Georgia courier. (Augusta, Ga.) 1826-1837, December 31, 1827, Image 1

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V OL. 2. AUGUSTA, GEO. MONDAY, DECEMBER 31, 1827. row***. *«*' »*»™*“**- /^T 2 O'CliOCKi P> B5* „ !•« tinO ltaiWii»r». oppn'it* Mr. Cummings f, n w lluiWm upon appeal in testamentary! oi Wills in England, contradictory decis-| ^ ‘ ‘ nf}f ins of correct-i ions are often made upon the same \\ til,! jH jr, M’lutoah Street. French Patterns, OR' Capesj Collars and Half Hdkfs.; La- VVhether there be any means of correct- . ions are oiien maae upon mo " "O : _£? dies and Infants Caps, Veils, Dresses, Scol- constitution an.) laws of thts ~ ImmSTo the real JLj ooe ,|ecWi„, i,j valid, and the other void ; and botndecis- , workin&the ions have stood to the disgrace of justice. to ihe f : a question not before me, and I am clearly of opinion thau this couit as a court of equity has no such power. , - r rs . 'i r I, is true that courts of equity have the Baiter vs. Ilart, 3 Atk. 546, Dutchess of ,V in which ii,c propcriv it rituutc.—Notice of I pott - cr and do very often interpose by in- (Kingston : must tie jrimii in a public gazette sIxtv day. j r mcdon and otherwise to restrain an in-I Such absurdity can never occur . . , . , ; dividual from using an advantage wine ... . _, here, nd do very often interpose by in- j Kingston s case, Amb. /56. and otherwise to restrain an in- j Such absurdity can never proportv mn«t to gives in j dividual from using an advantage which j because tKe sa^ne Court determines . ie e j he has improperly obtained at law, at , , „ , _ i such cases the Court acts in personam, . i never assumes to itself the power of im- j according to the forms of our law, it can , ONT.IS ’ . ! neachi.m the judgment at law on the j never afterwards be questioned in any • ■ ■ 1 ' ■ ■J.-»--gg==g ,> ; R(1 0 f error in the Court of law. The ! other Court, though it there be fraud or lilifthpd for FORTY* <\&ya- same. Also, an assortment of French Paper Hangings, l. r iO Reams of Writing and Wrapping Paper - 20 Nests Band Boxes, roK SA.LF. by Carlton, Cook Sc Knowlton, 249 Broad-street. Dec. 20* 65 tf SAW S.EPOSITS. COLUMBIA SUPERIOR COURT. > March Term. 1826 ^ Cvlbrrafh etal. vs. Ueggie rtal. \ Pill in Equity will not lie foreview or set a- .lie tlic judgment of n Court of law. This was a bill in equity, entitled a bill f review, and the object of the bill was, • o set aside a decision made bv Judge Montgomery, whilst Judge of this Court, In the matter of Mary M’Neil’s ^ 61.—-- Tbe Will was propounded and proved in the Com r of Ordinary, from the decision of which Court the caveators appealed to this Court. Upon the appeal, Judge Montgomery assumed to himself,as “ Su preme Judge of Probates,” the righ* of deciding upon 11 ie sanity of ihe testatrix, ami her equal capacity to make a Will; without the i itervention of a Jury to try thr fact, and being of opinion from the evidence that she was incapable, lie de clared thni she (lied intestate and without Will. The complainants now seek to have this judgement reversed, and a new trial ordered before a Jury on the ground that the Judge had no right to determine the facts, when he bad a Jury at com mand who alone were competent to deter mine an issue of fact. To this bill there js a general demurrer for want of equity. Ev tut. Court—This bill is entitled a bill of review, and technically speaking, such bill lies only to review some former decree of a Court of Equity, made upon some former bill in such Court, but is not applicable to rases at law. If this bill be intended to obtain a commission of review, to which it has been attempted to be as similated, it is equally untechnical ; for to obtain such commission, not a bill, but a petition is a proper mode. This bill, then, cannot be sustained as a bill of re view, because there is no subject matter „ upon which it can operate^ nor can it ho entertained as a petition foi a commission of review, because this Court, (die Courf if Equity,) even in England, has nopow- r to present such petition, cr grant such commission. The jurisdiction of probates e<* testa ments of personal property in England, vested in certain Courts, known by the name of Ecclesiastical Courts, in which an appeal is allowed from one to another, until finally the cause may be brought be fore tin* Court of Delegates, whose decis ion is final and conclusive, unless upon a Court, Let the demurrer be sustained and the hill dismissed at the complainants’ costs. Flocbsoy, Walketi, for complainants. Wilde, for defendants. TO RENT, The Dwelling House on Ellis-stieet nearly opposite the Brick Dwelling of Henry Mealing, Esq. Possession civefn immediately. Apply to JOSEPH MAHARRY. 67 3t Dec 27 TO RENT, Until the 1st October next, the House iatelv occupied by the subscri ber, immediately over the Stores of | Mr. Airev and Mi. M. IV. Warren,— ; Apply at Fox’s cor. er. EDWARD GARLICK. Dec 27 67 tf ORANGES. S EVERAL dozen barrels of Oranges stipe li’or quality, to be had cheap, by calling at Mr. M’Kenzie’s Brick Store. Dec 27 r '7 3t rounds of interference by a Court of j collusion, it may be set aside in the same quity are three—fraud, accident, and mistake ; and when a party taking advan tage in a Court of law, which such Court had no power to prevent, the Chancery may interfere by restraining the party, who in good conscience ought not to use Mich undue advantage.—(Mtt. I’lea. 116, 2 Dessau. Hep. in note 358.)—But in such case there is no attempt to impugn the decision of the Court of law, or in any j way to impeach or set it aside. And even obtaining a Will cannot be direct ly enquired into and relieved against in Equity. If the Will be of real estate, it must be referred *o a Court of law in the shape of*an issue deoisavit vel non, and if of personal property, it must be deter mined bv the spiritual Courts.—(2 Dessau. Rep. 356, 3 Bro. Par. Cas. 358.)—Yet in case of fraud, St.c. a Co.irt'of Equity' will convert the person practising the fraud into a trustee, lor those in justice entitled to the property. See the cases to this point collected in a note to I aimer vs. Mikell, 2 Dessau. Rep. 356. The only cases which we have^ been able to find, in which a Court of Equity has interfered with the probate of a Will, are two, and may he found in 2 Dessau., Rep. 113, 142. These were cases of fraud in obtaining the Will, and in both the Will had been proved before the Or dinary without opposition ; those persons in Interest having been unable at the time to appear and contest the matter. In these cases the Court decreed, that the party who had obtained the probate should consent to a revocation of it, and let the cause be tried de novo when all the parties could be heard ; but expressly de clared that it had tio power to infringe the jurisdiction of the Ordinary. But those cases and the one at bar, are altogether dissimilar. Jn those rases there was frnild ns a ground of interference of the Court. Here none is charged, and if there be any it is not with the defendants, but must have been with those claiming under the Will. There the parties opposed to the Will bad no opportunity of being beard, or of appealing from the Ordinary tt) the Circuit Court of law. Here, both parties were heard before the Ordinary, and from the decision of that Court an ap peal was brought to the Superior Court, which is the final appellate jurisdiction, where all the parties were again heard, and a final decision made bv that Court. Court of Common Pleas. T HE Term of this Court stands adj .’urned till Wednesday, the 2nd January next at 10 o’clock, A. M. at which time Suitors, Jurors and Witnesses will please give their attendance. WM JACKSON, Clerk. Dec £7 67 2t C7 3 Will be hired at the mar ket House on Tuesday next 1st January 1828.— The following Negroes, belonging to Estate of B. Lamar Scnr. dec —for one year, DICK, an excellent Carpenter k Boatwright. WONDER and JERRY, Carpenters, BOB, ^ WILL. CAROLINA. ) TOM. a rough Blacksmith. Dec 27 Active boys, 67 2t Howland, Ward & Spring, Agents fur selling American Manufactures. The Augusta Jockey Club RACES W ILL commence on the fourth Tuesday in January nest, free for any Nag, for the sum of 81,200 Dollars in Cash. The Purses for each day to be apportioned by tlie Club the night previous to the Races. This being the commencement of a new Club, all subscriptions from this time, will be added to the above sum. First Day, Four Mile Heats. Second Day, Three Mile Ilcats, Third Day, Two Mile Heats, Fourth Day, Two Mile lleats. Weights, kc. as usual. Gilbert Longstreet, Proprietor. Ccr. £0 65 td FT! HE SUBSCRIBER offers his Services to the A Public as a Lawyer. He may be found at all t ines at the oflire of R. II. k J W. Esqs. WENSLEY HOBBY. Dec 13 93 6t 4 WILLIAM C. MICOU, ATTORNEY AT LAW’, O FFERS his professional services to his friends and the pulriic, in the Court of Common Pleas of the City of Augusta, and the several County Courts of the Middle Circuit. llis Oflice is on Reynolds-strcct. next door to Mr. John W’oolfolk’s dwelling, and nearly oppo site the Eagle Tavern. Her.. 11 63 9t petition to the King in Council, be bo pleased to interpose his prerogative and I There is then neither fraud, accident, or grant a commission of review. Such | mistake, in this case, whereby this Court •ommission, however, is not granted by j can interfere to restrain the defendants tite Kinjf, except by the advice of the j from using their legal rights, and this Lord Chancellor, to whom he refers the j Court has no power to correct the errors ■petition. Butin such case the Court of i of any other Court. Chancery has nothing to do with the mat ter beyond a mere opinion, as to the. pro- nrietv of granting the commission ; and if it it be granted, certain commissioners are appointed, who determine the matter in controversy, upon a review of tire decis ion >n a Court of Delegates. It will not, I presume, be contended that the Executive <»f this State possesses any such prerogative as that above-men tioned of the King of England, and much less will it be contended, that this Court possesses such power, when e^en the Chancery in England does not. If then, neither the Governor nor this Court have such power, no such proceeding r.s a com mission of review is known to onr laws, and cannot therefore be granted. The Court of Delegates in England, which is the Court in the last resort upon testa mentary causes, is by virtue of the 25 Hen. 8, Ch. 19, which gives an appeal from the Archbishop’s Court to the King in Chancery, who thereupon appoints commissioners finallv to determine the cause, and these commissioners arp called the Court of Delegate'. The decision of this Court is final and conclusive, as he CHARLESTON, S. C. YV. Sc S. are receiving (direct from the manufacturers on cummissrm) An Extensive and General Assortment of COTTON AND WOOLLEN II t | Which w ill be sold, by the package, at northern pricecs, for cash or ACCEPTANCES. Dec. 27 ** EDWARD J. BLACK, ATTORNEY AT LAW. M AY be found at his oflirc on Washington Street, urxtduorto Mr. Micou’s Dwelling 6g tf NEW jSTORE. mu? csootrsL. J. P. SETZE,“ CORKER OF BROAD AXD mTn'TOSH STTEETS, Has just opened a well selected ^Btock ot STA PLE and FANCY DflY GOODS, comprising almost eve v article in that line, all of which will he sold on very low terms for cash. Among which arc the following, riz : 4 A ami 7-8 Irish Liucn, in whole and half pieces Irish Sheeting. Linen Cambrics, k Long Lawns Cambric and Furniture Dimities Furniture and Fancy Calicoes and Plaids Plain and Figured Swiss Muslins ar.d Robes Cambric, Jaconet. Moll and Book Muslin Printed, C ross-barred and Striped do Italian Silk, figured and plain Gross de Naples 4-4 black Mode, Sa in and plain L* vantinc Silk White and black Silk Series, black Boinbazin Do. do. pink, blue, straw & green Florence silks Bobinet Lace Veils. Thread and Bobinet Laces, Edgings and Footing Black Silk Velvet. English silk k fancy Vestings Black and white Ita'ian Crape Canton Crapes and Canton Crape Robes Blarlt Siucheus, Inserting Trimmings Pink, w hite, straw, and blue Crape Loise Barege, l’dncy Silk, and black and scarlet Meri no Shawls Scarlet figured Ratiu ’ft. black Bombnzeit Whits, red and green Flannels, green Baize Bird's anil Tabling Diapers Striped Baraze,.&t imitation plaid Gros dc Naples ,t;us!in Points and Bands, lippet. Belt and Cap Ribbons Japes. Robins and Cotton Coids, I oundation Millinet Tortoise Shell & Horn Tucking & Side Combs Ladies Curls or Rolls Clear Lawns, Corset Laces, Ilooks and Eyes Steel Bodkins Bedticking, Apron Checks, blue plaid ami striped Homespun Bleached and brown Shirtings, Long Cloth, and Scotch Homespun Marseilles Quilts, Rose Blankets Bang Up Cords, Satinetts and Cassinetts Flasr and German Silk Pocket Handkerchiefs Black and white Silk Hose Worsted and Cotton do Men’s white, black and mixed Lamb’s Wo d long and It alt" Hose Buck-skin, Be^^er Dog-skin and Silk, Ladies and Gentlemens Gloves Blue, black and colored Sewing Silks Blue and white-brown Thiead Orivl's and (.'link’s Spool and Floss Cotton Lace, Pearl and Bone Shirt Buttons Hcmming's best assorted Needles, Pins and Dolls Black mid w hite Silk Braid Bed and blue Marking Cotton Hair Powder, Cologne Mater ami lire Screens kc. kc. kc. Also, on the Ilicer, a eery large collection of FRENCH Paper Hangings, Of the latest style, direct from France, via. Charleston. The above assortment of Goods will he enlarg ed, as J. P. S. will he constantly receiving fresh supplies from the North. Nov 19 56 tf NO. LAW NOTICE. T HE subscrilter !<egs leave tj inform Ut friends and Clieuts, generally, that not- withstanding his removal to Angusta, lie will still coutinue to practice in the Courts of Edge field amt Barnwell Di tricts. and with that View has established an office in the town of Hamburg. T1IOS. GLASCOCK. Oct. 22 • 48 if 67 3m I believe <lie decisiop t>f Judge Mont gomery in refusing to submit the facts to a Jury was wtong, and I regret that I have not the power to revetse it and let the matler go to a Jury ; but it is not for me to make the law, it is my business to declare it as J find if. The modes of provin? M ills of real, and testaments of personal property, in England, are clearly laid down in the books, and it would seem, coul 1 not be mistaken. Wills of real property are like deeds, and require no probate, except when it is necessary to use them as titles in ejectment or other action, and then they must be proved before the Jury as any oilier deeds. To this rule, however, there are som*exceptions, as for instance, where ihe devisee or the heir at law has no opportunity of having the validity of the Will tried at law, and fears that at some future time the Will may be im peached, or attempted to be setup, (asthe case may be,) and such like cases. In such cases application mav he made to Chancery, who will direct a feigned issue to a Court of law, in order to have the matter tried, and upon the verdict of such French Paper Hangings. robertTwaharry, Xo 162 Brond-strcct, H AS ju*t received a splendid assortment of the above article, from common to very fine, which be offers for sale on low terms. Nov, 5 52 tf It. HANNA, PORTRAIT PAINTER, H AS removed to Mr. J. B. Lafitte’s Board ing House, up stairs. The visits of Ladies and Gentlemen will be thankfully received. It is not his intention to stay long in this place, and he would be liaprpy to serve those with their Por traits who are disposed without delay. His prices will be moderate. Gentlemen and Ladies from the country can be waited on and tligir Portraits taken at home, if application is tnj|de. Dec 27 67 9t H ousc. Dec 13 fresiTperfumery, Cosmetics, Far.ey Soaps, S/c. Carlton, Cook & Ivnowlton, HAVE JUST RECEIVED lour Cases, assorted, consisting in part oft he C GENUINE Otto of Roses, ~tf' do do Lip Salve Rose and Violet scented Hair Powder, Persian Otto of Rose Soap Rose Musk, Jessamine, Violet, Oriental, Ver nacular and Vegetable Soaps, Milk of Roses, Almond Paste, Cold Cream. Vegetable Rouge, Pearl Powder, Restorative Lotion, Carbonic Dentrifice, Prepared Charcoal, Best Cologne Lavender, Rose and Honey Water, Essence of Cinnamou, Lemon and Bergamot, Extract of Rose. Musk and Jessamine, Fine Pot and Stick Pomatum, Macassar, Antique and Bear’s Oils, AI.SO, Prentice’s Celebrated KEFHALIA, for pre serving and beautifying the Hair. Dec 20 ’ 65 tf For Sale. T HE Belle Ville T act of Land, where I now , live containing 3000 aeTes of Land more j or less, with a Saw and Grist Mill. lheDwdl-, ing with all requisite buildings, is on a high and j health, situation. Attached is a good Garden j with an Arbor of the Warren Grape. An Or chard with several varieties of Fruit, and within a short distance Springs of excellent w ater. ALSO, Adjoining the above, the place called W indsor, tv here Col. BoisclfUt reside, with one or more hundred acres. The situation healthy; v.ith a )re stated, tinles? the K ng interpose his : Court, Chancery will proceed to do vv , hat j Dec. 27 Spring of the purest water. VAL. prerogative and grant a commission of ■ uview. I roni this view of the subject, it is evi- ;ient that the Court of Chancery in Eng land has no power to review a decision of anv of the Courts having ecclesiastical •urisdiction, and hence no such power can equitv and justice shall demand, and in j this indirect and collateral way, it gets i WALKER. 67 3t NEGROES FOR HIRE. ¥7~i!l be hired on Tuesday, the first day of Chancery never has claimed jurisdiction, j ?V January, thirteen Ne^roes.-men and wo- either direct or collateral, of testaments j smith _ the re f t are Boat hands> cognizance of Wills of real estate. But Carlt «n, Cook & Knowlton, I N addition to their former Stock, have this day received an extensive assortment el'Sea sonable Goods, consisting in part of English Thread Laces, Footings and Edgings, 4 and 5-4 figured and plain Bobbinct Lace, Bobbinet Caps, Capes and Collars, Pil irines and half Handkerchiefs, Black and white Belt Ribbons. Black Mode, figured and plain Sw iss, Book and Mull Muslins, Fine Bird’s Eye and Russian Diaper, Also, a fresh supply of Hair Braids, Rolls, Puff and Cluster Curls, kc. kc. Fresh supplies will be received weekly through the season. Dec. 20 65 tf UPHOLSTERING. H. Lcfevro nnd his tjFhfir Lady, just arrived from Paris, in form the Ladies and Gentlemen of Augusta, that lie would be thankfull for any business in the a- bove line. He is mastei of the business, having been seven years in Paris.Upholsterer to the Ward robe of the Crown, and has quit it from Political motives. He would he glad to have an opportu nity of exhibiting in this place, his skill, by fur nishing or decorating any one, or numbers of apaitmeuts. Ilis prices will be moderate. Orders left at fllr. Guvmatin’», watch maker, No. 171 Broad-street will be attended to. Dec itO 65 2m .Mrs. .\dam Hutchison's SCHOOL, AlfTII.L be opened on Broad-street, a few , f doors above Doctor Wrays, at the houM- NEW EALI. & WINTER ROBERT MAUARREY, No. l62 Broad-street, lias just receded, direct from JVeic-1 urk, a larg supply of Staple and Fancy Goods, Which he offers either by Wholesale or Retail, irl low prices. Oct. 22 43 tf To Country Merchants. CavWon, Cook, k KwowUovv Arc now opening an Extensive Assortment of CONSISTING IS PART or 20 tia’es and cases of brn^n, blestlioL’ plaid and striped Domestics, 3 do. Checks. 3 do. simer and common Tickings, 1 case Satinetts, 3tK> pieces Calicoes. 250 colored, scarlet k blatk Cassimere Sba*is and Points, 200 dozen silk, cotton woolle 1 and Sambs-wool Hosiery, 50 dozen buck, beaver, kid, horse-skin ap* silk Gloves, 25 dozen lined Gloves, 300 do Spool Thread, 1 case Clioppa Roinals, 1 d ■ German Flaggs and Bandanocs, 1 do b'ack Sarsnetts, 1 do figured Nankin Crape Rubes. 2 bales white and icd Flannels, 1 do 4-4and 5-4 Green Baize, 100 Cnmblet and Plaid Clonks, 50 Ladies Plaid do. 40 pieces colored Cambrics, Bio Do, for bonnets, Scarlet, crimson and black figured and plan. Bombazettes, Do do Rattiuets, Circassians and Salisbu; rv Flannels, Batteste Ginghams, plain k fancy Cravats. Irish Linen, Lawn Lawn, Cambric, Jaconet, Book and Mull Muslin. Plain and figured Sw iss do. Super black silk Vestings, Toilinet, Valencia and Marseilles Vesting* Caroline and Tartan Plaids. Camblet Crape Shawls, Super Nankin Crapes. Black Siiichews do.; Italian Lustrings. An elegant assortment of black and colored Grodp Naps, plain und figured, Black Taffetas, Stripe and Plaid Sarscets 1‘ aid Gro De Naps 1 case Cambric Dimity 1 do Furniture do extra wide Black Bombazines Black French and Italian Crapes White, pink, h'ue green k straw Florence? Blue Pelisse Cloth Madras*, Bandanak Cotton Flag i.'dkfj Cotton and \\ ebb Suspenders 200 packs Pins 300 gross Suspender Moulds Stcef Coat Buttons Bang Up Coids Millinet Buckram Foundation Muslin Rose and Point Blankets 1 bale stout Oznahurgs 1 do Negro Cloths—Paddings Black, Olive k Mixed Cloths k Cassimere* A general assortment of Bonnet. Belt ana Cap Ribbons Tapes. Bobbins, Sewin'* Silk, Quality Bind ings. Needles, kc. kc. All of which were purchased 8t the New York Auctions, and will be sold at a small advance formerly occupied by Judge Wilson, on the first from cost Monday of October Mrs. Id. v ill he happy to give private iustruc- t 011s in Composition, and the higher branches of Education, to young Ladies who desire to devote a portion of their time to mental improvement. Instructions also given iu Dra-ving and Paint ing, in Plain and Ornamental Needle Work. Terms of admission made knowii at the School Room. Sopt. 24 40 tf CANAL FLOUR. oJUST received and for sale, a lot of Superfine CANAL FLOUR. Oct. 22 HALL & HARDIN. 48 tf of personal property. This helcncs ex- | clusively to the Ecclesiastical Courts, and 1 Dec. 27 GEORGE A. B. WALKER, (Ea-r.j 67 2t. FOR SALE. rXlHE six acre Lot above Turknctts Spring, B adjoining the property of W. Smith, Esq. The situation is commanding and pleasant, and it is in the neighbourhood of good water. Un disputed Titles will he given to the purchaser. FOP. TtnMS APPLY TO W. A. BUGG, Agent. Mav 31 8 tf INSURANCE AGAINST IVtr, 249 Broad-street, a few doors below the Batiks. Nov. 15 65 wtf exist in the Courts of Equity here, unless j to the King as supreme it lias been delegated bv our laws and con stitution, and I believe it will be admitted that no such power has been given by either. I am of opinion then, that this Court, sitting as a Court of Equity, has __ head of the j Church. . ... The laws, and the mode of proceeding 1 in relation to Wills and Testaments in Georgia, are different from those in Eng land. Here there is no diflerence between a Will of real, and a Testament of person- no power to review, or in any way to in- « ..... - - terfere with the decision of a Court of j al property as regards the mode ot proot. law upon a point clearly within its juris- 1 Both must be in the first instance P rn " diction. I say a Court of law ; for whe- ! pounded to the Court ot Ordinary, and ther it be an ecclesiastical or a common I from that Court an appeal lies to the - u- i law court, yet it is a Court con- ■ perior Court.—Prin. Dig. 159, 166, I08. Ira-distinguished from a Court-of Equity. ! It seems to have been the constant aim ol Wc have no Ecclesiastical Courts in Georgia, although the term “ ordinary” has been retained ; for the powers ot such Court are by the constitution vested in the Inferior Court, and also by way ot appeal, in the Superior Court; and both these are temporal and common law courts. The Superior Court is in Geor gia, what th.e court of Delegates is in our Legislature to do away, as much as possible, the distinction between real and personal estates of deceased persons, and to place both on the same footing of per sonal estate in England in regard to dis tribution. Bolh species of Wills being thus within the jurisdiction of the same Court, one great evil of the English sys tem i$ avoided, for in consequence of the GEORGE R. JESSUP, Offers for sale, at 330 Broad-st. ! 35 hhds. 1st anti 2d quality St. Croix Sugar 2000 bushels Liverpool Salt, 100 pieces Hemp Batrsimr. 100 bags Coffee, 50 bbls. old Ohio Whiskev, 100 do N. E. Rum, 50 do Gin, 30 do Canal Flour, 20 quarter casks Malaga Wine. 20 do Madeira and Teneriffe M ines, - 20 boxes Muscatel Wine, 50 do Muscatel Raisins. 10 do Fresh Genoa Citron, 50 do Soap, 50 do Sperm and Mould Candles, <50 bbls. No. 3 Mackerel, J50 kegs Cut Nails, assorted. 20 do Richmond Tobacco, 5 boxes do do Cognac Biandy, Holland Gin, Jamaica Rum, Shot, Lead. Iron, Ifc. Dec. 20 G5 lm j. Hack and Livery Stable. T HE subscriber has erected a Livery Stable, and is prepared to wait 011 his ft tends and ] customers, on the most reasonable terms. First i rate Gig and Saddle Horses—first rate Coaches, i Gigs and Sulkeys. Parties will be furnished j with fine Horses and Carriages, careful and cx- | perienced Drivers, at short notice, ltorsas kept j by the day month nr year. - ! Mr. Michael Eldred,whose industry andexpe- ! rienee is well know n, will take the charge of my Stable. TUOS. G. HALL. Dec 13 63 tl 42 J OHN BEACH having resigned the agency of the Hartford Fire insurance Company in consequence of Ids -intended removal from the State, the Board of Directors have appointed the Subscriber their Agent, who will takcrisks on Aiigoata “nd its vicinity. Apply at the store recently occupied by said Beach, No. 317. Broad Street,w here the Agent can be found or at the store of J. k \\ . (.atiin, JOEL CATLIN. Agent April 26 90 tf FACTORAGE AND Coni miss ion II it si ness. T HE subscriber having commenced the abore line of business, tenders bis services to his friends aiul the public generally. He hopes that from his long experience and know ledge of busi ness. together with his being a permanent resi dent of Savannah, to give general satisfaction, and pledges himself that no exrrtinus or atten tion shall be spared on bis part to merit a share of patronage. He is prepared to make liberal advances on Cotton anil uiher produce, consign ed to him for sale. WILLIAM MARSHALL, Anderson s Buildings. REFERENCES—Wm. Gaston, James Eppin- ger, Savannah; Stovall Davis, Angusta ; John Fontaine, Wanenton; Wm. P-. Ford, Sparta; Tho’s B. Stubbs, MilledgeviHe; P. Griunell, P. M. Monti cello. Savannah, Nov. 7 55 tf Lands near Hamburg, FOR SALE. T HE subscriber offers for sale, with indispu table warranty titles, a tract of Land, con taining 640 Acies.Jying on bolh sides of the road leading from Augusta tw Britton Mims T ,-adjoining the Hamburg tract, and the lands ol Dr Wat kins. Mrs. Clark, and other*. A considerable part of the above is first r ite Pine Laud. ALSO, A Tract of 700 Acres, lying back of the Summerville p’acc, adjoining lands of Britton Mims and Lewis Clspy- The above lards -vill be sold on reasonable terms, as to price and payment, and in quantities not less than Fifty Acres, if desired by purchas ers. For terms, applv by letter to the subscriber, at Gre-mville Court-house, or to Mr. James Blocker, near Edgefield .Court-house WADDY THOMPSON, Jr. Dec. 17 64 8tw B’ Blank Bills of Lading, for sale at the Office of tl»e Geor gia Courier. Nov. 12 5* FOR SALE, A N excellent BILLIARD TABLE, with.ap- pai atus complete- Enquire at this office. November 22 67 rt ... 11ARDWARE & CUTLERY. The subscriber has received per ship Par chute and other recent arrivals from Liverpool, 150 Packages ot HARDWARE S? CUTLERY, XMOXC WHICH IRE : EST Ivory balanced handled Table Knivei and Foriak Forbuck, real Duck and Stag handled do. Fancy BoMvand SelfTi •*«. Pen, pocket and two biade Knives, in cards and dozens, Mortice, brass case 4nd iron rim Nob and Stock Locks. Bureau, Cupboard and Chest do. Brass Curtain Pins, Fenders »«d And irons, Hinges, Wood Screws and Files, kc. German and Cast Steel, Mill. Cut, Pit and Hand Saws, Single and double barrel Fowling k Duck Gmu. Smith’s AnvilsAA'ices, Hammers and Screw Plates, kc. ■ Naylor k Sannderson’s Cast Steel. ALSO, 40.000 lbs. flat, square and round 'run, assorted, 8.000 do Sheet Iron, suitable for Saw Gins. 3.000 do Hoop Irmi, assorted, 15.000 do Eojj'ish Castings, which, with the Stock previowy no hand, makes his assortment larger and more complete than any heretMthrc offered in this city. He will dispose ot the saw* ouliiieral terms, for Cash or appioved paper. JOHN BONES- : pec ? 69 S»w