Georgia courier. (Augusta, Ga.) 1826-1837, September 13, 1830, Page 4, Image 4

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4 ' THE PEASANT. Whc Peasant’s blwt, who, in hi.s cot, Secure from flattery and deceit, TJ dbiea l his fconeu labor got In peace can ear. Whose family to clothe and food each new day his hands employ; £ut toils well pleased, the approaching need To satisfy. The miser’s fears ne’er rack his breast; 2/ach night lie lays him down in peace; No dreams of rapine break his rest, He sleeps at ea*e; Rises each morn with early dews, Salutes v. sili joy the welcome day; And in the fields hie toil pursues, With spirits m. When nature call;* for nourishment, €n torn soft inosiy hank he sits; And food (hat's sweetened toy content He cheerful eats. Wo guilt and fear his heart dismay, Each thought joy and comfort brings: Thus happy all the busy day. He work', and sings. But when the sun withdraws its rays, And evening smokes from chnnnies come, He, thoughtless, with an easy pace. Goes whistling home. There he his leisure hours enjoys, Laughing at merry tale or jest, Till sleep o’erpower* Ins weary eyes, 1 lien go"g to rest. Thu* steal away his happy days, |n quiet, health, conient and e.'ur, Till he the debt of nature pays, And dies in peace. Each neighboring peasant mourns hip end, Droppingn kind unfeigned teat; He mourns for his departed friend W nh heart sincere. Oh thru may I such blivs r tjoy, Rich iu content and Ircc from blame; And ainy good d-rds whene'er I di* Itrcord my fame. The following is the conclusion ufthe lfllh No. of * telie. ot sensible Fo*nv* written under tlie signature of "Gallatin” in the (' tut i Ics tun Coui ier. After staling I w,s install* r* in which the Cousti tuiiou had lieen amended in f o manner prescri bed in dial instrument, the w titer says: “In iht’sn two piomiueni msurirut con* fH)clud with thn Judicial and I l ,xocutivo tments* of tin* Government, tin* mis chief* txytriencetl, not inuigmed, wero m once rent ml ted. Why not now m sort to the mim* rxpftflirrii f VVlint better me til’d cut ho devnod by tint coin love of fjnfermnutul tuiipii ics, whoso quack sor* gory a ltd hold tflYoniory '*•' uld arnpnuiio tun limb of n patient, and persuade* him that it should still compose a part of ins body T Tllf* newly invented paoanta, iidvised mi bo adiiiiiiistoi*ol for political disease., it is a pity escaped the .studious infit ttorsy *• t our nucostors. It was otiotign fur a Stale to say, Ia ill u**t Im> sued liy tut iiidividuiil, l iiuiliH tint pi need tog iu toil t, I wiH net iil))> V a Plt"iii|e||| elected vrulf toe very toer./s of tlm Constitution, I can* *’l In* election. Tim knowledge of such a simple piece » would hive sired » git’tl deal of trouble, and avoided the do- Ij)* it tend mi on nlin ,n<* tlje I‘otietituti.rt. “As Nullific dioti coiico ds Dninion, so b ’tli tne disguised ultdor the call of n O.lf olnin Convention, IfufTer not ymirsnlvn, fellow citizens, to bo dtu* blood-<* mked ! re|v on your good Benin. Whatever may lm y < ui or sentiments of the mts of the (inner il (iovurnnient, raise your voices ggiiu*> i State ('auut'i'ion It v. ill llldovd he putting V Olisdlvns adi 111 vtt ihe pvlttical ocean wiihtnt chart or coutp i»s. VV hen the pvnple onoco t • vert to * ste'o of n aturn, (in Ia convention is fit' 1 I<i removed lioui p,) no man living tan divine the limits of inn >v itioti. No lino.’ but tint ner»-s«ii\ wh'ch lit* no law —tio vrgsMirv shot! ot ao instinctive *eu xjlluß 'll il our rights an ) propert y »:e in ker 'acre and pnrpnuly trampled upon and intruded, should induce u St alt ut Ut this to eucom u us people to m ii's iiTi eti «n hn the l nioo, to teviic them t * sc in’St* an,l it trier rn v a *\*t>>pi wli ili li* t p.Vriot .tnJ ”'ilit*lit«*u« tl t.i hors ginned iu founding. Tn*. nv us out jilt i>*i* 1 1 stars has illuminate J tin* emit j* tin* tut!ky ** iv ml th*. liravetts.— It is a ct ristelUth'n \* h iso cluster 'ltould i never ho dim. i shed, wii ’*n le-jilrmlrnro sl I'.iMu lad*’ « t It** dimmed uh !«* j in tn w dk* this ijlohr in *i•«» it w Inch ia>>«i l»»* (ttreo him. Os oor p .tical ti, p lutcb’, **v mst in .ruth rsel liut • • bn,* (i.f a*,i Mi i *a«* e ,'*-,.N,>'*.' pail r, 4 *f net!!, nf a*i*rs 1 I lasi, not v'n u P, >tnt:ht»n heat. Tint ca,; tAy IxghJ ct turns ‘ "W« ones* heard <>f t fisln<»naUr yving lidy m 'kn m*Mr, p, ' w )• , ls j,.j tin* hsOi ’i’ial -ill.ii l’v a I wilt* inrrchaiit. He is«u l*v exprevse t * « ,;, t „,, P ,J, V ill’ll » imti lu »I| lue id iniji fit 1 , h'ketl. 'l'hn gi,l (0 ihe ktulu u *• . ui.'oir.i t.i to ike ihe l» c kI. Sin knew |,rr *!i * ( but a tU*' tiOte tin*** known-' that h i ptoirrss and i I ’t Uiu sv hr.**, ve,v > i» ( ,L inquired *i w .i'. »I. tu 'a! she s'* ■ ■ *i*.i I* * »<-i’ I’ue h h '.»'sa>tuir*l a in mrn', hut lor m*. q uti nil’s' I r ansnrrri— ** *h nt tKr»-*' peek* ’d e,, It ko f, \*te should ihuik yrf'old h ’ 'J-i 'I; \l' ! . oi wcttl aid, an»l the u V *> * »*• » h»- a,, rlnti sit hid a i(ier'W*ii c.I -®i*i-» *,| br««wa bread ttsade by the *1 rcc • u of h.» u R J** y.'vsti*4 /'sni**. ’ -—Rod l*.i pviin.l* of t»*tsli***, a is.l !*ext tns ill a mortar *ii»e, h* »t to h » ! a p<*« < ol iu it*-.i hj*. In, h .and it halt sa bear, p**ur muitil but -Ist oif’ it, • (Un of ssioe, or the Roc* <>f • >* » ll* «*ra - jr, uud thru* wj*r • U vter puddirs; *mi »!«*; . CORPORATION OF THE CITY OF_AUGUSTA. 31A YOR, SAMUEL HALE. # MEMBERS OF COUNCIL Edward 4homas .James Harper, Peter Ben noch, \V. C. Dillon, li. M’Cooinbs, It. Barber, T. Glascock, Moses Rolf. Clark of Council, G. M. Walker. Clerk Court Common Picas, VS illiam Jackson, j City Sheriff Antoine Picquet. I City Collector and Treasurer. J. H. Mann. City Marshal, Mitchell Nelson. Deputy do. James Peay j Justices of the Peace, Benjamin Rowland. J. j \V. Meredith, P. H Mantz, G. M. Walker, C , Dickinson, A. 1. Huntington, A. G. Rrtiford. Jdo j M’Tvre, Eugene Vcrdery, Augustus Vcrdery, James A. May. Constables. Thomas Taut, James Peay,Thomas j Campbell, Louis Kun/.e, Louis Meredith, IN in. 1 Mat tin, Gustavos A. Parker | Clerk of Hit I.outer Market, Jas- W. Meredith Clerk of the Upper Market. A. G. Ilaiiord. Sexton. John Marshall. Superinlendant of the Magazine, llios Qu:z enbe-rry City Surveyor. Robert Bailor !. Judge Court Common Rhus, P.. R Reid, Esq. Sessions <n the Coi'rl of Common Pitas, loursh Monday in January, March, May. July, Septem ber and November.— Return Day, Lee days be fore JUSTICES OF THE INFERIOR COURT. Valentine Walker Holland, William Shannon Edward Thomas, Absalain Rhodes (Jifrli Sup r fa luf'r Courts. Juui s Mr Laws Clerk Court of Ordinary, G~o. A. B. Walker Sessions of the Superior Court for Richmond Count j. Fourth Monday in May, and third Mon day in November Sessions of the Inferior Court for Richmond County, Fourth Monday in June and December Courts of Ordinary throughout the Slut', On the iir«t .Monday of January, March, May, July, Septemlicr and November AUCTIONEER.' C. Philips, j l.;.*h m Hull. NOTARIES PUBLIC Win. If, Joiioh, Richard H Wilde. Paul Rovgnol C *». Crawford, Augustas Moore, VV in Jackson, Daniel , i Muiphy, Charles 1 .’inter, A Picqin t, .1 S Beers. Western B Thomas, Andrew J Miller, George \V Criisforil, VViMiam C .Micou. Wm I - Gould, William if Eagan, Walter Veitch, csuin’ Peck, Joseph llutchuivoii, John A Barnes BANK OF AUGUSTA Offering Day. Monday Discount Day, Tuesday President, Thomas L’umniiog, Cashier. Augustus Moore, Teller, Y Romgnol. Directors —R Tubman, .1 Gardner, J .Moore, .! Carmichael, James Frazer, James Harper, J Bones, Sam i Clark, Robert A Held, Win. Cum* ining, I’hoinas M Gran : on the part of the Stale, Benjamin Baird, William Joluoton, II 11 ( onk. BRANCH STATE BANE at Augusta Offering Day, Thursday, Ihsonunt Day, Friday, President . Samuel Hale, Cus'ntr, Isaac Henry, Teller, William 11 Jones. Directors —Samuel Hn!*, A VVaterman, Il II Mangrove, A islaugtifer, W II 1 urpiii, James M Carter. John Davis, John P. Grenier, F C. Heard, P Stovall INSURANCE S- BANKING COMPANY. Offering Day Wednesday Discount Day Thurs da* Peter Bconoch. Pr* lident, Robert Walton, ,N eirrtary If Cashier Wm. Poe, I'rttrr If Book krrprr■ Directors, II VV rbstor J M Dowall, A Siblry, A P Pillot, Alesander Grabam, William Hones, James R liisbop, Eoocli knight, W W Montgomery. Wm Harper. MERCHANTS Sf PLANTERS’ P INK Offerin ’ Dai, Tuesday, Ihsrm. ' fhs , Wednes day. ftotn l.t June t.i I«t OclolMir ; UtV-riog and Discount Day, Wednesday from l.t October to l*J June Joseph Wheeler, PresideT,f John F Llovd, Cashier, linn* H llolcmube, teller Joseph •I nh hmi'»>, Book Let per, John V Barnes Dis count Cli rk Dirti for*. Joseph VVfis-s-1«- 1 . i ilwinl riimnes, \ it W alki-i ■, John W Bridges, Jidiu ( Ilob ouitie i ’nules D Williams, Wm. M Rowland, I. Gib sou. SA RINGS RANH of Augusta, Ivlwstil I Campbell, Prtsi it nt , Isaac llrmy, CajAier ,V Tirsisrtr. Day nj Deposit, every Saturday trsr.i 3to ' o’l'Joi k ,11'(*I’ST. 1 LIBRARY SOCIETY. \ >lrttigh*er, ( 4s<i>' man Board o> litrrc'ors. !l I". Par Secretary If Tiraturtr, J.vturs Gould.: Librarian t SIGN II H IRt COMP 1\ Y Prtrr ftron»i'l<. Prrndi-nl. John r>ti«ip R'harf.n ger. Treasurer ,V Secretary tlrisnhi Mrk< osie H. II \lus»rove, Thomas i« fares Wm Botin k. Vngostii* Mosul. John I \ , lari I. Bhlwell l _______ STf TV no (T ( OVP lA' V. Win Rutirvtvon, .l.'is! Robert i Poc, treasurer aid SeereLtry LOTTERY AGENT. J Aadirits. MEDIC i L SOCIETY Mrtandrr t ii>uin»-h«i i PretuUnl Win Sasage, If I M. I«' >t»» itsnn RrrorJmg St * r 'ary V t Rihlwiu, CorretponJinst N tertiary Lewi* kesmou. irtasuier, J II it slkn, Oiaior TRI S TEES of RICHMOND ACADEMY Fla aril I' Campbell. Pet detent, llemy li Cum Wins Robert RR. id A B l.«'ilt»ltrrl Dr Ali'r ('ntimaghvm, \\ m I (ioal t, 1 humsi M titan, \\ W Mont gome iy, J nun VV t’* Cirri V lre usurer to the Iknrd Jas V! U«v. I RttG'T. Jnotes P \V adiiel, FREE SCHOOL. Thotnss ( ironing Preside'.. Peter Be much, I tee I'rt nt. R.ten | P.„ v -rrf«r|, \ugiis t»* Moorr l . -,-r Vi, Miirim TroeStr. Kn **• VI », ~ .-IMa’e.Fii' • snl J Has ' i ’ o H.mes I Mesirv. It A R*nt, Ro I. aid *nt hi a.: l • J ' W a>ki r, Jtiun Ila i j»f, mi dial iNsTiH r; or ci'ißun «v> its. the {' oat and ol Ft n* sees r »i* of Mrn.boc 1 liiMsa* H in t • t Pres ’’ •! J P l.sisi i v«rrf a.y J t* 't W hsarter. J J- ' •• I* -i 'frrfs/i’r f <*s« *nV.' -r. M VoHo., S i tiu uil Csnrw «*f i»»lmct4. o (tv nance* in i' r I*-. Msmhv iu ckriidwr. Ihe Lmvin i i’nlisw *-l u* iiitss nut are itrLirinJ r* '! A*to*i M O ua Miilaifm, heta IttOrt. ta Ist February On lumatei and Prsflic# of Medicine lYvxa Ist Feb'r to Ist June L. D. l'% t-t> M. !>. pn CViMtri (Vaat Oct. to I ebr-ovry. ] U*» Materia MHi.s,f«M> Feb. 1 • la Jwaie J I*. Unu* M. D se f<«w Oc; ts* 1 feVtMrv IV* ‘Wr;eer fro**' |\ *t J j Ts tk* pd SaSiOS, ?I‘A, • J' TRUSTEES MASONIC BALI. Samuel Hale, Chairman, Thomas I Wray, Al»’r Mackenzie A Slaughter, John VV Wilde, J S Beers, Francis Ganabl, Robert RReid, J C Mer- San, T G C-.sey, Wm T Gould, Peter Beanoch, Wm Schley. MASONIC CALENDER. Webb's Lodge, No 10. -meets 3d Friday in eve ry month Social Lodge, No 3, 2d Friday in every month. Augusta Chapter, R. A. M. Ist Tuesday in ev ery month. Georgia Encampment, Knights Templars, lsi Monday in every month Adoniram Council of R Si S M, first Saturday in December, March, June and September, j Lodge of Perfection. Council ofP. of Jerusa j !em ami Rose Croiz Chapter, 2d Wednesday in ! Februaiy. May, August and November. Cjd.’istory of S. P 11. S. 22d June, and 22ii De. ember EXCHANGE BROKERS. ‘ Beers. Booth L. St John, | Allens LPaddock MO UFA RLE FEASTS. j Spj>ti:aor('sima Sunday Feb 11; Shrove Snn • fay, ieb 25; Asb Wrdmsday. Feb 2?; Mid. Lent Sunday. .Marcli 25; P-.'i’i Sunday An.rd • b‘: Easter Day, April 15 Lk* Sunday, Apr'. 1 J-’: Kirgaii »n S.mnav, ’• ■ '< t Vs. .-03!'-i. Day, ;»!r,y 24 : W hit Sunday, .m ■■ - -, ” rinity * cud »v. June Iu ; Advent sumia/ Dec: j ST 1 SUING COM Si ’ll r.ES OF COUNCIL, FOR TUB PKr.St'NT YEAR Dh. Arcounts —Messrs. Har - r Barber, and Kirkpatrick. Street* —Messrs Bemvocli, Mi Ch mbs.anrißofT Jail — Messrs Rolf, l hoinns, aud Dilion. t'unps —Messrs. McCombs. Glascock, and | Kirlipftti ick M.rkil —.Viensrs Glascock, McCombs, and Bather. Magazine —Messrs Kirkpatrick, Thomas and Dilt-.n nicer Bank— Messrs Bennocb. Harper, and 1 Barber. Drams —Messrs. Mi Combs, Ross, and Ben* ! noch. Health Messrs Thomas, Bnrbcr. and Me | Cnrnb* Polirc —Messrs. Harper. Rtiff, and Dillon Fire Engines —Mestus Bemioch,Gla«cock and Roll*- Published !»y order of Council, passed the 1 Itti May 1 ti‘4') GEO. M. WALKF.R. Clerk [ May 17 4 &.AIL ARRANGEMENT. Northern Mail. Dae every evening at 6 o’clo< k. Closes every evening nt i* o'clock Mails for Pendleton C. II ice are made up on Fritlav a; V P. M and fotwanted via Edge field ( 11 <ni se Mails f.jr Greenville C if v C., Ashville. N Carolina, » aut Ti nuctvei ,<rd Kentucky are made up on Saturdays at 9 P VI and fomaided via Edgefield ( . 11. Charleston ' til. Due every Sunday, We b. y ami Friday, at 54 P M. Closes ev. . * ■ iy, lbursday and Saturday, nt 10 A Savannah Ala. Due every Monday. W »»d , v >ll ) tiday, t»y II A. M Close* eveiy M • 1 ■’»* ii.-sday :»nd Satuiilay at *J P VI Mittedgcville M ' Due every iviumg, exeept Ti .vday, by 8 P. Vt • loses evety • vein g, 1101,1 Tuesday, at U P. M. Mii » for Fortvil e. Clinton, Macon, Knox * ’ ’• .* ’ > timinii, (heck Ar-ney. AlubamK, Mi* <i"i| jii nod l.ooiiiaoa, are made ii|» on Muu il,ivv, Wednesdays and KnJ.ii* a, y P. M Mnib lor Middle and \\ e%l I lorida. on Mnn days at 9 P M Vlad* lor Gt* enslmtough nod Mailison, Geo 011 Sunday* and Wednesdav*. »• 9 I* M Mails lor F.atonion and Mouiice'lo, Geo. on Mondays and hatiii'fi v» ai !* P M /1/Ar;is Mail. Due every Sunday ami VVrdnrrdav. at 7 P M Clot* s ev* ry Mol’d”v and Fto'.iiv, at tl P. M Mints for West 1 emu »ve» are made u|i on Mouiln s • at 1) P. M. ands ■ a aid' dby tlii* route Camesmtle Mail. Doe every Friday, at is I*. VI, Closes every Saturday al 9 P M. Greenville, S. C. Mail. vis rxjtrt.' hs c i: sm> saaxi u.i ten Doe e»ri* M u <!:iy. t,y 3l* M ( loves evrry Moiulay. at D P. M Coosasehatthi' Mail. vis ions thru ns», s c I'.iv eseif Hniidav. at .">4 P Al. Cluiai every Tuestlav. at K» \ M !T C Tie Puvl OUs» r will he open everv da* (Sunday* r*c*jne. ) from 7 V M. 8 P At. iron* lat March tn Ist November. FiotuH V M in H P M trnm Ut Novemtser to Ist M*rch. ey. rept fiom 2lu 3l* M and during the lime ©( Opening not closing Iliads. i] r tin -'undays, the Oiti'e will b« ojvrn from P M JAMES FHASCR. P M. A again Geo. .Vay 1. IAS) AN ACT Ta Ulcml the lime for biilnna'e draaeia in thf I *ml Lotte*lev ol rigi tern ‘ nndrr*l and eigh Iren, eighteen handled and lone *n. an< • ighlrcu lun.lrril m.l Ivtiilt dio In take o«i grants tor lands Hits iliawu smi »11-rl*o time tlirrnu *j*ecifirtl, to v< si ihr *amc in lb, Stale. BE it fust ltd ly the Sematt end Ho* « r.f R'p rrmtnfirts o' Hit Sla.s of orcngia 11. treat rut .iiirmbly met anti it 11 hereby tnafied by the autborely of the lame, l hat 1 * ry per*<»»* who, •as a fortunate drawer inihelind h.ttiti s by i the authority ill t e SI Is passed ou the h leentt) day <*• Dri r»u 11, n I’tnuirctl «n<l n^h teen on the sister lih dav «'l D 1 erri ■ r Mgh- I tren hundred m i nineteen, an I on the fiMeeotb day ot Mat r ighteen loiwdird and Iwen’t oir shall ha*e until the firrt day .1 Nov.inl.ei, eigh fern f.viii!r» l *od thirty . to t*ke out his. Uer nf thrtr grant*upon p-'jiug in 10 the li a.or* the sum of eight dollar* Sir. 2. ,laJ he if fH'ih'r emeuhd hv the tsu 1 thor.iy afar (li, t. 1 hat ftotn and alter the first dav of Nn»en»*>»r eighteen tuodre-i and ibirlt.l the lands vo diawn as alorrsaid and not grantrd shall revert t«*. and brcaan the ptoperty t the 3'iit i’te 3 »f forth ’ r ermeied. Thai this Ai l s'iaU bo* t-xiend ia an* to* or tots of iaod , drawn t*v Aephans until three vear* after Del «j:d orphans »h»ll have arrived at the *r< of j iwet’lV-ov*« ; is.»r to anv lot* drawn hy sdeois or 1 uvswtn-' or pervos's who hate departed this til* • sure tVi gate 10 for a draw or diawt tr Said ‘ lietics of t* 1»■ iqjf» t 1921 an t whose r* •airs »r«- or lej retro ted, n r to any k>»s numtet ten and out md ed set apait lor the purpose o< pwtdn r lji stiou Sac. 4 And be 1/ fmrlhtr tretried. That at! *w««o.i psiii of U*i inoiisimg against IfiM aft be and U e ••ave aieOeieHr .eprvtrd asc 5. And heff JnrStr teaeied be them u •he'-rty oftt’tned i bn* it tiali he the dutv of has \ l.seetUixy the t.oiemor m ranse this art to He J paidi»hnl ii a'l the pubiir Gatelte* of ihts "late, , once n tnoi iH. oolii the ta Ivs dav of NuvetnSev ! nest, aud that hr rause tkr rape ta, of *o< f« pnbii anno lo Ne patd na’ al tfee roal.ogrtil (no. 1 Amti 1C si U 9th No'etnber 1829 UEoL.SL R GILMER • bvti'sar. 7 * bev 19 87 ml2a tiledi£as Institute of Georgia. riIHE first Session of this Institution, which I opened in Augusta 011 the kst of October last, closed on the 3d Monday it) May following. The Executive Committee are happy in being able to state that the pledges to the public con tained in the Circular of the last year have been faithfully redeemed by a most piofitablc course of instruction. Although the Legislature, at its last Session, passed an Act to alter the name of the Medical Academy of Georgia, &,c. granting to the Board of Trustees "fthe Medical Institute of Geor gia, tne power of confening the degree of Doc tor of Medicine ; the Executive Committee think it advisable for the present, that the operations of the Institute continue on the Acadnnic Ar rangements of the last Session. The Committee feel justified by the experience of the past Session, which afforded 5 fai test of the plan of instruction adopted in this institu tion, in believing that the combined Courses of | Study htre adopted, afford to the Pupil advanta | ges in rapid advancement in the acquisition ot j Medical knowledge, and in economy ol time and money, not elsewhere to be found. Such is tne plan of Instruction in the Medical : Institute f Georgia, that it is suited as well 1 to ihi r-cgin nng, as the more advanced Pupil, 1 and v' r- a j private stu sy iu the profession is , •'cztssa iiy riquiri.d before entering the Class. T'jt Lom uittee earnestly recommend to all who ’r.’rnd tc devote their attention to the study of j Medicine, fitst to possess themselves ot a good knowledge of the Latin and G't-k Languages, in i addition to a good English Education, iuciuitiog a general knowledge of Natural Philosophy and Mathematics. he Academic hours, during which all Pupils wi!i be expected to be found in the lusl tution j duly engaged in their Studies, will, from the au | tumual to (he Vernai equinox, he from 9 to 12 A. IM. and from 2to 5 r M.; and fiorn the Vernal to 1 the Autumnal, from 8 to 12 A. m. and 2to 6 p. M. Ibe Course of Studies combines iu the same i Institution, » regular system of Private. Study, consisting of Me,,icul Rinding, Examinations, aud Anatomical Exercises, with a Rtgvlar Course ot Lectures on all the brandies of Medicine, with appropriate demonstrations, I fc. Two Lectures will be daily delivered before the Class during Academic hours, (Sundays excepted.) from the Ist Mouday in October to the 3rd Monday in May. During the other four months, such Siu dents as will remain, will he employ ed in regular Reading ami Examinations: Students can bfe accommodated with Rooms for piivate Reading i:i the Institution ; and such order, at all times, preserved by (he Steward, as (o prevent any in terruption to Studies. Goon Board will be furnished bv *he Steward who resides at the Institution, at the very moder ate pi ice of $9 per month trithout, aud $lO 25, with Lodging Board wi I he expected to be paid for month ly, 01 quartetly, in advance, as may be agreed ou between Student nnd Steward. A Couqieteiit Library is supplied, without any necessary expense to the Pupil for the purchase of Kooks except Pocket Volume*. I lie 1 icket* of Admission 10 the beuefitj of the Institute, will be SIOO, payable in all cases, as usual, in advance The Annul: Examination of the Clais ix held on the 3d Monday in May Lectures o ill Ire delivered hy the following Geutlemen M. ANTONY, M D. On the Institutes and Practice of Medicine, nnd on Midudftry, and the Diseases of tfoincn and Childrtn. 1. D FORD, 31 D. On Chemistry and on Materia Mr dim J A EVE. M. D On Anatomy aud on Surgery j g. McWhorter, jf and ) .. JOHN DENT. M l) f Executive MILTON ANTONY. Af />. ) a,nm,llf ' (T*7“ Editors in this State, favorable to the cause of Medical Science, will please lo insert the above a lew limes. August 12 29 ts JJ// the Ju 'life at Chambers , 23d JULY, 1830. STATU OF GKOKGIA. RICHMOND SUPERIOR COURT Between Grace Howell, C>>inpl 1 Hill for .. / discovery Grottc.f L. laiw 1 k V Ai.r.NTtat/ . - Wai KKR. • living Exrcutoi-c of Edward well, decrav, d.V dtslnbu •nd other* j tion. | T being *i 1 ut Mary A Rowell, Nancy | \\ R«n«. , Elisabeth Foieman. Millt K Rowell, S«i. * K'lwell, R. ujamiu D Rowell, H I. mail I It well, Margairi C. Rowell, Wil ha >1 A. K -well, Edward }|. Rowell, t lizn VVil hnm«on, Catherine Rowell. Saiah Howell. Ran dolp Rows 11. Mary Ron. 11, Dorcas Rw. |), lane R,iweli, Mary Davie-, Henjwmin Slrange, Patscy Foreman. Randolph Slrauge, Edward Hit mjr. Hohliarn >tranr*'. E S Sibley and Elizabeth lu* Wife, Arthur VAr-thiook and Mary hi* Mile, tinui Jai ksoo an’ Rebecca hia M ilr Liu 1 Bah. John Stanly, John Horton and I 1 ti "in hi* 5 ii,. Je**r VV entbrook and Susan ih uia 'A it»- »V it iam CrMim'r* ant Winifred hia i* ife a .’it Nathaniel Manlev. defrnrtanl* in the above Ulil. 1•» and» out ol tin* -'tale; and that James Stanley j ic*ide» in the County of Law rence, Ol said Stntr of Gc >I(U It it aiio-f'il that irw-y severallv appear at he neit irrm oi lAn Court, on the third Monday in November next to plead, answer, or demur, < not demurr.i.g alum »to ibe ('omplainant t bill, and t al » 1 * ice ol said bdl Ire p« r fei led 00 Ihe in, hy publi* ii g • copr of tfcn or lir. once a week bu three mooias previously tn tan icrtn in sonic fiafette pu' lithe t in Ihe Cltjr of Aiigiioa; and al*<> in aonw* Gatetia pubiithed 11 ( olornbia. in the 'll*)- i.f 'south ( srolma—-in Nashville, iu the ''late of 1 emieviee —in M ■ntjowri', in the H<a(e *,f ALvbams—aud in Raleigh, in the State of Notth-t arohna .J true copy from the Minutes. JAMES Mr I. A MS. Clerk Julv 29 w 3m 25 17* The Columbia (f> C ) Time* L Gazette. N ihtillr ( fenii ) Banner, (iauqaaiery ( Ala ) «.'*etie, and Kakuh. (N. ( ) Star, will pleave publish the ahe-ve ooce a week ’or three month*, and send the {ichote serfs of th'lT) pa|>eis con taming the advertisement 10 Hiii.ira A Jiair G >cli> Augmta Geo )*nl remit tbnr necoaut* to the Georgia Courur Office A -New M:i|i of Georgia. e X 1 H E su set :b*T* Have now uii.iei the hand* | if the Engraver m New York a complete , and splendid Map of lire »ute of Georgia, the i greater pari eompilcd fr- w actual torvey, with I all the di»tnet# carefully lau . d-wnaml uuaher ed. IV whole cosnplefed with great labor andex act ness from the latest and most authentic 10 for- i minor: in a style not infendr to any tbsag of the kind ye* presented to the public, with a table of •intanre* Itiaa the seat of government to reefy I C Aoty tile nr place of important- at the state ’ The districts ns the view purchase and lower cour.ties arv all Bumhered in the corner*. *0 «s to rookie a f*er*o« to ascertain the e*a. t litos t’"* of any lot nf land, and will be paroled and fcuished cf in the nnirst inanoer—a part of them canvassed, van. ,4 ed and placed oo roller*, the Nalance will be uw ihm paper nieely folded in •worner c-iv't*. and wi Ibe for *«le u> Milledge tdie b* the first of October neat. Those on ; roller, at Fire Dollars and the pvcfcel map of the same *-a« ai Foss' Doitaeo. Person* residing vt a distance wishing to pro car* the map enn do to by sending by their , mem Neva as a sufficient number of them wi ! be krp* in MilledgevtHe during the *e*»i *n of *he I-eeislaturr. CARLTON WF.LLBORN ORANGE GRI E\ 3T* fcdltnn in thi* «•«*■ **h will p * ii*rs the ahov occnasnnnli* uoti tie fir*t Nova—her next, wi e et»’,i;g4 to x csrsr ai tic sap. Julj 23 ' 24 \ j PROPOSALS, j FOR PUBLISHING BY SUBSCRIPTION, j A COMPENDIUM OF TIIE I LAWS OF THE STATE OF GEORGIA, By Arthur Foster, CONTAINING all the Statutes, and the sub stance of all the Resolutions, of a general aud public nature, and now of lorce, which have been passed in said State from the year 1820, to the year 1829, both inclusive, with occasional explanatory notes and connecting references, and a list of the statutes repealed or obsolete. To which is added an appendix, containing the constitution of the State of Georgia, as amended ; also, references to such local ads as relate *o towns, counties. Internal Navigation, County Ac ademies. !fc., and a collection of the most appro ved forms used in carrying the above named laws into effect; with a copbns Index to the whole h will be something like a continuation of Prince’s Digest repealed or altered. It may be observed, that the Legislature of Gporgia arc in ihe caustant practice of repealing altering, or amending Laws passed at their previous ses sions, so that, without such a Digest or Compi lation of them, as is now respectfully offered to the public, it actually requires a lawyer, or a person who has devoted much time to the exam ination aad comparison of the diffeient enact | meats of each succeeding session of the Legisla tuie, t" be acquainted with all the laws which are of force: Anil having witnessed with much pleasure the immense put lie utility and popula rity of the Digest compiled by Oliver 11. Prince, Esq., and also having no doubt but a similar J Compendium of the T avT s from the time of that i publication down to the present, with the addi tion of the piecedents, or forms, which will he | placed in the Appendix, and which will add gieatly to the public utility of the w ork, and to ' the furtherance of justice, would lie very useful , and acceptable to the public, the Compiler has i ventured upon the arduous and important mi dertaking However, not altogether on his owo judgment. or the experience of Having been a member of the Legislatuie during the passage of inos* of the laws now proposed to be published, and at *he administration of them for eight years, as a Ju .lire of the Inferior Court, in a County where much business of an intricate i nature is transacted in that Court and the Court of Ordinary ; after com'deting the manuscript it has been placed iu ttie hands of gentlemen, : eminently learned in the law. who, after a strict and cat etul examination, have politely tendered j to him the subjoined Certificates : I have examined •• A Digest of the laws of ' Georgia from 1820 to 1829, inclusive, by A. Fos ter. Esq.” and think Uie work executed with ' judgement and accuracy. The work is intend ed at a continution of Prince s Digest, and is, in my opinion, well calculated to answer that valu able purpose Although the author is not pro fessionally a Lawyer, he seems, in ascertaining the statutes note of force, to have added much care, examination, and study, to his advantages as a practical legislator, during most of the pe riod emhiait and in his work. JOHN P. KING. -4iigu*fa, July 20th, 1830. Acov’sn, July 28ih, 1830. I have attentively examined a Digest of the Inivs oi Georgia, from 1820 to 1829, inclusive ; uud from the examination, feel authorized iu stating, that the work is executed with much judgement and accuracy, hy A. I’ostei, Esq of Columbia County. I have no doubt the wmk will prove valuable to eveiy citizen who feels desirous to become informed of the Statute® now of force iu the Slate, and would recommend nit Justices of the luferior Couit, Justices of the Peace, Cleihs, Sheriff* fcic to possess themselves of the work so toon as published. THOMAS GLASCOCK WtuoHTSßoKOt’on. sth June. 1830 Sin : As far as I have yet had an opportuni ty of examining the inanu*nipt copy of y<’itr *• Digest of the laics of the Mate of Georgia." I high'v appiove both of Us execution and its plan. The volume cannot fail to answer "ell the pur pose lot which it was designed.—ln the appen dix tbeie are a mini net of precedents or forms, wtnrh appear to have heco modi lied with accu racy and iu strict conformity to the digested statutes from winch they were drawn, and with out doubt will add much to the value and use fulness of the work as a nn-an (in the hands of Justices of ihe Peace, Justices of the Inleriot Courts. Clerk*, SheuflV young practitioner* ot the Law. and others.) “in currying the above named lavs into effect' with greatei lacili'y. I am, Sit, your obedient servant, PIERSON PETTIT. Arthur Poster, Esq The work is now- in the hands of Judge Schley, | who lias kiudiv promised, n» early a* other en gagement* will permit, to take it through a care lul and minute investigation, and correction, if correction shall lie fouu I necessary or proper. The gn at public ultiJity of snrh a wotk must be obvious to all ; and the compiler, who has de voted to it mnrh lime nnd laborious study, flit let* himself that the irMnnonials presented above, will fully satisfy the public, that that uti- i lily bat not been Ltieacd in Ihe s tghfest de grec by an detect on hi* part, in its general design or the accuracy of us execution At the suggestion of the piofessional gent.e mrn whose names are affixed to Ihe above Cer- j tificate* and other* who have generously taken an interest in lb* work—aud with an anxious desire to make the work as extensively benefi cial as possible to the puhlii—the Compiler will Introduce into it several highly important Laws of the Unite i States, to common use among the people, and which are often niflscolt to he found; among which are, Ih sc in relation to the nalur- j altxation of A'ient. the removal ol ease* fi»m 1 the 9rata to the If. States Court*, the mode of voting for President aud Vice-President, by elec tor*. ami of making the returns, and the time of j bwldm-; such elections, Ur Wc. TERMS. The wotk will conta.ii about 4fo page*, and will be printed alter the style of Prince’: Digest, whig)’ it to be taken at tee standard, aud hound in good i»*» binding, will be published as soon as a sufficient nutbber of subscribers ran be ob tained to warrant its publication ; and will he At lirered lo subscribers a* their Residences, at .A3 , ft*' per ropy Any responsible person obtaining j fflttn suhsetiher*. and beeorr.iog accountable i for the tame, shall he entitled to a copy gratis XX Publishers of Newspapers in this Plate. ) who will (avor the above with a number of occasional b unnm as they may think proper, till the Ist N as embgr next, shall tcCeite therefor, a copy of the Aug 2 28 Medical Institute, of Georgia. THE regu ar course nf Lecture* ttc. in this Institution for the last year, ended on the , third Monday of May. That for the eusuing season will commence ow the first Monday of October n»*t Ihe Executive Committee having witnessed the zeal of tee* l-ecturer', and the im provement of the pupil* during the past year, have thi* year the additional argument of expe- , nence to recommend this infant Institution te public patiooage and support. JOHN DENT, j g McWhorter M. ANTONY. Angoat 6 27 j “IvoiiceT” ~~ FOUR Months after date application will Se made to the Honorable the Inferior Court «f Richmond County, silling at a Court of Ordi nary, for leave to soil a I»i in the City of Au gusta. containing a front of 23 feet 3 uicb"t oo M -shuijtioo-Hreet.. and r|i®ediug bock UW&fret 3 inches. The above Lot the property of VV ask- I i.igtnn Martm. (a Minor.) Ef.lZ.% MARTIN, Cxard*n. Ji s*J K> tria -2J ' Georgia, Rictimofid Cottntfk WHERE A.- John Ctvswill applies lot Let ters of Administration upon the Estate of Petei L. Cantalou. dec’d, and late of Rich mond County, These are, therefore, to cite all and singular the kindred and Creditors of said dec’d, to b«5 and appear at my office within the time prescri - bed by law, to file their objections, (if any they have) and shew cause why said letters shot}'# not be granted. Geo. A. B. Walker, c. c. o. June 24 15 Georgia, Richmoifti County^ WHEREAS William Tutt applies for Let ters of Administration upon the estate ot Benjamin Tutt deceased and late of S. Carolina -3 hese are, therefore, to cite all and singular the kindred and creditor? of said deceased, to be and appear at my office, within the time prescrL • bed by law, to file their objections (if any they 1 have) ami shew cause why said letters should not he granted. Geo. A. B. Walker, c. c. o. July 1 17 Georgia, Richmond County ~\lfT HE I\EAS Charles J. Jenkins applies for IT Letters of Administration de bonis nou cum testameuto annexo, on the Estate of Mat, thins Jones, These are, therefore, to cite all and sitigulaX the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to b<? ami appeal at my office, within the time prescri bed hy law, to file their objections (if any they have,) and shew cause why said Letters should* not ho granted. Geo. A. B. Walker, c. c. o. August 2 26 2t Georgia, Richmond County. WHEREAS Dr. Joseph A. Eve applies for Letters of Administration on the Estate of James Moore, deceased, and late of Rich l tnond County: These are, therefore, to cite all and singular j the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to | file their objections, if any they have, in my of fice. within the time prescribed by law, otherwiso Letters of Administration will he granted. Geo. A. B. Walker, c. c. o. May 27 7 2t Georgia, Richmond County. WHEREAS Charles Smith applies for Let ters of Administration upon the Estate ot George Smith, dec’d, aud late of Kichniuml County, These are, therefore, to cite aH and singular the kindred aud creditois cf said deceased to be and appear at my office within the time prescri bed by law, to file their objections (if any they have) and shew cause why said letters should not he granted. Geo. A. B. Walker, c. c. o. June 24 18 Georgia, Richmond County. WHEREAS, Wiliam IMcGai applies for Letters of Administration upon ilic Es tate of David Clatkc, ilec’d, and late of Rich mond County, these are, therefore, to site a',! and singular the kindred and creditors of said dec’d. lob'i and appear at my office within the time prescri bed by law, to file then objections, (if any they itave) and shew cause why said letters should not he granted. Gen. A. B. Walker, c. c. o. June C 4 jg Gcorgin* Richmond County. W *ll' - Benjamin !• Ken nek applies y V for Letters of Administration on the Es tate of William G. Hyde, deceased, and lale of Richmond county. t liesc arc thereftiro to cite nil and singular the the kindred an.! creditors of said deceased, to he nnd appear at nty office within the time pre scribed by law, to file their objections, (if anv they have,) and shew ettuse why said letter.’ should not lie granted. Goo. A. B. Walker, c. c. o. Aog 20 3^ Georgia, Riclwnond County. WJ HERKAS Mary Hussey applies for Let* ▼yf ters of VdininislrMtion on the estate of (.tini les Bussey deceased, and late of Richmond County, These are therefore) to vise nil nnd singular the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to he and appear at my office, w ithin the time pre scribed hy law to file their objections, (if an” they have,) ml slu-w cause why said Idlers should not lie granted. Geo. A. B. W alkot, c. c. o. July 1 Georgia, Richmond County. WHEREAS Geo. M. Walker applies for Letters of Administration on the Estate of George Smith, deceased, late of Richmond County. These are, therefore, to cite all and singular the kindred aud creditois of said deceased, to file their objections, if any they have in toy office witmn the time prescribed by law, otliei * i»e Letters of Administration will be granted. Geo. A. B. Walker, c. ti. o. June 17 13 Georgia, Richmond County. WHEREAS James Race applies for Letter# of Administration upon the Estate of William H. Bu*h, dec’d, and fate of Richmond County, These nr», therefore, to cite all and singular the Uindted and creditors of said dec’d, to bs> and appear at Olilflc. within the time prescri hid by law , to file their objections, (if any they base,) an I shew cause why said Letters should not be gi anted. Geo. A. B. Walker, c. c. o. June 24 JQ (iejrgia Richmond County. WHEREAS Uci.jdmm F. Kenrick upplin for Letters ol A4miuiitr<ilion upon the l MMe of Jo n Kenny dec’ll, and lute of Rich* mond county. These arc, theicfore, so die nil and singular the kindred and creditor* of said deceased, to be and appear at u* y office within I lie tine pre iciiMby law, to hie their objection*, (if any they hate,) and shew cause why tail Letters thould not be granted. Geo. A. B. Walker, c. c. o. Aug 25 . 33 $75 REWARD. RA NAVV AV, on tbe Btb intt from the Subscri ber, in Augusta, a ne/io fellow named JACK, an excellent barber, about .‘JO year* old, and & feet 6 inches high, with bushy hair, largo mouth, diffident look and talk, and respectful manners He had on when he went away, a Coatee and pantaloon* of oarse light-blue Sati net, and a whit-hat Ihe subscriber belie ting, from the easy disposition of Jack, that he »u petsoaded to go away by tome villain, uiih the intention of selling him will gi, fc f yij lo anr Iso dr. who uili furnish bt"i with sufiriem to eontiet the thief, and |£s|« lodge the >egro in a Jail, where he can get him or the tame suns, (sls ) with reasonable expenses, to A* liter hitu in Aurusta. N. DELAIGLE. August 23 32 ts Verses for Kisses, JUST PRINTED on good rapt (Q a car it «t thi; 02k:.