Georgia courier. (Augusta, Ga.) 1826-1837, November 12, 1827, Image 1

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1 i I aiA. COURIER H AUGUSTA, GEO. MONDAY, NOVEMBER 12, 1827. NO. 54. PUBLISHED EVEBV MONDAY AND THURSDAY am 2 O’CIiOC3S» P* M' At Mr. Howard’, Bnc^BuiM^opp^Mr. Cummin*.’ j° w Buililingg. M'lntosh Street. directions. Sale,of ** AdmioiMratore, Execu Guardian,, are required, by law, to be held oo tbe ,'uebdny in the month, between the hours °* te L n ,n \ : u ' 0 "o and three in the afternoon, at the Court-house of . <*• whirh ilift nroDertv ±s> county in which the property is j.les must be given in a public gazette SIXTY days -revious to the day of sale. . ? Notices of the sale of personal property must be given in :: ke manner, FORTY days previous to the day of sale Notice to the debtors and creditors of an estate, must be , Wished for FORTY days _ , _ ' Notice that application will be made to the Court of j r mar„ for levae toseU land, must be published for I OCR months. We 'Let who em- ■imon Bolivar, "Liberator, President of the Repub lic of Columbia. Guayachjilians ! The torrent of civil dissensions has swept you along, until it Ihas brought you into your present situa tion. You are the victims of a misfortune which you have endeavoured to avoid by every sacrifice. Yen are not in fanlt; the pconle never are ; for the people desire only justice, quiet and liberty, gauger- mis and improper designs are generally ascribable to their leaders. They are the authors of public calamities. I know you. You know me. cannot misunderstand each other, those then desist from their efforts, seek to estrange us ; since we again t|race, like affectionate brothers oversha- dowod bv the laurels, the laws and the name of Colombia. Government Palace nt Bogota, Sept 11,1827. Speech of the vice President on receiving the Liberator in the Government House. Most excellent Sir Liberator President— After all the demonstrations of love, rerpect and confidence shown to you by the people, I, who am also a member of the supreme administration of the state, must confine myself to pxpressine to you our gratification, in seeing you restored to the capital of the Republic, and in posses sion of the supreme authority which the nation has conferred on you. What from hearts that love *heir country, are faithful to its institutions, anxious for its stability, and its institutions, and interested in your glory d They are assuredly, none other, than to see the Republic again imbed under your authority, the par ties which have distracted it destroyed, public quiet re-established, the rieh*s .of the people secured, and the laws liberty, equality and your transcendant re putation triumphant. Should this be the result of your efforts in the supreme na tional authority which all expect with per fect confidence, the vicisitudes of the Re public and the troubles which have afflict ed your mind as well as ours, will but have served as a crucible to purify our love for liberty, and what makes us deserving of it for thfe power and stability of Colombia, and for yourself. We will spare no ef forts that may contribute to thp tranquifitv and happiness of Colombia, and to the sdory of the government. I have spo ken. Address pronounced by the Liberator in Congress aft'r taking the oath. When I first accented the charge of the "P residency, I nromised 'to support the constitution ns fir as lav in rav power, that is, as a soldier, Pledged to the war of intfependence, I marched to the sooth jod effected the liberty of all that teritorv which was under the Soanish dominion,— There public was made entire Peru called for the protection of ?ho Cnlomb'a armv, and confided its de$t ; nins rav hands ; she named me Dictator. She triumphed Completely over her enemas * and under the shade of the liberating Colombian flaw, two sister republics were bore—Pern and Bolivia. D’srord divided Colombi ans. The north struggled to break tbe fundamental laws. Fratridical cannon were thundering. I flew to appease the tumid*. and bv a decree (of January 2d) re-established peace and union. Public order and tranquility were afterwards re stored. Tbe Congress heard the general erv of the nation-imperiously demanding reform. The Grand Convention was ’ summoned,' and bv this means Con gress has saved *he Republic.—Theactu- republican hearts in the path upon which they have entered? We will overcome all obstacles which oppose the perfection and contemplation of the grand Colombi an edifice. But it is you, sir, who are to take the most interesting part; in the ar duous enterprise, recognizing the re public and consolidating its liberty ; uniting its dismembered parts ; appeasing the fury of factions ; concentrating in one point tbe difference of opinions ; and, finally, giving freedom and happiness to your fellow citizens, who threw thewselves into your arms and expected safety from shipwreck. We have not forgotten that to your con stancy and valor, and to your sacrifices, we owe the advantages of independence, and the enjoyment of our security. This recollection will forever excite, in the bo som of all Colombians, a profound senti ment of gratitude, which, constituting you the arbiter of our differences, gives you, at the same time, all the power and all the influence necessary to produce the most beneficial results which we can antici pate. EAGLE TAVERN, QN XLSlTZrOLDS-STB.£ST, ATJCrTJSTA. You will now, Sir, show yourself more than ever worthy of the title of Lib erator, which is so honorable to you ; worthy I repeat of that name which you have not wished to change for any other, and which distinguishes you from those falselvstyled heroes who being the scourge of humanity, strive to found all thVir pomp and grandenr on the oppression aud exter mination of their species. The spirit of the age has long marked out the path which those must follow who preside over the destinies of mankind. Colombia ex pects that you will not depart from it, and that as a boundless career is newlv .open ed to your reputation and to your desires, you will dissipate the shades with which it has heen attempted to obscure the picture of your glory ; will justify the admiration which the world pays you as its tribute, to the present generation, and to the more grateful remembrance of posterity. T HE SUBSCRIBERS respectfully tender their grateful acknowledgments fot the liberal pat ronage hitherto conferred upon them, take this opportunity of informing their friends and the public, that their establishment having been considerably enlarged, and undergone many exten sive repairs and improvements during the late summer, fhey flatter themselves that it will now ena ble them to tender every possible comfort, convenience and satisfaction, to all who may be induced to favor them with their company. B ENJAMIN DEAN, grateful for the liberal patrouage he has received, begs leave to in form his friends and the public, that w ith a view of extending his business, he has connected himself with an extensive Manufacturing Establishment in the City of New York, from which he w ill be constantly supplied with HATS in the rough or unfinished state, and have them finished in this place by experienced workmen, under his own direction, which will enable him to get them up in a neat, handsome style, and much better suited to this market than they could possibly be or dered from abroad; and he pledges himself that his work shalVbe equal to any in the market, for fashion and durabilitv, and that bis prices will be such that they cannt t fail to suit purchasers at wholesale or retail. Persons wishing Hats made to order can be accommodated. B. Dean will keep constantly on band a gene ral assortment of Hatters’ Trimmings, Bow Strings, kc. Cash and the highest price paid for Hatters’ F urs. I? Old Hats Dressed and Repaired at short notice. Oct. 29 50 wtf ft?* The Milledgeville and Savannah STAGE OFFICES are kept at the EAGLE TAVERN. In addition to the above mentioned improvements, we will have ready by the first day of October, an elegant NEW STABLE, on Bay-street, just above the Bridge, convenient to the river, and capa ble of holding Two Hundred Horses, with a vacant adjoining Lot for their exercise. Drovers will find charges as reasonable as at any similar establishment in the city. FIELDS KENNEDY. EDMUND BUGG. Augusta, September 3, 1827. ^4 Professional Respectability— Teach ers.—When Dionysius was exiled from the throne of Sicily, he became a school master at Corinth. Whether he was prompted by this step bv a desire to pre serve the miniature of power in govern ing boys, since he could no longer govern men, or by his intellectual taste, we can not say. But he probably found the go vernment he assumed, more painful than that from which he had been banished.— To govern boys properly, is a more ar duous task thau to manage men. It may sometimes be a delightful task” to rear the fender thought,” but the thoughts of boys are occasionaly somewhat tough, rand while you are teaching the young lad’s “ idea how to shoot,” he is perhaps, teach- ing himself “ how to shoot” with a pop gun. He who looks upon the world aright, has frequent occasion to observe that the profession of a teacher, does not receive half the respect to which it is entitled. The lawyer protects the rights, and the physician assoages the bodily pains of men; the merchant provides the comforts and the luxuries of life, and the mechanic ministers to its necessities. These voca tions are important, but their relations are between man and man ; should de ceit or injury arise, the evils are temporal But in the relation between instructor and pupil, it is far otherwise. The very des tiny of the lattei is in his tutor’s hands; not onlv his temporal, but also, his eternal interests depend on the early bent and impulse given to his mind. Knowledge mav be imparted bv the bad as well as the the frond, and mav be productive of evil as well as of benefit. It is in the manlier of instruction, and in the bias which is given to the young mind, that we are to look for the awful responsibility of the teacher According to the manner of his education a bov becomes heroic or cowardly, up right or knavish. Teach h'm to dwell w’th pleasure on generous, honorable, and virtuous sentiments, set before his con- WESTERN HOTEL, AT THE CORNER OF CENTRE AND GREEN STREETS, AUGUSTA. T HE Subscriber has returned to his Old Stand, the WESTERN HOTEL, in Augusta, where he will entertain his old Customers and other friends, who may be pleased to give him thci r ' B. MI VIS. 03» An extensive Wagon Yard is attached to the Western Ho tel; and the street from the end of the Bridge leads directly to it. October 15 V 46 tj FASHIONABLE Hat Warehouse WHOLESALE & RETAIL. al situation of Colombia now merits the* | templation, tli*a piT»*F* and brilliant exam- consideration of the Congress which must iu its wisdom, weigh the measures T have suggested, and give or denv to them its approbation. T^e Secretary Genera! will present the memorial. In despite of the dismemberment with which .the Re public has been threatened, in spite of the almost anarchical conduct of the South of Colombia,I hope and even promise the Congress to deliver over into the hands of the Grand Convention, *he Republic of Colombia fref. and united. Address of Sr. Vincente Burvero. President of the Senate to the Libe ator, after he had taken ths constitutional oath. Sir, at this moment are fulfilled the -wish es of all the people ©f Colombia, who havi called you to rule over her destinies and placed in your hands her prosperity, glory and safety. This declaration, sir, must fill all our breasts with the purest de light ; the Colombians could give you no clearer or mere authentic evidence oftheir love and confidence. But at what a peri od »;r, are you about t<5 take the respon sibility of conducting ihe bark of state.— You have already told us. It is a time when the elements of discord have con spired to plunge us into the abyss; when the sea of opinion being thrown into agi tation the tempest threatens from every quarter j when, in fine, it seems that a new era is about to commence in the re public of which you are called the Crea tor and Father. Yes sir, sad events have happened to eclipse the splendour of our country ; but while the history of all ages presents to us similar political aberrations Jtx the infancy of nations, who will arrest pjps of history, and he stows up into man hood, an ornament to humanity, and a favorite of heaven, If knowledge is im parted without reference to this great ob ject, iris worse than useless, for it increas es the newer and widens the sphere of maleficence. What mournful instances has time again and again exhibited of mis- cmided iatellect and perverted powers.— Where are we to look for the cause ? In the temptations and enticements of the world ? No, the properly educated and well balanced mind is armed against them. Look for it in the early obliquity of dispo sition, occasiened by neglect, weakness ar misrule. Go to the culprit in his cell and ask the history of his life, follow the great chain from effect to cause, up to his youth, and you will learn that then was the bias given which bereaved society of a member and heaven of a soul. What then should be the reward of the faithful instructor, who performs his duty towards his pupils ? affection and honor.— He should be respected by his fellow man as he is approved by his maker, and moral ity should build as lofty a monument to his memory, as gratitude rears to the statesman,? or admiration to the hero. Morning Courier. T HOMAS EVANS would inform his friends and the public generally, that he has re moved from his former stand, to the Store No. 279 Broad-street, formerly occupied by Mr. G. Hannah, where he keeps constantly on hand, a verv large assortment of Gentlemen’s Superfine Beaver Hats ; also, Beaverette, Imitation Beaver, Castor and Roram Hats; Youth’s and Children’s Hats; besides a very large assortment of Wool Hats, white and black; also, a general assort ment of Fur and Cloth Caps—Leghorn k Straw Hats and Bonnets, all of which he offers for sale, Wholesale and Retail, on the most reasonable terms. Merchants from the Conntry are invited to call and examine for themselves. Single Hats made at the shortest notice and agreeably to order. I he highest prices given for^11 kinds of .at- ter’s Fur Kept constantly on hand, a general assortment of Hat Trimmings. N. B.—Looking Glasses for sale at the above stand. Nov. 8 53 tf utmM® DENTIST, R ESPECTFULLY offers his Professional Service*-to the Citizeus of Augusta. He has taken a Room at Mrs. Leverich’s, next door to Mr. Jacob Danforth’s, on Washington-street November 8 53 tf NOTICE. In conformity to the Pooclamation of his Excellency the Governor, an EL CTiON will be hclden at the Court- House, in the City of Augusta, on Saturday, the 17th November inst., for a Member of Congress, to fill the vacancy occasioned by the resignation of John Forsyth, Esq. H. McTyrO V. Walker, S. Hale, J. S. Holt, D. Berry, Nov. 8 #50,000, Drawing to be received on the 16th instant. N. Lork Consolidated Lottery, Class 9th, for 1827. $50,000 Highest Prize And only about half the usual number of Ticket! SCHEME. PRIZE OF AT THE GOLD SADDLE, FOUR DOORS BE rOW THE BANSK AUGUSTA, GEO. BMim&W] SADDLE MANUFACTURERS Have now on hand, a Splenuii* Assortment oi Goods in their line. Manufactured by them, selves, of the first rate materials and workman ship. tiddlery: LADIES’, Men’s, and Boy’s Saddles, Portsmouth Sharp and Snaffle Bridles, Braided, Round and Flat Martingals, Coach, Gig and Wagon Harness, Saddle, Carpet and Medical Bags, Valices, Holsters and Bridle Leathers, Twig, Coach and Wagon Whips, Military Bridles, &c. &r. &c. Saddlery- Ware Snaffle, Sharp, Pelham, Portsmouth, and Bra- doon Bits, of the latest and most fashionable patterns. Patent holler Spring, Fancy, Round-leg and Prince’s uietal Stivrups, Curb Chains, Spurs. Buckles aad Slides, Haimes, Terets, Hooks and Bradoon Runners, Bridle and Harness Buckles, Str ining, Worsted and Cotton Webbs, Plush, Serge and Baize, Saddle Trees and Hog Skins, Skirting, Bridle and Harness Leather, Coach and Gig FURNITURE. Justices of the * Inferior Court, Richmond c’ty. 53 td An After Thought.—A young man of fashion lately threw himself, in a love fit, into the Seiue ; he was rescued from his perilous situation by a waterman, who heard him roar out most unmercifully, that he had forgot to add a postscript l« his farewell letter to his mistress. R. A. PALMER, OFFERS FOR SALE, At Ko. 302 Broad-Street* 25 Tons Swedes Iron, assorted, 100 bbls. Northern Gin, 100 do N. E. Rum, 75 do Whiskey, 40 do prime Sugar, 10 quarter casks Sweet Malaga Wine, 35 bags Coffee, 12 bbls. prime do. do. 15 quarter chests Hyson Tea, 2 pipes Seignette Brandy, 2 quarter casks old Port Wine, 25 boxes Raisins, 12 bales brown Shirtings, 5 do Sheetings, 2 cases Plaids, 2 boxes Cotton Thread, 1000 lbs. Loaf Sugar, 10 boxes Sperm Candles, 6 bbls Sperm Oil, 15 boxes Oranges, Nov. 8 53 tf NOTICE. ^ LL persons having demands against Thomas Gardner, (wheelright.) late of Augusta deceased, are requested to render them to the subscriber, within the time limited by law; and tho e indebted to said estate, will please settle the same at an early period, as a final adjustment of tbe estate is very desirable. WM. JACKSON. Attorney for the Executrix. tier. 6 63 3t ILiiW* Henry Mounger, having located himself at Monroe, Walton county Walton tenders his Professional Servi ces to the Public. Business entrusted to his care in any of the following counties, will be faithfully attended to—viz: Clark, Morgan, Jackson, Newton, Gwinnett, Hall, De Kalb, Fayette, Walton, and Henry, References can be made in Augusta, to JOHN r. KING, Wm. SIMS, WILLIAMS k Co. MUSGROVE, WETMORE k Co. HEARD k COOK, and WM. J. HOBBY, Esquires. 53 tf Nov. 8 NOTICE. Horses found run ning the Streets, from the 1st November to 1st May, will be taken up by the City Officers, and left at the Stable of Mr. John .Clark, near the Lower Market. The owners can at all times have them by paying the expense. SAMUEL C. DOUGLASS, m. c. a. Nov. 8 53 tf We are authorised to announce RICHARD HENBY WILDE, Esq. a candidate for Representative to Congress, to fill the vacancy occasioned by the resignation of the Honorable John Forsyth. Oct. 25 49 td Cap’d, Bell and Straight Bands, Door, Dash and Body Handles, Knobs, Tufting Nails„ Pasting, Seaming and Broad Lace, Cochineal, Blue, Black aud Green Morocco, Cotton Cassimere, Rattinett and Fringe, Oil Cloth and Brussels Carpet, kc. kc ke. Having long been engaged in the business they feel satisfied that their present assortment of Goods is far superior to any in the U. States. October 22 48 w!2w Wells 4- Kibbe W OULD invite their friends and the public in general, to call and examine their NEW GOODS, which they have received this day. and they are ready to make any article of gen teel dress. P. S. Five first rate Journeymen Tailors will find steady employment and punctual pay, by applying as above. W. &.K. Oct. 25 49 tf JUST RECEIVED, ON CONSIGNMENT, 7© pieces Hemp and To v Bagging, pipes Holland Gin, For sals low, by LATHAM HULL, No. 210 Broad-street. October 11 45 tf LAW NOTICE. 1 1 1 1 1 1 o *0 6 6 39 39 39 39 39 39 78 $50,000 20,000 10,000 4,520 3.000 2,500 2.000 1,000 4446 500 120 100 90 80 70 60 50 40 20 5051 Prizes. 9139 Blanks. Tickets $20. Halves $10,Quarters $5, Tenths APPLY AT BEERS’ Fortunate Lottery Office, No. 241, Broad-Stree*. November 5 52 Quaker Springs, TO Hent. The Stand known as the Quaker Springs, and for seve- years past occupied as a place of Public Entertainment, is now offered for Ko it. The Quaker Springs are six miles above Augusta, on the main road to Columbia Court-House, to Liucolp, &.c. and perhaps better situated for a Public House, than any place in the .eighborhood of Augusta. The buildings are in excellent repair, and it is believed there is no stand more celebrated for health and pleasant ness within fifty miles of Augusta. An enterpris ing occupant would not fail of finding an encour- aging patronage. Possession can be had the 1st December next, and a lease may betaken for one or more years. The Furntiure belonging to the house, will be sold to the person renting at a fair valuation. For further information, apply to the subscriber, on the pi -miscs. James lynes. U* The editors of the South Carolina State Gazette, will publish the above till the 1st Dec and forward their accounts for payment, October 15 46 tD AND Commission Business. T HE Subscribers, in addition to their present ■usiness, contemplate, early in the Fall, oh commencing the AUCTION Sc COMMISSION BUSINESS. Regular and extensive supplies of Merchandize of every description, suited to the City aud Country Trade, will be received from New-York, Boston, and other places. Sufficient inducement, we trust, will be held forth to Citv and Country Merchants, to attract their attentios to this market, and mo e particularly to this es tablishment for supplies. Nothing will be want- ing, but a Liberal Patronage, to stimul te'our exertions, and enable us to meet their wishes and supply their wants. The business will be done under the name and firm oi G. ABELL k Co. Charleston. oston. REFERENCES. Messrs. Fields Thompson & Co. ) „ , Mitchell k Blucker, $ mv> ' Yor *' W.k S. Lawrence k Stonefj Lyman, Tiffany k Co. Miller, Riley k Co. Edward Bement, Hall, Shapter, k Tupper, } „ . John W. Long, j Savanna^ A. Slaughter k C. Labuzan, > . , Wm. Sims, Williams k Co. $ Augusta. N. B. Liberal advances of Cash will be made on Cotton, shipped to our friei.ds in New-York, Boston, Charleston and Savannah, and on Mer chandize consigned to us for sale. JEWETT, ABELL & Co. Augusta, Sept. 27 41 tf Scrivcn Superior Court,) October Term 1827. } J' T HE subscriber begs leave to inform his friends and Clients, generally, that not withstanding his removal to Augusta, be will still continue to practice in tbe Courts'of Edge- field and Barnwell Di tricts. and with that view has established an office in the town of Hamburg. THOS. GLASCOCK. Oct. 22 4S tf WILSON CONNER Divorce. MARY ANN CONNER. T appearing to the Court by the return of the X Sheriff, that the defendant, Mary Ann Coh- ner, is not to be found in the County, on motion of D’Lyon and De Lamotta. attornies for the plaintiff, it is ordered, that the defendant do ap pear aud file her answer or defensive allegation on or before tbe meeting of this Court, at tbe next term, and that this rule be published in out of the Gazettes of this State for sixty days A true copy taken from the minutes, this 16th October, 1827. SEABORN GOODALL, Cl k. Oct. 29 50 2m Store and Dwelling lo Let, And possession given immediately. The Brick Store, No. 273 Broad-st., three doors above Jackson-street, at present occupied by B. V\ . f orce.— Also, the Dwelling o^er the brick For terms enquire of B. W. FORCE, No. 273 53 tf Till Sli store, 2 Nov. 8 absence. Nov. 8 > J. M’Tyre is authorized to act its my Agent, during niv H. M’TYRE. 53 3t JOB PRINTING, Neatly executed at this Office. ADVERTISiiMEK T. Persons having busi ness in the following Coun« ties, (to wit:) Bibb, Mon roe, Pike, Upson, Butts, Henry, Newton, Crawford, Houston, Fayette, De Kalb, Coweta, Carroll, Troup, Muscqgee. Lee. Twiggi and Jones, can have it promptly attended to by the undersigned, by leaving the papers in tbe hands of Wm. Longstreet, Esq who ig authorized to receipt for the same. PRINCE Si POE, of Macon. Augusta, 23d Aug. J827. 31 w3m of H ARN ess. Nov. 8 FOR SALE, A first rate Northern made GIG, with a superior -ett Apply at ibis < fl i '—. 55 6t