Georgia courier. (Augusta, Ga.) 1826-1837, December 13, 1827, Image 2

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► GEORGIA COURIER. primary laws of humau society, that any ! traffic should long be williugly pursued, I of which all the advantages are on oue side, and all the burdens on the other.— i Treaties of Commerce have been found, i bv experience, to be among the most ef- ' fective instruments for promoting peace | and harmony between nations whose in- Trrw,--TM* Viprr i« wt.ii Hed -vrry Monday and , teres , s exclusively considered on either I'hursdttV aflenumii, nt 00 p*r annum, payable in_au- j ’ J, ... • --- — — 1 side, are brought into frequent coliisions by competition. In framing such treaties, it is the duty of eacli party, not simply to urge wirh unyielding pertinacity that which suits its own interest, but to con- coticiicd to the nature of man, or to the ing of resentment, because the offers of an i commenced, and is no w in pftigi<2Si, the J. G. M’WilORTER A NO ItENRY MEALING, I'lKLISHKP.S. or $6 Ou at the **.x pi ration of the year. Ad\’ort»s-pio«ntH not exceeding a square, inserted the q,i*;l tune, or itZ 1-ii cents, and 4U d-4 ccnla for each con- FS-ZSISSOTS SIESSAGE. Washington, Dec. 4, 1827 Th“ Prrsidoni of the United Slates transmitted, •his day, to both Houses of Congress, the follow- i ig Message: ' To the Senate and House o f Representa tives of the United States: Fxllcw-Citizens of the Senate, and of the House of Representatives : A revolution of the seasons has nearly been completed since the Representatives of she People and States of this Union were last .assembled at this place, to deli berate and to act upon the common im portant interests of tlieir constituents. In that interval, the never slumbering eye of a wise and beneficent Providence has con- by an instaneous conformity to them. At a subsequent period, it has been intimated that the new exclusion was in resentment, because a prior Act of Parliament, of 1822, opening certain colonial ports, un der heavy and burdensome restrictions, to vessels of the United States, bad not been reciprocated by an admission of British vessels from the colonies, and their car goes, without any restriction or discrimi- ination whatever. But, be the motive for cede liberally that which is adapted to ( the interdiction what it may, the British the interest of the other. To accomplish j Government have manifested no disposi tion, little more is generally required than j tion, either bv negotiation, or by corres- a simple observance of the rule of reci- ! ponding legislative enactments, to recede procity.; and, were it possible for the j from if, and we have been given distinctly | statesmen of one nation, by stratagem and | to understand, tiiat neither of the bills | management, to obtain from the weakness ; which were under the consideration of or ignorance of another, an over-reaching Congress, at their last session, would j treaty, such a compact would prove an j have been deemed sufficient, in their con- iucetitive to war rather than a bond ofl cessions, to have been rewarded by any Act of Parliament, opening the coloniaj J result of which will, if successful, be also ports upon eertain conditions, had not —4imi»tp4 to t!>f Ssnato fnr tlioirrniidd- been grasped at with snfiicient eagerness peace. Our Conventions with Great Britain are founded upon the principles of reciprocity. The commercial intercourse between the two countries is greater in magnitude and amount than between any relaxation from the British interdict. It is one of the inconveniences inseparably connected with the attempt to adjust, by submitted to the Senate for their consid eration. Since the accession of the Emperor Nicholas to the Imperial throoe ofal! the Russias, the friendly dispositions towards the United States, so constantly manifest ed by his predecessor, have continued un abated ; and have been recently testified by the appointment of a Minister Plenipo tentiary to reside at this place. From the interest taken by this Sovereign in be half of the suffering Greeks, and from the spirit with which others of the Great Eu ropean Powers are co-operating with him, the friends of freedom and of humanity may indulge the hope, that they will ob tain relief from that most unequal of con flicts. which they have so long and so gal lantly sustained. That they will enjoy the blessing of self-government, their sufferings in the cause of liberty, they have richly earned ; and that their inde pendence will be secured by those liberal institutions, of which their country fur nished Nits earliest examples in the history of mankind, and which have consecrated tives whiefr operated exclusively upon the lu the Treaty, followed by indicati reciprocal legislation, interests ot this na- ; j 0 immortal remembrance the very soil turn, that neither party can know what , f or which they are now again profusely two oilier nations on the globe. It is, for . would be satisfactory to the other , anu pouring forth their blood. The svtnpa tinued its mtardian care over'the welfare I purposes of benefit or advantage to j that, after enacting a statute tor the avow- j thies which the People and Government ■four beloved country The blessing ef! as precious, and, in all probability, ed and sincere purpose of conciliation, it i of the United States have so warmly in- * far more extensive, than if the parties j will generally be found utterly inadequate dulsred with their cause, have been ac- were still constituent parts of one and the j to the expectations of the other party, and -j knowledged bv their Government, in a same nation. Treaties between such j will terminate in mutual disappointment, j letter of thanks, which I have recived States, regulating the intercourse of peace The session of Congress having ternti- j from their illustrious President, a transla- betweeu them, and adjusting interests of j rj -ited without any act upon the subject, a 1 ti®n of which is now communicsted to such transcendent importance to both, • Proclamation was issued on the i7ih ol Cotigress, the Representatives of that na- wiiich have been found, in a long expe- ; March last, conformably to the provisions tion to whom this tribute of gratitude was rience of years, mutually advantageous, | Q f t j, e 6th section of the Act of 1st March, intended to be paid, and to whom it was Should not be liglillv cancelled or oiscon- j 1823, declaring the fact that the trade and i justly due. tinued. Two Conventions, for continu- j intercourse, authorized by the British Act | In the American hemisphere* the cause t 1. . nli.ivomatifinndrl fiai’P . T Tl _ . 1 • f j . t T < L .. The blessing ef | ,? ut health has continued generally to prevail Ul molt ' throughout the land. The blessing of peace with onr brethren of the human race has been enjoyed without iuterrup. lion ; internal quiet has left r.ur fello w - citizens, in the full enjoyment of all their rights, and in the free exercise of all their faculties, to jiursne the impulse of their nature, and the obligation of their duty, in the improvement of tlieit own rondi- mind of the officer who resorted to it, have not been disapproved by me.' The Bra silian Government, however, complained of it as a measure for which no adequate intentional cause had been given by them; and upon an explicit assurance, thtough their Charge d’Affaires, residinghete,that a successor, to the late Representative of the United States near that Government, the appointment of whom they desired, should be received and treated with the respect due to his character, and that in demnity should be promptly made for all injuries inflicted on citizens of the United States, or their property, contrary Ho the laws of nations, a temporary commission as Charge d’Affaires to that country has been issued, which ir is hoped will entire ly restore the ordinary diplomatic inter course between the two Governments, ■ ty and operation of our laws, and err and thej friendly relations between their I appearance of purposed hostility f ron respective nations. J those Indian tribes has subsided. Turning from the momentous concerns of J Although the present organization of our Union, in its intercourse with foreign ! the Army, and the administration of it- are upon the ions a menacing character, among other inb e ' of the same region, rendered necessary an immediate display of the defensive and protective force of the Union in that q uar . ter. It was accordingly exhibited by t j^ immediate and concerted movements of the Govern >rs of the State of Illinois an( j ofthe Territory of Michigan, and comp^ tent levies of militia tinder their authority with a corps of seven hundred men, nf it’ Slates troops, under the command/sf Ge neral Atkinson, who, at the call of Gover nor Cass, immediately repaired to th e scene of danger, from their Station at St Louis. Their presence dispelled the a- larnts of our fellow-citizens on those bor ders ami overawed the hostile purposes of the Indians. The perpetrators of the murders were surrendered to the nuj! ‘fi liations, to those of the deepest interest in the administration ofour internal affairs we find the revenues of the present year corresponding as nearly as might be ex pected to the anticipations ofthe last, and presenting an aspect still more favorable in the promise of the next. The balance in tlie Treasury, on the first of January last, was six millions three hundred and in force those abovementioned, have been concluded between the Plenipoten tiaries of tlio two Governments, on the 6ih of August last, and will be forthwith laid before the Senate for the exercise of their constitutional authority concerning them. In the execution of the Treaties of Peace, of November 1782, and Septem ber, 1783, between the U. States and Great Britain, and which terminated the war of our Independence, a line of boun dary was drawn as the demarcation of territory between the two countries, ex tending over near twenty degrees of lati tude, and ranging over seas, lakes, and ! mountains, then very imperfectly explor ed, and scarcely opened to the geogra phical knowledge ofthe age. In the pro gress of discovery and settlement bv both parties, since that time, several questions of boundary, between their respective Territories, have arisen, which have bean found of exceedingly difficult adjustment. At the close of the last war with Great Britain, four of these questions pressed themselves upon the consideration of the negotiators of the Treaty of Ghent, but without the means of concluding a defini tive arrangement concerning them. They were referred to three separate Commis sions, consisting of two Commissioners, one appointed by each party, to oxamine and decide upon their respective claims. In the event of disagreement between the Commissioners, it was provided that they should make reports to their several Go vernments ; and that the reports should finally be referred to the decision o r a So vereign, the common friend of both. Of these Commissions, two have already ter minated their sessions and investigations, one by entire and the other by partial a- greement. The Commissioners i^f the fifth article of the Treaty of Client have finally disagreed, and made tltpir conflict ing reports to their own Governments.— But from these reports a great difficulty has occurred in making up a question to be decided by tlie Arbitrator. This pur pose has, however, been effected by a fourth Convention, concluded at London, by the Plenipotentiaries of the two Go vernments, on the 2')th of September hist. It will be submitted, together with the others, to the consideration of the Senate. While these qncstions have been pend ing, incidents have occurred of conflicting pretentions, and of dangerous character, upon the territory itself, in dispute be- of Parliament, of 24th June, 1822, be tween the United States and the British enumerated colonial ports, had been, by the subsequent Acts of Parliament, of 5th tion. Tlio productions of the soil, the exchange of commerce, the vivifying la bors of human industry, have combined to mingle in our cup a portion of enjoy ment as large and liberal as the indul gence of Heaven has perhaps ever granted to the imperfect state of man unon earth; and as the .purity of human felicity con sists in its participation with others, it is no small addition to the sum of our na~ *4 in rial happiness,-at this time, that peace and nrosperitv prevail to a degree seldom experienced, over the whole habitable globe' presenting, though as yet with painful exceptions, a foretaste of that blessed period of promise, when the lion shall lie down with the lamb, and wars be no more. To preserve, to improve, and to perpetuate, the sources, and to di rect, in their most effective channels, the Streams, which contribute to the public weal, is the purpose for which Govern ment was instituted. Objects of deep importance to the welfare of the Union are constantly recurring, to demand the attention of the Federal Legislatnre; and they call with accumulated interest, at the first meeting of the two Houses, after their periodical renovation. To present to their consideration, from time to time, subjects in which the interests of the na- . tion are most deeply interested, and for •the regulation of which the legislative will is alone competent, is a duty prescribed bv the Constitution, to the performance of which the first meeting of the new Congress is a period eminently •appropri ate, and which it is now my purpose to discharge. Our relations of friendship with the o- tlier nations of the earth, political and commercial, have been preserved unim paired; ami the opportunities to improve them have le-en cultivated with anxious and unremitting attention. A nogrqiat'on. upon subjects of high and delicate interest, with the Government of Great Britain, has terminated in the adjustment of some of the questions at issue, upon satisfactory t^rins. and the postponement of others for future discussion and agreement. The purposes of the Convention, concluded at ! St. Petersburg, on thp 12th dav of July, 1822, under the mediation of the late Emperor Alexander, have been carried into effect by a subsequent Convention, concluded at London on the 13th of Nov. 1.826, the ratifica’ions of which were ex changed at tha' olare on the 6th day of February last. A copy of the proclama tion issued on-the 19:h day of March lost, * l' veen ,wo Nations. ]>v a common publishing this Convention, is herewith I understanding between the Governments. Communicated to Congress. The sum of j j 1 '^ as agreed, that no exercise of exclusive twelve hundred and four thousand nine ; jurisdiction, by cither party, while the tie- j tions between the U. States and France, hundred and sixty dojlars, therein stipu- j gotiation was pending, should change the is coeval with the first years of onr Inde- iuted to be paid to the claimants of indem- 1 s,ate l ^ ie question ol right, to be deft- | peodence. The memory of it is intefr- nity-under the Tea»v of Gheut, has been j Oidvelv settled. Such collision has, ue- I woven with that of our arduous struggle duly received, and the Commission insti- j ve 'Hieless, recently taken place, by occur- j for national existence. Weakened as it tuted comformablv to the act of Congress j reiic< ^ s i die precise character of which has j has occasionally been since that time, ul the 2d of March last, for the distribu- 1,1,1 .\ et been ascertained. A comniuuica- ■ jt can by us never be forgotten; and ti from the of Freedom and Independence has con tinued to prevail ; and if signalized by none of those splendid triumphs which had crowned with glory some of the preceding July, 1825, and the order of Council, of i years, it has only been from tiie banish- 27th July, 1826, prohibited. The effect of this Proclamation, by the terms of the Act under which it was issued, has been, that each and every provision of the Act concerning Navigation, of IStli April, 1818, and of the Act supplementary thereto, of 15tli Mav, 1820, revived, and is in full force. Such, then, is the present condition of the trade, that, useful as it is to both parties, it can, with a single mo mentary exception, be carried on directly ! by the vessels of neither. That excep tion itself is found in a Proclamation of the Governor of the.Island of St. Chris topher and of the Virgin Islands, inviting, for three months from the 28th of August last, the importation of the articles of the produce ofthe United States, which con stitute their export portion of this trade, in the vessels!ofall nations. The period having already expired, the state of mutu al interdiction lias nga : n taken place.— The British Government have not only declined negotiation upon this subject, but, by the principle they have assumed with reference to it, have precluded even the means of negotiation. It becomes not the self-respect of the United States, ei ther to solicit gratuitous favors, or to ac cept as the grant of a favor that for which an ample equivalent is exacted. It re mains to be determined bv the respective Governments, whether the trade shall be opened bv acts of reciprocal legislation.— It is, in the mean time, satisfactory to know, that, apart from the inconveniences resulting from a disturbance of the usual channels of trade, no loss has been sus tained by the commerce, the navigation, or the revenue of the United States, and none of magnitude is to ho apprehended from this existing state of mutual interdict. Wi»h the other maritime and commer cial Nations of Europe, our intercourse continues, with little variation. Since the cessation, hy the Convention of 24th .Tune, 1S22, of all discriminating duties i upon the vessels of the United States and ; of France, in either coun'ry, nur trade j with that nation has increased and is in creasing. A disposition on the part of! France has been manifested to renew hat j negotiation : and, ip -acceding to the pm- j posal, we !: <• «xnressed the wish 'ha* it! l might be < N'mided to other objects, upon i which a go;-I understanding be'woep the ! parties would be beneficial to the interests ! of both. The origin ofthe political rela tion of the indemnity to the persons enti tled to receive it, are now in session, and approaching tlie ouisummation of tl.eii labors. This final disposal of one of ihe most uaiiifol tonics ol collision between thfl Untied States and Great Britain, not only ttffi-uls ait occasion of gratuletion to ourselves, but has had the happiest effect in promoting a friendly disposition, and in softening asperities upon other objects of discussion. Nor ought it to pass wiili- out the tribute of a frank and cordial ac knowledgment of the magnanimity with which an honorable nation, bv tiie repa ration of their own wrongs, achieves a triumph more glorious than any field of fcjlood can ever bestow. The Convention of 3d July, 1315, and of 20th October, 1815, will expire by their own limitation on the 20tli October, 1,628. These have regulated the direct lion from the Governor of the State of | Maine, with accompanying documents, I and a correspondence between the Secre tary of State and the Minister of Grc^t ! Britain, on this subject, are now conimuni- j caied. Measures have been taken to as- 1 certain the sta.e of the facts more cor rectly, by the employment of a special Agent, to visit the spot where tlio alleged outrages have occurred, the result of we should hail with exultation the mo ment which should indicate a recollection equally friendly in spirit, on the pari of France. Afresh effort has recently been made, by the minister ofthe United States residing at Paris, to obtain a consideration of the just claims of citizens of the United States to the teparalion of wrongs long since committed, many of them frank!v owledged, and all of them entitled, whose inquiries, when received, will be j upon every principle of justice, to a can- transmitted ;o Congress. j did examination. The proposal last made While so many of the subjects of high i 1o the French Government has been to interest to the triondly relations between j refer the subject, which has formed an ob- | stacle to this consideration, to the deter- ! initiation of a Sovereign, the common j friend of both. To this offer no definitive j answer has yet been received ; but the [gallant and honorable spirit which lias at ! all times been the pride and glory of the two countries have been so far adjust ed, it is matter of regret that their views respecting the commercial intercourse be tween tire United States an.! the British Colonial Possessions, have not equally i approximated to a friendly agreement. At the commencement of the late ses- France, will not ultimately permit the de- commercial intercourse between the Uni- j sion of Congress, they were informed of 1 mands of innocent sufferers to be extin- ted States aud Great Britain, upon terms of the most perfect reciprocity ; and they effected a temporary compromise ofthe respective rights and claims to territory Westward of the Rocky Mountains.— These arrangements have been continued for an indefinite per'od of time, after the expiration of the abovementioned Con ventions; leaving each party the liberty of terminating them, by giving twelve months notice to the other. The radical principle of all commercial inteacourse between independent nations, is the mu tqnl interest of both parties. It is the vi the sudden aud unexpected exclusion, by the British Government, of access, in ves sels of the U. States, to all their colonial ports, except those immediately bordering upon our own territories, lu the amica ble discussions which have succeeded the adjjpturi] of this measure, which, as it af fected harshly the interests of the United States, became a subject of expostulation on our part, the principles upon which its justification has been placed, have been of a diversified character. It has been at once ascribed to a mere recurrence to the old long established principle of colonial Ul spirit of trade itself; noj^can it be re-, monopoly, and at the same time to a feel- guished in tlio mere consciousness of the power to reject them. ment of all external force against which the struggle had been maintained. The shout of victory has been superseded by the expulsion of the enemy over whom it could have been achieved. Our friendly wishes and cordial good will, which have constantly followed the Southern nations of Ametica in all the vicissitudes of their war of Independence, are succeeded by a solicitude, equall y ardent and cordial, that, by the wisdom and purity of their institu tions, they may secure to themselves the choicest blessings of social order, and the best rewards of virtuous liberty. Dis claiming alike all right and all intention of interfering in those concerns which it is the prerogative oftheirlndependonce to re gulate as to them shall seem fit.we hail with joy every indication of their prosperity, of their harmony, of tlieir persevering and inflexible homage to those principles of ireedom and of equal riglit9, which are a- fone suited to the genius and temper of lhe American nations. It has been there fore with some concern that we have ob served indications of intestine divisions in some of the Republics of the South, and appearances of less union with one ano ther, than we believe to bo the interest of all. Among the results of this state of things has been that the Treaties conclud ed at Panama do not appear to have been ] ratified by the contracting parties, and that the meeting of the Congress atTacut-nya has been indefinitely postponed. In ac cepting the invitations to bo represented at this Congress, while a manifestation was intended, on the par of the United States, ofthe most friendly disposition towards the Southern Republics bv whom it had been proposed, it was hoped that it would furnish an opportunity of bringing all the nations of this hemisphere to the common acknowledgement and adoption of the principles, in the regulation of tlieir international relations, which would have secured a lasting peace and harmony be tween them, and have promoted the cause of mutual benevolence throughout the globe. But as obstacles appear to have arisen to the re-assembling of the Congress, one of the two Ministers com* missioned on the part of the United States has returned to the bosom of his country, while the Minister charged with the ordi- i nary mission to Mexico remains authorized to attend at the conferences of the Con gress whenever they may be resumed. A hope was fora short time entertained that a Treaty of Peace, actually signed between the Governments of Buenos Ayres aud Brazil, would supersede all farther occasion for those collisions be tween belligerent pretensions and neutral rights, which are so commonly the result of maritime war, and which have unfortu nately disturbed the harm«ny of the rela tions between the United States and the Brazilian Governments. At tlieir last session, Congress were informed that some of the naval officers of that Empire had advanced and practised upon principles in relation to blockades and to neutral navi gation, which we could not sanction, and which our commanders found it necessary to resist. It appears that they have not been sustained by the Government of Brazil itself. Some of the vessels, cap tured under the assumed authority of these erroneous principles, have been restored ; and we trust that our just expectations will be realized, that adequate indemnity will be made to all the citizens of the Uni ted States who have suffered by the un warranted captures which the Brazilian tribunals themselves have pronounced un lawful. In the diplomatic discussions aCRio de Janeiro, of these wrongs, sustained by citi- various branches of service whole satisfactory, they are yet suseptibic of much improvement in particulars, some of which hare been heretofore submitted to the consideration of Congress, and others are now first presented in the’ Re port of the Secretary of M ar. The expediency of providing for addi,- . , ,Ional 'lumbers of officers, in the two fifty-eight thousand six hundred and ei<_ r h- j Corps of Engineers, will in somp decree ty-six dollars and eighteen cents. The : depend upon the number and ex'ent of tho receipts from that day to the 30th of Sep- J idijects of national importance upon which (ember last, as near as the returns ot them yet received can show, amqpnt to sixteen millions eight hundred and eighty six thou sand five hundred and eighty one dollars and thirty two cents. The receipts of the present quarter, estimated at four mil lions five hundred and fifteen thousand, ad ded to the above, form an aggregate of tweritv-one millions four hundred thou sand dollars of receipts. The expendi tures of the year may perhaps amount to twenty-two millions three hundred thou sand dollars, presenting a small excesss over the receipts. But, of these twenty- two millions, upwards of six have been applied to the discharge of the principal of the public debt; the whole amount of which, approaching seventy four tnillious on the first of Januaxv last, will, on the first day of next year, fall short of sixty- seven millions and a half. The balance in the Treasary, on the first of January next, it is expected w81 exceed five mil lions fou-hundred and fifty thousand dol lars ; a sum exceeding that of the fust of January 1825. though falling short of that exhibited on the first of January last. It was foreseen that the revenue of the present year would not equal that of the last, which had itself been less than that of the next preceding year. But the hope has been realized which was entertained, that these deficiences would in no wise interrupt the steady operation of the dis charge of the public debt by the annual ten millions devoted to that object by the act of 3d March, 1817. The amount of duties secured on mer chandise imported from the commence ment of the year until the 30th of Sep tember last, is twenty-one millions two hundred and twenty-six thousand, and the probable amount of that which will be se cured during the remainder of the year, is five millions seven hundred and twenty- four 'housand dollars ; forming a sum to tal of twenty seven millions. With the allowances for drawbacks, and contingent deficiencies which mav occur, though not specifically foreseen, we may safely e.>ti- Cmigress may think it proper that surveys should he made comfortable to the act of the 30th of April, 1824. Ofthe survey* which, before the last cession of Congress had been made under the authority ofthat act reports were made : 1* Of the Board of Internal Improve ment, on the Chesapeake & Ohio Canal. 2. On the continuance of the National Road from Cumberland to the tide waters within the District of Columbia. 3. On the continuation of the National Road from Canton to Zanesville. 4. On the location of the National Road from Zanesville to Columbus. 5. On the continuation of the same Road to the Seat of Government in Mis souri. 6. On a Post Road from Baltimore to Philadelphia. 7. Of a survey of Kennebec river, (in part.) 8. On a National Road from M'asliing- ton to Buffalo. 9. On the survey of Saugatuck Labor and river. 10. On a'Canal from Lake Ponchar* train to the Missisippi river. 11. On surveys at Edgartown, New- buryport, and Hyannis harbor. 12. On surveys of La Plaisance Bay,, in the Territory of Michigan. And reDorts are now prepared, and will be submitted to Congress : On surveys of the Peninsula of Florida, to ascertain the practicability of a canal 1 to connect the waters of the Atlantic with the Gulf of Mexico, across that Peninsula and also of the country between the Bays of Mobile and of Pensacola, with the view of connecting them together by a canal; On surveys of a rout for a canal to con nect the waters or James and Great Keti- lmwa rivers ; On the surveys of the Swash in Pam- tico Sound, and that of Cape Fear below the town of Wilmington, in N. Carolina; On the survey of the Muscle Shoals, in the Tennessee river, and for a route for a contemplated communication between mate the receipts of the ensuing year at j the Htwassee and Coosa rivers, in the twenty-two millions three hundred thou- j State of Alabama. Other reports of sur- sand dollars ; a revenue for the next, equal ! veys, upon objects pointed out bv the sev- to the expenditure ofthe present year. j eral acts of Congress of the last and pre- The deep solicitude felt by onr citizens ! ce£ hiig sessions, are in the progress of of all classess throughout the Union for the total discharge of the public debt, will apologize for the earnestness with which I deem it mv duty to urge this to pic upon the consideration of Congress— of recommending to them again the obser vance of the strictest economy in the ap plication of the public funds. The de pression upon the receipts of ihe revenue which had commenced with the year 1826, continued with increased severity during the two first quarters of tlie present year. The returning tide began to flow with the third quarter, and, so far as we can judge from experience, may be expected to con tinue through the course of the ensuing year. In the meantime, an alleviation from the burden of the public debt wili, in the three years, have been effected to preparation, and most of them may be completed before the close of this session. All the officers of both corps of Engineers with several other persons duiv qualified have been constantly employed upon these services, from the passage of the act of 30th April, 1823, to this time. Were no other advantage to accrue to the country from their labors than the fund of topo graphical know ledge which they have col lected aud communicated, that alone would have been a profit to the Union more than adequate to all the expenditures which- have been devoted to the object ; but the appropriations lor the repair and continu ation of the Cumberland Road, for the construction of various other roads, for the removal of obstructions from tiie Riv ers &. Harbors, for the erection of Light- the amount of nearly sixteen millions, and j houses, Beacons, Piers, and Buoys, and the charge of annual interest will have ! * or l ^ iU completion of Canals undertaken been reduced upwards of one million.— j individual associations, but needing But among the maxims of political econo- j assistance of means and resources my whon the Stewards of the public mo- i ulor c comprehensive than individual en- nies should never suffer without urgent ! Uprise can command, may be considered necessity to he transcended, is that of rather as treasures laid up from the contri- keeping the expenditures of the year bmions of the present age, for the benefit within the limits of its receipts. The ap- of posterity, than as unrequited applica^- propriations of the two last} ears, itsciu- tions of the accruing revenues of the na- A new Treaty of Amity, Navigation, j *ens of the United Stotes, and of others and Commerce, has been concluded with ; which seemed as if emanating immediate- the Kingdom of Sweden, which will be j ly from that Government itself t the Charge submitted to the Senate for their advice | d’Affaires of the United States, under an with regard to their ratification. At a impression that his representations in be- tnore recent date, a Minister Plenipoten-' ' tiary from the Hanseatic Republics of Hamburg, Lubeck,and Bremen, lias been received, charged with a special mission for the negotiation of a Treaty of Amity and Commerce between that ancient and renowned League and the United States. This negotiation has accordingly been half of the rights and interests of his coun trvmen were totally disregarded and use less, deemed it his duty, without waiting for instructions, to terminate his official functions, to demand his passports, and return to the United States. This move ment, dictated by an honest zeal for the ding the yearly ten millions of tiie s uk- tion. To such objects of permanent lin ing fund, have each equalled the promised provement to the condition of the country r revenue of the ensuing year. While we of real addition to the wealth as well as ■-* " ’ to the comfort of the People by whose au thority and resources they have been ef- lorsee with confidence that the public cof fers will be replenished from the receipts, as fast as they will be drained by the ex penditures, equal in amount to those of the current year, it should not be forgot ten that they could ill suffer the exhaus tion of larger disbursements. The condition of the Army, and of all; the branches of the public serv ice under j the superintendence of the Secretary of j sus P endin c < j vea fectcd, from three to four millions of tbo annual income of the nation have, by ii*e laws enacted at the three most recent ses sions of Congress, been applied^A^jdjgut' intrenching upon the necessitieiCTtF'Sfc Treasury , witiiout adding a dollar to the taxes or debts of the coinniuuity : without me steady and regular War, will be seen by the report from that •officer, and the documents with which it is accompanied. During the course of the last Summer, a detatchment of the Army has been use fully and successfully called to perform their appropriate duties. At the moment when the Commissioners appointed for carrying into execution certain provisions ofthe Treaty of August 19th, 1825^ with various tribes ofthe Northwestern Indians, were about to arrive at the appointed place of meeting, the unprovoked murder of se veral citizens, and other acts of unequiv ocal hostility, committed by a party of the hotior and interests of hjs country-^teo-.! Wiarxebago tribe) ope ot those associated discharge of the debts contracted in former days, which within the same three years* have been diminished by th,e amount of nearly sixteen millions of dollars. The same observations are, in a degree, applicable to the appropriations made for fortifications upon the coasts and harbors ofthe United States, for the maintenance of the Military Academy at AVest point, and for the various objects under the superintendance of the Department ol the navy. The Report of the Secretary of the Navy, and those from the subordi nate branches of both the Military De partments, exhibit to Congress, in minute detail, the present condition of the public..