Georgia courier. (Augusta, Ga.) 1826-1837, January 10, 1828, Image 1

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VOL. 2. AUGUSTA. GEO. THURSDAY. JANUARY 10. 1S28. NO. 71. r'™ ” “ ra « r "«- D « | ^ jti 5 fi’CLOCSi ?« , Brick Buildings opposite Mr. Cummiuzs AOlr l,0 "' a [^“ v ' Bull,,jugs. M’Intosh Street. 1)1 RE TIONS. <■,. I Lend and Nigrors, liv Ailn)inistral<.rs. F.xec'i- , ) I,r fiasrilianf, are ri*|inri'.i, li>' law, to l)c IlcM dll the '"7 lav in the month, between th- hours often in the r.w .iooc md three in tie afternoon, at the Court-houee of Urn county in wlur.h the property is *»tuute.-We of s |c, must he given in a public gazette SIX I . (lev - .rations to til ila- of sale. * Nmiees of the sale of personal propertv must he given in like manner, FORTY (lavs previous to the .las 01 'ale. ^ i to the debtors anil creditors of an estate, must lie \oliro t n Wished for FORTY days- * -- • -> 1:—•: vv jlJ f>p r«ado to the Cniiri of Notice that application win uc mauc , . dinar for levae to sell land, must be published for 1 Oi ls MONTHS. uvur itnv other branch of ihe government assumes and exercises such pmvei, it is an i act of usurpation and void, and it is ihe; fluty of the Judiciary to declare it so.— , This statute then, so far as it declines who ! lias 'he best title to this land is void, and j c nmol be read to the jury. 5 ! . The Survey and. evidence of the ; p* p* Sieveyor, having been rejected by the CASKS Just received a AT PRIVATE SALE, ) NE DE 'RB()R V.- PATENT BALANCE, warranted corn ct—weighs U 0o 11.s. G. ABELL & Co. D‘ c 31 68 tf FRESH LIME. G. 11. Dec 24 and FOR SALE BY METCALF, tf 66 SAT RSPOH^S. (Join t in consequence of a defect in ihe notice served on the opposite party, the j jihiniiffs Counsel proposed to identify the j land by oilier evidence. Bv the Court—No other evidence can l»e received to establish the locus ill quo, except the original Surveyor, chain , ' 1 e • i on the 22d of December last, m the name -tephen pained T CAUTION. I do hereby caution all persons ngaiust trading . for or receiving a ( niton Receipt, (for Seven Buies,) i - - u dby Burton ei Rost wick, of August,, or other person who accom them when the land was sutveved, and COLUMBIA SUPERIOR COURT, ? ; who knows the lines—or a Surveyor ap- January Term, 1826. £ 'pointed bv a rule ol Court, who has tra- fhc Heirs of (J raves, v - Eimsrfal Iced lie hues hv the oi igin-tl plat or lines Au agent is competent to make an abid y !l ,0 i desci died nt the grant or deed, after a due account for the absence of a., original goiat, so I |y ^ ^ }ind who j as to admit a copy in evidence. i n ( .. The wan' of a copy plat may be accounted for can give evidence as one skilled III the cither by the evidence of the Surveyor General j art of surveying. And no person except! taken oil iuterioratories, or by anv witness who j Slir |, as above named, and who knows the j has sea: a lied the records in the Surveyor Gen, r- j , i||(is fr( , m |m . !|(g acHJ;t ll V traced them, is j al s otiice. . ,i cnnii-etent to pn>ve the possession of the j lef.Miriwnt within those lines. ips. as tlie ah ive a nne 1 sev n bales of Cotton w re fraudulently take ; from mv w aggon by said Phillips; and I al-o forwarn said Burton fc Bostvvti k fiom delivering toe before mentioned Co ton t r any person except myself, oi any writ ten order, as 4 is my own property, to which Phillips has no tide. CHARLES R. C ARTER, \Y ilkes county. Geo. Jan 7 70 w3l Commissioners of Academies are iuco. por ited ! bodies, and theref re. a deed to "the Commission- , ers of Wilkes Academy’ is good, without naming j Riem- . , . , . „ it must he a very clear case m which the Court ; tvouid declare a law unconstitutional. An act of the legislature, winch declares who tins the best title to a tra'-t of land wnich had been previously granted by the State, ami loi which an action was pending, is unconstitutional . and void. T) e locusin quo, and the possession of the do- [ tend a in can only lie established by the evidence j of the original surveyor, chain carrier uc o by I -a Surveyor appointed by rule of Court, who has traced the lines and can give evidence as one skilled in the art of Surveying. This was an action olejoctmen . Thu ; original grant under which the plaintiffs j «1.iimt-d was lost, and they offered a c. py grant in e idence, alter ihe agent of »lie plaintiffs had made the usual uffid ivn of the loss of the original. No plat or copy plat was produced. Tills evidence was objected to Ivy the defendants Counsel on two grounds—first, r l hat the agent w •$ Cut •ompeteut to make such affidavit, and tint therefore the original grant was i.oi accounted for—and secoii .lv, Th I tio plat accompanied the copy grant, and that therefore it was only a part of the reco'd. By the Court—There is no rule of law which forbids an agent from making such fii iavit and accmuuing for the I >ss of an original paper, and as it is 'In* most convene nt practice aud will promote the ends of justice to permit the agent to do s y t am disposed to think that the original is sufficiently accounted for to admit the co ne of the record in evidence. The want of the plat m iy he accounted for, eiih r bv interrogatories exhibited to ihe Su - vcvoi general, or by the testimony of any other person wh<> lias examined the re cords. Mr. Crawford theagent, 'herefore is a good witness, and if he can stale to the jarv that he has examined he reemd, and ;li it no such plat cxis's, or is to be found, iheEomt will presume that 'he re cord was destoyed during the troubles i.f the revolution, and admit the copy of the grant in evidence, without diA plat. 2d. Tlie land in dispute had been con fiscated, and sold bv the Co otnissioiiers of confiscated propert v to the Academy of Wilkes County, Im’ ;hev had neglected to m ike a deed to the Academy. Atte - wards the legislature hy a resolution au thorised the Secretaiy of S'ate to m ke the title, which lie did to the Commision- er> <>f lie Academy, but in consequence ofsune mistakes, errors Ate. &c. in the Several deeds, made In different pers •" vVat.kek. for ff. CROCKERY, CHINA & CLASS WARE. Flournoy, foi defendant. M Aim \ Invites the >' Hentl. Pul.'it iff j; E ‘ U C K, of his fanner customers and t» his old ■ :t'<bl : o d -/* Conj ■ r 11> m. .»•" SI ore, \\ lie he offers f a -a!- a gen ut .e d choice asdortiTie.i: of CON ’EY |! ' t.VtiV d~ 1 AKK.i, Pastries Candrc.-, Sue v P'uml>s, P a serv s. -ui'l Jelli , in the greatest va- ri-tv Private Parties a <1 Bat’s furnished m me first siylc and at ihe shoit. st notice. Inis Tso just re< i S'l, A few c scs f'U it"’ ( il .VIP SIGN. Madeira Wine. ist. 2d and 3d quality (1st very super: u,) t I a ret >\ ine ; Pint un. Uocliar B'ltndy. (Isl quality ) H ‘hand (flit, do dn Boltii il Porter and Gi leu. Lime T u ice, Lemon Syrup. Cordials of every ki id, Almonds, Rai sins. English Che»se. Preserved Prints.among which are Pii e Anples, f’e.:c es, .\|>r.TOts, I.imes, Oranges, Sic. A few cas s Vermicelli, Citron, Madeira Nuts, Guava li 'Iv in boxes, Capeis. Anchovies, ./lives. Pickles of vai ious kin. s. tc. &c. And const nitly on Draught, ifeer nm r Lliu Subscriber is now rpcc'ving, direct fn m Liverpool, a large supply of the above aitich s, which he will sell tow for cash, or ton n acceptances. J SAILS BONES. N. B.—Assorted Crates pai tieularty put up for the Country trade, by one of the first mai.ufac- tu' ing houses in England. O 3 Country Merchants will do well to call and judge for til ‘liiselvts. Dec. 13 63 6>tv \o. 8. & M. AI.LKa’S kxchang;. office. 277 Broad-street. 4 doors west of Jackson- AT THE GOLD SADDLE, FOUR DOORS BELOW THE BANKS, AUGUSTA, GEU. [ P OLSTKIlijNG. 31 r. IL Lclcvrc and his A lew iruiik' «*f (jentl s btsl (juauij (?***^* Lniv, just arnvmi fr >m Pm is, n- fnrm the Ladies and Gentlemen of Augusta, that he would be tbankfull for an v business in tl c a- bove line. Heismastet of ihe business, h .vu.g been seven years in Pari'.Uphoistt rer to the Ward robe ol the < rown. and has quit it from Political motives He would be glad to have an pportit- mty of exhibiting in tins place, his skill, by fur nishing or decorating miv one. or numbers of apaitments Ilis prices wi’l be m derate Or ers lift at Mr. Guy lira tin’s, watch maker, No 171 Broad-street will be attended to. Dec 20 fi.5 2ur All's. Adam Hutchison's SCHOOL, JH& WftIGHT SADDLE MAXI FA C 7 UftFRi, F, tvp now on band, a Splkndid Assortmf.vt of Goods in theii' line. Manufactured bv tiieni sel ves, of the first rate materials and w orkman [/ ILL be opened on Bioad-street, a few doors above D .ctor Wrays, at the hoti: Wilson, on the Cist LADIES’, Men’s, and Bov’s Saddles, Bidtsim utli Sharp and Snuffle Bridles, Braided, Round and F fit Alai tingals, Coach, Gig and W agon Harness, Saddle, Carpet and Medical Bags, V alices, Holsters and Bridie Leathers, I wig, Coach and Wagon Whips, Miluary Bridies, &c. &<■. &.<•. formerly occupied hy Jud .Monday of October ’ Airs. H ill he happy to give private instriK-j t ons in Composition, and the higher branches of Education, to young Ladies who desireto devote a portion of their tinte to mental inipYovement. Instructions also given in Dra •■ lug and Paint ing. in >1a>n and Ornamental Needle Work. terms of admission made known at the School Room. Sept. 24 40 tf BOOTS, Slioctcp.s. Dre>.s Shoes & Pumps. made hy Mtiiard. New York; also, superior " °t>dstock. Buck, blark and colored Hor»e Skin and other qu d:tv GLOVES, Ju=t ieceived aud lor sale bv RICH AUD ALLEN, 222 Broud-itrtci. Bee 2-1 .* if ORANGES. S E* ERAL dozen barrels of Oranges sup^. tio - ■ ■ • • tior qu .lity. to he had cheap, by calling ra- Ait. Al'Ker.zie’s Brick Store. Dec 27 67 3 t .T C NAL FLOUR. U S T recciv ed and lor sale, a lot of 3iincxfii‘ 4 CANAL FLOUR. Oct. 22 HALL & HARDIN. 48 tf Saddler ff^are street. DRAFTS may at ail times be had at sight or at sh.nt sigh;., in sums to suit purchasers, ou Jan 7 Ol a superior qualiiy. Jci 7° tf_ BOX' .S, landing from George \V ashing- (on, and for si bv Si HLE V lfc WASH BUR.N. Jan 7 70 3t Aii Klevant Ailicle. A first rntr TIME PIECE, With an inti • sling view of Americau hreiteiy, near New Ycik, is to ' e dispus. d of Py Chances. to he determined o\ the d-awing of the W A.-H- CONSOLIDATED LOTTERY.—Se cond t_ lass I ach of th Sixty Numbers placed in the M heel, forms one chance, and the person holding the chance corresponding with the First Drawn Number, wi l be entitled t., the TIME PIECE. — Only 60 Chances, at Si 25. BEERS’ Lottery Office. Jan 7 70 TO HIRE, riVtYO vain i hie young fellows, that could come 5 w oil ■com maided for honesty and sobriety, and «oub! answer either for a Grocery or Waie- house. — F.nquire at tins office. J ui 7 70 if Mure .V tv (moihIs. for ill is land, the Logislaturo pas nc', coriPctMig these niistakesandlRgal- is'ag the sever i! deeds, and also bv tile said act, proceeded In vest ahs 'luTely in ihe heirs of Gen, Graves, tlie lessors ol the plaintiff, tlie title to the hand now in ; dis into a 'aiiist -the title or claim of ill <•- CavUoti, Cook &. KnowUon ther persons. The plaintiffs then eftered Have this d iy received per tlie Washington, a further supply of BOSTON. X’FW YORK. B V I, n.’.loBE RK'liM JA Chid tC S \V A XNAI3 NEW O L'.A O De P OVIDi’.NTE, PHILADELPHIA. WASHINGTON CITY, PE IN RSHUHG, C.I. LESION, MOBILE. ( nited estates Lank ~\\ 'es for sale 13 63 Snaffle, Sharp, Pelham. Portsmouth, and Bra- doou Bits, of the latesi and most fashionable patterns. Patent oiler Spting. Fancy, Round-leg and Prince's metal Sti i ups, Curb Chains, Spurs Buckles and Slides, Haimes. lercts, Hooks and Bradoon Runners, Bridie and Harness Buckles, St, ining, orstf. 1 and Cotton Webbs, Pmsh, Serge and Baize, Sin die I rees and Hog Skins, Skirting, Bi idle and Ha, ness Leather, Mi S 1 ' 4. ilIL FURNITURE. (V & nax N. J ■cj ... Hi ring purchased the Stock of GHCi'CF.!ES <>j Mr. A. P. ROBERTSON, would again nritt the allcution of their friends and the public gen erally, nt X0. 151 Broad-street, where they in tend keeping a constant supply oj Choice Groceries: Cap’d, Beil and Straigh! Bands, f) >nr, Dash and Body Handies, Knobs, ’i lifting Nails. Pasting, Seaming and Broad T.ace, ; t ml i cal. l.lue. Black anil Green .Morocco, , C.uton Cassimere, Ratlineit and Kri ge. Oii Cloth and Brussels Carpet, ttc. tec he. Having long been engaged in the business, they (eel satisfied that their present assoitinent of Goods is tar superior to any in the U. States. October 22 48 u 12-tv NOTICE. Horses found run- nino the Streets, from the Lt November to 1st May, will beuiketmp bv tlie City Officers, and left at the Stable of Mr. John Clark, near the Lower Market. The owners can at all times have them bv paving the expense. S A MUEL C. DOUGLASS, m. c. a. Nov. S 53 tf ■S r Tt)RLff. J. P. SE I ZE '-*9 *xrs Whiskey. Landing this day from the Steamboat Hamburg Hogsheads Molasses, 30 Hogsheads Baltimore Whiskey, anil w i 1 be sold on the most liberal terms, for approved paper. KERRS h GRAllA.VI. Oct. 2!» 50 tf rjim: THEY HAVE ON HAND, U., k7 1. C'roix and New-Orleans Sugars, Loaf and Lump do. Unite and Green Coffee, Cognac Brandv, Holland Gin, N. E. Gin, Canal VV hiskey, superior quality, Cicili and Teneriffe M ine, London Pin ter, Impel ial Gunpowder and Hyson Teas, Pepper and Spice, Table Salt, Spanish and Common Segars, Chewing Tobacco, of superior quality, Sperm and Tall .w Candles, Swedes and Russia Iron, Cotton Bagging and Sacking, Newark fuller, suitable for bottling, fcc. fcc And at .Vo. 151, they have a general as sortment of Seasonable r GOODS, All ol w hich is offered for sale on the most ac commodating terms. June 7 10 tf xjLmmsza tlo bay, (and recently received,) kits S iced Salmon, 3 bbls Neats Tongues, (smoked,) 5 do Smoked Beef. S boxes Penoa Citron, (fresh.) If) bhls. Northern Apples. (Pippins,) 30 do Fresh Canal Flour. in (•vidfiien tho deed in Hu by the Secre tary of State, Abner Hammond, to the Cun tussioners of the Wtdemv, and also the 11' of the legislature Vesting the title Jem. in the lepers of the plaintiff; 6)e de- Jjominnts Counsel objected to this evi dence ni the ground tint the Commis sioners’ names were net specified in the deed, »d that ’lie act of the legislature vis iiernns ituti nal anil theref nt void. By the Fourt—File Academy is in- oorporated, lie f oinmissionei's :re a cot- porate bod', having pet pet uni succession, aud it is threfore umiecessat v to mention die names of he G immissionei'. They are well described in this deed by the name “ the Commissioners of Wilkes A- aatlemi/." As regards tin* objection to rite act of the legislature, it must be a very oiear qase in,vvbicb this Court would take Upon itself the responsibility <4 declaring a statute to be unconstitutional. But whenever such a case presents usell it will yot shrink from that responsibility. J lie act under consideration is go->d and v .lid so far as to legal xe and make valid the deed from Abner Hammond to the Com missioners et Wilkes Academy. But so Sir as it goes to interfere with the legal ti tle of the parties claiming this land, and to declare in whom it shall vest, it is dear ly unconstitutional and void, in as much as the legislature are thereby assuming the jurisdiction and province which belong only to the judiciary branch of the govern ment. The title oi the State had passed from her by th e s; 6 e an d deed to the Wilkes Academy. She had therefore Bo power to convey it by statute to the bmrs of Geo. Graves. The legal right of the people of this State must be deter mined by that branch of the government, to which such power is given by the enn- fititucjoDj to wit tbs ^udieiary j, and when* Rich Ea icy Dry Goo s, C 10NS1S1I.NG in part of Merino Long and ! >quure Shaw Is. Worsted Barage Shawls iquare Biack a'”' White Lace Veils, ng'ish Thread a- i es. Footings and Edgings. 4 and 5 4 igured Piaia Bo’ i let Lace. Rich Figured and Plain Swiss. Book and Mull Muslins, Swiss aud Jaconet Cambrics. ALSO, 3-4 and bleached Sheetings and Skirt ings Superfine Cotton aud Linen Ticking—toge ther with many othei articles in the Staple and Fancy line, ail of wdiich will be offered at the lowest market prices. Dec. 31 68 tf 20 half barrels Luff's Butter Crackers, 3o bills. Ohio Whiskey 70 dozen Cordials, (assorted.) 10 bbls. Soft Shell'd Almonds, 100 quarter boxes Bunch Raisins, 2 pipes Brandy, four years old, of Otard, Dupuy & Co’s, brand, Together icit/i a general assortment of CHOICE f ROCERIES, FOR SALE BY N. B. MOORE, (202 Broad-street.) Nov. 29 59 tf For Sale. r[iH HE Belle A file T act of Land, where I r.ow I ve containing 3000 acres of Land mop or less, -.villi a Saw and ((list Miil. The Dw II- ing tv it ii all t ■ quisiie buildings, is on a high ami he Ith situation. Attached is a good Garden with an Arbor of the Warren Grape. An 0:- chard with several varieties of Fruit, and within a short distance Springs of excellent water. ALSO, Adjoining the above, the place called Windsor, where Col. Boisclair resides, with one or more hundred acres. The situation healthy; with a Spring of the purest watei. VAL. WALKER. Due. 27 67 3t FALL & WU\TEIi fjflV ROBERT MANATEEY, No. l62 Broad -street. j jl:j . six . ere Lot above Turknetts Spring, 5i adjoining the property of W. Smith, Esq 'I he situ .tion is co'nmanding and pleasant, and it is in the neighbourhood of good water. Un disputed Titles will be given 10 the purchaser. FOR TERMS APPLY TO W. A. Bl'GG, Agent. May 31 it f INSURANCE AGAINST li'UlBiii 7 { OHN BF.ACli h .ving resigned the agency I the Hartlord Fire Insurance Company in consequence of his intended removal from the •Slate, the Board of Directors have appointed the Subscriber their Agent, w ho will lake risks on property in August 1 and it- vicinity. Apply al the stoie recently occupied by said Reach. No 817, Broad Street, where the Agent can he found or at the store of J. tc \V. Cut tin. JOEL CAT I. IN, Agent April 26 <ki tf FOR SALE, A N excellent BILLIARD I ABLE, with ap- paiatus complete- Enquire at this office. November 22 57 tf FOR SALE, fa. valuable ^KGRO VVOiVlAiS’, a pood Cook Jf\ and Washer. Enquire at this office. Dec 24 66 3tw Drapers and Tailors. TlifsuhscriLcrs hav- f las jus! received, direct from New- York, a large supply of Staple aud Fancy Goods, Which he offers either by Wholesale or Retail, at low prices. Oct. 22 48 tf tug commenced he »bov< business, (No. 278 Bi /ad- street, next door below Doctor Haviland’s,) take this opportunity of informing the public that they have on hand a compu te as sortment of Superfine and Common i lot Its, Ca>simeres tfc Vesti-jgs, Wlfich they offer to make to order, on accommo dating terms, and in the best possible maimer. CORXER OF EROAL) A\U U'is TOSH STYEETS, Has just opened a well selected Stock ol STA PLE and FANCY DRY GOODS, compri»in£r almost eve v article in that line, aii of which will be sold on very low terms for cash. Among which are the following, 1 iz : /i aul ' ^I*Lh Linen, in whole and hap pieces Irish Sheeting, Linen Cambrics,Si Long Lawits Cambric and Uuruittire Dimities Furniture and Fancy Calicoes anil Plaids Plain and Figured Sw iss Muslins and Robes Cambric. Jaconet, Mull and Book Muslin Printed, Cross-barred and Striped no Italian -filk, figured and plain Gross de Naploe -1-4 black Mode, Sa in and plain lo vautiue Silk White and black Silk Ser es. blark Bi Do. !o. pink, blue, straw & green Florence bilks Bobiuet I ice \ 1 iis, I bread am! Bobiuet Laces. Edgings and Footing Black brilk Velvet, English si kt fancy V'estiugs Black and white lu inn Crapt Canton Crapes and Canton < rape Ro! e« Bj :, ck Smcheus, Inserting Trimmings Pink, white, straw anil blue Crape Lrisc Barege. Fancy Silk, and black and scarlet Meri no Shawls Scarlet figmed Ratinett, black Bombazett U liite, red and green Flannels, green Baize Bird s Lye and Tabling Diapers Sniped Barnze, imitation plaid Gros lie Naples Points aud Bauds, Tippet. Belt and Cap ^Ribbons l apes Robins and Cotton Cords, Foundation. iMillinel loitoise Shell ti Horn 1 uckiug ii Side Comb. Ladies Curls oi Rolls Clem Lawns, (orset Laces, Hooks and Eves Steel Boilkui.s Bedtickir.g, Apron Checks, blue plaid and striped Homespun Hi ached and brown Shirtings, Long Cloth, anti Scosch Homespun Marsed es Quilts. Rose Blankets Bang L'p Cords. Satmetts and Cassinetts 1 lag and German ^i'k Pocket Ilandkerehieh. Black and white -ilk Hose Worsted and Cotton do Men’s white, hluck and mixed Lamb's Wool long and half Hose Bui k-skin, Be rer Dog-skiu and Sdk, Ladies and Gentlemens Gloves Blue, black and colored Sewing Silks Blue and whiti -brown Thread ” Orrc! s on! Clark’s Spool and Floss Cotton Lace, Pearl and Bone Shirt Buttons Flemming's best assorted Needles, Pins and Dolls Black anil white Silk Braid Red and blue Marking Cotton Hair Powder. Cologne Water and Fire Screen** Use. izc. &.C Also, 011 the Direr, a very large collection of Pa j. FRENCH wr Hangings, NOW RECEIVING A HANDSOME SELECTION OP Fancy Goads Ilead\ Also, a complete assortment of i Made ( LOW FOR CASH SHEPARD, IILINER & Co. CONSISTING OF 3*iEW FALL GOODS. Henry 3Iouxger, having located himself at j Monroe, Walton coun y, j tenders lfis Professional Servi- j ces to the Public. Business entrusted to his care j in any of the follow ing counties, will be faithfully j attended to—viz : Clark, Has just received, direct irom New-York, a large supply of STAPLE *$• FANCY GOODS. Which are offered at low prices. No. 175 Broad-street. October 18 47 tf 31or« an, Jackson, Newton, Gwinnett. Hall, De Kalb, Fayette, Walton, and Henry, CHECKS, j At Sight, and at Short Si^lit, on References can be made in Augusta, to JOHN ». KING. Wm. SIMS WILLI AMS ii Co. MUSGROVE. WETMORE&Co HE ARD k COOK, and WM. J. HOBBY. Esquires. 53 tf Nov. 8 JUST RECEIVED, I N excellent order, a few Kitts 5 tTST-D preserved in Spices express ly for family use. one Salmon in each Kin. and warranted equal to any ever offei ed for sale. To be had of S. REA, AT Gran's buildings, Macintosh-street- Nov, 12 ^4 tf BOSTON', PR ’) l IDENCE, xnr-mRK, PHILADELPHIA. BALTIMORE, RICHMOND, PETERSBt RG. FAYETTEVILLE, CHARLESTON, S. C. $4 VANN AH, MOBIL!., and NE If-ORLEANS. ALSO, United Stales Rank «S*otes, Constantly for sale bv BEERS, BOOTH ii ST. JOHN, Corner Broad and M’lntosh-st. Gold and Silver Coin, and Uncurreut Bank Notes of every description, bought aud sold al the most favorable rates. Nov. 5 52 wtfis an] ilia Bee- W TO RENT, Two convenient Dwellings, oppo site the lower end of the Market. For terms, apply to . M’WHGRTER. "J ICH figured Sw iss Muslins, V Thread Lacos, in variety, width ii patterns 4 4 and 5 4 plain and figured Bohhinet Lace, Black and White Bolibinet Lace Veils Cashmere and Merino Mantles, Do do 4 4 Handkerchiefs, Sattin Levantines, of superior quality, Mandarine Sattin, English and French, black oi white silk Hose, Rich Plaid Ribbons, Bobbinett half Handkerchiefs, Genoa and Lyon’s black silk Velvet, Thread Edgings, Purling Lace, Gimps, amboured Muslin Robes, 6 4 V.erino superfine black Bombazine, 1 case 4 4 Linens, Lawns and Diapers. Canton and Nankin Crapes, Black and white Italian Ci ape, Colored Sattius and Florence, Figured and plain Gross de Naples, Italian Lustiings- Mode and black Sattins. The above with a Large &. General Assortment of STAPLE AJfD FANCY Gy" Wanted, one or tivo Jour- neymen I ailors. A: ply as above. D< c 3 60 if MRS. A SERA, Begs lca\ e to inform the Ladies of Ausmstn itit! its vicinity, that she has jus: Ot the latest style, direct from France, vih. Char'eston The above assortment ofGoods will be enlarg- ed, as J.P. S. will lie constantly receiving fresh supplies from the North. Nov 19 56 tf li. H ANNA, PORTRAIT PAI A TER, *** returned from New-York with the latest and newest Fashions for BONNET , DRESSES. CAPs, &lc.—together with a hand some assortment of i'A NC Y GOODS, consisting of Ribbons. Grog it- Naples. Fancy Silks and Barege Handkerchiefs. Boblfinet Caps, Capes, Collars, Leghorn Flats, Straw Bonnets, Vrtificia! Flowers, Head Dresses, Cot Paley. for dresses, (new article,) and a new and handsome assort ment of Cutis, Rolls, k.c. She has also on hand one new PIANO, of which she w ill disjwse. Dec 3 60 6m TJFAS removed to Mr. J. B, Lafitte's Board- jf B ing Hous-. up stairs, fhe visits of Ladies and Gentlemen wifi be thankfully received It is not his intention to sb:y long in this place, and he would la* happy to srrvi those with their Por traits w ho are disposed w ithout delay His price* wi l be moderate. Gentlemen and Ladies from ihe country can he waited on and their Purtiaits taken at home, if application is made Dec 27 f,7 9t French Patterns. F 08 Capes, Collars and Half Hdkfs. ; La. dies ami Infants Caps, Veils. Dres., ( s. Scoi- !op and Inserting 7 rimming*, suitable f,,r Lace or Muslin work ; also, French colored Pattern* for Ladies Bead Bags, Purses and Bracelets, with assort-d colore.I Beads, aud Canvas foe. working the same. Also, an assortment of French Pnper Hangings, THE SUBSCRIBER CONTINUES AT THE Wi S) m 150 Reams of \\ riting aud Wrapping Paper 20 Nests Baud Boxes, Lately received, will be offered at low prices. January 8 J. KYLE, 234, Bboad-Stkeet, 69 3twis Mansion House, MACON, GEO T HIS Establishment (owned and formerly occupied by .Messrs Bullock k. Wells) is now in the hands of the undersigned, weo has made ample provision, through his friends, to keep it in as goed style perhaps as any House in the back country ; and from his former experi ence in the line of Tavern keeping, flatters him self that all who may be pleased to favor him with a call, will depart satisfied both as respects accommodations aud charges. Families can be entirely retired S. C. Brame. Mavoo-, Nov. 22 57 tf Lately creeled by JOSEPH IF HEELER. Esq \ near Wheeler's Buildings, and just below Hit upper Market House. Brand-street, and near | the Planters' HctH, Augusta H E feels thankful for past favors, and begs to renew the offer of his services to his friends with the assurance that strict regard shall he paid to all orders he may receive, and proper care taken of aii property committed to his charge, and punctuality shall be observed in all transactions of business in future. Liberal advanc s w ill be made on Cotton stor ed for sale, in Cash, or Goods, at cash rates, and on terms as accommodating as other Ware-house keepeis offer. FOR SALE EY Carlton, Cook &. Knowlton, 213 Broad-street. Dec. 20 65 tf C? 3 Those prr.wons indebted to the late firm of HOLT iz WARE, a- d to the sub scriber on forntei transactions, will please come forward early this Fall and pay their debts, as longer delay canuot be allowed. JOHN S. HOLT. ■Sept. 6 35 tf Carlt n, Cook & Knowiton, I N addition to their former Stock, have this day received an extensive assortment of Sea souablc Goods, consisting in part of English 1 bread Laces, Footings ai d Edgings, 4 and 5-4 figured and plain Bobbinct Laee. Bobbinet Caps, Capes and Collars, Pil irines and half Handkerchiefs, Black and white Belt Ribbons. Black Mode, figured and plain Swigs, Book' and Mull Muslins, Fute Bird’s Eye and Russian Diaper, , Also, a fresh supply of Hair Braids, Rolls, Puff and Cluster Curls, ezr.. aic. Fresh supplies w ill be leceivt-d weekly through the season. Dec. '65 t*