Georgia courier. (Augusta, Ga.) 1826-1837, September 13, 1830, Page 3, Image 3

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Jfained over to the cau39 of the people, the stb and 53d regiments of ihe liu«. During these proceedings the populace facing formed into bi nds, armed every Avay, and organized to a great extent, /gained considerable ground, and pushed their advantages to the extremities of the city. The Royal Guards, who had been ordered to evacuate Paris, were diteoed <o proceed to St. Cloud. The third regi ment of Guards and the Swiss Guards xvho had not quitted their posts at ihe Tuilleries, were attacked there as twelve o’clock in the day, and the posts being forced, the troops retreated to the Louvre. Jlero they were again attacked at three o’clock, and, after a heavy firing, they xvere dispossessed, and finding further re sistance hopeless, retired from Paris. A meeting of the Peers had taken place, faut with no material result. The Deputies met in Paris, and agreed to a protest, which was sent to ihe King at St. Cloud ; bur it did not appear that the King would make any concession.— The Deputies, on ascertaining the obsti fiacy of the King, re-assembled to deli berate, and to take measures for the safe ty ©f the country. The tri-coloured flag was floating on the Tuilleries, and, according to some ac counts, ori Notre Dame also. A tliitd express has been received from Paris. As far as the intelligenco lias been suffered to transpire, we are inform ed that the tyrant king had abdicated in favor of the Duke do Bordeaux ; that tho Duke of Orleans had been declared Re gen fc, or, ns otheis have it, king; that Charles X and the royal family had set out for Rheims; and that Priuce Polig- Ttac bad boon compelled to surrender to General La Fayette. The troops of the line at Lyons, at Leslie, at Rouen, at Havre, und generally throughout the de partments, had joined the citizens. This express left Paris on Saturday nighr, at which time tho Provisional Government was most successfully exerting itself to restore order, and the city was generally resuming its tranquil appearance, though the greatest onthtuiasrn prevailed. Ade-l putation from Lisle had arrived at Paris, offering 5000 men, if needed. A deputa tion from Lyons was also stated to he on fin,; way to Paris. At Mar soil los the in habitants and military had universalis risen ".gainst ihe government of Charles \. The Marsrullois hymn was chuunted in the streets, and a so ce was organizing to resist ai|y attempt of the tv'ttn'. The Provisional Oevernnieiii of Paris was iihoiji to send two thousand men townid* Calais, anti on the arrival of the expected /quotas from the provinces, other bodies w(Mild bo despatched in different ditec tions. One general feeling is said to ani -111 Itn the From*hr people, and they nr mu more distinguished by the herois * xvnli which they have asserted 'heir liberties, than by the avoidance of all anarchy and plunder during ihe strongest excitement. The accounts from Marseilles state, •bat iiiformniiou lind in rived iherool there having uitsun ditr mron't among the 1 rent h linops at Algiers. It was said "that 10,000 had been mdefnd hour A letter from Paris, July Slsl, F.vening, sttys : I think business will begin again fenerally on Mond.ix ; (n-duy a g.> • deal >us boon done in bills. The K.xehauge I Mild Bank are not yo< open. The Rentes xvi’l probably, open this day ; but throe i> mi ssying s 0 iron Lopis isaver v go, and finan cier, and as all the Ministers have been) in oflire before, ami air* considered aide i and motlerau* men, people of wettllli have great confidence in them. Besides, it ; will be to their interest to keep up the] funds, ns they are all implicated hi the lain change. The streets «r« ti«»w crowded with persons laughing ami as gay as il ! they had come Irani a dance. The King hail vesieid iv 1 .*,lH>O men will* bin* at i St. ('loud, all chosen for their loyalty.— Never was there a new© glorious w***k for France. During all the excitements not a single excess teas committed. The National CHauls ate parading before all l the public places. Some *»f them the poore|t-looking devils imaginable, lull all «*or*d*rcting themselves as well as possible. The bankers am) the h st people in ibe plsce have joined the Nali nal (vii.inl*.— Ml Parts ts now armed. The united French army would not t*e able to put down the spirit it w esism g ! The present duke <.t Orleans, who !»*« t!uis suddenly birr* called 'o the head of tho provincial (i vernment, is the sun of the well known i’Kj ili o, win* suffered, during the French devolution, by il*» , guillotine, and was cousin to the ex-kin<». j lie was several ye*is himself * colonel nt the Republic *n <\*v dr v, and fought va» ions battles under the tri-ro!u<ed Hig H<* was afterwards obliged to tlv t<» Swnser laud, where be was a professor 4 mi lie manes, and, someti *<e alter, over <e F.og land, and to*>k up hts residence u Chis wick. On the restoration «>f 'he Bour bons, he returned to Fiance, and had th whole of Ins immense property restored Inn*. Ms is next of the Prune* of he Klowd to (be duke of Bordeaux, « posthu mous son of the late duke of Beni, next brother to the Dauphin, *be duke d’An gouleme, and caiisrqoenilv tho third in *accv»«iuu, lie wilt be 57 v* ars old m the 6th of October next, diaries the Tenth is about 73. Some ssv that the croxrn xvill be given tv* tfia young duke dr Bordeaux, and that the duke of Oilcans anil be appointed Re gent. Others, that the dmasty *dl be thangvd, and thst the duke ol Orlaacs will be appointed Kmf. A few think that young N p leotr as ill ascend <hn Throne ; and these persons say that the house ol Austria will not obiecl to such appointment, on the ground that it still enable them t« bea» up agamst the over whelming p *wet of Russia. Know itw J»«*»*t 4m C 'mmrrc* ('ms, Jrir si, ooan. “Inhabitants nt Par**,-—The D- ut»e* of Franc© at th»s utorneu' asst obled m i Parrs, have exp«e%a*d a v»e he dean* that I should repair to tb<» to tx- j ercl«B tli® functions of Lieulenat-General «»f the kingdom. “ I have not hesitated to come and share your dangers, to place myself in the midst of your heroic population, and to exert all my efforts to preserve you from the calamities of civil war and of anarchy. “On returning to the city of Paris, I wore with pride those glorious colour* which you have resumed, and which I my self lung wore. “The Chambers are going to assemble, they will consider of the means of securing the laws, and the maintenance of the na* tion. “ The Charter will henceforward be a truth. “LOUIS PHILIPPE D’ORLEANS.” (From the Messager des Chnrobres, August Ist.) “ Paris, July 31. “Charles X. is at Chartres. The Court intends to go to the Loire to organize the scourge of civil war in the ancient Ven dee. They are accompanied only by the Swiss. The Royal Guard, in a state of complete discouragement, disorganization and desertion, have remained at St. Cloud and Versailles with the Artillery. “The D ixhess of Berri made the most energetic remonstrances to Charles X. , telling him that she was a mother, and that ihe brilliant destiny of her son was for evor endangered by his obstinate per severance in an oppressive system.— ■ Charles X, it is said, received the Pi incess very ill, and forbade her his presence.” “The accounts from Pans just received 'by express, me dated Saturday mghr.— The following is an * xtiact from a private letter : “The Provisional Government has just been installed. It will be a modeiate on'*, and composed of moderate men “The Duke of Oi lean , who has heon appointed Lienienam-G*-oe .'.l, will be given a crown, which lie wili wear with more moderation than that which hasjusi been lost. “ I he Cioivn has gone for ever from Charlos X, and his descendants. Charles I is at Clianres, hikl tias about 2000 troops with him. “All Paris is now tranquil, and the peo ple, who two days ago were fighting for liberty and their country, have re'urncrj to their xvmk. | * “Tho Banks have re-commenced pay -1 moots, and the discount < flicr-s are again iopen. “Thus has a a revolution been accom i plished, which will prove an example to i those wUo would to trample on the 1 right* of tho people. “ Other letters s|>eik of Normandy as the rallying point of Charles the Tenth, and that there a civil war will ho project ed. it was stated on Saturday that the Provisional Government were disposed to treat wi'Ji the C"iiit if the Ministers were dismissed. This is net true. STAFF OF THE NATIONAL GUARD. rrtciAL. Srnt to thr Municipality of f*aris (ini. L-ifaye'te announces to the May ors and Member* of the diffurent arron disiritieiit*, tli-i’ fie has accepted the cum in mil oi chief of ih*' National Guard, which has hr'eu ofle ed o him by the voice of the public, ami winch ha* been unaiji nnmsly conferred upon him by the [)ep >• lies now assembled at the h«»u*e of M. I.afaymtu. He invites the Mayor rod Municipal t'oinniMlei s us each ariondisse- UH'ni to send an officer to receive the or ders i>l the General at the to** ri fund, to which he ii now pro< euditig, and to wait lor him here Bv order of Gen. LAF VYF.T IT. Member and the t'onsiitu u>n t| Municipal Committee of the C’i x of Paris. LAFUTK LOB AN l AtxSlMli; FF.RRIF.R DIMER General (i I'.lt \ltl> mot l t V I Tins “Fellow ('mxens—Vom have by unan imous acclamation elected me y iii (»o nerul. I sli.ill prove mvself «>»! diy *»l the choice of if.e National Guard.— sVefigh* for osr laws and out liber’o s “k ©lh'W CiliXeu*—Our train pit is rrr taiu I hesefrfi you t». obey the orders of the Chief* that will be given von, mid that cordi illy. The troops of ihe tine have al.esdy given way. The Guards are ready l*» do the same. The traitor* who have excited 'lie civil war, and who th ought to massacre 'he people with im punitv, will soon be forced to acc -unt be fore th- tribunals for their violation ol tho hnv* aid then sanguinary plots. “Signed at General Quarters, “Le General do Bourg, “ LAFAYKTTK.” “P «ris, July 29. A Letter Iron* i'ou'on. >f the 16th July, ha* ihe fnlliiwiiif )>«»*(• • The amount of the traaturet which have been tonn l In I'-e t a««aot<<* i» no! positively known -Some make 11 ft* A) milltont. an,l ,nmr only SV; hut it»r«e are only conjecture*. I ttc tael t* Ad luirai I’upriir w*« atnased ou rnlcrnig thr rrl la«» —heaj.* ol gal l, aod chrtt* lull ol piastre* ihcupte.l ihrm Oo tUr eventnc ol We-tne*4ay ao eaj!e (ol one at Napoleon • old rej*meats.) niouul ed ovei the tnuuiphet atch in the Ptar* du ainvivel, togelhet • ith lha tn . o loured |J The I)-g remain* bol ih* » B |lr h«< been taken d<>wit Ihe In alour-»d C-vrkad# -r birul knot, t* •ei*ei*l. not o»t» «mot-c the FreWSS » „i Hu» MS’il. E«jt*»s. i.erntaoa, l*aar». and <-ab*i foe ei<i»er* UU IIMoAIi ACADKMY. 1 1 IMK Tt u*ter* of the VctiJtai ot KH-h«H*«4 1 c>u*tti will on the la*t Saturday iu Decem- Ixr nr»l pwiwil i<> flpci ih» foltowiif Teacher* •utl ' iffifru tor the term and .pace of iwtlrr Muotlti, front the out* of appointment, to wit A Hector with a »*tary ot Eight Hundred Dol lars ant half of t >e tuition ■». »r« An KlujtW* t eachei »ith a *»!ary of Fi*e lliuiittcil IMlau anti one half of tire Tuition * » V sos tkt Mult without uUrv hl»i • iih the u*e of the Houar and Lot at the ”'an*( Hill* >he Tea. bet to rtctnr the •hole of the TaHhiti inone*. A lea. her i Modern Lancoaje* with a u: • ot t«g Hundred and ftH| IMitrt and the • hole of the t tuttot* m>'iif i—the price lor i.i Mi action to he Kir hi Ik Man pet quartet A I etl '*<e*a«d liea.uier *Uh a Salt • y ot K.oai H<t»dte.t l War* VAntien applicati..o » dl W made to the l ader iif.iod Air oedee a the Boded. M.MtS Mai AVA A, Ch'* Septa»b*f 3 •tUdO-htW AUGUSTA* MONDAY, SEPT. 13. (O 3 Our Advertising friends will please to ex cuse the omissions we have been obliged to make to-day. O’ Our River, though it fell a little on Satur day, is again rising this morning, oed we judge from the rains, which fell last night, and which the heavens yet promise us, it will be high enough for craft very considerably over the burden of drays and wheelbarrows Engine No. 2, of the Augusta Independent Fire Company, arrived a few days ago with the Hose Reel, and an additional quantity of Hose. This city never enjoyed equal security from fire. Besides the new engines, which only want a lit tle additional force to produce the results ex pected, we are glad to perceive the old Fire Company have placed their engines in a greater state of efficiency. So much for a little emula tion. (CP We find nothing in the Milledgeville or other papers, which would be most likely to con tain such news, in corroboration of the rumor published in the Columhus Enquirer, relative to the policy in regard to the Creeks, which we cen sured in our last. We hope, therefore, such re port is false. IFF Our fiiends of the Georgia Journal cannot be surprised, as the Political Arena hit us so hatd, that we should for a moment suppose we were “ thunderstruck .” However, the Journal’s • bantling” was in truth, a scurvy little rascal, and we were not w filing to claim kin w ith him, much less to be thrashed as im father. We hope thr Journal w ill spare os what if threatens with so much good humor, and place its bastina doeson the back of the real offender. Gen. Iredell of No Carolina declines a re election to tlie U S. Senate from that State. — The necessity of attending to private business is t assigned as the cause It is a foituuate circumstance for Gen Hayne, that it is Judge Smith's rc-elerii.*ti,noi his, which is to he determined at the next Session of the So Carolina Legislature. 1 Sumter Ili«f itisup in arms against ntottifira* ticn and everv thin? connected with it I,''r!v. at a company meeting, where 7h voted three vote*! for a convention one <t f whom who ’iv.-d near StnlesSurg said he did it '<erau«r he -v;\« t aftnid his »i .lent neigh'-nrs would sav. he was a coward—he xrr'uld'n l ficht. \ writer in a Chailesron paper ««»«. he-peaks adl'itfd’ v when lie a«*« -t« that Gen Wil l iams will not declti e the office of Gov< t >r to w hich i so tn.tnv ofhi* fe'low ciiiaen* wul* to elect him. The \ iuhville Hunnrr <<f the 2Stb nit spe >k ing of the Indian Confer** res at Franklin with the !Ve*idc«>t *»v« I' is understood that the Che ohee* and Chocf-ws have declined sending any delegation i Mobile i* reoriented a* very h-althy; hut th* yellow fev* r i* *»id to prevail to a considerable 1 extent in N *w-Orleaos We arc inelined to thiok fioin accounts in the papers and from private sources that the crop of Cottoa thi* ear. will he much more than one fourth sh ut. In this*market, the planters have ordered hut I'll!* more than kali their usual quantity ol Irarying to coimrsrovprvj's. We have postpone.l man* Communications so give insertion to the important foreign news "Tm Wili> Mss’s C»vt" shall appear in our nett llur fnend ” (Hit ('rob' i* fullv severe enough on th* follies of the timet. “ The rage of the day " he »v* “i* aovstvsK.’ He should have *atd minorities though h>* tea- in. hide them under the term nONteise. \\ » should have been pleased to have received hi* communica tion a little earlier, a* alto the Cur for the Sfuitmo-iw I'*' 1 • rndunim •<•*" under which the author *»»« ’**■ \iittit%ers < f Carolina have l* ho red more -he Charleston Citv election If he mterdrd ii •< a cu r e. we »ie glad it ram* late ; j hut **e think he had oo *nch kin I f> ebngs to- | ward* them B* that «* it m*v V ithfiealnsn i* past hi* powers of i e»torati*H9. 's.t tl P’lrt could’nl j save it. The Cherokee C ountrr we are informed by a 1 gentieniin latr'v there is now more overrun with gold-hunters than at any farmer period 7he Tennesseans are **id to he the Cock* of the Walk. The profit* too. arising from thi* plun , denng of the Indian* and Georgia, are greater than ever. The* are probably more expert in the manipulation of the itch dirt. The above gentleman tialrd what came within In* own knowledge Three little Ikiv* orphan* the el dest thiitren came from a distant countv into Hatwrtham where he mg improve! J with the meant of diegutf and washing they prevailed on a benevolent merchant to trutt them far * spade and pan in eight days they returned paid the merchant for tliesr working fool*, and j received from him be,wlv« $27..V0 for their gold dust Govemo* Miller, in hr* speech at the State*- hurr dinner meanont three remedies for Ihe Tariff — The Ballet Bex t e Jury Box. and the t artouch Box Carolina had a little notion of the last. wa»cb *he thought the shortest method hut she i* rathet a-tiamcd of it now aod talks shout tk* second which will onlv tetvc lo amuse her poittKiau* awhile when they w*i| turn, hke true patrmt* to the nr*i, and endeavor to en lighten the public mind so that the only appeals it wilt be necessary for them to make wd! be to rente n and the Constitution. Tbev certsmU van tolerate error a short time whiie Reason is left open to combat tt • Truth is mighty kc." ■ .Vr. L4ilor —fio ret think Mr Bo*eciair has come ml in opposition I* our Fellow Citiaea. VN dtiern M coo. for the office of Receiver of lax Krtutns • l>o you aef think Mr. M»cou oppose* Mi Boitclair aho oow holds that office. tbe hert I Dv you thiuk a worthy frUow-cmxen should be turned oat of offer, tor BO other rea j #«n than that h* ha* had it long enowge» t if you h I w u«*id ask •*>** a hat inducement cau there be lor a per* a to perform the duties of any sScv. fatthfally * Front the ver» fact of .Mr. Rortehui't hjeroj been fe-eiectetl to tliat office, for about six or seven years, successively, and having opposi tion, I believe, every year, proves that h* l per forms the duties of his office faithfully—and shall Ih e be turned out for this ? I hope our fellow-citii zens will not turn him out. But it may lie said, Mr. Micou has a large family depending on him for support. Mr. M has a large familv, it is true; but has not Mr Boisclair the same? Are not his claims, in this part cular, equal with Mr. M’s.? I say nothing of the qualifications of the two Candidates; the community can judge of i this, they are both well known to them. My i rule in voting Mr Editor, is this, that when the qualifications of two Candidates are equal, one being in office, the other not, always to vote for i the one in office, provided he has faithfully dis charged the duties of the office he holds. COMMUNICATED. A few remarks in reply to “Solon” must suf fice upon that subject for the present. If we adopt the position, that Mr. Boisclair’s ! occupancy of the office of Receiver of Tax Re ! turns, for seven years in succession, entitles him ; to an hereditary prerogative, upon the princi ples of European nobility, then ’’Solon” is cor iect, when he says that Mr. Micou lias been no tnit ared in opposition to Mr Boisclair. But. it we take the Republican principles of our country for our guide, then the office must I be considered vacant at the expiration of the j time tor which Mr.. Boisclair was last elected, and consequently Mr. Micou being the first ean didate-regularly announced for the office, it fol lows that Mr. B. having been subsequently an ! nounced, he must be considered in opposition to j Mr. M There are two main reasons which nil! govern my vote upon this election in January. First. —Mr. Boisclait has had the benefit of the office seven years, a just and reasonable time for any one citizen to monopolize this pub lie gift oftiie county; i» the emoluments have been of any servn** to hint, no one can feel mot e | rejoiced than the writer, but while he holds the j doctrine of justice to be the standard of right, he now feels boniid to vote for a transfer of that gift to another citizen equally as capable and deserving of it as was Mr. Boisclair wken he first came into the office. , io tins view of the is believed that [ every just and liberal minded voter of the coun ! ty can h ve no objection, and, in fart nearly or the •• wifi oceede to the justness of the traits f.-r i<* Mr Micou at least torn few years hi*, perhaps, t cedi'is to say that which is »• !’ known throughout the county —to-wit: that Micou is an upright, straight forward man, -i >tei seres with no man’s business or polj -1 |ir* Secondly. —When the people, in a spiiil ofli '.eralttjr ami good feeling, liestow a county gilt ;of t 'ii* nature upon an individual, it partake* of ingratitude when that iudiyidoal makes it a par ticular business to infertere too much with the people and their tight* of free stiff!age upon the higher election* to the State Legislature. &.c It would, at lea«t. 1<» k better for a man wlfile in the enjoyment of such a public gift, to vote at the hi her ele* lions according to the dictate* of hi* own judgment and leave the people to do so likewise: —he would then pursue not only the principles of gratitude, hut Ihe principle* of Jl S I IGF. N B —The county has paid .Mr Bni«( lair he (ween five and s<VffO() » pretty liberal assist ance— He cannot say the people have been unjust, or that it would now lie injustice to tian<» l«r Hu* public ben* kt for a few years, lo Mr Micou j GO AIM KRTIAIT LIVEIU’OOL M ARKET. August 2 I he demand tor cotton in ts e eai I* part of the **rek wa» r.ithir limited, but *ub*rquenllv there h.i* ’ eon a . .»,.«i Jeiable improvement, and Amer le an lie*, riptioo* have in some instances been (old nl an adiame of 1 H I per lit Letter* from Liverpool dated Align*! .Tl, *tafe that • in mg the last two -lay* the demand for cot ton had t»ern limited without, however, causing any reduction in price beyond what is usually consequent upon rather a dull inaiket. MARRIED* In Bristol It l on the 22d Augusf. Mr. VV*i ,M. H.i-vi **u, of Augutlj Geo to Mis* < S '\ mu r. DIED, This M ruing Jo ti * M ( l* ax r. a Merchant of lh|* t ify rhe Monthly Prayer VwMinp of lilt* Sunday School j »dl t>e held Thu 1 ruing at the Boom. And the week v I tietday Evening Piaver Meet, j ing w ill commence A> .Warrow Eltning at seven o'clock at the Lecture H *ui. seiff. 1.1 It Northern Flour. 10 BBI.S superfine N Vork Flour Ji’(*«* Jh. Bacon, inr imliog fine H*m«. And a nr. Supply of fre*t. Gar ten Nerd*, liirert frot 1 1Ire North and warranted For va!e by A. I. Hl'N riNGTON »ept 13 ;fi , j, NV anted to I lire. \|T AN FFD to Hire till the |*( January next. v v good at N 11 *a- a* arcus loosed to take care nf llorirt snd ano can he reroainH nded a. an Hostler. LU.eral m g.» will be given A CRAIG September 13 39 if FOR SALE ite rrrntikablr ••ifttrot- tut t.rei Pirnri formerly kjJwGf .ane,', bv Mr J a Cuvdton. ts i» cffere.l for *a e rfw-.p Hr can tie «ee<i at Mr. Gurdi*., * Stab e and t*. whom applnatiou may be made for h-* character. NELSON CARTER teptej. ber 13 .’Jt Ad to tn:> i . I*e tpaciou* Store on Br< #d-St ■* p«e*e ß | occupied by J gll D MIC SC CO Will he 1, IJP&weB on the Ut f»~mber. Ear term*. •PP 1 ’ «•* NELSON CARTER *» ; teas her 13 jf Bordeaux Claret. CASES Super i r Bordeaux CLARET. I f«r salt / **e by L. HULL. Atmns 8 * *f HEAL ESTATE AT AUCTION. BY C. PHILLIPS* . On FRIDAY", the 17th inst at 11 o’clock, before my Store, will be so'd without reserve, The following PROPERTY, viz. 1 Lot of Land on Bay-St 29 ft. front, and 1-43 feet deep. 1 Lot of Land on Bay-St. 2S ft. front, and 152 feet deep. 1 Lot of Land «n Reynold-St 28 feet frQtif and 136 feet deep 1 The above Lots being known as part of the old Vauxhall Garden in the lower part of the city. also. One Lot es Land in Munroe County, contain ing 202£ Acres. IF/ 3 Terms. Cash—Bankable money Purcha sers so pay for Titles. [LT A Drawing of the above Lots ran he seen on application to C. PHILLIPS, Auct’r. September 13 2t 38 AUCTION OF REAL ESTATE, BY LATIIAM HULL. A LOT and buildings situated on the corner jTJL of Bridge Row and Reynold-sfreet, viz— At the corner of Btide Row and Keynold-street, anew, large, ami commodious Blacksmith Shop, one of the best, if not the very best in the citv, for that business. Immediately above on Re"y nold-st'eet, anew and well finished house, suita ble for a small family. The bouses are on leased ground, and the lease expires .on the Ist of October. 1834, — but the condition of the lease is, that it can be renewed front its expiration for 13 years more, making in all an occupancy of 17 years. The above property will be sold on MONDAY tnc 20th inst. w h* n the terms will be made known. For particular?, apply to J- COLLINS. 127 Broad-Street. sept 9 33 -It Tl IK SIJBSCKIBEKS ff RE daily receiving micli additions tutheir former Stock, a* will enable them to fur nish Merchants and Planters with as great a variety as can tic found in any Store in this citv. I ticir Stock embraces most of the leading Arti cles necessary for family use, usually called for in the GROCERY. DRY GOODS and HARD WARE STORES: AMONG WHICH ARE! Hhds. SUGAR, * „ . ... lot. Bags COFFEE. J 1 anons f uaZ,/,M 10 hhds prime retailing Molasses iUO bolts heavy Hemp Bagging 100 do Flax and Tow do 10 ba'es Bagging. Seine and Shop Itvine Bale Hope and Sacking, heavy 3 bales Shoe Thi end Pi tine Chewing Tobacco in boxes Si kegs Prime Spantslt a id Common Segars ■P Oo hu'helg Salt 12.0001b*. Bacon 1000 lbs. choice Hauls, 20 boxes Soap 20 boxes Augusta made Candle* 1" do Cc.tton und Wool Card* 2«ki key* Nnil* and Brad*, Lamp Oil Swedes Iron, all sizes German, J Cast and [ STEEL Blistered Sheet lion. N*lS. IS, 19 and 20 Nail Rods, Hoop Iron, Trace Chains Mill S.tws Castings, icc. Aic. AI.sO— A GOOD ASSORTMENT OF S A D I> 1 a K S, B R I I> la Fa S t WAGON GEAR, ITPFaR vV SOLK LKATIILR. A'l of which they art* disposed to sell low for Cash, or good l ows Acceptances. BREWSTER L PRESCOTT Xear Ihe Upper Market, South side [lrnad St September 13 4tw 38 (icorgia, Lincoln County. i U' H EKE A S W ill tain Rev nold* applies t« me IT for Letter* of Administration de tennis non on the Estate of Mnrtin Picket, deceased. I in*sc are, therefore to cite, summons, und edmom-h n!| and singular tlie ktndird and * |< *1 itor* of *aid deceased to lie and appear af rr»v office with.-i the time prescribed bv law, to shew came, it any they have, why »ai<l Lctteis should not Ire granted. Given under my hand, at office, thi* 9th of September, 1830. ER V.NCIS E FLEMING, r. r o September 13 w3t 33 (Georgia, Lincoln Countv. Xff ’ Hi. KI. AS Will i run \]oni riet \<l mini .Ira- Y f tor on the Estate* of John Bentley hih| Jo, iii Otr, dece»*cd ; and Kx< cuter on the f.j,. late nf Austin .Mnnrrief der ea*e«l; appirv tome for Letter* Di.inistory from *a/il K»l t« » : 7 heir are, tberef /re, to rite, summon, and ad foonivb a 1 and siggulvr the kindred and errdl tois of ea t h rs i ,e *aid deceased, to be and ap pear at my offire wtlliin the time prescrib'd, lo thewrautc if anv they have, why said Letters should not be granted Given under my baud, at office, thi* 9fh r.f September, 1839 FRANCIS F. FLEMING r e o reptrmber 13 n.6 n 'AH i»rawing r<i nr. rt*er.t\ i:n vr.x r tn t»M:“i)tv Delaware and JSorlh (' irolina CONSOLIDATED LOTTERY, at**, ko. 13. IfIGIIFST PRIZKS TWO OF of) cc. ts 00 Number Lottery if Dt. uu Buli'Hs, SCHEMI Oh PRIZES 2 pßf7.n-i “ Aft,7!/2 jOcrntx 20 “ “ 1 (KHi Dollars 30 “ “ 300 Dollars 32 “ “ 200 Dullar* M “ 100 Dnllari , Aid Dumerou* pti»e* of ff 1 f>. jit 10. A: c. Whole Ticket* syft—H»lfdo .**2 90— (Quarter i>> i $1 2ft ; iJ* OrdcTt received at ANDREWS’ 't»tt lotlrrr »ml Of7ir» corner Croat! and Jackton Street*. tept 13 38 AND COMMISSION BUSINESS. fIMI t I'nderiijtr.ed fratefully acknowledge I ti e liberal patronage »(ih »h»eh fney bar. l«eei. favored m the aho i e line a-.d reip* ttfullv inform the pu'die that they eomu/ue it* traoiac uon hi thi* < tty. ar.d mol tbeir fathfui and tin , divide attention w.ll be devoted to the brume*, of then patron* Liberal ( a»h advance* may t«e expected, o. J Product hr. m .Motc «hen detired SToVaLL la SIMMONS AofMta. h-igmiSt. 27 Ids * ! 2~?’ IteGeotju Patriot, Athenian, diihi. f i on N»ai «nd Geirjii Ctater, ».I ■ a#e t% ;t.e abc»e I'i rs sno t«qV COTTON & COMMISSION vex* THE Subscribers announce to then Itiends and the public, that they have rented the Warehouse in Campbell-street, Augusta, lately occupied bv Mr. lohn Rees, ane opposite the Warehouse of Messrs Slaughter & Labuzan ; , w here they are now ready to receive Cotton and other produce, and tender their services therein, being sanguine that the attention which will be paid to the interest of their friends, will secure for them a share of public patronage. T. COLEMaN, VVM. .1. WIGHTMAN. August 23 32 wtf Bagging and Bacon. 500 3 IECLS BAGGING assorted quali ties, and 20,000 pounds superior Bacon, For sale by * W &. H BRYSON', sept 2 35 6t BACON! BtCOJVTT The Subscriber has received on Const git? mut, 30,000 LBS PRIME BACON, Consisting of Hams, shoulders and Middlings, which he will sell low. Purchasers over SIOO, 90 days, credit appoved endorsed paper. L. HULL. August 5 27 Fresh Tea, &c. <fcc. Jhesfs ?vsnit Tp<l ( ”] 12 boxes and barrels Loaf ami {FJLK6H Lump Sugar T _ 10 boxes sperm Candles r 5 mats Cinnamon —■ ■■ -J 5 Qr. casks Malaga VVirffc 1 do do Port Wine 1 halfpipe old Madeira Wine I Hogshead Sugar House Molasses a Just fteceived and for sale low by JOHN COSKERY, 256 Broad slrech September 2 35 ts Just Received, O X C • ) N S l G N M E N T. I jmi ELEGANT American and One London : made PIANO, the former manufactured bv W, j (ietl). New-York, and selected by one of the lies/. Amateurs.—Apply at Mr. Brux’s Book Store, or to ‘ JOSEPH BIGJVON. March 4 87 ts Just Received. I 40 Barr <s Northern Gin j *0 do Apple Brandy V 3 tierces ) c .... barrels < S|,erm 0,1 Inti <«xn* Pillow Caudles 20 Demijohns, superior old Cognac Brandy I F<>K SAL E, BV C. PHILLIPS August 9 23 ts Sugar & Bagging. Landing L/us an and t<n sole, low Jrovt the Wharf. 1 r **s ' HHDS New Orleans SUGAR 91 Pieces HEMP BAGGING U. H METC ALP. I July 19 22 t! j FALL & WINTER GOODS. VVM. H MO KUAN & CO. ■ ff AVE received a part of ih -n supply of ll FALL A\D WINTER GOODS: AMONGST WHICH AHK, 10 4 Flemish Sheetings 6 4 lush do Black Italian Lustrings Fancy colored do Changeable tk Fancy colored Gros de Nap* Black tiros de Naps Scarf t Met no Shawls Do do Maot'vs With a vaiietyof other Faney and Staple Af* tide*, whit It they wifi sell ax cheap as any house in the city. September 9 8t 37 Sugar, Bagging, dec. <>«) HHDS, St Croix L Porto R co Sugars 2ft tmxe* brown Havaonah Sugar 7ft bags Coffee * l'tft ca*ks cut Nails and brads 76 tiarrels Gin 3tt do Ruin l 2iK> pieces heavy Flax Bagging lor) do prime Hemp Bagging 1< Ou it/* h«v-zing Is'ine, kc. kc. be. Far salt by A B WALKER hCa. September 9 38 3t BACON if \LOT of superior BACON, roniitting of . Ham*, Shoulders and Melulings, just re ceived and for sale oo moderate term*, at SHELTON'S V\ AHKHOUffR. June 28 |rt ts W are-House to Rent. f ffftllE Ware-House now occupied l.y F.daard £ t ampfield. and iii good repair, will be reut> and from (tie Ist ot October next —For terms, tvlii- h will be moderate, apply to ALLENS 4i PADDOCK. Augint 9 28 tO :>oo KV.WS DUPO.YV S FF. Ac FFF. GUNPOWDER &<•<• t/az* t offee 2uo coin Bale Rope -i tierce fwitie t or sale by PILL'tT L LEBAKBIER. July 6 ts IS TO RENT From the firtt©f Orto er oext. the store at present occupied by James lie. SM Walker. New th ri-ie the lower market. Alto, the upper apartme:it, ht for the accomuio ,«ii nos a gemeel family Messrs. J U W. HARPER. Aug 30 At if A CARD. fFMIF. Suhtcrf er will open a school for In- JL »tru< li in in Initrumtntnl Music at the , hithmond Academy, on the l*t of October next. | tie ha* ef)f*feii the (erVICI* of Mill PKATT, »-o i« well rpialified to rue Le*t/n«on the Piano Porte and Par our Organ, which will 1/e furo ufie.i provided twenty Scholnr* can beengajy nj. Ift u. ro*de known on application fa - the Acad»me Lu«t lVinr,ft<mi)t4 SKHE.NO TAYLOR. Aor ovt 16 wt‘»t p* Jlf* I ne foMlitiitjoaaliil and Chronicle **iH pleaae Hiaert a* ateive S T MRS. ADAM HUTCHINSON iN'.Ce.d ten*r #w i.j. .i .ei Ire ,11! I • i public in gene . »t»at the nrnun School • ill, *ith Dime peraihttitre, b. .** • tru.ed in Augii'a on the tint Hondar c.f t 1 ’> »r neat. Tbe School Hoom 14 n» toe fii., 1 Bai.k Buiidrar No \£ t Aug if t Ti *w 3