Georgia courier. (Augusta, Ga.) 1826-1837, December 27, 1827, Image 3

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THE MABKET. REVIEW of the Au^Market, for the week wholesalFprices. BAGGING—21 a 25 cts. BACON—lb. 7 a 9 c. BOTTLES—Wine- gross, $U. ( plenty. Porter » ‘ RVFR barrel, a 11. COTTON—7| a 94 cte.j; new 84 a»i CASTINGS—English, lb. 64 cents. American, 5 a 5 1-2 cents. COFFEE—lb. 16 a 19 c. CORN—bushel, 374 a 43 CANDLES—Augusta, lb. 17 a 19 c Northern, 16; Sperm 37 cents. CIDER—bairel, 7 a $8 KISH—Mackerel, No. 3,bbl. §5| a 5| FLOUR—Superfine, $7 a 8 Fine, $6 GUN I'OWDER—$7 50 a 8 50 Canisters, various brands, doz. S 3 75 a 7. GLASS—Window, 8* 10, 50feet, $4 >Ame. 10x12.50 „ 4 50 J rican IRON—Swedes, lb. 5A a 6c. LIME—unslacked, cask, §3 a 3 50 LEAD—Bar, lb. 9 cents. MOLASSES—gal. 37a40r NAILS—9 a 9\. PORTER—Loudon, doz. 4 50. RICE—lb. 4 a 44 cents. SPIRITS—Cog Brandy, gal. $1 30 a £1 50. Bordeaux do 110 a 125 c Holland Gin, gal. 112 a 125 certs Jamaica Rum, ,, 110 a 125 cents Whiskey, gal. 38 a 43c. Northern Gin, 45 a 50 c. Northern Rum, 45 a 50c scarce.. BICES—Pepper, lb. 19a 21 cents Pimento, ,, 26 a 30 Ginger, ,, 10 a 12 ,, SALT—bushel, 68 n75 cents. STEEL—German, lb. 14 a 16 cents. Blistered, ,, 8 a 10 „ SHOT—bag, .ijl2 25 a 2 50 SALT PETRE—lb. 13 a 14 cents SUGARS—St. Croix, lb. 10 a 114 tents. New Orleans,— 94 ■ 11 Muscovado ,, 94 a 11 ,, W, is ■« .. 1 d0 Lump „ lb a 11 c. ) SOAP—lb. 7 a 9 cents. TEA—Hyson, lb. 115 a 120 cents. Gunpowder ,, §1 30 a 1 40. Do. in cannisters, $3 75 per cannister WINES—Teneriffe, cargo gal. 100 a 110 cents Do. L. P. $1 50 „ Malaga, sweet, ,, 85 ,, Port, „ $1 75 a 2 50 Madeira ,, $300 a 4 25 Claret, doz. $5 a $10. EXCHANGE—on Charleston. 60 days, 5 dis. ,, Sight, Ijprem. on New York, 60 days 1 dis. Bank Checks, 1 pre S^rriK.—4 a 1 pm.—U. S. Notes,m.a 1 pm. Darien Money, 4, none. N. Carolina do. 4 dis. Cape Fear, do. ,, no. prices gttmwt SAVANNAH, DEC. 22, 1827. DOMESTIC PRODUCTIONS. Butter—Prime Ooshfn, W a £0 Common, ^plenty) 8 a 12J Bacon—Corn Fed, fij a 7 Hams, 10 a 11 Lard, 9 a 94 Tallow, 12 Bees Wax, 26 Sugar.—Musco. Jam. fine (declining) 10<J a 114 Do. St. Croix, do 104 a 114 Do. Matanzas, 9j a 10 Do. Havanna, 9 a 10 New Orleans, 84 a 9 Havanna, white, 13 a 134 Do. brown, Loaf Sugar, refined (jieclining) 1^ a Salt—Liverpool, coarse, (bags of? 23 8 4 bushels,) i Do. in bulk. 45 Turks Island, none Oats, 40 a 45 Hay, prime Northern, 75 Pimento, 25 Tar Wilmington, $1 3-4 Georgetown, Turpentine—Wilmington, hard, none Do. do, soft, 2 3-8 a 24 White Pine Boards, clear, 25 Merchantable, A a Pitch Pine Boards, 12 a 14 Beef—Boston, No 1, 04 Do. do. No 2, 74 a 3 Do. Mess, ID Pork—New York Inspection Ivlcr:?. Do. Priu e, Do. New Orleans Inspection, Candles—Northern. Charleston, Sperm, irlackarel—No 1 No. N LAST DAY. THE PAPYROTOMIA, OR Gallery of Cuttings, Will continue to be Exhibited in the Ball Room at the Planter’s Hotel, until Monday Night, the 31s£ instant, And Positively no longer. HF Admission to the exhibition, including a correct Likeness, cut by Master Hankes. fifty cents. Children are merely charged the price of a Likeness, namely, 25 cents. Open f om 10 till 1, from 3 till 5, and from 7 till 9 o’clock. Dec. 27 67 "No Time to be Lost. I^SIBLEY&washbirn. G.ABlLL&CO. Will sell on Friday night, the 28th instant, at 6 o’clock. C LOTHS, Cassimeres, Satinetts, Flannels, Calicoes, American Plaids. Checks, Ticks, Sheetings and Shirtings, Dimities, Camhrick, Jacouett, Mull and Book Muslins. English Ging hams. Gingham Robes, Black French Crape, Silk Flag and Bandanna Hdkfs., Cotton Flag, Turkey Red and .Vladras3 Hdkfs , Burktey, Mus- lapatara. Cambrickand Jaconett Cravats. Fancy shawls, 8-4 Cassintere do., Lamb’s Wool, Cotton and Worsted Hose, he. he. Dec. 27 ' It The Augusta Jockey Club RACES w lbs t or 13 10 nooe 13 a 14 16 31 a 34 53 4$ 4 N. Carol!;.: Newborn a Georgia, . 10 :. r ct. dis. 2A per ct. dis. • Df ct dis. Soa "t > Lectu evening o'clock. The friends of the »*. ted to attend Dec 27 d .'“' " of '•'iisiovs Tract huiuei. at the , . n, on Friday >h mt at seven -lui.on ate invi- n The Pews in the 1 nitat -an Church wili be ofi'ered at Auction This Even ing, at 7 o'clock. F- rsou . wishing to purchase or rent are invited to attend All subscriptions towards building the Church will be taken in payment for the Pews. Dec 27 It A Card. T HE Exercises of the Richmond Academy will be resumed on Tuesday, 1st Jan. 1828. Dec. 27 It Cotton—Upland, prime, new, 8^ to 10 *^ea Island, fine to fancy, 18 a 25 Rice §24 a 34 Flour 54 a 6 Corn—Per bushel, 48 a 50 Hay—Northern, 60 a 65 Whiskey 29 a 32 New England Rum 38 a 40 Northern Giu 37 a 4( Tobacco 3 a 4 Manufactured do. 10 a 15 A 25 a 3c Tallow 11 TO-MORROW NIGHT will be received the Drawingo.‘ the TRULY SPLENDID Niw-York Lottery, is©,ooo, i Highest Piize. With prizes of $10,000, $5,000, $4,000, ;, 'cl innumerable otltet handsome prizes. Whole Tickets §12, Halves $6, Quarters S3 Eighths $1 50. 'A ext Thursday Night Will be received the Diatving of ano ther very Brilliant Lottery, The Union Canal Lottery. 35th class. HIGHEST PRIZE $24,00®. With Prizes of $6,000 5 of $1,000 3,000 5 600 2,500 5 400 1,910 I 39 100 <fcc. &C. &C. Tickets $10. Halves $5, Quarters $2 50. A lew packages <>1 Quarters may be had, embracing all the Combination Nos. and warranted to draw more than one third of lheir cost. {£?* Price of Package of 15 Quarters $37 50. APPLY AT BEERS’ Fortunate Cotters Office, Pork—Mess 10 3-8; Prime, 104 Mitekarel—No. 1, $6, No. 2, 5, No. 3. 4^ Bacon—7A a 8 Lard—9.J a 10 Butter—18 a 20, Northern inferior 10. Soap—Yellow. 6 a 84 cents. Candles—Northern 14, Georgia 18, Sperm 30 a 38 Cheese—7 a 8 cents, dull, Lumber—Ranging Timber, 4 a 6; do. Ship Plank 16 a 18, do Scantling and Boards 20, do Floor ing 14 a 16, White Oak Hogshead Staves, 15 a 16, Red Oak do. 12, Shiugles, tafted 3, boated 3 50 a 4. FOREIGN PRODUCTIONS. Bagging—42 inch, 22 a 24 Ozuaburgs—9 all. Cognac Brandy—Otard Dupuy &. Co. brand 176 a 180: other brands 115 a 130. Holland Gin—100 a 105. Salt—Liverpool, coarse, 45 a f>0. Sugar—Havanna White, 13 a 14, BroVvn 9, Mus covado, 9 a 10, St. Croix, prime, 10$ a 11, New Orleans 84 a9, Refined Loaf, 174 a 184, Lump 16 a 17. Coffee—Havanna green, 16 a 164, St. Domingo, from eood to green. 14 a 154- Hysan Tea—108 a 115 cents per lb Rum—Jamaica, 100 a 106 cents, West India, none. Molasses—West India, 27. New Orleans a 33 British Dry Goods-55 a 624 per cent, advancing. Crockery— a 46 per cent, adv sales. London Porter—3 a 3 25 per dozen. Iron—Swedes $54 per hundred ; English, none; American $5 3-8 per hundred, Sheet, per cwt. 10 a 12. EXCHANGE. Darien Bank Notes—14 a 2 dis. Bank of Macon—J dis. N. Carolina State Bank Notes—44 dis. State Bank of Georgia Notes, payable at their Branches, other than Augusta, 4 per ct. dis. FREIGHTS. To Liverpool, - - 6-8d France, - * 1 3-8 a 14 New-York, . - 1 per hale dull. The Members of the St. Cici- lia Society are requested to atf-nd a meeting on Saturday, the 29th inst. at 7 o’clock, P. M. By order of the President, E. J. BLACK, Sec'y. Dec 27 It Dec, 27 No. 241, Broad-Street. prices &ttrretn. CHARLESTON, DEC.. 22, 1S27. ton—Sea-Island, lb. 22 a 26 Santee, and Maine, 19 a 22 Upland, 9 a 10 Bagging, (42 inch) 23 a 25 e—Prime, 3J a 44 Inferior, to good, 2-4 a 2 7-8 ur—Philadelphia, i Richmond., ^ 6 Baltimore, Howard-st. ) Do. Wharf, 5$ Alexandria, 6 ^ ec —Havana, prime, ) 16 a 17 good, \ 15 a 16 middling y 14 St. Domingo, none Jamaica, fine green, 18 lapses—W. India, good, 30 Havanna, 28 New-Orleans, in hhds. h 31 a 33 liskey—hhd. Penn. 29 bbl - , 30 a 31 hhd. New-York , 32 bbl. 30 —IIofKnd, Weesp’s best, Anchor, 120 Scheidam—direct import, 100 Northern, 37 a 40 u—Jamaica, (direct importation)* 115 120 West India, do ' New England, hhd. 35 Ditto bbl 37 ndy—Cognac, 4th pf. (direct im.y 135 a 140 Bordeaux, do. 110 a 125 >le Brandy, 31 a 32 a—Russia St Sweden, pr cwt. 44 n, (cargo) 48 a 60 s, 45 :k I^pper, (scarce) 18 acco—Georgia, 5 ' Fayetteville, S 3^ a 44 Kentucky, T Dec 27 TO RENT, The Dwelling House on Ellis-sti eet nearly opposite the Brick Dwelling of Henry Mealing, Esq. Possession given immediately. Apply to JOSEPH MAHARRY. 67 3t TO RENT, Until the 1st October next, the House lately occupied by the subscri ber, immediately over the Stores of Mr. Airey and JVIr. M. W. Warren.— Apply at Fox’s corner. EDWARD GARLICK. Dec 27 67 tf ORANGES. S EVERAL dozen barrels of Oranges, supe rior quality, to be had cheap, by calling at Mr. M’Kenzie’s Brick Store. Dec 27 67 3t Court of Common Pleas. T HE Term of this Court stands adjourned till Wednesday, the 2nd January next at 40 o’clock, A. M. at which time Suitors, Jurors and Witnesses will please give their attendance. WM. JACKSON, Clerk. Dec 27 67 2t C7" Will be hired at the mar ket House on Tuesday next 1st January 1828.— The following Negroes, belonging to fcstate of B. Lamar Senr. dec—for one year, DICK, an excellent Carpenter h Boatwright. WONDER and JERRY, Carpenters, BOB, ) WILL. >Active boys, CAROLINA, ) TOM. a rough Blacksmith. Dec 27 67 2t DENTISTRY. DR. AMES E XPECTS to leave Augusta on the 5th si January next. He does not aanouuce to the public that he will leave ^<rusta at a particu lar tune, calculating to stay several weeks after wards. 3 herelore, those who wish his attention to their teeth, are respectfully requested to call him prior to the above date. His room is at Mr. Leverichs on Washington Street, next door to Mr Jacob Danforths Dwell ing house. December 27. It" Howland, Ward & Spring, Agents for selling American Manufactures, CHARLESTON, S. C. H. W. & S. are receiving (direct from the manufacturers on comntissou) An. Extensive and General Assortment of COTTON AND WOOLLEN l&oo&s* Which will be sold, by the package, at northern pricecs, for cash or ACCEPTANCES. Dec. 27 67 3m To-Morrow 7 Evening #30,000. T O be received by the regular North ern Mail To-morrow Evening, the Drawing of the New York Consolidated Lottery, 11th Class. Principal Prizes, 1 »f $30,000, 1 of $10,000, 1 of $5,000, 1 of $4,000, 1 nf $2,326, 5 Prizes of $1,000, 10 of $500, and lowest Prizes of $12. Half Tickets, $6 Quarter do. 3 Eighth do. 1 50 ANDREWS’ STATE LOTTERY OFFICE, 215 Broad-street. Dec 27 IL HANNA, PORTRAIT PAINTER, H AS removed to Mr. J. B. Lafitte’s Board ing House, up stairs. The visits of Ladies and Gentlemen will be thankfully received. It is not his intention to stay long iu this place, and he would be happy to serve those with their Por traits who are disposed without delay. His prices will be moderate. Gentlemen and Ladies from the country can be waited on and their Portraits taken at home, if application is made. Dec 27 67 9t French Paper Hangings. robertITaharry, No. 162 Broad-strict, H AS just received a splendid assortment of the above article, trom common to very fine, which he offers for sale on low terms. Nov, 5 52 If An Ordinance, To prevent Slaves in certain cases from living apart from their owners or hirers; Sec. 1st. Beit Ordained by the City Comncil of Augusta, That from and after the first day of January next, no Slave who may have been or who may hereafter be found guilty accori^pg to law of the crime of burglary or larcerev, of pur chasing of another slave any articleor thing con trary to law, receiving from any person what ever or crticealing stolen property, knowing it to be stolen, harboring or concealing any run away slave or slaves, gaining or selling wine or spirituous liquors, contrary to law or the Ordin ances of the city, or whoshall be convicted before three members of Council, after due and season able notice to his or her owner or hirer, or the agent of either, to attend the trial of said slave, of the offence of keeping a disorderly house, shall be permitted to occupy any house not attached to the dwelling of the person by whom such slave is owned or hired, or not situated on the same lot with said dwelling, without a license from the City Council, under a penalty of not more than one hundred dellars to be paid by his or her own er or hirer, or the agent of either, provided it shall appear that such slave may have been living apart contrary to the provisions of this ordinance, with the consent or anprobatoi^, pfjaid owner, hirer or agent. 2d. And be it further ordained, That in case the license mentioned in the preceding section is granted, the applicant shall pav to the city a sum uot less than twenty-five nor more than one hun dred dollars and give bond with approved secu rity to the City Council of Augusta in the penal sum ol one hundred dollars, conditionod for the future good behaviour of the slave or staves for whom tiie application shall be made, which license shall expire the fiist Monday in January in eve ry year. 3d. And be it further ordained, That every slave found residing in this city, and not under the immediate control of an owner or hirer or his or her agent shall be considered as runaway and treated accordingly. 4th. And be it further ordained, That any per son who shall rent a house for the purpose of be ing occupied by any slave who ma> have been guilty of any of the crimes or offences enumera ted in the first section of this ordainance, and who may be without license, may be fined in a sum not exceeding fifty dollars. * 5th And be it further ordained. That the eleventh section of the Geneial Ordinance pass ed the 20th December, 1825, be and the same is hereby repealed. Done in L ouncil, the 21 st day of December. 1827- Bv the Mayor SAMUEL HALE, Mayor of the City of August a. G. M. WALKER, Clerk C. C. Dec. 27 €7 tf FIRST TUESDAY in January, at the Market House, Eight Lots of Land, In the village of Springfield, the property of the late Rev Adam Boyd- Tith e indisputable.— ! Purchasers to pay for titles. Terms 12 months, j UZP Plans of the Lots can be seen at the Office ] of W. B. Thomas, Esq. Dee. 2S 67 2t ! G. AHEL! & CO. W ILL i'ELL, at the lower Market house,on the first ^Tuesday in January next, if not | previously disposed of at private sale, The House and Lot Now occupied by David Smith, situated in the rear of the Academy ; said lot contains one acre of land. The House is a convenient one.—For particulars enquire as above. Dec 20 td 65 ILL commence on the fourth Tuesday in January next, free for any Nag, for the sum of $1,200 Dollars in Cash. The Purses for each day to be apportioned by the Club the night previous to the Races. This being the commencement of a new Club, all subscriptions from this time, will be added to the above sum. First Day, F»ur Mile Heats. Second Day. Three Mile Heats, Third Day, Two Mile Heats, Fourth Day, Two Mile Heats. Weights, fcc. as usual. Gilbert Longstreef, Proprietor. Cec. 20 65 tel S. & M. ALLEN’S EXCHANGE OFFICE, No. 277 Sroad-strec!, 4 doors west of Jackson- street. DRAFTS may at all times be bad at sight or at rhort sight, in sums to snit purchasers, ou BOSTON. PROVIDENCE, NEW YORK, PHILADELPHIA. BALTIMORE, WASHINGTON CITY, RICHMOND, PETERSBURG, LYNCHBURG, CHARLESTON, SAVANNAH, MOBILE. NEW-Oh LEANS, O’ United States Bank Notes for sal^. Dec. 13 63 wtfi Hamilton Riflemen! A PPEAR on Parade in front of .he City Hall. on Saturday, the 29th of December, at half past 2 o’clock, P. M. armed and equipped accord ing to the by-laws of the corps. By order of Capt. M’Laughlin, CAMF1ELD, O. S. Dec 27 It T HE SUBSCRIBER offers his Services to the Public as a Lawyer. He may be found ;rt all tunes at the office of R. II. k. j W. Wilde Esqs. WENSLEY IJOBBF. Dec 13 93 fit WILLIAM C. MICOU, ATTORNEY AT LAW, O FFERS bis professional services to his friends and the public, in the Court of Common Pleas of the City of Augusta, and the several County Courts of the Middle Circuit. liis Office is on Reynolds-street, next door to Mr. John Woolfolk’s dwelling, and nearly oppo site the Eagle Tavern. Dec. 13 63 9t For Sale. T 1HE Belle Ville T act of Laud, where I now live containing 3000 acres of Land uior* or less, with a Saw and Grist Mill. The Dw-11- j ing with all requisite buildings, is on a high and [ he dth situation. Attached is a good Garden | with an Arboi of the VSjuren Grape. An Or chard with several varieties of Fruit, and within a short distance Springs of excellent water. ALSO, Adjoining the above, the place called Windsor, where Col Boiscinit resides, with one or more hundred acres. The situation healthy; with a Spring of the purest watei. VAE. WALKER. Dec. 27 67 St iv otic s:. S HOULD any of the Pew Holder*, in the PRESBYTERIAN (or Christ) CHURCH, have a desire to relinquish their Pew, or Pews, to the Trust, (and having paid all arrearages,) they are particularly requested to do so prior to the first of January, as during the first week of that month, all Pews belonging to the Trust, will be rented for one year. For the Tra sfer Book, please apply to R. A. REID, No. 298 Broad-street. Doc. 20 65 3t 30 Dollars Re war* 1 W ILL be given for the appreheusion and security of three Negro Fellows, who runaway from my plantation near Washington, Wilkes county NICE is about 40 years of age, tall and knock-kneed, a distiller by profession. CHARLES is a low but close built fellow, about 24 years of age, accustomed to carriage driving And MANUEL, a spare, well made fellow, 28 years of age, a field laborer. All of them are very black. Masters and officers of boats ate requested to notice for these fellows, who may be desirous of passing on the river to the sea board. If any or all of these negroes should be apprehended, and committed to gaol, a reward of ten dollars for each will be paid by me on re ceiving the information. DAVID P. HILLHOUSE. Dec 27 It NEGROES FOR HIRE. W ill be hired on Tuesday, the first day of January* thirteen Negroes.—men and wo men.—Among the men is one «xccllent Black smith— the rest are Boat hands, GEORGE A. B. WALKER. {Err.) Dec. 27 67 2t. GEORGE R. JESSUP, Offers for sale, at 330 liroad-sL 35 hhds. 1st and 2d quality St. Croix Sugar 2000 bushels Liverpool Salt, 100 pieces Hemp Bagging, 100 bags Coffee, 50 bbls. old Ohio Whiskey, 100 do N. E. Rum, 50 do Gin, 30 do Canal Flour, 20 quarter casks Malaga Wine, 20 do Madeira and Teneriffe Wines, 20 boxes Muscatel Wine, 50 do Muscatel Raisins. 10 do Fresh Genoa Citron, 50 do Soap, 50 do Sperm and Mould Candles, 50 bbls. No. 3 Mackerel, 150 kegs Cut Nails, assorted. 20 do Richmond Tobacco, 5 boxes do do Cognac Biandy, Holland Gin, Jamaica Rum, Shot, Lead, Iron, Sfc. Dec. 20 63 lm EDWARD J-BLACK, ATTORNEY AT LAW jjf AY be found at his office on Washington Street, next door to Mr Micou’s Dwelling House. Dec 13 6g tf FRESH PERFUMERY. Cosmetics, Fancy Soaps, iSf e, Carlton, Cook & Knowlton, HAVE JUST RECEIVED Four Cases, assorted, ccnsisting in part ofthe G enuine otto of Rosqs, do do Lip Salve Rose and Violet scented Hair Powder, Persian Otto of Rose Soap Rose ; Musk, Jessamine. Violet, Oriental, Ver nacular and Vegetable Soaps, Milk of Roses, Almond ’ aste, Cold Cream. Vegetable Rouge, Pearl Powder, Restorative Lotion, Carbonic Dentrifice, Prepared Charcoal, Best Cologne Lavender, Rose and Honey Water, F.ssence of Cinnamon, Lemon and Bergamot, Extract of Rose. Musk and Jessamine, Fine Pot and Stick Pomatum, Macassar, Antique and Bear’s Oils, ALSO, Prentice’s Celebrated KF.PHALIA, for pre serving and beautifying the Hair. Dec- 20 65 tf French Patterns, F OR Capes, Collars and Half Hdkfs. ; La dies and Infants Caps, Veils, Dresses, Scol lop and Inserting Trimmiugs, suitable for Lace or Muslin work; also, French colored Patterns for Ladies' Behd Bags, Purses and Bracelets, «ith assorted colored Beads, and Canvas for working the same. Also, an assortment of French Pnper Hangings, 150 Reams of Writing'and Wrapping Paper 20 Nests Baud Boxes, FOR SALE BY Carlton, Cook & Knowlton, 249 Broad-streti. Dec. 20 65 tf 3CcU> €*oo9$. Carlt ;ii, Cook & Knowlton, I N addition to their former Stock, hare this day received an extensive assortment of Sea sonable Goods, consisting in part of English Thread Laces, Footings and Edgings, 4 and 5-4 figured and plain Bohbinet Lace. Bobbinet Caps, Capes and Collars, Pibirines and half Handkerchiefs, Black and white Belt Ribbons, Black Mode, ficrured and plain Swiss. Book and Mull Muslins, Fine Bird’s Eye and Ri\g£«an Diaper, Also, a fresb supply of Hair Braids, Rolls. Puff and Cluster Curls, kc. kc. Fresh supplies will be ieceived weekly through the season. Dec. 20 65 tf J canal flour. UST received and for sale, a lot of Superfine CANAL FLOUR. HALL & HARDIN. , Oct. 22 48 tf CROCKERY, CHINA & GLASS WARE. The Subscriber is now receiving, direct from Liverpool, a large supply of the above articles, which he will sell tow for cash, or town acceptances. JAMES BONES. N. B.—Assorted Crates, particularly put up for the Country trade, by one of the first manufac turing houses in England. O’ Country Merchants wilLdo well to call and judge for themseB'ts Dec, 13 63 6tW A. SIBLEY • Offers for Sale, at No. 312 Broad-slrcet, 3000 Bushels Liverpool Salt 50 sacks Blown do 60 hhds prime Sugai 60 do 2d quality do 3 tierces Jamaica Coffee 100 bags Gieen do 150 do. 2d quality do 2 hhds Jamaica Ruin 2 do St. Croix do 100 bbls Northern Gin. 50 hhds WhUkey 20 do Molasses 25 bbls Canal Fkiur 20 bags Pepper 10 bbls Apple Brandy 50 ps Cotton Bagging 25 coils Bale Rope 25 kegs I obacco 2 hhds Copperas 150 casks Nails and Brads, assorted 50 pieces low priced Satinetts 20 do fine quality do 4000 pounds prime Bacon Nov. 26 58 4IW ** e are nutnonzed to an- nounce JAMES PRIMROSE. F.*q. a cnadidate for the office of Receiver of Tac Returns at the election in January next. Dec. 10 62 td AT THE GOLD SADDLE, FOUR DOORS BELOW THE BANKS, AUGUSTA, GEO. SMITH* WEIGHT SADDLE MANUFACTURERS Have now on hand, a Splendid Assortment cf Goods in their line. Manufactured l>j them, selves, of the first rate materials and workman ship. Saddlery: LADIES’, Men’s, and Boy’s Saddles, Portsmouth Sharp and Snaffle Bridles, Braided, Round and Flat Martingals, Coach, Gig and Wagon Harness, Saddle, Carpet and Medical Bags, Yalices, Holsters and Bridle Leathery . Twig, Coach and Wagon Whips, Military BriJIes, &c. dec. Saddlery- Jf*are Snaffle, Sharp, Pelham. Portsmouth, and Bra- doon Bits, of the latest aud most fashionable- patterns. Patent holler Spring, Fancy, Kouad-leg aini. Prince’-s metal Stirrups, Curb Ch’ains, Spurs. Buckles and Slides, Haimes, Tercts, Hooks and Bradoon Kunuer^.g Bridle and Harness Buckles, Str ining, \\ orsted and Cotton Webbs, Plush, Serge and Baize, Saddle Trees and Hog Skins, Skirting, Bridie and Harness Leather, Coach and Gig* FURXITURE. Cap’d, Bell an# Straight Bands, Door, Dash and Body Handles, Knobs, Tufting Nails, Pasting, Seaming and Broad Lace, Cochineal, Blue. Black and Green Moroecc, Cotton Casgimere, Kattinett and Fringe. Oil Cloth and Brussels Carpet, he. Arc he. Having long been engaged in the busin'-SJ, they feel satisfied that their present assortmen|i ol' Goods is far superior to any in the U. States. Octobi*r 22 48 w 12w To Couutry Merchants. CavUon, Cook & Knowlton. Arc now opening an Extensive Assortment qf Urg €»O0?$; 20 in part of and cases of brown, Ueac(104,- plaid and striped Domestics, 3 do. --Checks, 3 tk>. super and common Tickings, 1 case Satinetts, 30t) pieces Calicoes, 250 colored, scarlet h black Cassmiere Shawl*, and Points, 200 dozen silk, cotton woollen and lambs-wool U'jfosiery, 50 dozen buck, Leaver, kid, bors^tkln tod silk Gloves, 25 dozen lined Gloves, 300 do Spool Thread, 1 case Choppa Romals, 1 d > German Flaggs and BaudunocS, 1 do b'aek Sarsnetts, 1 do figured Nankin Crape Robes, 2 bales white and red Flannels, 1 do 4-4 and 5-4 Green Baize, 100 Cambk-t and Plaid Cloaks, 60 Ladies Plaid do. 40 pieces colored Cambrics, Bie Do, for bonnets, Scarlet, crimson and black figured and plain Bombazettes, Do do Rattinets, Circassians and Salisbui* ry Flannels, Batteste Ginghams, plain £i fancy Cravatz, Irish Linen, Lawn Lawn, Cambric, Jaconet, Book and Mull Muslin, Plain and figured Swiss do. Super black silk Vestings, Toilinet, Valencia and Marseilles Vesting?, Caroline and Tartan Plaids. Camblet Crape Shawls, Super Nankin Crapes, Black Sinchews do.; Italian Lustrings. An elegant assortment of black and colotdA Grode Naps, plain and figured, Black Taffetas, Stripe and Plaid Sarsnets P aid firo De Naps 1 case Cambric Dimity 1 do Furniture do extra wdde Black Bombazines Black French and Italian Crap-.* White, pink, blue green straw Floren.t. Blue Petisse Cloth Madrass. Bandana ai Cotton Flag iidkL' Cotton and Webb Su»peuders 200 packs Pins 300 cross Suspender Mould* Steel Coat Buttons Bang Up Cords Millinet Buckram Foundation Muslim Hose and Point Blinkers 1 bale stout Ozuaburgs 1 do Negro Cloths—Paddings Black, Olive h. Mixed Cloths & Cassimerc.. A general assortment of Bonnet, Belt ani Cap Ribbons Tapes, Bobbins Sewing Silk, Quality Bind ings, Needles. Sic. he. All of which were purchased at the New Yoifc Auctions, and will be sold at a small advance from cost. No. 249 Broad-strett, a few doors below tht Banks. Nov. 15 55 wtf Ha& and Livery Stable. T HE subscriber has erected a Liverv StabU a*d is prepared to wait on his friends aw customers, on the most reasonable terms. Firs rate Gig and Saddle Hozse^ttfirst rate Coaches Gigs and Sulkeys. Parties will be furnishei with fine Horses and Carriages, careful and ex (terienced Drivers, at short notice. Horsas kep by the day month or year. Mr. Michael Eldred, whose industry aadexpe rience is well known, will take the charge of mi Stable. TH0S. G. HALL Dw 13 63 if