Georgia courier. (Augusta, Ga.) 1826-1837, January 14, 1828, Image 1

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VOL. 2. AUGUSTA, GRO. MON JANUARY 14. 1S28. NO. 72. EVERY MONDAY AND THURSDAY. at s o'CiiOCSi ?■ ,, Mr Howard's Erick BuiMinsr. opposite Mr. Cummings At - 1 Buildings, M’Intosh Street. it is ordered tiiat the verdict be set aside, and that a new trial be granted. New trial granted. Mr. Attorney General, for the State. Gamble, for the prisoner. " directions. Snips of Land and Negroes, hv Administrators, Exrcu- , ' or Guardian.", are r<v]Uireil, by law, to be held on lie jir.'t'Tuesday in the month, between the hour? of ten in the rnr. noon and three in the afternoon, at the Court-house of ^unty in which the property is situate.—Notice of (here a lea must be given in a public gazette SIX! i days previous tothr day of sale. Noiiccs of the sale of persona? property must be given in Vice manner, FORTY days previous to the day of sale. Not iee to the debtors and creditors of an estate, must be p blished Tor FORTY days Notice that application will be made to the Cour> oior- dinar ,• for levac to sell land.raustbe published for I UL It MONTHS. I ^paMia. ■ J'» err— ~ ** lrB EMANUEL, SUPERIOR COURT. \ April, Term, 1827. $ The State, vs. Mary Wesley. It. order to constitute the crime of perjury the fact swotn to must be material to the point in is- tne. A mistake in regard to dates, when the date is not material will not constitute the crime of p-r- J U1 T- . , The uncertainty in regard to dates is so com mon. that it has become an axiom in thp law. A verdict oi guilty on an indictment for perjn, ry, founded on the evidence of one witness only- will be set aside, and anew trial granted. This was an indictment for perjury up on the trial of which the jury found tin* prisoner guilty. And now she moved the Court for a new tiial on ihe ground that the verdict is contrary to law and evi dence. The perjury was assigned upon any af fidavit sworn to by the prisoner before a Justice of the Peace, in which she swore that Gray Tanner carne to the house of Sterling Swain on the night of the 10h day of May 1826, and offered him a paper which she suspected coniained certain money which was said to have been sto len from James St.John; upon the trial i; was proved by two or more witnesses dial the prisoner was not at the house of Sta ling Swain on I he night of t he lOilt ins', and also that Gray Tanner was not there at tiiat time; & d was proved by the Jus tice who administered the oath >o the prisoner, that he asked her when she saw Gray Tanner there 1 to which she replied “ini the night of the day she left Stephen Swain’s. He then asked her what da y of the month it was, to which she re- pfu'-l the tenth, and lie then so stated il in ta ■ iffidavit, to which she was then sworn a d made her mark, being illiterate anil ua ble to write. There was no evidence that the affidavit was read over to her.— The fact stated in the affidavit in regatd fo Tanner, having been at the'house of St irling Swain and having offered the pa per to him was negatived only, bv the ev idence of Gray Tanner himself. The d i v on which 4tie prisoner left Stephen Swaim’s-was the eleventh instead of lie / tenth, and there was no evidence that the prisoner and Tanner wore not at the house of Starling Swain on the eleventh of the month. By the Court—By the first section of the seven ill division of the penal code Prin. Dig. 339, it is declared that if any person shall wilfully and curruph commit perjury, or shall he. guilty *>1 wil fully and corruptly making a falseoath or affirmation such persons shall be punished «fec. t&c. Tins code does not define tile crime of perjury, and therefore we must resort to the common law in order to as certain what constitutes the crime. Sii Wpi. Blackstone in 4 croon 139, adop ting the definition of Sir Edward Coke, declares perjury to be » r me committed when a lawful oath is admuris ered in atone judicial proceed’' g to a pe—on lio swears wilfully, absolutely and falsely in 3 matter material to the issue or .ooi - m question P This indictment is upon lie first clause of the above mentioned secti m ot ihe penal code, and therefore in le< to sustain it, the evidence must lie s will make out the crime of perju v, mui the facts to constitu'o the crime musi he proved by two witnesses. Now 'he onlv fact which was proved bv two witnesses is that M ary Wesley and Gray Tanner were not at the house of Stirling Swain on lie flight of the 10th of May ; and upon tins evidence the ques ion arises “wlm e this be a material fact, upon which per jury can be assigned ?” The proceeding in which this affidavit was made, was a prosecution against Gray Tannei, for Stealing tiie money of James St. John, and in such cases the day is not material, for ! tiie act may he proved on .a day either before or after the dav laid in the in 1 ri- menf. But the day stated in the affidavit is not the dav on which the money was al leged to have been stoleu, but is only a day stated, upon which a colatterial fact j should have happened, and therefore was j in no wav material to the point in issue : And indeed, the othfcr fact stated in the , affidavit was not material, except so far as ' os it might go to raise a presumption ; for ,',.ae stated that she onlv suspected the money to be in the paper handed by Tan ner to Swain ; and as it does not appear from the affidavit itself that the day was material, it should have been averred in the indictment tiiat the day was material, and this averment is not contained in this Indictment. See Arclib. plead, 314. t It appears to me therefore upon ihe whole of the evidence that the crime of perjury as charged in the indictment was not made out bef ire the jury, and that the verdict is contrary to law and evidence. The uncertainty in regard to dates is so common that it has become an axiom in the law, and therefore the mistake of the prisoner in this regard was not such an act as to shew a deliberate and wilful in. tention to swear falsely. For these reasons I think the prisoner $ught to have a new trial, and therefore DRAWN NUMBERS. T HE following are the Nos; which drew pri zes ot S1H and over, the second drawing of Green and Pulaski Monument Lotteries, 2d_CLASS. No. 26 $10 No. 2744 10 2743 10 225- 551- 684- 817- 8 ’6- 862- -10 -10 -10 -10 -400 -10 2781- 2804- -10 -50 1087- 1134- 1488- 1767- 1922- -20 -10 -TO -10 -10 3431 ■ 10 -10 4045 •20 4338 -10 4754 -20 4766 -10 5388 10 5572 10 5686 20 5730 10 5344 1,') GEORGIA FENCIBLES! A TTEND an Extra of the Corps, at he Cit Hail, on Thursday Evening next; at half past 6 o'clock, on business of importance. t y order Capt. Sturges. GEO. W. M’COY, .Secy G. F. Jan. 10 71 2t 2324 10 2 469 10 2672 50 2714 10 Besides the above there were 269 prices of.$5 eoch. I he third drawing will take place in Sa vannah, on 21st, inst. Whole Tickets $5—Halves $2 50— Quarters $1 25—For sale at LUTHER’S EXCHANGE OFFICE, Macintosh-street, opposite Messrs. Wells k. Ribbe’s Clothing Store Jan. 10 71 tf B \ RR F,LS BEER, (Fidlcrs 1 & Baylor’s Brands,) just received and for sale dy BARBER & BLAIR, At No. 130 Broad-Street. Jan. 10 71 tf Choice Confectionary. Pastry, Preserves, t^’e. Tip HE Subscriber offers to his old customers p and tie iters in h.s line generally, the fol lowing articles of NEW CONFECTIONARY, fyc. (’-indies, in great variety, Sugar Figures, do. do. Saga. Plumbs, do. do. PASTRY, of all descriptions. ALSO, WEST INDIA PRESERVES, Such as. Pine Apples, Limes, Lemons, Ciu on, Echargoes, Ginger Preserves, Guava Je ly ; also, Dry Citron, CORDIALS of all kinds, FRUITS. Best Muscatel Raisins, Santa Curtains, Sultaua RSisins, Prunes, Almonds, (soft shelled,} Filberts, English Walnuts, Sea ley Barks, Malaga Grapes, Peaches, Apricots, &c. WIVES, Ch impaign, JBi -u Madeira, ' Secntd do. Claret, (best and second,) Currant, Port, (fi st quality,) i SPIRITS. Holland G n, (first quality,) Cogn ic B andv, do. do. J tmaica Rum, do. do. Peach Bandy, Kush Wasser. 4 ALSO, P i glikeepsie Beer, Newark Cider, ALSO, Vermicelli, Olives, Capers, Brandy F. in s, Honey, Lemon Sorup, Lone Juice, Cigats, Sweet Oil, (by the bottle or bas ket, &c.) FIRE WORKS, Of all descriptions, and a grea. variety o; FANCY ARTICLES. The above, with almost every article in itisline, are offered, Wholesale or Retaii, oil the most reasonable wins, by MARTIN FREDERICK, No. 194 Broad-street. Jan 10 71 3t Notice. (fefcSjpThe subscribers take this T oppnrrnni y of ii.for uing those indebted to them, that circumstances require a settlement of a I their accounts, whether large or small—from the great number of small accounts, it is impossible that every one should receive a particular call, it is therefore hoped that this no tice will he deemed sufficient, and that all per sons interested will call and adjust them, pre vious to the 20th February as it will be abso lutely neoe-sary after tnat date, to take more earnest means for their collection. THAYER fc WILLIAMS. Jan. 10 71 tf TAKEN UP, A small Bay ? lorse, and w, h 1,6 s °ld on the 15th r, instant tor expenses, if ihe owner docs not come forward and p -y the same. S imuel C. Douglass, M. C. A. J an 10 71 2t Fresh Garden Seeds. A SUPPLY of the above article warranted tc J A be of he last year’s growth, just received direct Irom Philadelphia, and rop. sile by JAMES M. CARTER & Co. Jan 10 71 4,w C^NOTICE.^o T HE Office of the Ch rk of Council (South east corner basement story City Hall) will be open from 2 to 5 o’loek, P. M. during the month of January, for the purpose ofg ving 'hose persons lia de to City Tax, an opportunity of making their Returns—of which all interested will fake duo notice. GEORGE M. WALKER, c. c Jan 10 7i Next Lottery. RHODE-ISLAND West Baptist Society Lottery. Was Dr* wn Yesterday, and tho Drawing will be received here on the 12th instantT 1 Prize of $10 000 X „ „ 2,500 1 „ „ U12 5 „ „ 1.000 10 „ „ 500 28 „ „ 100 46 of $40, 92 of $20, 1150 of $8, and 8280 of $4. Tickets $4—Haloes $2—Quarters $1. APPLY AT BEERS’ Fortunate \jottevy Office, No. 241, Broad-Street. Jan 3 68 if Mr THE SUBSCRIBER Has just received a few Cases Gentlemens’ Black Beacer Hats, Of superior qualify. J. BARRY, 2b.J Broad-strctl. January 3 69 3tw Shoe Thread, Wool Hats, AND LEGHORN BONNETS. Just received and for sale l,y HENRYH. FIELD. Jan 3 69 nltn Twenty Dollars Reward. r ? AN AW AY from the subscriber’s plantation, L in Burke county, on Th irsday, the 3d Jan uary inst.. a Negro man named PATRICK; he is about 32 years old, five feet ten incites high, stout built, light complexion, has a black thick beard and whiskers, speaks good english, and is very plausible in his address; had on, when lie went aw,.y, a grey pair of irowsers and round jacket—it ig supposed that he carried also a cloak of a greenish color, pretty much worn. The said negro may have a forged pass. Any body who will secure the said runaway in any jail in this State, so that the subscriber may gel him. will i,e entitled to the above reward, with all r- asonable charges. M. DESABAYE. Jau 10 71 4tvv DANCING SCHOOL- G. J,. Colmcsni re spectfully informs the Public in general, that his School is open. Days of Tuition on every Tues day atternoop. and Saturday morning. Night School takes place on -very Monday and Wed nesday. at 7 o'clock P ill There will be a Practising Party every fortnight, for the progress of Ins Scholars—(the next will take place < n Sa- Hirday evening, the 22d inst.) The quarter is to be paid in advance. Dec. 17 64 4 tv DR. GARVIN has removed 1 is Office to the new building, on the corner of Ellis and Elbert streets. All messa ge- left there, or at his residence one door below, will be promptly attended to. Jan 3 69 31 FOR SALE LOW, TO CLOSE C ONS1ONM EN T, ^ cases Bolivar Leghorn Bonnets, 5 do Cottage and Childrens Straw Bonnets, 5 dozen Seal Caps. 6 cases Men’s and Boys’ Wool Hats, 1 case low price Linen. 40 dozen Bandooxes, 20 packages Shoes, assorted, 200 sides Upper Leather, 400 dressed Deei Skins, 600 lbs Sole Leather, 100 pieces ."fatinett, 800 lbs. Bagging Twine, 20 coils Bale Rope, 2 cases Brazilian Combs, 10 hales Stripes and Checks. 10 do Shirtings and Sheetings, 2 cases Superfiue Cloths, And a large supply of Mi\m\fnctuved T obac co. T 4HE undersigned havp for sale, a Consi°Ti- ment of VIRGINIA MANUFACTURED TOC AC CO, of various qualities, which they will dispose of at very low prices. BRADFORD & MORG AN. Jan. 3 69 tf i ISAAC R. WALKER, I ATTORNEY AT LAW, | his Professional Services to the j 7-7,. 1>ublic - * n the C urt of Common Pleas in l the City of Augusta, and in the several Courts of j the Counties of the Middle Circuit. . He may at all times be found in the Office of ■ Gen Urn. IV. Holt. Jan 3 69 tf Jan 10 \Y ell Aborted. ALEX’r BRYAN, No. 307 Broad-st. 71 3t WILL BE SOLD, O N the 21st day of February next, at the late residence of Sabra Brinson, deceased, of Burke county, All the personal property of said deceased : also, at the same time and place, will be sold, a part of the personal property of Thomas H Brinson, deceased. Terms made known on the day J AMES E. HINES, Ex’r. Jan 10 71 JUST RECEIVED, 9 First rate CARRIAGES, 1 TILBURY, on a new andYraproved plan, a superior article, 1 Fancy SULKEY, jtlso. a complete assortment of Trimmings and Mountings, Consisting of Silver aad Princes-metats Joint halt and fud plated Body, Dash and Coach Han dles and Locks ; Beading Bands; Patent and Brussels Carpet; Coach and Gig Harness ; Har ness. Bridle, Top and Step Leather ; real Coch ineal. blue and blark Goat and Roan Morocco ; Coach Lace; Coach, Gig and Riding YVhips, a large assortment, ike. &c. Sic. THOS. G. HALL. Jan 3 69 wtf Blank Bills of Lading, f or sa } e at Office of the Geor gia Courier. Nov, 12 54 P )ST OFFICE,! Augusta, lsf January 1828. f T HE MILLF.DG VILLE MAIL will hereaf ter arrive every evening except Monday, by 8 o’clock; and close every evening except Saturday at 9 o’clock. JAMES FRASER, p. m. GEORGE R. JESSUP, Offers fur sale, at 330 Broad-st. i4ids. 1st nd 2d quality St. Croix Sugar 2000 bushels Liverpool Salt, * 100 pie e« Hemp Bagging, 100 bags Coffee, 50 bbis. old Ohio Whiskey, lO0 do N.E.Rum, 50 do Gin, 30 do Canal Flour, 2<i quarter casks Malaga Wine, 20 do Madeira and Tenetiffc Wines, 20 boxes Muscatel YYine, 50 do Muscatel Raisins, 10 do Fresh Genoa Citron, 50 do Soap, 50 do Sperm and Mould Candles, 50 bids. No. 3 Mackerel, 130 kegs Cut Nai-s. assorted. 20 do Richmond Tobacco, 5 boxes do do Cognac Biandy. Holland Gin, Jamaica Rum. Shot, Lead. Iron, fyc. Dec. 20 65 Ira Coach Making. T HE subscriber has in "is employ, just arri ved from Philadelphia and elsewhere, to- papai tmeuts gether with his lormer experience hands rate workmen at every b anch of his buisine His lontr experience in business, enables him to assure his friends .tud customers, and the ptihl c j generally, that he is prepared to build to order j any description of light and fashionable Car- j riages, and o:i as good terms as nan he procured j in the Southern Country. In forwardne s, a! number of light, fashionable Gigs, Sulkevs r.nd ; Cartiagcs. For Sale, On the rircr and expected scon, 2 Dicky Seat Coaches Also, expected from the North, two light Coaches, built expressly to his order to suit the market. Orders for Gigs, Sulkcys. Coaches. Barouches, or any description of Waggons or )Jail Coaches will be forwarded to the North, and warranted to suit, or no sale. Orders will he thankfully received and laid in on the best terms. Repairing, in all the different branches, done in the best manner, on tire most reasonable terms, at slioit notice. lie feels grateful for the flattering encourage- j ment he has received since lie commenced the establshment that he now occupies, and hopes by his endeavors to please, that he may merit a continuance of past favors. Tho’s G. Hall. N. B. Rcai Copal, Japan and Leather Var nish, of his own manufacture, kept constantly for sale. Dealers in the 'Hide are requested to call. Augusta, Dec. 13 63 wtf UPHOLSTERING. H. Lefevro mid his Lady, just arrived frum Paris, in form th» Ladies and Gentlemen of Augusla. that he would be thankful! tor any business in tNe a- bove line. He is niastei of the business, having been seven years in Pnrri,Upholsterer to the War A- rohe of the t rown. and has quit it from Political motives. He would he glad to have an - pportu- nity of exhibiting In this place, his skill, by fur nishing or decorating any one. or numbers of His prices wi'l he moderate Is, fiist I Oners left at Mr. Guymarin's. watch maker, iness.— j No 171 Broad-street wilt be attended to. Dec 20 65 2m Adam Hutchison's SCHOOL, CODFISH, ONIONS, ^c. efd & Boxes Codfish, 2000 Bunches Onions, 50 Barrels Potatoes. 100 whole, half, and quarter boxc3 Yrc^h Bunch Raisins, 15 Baric s quart and pint bottle Porter, WITH A GENERAL ASSORTMENT OF GROCERIES, For sale by Jnn 3 Ki.i V -vr jtjt 9 ’I'Sni.L be opened on Broad-street, a few v ? doors above Doctor Wrays, at the hour- formerly occupied by Judge Wilson, ou the first Monday of October Mrs. H. ill he happy fo give private instrne- * ons in ( uiiipo- Aion. and the higher l-ranchet o: Education, to young Ladies who desire to devote a portion ot their time to mental improvement. Instructions also given in Dra ring and Point ing. in 'lain and Ornamental Needle Work. Terms of admission made known at the School Room. Sept. 24 40 tf notice! 11 orses found nin- T.^W' f nina the Streets, from tiio i Niivembor to 1st May, will bo taken up by ihe City Officers, and left at the Stable of ?4r. John Clark, near tiie Lower Market. The owners can at all times have them bv paving the expense. SAMUEL C. D0UGL l?S m. c. a. Nov. S 53 tf Molmses J Vhiskey. Landing this day from the Steamboat Iiambur.% GEORGE II. METCALF. 69 3t FRESH PERFUMERY’, Cosmetics, Fancy Soaps, Syc. Carlton, Cook & Knowlton, HAVE JUST RECEIVED Four Cases, assorted, rensisting in part of the C ri ENGINE Otto of Roses, X do do T ip Salve Rose and Violet scented Hair Powder, Persian Otto of Rose Soap Rose. Musk, Jessamine, Y r ioIet. Oriental, Ver nacular and Vegetable Soaps, Milk of Coses. Almond * aste, Cold Cream. Vegetable Rouge, Pearl Powder, Restorative Lotion, Carbonic Dentrificc, Prepared Charcoal. Best C-'losne Lavender, Rose and Honey Water. Essence of Cinnamon, Lemon and Bergamot, Extract of Rose Musk and Jessamine, Fine Lot and Stick Pomatum, Macassar. Antique and Bear’s Oils, ALSO, Prentice’s Celebrated KEPHALIA, for pre serving and beautifying the Hair. Dec 20 65 tf. MW» Henry Moungkie having locate'! himself at Monroe, Walton conn v, tenders his Professional Servi ces to the Public. Business entrusted to his care in any of the following counties, will be faithfully attended to—v:z: Clark, Morgan, Jackson, Newton, Gwinnett, Hall, De Kalb, Fayette, Walton, and Hen it, Hogsheads Molasses, 30 Hogsheads Baltimore Whiskey, and tvi I he sold on the most liberal terms, tor approved paper. KERRs &. GRAH AM. Ori. 29 60 tf FOIl SALE. T HE six >cre Lot above Turknefts Spring",. adjoining the property of W. Smith, Esq. The situation is commanding and pleasant, and if is in the neighbourhood of good water. Un disputed Titles will be given to the purchaser. For. Trusts Arrr.v to IV. A. BUGG, Agent. Mnv 31 S tf INSUP vANCE AGAINST TtTI&Ti» J OHN BEACH having resigned the nccney «.fthe Hartford Fire Insurance Company iu consequence of hts intended removal from thm- State, the Board of Directors have appointed the Subscriber their Agent, who will take risks ou property i:i August i <-nd its vicinity. Apply at the store recently occupied by said Beach, No 317, Broad Street, v. here the Agent can he found or at the store of J. W Cntlin. JOEL CATL1N, Agent April 26' 9u ,f References can be made in Augusta, to JOHN 1 . KING, Wm. SUMS WILLIAMS & Co. MUSGROVE, WETMORE 6c Co HEARD & COOK, and WM. J. HOBBY, Esquires. Nov. 9 53 tf WILLIAM C. MICOU, ATTORNEY AT LAYY, O FFERS his professivnal services to his friends and tiie public, in the Court of Common Pleas of the City of Augusta, and the several County Courts of the Middle Circuit. His Office is on Revnolds-streef. next door to Mr. John Woolfolk's dwelling, and nearly oppo site the Eagle -Tavern. Dec. 13 63 9t FOli SALE, A N excellent Ell.LI pnrntus complete- IARD 1 ABLE, with ap». Enquire at this office. November 22 57 tf FOR SALE, A valuable NEGRO W OM \N, a good Cook and Washer. Enquire at this office. D. L'C 24 66 3tw How land, Ward &, Spring, Agents for selling American Manufactures. CHARLESTON, S. C. H. W. & S. are receiving (direct from I the manufacturers on commisson) Extensive and Gcucral Assortment of i COTTON AND WOOLLEN j HIGHEST PRIZE, IN THE NEIV-YORK Consolidated Lottery, The Drawing to be received on the 17th inst. 1 PRIZE OF $25,000, 1 „ „ 5,000, 1 „ „ 3,000, 1 „ „ 2,500, 1 „ „ 2,110, 5 , t „ 1,000, 5 ,. „ 600, fi „ *100, &r. See. &c. -Halves $5—Quarters $2 50 : — Drapers and Tailors. ^ The subscribers hav* M iiig cuniineiirefi tlte above business, (No. 278 Eroad- ® street, next dour below Doctor Ilavjland’s,) take this opportunity of informing the public that they have on hand a complete as* sortment of Superfine and Common Cloths, Cassimcres Sc Vestings, Which they offer to make tf> order, on accomracr. dating terras, and in the best possible maimer. Also, a complete assortment of Ready Made Clothing, LOW FOR CASH. SHEPARD, HL'NER & Co. 0l?= Wanted, one or two Jour nevmen Tailors. A: ply as above. 'Dec 3 60 if Tickets S10 Tenths $1. BEERS’ W hichwill be sold, by the packare, a! northern pricecs. for cash or ACCEPTANCES. Due. 27 67 3m •flare JVeiv (loads. Fortunate Lottery Ofjcc, So. 241 Broad-street. Jan Carlton, Cook & Rnow’lton, Have this day received per the W ashington. a further supply ot Rich Fancy Dry Goods, C ONSISTING in part of Merino Long and Square Shawls, IV orsted Barage Shawls, Black and White Lace Y'eils. 1 nglish Thread La ces. Footings and Edgings, 4 and 5-4 I igured ic. j Plain Bobinet Lace. Rich Figured and Plain Swiss. Book and Mull Muslins, Swiss and Jaconet Cambrics. ALSO, 3-4 and 5-4 fine bleached Sheetings and Skirt ings. Superfine Cotton and Linen Ticking—toge ther with many other articles in the Staple and Fancy line, all of which will be offered at the lowest market prices. Dec. 31 6s tf j MRS. A SERA, l —, Begs leave to inform j f the Ladies of Augusta and j Aits vicinity, that she has j"-:t j returned from New-York, with i the latest and newest Fashions for BONNET j DUESSES, CAPS, icc.—together with a band* j some assortment of FANCY GOODS, consisting ! of Ribbons, Gros de Naples. Fancy Silks and j Barege Handkerchiefs. Bobbinct Caps, Capes, I Collars. Leghorn 1 iats, Straw Bonnets, Artificial Flowers, Head Dresses, Cot Paley, for dresses, fnew article.) and a new and handsome assort ment of Curtsy Rolls, icc. She has also on hand one new PIANO, of which she will dispose. Doc 3 60 6m . The Augusta Jockey Club RACES ILL commence on the fourth Tuesday in. L< AW. T HE SUBSCRIBER offers his Services to the Public as a Lawyer. He may be lound at all times at the office of R. H. i^J IT. VYildil Esqs. WENSLEY HOBBF. Dec IB 93 61 THE SUBSCRIBER CONTINUES AT THE Palely creeled by JQtiF.PJI /> HEELER, Esq. j war IIheeler’’s Buildings, and just below the. W ILL commence on tin* fourth Tuesday in. tt/per Market liaise. Broad-street, and near January next, free for any the . the Plan > rs ‘ 1. Avgas, a. sum of " • ~TTTE feels thankful fer past favors, and b- gs 61 onn Dnlhi; > in Cash. ? H 50 renr r o(r,r *>f bis service* to his U Jliili - . j friends with the assurance that stnet regard The Purses for each duy to be apportioned by ( paiil to all orders he may receive, and ! proper care taken of all property committed to j his charge, and punctuality shall be observed in ! ail transactions of basiness in future. Liberal advanc- s will be made on Cotton stor- : ed for sale, in Cash, or Goods, at casli rates, and ! or. terms as accommodating as other Ware-house i keepeis offer. the Chib the night previous to the Races. This being the commencement of a new Club ail subscriptions from this time, wilt be added t' the above sum. First Day. Four Mile Heats. Second Day. Three Miie Heats, Third Day. Two Mile Heats. Fourth Day, Two Mile Ileats. Weights. &c. as usual. Gilbert Longstreef, Proprietor. Cec*20 65 td JOB PRINTING^ Nrafiv exccutc-l w t ! Office. | C? 5 Tlio^e persons indebted to j the lute firm of HOLT St WARE, a-d to the sub- | scriber on former transactions, will please come j forward early this Tall and pay their debts, a* t longer delay cannot he allowed. JOHN S. IIOLT. fept. 6 3>5 tf