Georgia courier. (Augusta, Ga.) 1826-1837, December 10, 1827, Image 4

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A BEAUTIFUL COMPLIMENT. The King of France is a very compli mentary personage. Some ladies were lately presented to him at Cambray, to one of whom he said “Mademoiselle, if in the midst of my winter, I could forget the FROM THE NEW-roKK MIRROR. THE MINIATURE. Willintn was holding in his hand, Thc. likeness of his wile, 'Twas draw n by some enchanted wand, It seem'd so much hke life. He almost thought it spoke—he gaz’d Upon the picture still,. And was delighted and amaz’d, To view the painter's skill. This picture isjust like thee, Jane, ’Tis drawn to nature true; I've kiss’d it o’er and o’er again, It is so much like you.’ has it kiss’d thee hack my dear V ‘Ah, no, my love,’ said he; Then, William, it is very clear, It’s not at all like me.’ SECRET DEVOTION. I love to steal awhile away From ev-ry cumbering care, A,nd spend the hours of setting day, Inhumlde, grateful prayer. J love in solitude to shed The penitential tear, Ajid all his promises to plead, Where none but God cau hear. I love to think on mercies pas.t And future good implore, And all iny sighs and sorrows cast, On him who I adore. I love by faith to take a view Of brighter scenes in heaven, Such propects oft my strength renew, While here by tempests driven. Thus, when life’s toilsome day is o’er May its departing ray, Jle calm as this impressive hour, And lead to endless day. IMITATION OF SERVIAN POETRY. The maiden turn’d her head away— "You’ll have no kiss from me to day.” "And why, to day love, must Isoe, “ The roses bloom, and net for me? Tears filled the maiden’s raven eyes— '• The lightly won, you lightly prize ; To make you prize the kiss you gain, It must be won with toil and pain ; And seldom too ; so still I say, Toil’ll have no kiss from me to day.” Love.—A young lady telling an old gen tleman that she was in love with his es tate, “Take it, says he,“and then you tvill possess two-thirds of me, for my mind you have already, and my whole being consists but of mind, body and estate.” V Oh ! then,’’rejoined the juvenile fair, “it would be ungenerous to rob you of all three. Pray keep your body for yourself.” Power of Beauty.--- Aga Ibrahim had been a great trafficker in slaves, male and female, which the army of Aga Mahomed brought from Georgia, in his irruption in to that country in 1797. He had retained one in his own family, of vvlircii he ap peared dotinglv fond. The more wine he took, the mote lie spoke of his favorite Mariamne. ‘I have often,’said he, “ of fered to marry her, if she would only be come a Mahotnedan, but all in vain; and ready, when she is on her knees praying before her cross, or claming hymns to the V irgia Mary, she looks so beautiful, and sings so sweetly, 'hat I have twenty times been tempted to turn Christian my self. Besides, 1 can hardly think of Paradise as delightful without Mari- AVOTHEATRE. T HE Proprietor of the Augusta Thea tre is authorized by the Mauagcr, to ofler FIFTY DOLLARS for the best original Poetical Address, to be spoken at the open ing of the Theatre, on the 19th Dec., not exceed ing 60 lines, nor less than 45. The Addresses spring, you would recall it to me in all its must be direct d (post paid) “To the Proprietor * . ° ■ " .■ j ^ Li.ructo Tkootra ” orhft will cp prt fnrpp of t ; e Augusta Theatre,” who will select three literary gentlemen of the city of Augusta to exa mine them, and award the prize of literal y merit. Addresses must be forwarded before the 10th of December, and the names of their authors enclos ed and sealed in a separate piece of paper, which will remain unopened till the selection is made. Sept. 27 41 [TT* Publishers of Newspapers will please to give the above weekly insertions in October and November, &. subserve the interests of the Drama and Literature. ESTATE SALES? Extensive Credit. U NDER a Decretal Order of the Court of ( Equity, on Wednesday, the 12th of De cember next ensuing, at 11 o’clock, A. M., will j be sold, to the nighest bidder, at Edgefield Couit House, EIGHTY-THREE (83) Valuable Negroes, belonging to the trust estate of L. D. Wigfall, and Eliza Wigfall. ALSO, At the same time and place, will be sold, the Plantation in Edgefield District, called the WOODLANDS, situated on Chavers’ creek, one mile and an half from the iuaiii Five Notch Road to Augusta, and directly on a road leading from Martin Town to Augusta : containing 437 acres, on which is a comfortable dwelling house, kitch- j en, carriage house, stables, gin house, and other , necessaiy out buildings, witti negro houses and plantation tools. ALSO, One other Plantation, called the MILL PLACE, situated on the same creek, adjoining the first mentioned Plantation, containing altout 440 acres—on the creek is a mill with two pair of stones, one for corn and one for wheat, with a good bolting chest; also, a cotton gin. worked by water; two convenient dwelling houses on the premises, with a b acksmith shop and tools. ALSO, A smaller Tract, containing 120 acres, called the WHATLEY TRACT, still adjoining the last named tract. ALSO, One other tract of Land, shunted in said Dis trict, on Turkey creek, on the main road fioni Edgefield to Abbeville Court House, adjoining lands of Nicholas Lowe, containing ahout 300 acres, with some houses k cleared hind thereon. Together with a stock of horses, mules, cattle, heep, and hogs, and plantation tools on each place, except the last. Terms.—One fourth cash, the balance payable in one, two, and three years, with interest, mort gage of the property and personal security to insure payment. Purchasers to pay for title deeds and bills of sale. GEO. W. CROSS. I T JAMtS JERVEY, ( 1 Edgefield C. II. Nov. 22 57 td TO RENT, One Tenement next below M KjO" ne’s Warehouse, upper end Broa<l- • trett. The Dwelling apartments, conveniently finished for a family with a Store attached. ALSO, A small Dwelling on the rear of the above lot, fronting on Ellis-street. Immediate possession can be had, and for terms, which will be mode rate, apply to Matthew Nelson. Nov. 22 57 3tw BEDS & FURNITURE, F OR sale low for cash, if applied for immedi ately. also, HOUSES TO RENT, from the first October next, well calculated for a Victualling or Oyster establishment. Apply at this office. Sept. 10 36 tf Houses ami Lots for Sale. TWO convenient Houses and Lots, on Reynolds-street. 40 by 20 feet, two stories. The Lots 60 feet front and 136 feet deep, situated next above Gen. W. W. Holt’s. The above Houses are very convenient for small families, and have spacious Gardens. This property will be sold very loy. For terms, apply to Latham Hull, .No. 210 Broad-street. Nov. 26 58 tf TO RENT, The House and Lot, on Bridge- Street, at present occupied by Mr. James Murray. ALSO, The House and Lot, on Bridge. Street, at present occupiedby Messrs. J. k R. Kirknatrick. ' ALSO, An English paper states that a laboring' man, devoured at a sitting, a leg of lamb, weighing five and a bait pounds, together with about two pounds ot vegetables, a large slice of pudding, and a small quantity of bread and cheese. He washed down the whole wtih a quart ot cider and a pint of strong beer; remarking, as he finished, “ I’m thankful for this little refreshment, some men would have made a meal on’t.” We recollect to have heard or read an an ecdote of two celebrated gourmands, which may perhap's amuse our readers. A wager was laid on the relative capacities ot these two fellows, whom we will designate as Jack and Jemmy. They were to eat in the presence of the bettors, at a tavern near the village, and Hodge was despatch ed by the friends ot the parties to bring an account of their performances. Hodge returned, and on being questioned tespect- ing the result, replied, “They won’t never finish, as I know on, but if they do, I guess Jemmv ’ll beat, though Jack is ahead of him now by the matter of a turkey and a pig.” Middi&sez Gaz. Old Treaty Limits.—We have recent ly received authority to say, that the ne- . gneiations now carrying on fur the ncqui- pi lunred, and deeming it a bad omen, he ; S)t ; ou () f the strip of land lying between Bright’s Line, although interrupted for a time by the interferrence of Van and Ridge, have now assumed a more promis ing aspect, and that an entire and amica ble surrender of the ground may be soon expected.—Mil. ( Ga.) Statesman. JUST RECEIVED, I N excellent order, a few Kitts 3 S .rb Yi££ H , preserved in Spices express ly for family use, one Salmon in each Kitt, and warranted equal to any ever offered for sale. To he had of S. REA, M'Gran's buildings, Macintosh-street. , Nov. 12 54 tf INSURANCE. The Steamboat Com pany w 11 Insure upon Cotton in their Steam or Tow Boats, at a quarter per cent premium, taking all risks which is usual with other Insurance Offices. WM. P. HUNTEK, Treasurer. S. C. DUNNING, President. Nov 19 56 9t S. & M. ALL UN, H AVE Removed their EXCHANGE OF FICE to No. 277 Broad-street, four doors west of Jackson-street, where they offer for sale DRAFTS on the principal cities of the Northern States. North-Carolina and Macon Bank Notes wanted. United States Bank Paper for sale. Nov. 22 57 3tw Four Houses and Lots, in the lower end of town, on Green aud Ellis Streets.— Possession given on the first of October next Apply to August 27 E. BUGG. 32 tf die Poney. Nov. 5 TO RENT, And possession given immediately, the Store recently occupied bv A. I. k G. W. HUNTINGTON. For sale as above, an excellent Sad- 52 tf TO RENT, And immediate possession given, the Dwelling and Store, first door a- bove the Bridge Bank, an excellent stand for business. Enquire of Ben- noch k M’Kenzie, or. DAVID SMITH. Nov. 1 51 tf foith’s. TO RENT, And immediate possession given, a comfortable Dwelling House, on Washington-street, suitable for a small family, opposite Mr. Jacob Dau- LUTIIER ROLL. Novem 1 er 12 54 tf Effect of Ugliness.—When Abbas the Great was hunting in the valley, he met one morning as the tlay dawned, an un commonly ugly o#m, at the sight of vth m his horse started Being nearly d.s- he called out in a rage to have his head struck off. The poor peasant whom they had seized, aud were on the point oi executing, prayed that he might he informed of his crime. ‘Your crane,’ said the King, ‘is your unlucky countenance, which is the first object I saw this morning, <nd which had nearly caused me to fall from my horse.’ ‘Alas!’ said the man, ‘by this reck oning, wha» term must I apply to your Majesty’s countenance, which was the first object my eyes met this morning, and which is to cause my death V The King smiled at the wit of the reply, ordered the man to be released, gave him a present instead of taking off his head. No absurdity is greater than that which associates female beauty with great delica cy of body and debility of constitution.— If beauty, as the term is understood in Eu rope, may be defined the highest degree of perfection of which the human frame is Susceptible, every deviation from that con dition must luuinish the pre ensions of the individual; and it would not be more in consistent to sav, that a rose, bathed in the refreshing dew of morning, and blushing healthful upon its stem, is less beautiful than that which is drooping and wither TO RENT, AT A VERY LOW PRICE, l^ssaO, And possession given on the 8th day of January next, one half of ray large Building, in the Village of Edge- field, So. Cft . a part of which is occu pied by Mr. Randolph Bland, opposite Case & Perkins’ store, froutu, g ‘he main street on one side, and the public ground and Court-house on the other, a piazza extending the whole length and width of the house each way, with 4 rooms. 2 fire places and a o-Mar, well suited for a Dry Goods, as well as a Grocery Store, and one of the best stands for business in»the Village. ELDREQ S1MK1NS, Sen’r. Edgefield C. H. Nov 29 59 6t Line of Battle Peerage.—When it was understood that Sir James Loivther, af terwards Lord Tonsdale, was to be eleva ted to the Peerage, as a toward for offer ing to furnish Government with a sljip of 74 guns, completely equipped, at his own expense, a lady -said to Mr. Kemble, “Dear me, what a whimsical thing this seems altogether! I wonder what title they can give him for supplying a ship? What can they call hint, Mr. Kemble 1” To which he happily replied,“Why, mad am, I should think he will be called Lord-sAtp.” Steamers.—The following short item of intelligence presents a most important suggestion for the consideration of those who watch over the welfare of the United States Navy. “The(Engiish)Sunday Times says: It may not be generally known that govern- RAISE YOUR STEAM! T HE Subscriber having recently prepared a Landing one and a half miles below this City, ‘>n the South-Carolina bank of the River, at which he intends keeping a constant supply of the best of Lightwood, for the accommodation of Steam Boats, hereby invites their calls. In pre paring this Landing, due regard has been paid to the dispatch and safety of Boats. T. G. LAMAR. Nov. 20 59 wlm a Office-. October BIttnk Checks on the Bank of Augusta, for sale at this DR. CHAMBERS’ Remedy for Intemperance. T HE Subscriber, on the decease of the late Dr, Wm. Chambers, took into his posses sion the personal estate of the deceased, and found prepared a large quantity of Doctor Cham bers’ remedy for intemperance. He hereby informs the public, that he has dis posed of all the Medicine so found, to Dr. James H. Hart, and Mr. Andrew M. Fanning, of this city. In making this disposition, the subscriber has been actuated by a due regard to the interest of the heirs of the intestate, as well as from a wish to give the most extensive use to the virtues of the discovery, whatever they may be—and he can further add with confidence, that the gentlemen who will hereafter be the venders of the remedy for Intemperance, as prepared by the Inventor, have been intimately connected with Dr. Cham bers in his life time—have been his agents in co:a pounding the medicine, and are acquainted with its composition. Silvanus Miller, Public Administrator, kc. ITT* The medicine will hereafter be prepared and sold by the subscribers, who alone are in possession of the original Receipe of the inven tor, at the office of the late Dr. C. in the basement story of Rutgers’s Medical College in Duane street, east side of Broadway, and at the Medical store of Dr. Ilart. corner of Broad-way and Chamber street, 3 doors from Washington Hall, New York. The astonishing success which this remedy has obtained in restoring habitual inebriates to so- hrietv, has established its virtues beyond all con tradiction, and supersedes the necessity of a,ny further comment. The remedy is as innocent as it is effectual; so much so, that it is often given to children in fe brile complaints, and frequently used as a family medicine for Dyspepsia, kc. All that is required, to ensure its specific effoct is to abide strictly by the directions. It is put up in packages sufficient for one individual cure, and accompanied with ample directions for its use, signed in the hand writing of the subscribers, without which none are genuine. We are iriduced to adopt this mea sure, as in consequence of the great celebrity which Dr. Chambers’ "medicine has obtained, there have been, and doubtless will be, many spu rious imitations. On enclosing to us the usual price, $5. postage paid, the medicine can be sent by mail- To those who are unable to pay. on personal application of the individual at our office, the medicine will be administered gratis. JAMES IT. HART. M. D. A. M. FANNING. Successors to W. Chambers. The above valuable article, is for sale by R. B. HAVILAND & Co. Agents. October 18 47 3m F OUR months after date application will be made to the Inferior Court of Richmond County, while sitting for Ordinary purposes, for leave to seli fifty acres of Land, in Jones Coun ty, adjoining land of Mr. Moore and Mr. Breed love, 7 miles from Clinton, belonging to the heirs of Littlebury Wilson, deceased, aud to be sold for their benefit. ELIZA WILSON, Guardian. Sept. 24 40 tf 11 45 Dr. Ge..rge A. Buck lin’, offers his services to the inhabitants of Augusta and its vicinity, in the professions of Medicine and Surgery, His office is in the adjoining building to Mr. j Lafitt’s boarding house, on Mackintosh-Street, j June II 11 tf J Mansion House, MACON, GEO. big from the 'baneful effectsV the canker ! meat have built or laid down 30 steamers, j fJT HIS Establishment (owned and formerly worm in its core, than thagihe female form j carrying 10 guns each, and that they have ^ ^^Xands^f thTunde^igned, who' has is rendered more beauiitul or interesting j a trigate on the stocks to be propelled by .. __ J . L . G J • .. 1.! a t on nnntnn IDA Iwapoa n/atiior T Lie le under the pressure of despair. Fashion, the j an engine of 400 horse power. This is tyrant of opinion, has occasionally decreed 1 quite correct; and we have no doubt that, that ulegauce can only be found associated j 30 years hence, every man-of-war will be with languor, and that a pale visage and a ; propelled by steam.” hectic flush are the legitimate indications ot beauty ; but tire same capricious legis lator has, at one time, determined that a woman should be shaped like a wedge.— 1 here can be neither beauty nor symme try of form without health; and the oppo site opinion can have originated onlyfiom prejudice, that to be full of health is to be Ijft, coarse esd vulgar. FOR SALE, N excellent BILLIARD TABLE, with ap paratus coiunlete- November 22 Enquire at this office. 57 tf Js-gjgp Blank Bills of Lading, ^3fir on Foolscap and Letter Paper, for sale at the office ef the Georgia Courier. Dec. 6 61 made ample provision, through his friends, to keep it in as goed style perhaps as any House in the back country ; and from bis former experi ence in the line of Tavern keeping, flatters him self that all who may be pleased to favor him with a call, will depart satisfied both as respects accommodations and charges. Families can be entirely retired. S. C. Brame. Macon, Nov. 22 57 tf A Blacksmith for Sale F OR SALE, a Negro Man. about 32 years this Office. Nov. 26 53 NOTICE. Horses found run ning the Streets, from the 1st November to 1st May, will be taken up by the City Officers, and left at the Stable of Mr. John Clark, near the Lower Market. The owners can at all times have them by paving the expense. SAMUEL C. DOUGLASS, m. c. a. Nov. 8 53 tf FACTORAGE AND Commission Business. T HE subscriber having commenced the above line of business, tenders his services to his friends and the public generally. He hopes that from his long experience and knowledge of busi ness, together with his being a permanent resi dent of Savannah, to give general satisfaction, and pledges himself that no exertions or atten tion shall be spared on his part to merit a share of patronage. He is prepared to make libeial advances on Cotton and other produce, consign ed to him for sale. WILLIAM MARSHALL, Anderson’s Buildings. REFERENCES—Win. Gaston, James Eppin- ger, Savannah; Stovall k Davis, Augusta ; John Fontaine, Wartenton; Wm. P. Ford, Sparta; Tho’s B. Stubbs, Milledgeviile ; P. Grinuell, P. M. Monticello. Savannah, Nov. 7 55 tf Blank Bills of Lading, for sale at tjie Office of the Geor gia Courier, Nov. 12 INSURANCE AGAINST AT THE GOLD SADDLE, FOUR DOORS BELOW THE BANffd AUGUSTA, GEO. J OHN BEACH having resigned the agency of the Hartford Fire Insurance Company in consequence of his intended removal from the State, the Board of Directors have appointed the Subscriber their Agent, who will take risks on property in Augusta “nil its vicinity. Apply at the store recently occupied by said Beach, No. 317, Broad Street, w here the Agent can be found or at the store of J. k W. Catlin, JOEL CATLIN. Agent April 26 90 tf To the Planters of Georgia and South-Carolina. A T a meeting of sundry Merchants of Aug-us- f\_ ta, on loth instant, it was determined that Premiums should be awarded for the best loads of Upland Cotton, which may be exhibited in this place, on Broad-street, opposite the Banks, between M’lntosh and Jackson-streets, on the 10th day of December ntxl, at 10 o’clock, as fol lows ;— For the best load of not less than seven bales, being at the time of exhibition the property of the Planter in whost name it may be exhibited, and of his crop, a premium of 75 dollars. For the second hest load of not less than seven bales, a premium of 50 dollars- For the third best load of not less than seven bales, a premium ol'25 dollars. The following persons w ere appointed to judge on the occasion : A. SIBLEY, T. McGRAN, A. R. WALKER, T. G. CASEY, EDW’D THOMAS. ITT Editors of new spapers in Georgia and So. Carolina, friendly to the above object, will please give this a few insertions. Oct. 10 47 Scriven Superior Court, \ October Term 1827. / WILSON CONNER ) vs. > Divorce. MARY ANN, CONNER. ^ I T appearing to the Court by the return of the Sheriff, that the defendant. Mary Ann Con ner is not to be found in the County, on motion of D’Lyon and De Lamotta, attornies for the plaintiff, it is ordered, that the defendant do ap pear and file her answer or defensive allegation on or before the meeting of this Court, at the next term, and that this rule be published in one of the Gazettes of this State for sixty days. A true copy taken from the minutes, this 16th October, 1827. SEABORN GOODALL, Cl’k. Oct. 29 50 2m NOTICE. W ILL be sold at the residence of the late Thomas Stewart, in the City of Augusta, on the first Tuesday in January next, at 10 o’ clock, the remainder of the personal property of the sai deceased, consisting of Household and Kitchen I’urnituie, Pump Tools, kc. kc. ALSO, On the same day, at the Market House, at 12 o'clock, two Likely NEGROES, (Carpenters.) ALSO, Will be leased, at the same time and place, un til the first of October, 1828, the House lately occupid by the deceased, Hannah Stewart, Administratrix. Nov. 19 56 td LAW NOTICE. T IHE subscriber begs leave to inform his friends and Clients, generally, that not withstanding his removal to Augusta, he will still continue to practice in the Courts of Edge- field and Barnwell Di triejs. and with that view has established an office in the town of Hamburg. THOS. GLASCOCK. Oct. 22 48 tf Mrs. .Adam Hutchison's SCHOOL, W ILL be opened on Broad-street, a few doors above Doctor Wrays, at the house formerly occupied by Judge Wilson, on the first Monday of October Mrs. H. -*ill he happy to give private iustruc- t ons in Composition, and the higher branches of Education, to young Ladies who desire to devote a portion of their time to mental improvement. Instructions also given in Drawing and Paint ing. iu Main and Ornamental Needle Work. Terms of admission made known at the School Room. Sept. 24 40 tf THE SUBSCRIBER CONTINUES AT THE Lately erected by JOSEPH WHEELER, Esq. near Hheeler’s Buildings, and just helow the upper Market House. Broad-street, and near the Planters' Ilvtel, Augusta. H E feels thankful for past favors, and begs to renew the offer of his services to his friends with the assurance that strict regard shall he paid to all orders he mar receive, and proper care taken of all property committed to his charge, and punctuality shall be observed in all transactions of business iu future. Liberal advances will be made on Cotton stor ed for sale, in Cash, or Goods, at cash rates, and on terms as accommodating as other Ware-house keepeis offer. SMITH & WRIGHT, SADDLE MANUFACTURERS Have now on hand, a Splen'did Assortment p.‘ Goods in their line. Manufactured bv them selves, of the first rate materials and workman ship. Saddlery j LADIES’, Men’s, and Boy’s Saddles Portsmouth Sharp and Snaffle Bridles’ Braided, Round and Flat Martinis. Coach, Gig and Wagon Harness, Saddle, Carpet and Medical Ba<rs, Valices, Holsters and Bridle Leather'- Ttvlg, Coach and Wacon Whips, Military Bridles, &.c. 6cc. See. Saddlery- Jf*arc Snaffle, Sharp, Pelham, Portsmouth, and Bra- doon Bits, of the latest and most fashionable patterns. Patent Boiler Spring, Fancy, Round-leg and Prince’s metal Stirrups, Curb Chains, Spurs, Buckles and Slides, Haimes, Terets, Hooks and Bradoon F.uimrr'--; Bridle and Harness Buckles, Str. ining, Worsted and Cotton Webbs, Plush, Serge and Baize, Saddle Trees and Hog Skins, Skirting, Bridle and Harness Leather, Coach and Gin; FURNITURE. Cap’d, Bell and Straight Bands, Door, Dash and Body Handles, Knobs, Tufting Nails, Pasting, Seaming and Broad Lace. Cochineal, Blue, Black and Green Morocco. Cotton Cassimere, Rattinett and Fringe. Oil Cloth and Brussels Carpet, £:c. kc. kc. Having long been engaged in the business, they feel satisfied that their present assortment of Goods is far superior to any in the U. States. October 22 4S w!2w Horses and Carriages, TO LET. The Subscriber t offers to Let, by the Day, Trip, or otherwise, first 1 rate Horses, Carriaget, Gigs and Sitlkcyv, on the most reasonable terms. THOS. G. HALL. Nov. 15 55 tf City Marshal’s Sale. W ILL be 3old, at the lower, ia the City . f Augusta, < n the first Tuesday in February next, at the usual hours of sale, one House and Lot, adjoining Telfair-street on the east, Anslem Bugg on the west, fronting 60 feet on Reynold-stieet, aud the same on Bay-street, or as much as will satisfy an execution for Tax, issued by the C ity Council i s. Wyatt B. Davis, due for the year 1827. SAMUEL DOUGLASS, w. c. a. Dec 3 60 wtd Southern Agriculturalist. T hose persons who have kindly taken chaige of Subscription Lists, for this Journal, au- respectfully requested to forward them to the subscriber a . soon as possible, as the 1st Num ber will be issued on the 1st Janua- v next. JOHN D. LEG ARE Charleston, Nov. 27, JS27 The Editorsof the different Papers throughout the Southern States,wiil confer a favor by insert! ing the above notice, in their respective papers. December 3, CROCKERY, CHINA. GLASS WARE. T HE subscriber has taken the Store 3d door below M’Kenzie k Bennoch’s Corner, No. 305, (with extensive Back Stores attached) where he is no* receiving and opening 300 Packages Crockery, China and Glass Ware; Comprising a large and handsome assortment of Staple Sl WmcN Waves, All of the latest Manufacture and Patterns, se-" lected and ordered by himself expressly for thii Market. Together with an assortment of Liquor Cases, Looking Glasses, Brass Suspending and Billiard Lamps, Plated Castors and Cordial Stands. Stone Jugs, Jars aud Churns, Wine Bottles, &.c, &c. Wholesale and Retail, which will be sold at fair prices for Cash or approved paper. WILLIAM HARRIS. Persons indebted to Ware & Harris, or myself, are requested to make early payment, as longer indulgence will not be given. WILLIAM HARRIS. ILT The Georgia Journal and Macon Messen ger, will please insert the above weekly for four months, and forward bills for payment to W. H- Augusta, Oct. 35, 1827. 49 w4m w I Vr QJ 1 ’ Those persons indebted to the late firm of HOLT k WARE, and to the sub scriber on former transactions, will please come ! forward early this Fall and pay their debts, as longer delay cannot be allowed. JOHN S. HOLT. Sept. 6 35 tf Executor’s Sale. O N the first Tuesday in January next, will be sold, at the Lower Market-house, in Au gusta, pursuant to an order from the honorable the Court of Ordinary of Richmond County, 300 acres of pine Land, on the Road from Augusta to Sovannah, with the improvements thereon, latelv occupied by Mrs. Ruth Twiggs—being part of the real estate of John Twiggs, dec. Also, three Negro Men, being part of the estate of W. A. Bugg, dec. and sold by order of the Inferior Court. Terms at sale. George Twiggs, Executor of John Twiggs and JV. A. Bugg. Nov. 5 52 w)d Administrator’s Sale. ILL be sold, on the first day of Jant, next, at the late residence of John Gar nett, late of Columbia county, dec’d, All the personal property of said deceased, con»r-iiiig of Negroes, Horse-:.. Hogs and Cattle, Corn and Fodder, Household and Kitchen Furniture, Plantation Tools, ate. kc Terms made known on the day of sale. JAMES LAMPK1N, Adm'r. Nov. 19 56 wtd DEEP BLUE SATTINETS. lOOO YARDS Superfine deep blue and Steel-mixed Sattiuets, for sale low by *be \ peice or yard. CHARLES HALL, No 150Broad street. Nov. 29 59 3t EXECUTOR’S NOTICE. N INE months after date application will be made to the Honorable the Inferior Court of Richmond County, while setting for Ordinary purposes, for leave to sell so much ot the re estate of John Twiggs, dec. as has hitherto re mained in the possession of the widow of said de ceased. , . G. L. TWIGGS Ext r.