con taining three hundred and twenty-seven acre? (more or less,) to be sold fur the benefit of the he* of said estate. JACOB PHINIZY . JOHN PHINIZY. Administrators of the. (■:!:!? cfF.Pbiniz ?c. 11 1826 - * 4 1*9-, '