Georgia courier. (Augusta, Ga.) 1826-1837, September 13, 1830, Image 1

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VOT,. 5. PUBLISHED EVERY MONDAY AND I'JiUtt.'DAY AT 2 o’<:i,of7*Z. p. m. it Mr Howard’s Brick Build in ps. opposite Mr.Cummins's Law Buildings, M'lntoah Street. DIRECTIONS Sains of Land and Negroes, b* Administrator*, Eincu ttro, or Guardians, are required, bv law, to be held on tbe first Tuesday in the month, between the hodlra of ten in the Jorenoon and three in the afternoon, at the Court-ho* «e of the county in which tho property it situate.—Notice of these »»les must be given in a public gazette SIXTY days {irevirous to the day of sale- Notices of tho sale of personal property mti«t be riven in Uke manner, FORTY days previous to the day of sale. f Notice to the debtors and creditor? of an estate, must he published for FORTY days Notice that application wil' be made to the Four’ of Or dinary for leave to sell laud, must be published for FOUR MONTHS . Noti.-e for leave to sell Negroes, must bo published for FOUR MONTH ',bt.ore any order absolute shall be inado Ijereon bv tbo court Thn following gentlemen are candidates for heats in the Congress of the United States, at the flection in October next. HICHARD H WILDE, of Richmond THOM \S U P CHARLTON, of Chatham THOMAS F. FOSTER, of Greene SEATON GRANTLAND, of Baldwin DANIEL NEWN AN. of Henry TROGF.R L GAMBLE, of Jefferson WILEY THOMPSON, of Elbert WILSON LUMPKIN, of Walton CHARLF. - F. HAYNES of Hancock HEN*<Y G. LAMAR, of Bibb REUBEN C SHORTER, of Jasper JAMES M vV \YNE. of Chatham EDVV. F. TATNALL, of Chatham JOHN BILLUP'L of Oglethorpe. VVe arc* authorized to fp- annottnre Rkuiif.n ('. Sh n;TEIt Esq. a Candidate to represent this “tale in the Congress of the United Stnie* at the ensuing election. August 5 if 27 fyajigV- James M. Cartes. Esq. ,tuil C'hakleb L. Hall, Arc mv lawful Attorneys (luring tat * at.wnre. I HUM AS (i. H ALL. July 22 23 ts w r arc aathprizetl to i *• nl|||itl|UC*' I HVV Alt II J. Black, F«q n euiiiti Isle Ini t<■ , ledion to the Hepre *eut«tive branch of the State Legislature, at the ■ensiling election July It* t f 22 VV. B. |>avjh, Esq is a f'niidiilitle f t .c-i |t*eittiiMiit tin* Ist Monday in 0< to er next, to the IU-pi cwutu tive tiraurh ol the State Lcgisl tute July 2rt 2-1 If U p art* aiithorisud to Mtin'i'iuce Ans si. m Mhmie-, i:«q. * f undid ite to ii pres'-nl 11 1 < htuoiid County j as us Senator, in the nnt Lt: islnture. July 26 24 ts I ° ari ‘ t*» nnitti 'tirt' C HAitl.t H J Jknm.vs, i:*i| a candidate for the Itaptcsentolive tii.inch ol the tala Legislature, at the ru«ulng Elec tion. August 2 2f> ts \Y p art* iintliori*#*d tn minomtce Mr. W It t vsi Alit- u, 3eu at n < nodnl.ite lor the , I lire ol Deceit rr id I (ns Returns, nt the appro it hlng ehttion in January nest. Align‘l 23 !•* |i| VV p art* niilhiirizcd to AtT~ .* Xjty I'Miminrr Himiv Mi*tt«o, |*«q. a Cantin' >te tor re •-i«>it *tu the ’Male Senate at the eutiil’ g e|<-i-lioit. August ft it 27 O J~ W p art* iiuthorizi'd to an- j iioiinre Mr M F Hot -t l Alt. .* it mu' .tot t»»r ir election to the Ulh Ite n*er ol l it , Return* at tba approatl.ioe Mretmu in Juituaiy west. itl.h'i sept, g ’appkkatiui-: w antkil ANTED at the Cornier Ollii e, an Ar * Y rsitno to the Pooling Business He nun Ibe *tea.l * and of go. id ch *i a i let genei al!> , one nbonl I t ,ii 15 j eats of a ill lie preb-ri e.t, •eplentbei it ;hl i i;im n ir v ri*:. t‘%.l idrlpUnt t'cb 2tVA 1527. Ala 'A a. \V Potts*.— 01. Alt Slit ; lwo years have now elapsed since my daugliiei .Maty tail Am la-m, In fur use ol vout n.v ilu thle M.dnioe. irsloied In a slue ol much belter health than we cow Id re a utility have rsperted ; and at a duly I owe to ( kudVtutg humanity. and gratitude to vouisril I r-oiler Dus. trusting ilmsy ptove useful lo those •tttlarly ntDirtrd About twelve years ago she complained of te veie pains lit her bark and hip. V m b grew worse and worse, until she w n almost unable to : niove. or tutu hetself hi best During this pa- j u«'l her bark and hip swelled very much, and the pitu rtrended tow it the leg, which loti Us natural power ' a wasting of (|, ill —loss ol appe tite. and saiarraUoA eosuetl and her eouoli nance despktcd ns j*ry. She conlinuesl without much, j R any. alteiation for the better, her strictly undrr the advice of an eminent medical (or a considerable tins.- when the > welting mi the At p Itegau to mcreate ; her phy- I •Ins* » prescriptions bee ame useless; they re 1 i o•amended the ttfrl jacket —one was (ttiKUtril, tit t *.ot to tain and the disease i«-—«n»«t t- bid j i'.eg tore to all the well known remedies in that i omp'.ainr. th«i wees- here einploeed. She «!■ i ten considered st i new able Her sssli’r basing died ol Ihe same tmsplsinl, after an illness at lour sears, wr were of optuion that 'lary Auu tausi share the same late Having heard of the rrtstarkahle success of ysitsr CMh tin-tin to sens fwlosss • oo»pUi„t, | was least sed to make a lital ul it !Ah» lie jaw L* use tl. an Int a lew day* the twelling oo the htp broke and discharged ire*lly; the msIJ then use her cratches— iu a tor weeks towgrr her pains dtsappea, r,| —rh# vKsrhatg* censed —the tsUer healed—tier a{tpe tit# irtsissii—a*il her whole avsiem restsosed n« ss.inted tag 's. I beitrse had yoar msaluabte la.-dlCtfS been used wtc« tbe hist romptaiwed. U wotitd have her treat being a cripple tb< the rest krr life AA ith nisi thanks tor the bcwed'.t which m da*. Mrs hat a<l ISC'. I It m Me use ol s owl Ist sal- ClWr Cktt dscoss I UltitH feott R«t|iKllkfii JOHN VI i t HOT Jww Ao, SS ( Amaie.’ftg. Jr The OalVdscoa •% »o tw kwd st stsy sly a»rb<ssvted A. e»»t* Mrsarr leans A, U Ass toner to Atsgw«ta. t* POTTER rWowk yAm Eput 12 CJ H Splendid Shell Co»nbs, &c. A. KNOWLTON HAS just ruceived a large ussoitment of Carved aud Plain Shell tombs, cousist ng in part of the following, viz : Carved Shell Tuck Combs, Plain do do do Curl side, and dressing- do Brazilian tuck, and side do Fine tooth Ivory, and Boxwood and« Horn and Boxwod dressing do. ALSO Navarinos. plain TiJp-ta Ribhonc, Lisse Bauds, a new and fashionab*article. Hie. &c. / or sale low at his Store. xVo 248, Broad Street. sept 6 36 3t FANCY WAUI W ORK A* KNOWLTON HAS just .received a most splendid assort ment of Fancy Hair Work direct from the Manufactory, consisting in part of the follow ing . viz : Everlasting Medonns do Puffs and Frizetts Mohair and Human hair Curls Riuglets, puffs, hair braids Ladies’ half Wigs, Gentlemen’s Wigs, fcc. Winch are offered tor sale at his Store, No. 218, Broad-Street. sept 6 36 3t SHULL 'COMBS. fVIIIE SUBSCRIBER respectfully informs I the Ladies of Augusta and vicinity, that he has prepated himself with ail the implements necessary for cementing and polishing broken Combs, and will at a short notice, eemeut or polish over old Combs, in suck a manner, as to make them in all respects, equal to new, ALSO, An assortment of Selected Combs, which he will exchange or sell upon the most accommo dating terms. Specimens of his work may be seen at any time. Jewelry, ire. repaiied as usual. J..D, HITT, No, 341, Broad Augusta, a few doors abort the Planters Hotel. April 22 10! ts Just Received, By RICHARDS &UANAHL, Instructions Jor the .i;oli>.a, •it Mund Hdfmonica, WITH a selection of popular Melinites ex pressly arranged for I lie Instrument Splendid Library Ksiilions of Moore, Pope, Burnt. Byron and Goldsmith’t Burks. 3<! Volume of Peters' Reports, Levtca.-'t French Grammar, ( oiintry Cvirute, A Novel by Hrv. Mr. Grigg, Authoiship. “ by John Neal, July Nomtier of Ihe "Noilii American Medi cal ami Surgical Journal. sept 2 3ft TAILORING BUSI>KSS. riIHE Subsetibers having connected them | selves in the Tailoring Business, under the Aim of GOODHICH ir CIIAFF.E. h.-g leave to tender their services to their fitends and the Public. They h «ve taken tlie store No. 226, Broad str. next door to Nelson Carter, ir Cos, where they v« ill constantly keep on lw«<.d, a well selected hi ortment ot (’loth* Cassunetes, Arc. compiisnig « \eiv article in their line. LU rHER GOODRICH. EDWARD O CfIAFF.E N. B. All orders promptly attended to. and ex | rruted with neatness ami despatch August 23 32 At l’rc li Congress Water, White Lead, Ac. ICS I received iluec from the Springs , Con gress Water. MAbotrs, Containing 3 dux for sa'e, either by the boi or single bottl*. ALSO, Pnie White Lead Lamp and I.msced Oil, Wuidnw Glass Arc Arc. Fur sale by R. H HAVIL AND k Cos. trpt 9 ;is it I’UKK WIIITI-: LEAD, 1 (\A AH KANTED,) ID ST Received by ''lrani Boat Company's Boats. No's ft and H 3t») Keg* Ltwis' PL HE AV HUE LE AD and fur sal* low l*y IA At E•* LEV EKU II So 135 Bridge Bank .iufutta. srptrirvber V w3t J 7 VVAEK-IIOUSE sap CO M MISSION Ill’S IA ESS. TITHE Subsciiber havi .g taken the W AlU' | HOI SE Lit*i» occupied t>y Bntrwici k Hsixp. »,>iil,l again solicit the continuance of that liberal palionage be has hilbeito shared and promises Ins I esl i srrtiowi lo tho.r whose business uiay l*e sulluSls-d to bis rare JOHN BEES | -Augusta July 6 Iht 16 BACON. T.),000 pounds prime BACON, r»a satx low bv SIBLEY it MORRISON. sept. 6 M 4w OLD BRICK! UJ AN l E lo Pur. base lo.taai OLD BKICK Ol go -J quality; lor which s liberal puce Wilt be gtveu Apply t.» J G McAVHORTKR Wpirwlir, 6 36 U R.MR SEtID. VL'AKt.E «upply of Fresh II'RNIP SEED of a vary superior kind just rrcettrd sud lor Sssle. either bv pound or misiv, bv NELSON C.AHIEU k CO. •rpt 6 4t 36 Virginia Manufactur'd Tobacco. 10 kEQS Momufaeiwrtd TOBACCO, For sale by L HILL. August 5 27 ts Fresh Flour. 20 881 A Fresh Halumorr IT OUR. Jua j resetsed sad lot sale low L HULL. August ft 27 t s NEW SCHOOL. fIT HE SI'SSCRIBKH takes leave to laforui X h*s Irteati* ami the pubur tkat wo tbe Ist AKtuber west, he will open a SCHOOL •• Irvsg Streer. wear the upper Market, and solrctts a share wf pssblsc |au>»sgr. OEORGE J RtCLKSKIT. A**| •** IN ts AUGUSTA, (GEO.) MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 13, IS3O. PAINTING. THE Subscribers would respectfully inform the citizens of Augusta and its vicinity, that they have entered into co-partnership under the firm ot MILLER !f JASEPH, and intend carrying on House, Sign, Chair, &i Ornmuental Painting and Glazing, Paper Hanging. K.c. in all its various branches. They hope that from the neatness in the execution of their work, and strict attention to their business, to merit a libe ral share of public patronage. Per; ons disposed to patronize them may find them at their i>hop, No. 203 Broad-Street. N. B. —Orders from the Country punctually atteuded to. REf ERENCE3. Dk. Thomas I. Wray, Dr. Milledge Galphi.v, - Col. A Whatley, » Beach JWani Samuel Clark, i D. Atkinson. / July 22 23 ts XThe subscriber informs his friends and the public in general, that tho’ detained in business longer than he expected, he will open in a few Jays with a stock entirely new, and the la test irnporttations from European markets. This stock will consi-i of the most fashionable'Goods the New- York Market could furnish Hoping that those persons who call on the subscriber, will find every accommo dation they may desire, he is deter ter mined no pains shall be spared to give gene ral satisfaction. WILLIAM KIBBE, sept 9 37 6t THE SUBSCRIBER H AS just received two first rate Carriage*, together with a number ot light and tsuly or-- and two horse B.itouches, Gig* and Sulkevv Also 25 setts Gig and Dearborn Harness. Un the river and expected daily, two Coaches, one Clmriottee, and a number of Gig* and Sulkeys. together with Gig and Barouch Springs; spriug steel, Gig top bows, plated work. Oil Carpet, k.e Persons wishing to order Carringes from the North, can have their order* personally attended to by addressing the subscriber at Augusta or at Newnik, any time between this and the Ist of September next. TIIOMAS G. I! ALL. July 22 23 tl SPARTA TiVERN. ffTO RENT, that spacious and well arranged 1 T AVERN, io the Town of Sparta llan cm k ( uunly, at preseut occupied bv Mi. IT illiaai M ai ki* I his rttitblishmenl is not sutfiasscd bv inr »f a similar kind in the up Country, amt will, with judicious management, yield a handsome irturn no the capital employed The furniture miol • lock will bes dd on a credit Inr npprovi and pa per, to any |>er*on or persons who may contract for the pi rlimes Possession will be giveu on Ihe Ist. November next. -Apply lo MrKENZIE k BENNOCH. If The Georgia J'-urnal and Federal Union, 1 tie Vlhent.iti, Cabinet and IT wshtnglou Ir»« will insert the ahovr once a week sot six wxvks and send their accounts to Mckeutic LBeuuoch Augusta. sept li ts Medical of S. (’urolinn. film. LEI 1 IKES of this will be 1 tesumed the second Monday it» Noseiaher sml rotilmue until March Anatomy— John E l|olhri»ds. M D Surgery James Ihmm M D ImUlutet and I. „ .. , -, r% I, ,■ •• , ; 3. Henry Dickson. M. D I rarUrr o’ .lfrdmne j - .VjUmu St'Jico lt* my R Frost. Midst* ftry I and the Lr.tfasn of • 1 G. Pnulcau, M D. ft .Mm and I \iidrtr. \ t kimtHry jf Pharmacy—'d Rarer.*! M D. PatholoiC'tai aud Surreal i J J II * * er >1 I) Anatomy j s Ikmonst.-aior oj A’-a.'omi —J. TTugner M, 7). HENRY R. FROST. Ib-au. Charleston August 2B lift wtd JAILOR’S SALE. lim.L be sold oo the first Tuesday in Oct-' ft ber nest within tbe usual hoars of tie a Nrgio Homan, who calls hervelt --irky and say* the belengt to Thumat Botidry of Colaru hi* County, Geo >«UI agreeable to an Order of tbe Honorable the City Council of Augusta to p.\t y»t! fees an*, other < target pieiHlnl the said Negro it not prr«i„u*lv tlaiaftrd charges paid, and taken swat H B FRASF.R Ja;'or x c September 9 trt i7 .NOTICK. PROTO? ALS wni be receisrd uatil tbe fir*t >»iur-U* in October nett, lor t trim King ! tae Jad with wood one t ear (mm that .late. Prisons wishing to engage m the bstsn,«*s. wr i baud then applications (nsiutng tfte puce in f ! cord )to .Mr Frager the keeper ofAbe J* ! By older si tbe Jad tactm llrr GEORGE M II.ALkF.R Sept 9 34 7« notuJlT" fWNME Suhtctiber withe* to p-rrhate Lit I likely %o.iiif tKgfrxn. of g-*od foarartei. the descrrpUosi wanted are Boys from 12 to 15 years and men trosa Ift to 2A A few young I women would be purchased if likely. None need he offered unless Uses can be certificated Tbe above nuts ber of negroes are w anted miase dlately ; petsoas arisking to sell, can find rue at Messrs Masgrove. IVetmoee kcos IVar«ko«*»e ur at George Kountree s Store, in any absence ■j son Henry Grimes, aril* act for sue Urn G. GRIME* } N«» 9 64 if TO RENT, Jfcsgfl THE 'dwelling on Reynold steet, >1 Iffe * n *^ e r< ar Bank at Haßbs P ,es er.t occupied by Mr. Rowel. P*>s- Jaaa-ÜBta. session may be had on tlie first of Oc tober nest. also, The Warehouse formerly Garner’s, and the close stores adjoining, of which immediate pos session can be given. Apply to JA-MES H ARPER. sept 9 38 3t TO KENT, a The Brick Stores Nos, 212 &214, occupied by Mrs. Hall and Dr. Baw dry, or the Store now in the occu pancy of Win. H Morgan A Co.— Possession given the Ist Octoh.’r next. F BRADFORD September 9 ts 37 TO KENT, Jhß • Two Fire-Proof St-v,r r > n.-.a •’I Bigs, on the corp-r ot' 1 j^^^g^Carupbell-stret-ts. One Fire-Proof Store kiu! D * »'•’. t R,. .* Bridge Row. Tne Ston: am’ dwe'i.og i . ?.t e, . „r the Bridge Bank. The Dwelling on Cainpl>e"-'.'ne«t • - Ware-House of Messrs. £>•. 11 ~ id For terms, ap-piv to M’KENZst- L EL-'.NNOC” July 6 ILT'fhe Augusta Cbrouici. - iCj; ' . alist will insci; the a hove. TO liENU ,<F»yQ, AND possession >; *" • ■ ♦)< -* ! i day of Oct. i,-xt. U ■ . o . 3 j|s Jw "ell finishe t two >to-; I- >i’ . >n Eliis slieel, nt pic , , Dr -tv •■•e, and in*xt below l Esq ‘ -Iwelling. I here is a fit ..n ~ v »rd. Pump and good spacinns ga, ie . , -.J and a ! uecessmy out houses. Als.i. ig op posite suitable .'or a small Dt. ’, p>■ to Charity Mahatrv, i»t mh* r absent- r* J P. MAIIARRY' J. Veel. August 9 s *f to bentT' ’Vht mar lurk’net > >,• ~irig. ftlgri It is cmiveini-ni anc w. .uteri for a Boarding li itsr. duimr . m- Sum iga*Q{S mer tiintitlis. - omnun amnmßCmM w |j| he given ALSO, TO K. NT Or will be sold un the must - terms, 'lie IIOUM* ml Lot, ,« 5 ► formerlv ntvned u «. Alien Esq and lately m, u, v E. J ilrildlll, l.Mj -Appl • samul' ::u.e. May 3 ; . ! * TO UK NT. ftyrt I ROM the Ist of Ort.i neat u 111 ttS convenient dwelling un (> .-.i-stie. I, I k* it fPfl “U'lable lor a small t i >.i v For sssoJwka tei ms apply to G. F I’A'.l-ll July 29 i t if TO KENT, AnctCL From tlie first of October net ■ t!te r« ikjJ ,r *’ Broof Biick Stole «t p .e it iW*iU|iitd i>y Messrs. 11. t\ S« oowwMßßma. L'o. Apply toJ.nse* Fiuxit s iIENUY H FD ! .f June 24 Ift i TO KENT. THE 4th Stole in the , , i,„» ***?WR rear hi,g by Tlromas Cuhi e ; i’"»- U s.loll given 1.1 October ';• pt\ In l rUWL r. 8. MET< AI K August 9 28 if TO RENT, 3w|pO F ROM the Ist of Octoberaievt. the new Hi i k Sl'.ie South Side Hro.iri >lk BP btieej t’ufd it.ior lr«.in Centre e,a 1 1 —skflifw Ai.u n »■ i v> euient lloum t r a small fa mils on I. di*-*ti • -t, occupied by B. B Milt hell. For terms apply to D KIUkI’ATRiCK, k C » June 28 2b ts TO KENT, Pgw_l I ItO si tlie l.t of October next w convenient dwelling house sbonl n < ..- IB nn It- ti rin the «il«. on the NMai.i t h »i JLBi li to winch is »ttarhe<l * i <kk! G tideu. and a wr!! of etcelb tit walxr. fur trsius apply to GEORGE M AV AI KF U. St |.t 2 3ft 4t TO KIM’, i t.e ronsenirnt two Stor« HOUSE I twi f.reen Ntiert, next above the re sidence of the subscriber. Poster St i.l g VCU tt.< Ist tis Dt tuber —ftp \ ply to JACOB DILL August ? ! 32 td SCHOOL. BLOME s..d MISS CARRE, inform jvjL li.eit ti lends and tlie public in geneial, liitl l - v itifen<l to nprn a Sf //f /01.. on I .( Ist Mon ' is in October nrxt. *' Mr Budges' ILmsr. , uext to .Mr. Rtley L Shnids, ou Broad street. | above the l pper Market. 1 bey will reach the I renih and English Lan- E-tsage* Reartmg AA nt’wg, entt Arithmetic, Geo graphy, Needle work Marking Sewing Tetin* made known on application, sept 2 3ft 3fi 'notice. ff' lIF. su'-tr niter liav.o; pnrehtsed of Mr I J ohu Da t ie# »te 0 f ihe fiim of Dtviev r* Cater. h'» entire Stotk of Crsfinn, wit! keep constantly on baud a feuerat issmiwetii, s; i| <»oul.' r.'spectlul'v v .nil the pa nonage ol thejr and bus Ineoils gcucraUs . F II SMKAD Aug 30 M Im NOTICE. VLI. persons i i. Med to ihe late firm of H*LL k Itsahrs h* i>« te or otherwise are»*ed to tnik' I Cl* mediate p»y merit 10 Bin a *sia Hell, who aleme ;» autiK>i*ied to receive pavmeul of such claims—to* bswika, papers, and o-iseit!e.t tusi..rof the firm, generally, berr.g left in bis hands bv consent. BENJAMIN H ALL. LD.’. AUD J. HARDIN September 2 8t 3-» 'notice. Ol R mouths after dale, appitealine will be , made ta the H >oorable the Jisst ces of the J In fervor Court ol Ricnasoud Count r. while sittine lot ordinary purposes, for leave to sell ail ’ Real Estate hefoa|ing to Edmund Murphy dr ceased, and late af K.chmond County »tx j I4fk> arrses of I'mr Land in R« hot ud County, j 202| Acres of Land m Lee County and 2thU Acres to HailCouniv. ALEXANDER ML'RTHY. Ezrrutir- , July 6 v.4* 13 ’ [From the Daily (Cin ) Goselte '] SPEICH of henry clay, Delivered at the Mechanics’ n, in the i pullonian Gat den, Cincinnati ■ on the 3dtiJ August, 1830. ’'[CONTINUE^-] , Ofuhattlieu cao the South-Carolitia i plantei j istU cuinpluiu in the operation «»f i tills syUem? Wltai is there in ii which ; jusufies the harsh aud strong epi'hets : which some of her politicians have applied lo it ? Whai is • there in her cotidiiiati which warrants their assertion thr*'. she is oppressed by a government to which she stands in '.ite mere relation of a colony ? - ' Sire ts oppressed by a great reduction in the price of inanufnciured articles of ccn- I sumpiinn. ihe is oppressed by the advantage of tv.. ,-,.vkefs for ilie sale of iter valuable s 1 , it, i tJ f >i t|,e purchase of objects te (,i .ree V' her wants. 3:.-. >. .-.pressed by better prices for i •,- ! e f -nshe could coinmand if the • i • • winch they object did not exist. is r.,,pressed by the option of yiur ' clteaper und betier ariicies, the .ce of tire ita.tds of American fiee • * . instead of dearer and w orse articles, * roduce of the hands of British sub- I * She is OjipressntJ by ihe measures of a gmerutmmi in which she has had, for ma ny years, a larger pinion of power aud influence, at home and abroad, than any Sta’e in ihe whole Union, in comparison with the pi'piildiiiiit. A gi im c at the composition of ilia G‘>- vermneiii of the Union will demonstrate i the truth of this last proposition. In the Senate of ihe United Sintbs, South-Cnro hua having die presiding officer, exeiciv’S uekily one-'ixlt-eiuh i.-,stead of one-twen-' ty -luiniii pat t of b«.th Us and t Xt.-cUitVf (uudOMij. In both branches of Congress Seine of In r ci z. !•» low occupy, as Chair men of Ci’nimuams, the m >s»t iinportaut aud in* dtienti tl siatnns. In the Supreme Court ol tire Cured -Mutes, out* of her citizens bci; 2 'i tneuibet, she has one-sevetilh pan, j iiiSltad «>l about otre-iw» n.ifih, her equal | ptnpor'inu ol the whole power vested in! that tribnual. Until wi'hin a few niuiiili, ! !.j i.uU ..rally sold o* nil the mis sions ol tho first grade, from this to for eign couniiion. In n contingency which :s lat frottv impossihlo a cn.zc-n of South Can-htia vv ll * l ld insimilv become charged vs i(!• il.e A' of the whole vast lo wer ami pMionage of thu Eu’CHUve of tlie L lined Suiies Y-t her si I ui; tion lias been compared to of a Colony w hich Ins no voice in the 1 lawv enae td by the puem country for! i’s ftubjuciioti! And, to lie relieved from | Dus ctuel aiaie <>| \assal.igo, and to pot! d.iWM u sys.eni which has been ealahliilied h\ the uniied voice of ail America, sonic j of her politicians have broached a doe- i lone as uew as it would be alarming, if it | we e soxliiined bv numbers in propoiiioii| to In zeaf and fervid eloquence with w h ch j ii i* modca'.c l. 1 call it a novel doctime. | I mu i t unavvaie that attempts have been in oli- '!• support it on the authority of ferijiu a-is «'f niy native and adopted Slate:-. Al’ hough many of their citizens ate no.i !i mure competent than I am to virdicale tio’in fr in this imputaliou of purp >s> s *>f disunion and rebellion, tuy v. ne.utimi aud . ffi ction for them both otme lo U' my testimony of than in- ) ii> sure "f such a charge. At <he epoch 179’ —I h ; »d jest attained my inaj-u itv, and . c'i I vsa» loti %i u..g to sh si #• iii tbe public f i| < lv Ilf mV count tv. 1 vs as ncijij unit and wiilt many of the -trims of that mi-mot aide period; I knew then views,, ttid formed vd Leely expiessed my siwti i jiuio'ns on passing events.— lhe then \dntitiiJ rati'n «>f tho O’etieral G"i’i rn ineut, was believed to entertain views (whether tbe belief was right or wrong i» not material to ibis argument, and is now an .ifTiir ot history) hostile to the t x>-- lenre «>f tbe lihmttei of I hi* count’v. I’lte alien and tedi'ion laws particularly, and other measures, were thought to be the consequences and proofs of those views. If the administration had such a purpose, n was feared (hit tbe extreme cave, j'»su fving foicible resistaucc, might ar i*e, but no out In lievtd thut in point of fr.ct it had arrived. V» one contended that a tingle Slate possessed I lie power in annol the deliberate acts of 'lie whole. And the best evidence of ilic-se remarks it the • fact that the most odn nv of those laws (tbo sedition a ') was peaceably enforced in the capital < f that great State which took the lead tu opp SitHili to the ex ad tnioisu ation. I lie ductrinea «»f that day. and 'hey are *» true as this, were, that the Federal (»• *v.-rstrricl.! it a Ittni od (aovernmcr.t ; thi.t u has un powers but the granted pow ers. Virginia contended that in case “of a palpable, e\> 1 borate and dangerous ex ercise of other p>»**'-is ti"t granted by said compact, the States, «im ate par ties therein, have the ugh* to interpose ; for an eating tfie progress *>f tbo evil, and for maintaining wttbio liteir respective Lmitt the rights and liberties ap;-erraming to them.” Kentucky tfiat declared tbo “ several States that framed (bat instrument, tiie f aderal Constitution, being sovereign and independent, havej lh«i ucqousiiwtiablti right lo judge of i's infractions, and a nuliiflcaituu by those sovereignties, c t all unauthorised acts, done under color of that instrument, » tbe riglufu! remedy.” Neither of :h<*se 1* 0 C"mnior.ircalth» asserted the riefit of a single State to in terpose and annul an act of the whole.— Tins is au inference draanfrom the doc- Dices then tad, and ti ii not a pitd- J ciple expressly asserted or fairly deduct''* ble from the language of either. Both re* ier to the States collectively, (and not in dividually,) when they assert their right, in case of Federal usurpation, lo inter pose “ for arresting tlie progress of evil.” Neither State ever did, no Stale ever vet has, by its sepeiale legislation, underta ken in set aside an act of Congress. Thai the States collectively may inter— ••ose their authm ity to chock the evils of Federal usurpation »s manifest. They may dissolve ihe Union. They may al ter at pleasuie the character of the* consti tution, by amendment, they may annul any acts purporting to have beeu passer] in conformity to it, or they may, by their elections, ctiango ihe functionaries to whom ihe administration of its powers is confirmed. But no one State, by itself, is competent to accomplish these objects. The power of a Single Slate to annul an act ot the whole has been reserved for the discovery of some politician* in South Carolina. It is uot my purpose, upon an occa sion so unfit, to discuss this pre!eniiou.-»- Upon another and a more suitable theatre it ha* been examined and refuted, with at* ability aud eloquence, which have never been surpassed on the floors of Cougress. But as it is announced lo be one of tha means which is intended lo be employed to break down Hie American System, f trust that I shall be excused fora few a<l* ditioual passing observations. On a la:e festive occasion, in the Suite where it ap pears to find most favor, it is said by ft gentleman whom I cnee proudly called •ny friend, and towards whom I li.tVO done nothing to change that relation,—a gentleman who has been high in tbo mun* cils and confidence of the Nation—that the Tar iff most be resisted at all hazards. \no.ber gentleman who is a candidate for the chief in igis iacv of ih t State, de clares that the time and fiie cause for r*- sisiaiice had arrived. And a thiid, u Senator ol ihe Uniied Slices, who eijovs unbounded cunfi lorn e with the American Executive, laid down principles and ur ged arguments tending dirocly and inevi • aldv to violent resist nice, although lis d.d imt indicate (h-»t us ho specific to mod V. i'lio doctrine of some of the S. Caro lina politicians h, that if is competent tr» that Siaio to annul, within its limits, tho authority of an act deliberately passed by the Congress of the United St.ites.-A Tltey’do not appear to have looked much heyottnd ihe simple act of nullification into the consequences u Inch would on snn, and have not distinctly announced w hether ono of them might not necessarily f>e to light up a civil war. They seem, however, to suposn that the Slate might, after the net was performed, remain a member of the Union. Now, if one Stale can, by un act of in separato power, absolve itself fioni the obligations of a law of Congress, and continue a part of the Union, it cmild hardly be expected that any other Slate would render obe dience to the saiuo law. Either every other Statu would follow the nullifying example, or Congress would feel itself constrained, by a souse us equal tkify to all parts of the Union, lu repeal nlloge* ther the nullified law. Thus the doc* (tine of South Carolina, although it nom* inallv assumes to act for nue Stato on ly. in effect would bo legislating for the whole Union. ('"tigress embodies the collective will of the w hole Union, and that of South* Carolina among its other members. The legislation of Congress is, therefore, founded upon the basis of the representa tion of all. In the Legislature, or a Con vention of Souih-Carolina, the will of the people of that State is alone collected.— They alone are represented, and the peo ple of no other State havo any voice it) iln’ir proceedings. To set up for that Slate a claim, by a separate exercise of iis power, to legislate iu effect for the whole Union, is to assert a pretension nt war with the forid-uncnta! principles of all representative and free governments. It would practically subject ihe unrepresent ed people of all other parts of the Union to tlie arbitrary and despotic power or one Stato. it would subslauli illy con vert them into colonics, hound by tho [ armital authority of that State Nor can this enormous pretension de rive any support from the consider ation that the power to annual is different from, 'he power to otiginale Ijws. Both pow* rr s arc, in flieir nature, legislature ; and 'he nvschiof* which might accrue to tlirv Hi public from the annulment of ii.*» whole some laws, rn .y be just as as thoso which would flow from the origination oj* bad law*. There are ilnee things to which, rn >re than all others, mankind, iu alleges, have shown themselves tu bos iit’ached, their religion, their laics, and language. But it has been argued, i.i tlie most inletnn manner, '* that the acknowledg ment of the exclusive right of the Fede ral Government to determine the limit:; "fits osrn powers, amouuts to a recogni tion of its absolute supremacy over iho Stales and ‘lie people, and involves tiiw lacrifice not only of our dearest rights ami interests, bat the very erisiecca of ibe- Souihern States.” Brought to Augusta Jnil, (t«a.) ON the 23 in«t. a nrgro woman, calls herself Mary, or EtixaUeiU Mary, says she Ixrlo.sjs <» Col. Thomas L'snyGli, "f Columbia. S. t'ar >lnit. Mary is 6 feel V tngti, ut a yelloar sh compUxoMi, and aUool 18 or 20 years oIJ. )wiser ..(sari nefro it reqwireri lo come f jrwasd, »B|, j wt(b the taw, auri lake her from Jail. H. B f RAZLB Jmlnr. i.'H C 36 3l NO. 38.