Georgia courier. (Augusta, Ga.) 1826-1837, October 08, 1827, Image 3

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AUGUSTA. MONDAY, OCTOBER 8, 1827. The Sex)oh reports, for the week end ing 7th, 4 deaths in this City, 2 whites, and 2 negro children. JOHN MARSHALL, Sezton. We publish to-dav the Evidence taken • jn jhe rases of Shultz and Boyd, lately tried at Edgefield Co 1 rt House, S. C.-— We publish it, because die act for which they were brought before ti:e bar of their country, has excited much interest in the community. It was also due to the ac cused to show, that although their conduct was bad enough of itself, it wanted those marks of atrocity with which public pre judice had distinguished it. We think the jury brought in a most righteous ver dict. There was no express malice, and ill those circumstances were absent, which would warrant its implication. They ;onld not, therefore, have brought it in Murder, and less than Homicide no per son wished it, that all might see the laws were net to be trampled upon with impu nity. Their sentence is six months imprison ment and branding on the brawn of the thumb the firs* day of next Court. We ;;rc informed Mr. Shultz made a very in teresting address to 'he £ourt after it had delivered rts sentence,’"of which the following is an extract: “With a bleed ing heart, I confess that the jury of my country found a true verdict according to my unhappy deeds.” —— Ourpaner to day presents a very dif ferent political aspect 'from its usual ap pearance. One side has been compara tively silent—at least since -Buchanan’s statement, the friends of the old General hive been less industrious in collect’ng llmse facts and statements by which t'uev might hope to unfix the settled result. It is true, a few scattering shot have been fired at random in the retreat, but they have been unworthy of notice by a historian of the general battle. The mere skir n’sh- es of out-ports are in genera!, but isolated novements, and produce scarcely any o- 5 her i fleet but to continue and inf! .me 'he animosity of the combatants. The I node ration with which the triumphant party used its advantage, has given the ‘‘"■mv tune to pause, in the re'reat, and they begin to rally their scattered forces and evidence a disposition to renew the .'onihat 071 same field with revived hope md courage. We hope the Commander a Chief will not again lead the forces in erson. Retreat and defeat we hate to Hijde with his name, and would much rather fix the reproach on the folly and •'‘'capacity of his generals. The matter would have rested under this belief, and b'silv too ! hut i) the contest is renewed, and victory perches, as it surely will on tne standard of Truth and Virtue, we be lieve the old General will not feel dispo sed to wait for the formalities of-a Court Martial, but will discard at once, without farther evidence of incapacity, those lea ders, who have consulted less the reputa tion of their Chief a ad the good of their Country, than they have their own ardent •thirst.for power and self aggrandizement. \v e stand aloof from all political aspira tions—have neither office to expect, nor its loss to dread. Tire welfare of our .country alone farms the*theme of our me ditations, and her glory themryly source of our exultations. We look on the field of contest, not as indifferent spectators, without any of those hopes which out would blind us to the claims of merit, or those passions which urge others headlong • 0 tiie charge, and inspire their besoms with all the fury and bigotry of a Saracen. ! We formerly published the extract from Mr. Trimble’s Speech going the round of He newspapers, and used by the enemies : Mr. Clay to prove linn guilty of the -barge so long rung in our ears. We at ■he same time published the only part of! : as Speech, from which any thing like an iostract of such meaning could possibly re made. The public then percieved there was no similarity in them ; and the following extract of a letter from Mr. I rimble to the Editors of the National Intelligencer, would settle the question, t falsehood had not more vitality than the poly pus, and more heads than the fabled Hydra: V e have a letter before us, from Da- -id Ti imble, Esq. late a Representative -a Congress from the State of Kentucky, under, dale of the 21st ult. in which lie jays !‘I have lately seen a statement ‘‘ which is making the tour of the newspa- 5 pers, said to be a part of some observa tions made by me at Lewis Court 1 House, in a Speech which I made there 1 'n the Spring of 1S25, after rttv return ‘ from Congress. The statement is ut- terly false.” “ I never used such lan guage to any man on any occasion.” Nat. Int. nECTiow n=vrtmNs. CHATHAM COUNTY. Se tate Forsyth 445 Van Burea 24 Tuthall 14 Hardin 8 Gen, Newnan 3 Charlton 322 Gilmer 183 Davies 488 q Habersham 439 Stiles 384 Bevan 331 Harrison 232 Jackson’s inference, that Mr. Buchanan “spoke to him by the authority either of Mr. Clay of some of bis confidential friends?” Mail from Fayetteville to Augusta. The Post Master General has directed six mails weekly to be conveyed on the Southern route (from Favetteville, No Ca, to Augusla, Ga) to commence-on the 1st of November next. R. M’QUEEN, P. M. Cheraw, Oct. 4,1S27. THE MARKET. REV IEIV of the Augusta Market, for the week QT* Three first elected. No Convention Convention 210 112 BULLOCH COUNTY. 57 14 214 50 56 Congress, Charlton -Gilmer No Convention Senator, Denmark. Representative, Rawles. BRYAN COUNTY. (Returns not complete.) Governor, Forsyth Congress, Gilmer Senator, JMaxwell. Representative, Bacon. EFFINGHA M C O U N TY. Congress, Gilmer 130 Charlton 20 Senator, 3Burt#n. Rep. Strickland LIBERTY COUNTY. Governor. Forsyth 214 Congress, Gilmer 173 Charlton 3 No Convention 190 Convention ' 20 Smator, Wukhour. Reps. Way and Quarterman. M’INTOSH COUNTY. Returns not complete. Tatnall majority for Governor* Charlton do. Congress. CLARK COUNTY. Gcvc nor, Forsyth 365 Scatteriag 8 Congress, Gilmer 377 Charlton 50 Convention 350 No Convention 74 Senator, Clayton 363 Hancock 27 Reps. Dougherty 367 Moore 364 Hull 335 JACKSON COUNTY. Governor, Forsyth Congress, Gilmer Charlton Convention No Convention Senator, Martin 566 572 188 390 188 from the constitutionalist. Extract ironi the Minutes of the Board of Com missioners of tne Brunswick Canal Company, at a meeting held In Augusta, on Tuesday, tire 2d ot October. 1827. Present W. B. Davis President and the following Commissioners j by proxy to wit;—James Fort, Stephen C. | Fing, James Gould, and Thomas B. King. I sub -i ect tbe gross and “ brazen- j faced” imposition, attempted to be prac tised upon the worthy and unsuspecting ! citizens of Georgia, by two distinct clan destine meetings, held bv a part without giving notice to the balance, composed of five nominal members of this Company, at Brunswick,.in Glynn county, to wit —yon the 2J of July last, and on the 15th . tot.—the latter by John Burnett, sen’r. j Daniel Blue, John Burnett, Jun’r. John j Ilardee, and IJenry Dubignon and pub- i lisbed in the public gazettes of this state tlie former signed by one Eleazer Earlv alone, of notorious fame, as secretary; and the latter by John Hardee, as president, and the said Eleazer Early, as secretary being taken up and maturely deliberated upon by this Board, the following resolu tions were unanimously adopted; 1st, Resolved— That the affairs of this Company have been frustrated, and ren dered disgraceful in the estimation of the public bythe incendiary-like intermeddling wiih its concerns by the aforesaid Eleazer Earlv ; who, it is believed bv this Board was sent to Brunswick and is known to be ' supported with money from Savannah, to ! sow the seeds of discord and deception among the ignorant and treacherous mem- • bets 0} this Company, his trade being that j of dressing up vice and palming it off for virtue; whereby he has effected a schism, to the distruction of the fair and honora- I ble prospects of success of the canal, In j conformity to the confidence of the Legis- 1 lature ; and is attempting bv the use of ; decepti ve means, to rob the founder of this I institution of his just right, and thereby! to c.evate himself upon stolen talents and exertions, with the hope of handling, as sccietary aforsaid, the honest money of such citizens and capitalists of the country, who might thus be deluded to subscribe, WHOLESALE PRICES. BAGGING—25 a 26 cts. BACON—lb. 9 a 11 c. BOTTLES—Wine, gross, §12. } Porter ,, §13 > plenty. BEER—barrel. §10 all. COTTON—7j a 9£ cts.; new 9.4 a 10.I CASTINGS—English, lb. 6^ cents. American, 5 a 5 1-2 cents. COFFEE—lb. 16 a 19 c. CORN—bushel, 50 a 56 CANDLES—Augusta, lb. 17 a 19 c Northern, 16; Sperm 37 cents. CIDER—bairel, 7 a §8 FISH—Mackerel, No. 3, bbl. §5 a 51 FLOUR—Superfine, §6 a 7 Fine, §6 GUN POWDER—§7 50 a 8 50 __ Canisters, - arious brands, doz. § 3 75 a 7. GLASS—Window, 8 x 10, 50 feet, §4 ) Ame- 10x12,50 ,, 4 50 J rican IRON—Swedes, lb. 5^ a 6c. LIME—uuslacked, cask, §3 a 3 50 LEAD—Bar, lb. 9 cents. MOLASSES—gal. 40 a 4oc NAILS—lb. 8 a 81 cents. PORTER—London, doz. §4 a 4 50. RICE—lb. 3 a3| cents. SPIRITS—Cog Brandy, gal. §1 30 a §1 50. Bordeaux do 110 a 125 c Holland Gin, gal. 112 a 125 cents. Jamaica Rum, „ 110 n 125 cents. W hiskey, gal. 40 a 45c. Northern Gin, 45 a 50 c. Northern Rum, 47 a 50c scarce. SPICES—Pepper, lb. 21 a 25 cents. Pimento, „ 26 a 30 Ginger, „ 8 a 10 „ SALT—bushel, 75 a £0 cents. S1EEI—German, lb. 14 a 16 cents. Blistered, „ 8 a 10 SHOT—bag, $2 25 a 2 50 S A LI 1 EIRE—H>. 13 a 14 cents SUGARS—St. Croix, lb. 10£ a 12 cents. New Orleans,—10 all Muscovado ,, 9^ a 11 Loaf, ' 18 a 21 ) Lump „ 16 a 17 c. < do SOAP—lb. 7 a 9 cents. TEA—Hyson, lb. 115 a 120 cents. Gunpowder,, §1 30 a 1 40. Do. in cannisters, §3 75 per cannister WINES—Teneriffe, cargo gal. 100 a 110 cents Do. L.P. §160 „ Malaga, sweet, ,, 85 ,, Tort, „ §1 75 a 2 50 Madeira „ §300 a 4 25 Claret, doz. §5 a §10. HAUL H HARDIN, | augfsta theatxus. Horingpurchnsed the Slock of GROCERIES of\ T E * .^pi--n-.r of the 7A T hei Mr. A. P. ROBERTSON, would again invite «"• M >.a ? er. t the Mention oftheir friends and the public K tn. 1,0 LL RS fort..,. >.,. t ori gin.i erallyatNof151 Bro'tfTxir'e'tT, wher^theudn to be tenfl keeping a eonstant supply of lin'otihe ihMtrp ™ •*** iq.», r» Choice Groceries s- THEY HAVE OX HASP, T. Croix and New-Orlcaes Sugars, Loafand Lump d 0 YYhite and Green Coffee, Cognac Brandy, Holland Gin, N. E. Gin, Canal AY hiskey, superior quality, Cicili and Teneriffe YY’ine, London Porter, Imperial Gunpowder and Hyson Teas, Pepper and Spice. Table Salt, Spanish and Common Segars, Chewing Tobacco, ofstineiior quality, j Sperm and Tallow Candles, Swedes and Russia Iron, Cotton Bagging and Sacking, ! Newark Cider, suitable for bottling, he. he j Nnd No. 151, they have a general as sortment of Seasonable HEA- to. original t-i. _ - ... the onen- ot ibe Theatre, on ;lte 19»h Dec exc £ ed mg 6ii lines, nor le-s than 45 The \,ldresses must be direct d (post paid) To the Proprietor ot t e Augusta Theatre,’’ who «i:t select three literary gentlemen of the city id Augusta o exa mine them, and award the pi ize of t- j , m I resses must be forwarded befc-,■ the 10tl'of December, and the names o th- ir authors, n.-ios- ed andse led in a separate piece . f „ a p r which will remain unopened till the selection is made Sept. 27 ' ept.„ 41 ILF Publishers of Newsp»pc s will p | ( . ; , sc to give the above weekly insertions in Oeu.bei i>ovcmber r & subserve the and Literature. !iei ests 0/ the THE SUBSCRIBER CONTINUES AT THE I WAB15<B<D *©322 j Latd * c „ re f Ud h y JOSEPH If'HEELER Fn I !nl f elf , r ! and just below the and DRY GOODS. !H All of which upper Market [R use Broad-street thf PI inters' Uriel, Augusta E feels thankful for past favors and beo 3 to renew the offer of Ids services to hi, " itn the assurance that commodatingterms ffCred for saIe ^ 0,1 ^‘ h e most ac | *h_al, be paid to all orders he may receive June 7 10 tf THE UNDERSIGNED Has removed to No. 307 Broad-street, in the Cen- tre Tenement of Messrs. McKenzie tg Btnnoeh's Brick Stores, and continues to derate his atten tion to the COMMISSION BUSINESS. Ik M " ow receding from. New-York, Philadelphia, and Boston, CN CGiATSICtNBflESJT, 200 i EXCHANGE—on Charleston. 60 days, 3 dis. u Sight, 1 prem. on New York, 60 days 1 dis. Bank Checks, 1 pre ! SPECIE—.4 a 1 pm.—U. S. Notes,m.a 1 pm. Darien Money, 4, none. N. Carolina do. 5 dis. Cape Fear. do. ,, 10. Pieces Ilcmp Bagging. (42 inrJi.Y 100 bags Coffee, ' 156 barrels Whiskey, 30 barrrels Dutch Point Gin, 10 boxes and 12 barrels Loaf Sugar, 20 quarter casks Malaga Y\ in#*, 30 kegs Richmond No. 1 Tobacco, 10 boxes \\ hittemorc’s No. 10 Cotton Cards ! 10 barrels Linseed Oil, 100 kegs Y\ hite Lead, 10 bales Stripe and Plaid Domestics, 10 bales brown and bleached do 50 bales London Dufiil and Point Blankets. 10 boxes YY’ool Hats, __ 15 packages Shoes, assorted, AYith many other Goods suitable to the season, for sale on reasonable terms. Alexander bryan.- Sept. 24 40 t f {£?* riiose persons indebted to the late firm of HOLT it WARE, a d to the sub scriber on former transactions, will p l ci ,se come forward early this Fall and pay their debts, as delay cannot be allowed. JOIIX s. IPOLT. i longer Sept. 6 35 tf STORAGE COMMISSION BUSINESS. fjpj kzcnuiur, m 11 mi. ■ 1 • , , ’ Reps. Barnett, Cocliran and Burnes. I '“ s "Inients upon flie capital stock GWINNETT COUNTY. Governor, Forsyth 69 5 Talbot 50 Congress, Gilmer 585 Charlton 146 No Convention 522 Convention 295 Senator, Worthy. Reps. Groene, Pat kr anu Bruste YV*ALTON COUNTY. Governor, Forsyth 565 Kenan 448 Congress, Gilmer 567 Charlton 441 No Convention 577 Convention 367 Sena or, Moore. Reps. Echols and Blasingham. OGLETHORPE COUNTY. Governor Forsyth Scattering Congress, Gilmer Charlton Convention No Convention Senator, Jordan. Reps. I reeinan, Townsen, Billups. MORGAN COUNTY. 455 27 464 28 393 69 Governor, Forsyth 557 Lumpkin 294 Congress, Gilmer 346 Charlton 179 Convention 502 No Convention 327 Senator, Leonard. Reps. Nesbit, Davis a nd Jones. of this institution ■ 2udly, Resolved—That this Board do | unequivocally pronounce the publication - in the Savannah Georgian of the 22d of September, signed by John Ilardee, as j P res ‘dent, and the aforsaid Eleazer Earlv,! J as secretary ; which publication, dictatedl 1 by the said pretended secrelary, is a base I : and premeditated slaOder upon the nuh- ' j lie and private character of the President ! i hona fide Proprietor of the vested j rights-aiid privileges of this Board; and j *‘ je same is fiilse, and a link of a stn- j died train of unblushing fraud and libel to j deceive the public, by attempting to gar- j ble the honest intent and meaning of the : Charter, on which this Company is au- j ihorised, by a grant from the Legislature, j to be established. j 3d!v. Resolved, That it is the duty of | this Board to guard the unsuspecting citi- j zens and capitalists of the community from ! S,IC I' premeditafedjimposition,should tliere | any disposed to subscribe for iho stock I of the Company, which has been elandes- ; finely ofiered, as aforesaid for subscrip- ; j tmn ; as by a public notice over the signa- ; j Hire ot the said Early, alone, dated Tit I Brunswick the second of July last. 4thlv. Resolved. That the Charter on j which this contemplated hona fide Com- j pany i« to be established, does not spprj. 1 ficrilly authorize the establishment of “ Board“ and that the term “ Board,” as afore- buiblini The Subscriber has removed his LAW OFFICE 10 No. 302 Broad-street, opposite to M’Kenzie Bemioch’s brick ANDREW J. MILLER. October 8 44 3t A Plantation Wanted. A KY person having a good Tract of Land, in healthy situation, within twelve or fifteen miles of Augusta, containing from 700 to 1000 acres, to sell on reasonable terms, may hear of a purchaser by applying at this office. Ociober 8 44 3t REMOVAL. rjl HE SUBSCRIBER has Removed his Store Ol i Peach Brandy, Motionga- hela Whiskey, fye. BANDING FROM STEAM-BOATS COMMERCE AND ENTERPRIZE. •30 Boxes Claret Wine, 6 Half Pipes do. 10 Bb!s. Double Refined Sugar. ' 65 Kegs Spiced Salmon, 12 Boxes Brandy Fruits 15 do. Capers and Olives 50 do. London Pickles, (jssorteri) 12 Hampers French Cordials, 10 Boxes YY’est India, do 3 Pipes Holland Gin. 2 do Otards Brandy 50 Half Bids. No. 1 Mackerel, IN STORE. 30 Bids, Newark Cider, 5o. (equal *0 HE subscriber, thankful for the patronage L extended to him, begs leave to tender hi* services to his fiiends and the public in the above business ; and by prompt attention to the same, hopes to meet with a continuance oftheir favors. Advances will be made on Cotton stored when • required, and all Cotton from the country In. sured/ree of expense to the planter or merchant EDW. CAMPFIELD. Augusta, Sept. 13 37 |?s ILF The Editors of the Georgia Journal and Statesman and Patriot, will publish the above six times each, and forward their accounts to the Georgia Courier Office for col'ectiun. THE WAREHOUSE CGwnyiissioiyj svstnxss W ILL still be continued, by the undersigned, at the central, convenient and welt | known establishment, first above the “ Eagle, j lavern”—Where he solicits a continuation of I that liberal patronage which he has horemfore {received. Insurance will be effected on all spe- i cies of merchandise committed to his charge at ,he lowest possible rates, if it be desired and a j request made to that effect. to the Yellow Brick building, 8 doors above his former Stand, where he has on hand and is constantly receiving a good assortment of BOOTS & SHOES, And other articles in his line, where he invites his friends and customers to call and examine for themselves. J. P. Force, No. 288 Broad-Sltett. Oct. 8 44 tf 60 Boxes Crab 20 Bbl?. No. 1 A1 10 Casks London Porter, Lc. he. 60 1 ivc Gallon Demijohns, 10 Hampers Wine and Porter Bottles, 55 Boxes white and Brown Soap, 20 M. Superior Spanish Segars. TOGETHER WITH The Tobacco Inspection will also be kept up at this house, and mv country triends. ( Tobacco growers especially,) would do well to Be particular to enquire for' ••Shelton's Ware•• where they *ill at ,» ‘ J fh.. l.ig .te-.t market prices for all Tobacco in spected by him, :ept. 3 B. SIIELTOIV. 34 tf COMPLETE ASSORTMENT OF GROCERIES, John httyre, Offers his services to his friends and the public iff general, to transact the APPRENTICES Wanted 10 the Tayloring Business. APFLY TO FOSTER & HENRY. October 8 44 tf Of the Choicest Kinds, and on fair terms, For Sale hy N. BYRAM MOORE, No. 202, Broad-Street. 10 tf June 7 WARE HOUSE . A!SD Commission Business, H E has taken the Ware-House lately occur*, ed hy IIOL T h YY ARE, on YY’ashingtoit% up NEWTON COUNTY. 625 642 462 431 Governor, Forsyth Congress, Gilmer No Convention Convention Senator, Luckie. Reps. Perry and Kolb. HALL COUNTY. Senator, Duuingham. Reps. Bates, Bvrd and Eber’nart. DEKALB COUNTY. Senator, Ezzard. Reps. Brooks and Aikin. MADISON COUNTY. Senator, Groves. Reps. Maroney and Daniel. JASPER COUNTY. The Subscriber AY TNG removed to No 233 Broad-street, the Store formerly occupied by Mitchell h Clarke, begs leave to inform his friends and the public, that he intends keeping a general as sortment of &3,ocx::&x£s. of the first .. - - | quality, which he will sell on moderate terms, unlil after the stock is taken i an d solicits a share of their patronage. John Lepper. IN STORE, Refined Lump and Loaf Sugars J’rime St. Croix and N. O v leans Sugars YY’hite aud Green Coffee Brandy, Gin, Rum and Wines N. O. Molasses, tor family u 3 e Salt, Sacking, Iron, he. he. Oct. 8 44 2t a false dccep- Governor, Forsyth 82J Congress, Gilmer 79o Charlton 702 Senator, Phillips *794 Burney 745 Reps. Jourdin *800 M’Cleudon *799 Loyd *796 Hardimac *794 Smith 745 Holmes 745 Roberson 735 Burkes 729 No Convention 729 Convention 48.4 * Elected. I sa *fii Has only been assumed as I s ° un d, the better to perpetrate a 1 tion of public confidence. 5thly. Resolved, That this meeting has j a more just and equitable right, under the ! lP«n e0, jM lie Cilarter ’ t0 style itself a! ’Board- and pass upon the rights, pri- 1 vate and public character, and the nefari- ! oils secret intentions of any of the Com- ! | misioners enumerated in the said Charter ; j ! j °f thp notorious character and princi ples of Eleazer Early intermeddling sec- retary as aforesaid, than the pretended ■ “ Buard’ held at Brunswick on the 15th ; of September, and signed kv John Hardee as president, i 6;hLy, Resolved—Then the torrent of! j ignorance, treachery, sectional intrigue ! J he base apostacy of the principles 1 winch ought to constitute a Christian peo- ! pie, that nave been raised and pursued ; 7 llil a “end-like depravity within the last ! l - iree years, for tiie purpose of destroying j the private reputation, pul lie zeal,‘and . the chartered rights of the President of 1 Board.—with a view thereby to de- j | stroy the prospects of raising Brunswick, j j ate disgraceful to the age in which we live i 1 and to that encouragement of American ' | enterprise and genius, instead of suppres- [ sion, which is calculated, as a system, to j promote the wealth, dignity and happiness | {of this nation. ~ * i WlIEREFOR X.EWXS r. F. GIBSOBf, (wheeler’s EUII.RING,) OFFERS FOR SALE. 24000 Swgeiles Iivn, 200 Ciisks Th mtisiown Lima. KO VI . 50 Bbls. Flour, 15 Bbls. Apple Brandy, 35 Kegs YVhitc Lead,’ 30 Boxes Raisins, 10 Quarter Casks YY'mes, assorted, 10'Reams YY’riting Paper, St. Croix Sugar in Hhds. aud Bills. 5 Tierces Jamaica Coffee. 12 10 tf , gtorV I street, not far trointhe Mansi .n-Hotise, comeni j ently situated for the Trade that comes in on the j Savann ih. Louisville, and the new Milledgeville j Roads. The YY’are-Hojse is ttiought, from its i location, to be safe fr6m Fire, which is doubtles' i w object i/f importance to Planless who store 1 Lotion. Every attention shall tie paid to the in- terest of those who place their Cotron or other' property in hi- care, and the most reasonable charges maue on all business. Advances will be made on Cotton when required. Goods will ).* bought and'furnished to his customers on fire most liberal terms, as advances on Cotton storexi for side. > SepterilLer 3 34 o,„ CF The Georgia Journal and Washington News, will publish the above for two months,’and forward their accounts for settlement. . yjNFORMS his friends and the public, that he j IS now receiv ing a general assortment of YVhich will be sold on DRAWN NUMBERS IN THE WTEW-YO B2£ Consolidated Lottery, Class 7tii, 4, 13, 22, 54, 31, 18, 50, 4e. RENEW YOUR PRIZES IN THE E-HODfS-ISIiArtfD West Baptist Society Lottery, The drawing of which will be received on Mon day morning next, 15th instant. Highest Prize $ 10,000 l PRIZE OF 83,000 1 1 2 5 5 20 20 2,000 1,650 1,000 500 250 150 100 , . . Resolved, 7thly—That j ■ *‘ ie Hjinutes of this Board be signed bv the ] President, and countersigned by the Sec- The following observations is from the j retarv, and published in the Constitution Raleigh Register relative to Judge Isack’s ; alist, Georgia Courier, Southern Recor- statement published to-day. “ Mr. Buchanan in his letter, S3vs, I “ called upon General Jackson, solely as his friend, upon my individual responsi bility and not as the agent of Mr. Cl.ty or any other person.” And Jauge Isack says, that Mr. Buchanan having endea vored without success to prevail on him to wait on Gen. Jackson, concluded to do it himself. What becomes then of General • der, Georgia Messenger, and Savannah Georgian. W. B. DAVIS, President and Proprietor of the chartered rights and privileges the Brunswick Canal Company. Geo. R. Smith, Secretary. DIED. In Edgefield District, South-Carolina, on Sa turday, the 6th instant, Dr. Reuben Reed. &c. Sec. Sec. Tickets §4, Halves §2, Quarters §I> APPLY AT BEERS’. Fortunate Lottery Office, No. 241 Broad-st Augusta. October 8 44 It October 1 accommodating terms, at No. 121, Broad-Street. 42 6t RUSSIA Sc SWEDES TONS Russia and Swedes IRON, for sale tin accommodating terms, for approved pa per. KERRS h GRAHAM. August 2 25 tf DISSOLUTION. T HE Copartnership heretofore existing un. der the firm of Y\ : asson h Nicht'ls, is thi* day dissolved by mutual consent. Robert Wasson. George Nichols. Sept. 1~, 1827. 42 34 100 Bbls. Philadelphia Superfine A-esfi ELOUR, of excellent quality, just received and for sale by 3Iay Sc Walker. 42 fit October 1 CONFECTIONARY, No. 288 Broad-Sired. D. DILL respectfully tenders his sincere thanks to his friends and the public for the liberal patronage with w inch they have favor ed him, and offers his services to them generally in the Confectionary business, in all its branches. All orders, both town and country, will be sup plied at the shortest reasbnable notice, and at as low- prices as any in the city. He has now on hand a good supply of the first quality Cordials, Lemon Syrup, YViue, Liquors, Capers, Olives, Raisins, Almonds, Figs, Filberts, Dried Beef, Bologna Sausage, Svrup of Orgeat, Candies of all descriptions, Sugar Plumbs of different sizes, Pound Cakes. YY’edding Cakes, and Pastry Cookery, of all kinds, furnished in the neatest style if notice be given the da v pievious. Also, Segars and Tobacco, of the best kind, and a few barrels of new Georgia Flour. October 1 42 tf The Copartnership, which existed under the 6rtn of II. YV. Sfciivell. Ac. Co. was dissolved on the 15th ujtt- r.£>, by mutual consent. H. YV. SCOVELL H WARREN. Gctofier 1 42 41 •Mr,. Adam Hutchison's SCHOOL. ^^75LL be opened on. Broad-street, a few doors above Doctor YVrays, at the house formerly occupied by Judge VViiion, on the first Monday of Ociober Mrs. H. will be happy to give private instruc tions in Composition, and the higher branches of Education, to young Ladies who desire to devote a porriou of tW time to mental improvement. Instructions also given in Dra vmg and Paint ing. in Plain and Ornamental Needle YVork. Terms of admission made known at tlie School Room. THE SUBSCRIBERS, H AVING removed to No. 327 Broad-street, i next door to John Madden h Co’s Drue j and Medicine Store, continue to transact the AUCTION Sept. 24 40 tf TO KENT. Convenient Boarding. D "■ - AILY Boarders will be accommodated the East Tenement of the Brick Building, next below the Augusta Bank. For terms which will bej reasonable, apnlv at the premises, or to Wn. ROBERTSON. October I 42 1-n j COMMISSION BUSINESS. \ The greatest punctuality will be observed in ! rendering saies, with proceeds, as soon as effect- j ed. 1 N. B.—Advances made on merchandize if re- | quired B''GG & GREENWOOD, t Oc?eb n r 1 4*2 4; Two convenient Dwelling Houses on the South side of broad-Strect near the lower end of the Market, one at present occupied bv Mr. B. B Cheshire and the other, lately by’Mr. Charles YY ilsou' the Kitchen ot the latter is prepared for Candles, and the dwelling has a convenient store on Broad-street. Possession given on 1st Octo ber. Apply to , /. G IWYYIIORTER. Jiij IS 21 wtfi strict regard a ml proper care taken of all property commuted fb his charge, and punctuality shall be observed in all transactions of business in luiure. Liberal advanc s will be made on Cortpn stor- ed lor sa.e. in Cash, „ r Goods, at cash ratrs and on terms as accommodating other Ware-house keepers ofier. I