Georgia courier. (Augusta, Ga.) 1826-1837, November 01, 1827, Image 3

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Atf&TJSTA. THURSDAY. NOVEMBER X, 1827. His Excellency Gov. Troup h as f * e " dined the honor of a Dinner offered by his friends in Mi'.ledgeviJIe, as a testimony „f their personal regard and of the estima tion in which they hold Ins public conduct We have noticed tatoes brought to our Cambridge, (Md. lately some fine Po- market. There were three cart loads yesterday morning j that would have taken a premium in any j market in the world. A friend has fur- j nished us with the size and weight of two i which he had seen, raised on the planta- tation of Mr. Delaigle. One was 15 inches long, the other 12—circumference 19 inches, and weighing 7 and 7 1-2 lbs. MARRIED, In Columbians. C. oh Wednesday evening, 17th, ult. by'the Rev. P. H. Folker, Col. ESEK. H. MAXCY, to .Miss ELIZABETH C. DIN KINS. " DIED, Yesterday, at 10 o’clock, P. M. of a lingering complaint, Mr. Samuel G. Stap.r, a native of i the State of Connecticut, but for many years a resident of this city. His friends and acquaint ances arc invited to attend his Funeral THIS AFTERNOON, at 4 o’clock, from his late resi dence. On Tuesday evening last, after a short illness. Mr. Jacob Tuttle, aged 24 years—a native of Hanover, New Jersey, but for the last three years a resident of this city. His loss is much regret ted as an honest man and iudustrous and skilful Mechanic. — | COMMUNICATED. NElV-YORK CONUNDRUMS. j Died, in Johnston County, N. C. on the 12th wl • t . d i i-i rr ,A Uct - Mr. Wiley Parish, in the 21st year of \V hy IS Jacob Barker like a good ovs- his aRe _ Few young men have gjven fV J idence ter t Dp ye give It up ? Because he s a 0 f a finer ora more amiable disposition. He York Banker. was distinguished for his sobriety, honesty, Whv is a child that has a cold,like win- affection, and a firm reliance upon his ter? Do ye give it up? Because it blows lt Sn0WS ' ^W*W**^f*f Dr. Muse has made this season, on five acres of laud, notwithstanding a severe drought, ninety barrels of shell-corn, wanting a peck and a half—that is ninety hushels per acre, wanting a small fraction of a bushel. On ten acres he made also, this season, one hundred and fifty-two bar rels shell-horn, or 760 bushels—that is, 76 bushels jier acre. [jEastern Shore Chronicle. ->»S8— In the senatorial branch the Tennessee legislature, there are 9 farmers, 9 lawyers, and 2 merchants, 13 married men, 4 wid owers, and 3 bachelors; 10 from Va. 7 from N. C. 2 from Tenn. and one from So. Ca. Maker. Yet all those virtues were no defence against the fever of the season. BY LATHAM HULL, f0410RR0tl MORNING, at 11 o’clock, in front of his Store, No. 210 Broad-street, for account of all concerned, 20 Pieces Basins;, no PARTIALLY DAMAGED. ALSO, A QUANTITY OF V& ©MUMS* The remains of a Millinary Store. Also, an Elegant Secretary and Book C ase. Terms at sale. . Nov. 1 lt 4' V .. V dancing senoo: MB. COlj,MV,S v U, R ESPECTFULLY infotms the Ladii Gentlemen of Augusta, that his Sch be open on next Saturday, the 3d of Novel and will continue to be opened thioughot! season. Parents and Guardians who wi trust him with their children, mav rest assn- Iris attention and care for the "progress < Pupils. Days of Tuition, on everv To evening, from 2 o’clock, and Saturday mor from 9, at his usual Room. A ir .ctising Party for his Pupils, will place on every other Saturday evening, | candle jight until 10 o’clock, to begin as so | there will be a sufficient number of schol; : Night School on Monday and Wednesdav. I Mr. C. will also teach iu Seminaries, if : ! ed for. j October 29 50 2’ NO. 52. New VnW aiu\ W’mtev 50,000 DollsI s no NEW-YORK LATHAM HULL, No 210, Broad-Street. NF0RM3 his friends ami the public, that he is now opening a large quantity of ti es!) im ported Cy T '?>S. coHiprising as complete an sssoi oneut of Staple and Fancy Fabrics as was ever offered in this city ; all of which will be Sold lor cash or city acceptances, bv wholesale Why are the Signorina’s notes like Bills We request the reader’s particular at- on England ? Do ye gi ve it up ? Because .. cn t .i.r.cbnd they are above par. tention to the No. of Ilampdcn publis \ Vhy is a with i, is tai | his mouth, lo-day. j like an economist ? Do ye give it up ? Be- ■ » j cause he makes both ends meet. We have scarcely any use for the Port ! Why is a man and his wife like the of Augusta in onr paper, aud there is not ; states of America? Do ye give it up? Be- . , r ,l„- r ; V pr cause they are united, much more use made of it on the river, . for boats of the usual size, whose arrivals i FOR SAVANNAH. The splendid, staunch, iJSSr New Boat, BARNWELL, will leave lor Savannah on Friday morning next. For Freight, apply to arid departures were wont to give the ap pearance of business and bustle on our wharves. Our wharves are however sometimes pretty well covered with Cot ton bales, seeking to find some convey ance to the seaboard. The Lighters are busy in preparing to meet larger boats below, but although several of them have names which sound pretty loudly in the world, tlioir own exploits are scarcely worth recording. The late showers have made .an alteration in the River. Tt is j below Steamboat navigation; hut, if it is any consolation, it is nol quite as low as ;t was three weeks ago. Attached to ihe way-bill from Montgo mery, Ala. is the following:—“ Informa tion of undoubted character is received lime, that the whole of the business part of Mobile is burnt.’* —e©©— We notice with unaffected concern in he Georgia papers, the death of Freeman Walker, Esq. As a friend of our youth we feel and speak of him with those sen- Mtions which are always excited hy the s vei ence of long cherished attachments. We mingle our personal regrets with the sorrows of ihnse who are constrained to express, in the language of the Psalmist, the pain of bereavement—“ Lover and friend thou hast put far from me and my acquaintance into darkness."—Mr. Wal ker had pursued for many years ihe pro fession of the Law, had attracted by his good sense, his elegance and urhaniiy, the respect aud esteem of the first charac ters in the Congress of the United Slates, whilst sei vine as Senator from Georgia, and was altogether an interesting and amiable man. lie was the particular friend of ihe honorable Jobs Elliott who had passed on to tlie invisible wo Id a short time before him. Capt. Talbot another of his intimate friends and lately a candidate for the Governor’s seat in Georgia must have died but a short time previous to Mr. Walker. [Columbian Star. Canada.—The dinner given on the 4;h inst to the Earl of Dalhousie, was, we are informed hy the Montreal Gazette, very numerously attended, and went oil with great eclat. The Hon. John For syth, a gentleman well known for the ur banity of his manners and disposition, presided. The chairman in the course of she evening in proposing a toast, which he trusted would be joined by all present, ob served, that “they were oa the most friendly terms of intercourse wiih their neighbors of the Uuiied Suites, and might also be considered as members of one and the same family. He would give “ The President of the United States of Ameri ca.” This toast was received with three cheers, and the band struck up the air of Hail Columbia. A young pert, prating lawyer, one day boasted to the facetious counsellor Costel- j lo, that he had received five aud twenty guineas for speaking in a certain cause. “ And I,” said Costello, “ received dou ble that sum for holding my tongue.” WM. B. SHELTON. lt BY BUGG <$• GREENWOOD. TO-MORROW, the 2d instant, before their Store, No. 327 Broad-street, A GENERAL ASSORTMENT OF GROCERIES,DRY GOODS, HARDWARE, SHOES, See. &c. Terms at sale. Nov. 1 lt Consolidated Lotted "“*•"" " ny "*'*'»*-* '■ kit a- ton prices «3 can be bought in the states. Oct. 1 42 Scrivcii Superior Court, \ October Term 1827. I WILSON CONNER PUCLIC SALE, BY BUGG Jg GREENWOOD. I Boat Robert H. Mu GROVE, 1 \^7" ILL solt k at Auction, on TUESDY next. ’ advertised to have taken . V 6thinstant,at the lower Market-house in tins city, 490 ACRES OF LAND, Known by Lot No. 28S, in the 5th District of Ap pling county. NOTICE. The Sale of the New Pole place on Wednesday, the 31st ultimo, was post- ' poned until SATURDAY, the 3d inst, at eleven 1 o’clock. A. M. Nov. 1 outhent Class 9th. Tube draw i by the ternary combinatio 45 Numbers and 6 drawn Ballots. This TRULY SPLENDID LOTTERY d on the 7th November, and the drawing wi received here on the 16th. There being only 14,190 Tickets, the rh ..... of one Ticket in this Scheme, it equal to th 51 YP»Y ANN ( ONNiEj . . two in ordinary Lotteries. f T appearing to ‘be Court by the return of th* ' Sheriff that the defendant, Mary Ann t on- SCHEME. ner is not to be found in the Comity, on tnatioil 1 D • fA-n <um A-/wof D’Lyon and De La.nolte for rh« 1 Brize ol $50,900 plailltiff , i, is ordered, that th i „ 20,000 . • 1 inrinn J on or before the nu*>U.»„ 1 ,, 10,000 10,< next tenn, aud that this rule be pub.ishtjd in one of the Gazettes of this State for sixty days NER ) > Divo NNER. S defe*. dant do of fensive allrgatio.i The competition between the rival Steamboats which ply between England and Ireland is so great that recently num bers of Irish laborers, returning from the harvest, were conveyed Irom Liverpool to Newry, a distance of two hundred miles, for three, pence each, and in some cases, three were taken for sixpence ! lt A number of Gen-1 tlemen can be accommodated with BOARD & LODGING, at j Four Dollars a Week, in a gen- | teel house, in a central part of the city. Enquire ! at this office. Nov. 1 ALSO, A pair of well broke CARRIAGE HORSES, suitable for a family. Titles warranted—Terms at sale. Nov. 1 51 2t COMMERCIAL. REMARKS. Cotton.—'transactions in Sea Islands, Maines and Santee’s are trifling, and the stock continues very low-—there has been but two or three small lots of New Sea Islands . received. In Uplands, business has improved in proportion to the re ceipts t f the article which is disposed of at our quotations as fast as it arrives. Rick.—There has been very little business done during the week, owing in a measure to the limited supply—one small lot of new Rice lias been received and stored. Groceries.—The demand continues limited as lo the country trade in consequence »f the iow stale of the rivers—there are some few Country Merchants in town, and as the weather is now lavorable, we may expect them to arrive t very day. They supply of Sugars is very small and considerable has been taken up for the city trade. Coffee is inquied after and will command our quotations ; there is very little prime in Market. Alolasses is w ithout change in prices or demand. [ Chas. City Gazette.2 Current. 51 3t Set Suppers W ILL be furnished by the Subscriber, at any hour during the winter. The good things of the season wid be on the table. WILLIAM M’COY. Nov. 1 it W TO THE PUBLIC. E observe in the Chronicle of the 27th ultimo, an assertion made by an anony- Evening School. T HE Subscriber will open an Evening School, at his School Room, on Monday, the 5th of November. For terms, apply to CHARLES GRENVILLE. Nov. 1 51 w4t TO RENT, And immediate possession given, the Dwelling and Store, first door a- bove the Bridge Bank, an excellent stand for business. Enquire of Ben- noch ft M’Kenzie, or. DAVID SMITH. Nov. l 51 tf CHARLESTON, OCT. 27, 1827. Colton—Sea-island, lb. 20 u 25 Santee,, aud Maine, 17 a J9 Upland, 11 a 1H do old 9 a lo Bagging, (42 inch) 23 a 25 Rice—Prime, 31 Inferior, to good, 2i| a 3^ Flour—Philadelphia, 1 Richmond, V Baltimore, liowar-J-st. ^ Do. Wharf, Alexandria, Coffee—Havana, prime, 1 good, > middling ) St. Domingo, Jamaica, line green, Molasses—IV. India,good, Havannn, New-Orleans, iu hlids. & Whiskey—Ibid. Penn. Do. ‘ bbl. Do. hhd. New-York Do. bbl. Gin—Holland, Wcesp’s best, Anchor, bcheidam—direct import, Northern, Rum—Jamaica, (direct importation) a 110 115 West India, do SO New England, hhd. 38 a 39 Ditto bbl. 40 Brandy—Cognac, 4th pf. (direct im.) 140 a 155 5^ a 5| 5j 5 50 a 5 75 17 a 17£ 15 a lo 14 none 15 DRAWN NUMBERS IN THE Virginia State Lottery, For the benefitof the DISMAL SWAMP CANAL LOTTERY—Class 9th. 12, 4G, 41, 44, 3, 51, 48, 8. Nov. 1 it that Dr. Chambers’ Remedy for Intemperance had 'materially injured the health of some gen tlemen of this City. This charge we find reite rated by the Editor of the Chronicle in his paper of the 30th ult., and he further states that the names of two gentlemen who had thus suffered were left with him. Duty to ourse'ves, to our fellow-citizens, and to the proprietors of this Medi ine, induced us to endeavor to ascertain the nature and extent of the injury thus done.— But. to our surprise, when we asked for the names of these gentlemen, who had been thus in jured, -xve received for answer that they could not be given us. We are, therefore, (irresistibly led to the > onclusion, that no injury has been sustained by any person in consequence of the use of Chambers’ Remedy. In proof of which we can refer to some of our most respectable Citizens, under whose immediate inspection it has been given; and in no case within our own knowledge has any injury been sustained, R. B. tlaviland Sc Co. Agents for Chambers' Remedy Nov. 1 lt Next Wcdnesdiy, THE 7tII INSTANT, Will be received the Drawing of tbe Grand Consolidated Lotterv, FIRST CLASS. $20,000HIGHEST PRIZE. SCHEME. Prize of $20,000, „ 5,000, CITY SHERIFF’S SALE. W ILL be sold, on the first Tuesday in De cember next, at the Market-Hoase, in this City, between the usual hours of sale, The interest of John T. Tay lor, in one Negro Woman, named DIANA, levied upon by virtue of an execution issuing from tho Court of Common Pleas, Peter Carre vs. John T. Taylor. Terms Cash—Purchasers to pay for titles. A. PICQUET, Sh'ffC. A. Nov. 1 51 wtd 1 1 1 2 6 6 39 39 39 39 39 39 78 273 4446 10,000 4,520 3.000 2,500 2.000 1.000 500 120 100 90 80 70 60 50 40 20 A true copy taken from the minutes, this lfii’. October, 1827. SEYBORN GOO DA EL, Gl k. 50 2m Oct. '19 20 C p- ar : " ,<1 fil< ‘ ber ■ ns *' < * r or d ’ .... h-f.rre ihe meeting ol this ‘ o ut. 3,< 9 f 1 4.1 C,(i 3,(1 4.6 3,9 3,5 3.1 2.7 2,3 3,9 10.9 88.9 ADVERTI3 RXEl -■ Person? h:n ii)£ husi- 'ness in the tollowiug L'*ut:- ties, (to wit :) Bit b, Mon roe. Pike. Up-on. Butts. Henry, Newton. Crawford, Houston. Fayette, De kal •. Coweta, Carroll. 1 roup. Muscogee Lee. luig s and JoneS, can have it promptly attended In by* the undersigned, by leaving the papers in th • hands of Wm. Longstreet, Esq who is aut loiizci to receipt lor the sinno. PRINCE & POE. oftmeov. • Augusta, 23d Aug. 1827. 31 «3.o \A r . $227,0 5051 Prizes. 9439 Blanks. Tickets, Halves, Quarters, Tenths, - 2 APPLY AT BEERS’ Fortunate Lotterv Office $20 *10 5 No. 241, Broad-Strtj (C? 3 Orders from the interi«j will meet prompt attention. j Oct. 20 50 tf ■ , .M1F. Proprietor of the Augusta j | the is authorised by the M u.; ! <v rr FIFTY DOLL RS for the br t j Poetical Address, to be spoken at t: iug of the Theatre, on the 19th Dec., net ingot) lines, nor less than 45. 1 he V • must be direct d (post prtitl) “ lo (he i . of t e Augusta Theatre,” «ho ». 1 s.-lt ' iilerarv gentlemen of the city of August., i mine them, and award the prize el ’it- i a I Ad resses must be forwarded betoiethi j i 'eceniber, and the names o their author j ed and se led in a separate piece of pap- {will remain unopetied till the s' let ti Sept. 27 (LT Publishers of Newspape s w i’.l |fi< give the above weekly insertions in Oclol November, & subserve the interests and Literature. Moat r t lnr< <>. X i- i merit. (Oth ot" .icfos- . « hieb is in id. . 41 e to and be Diaiua 36 38 34 a 38 32 33 none 33 120 100 a 41 do. HO 3: 12. a 33 dud 4£ 40 a 43 45 18 (plenty ) Do. Bordeaux, Apple Brandy, Iron—Russiaic Sweden, pr. cwt. Corn, (cargo) Peas, Black Pepper, (scarca) Tobacco—Georgia, i Fayetteville, > Kentucky, ) Butter—Prime Goshen, Common, Bacon—Corn Fed, flams, Lard, Tallow, Bees Wax. , Sugar.—Musco. Jam. fine (declining) 10£ a llj Do. 8t. Croix, do 105 a 11) Do. Matanzas, Do. Havauna, New Orleans, Havauna, white, Do. brown, Loaf Sugar, refined (declining) Salt—Liverpool, coarse, (bags of ( 2.500, 2,000, 1.500, 1,080, 1,000, 600, 500, 400, 10 prizes of $200, 20 )) 100, 46 19 70, 46 11 60, 46 11 50, 46 51 40, 92 11 30, 92 51 20, 920 91 12, 8280 99 6. A meeting of the Carpen- 'ters and Masons of this Ci ty, is requested at the City Hall, on THURSDAY EVENING, the 1st November, at 7 o’clock, on business of lickets$6—Halves $3—Quaiters $1 50. APPLY AT Beers’ Fortunate Lottery Office, No. 241 B oad-strect. Nov. 1 51 2t Oct. 26 A MECHANIC. 49 3t 4 bushels,) Do. in bulk. Turks Island, (jats. Hay, prime Northern. Pimento, TR ENTO N, (N. J.) O C T. 20. — O ii Tuesday next, the Legislature of ibis state commence their annual session in this city. From the full returiK received from all the counties, we are prepared to say there are in council, 10 members friendly to the present administration, and 4 considered as being opposed. Majority 6. Tiiat in the assembly, there are 26 members elect ed, who are frendlv to the adminisira- -6on; 14 who are considered as opposed, and three doubtful. Leaving a majority (even allowing all thedoublful members to be opposed,)of9 in the assembly, and 15 m Joint Meeting. This majority would nave been 20 at least, had not the election Tar U ilmington, hinged in some counties on mere local Turpcnti ® eTSdngton. hard, questions. Do. do, soft, White'Pine Boaids, clear, Merchantable, “ Will the American President come j Piich Pine Boards, ind lay prostrate at the feet of Congress Beef—Boston, No L his laurels? I fear there are few mtfn j Me ^ do ' iNo ’ who can be trusted on that head. The | p^jk—New York Jnspection Mess glorious Republic of Holland has erecied ■ Do. Prime, monuments of her warlike intrepidity and ; I)o. New Orleans Inspection valor ; yet she is now totally ruined by a / '"' itadtholder—a Dutch President. The destiuetive wars in which that nation has been plunged, has since involved her in ambition. I he glorious triumphs of Blenheim and Ramilies were not so com- fi.rmable to the genius, not so much to the true interest of the Republic, as those numerous and usefui canals and dykes, and .♦liter objects, at which ambition spurns.” PATRICK HENRY. 3A a -4A 18 a 20i 8 a i2A i 7-U'i 8 j 10 a 11 j 9 a 9$ 12 9 a 10 a 9 8 a 9£ 13 a 135 17 a 2i 2J 42 52 a 55 35 a 40 SO a S74 25 §1 3-4 a 1 7-S a H none 2 3-S a 2^ 14 12 Boston Candles—Northern, Charleston, Sperm, Mackarel—No. 1.^ No! I'} lns P ection S EXCHANGE. N. Carolina State Bank Bills. 3J 4 per ct. dis. Newbern and Cape Fear do. 4A 5 per ct. dis. Georgia, do. la 1A per ct. dis. 15 14 9 7£ a 8 9^ a 10 14 11 none 14 16 34 fi-i 4 13 31 We are authorised to aunonnee RICHARD HENRY WILDE, Esq. a candidate for Representative to Congress, to fill the vacancy occasioned by the resignation of the Honorable John Forsyth. Oct. 25 49 td. BOARDING. A few Gentlemen can be accommodated with Board, at the house recently occupied by Capt. Berry, op posite the Upper Market, south side Broad-street. October 25 49 4t *Ve\\ Fa\\ and Winter j oi LATHAM HULL, No 210, Broad-Street. I NFORMS his friends and the public, th; is now opening a large quantity of fresh ported aOOSS, comprising a.s complet assoitment of Staple and Fancy Fabrics as ever offered in this city ; all of which will sold for cash or city acceptances, by whole or retail, oil any credit not exceeding 12 ninr at as low prices as can be bought in the Sout states. Oct. 1 42 tf - l - HALL & HARBIN Harfag yurchuscd the Stock of GRCTCERIE Mr. A. P. ROBERTSON, would again ii~ the attention of their friends and the public' erally, at No. 151 Broad-street, where theq* tend keeping a constant supply of of Choice Groceries •en- i n f-w# - TO RENT, From the first of Octuln r next, tho Kid Building, No. 161 Broad-street.owned 1-1 -bB and occupied by the subscribers J-^.Se-sL: The stand for business is desirable The store for pleasantness and convenience is not equalled by any iu the city, and is ad- mirablv calculated for an extensive Wholesale and Retail Dry Goods business. The dwelling contains four spacious rooms, pleasant and conv venieht for a family. June 28 JEWETT, ABELL fc To. 16 tf TO REN” r. Two convenient Dwelling Houses on th* South side of Broad-Street near the [sjsjjjsfp lower end of the Market, one at present occupied by Mr. B. B Cheshire, and the oilier, lately by Mr. Charles IN ilson, the Kitchen of the latter is prepared for moulding Candles, and the dwelling has a convenient store on Broad-street. Possession given on 1st Octo ber. Apply to J G. M’WHORTER. July 19 21 w,<> THEY HAVE ON HAND, S: (•BORGIA FSNrCXBZES! A N ELECTION will be beld at the City Hall. on ■•'alurday, the 3d November next, at 7 o’clock. P. M. for an ENSIGN, to fill the vacan cy occasioned by the iesignation of Ensign Mc- Keen. Bv order of Capt. Sturges. GEO. W. M’COY, Sec. G. F. November 1 ' lt Wells <$• Kibbe W OULD invite their friends and tiie public in general, to call and examine their NEW GOODS, which they harercceived this day, and they arc ready to make any article of gen teel dress. P S. Five first rate Journeymen Tailors will find steady employment and punctual pay, by applying as above. W. iiK. Oct. 25 49 tf T. Croix and New-Orleans Sugar?, Loaf and Lump doi White and Green Coffee, Cognac Brandy, Holland Gin, N. E. Gin, Canal Whiskey, superior quality, Cicili and Teneriffe Wine, London Porter, Imperial Gunpowder and Hyson Teas, Pepper and Spice, Table Salt, Spanish and Common Segars, Chewing Tobacco, of superior quality, Sperm and Tallow Candles, Swedes and Russia Iron, Cotton Bagging and Sacking, Newark Cider, suitable for bottling, fco. & And at No. 151, they have a general of Seasonable DRY GOODS All of which is offered for sale on the mos commodating terms. June 7 10 tf JOHN BITYKIS. Offers his services to his friends anil the public i general, to transact the WARE HOUSE AND Commissi ah U has taken the Ware-House lately occu] Business, H ed by HOLT k WARE, on VY :shingt« far from the Mansi n-IIouse. cc-uve FOR SALE, The following property, belonging to the estate of Freeman Walker, dec'd. TITHE Spring Hill Tract of Land of 5,000 A- I cres, more or less, with a Saw and Grist Mill, & a newly erected Dwelling on an elevated , and commanding site. 1,000 Acres well Timbered River Swamp ; 100 j adjoining acres of Red Pine Land, in Burkecoun- ! tv, below Demery’s Ferry. 160 Acres above Summerville, in rear of the , Arsenal. 40 Acres near Rae's Creek, about three miles i above Augusta. A Tract in Lincoln County.—A number of'"02£ , Acre Tracts, in different parts of the State. A CARRIAGE, of superior workmanship, (se cond handed) at Mr Hall’s, (Carriagemaker's.) J 'Apply to George A. B. Walker. GEORGE A. B. WALKER, VALENTINE WALKER, November 1 51 3t J CANAL FLOUR. ton - street not lar irom me ii-huum-, w>o*eni* * eutlv situated for the Trade that conn in on the i Savann ib. Louisville, and the new Milleil^eville i Roads. The Ware-House is thought, from ir, ! location, to be safe from Fire, which is doubtless j an object of importance to Planters who store 1 Cotton. Every attention shall be paid To the in- j terest of those who place their Cotton or other | property in his care, and the most reasonable ! charges” made on all business. Advances will b*- I made on Cotton when required. Goods will be | bought and furnished to Ids customers on the j most liberal terms, as advances on Cotton stored 1 for sa'e. September 3 84 2m [FF The Georgia Journal and Washtngto I Mews, will publish the above for two months, an 1 forward their accounts for settlement. NEW FALL &, WINTER UST received and for sale, a lot of Supe> CANAL FLOUR. HALL & HARDIN Oct. 22 48 tf erfine JUST RECEIVED, ON CONSIGNMENT, 70 ROBERT MAHARREY, ; No. 162 Broad-street, lieu just received, direct from New- York, a large j supply of Staple and Fancy Goods, | Which he offer, either by Wholesale or Retail, at ved low prices. Oct. 22 HATS 4* SHOES N. 48 tf > Ex’rs. Blanks of all Descriptions, Printed and for Sale at this Office. TO KENT, A Store, situated in the cen tre of business. Enquire at this >1 3t NEW FALL GOODS. at* m Has just received, direct trom New-Y ork, a large supply of STAPLE Sf FANCY GOODS. Which are offered at low prices. No. 175 Broad-street. October 18 47 *f T HE subscriber would inform his frieml^S) the public generally, that he lias just f by late arrivals from New York, a larg sortraent of HATS—viz : Gentlemen’s Beaver, Black and Drab, Fine and Coarse Casters, do do. Fine and Coarse Rorems do do. Men’s and Boys' fine and coarse Wool Ha Y ouths’ Hats’ Black and Drab, Children’s Hats, Fur kz Hair Seal Si Cloth e Morocco Caps, Sic. Lc. a Also, a large assortment of _ Gentlemen’s, Ladies' and Children’s Shot t ' 3 ^ ) Gentlemen’s fine Boots, tic. iic. All of which he is disposed to sell on the reasonable terms for Ca*h or City Accepta J. Barn he most Oct. 25 49 ti stances. TV. tf recei- rge as- lats, hoes, pieces Hem]) and To v Bagging, pipes Holland Gin, For suit low, hy LATHAM IIA'LL. No. 210 Broad-street. October i 1 ^ LAW NOTICE. subscriber begs leave to inform his friends and Clients, generally, that no* withstanding his removal to Augusta, he wni still continue to practice in tbe Courts of Edge- field and Barnwell Di tiicts. and with that view has established an office in the tow 11 of Hamburg THOS. GLASCOCK. Oct. 22 48 tf rjrmi; 1 frie LAW. The undersigned havtf USS? formed a Partnership under ihe firm of A. B. k W. LONGSTREET. Their Of fice is over tlve Stoge of Messrs. Wm. H. Morgan i. Co. No. 208 Broad-street. AUGUSTUSB LONGSTREET WILLIAM LONGSTREET. Qttobei 18 47 1m I INSTINCT PRINT