Georgia courier. (Augusta, Ga.) 1826-1837, September 20, 1830, Page 4, Image 4

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4 COHPO RATION Os THE CITY OF_AUGUSTA. MA YOR, saaiull hale. ME HIRERS Os COUNCIL tidtv.-ml 1 mnnati ,James Harper, Peter Brn nucb, W C. Dillon, K. M’Cooinbs, R Barber, T. GUstutk, >ios<*s Kr ts. Clerk of Council, G. M. Walker Cierk Court Common Ritas, William Jackson City BUeriJf A. tome I'icque.t. Ctly Collector and Treasurer. J. H. Mann. City Manual, Mitchell Nelson. Deputy do James Pea y. Justices of the Peace, Benjamin Rowland J. W. Meredith, P. H. Mantz, G. M. Walker. (J Dickinson, A. I. Huntington, A. G. Raiford. Juo M Tyre, Eugene Verdery, Augustus Verdery ( JAmes A. May. Constables,'! hornas Taut, James Peav, Thomas l lumphell, Louis Kunzo, Louis Meredith, \N iu. Martin, Gustavos A. Parker. Clerk of the Lower Market, Jas. W. Meredith Clerk of Hu-. Upper Market, A. G. Raiford. Sexton, John Marshall. SuperiiUeudant of the Magazine, Thos Quiz- Snbetry. City Surveyor, Robert Raiford. Judge Comt Common Picas, R. R Reid, Esq. Sessions ot the Court of Common Pitas, fourth Monday in January, March, May, July, Septem ber and November.*—A'c/urn Day, five days be fore. JUSTICES OF THE INTERIOR COL". T Valentine Walker, Holland M’Tyre, William Shannon, Edward Thomas, Absalatu Rhodes. Clerk Sup r &? laf’r Courts, .latm-s Me Laws Clerk Coml of Ordinary, Geo. A. li. Walker Sessions oj the Superior Court fur Richmond County, Fourth Monday ill May, and third Mon day in November fusions of the Inferior Court for Richmond C>>unly, Fourth Monday in June and December Courts of Ordinary throughout the fitut>., On the first Monduy of January, March, May, July, September and November AUCTIONEERS. C. Philip*, | Latham Hull. NOTARIES PURLIC. Win. II I onus, Richard H Wilde, Paul (lovignol C A. Crawford, Augustus Moore, Win Jackson, < DminJ r.Vluipliy, Charles Carter, X Picquct, J 9 Beers, Western B Thomas, Andrew J Miller, George W Crawford, William C Micoti, Win I Gould, William II Ehkmii, Walter Veitch, Sam Peck, Joseph Hutchinson. John A Barnes HANK Os MOL’ST A Offering Day, Monday Discount l/ay Ttie*< : m president, Th'»niu* Cuimnms Cashirr. Ann. iu* JRnore, Teller, P itnsignol Directors. —U Tu’unm 1 Gardner, J %!■ J Cariuidiael, James Fraser, James ILuper, J t Houes, Aam I Clark, It'dirri \ Reid. Win. t nm- j lliiig, 1 hninas M Gian : on the part ot tlie Slate | Re njamin Baird, Vv illialu lohii*ton, II II Cos k IIRANCH STATE RANK at Augusta Offering /)•»»/, Tnuraday Discount Day, Ft id > hrsiihn l Samuel Hale, Cashitr, Isa ic lleury, Tetter, William II Jones Ihricturs 'iamn •! Hals. \ Waterman, ft li Musjrove, A hianghte*', W II inl pin. Jam's M Carter, John Ditsi», Joliu P Grentei, I ( Heard P lit.<v.ill IXHUnANCL k RANK IXU COMPANY. , o{t win.’ I) ii W*dm .dav Discount Day fliur* It «v Peter Benn eh Pi eidcnl, llnlx'il Walton, Secretary \ Cashier W»n Poe, Teller Ar i-vok- i keeper■ fUnrtacs li Webster, J M’Dnw ill, A , ftibby, A P Pi dot, Alexander tirabani. William Rones, Janus It Bishop, Enoch Knight, W IN Montgomery, Wm Harper, M£RUHANTS' Sc PLANTERS’ RANK Offering Day, 'Tuesday, Discount Day, Wednes-i das, liom Ist Julia to Ist 0< tubei ; l Mb ion; and j f)isiouul Day, Wednesday lion* Ist Uclolier to I isi June Joseph Wheeler, President, John I' Lloyd, i s'uthrrr, Hem* H Holcombe, I'itte.r Joseph! Huuhtusoii, Book ketptr, John A liaruss, l»u | tvuid Clerk. Dmrtoti —Joseph Wheeler, F.dwnrd lluuums Vl* W allsar, John W Hildget, John t" I loh omlte j Charts* l* William*, Wm. M Rowland, I. t.ib- j Hl'* ■S f VINOS BANK of Augusta, Tela aid i t amphrlt, President, Isaic lleury,! Cashier Sf T> tamrer. Day of thpvsd, rsery Saturday from Hto A ! V lock If OUST. 1 LIIIUARY SOCIETY. •V sl.iuanirt , i /isesttiH Ituard ut IStrtclors, H F. l*o* Nt*< story \ Jirosuier, J nines taould. Tikonaa. I MON II n t m COMPANY Pi t*M l» mii'i li, Prii elci i John >.uiip, ll iarfu pa, T. 'Mir*rr V herniary Alemud * Ms Kmikie, U. II Musgiuve, ihooiat • A Si- \\ m lutiuk Vo< isin• M *.>re. John ' Ail isi ivu, V Indwell. Jhrrilur«. STEAM 1W IT Cl 'tr I.W IVi'i IlnlaitiiiA, Ji|nil, lUl’i ii I Poe, Pisoturer , Jr J e . I I;; y. LOT Uin WEST. I V.tlllsMSs. MEDICAL SOCIETY .1 saOiiei luuimij.ii'i 1‘ , t'.it ut. Win Sasaje, j f I.* Pl.t', l , M. IsolKl Ison heto'd Mg ,Ni n.t/y \ t U. Ida.n, sso * r aptont. a* Secretary s ais as** man a, ibiS'Mrr Jl» Walker, ( i / f's rt r Se“ RD il Wt'M) A ( IDI V Y I .eat*! I t » H)*t»‘H, fSiiiJoi) Items || r um w I' *at 1 1 It Reel \ fi Lougstiei 1 111 Vs i t u mi: ‘ am, \V rta I taisSll l. thnuias \| l • inn ! I. W Mu*.l;"**r M . James W Dasus l . . V I* s Mas*«» I-* Ike fi.* i/J JasM Laos. L ~ . Janie* 1‘ W aslstel. I KEL Si HOOI I N • *s Cumii.i t P cast *«; Pe*rt B*nn*'< h I'm J * wrt f I've, >' I tijs Msa*ii«' fi rSMirtr, El* Mitsiio, Teacher. .Viaaf ri, —Jrnai \t.mie, >.iinu'l Da'e. Id * a 111 J Jl»l tin Jehu Its *>«•• I Hems R VRe Isi. | ci nsl lubhiou. *a J 9 Walker, J ««<>•* Hsi|>rt ,v* dical ins titi ie or i.mmuA orru !*• L t 1 II lel T* .SslesW s asiall H'J I ibniln v f— t'i K 4/hI , ISS li srs I s* Pi (SiXi Xt t i* *«itssia .Vsn J • M w salta f, i .* a ft t» I t 1 t'i»f»,’lH i issei t(l i*.. Si,l‘ as i V |* s' Si as' a , a-of L* tlmctnws s'sisnrtsecrr » si Ia '1 * '•. * »S sdwf. |l S Lsslasiea r«,ii s, SI » 1 1 * i>l in alfiasei es! **s J! An s| .1 l' U.' >' easts It. na Isi (Ist. In i lal itkisMV (. I solutes ***4 I* a- «l ■ I I>t (sue W f • oil » U* Maictte VE-al c* tl*ssa i ak I t* June ' A I•; M D M t. a!,WI», flaw Ut to fttinwiy O* >s««ti s tiam Veil U' Jasve T jrr flW*. Trustees masonic hall. Samuel Hale, Chairman, Thomas 1 Wray, Aiz"i' MacKeozie A Slaughter, John W Wiids, J S Beers, Francis Gauahl, Robert Pa Reid, J 0 Mer- San, T G Ci sey, Wm T Gould, Peter Bennoch, Wm Schley. MASONIC CALENDER. Wtbb's Lodge, No 10, meets 3d Friday in eve ry month Social Loilge, No 3, 2d Friday in every month. Augusta Chap’ r, R. A. M. Ist 'iuesday in ev ery month. Otorgia ’ Encampment, Knights Jentplars, Ist : Monday in every month ! Adoiura.ii < ounril of Sa kS M, first Saturday in D* * eri: *r, Mandi, June and September. Lodge of Perfection Council of P. of Jerusa ; lein nd Rose Croix Chapter, 2d Wednesday in February. May, An*:ust and November. Consistory of S. P R. S. 22d June, and 22d December. EX (HA SUE II POKERS. Beerg, Booth i'c St John, | Allens LPaddock. MOVE A RLE l EASTS. Septuagesirrm Sunday Feb 11; Shrore Sim rfay, Feb 25; Ash W ednesday, Fell 28; Mid. Lent Sunday, March 2a; Palau Sunday, April 8; Easter Day, Apiii'ls; Low Sunday, April 22; Rogation S',rrmayr, M u _l); Ascension Day, May 24; IVbit Sunday. June 3; Trinity Sunday'. June 10 ; Adven'. Suudav. Dec 2. »S TIA DIN (i LOH Ml TTEDS «'F COUNTIL, FOR THE PBEBFNT YEAR On Accounts —Messrs. Harper, Bar' er, and Kirkpati it k. Streets —Megm r BeormeJi, McCombs, andßofT Jail —Meski s Ross, Thomas, Hod Dillon. Pumps —ofMissis. McCombs, Glascock, and K’ii kpatt ic’; Market —Muesrs Glascock, McCombs and Barber. Magusint —Messrs. Kitkpatrick, Thomas anil Dillon. Iliver Bank— Mcssrs Bennoch, Harper, and Bni bar. Drains —Messrs. McCombs, Picff, and Ben-! n<)' b. Health Me»srs. Thomas, Barber, and Me- | Combs. Pnlii t —Messrs. Harper. R»>fl" and Dillon. Ei’c Engines —Messis. Kennoi h Glascock and R. l’ubli-t:ed bv order of Council, passed the llth ; May 18.;u. GEO. M. WALKER, Clerk t May J 7 A AiAlI. ARRANGEMENT. Northern Mail. Due i-very evening at 8 o'cloek. Close* every evi-mng at I* n i lock Mm)* for Pendleton If Jtc arc made up on Frida* «• It T M and forwaidtrd vnt Edge-I field t House. Mails tor Greenville C || H (’., Astiville. N j Carotin i, .ut Tennessee and Kentucky, are! in "lr up on halm days, at ff P M and forwarded [ vi.i Edgefield ( . 11. I ’hfirlestoH Mail. Due every Sunday, Wednesday, and Fiiday Ut »i*l I’ M. ( o*. 4 *»• iy 1 nesd.iy, 1 liuis'tay j ami au'uidny, at Jo A M Savannah Mail, IW rn iy M'liiilay, Wednesday and Friday, by I 1 V M Closes every Monday, Wednesday aud Saturday i.t VP. M Mtllitlgtvilh Mail. Due < verv evaniog earept Thursday, by 8 ' P. M ('loses every evening, except ’ltiesday, at 9 P. M. Mm l * lor Forteil e, Clinton, Macon, Kuos villc, Columbus, Creek Ygemy. Alatoiiua. Mis *i«»ippi, and Louisiaun, aie made up on Mon days. Wednesdays and Fridays at PI 1 M Mail* (or Middle and West Fiat Ida, on Mon- 1 day* at U I*. M. M ill* lor l *irrnshoiough mi.l Madioin, Gen. mi .HinnU** >iuil Wednesdays, at (t P. M M.uU l*>r Entonton and Month ello, Geo. on Mondays and Baiiudays, at 9 P M Athens Vuil. Due every Suntlav ami Wednesday, at 7 P M Pins* • every Monday and F i nla' , at V P. M Mail* for Went l enneme* are made up on | Mi.uilmi, ul 1' IV M. and for» at ib and liv tln* i > utr I I 'arnrtvillc M nl. Due ever* I riduv. at U I', M Close* eveiy i S. ilurd.iv mi 9 P M. (in nivillr , N. C. Mail. vu ev.*t|)L»to* c ii *ai' mmm c m Doe *ve»v Mnnday.tiy 3 P M ( love* every Mnuday. at *1 P, M ( \n)%ttwhat(h\( Mail. ll* I"HH 111 FIS K fit Vft, % r floe every Sunday *l (’ M Clove* every j Tue*dav »t 10 \ M a /* The Post Oflitr will l*e open every d*v (Sunday* eterpled) from 7 A M. to H P M. horn |«| Mucli In Ivl Nnvemlier. F ioinH A M I*. 8 l‘ M Irani I*» November In !*t March, es re;.i fiom 2 to ,1 P M and duiutg the time of i opemne vn.t clo«iug mailr (J /' On Suiutar*. It.* Otßrv will Re open from 7 to 8 P M. J (Ml s FR \sF.R, P M. dllgugil t.’ca. May I. I>.ki A A ACT Voetiend the note lor fmtuuate dr.v»ei« iu the I Mli * I Lotteries ol r|(llevu huodint and <l* h Iren, rightren huudied and mnrl«en. and «* i g liiir n hundred aut lasnlv miv Iu like out tor land* thna it. awn. and att«r the ) lime th-mu spenned, to seal the *au e iu Ine Kt-rt HI. t enact. A!y ’he Nai..t r and Hop if of K-p --r I' lstim of tk* Stale of Grergio m *r«ve ’ot tijrnVi nut. uuf U it hrrehj, trtac'ed f , the iUt/ho r i', o' ih' mme. I hat iveiy per*on «ln. i e> at (limit * and: river In (he liud I >ttern • hy j the mu Inn ii > o' the aet» pa sard on the h"e etb ! at nl I’e em'.er, eighteen hundred s >d 'c n on Ike vis'eenlh d*y of Ikecetlsbre, eigb t en l-undrrd m.t nine teen .u > na tire |lWalk *lr» ul At**, rijthlerrt bandied and l«ent|-oa», * ill have unlit |b r f*r«t dav nl Novrm *ei, eigh hn.litre t and tbilly to t ike out h»*. her or j r eu gi ants upon p-tviug into the Itravuiv ttsr j <n a, nl tight vinftai v Bsc 2. And be a further emmettd by the «a ! fAiiet!;* U'ftiM i. I ..ii ITimh and after the first | ti« . t N.»»enib*r * tern i tmdred amt thsrtt j He lat His so di an « a* a orvaa.d s»d not granted • hall reveit to. and become the piopetly of tLe 9'ale . Fsc. 3 And be tl fstriker ruarf-d That tkt* Act shall out eitemf '# **v lot or ot» of tan«t 1 <iias*ii by o«phans until three it« • altei the *s.d mj.dans stiatl 1 s*e atr*ve«! al tbe sje ol i i» entvoua ; uvt to any lot* diaao tv Kleut, ot 'it'vsttcs or | -r rs-mt ahe f*ve dipoitr*! tut* In. vi. i t.«* gave m f* r a draw or dia«* iu vaat > .fieti. •ol 1818, 18.9, k IBsil and wW*e re- j 'Ofi ate miirpi #vented, u*i Urm Uvlv mini *er | ir.i ioo 0,.« iu. ,i/t-d set apvit for the juif| •*e o! pu i • 4*»i jtioii 1 '|* t Ivi ke further isar' J, l'.*t aK , rm i |'*Ui ut Usv iSi‘llili*( *(*ul*t lliu *•' be and l e .*»> ait hWr. I* 't • eaievt »ic A .IvJ he*/ t'un\-r f*. nrtrd It the sit- \ |V- iy u/e- • 1 I'at .* « ai; *u- the **u*v el S'l F irvtl- -s (*♦ i.uinret i« r»if rht* set to be | j**’- .Kail .a all l‘*e I**'''* I i k » '■ut* • a «i .a|H a» tv* the liu st 'sr > f Ainrui'ei •vest •ud tuat he rs«»e the ei|e»w* of sue* I fwkii, (tb's to he paid •***' ol the rvv«i ngrnt futsd j AueuirJ r#ytU >o*f»!et !k.' , » l fJRtaF. K t.ILMF R fianrsar 1 NaretsoK* liF 87 r. i2«o 15a the Judge at Chambers, 23d JULY, J63U. STATE OF GEORGIA. RICHMOND SUPERIOR COURT. Between Grace Rowell, Compl't Jfil[J or George L. Twiggs &. Uiscooery Walker, surviving Executor'*./' ana of En ward Rowell, deceased. V distribu and others. J fion. JT being shown that Mary A. Rowell, Nancy W. Rowell, Elizabeth Foreman, Milty E. j Rowell, Sarah C. Rouell, Benjamin D Rowell, | Hannah T. Rowell, Margaret C. Rowell, IVil j iiaiu A. Rowell, Edward H. Rowell, Eliza Wil j liamson, Catherine Rowell, Small Rowell, Ran \ dolpd Rowell, Mary Rowell, Dorcas Rowell, Jane Rowell, Mary Davies, Benjamin Strange, Pntsey Foreman, Randolph Strauge, Edward Strange, Fluhbaru Strange, E 3. Sibley, and Elizabeth his Wife, Arthur Westbrook anil Mary his Wile, Benjamin Jackson and Rebecca his Wife, Lucy Ball, John Stanly, iutm Horton and Elizabeth his W if", Jesse Westbrook and Susan nah his Wife, William Coombs auil Winifred his j Wife, ami Nathaniel Stanley, defendants in the j above bill, reside out of this State; and mat ' James Stanley, jr. reMtles in the County ot Law ! reuce, iu said State of Georgia. It is ordered, that they severailj'appear at the next term of tliis Comt, on the ‘bird Monday in November next, to plead, answer, or demur, not ■ demuiriug oioive,) to liie Cou.p' s hill, aud , tnat servicf-. of Said bill i.e pn lecu and on 'hem. bv publishing a copy of this older, once a week lor three months, pieviousl v to said term, iu some Gazette published in the City of Augus'a; and also in some Gazette published iu Colombia, iu the Slate of •'outh-Carolina—in Nashville, iu the State of Tennessee—iu Montgomery, in the State of Vabarna—and iu Raleigh, in the State of Noitii-t nroitna. .1 true copy from the Minutes. JAMES Mi LAW 3, Cleik. JuU 23 v. 3n» 25 [LF l iie Columbia fS. C ) Times k. Gazette, N'tshville (Teuu.) B. tuner, Montgomery ( Ala.) Gazette, and Ralcizh, (N. C.) Star, will please puldivh the above once h week fur three months, aud semi the (i o/iofe series of Ih 'ir ) papers, con taining the a.iveilisrmeut to SYili.iam ex James G'.cld. Auzuvta. Geo ) and remit their accounts to the Georgia Courier Office. Medical institute of Georgia. ffAflK first Session "f this Institution, which § opem-d iu Augusta on tlre Ist ol October lavi, ctoaeo ou the 3d Monday in May toliowing. The Executive Committee are happy in being able to slate that tiie pledge* to the public con tained in the Circular of the lajt year have been tnithtuliy redeemed by a most piufitabie course . of msti uctiou. Although the Legislature, at its ’ust Session, i passed an Act to oiler * Ire name of t:ie Medical , Aiadnny cl Georgia. Ci - . grantiog to the Board of Tiustee* f die Medical Iwtitctk «r Gkoh gia. the power of conferring the degree of Doc tor of Medicine ; the Executive Cmuiniilt-e think it ailvDHiile. lor (he present, liiat the operations of the Isstitcte continue on the Acad, otic Ar i ang'ments of the hint Session. j The Committee Tee! justified by the expei ience ! of the part Session, which nfihrihda lan test ol ! the of inotiailiuii adopted iu thu invtitu I lion, iu believing that the com hut and Cours* sos ! Study here adopted afford to Uu* I'upil advauia gt » iu rapid advancement in lb. «*quii>i(ioii ol Medical knowledge, ami in economy nl time at... U}'>ney, not elsewhere Ur lie found Such is il.e pi .ii of Inrtrui ti m n the \!rr>ic At. I lasriTCT*. >r Gi.oroia. that ii i- •uile*! as w*dl j to the beginning. v i(.e more ndtaured Pupi l , ; mill tlinl liu pllvall* *lll ’> ill Ihe pi of. Itjirtl ncirtta ily noni/td* entei mg the ( lavs. I he C< mi. iitee earnestly re com mend to ail who intend lo dev».*e Iheir alleiiti.m ... ll.e of iVledi* ine fii *f (.* puces* tbe*n*e!ve» of a goorl knoaleilge ol the Laini and (/• t •. !.a..gauges, in addition to a gi :.d Eng’-tsh t.dum-on. n.clurting a * euer *1 kua .Gvvl B v. of .VuJ ut ut l tulosophy and jJ Jkcmaties. tie Academic hour*, dining which all Pupils I.e eipeeled to be found in the Institution duly i ngaged in tin it Studies, wiil, from the au tumnal tu the \eici I i quuiuX, lie fiom 9ln 12 A. »i. and Iron* Mto A r w ; and flora the Vernal to tlie (utunmal li .on 8 l<> 12 A. M. aud 2too r. M. Ihe C ourse of studies combines in the tame litvii'iiiuni a regular sy-teui of Private Study, rnn«i*(mg of Me neat Reading, Examinations. aud Anatomical IDercises, with a Regular Court, ot l.cctures on all the In .inches ol Medicine, with appropriate drin .njtiuho n. Iff. Two Lecture* wilt I.e it a ily ilelitricd t-eloie live Cla*« duiing irj.lf mir hour*, ( Smulay t ri< e|*lrd. ) from the Ist MmuUv 111 October lo the Bid Monday iu May. Dining the other four months. *ucb Bits denis a* will remain, w i.t lie eiuplot •••! in iegolai Reading and Lx.iinmati m»: SindrnU cm l«e aec .ii ni Mialed **uti Kuoui* for private Reading ut the Institnti in ; ami vuch order, at all lime*, j pri.irvtd by tor ?ti w«u J, as top.evriil any iu- i terrupiiou t.. Stmties Gihml B.«i t will I.* fulinilwd t.y if.r Steward • liu re.nle* *• rl.e i .I*lll ul ion. at Ibe very inulrr- i ate p* ice of $9 pn lui'Ulh tnlkoul. ami $lO 25. j With Lodging Board wii| he rxprcfeJ to b.’ paid for month* !v. oi qoartri !jr, iu advance, a* may he agreed on between htudeut and btewaid A Competent Library i» supplied, without any nerruary expense to ll.e i'upil. for ti * purchase ol Kook* r srrp' Pocket \ olillue* i hr 1 ickelt of Admitvio » tr* t!;e ticns fils of lb* I IsvtiriTX, will be SIUO pay at le in all case*, at . uanat. in adt a m e lnr kniina l.t*ni nation of t :r (‘ At* i* tirld 1 on ll.e ,i>t Mon i iu M«, I.rrlures will Uc dei'.veicd hv the fallow lug Geullnueu : M. ANTONY. M I). On ~r i'ee acd Praetice n> M'Rcme and nn ' Mdm fery, < i lSt Dismiss of H amt n end Lhsldt tn. 1. D FORD. .V D. On Chtmistf, and an M.teria M and. n J A F.VE V D ! Ol 1 -'a'll-l 9 B’.d *• -g -ry J ti. M -tl MORI Eh. M D ) '■ HN DENT. JS l) y ’ M’l.TriN AN 1«' N \ M l>S O* F.drtors n Ihi* >(*(,- t*v»rnble i ’i.e raise ( of M«dical burner will phuae to insert tire ll»>*( a lew lime*. 12 2.i ts A Acw Mnp ot'Gporciu. TIN HE subset :bers have now nu er iht band* of the Engraver in Nea \ ...A s r rup.el. artvl sp.*U*tld Map Ot the »l»|r ol <»e..rgi*. |S*r gteater part c- ui(»rled tre« uctua* survey «i all the district* faretu y laid d.wnsud . tim ed, lit* wikM» compWtfd with greai la' r an«i actuewa from tier latest and next autbew'tc uiaun«i. in a style not inferior t-> any ' <•: km<i y*t preseuted to the public, aiib a (*• I» i distances itorn tlie test of to e* j. coonfs *.tc *»r place nf inysrt*". e•» I'.e *t .i rhedvatrseU in the nea p*trehise a . t lsw-r < owtuirs are all aum'i«ee«( ..i tta t*. . * *.* «• io coahti * pvi*ou to at ’*«i i toe nr i ulus tmn ol any ka ol laiwl and **. I be p*iatcd a. * J tionhevl ff im tl.e uealrU m.. ices —a par i»i th-nr cas * i»»e.'* ed a.vt I'.facrd ou r i!»r*. the balance » .1' le oq ifio paper Lice., fo.ded m *• <evs* • i set* and «iU le far svi.' I Mbledge » v- f * t *>e fir *i cf (Veto lrr n-*!. Those ,n i r.’livs* et Daliars. *o ‘u.* ;cckc: map of inr *a.v»e * al Fine PtPa. i. IVr*' ut retidi 'j at • ditisact * - i j pres- > evsse lev neap can do So by ,r.; 'u 4 - i. eir 1 members a* a i iS'fal suetk. • m,- u v .q kept to MdWdgesvJle and ::issg iv *tw c f , (rrivUiare. C (RLTON- WEI l CORN ORANuF. GREEN CJ* L lifors i* t*»t scale wF • !! fat s ’i. *Vs?r ucrsusarlll cwt-* tUe first ' ' siubti i» ibi mmWki to ft Ot ftsif iilv *Ti PROPOSALS, FOR PUBLISHING BY SUBSCRIPTION 7 , A COMPENDIUM OF THE LAWS OF THE STATE OF GEORGIA, By Arthur Foster, CONTAINING all the Statutes, and the sub. stance of all the Resolutions, of a general and public nature, and now of force, which have 1 been passed iu said State from the j ear 1820, tc the year 1829, both inclusive, with occasiona. 1 explanatory notes and connecting rtferences, and a list of the statutes repealed or obsolete To which is added, an appendix, containing the constitution of the State of Georgia, as amended '. also, references to such local acts as so towns, counties. Internal Navigation, County Ac ademics, Sec., and a collection of the most appro ved forms used iu carrying the above named laws into effect; with a copious Index to the w hole It will he something like a continuation of Prince’s Digest repealed or altered. It may be observed, that the Legislature of Georgia are in the cai stant practice of repealing, altering, or amending Laws passed at their previous ses sions, so that, without such a Digest or Compi lation of their, as is now respectfully offered to the public, it actually requires a lawyer, or a person w tio has devoted much time to the exam inatt >n and comparison of the diffeient enact ments of each succeeding ses»iou of the Legisla tuie, to be acquainted all the laws which are of force; Aud having witnessed with much pleasure the intuit use public utility and popula rity ol the Dig. st compiled :>y Uiiver H. Prince, ' Esq., aud also having no doubt but a similar Compendium of the Laws trout the (iiue ot that pubiieatioo do*vu lo the present, with the addi lioti of the pivcedtuis, oi forms, which will be i placet! in the Appeuitix, aud which will add ' greatly to tlie public utiiily of ihe work, and lo ) the fun berutiee of justice, would be very useful ; aud acceptable lo Uie public, the Compiler has ventured upuu the arduous and important un ‘ dertakiug. However, not idying altogether on his own judgement, or the experience of having been a member of the Legislatuie during the passage ot most ot the laws now proposed to be published, and at the administration of them for ei"iit yeai s. ns n Justice of tlie Interior Coui I, in a County where much l>u»me?t of an intricate nature is transacted in Court and the Court ' of C'rdinary ; after com. letiug the manuscript it has been placed iu the hands ot gentlemen, eminently learned lo the law, wi.o, after a strict and catetui < x.itnir.aiion. have politely tendered to him the subjoined Certificates: I have examined " A Digest of the luus of Georgia from 1820 to 1829, Inclusive, by A. I’os 1 ter, Esq ” and think the woik t xccuted with judgement and accuracy. The work is intend ed as h commotion of Pi ince’s Digest, and is, in mv opinion, well calculated to answer (but valu able purpose Although the author is nut pr ■ ti*.,dually u Lawyer he sreius. i»; ascertaining •.he statutes note offeree, to have added much ''.»ie, einmiu«iion, uml, to his advantage* a s a practical b " -l iter, during most of tlie pe riod embraced iu hi* work JOHN P. KING. Augusta, Ji-iy 20:b. 19’>0. Avc.lsta, July 28th, 183'V I have attentive * ex*mined a Divr*t of the laws o; Georgia, Ir on 1820 i<> 1829, inclusive ; and from liie i lanu.i-lmn, feel ail'horitid in stating, that the wmk i* executed with much judgement nnd accuracy by A. ostei . Esq ol Ci.iHl.thi'* Im.v .* no doubt the wotU ill pi 1-M' valuable to (‘Vi i"v citizen who leels lieviino* Id t»e. ~|l infoi no dos the Statute* (low of fine'’ ii the Stite. amt would leroiinneml all Jovliia* of I lie lolermi t'ou.t, Justices of ihe Peace. Cl ik* •>' ,ff« to pns«es* (hemst Ives of the work *o .ion us published. 1 HOMA" GLASCOCK. \\ ittou rsH‘>KovuH &(b June. IS3C*. Sir :—AI Isr *■ I btvr yrt be: tu opporturt ty ol rxaiiiiuing Ihe nmuu cupt cyp> ul your “ Digest of the laics of the late of Georgia." 1 highly approve both ol its execution anti it* pi *n The volume cannot fail to eustket w ell the pur pose for which it wu* designed.—l l. the *pt>»u dix itiere are n number of precedin' i or Jorms, whi« h appear lo have been niudrlb-d with ut -u --rucy, and iu strict continuity to the digested statute* fiom which they were drawn. >*nd with out doubt, will add much to the value and us" fulness of (he woik, is» m> au (in the hand* of Juvth e* ol <he Peace. Justices of the Interior Courts ( leik«. blieiiff* young practitioners of the Law ami others ) “tn tarripng the abut mim'd taut i» to •fftep' with grr.vtei lan.i'y l am, Fir, > our obedient servant, PIERsON PETTIT Arthui Footer, Esq. The wot k ii now m the hands of Judge Schley, wh.. h«* knoll* promised, a* rally as other en gagement* »di peimit. t < take ii through a care lul aim! minute invei.ligatloii, amt corieftlou, if correitiun *h U e louwd nece*»arv or proper. 1 lie pit lie ultdi'y of such a woik must lie übvioti* lo i I ; and (hr compiler, who hat dr mini In il inui h lime and lalxMtou* study, (I*l - biinaell Hint the le*limnntais |>r* »enleil above, will fully *ativly (hr public, that that uti lity ha* • ot been I queued in the S lgllte*t de gree. by an ■ delect on hi* part, mi Us genera! design or ihe accuracy of Ms execution \l the sutgeslmn "I t' r piofcstioual gentle men *»hi>*e riAn.e* af.* vfliieitla the a *ove Cer tllirale* aid ol lie. * who lave genciously taken ■ u inter- •( in the woik—and with an aniionv desire t.> iu she ihe woik a* extensively benefi cial a* potti’dr, t'lthf I'uhHf—lhe ('.»oipdei will introdu e into it \everal highly important I,aw* of ihe Unite • Stales in ti.aiinon u-e among ihe l*e<>p!e and wtm li ate nft« n uifiirutt to he found; among which are th- »e tn relation to the natur aiitaliou of Alien*, the trmuial ol (aves fiam tbe Btate •<> the t' Ststci Cnuris. the mode of voting for President aod \ ire |‘iv»»dent, by elec tors. and ol in*king the returns, and tit*.- time of holdm. such tier ton*. &.< kc. TERM-i The wetk will fOrtlain about d'Yi |.«rr-«. end »iii br printed alter lb- *lyle of Prmc• i Digit!. w i .rti it to he taken a* I .e «taiu)*rd. and t ouml i-t >»f law liind'iig; will he pub!;*hcd a* *nc>n a* a uiffirtent nurn er of *ub*rril»erv can !>e oh taiurd *l. -ti rant u* |<tiblication , and w ill he de livered to *ub«cnb- 1 • at then Rrtideare* at S" per (»|.<i tnr mpooii’.le |ei *<*o ot>t«ion g fiHreh tuStcei'-er*. an<( leranMlf arcountahle t r -he »*me I'.all If entitled lo a cop* [lain 2 )' I'u'-fithei* of New t(M*|>er* in this State. *. wli !.-*<<• the above aithsueb A number of. , , , n4ii*l I Kiti-oii a* they run think proper, ■ >e I*' N,,*em» er next, shall receive ihertfor. p* of the work -*•* 2 26 if p/lien I institute of Gor if in. f I -F! I'fu ar rouite of L-Ctuie* Le iu thi. f l-*li'oii> -i tor the last rear ei*de.l on ihe th'l <1 Vne.iiay of May Thai for ll»e e*i*uing »•-»* a wUI r, ipinein. ih- fi-ci Mcudav of iket- l-er n- it I e F.xeruli*- lon initie. having w lr*ei*e.l the r eal of l-e Leriurer* au-ltbeim , rove me*, t . r the {wtpiu duriac tbe |.. *< yens, h*»e th|. ve * tbe okliiuMivl arg meat r*f expe n»ac* 1 1 rr-ora >ul 'hi* infant lu*titutioci to put* ic pst'Osvagr t.,d support. JOHN DENT J G Me IN liORTER M. ANTONY Aurmt ft 27 Norm;. Moaih* *H-r date appircrrtioa will »e § r >.'r lo the Hoctorvbl* tnr lafenor Court . t R;. h and ( •»uw'y *i'ii tg A* a Court of t)v<l*- ntr r I leave tj *r‘l a Lot in tbe ( ity of .4a- * g»-i* i* iff a fr>ot of JI ' 4 f t f-odl"g b* * 1 ' * - f-e- i e * bare i.o« tbe property of V 4 as ij >• * ton AUrtiai la Minor ) ELIZA MARTIN, Gaxrdian Jut. 19 r_(s22 j CERTIFICATE. Philadelphia, Feb. 20 th, 1627. Mr. Wk. W. Potter:— DEAR SIR :—Two years have now elapsed since uiy daughter Mary Ann has been, by the use of your invaluable Medicine, restored to a state of much better health than we could rea sonably have expected ; nnd as a duty 1 owe to suffering humanity, and gratitude to yourself. 1 tender this, trusting it ntay prove useful to those similarly afflicted. About twelve years ago site complained of se vere pains in her hack and hip, which grew worse and worse, until she was almost unable to move, or turn herself in bed. During this pe riod, her back and hip swelled very much, and i the pain extended down the leg, which lost, its j natural power: a wasting of flesh —lossofappe- ! tite, and emaciation ensued, and her countenance despicted misery. She continued without much, ! if any, alteration for the belter, (keeping her i strictly under the advice of ao eminent medical i gentleman,) for a considerable time, when the | swelling on the hip began to increase ; ber phy j siciau’s prescriptions became useless; they re | commended tlie steel jacket —one was procured, j tried, hut in vain, and the disease seemed to hid ! defiance to all the weli-knowi remedies in that ( complaint, that weie here employed. Site was then consid* ted as incurable. Iler sister having ; died of the same complaint, after an illness es j four years, we were of opinion that Mary Ann must share the same fate. Having heard ol the remarkable success of your Catholicon in scro fulous complaints, ! was leso vvd lo make a of it. She began to use it, aud in a few days the swelling on (tie hip broke, and discharged greatly : she could I lieu use her crutches—in a ! few weeks longer her pains disappeared—the discharge ceased—the ulcer healed—her'appe ' tite returned—and her whole system resumed its wonted vigor. I believe, bad your invaluable medicice been used when she first complained, it ! would have prevented her from being a cripple for the rest of her life. With many thanks for the benefits which my daughter has derived from the use of your inval uable CatF.olicon. I remain Yours, Respectful! v, JOHN M’CURDY. Jnn. No. 38 Chesnul-street. O’ The genuine Catholicon is to be had of : m v only authorized Agents Messrs. Tun pin &. D’Aniignac, in Angdsia. W. I'D TIER, Philadelphia August 12 29 ts Fresh a.d -cmiine DREGS v\- MEDICINES, CURAT IMS CASH "K A I'fit VCD TAPER* To be had at thi New Drug 6( M dicm Blare, No. 13!>, Bridge Bank Building. Avgusta. JAMES LiEVEHICII Keeps constantly on band a full assort ment of Fresh and Genuine Dings and Aitdicuies, Paints. Oils, Dye stuff*, Lc. L.c. which lie i* disposed to beii on the most I'C.isou.ible terms. also BRUSHES and BELLOWS of every description. l ? anry Articles, Perfumery , *y c. He Ualiet * hunsfll that Ihe ai rangeineiit* u hich he lias made with importer* and othcis, North, w ili «'nabl* liim lo *• il at a* low prices a* any sim ilar r*taljlisliineiil iu tiie Souiiiern country t'ounirv Merchant* Physicians and Planter*, n ili find it to tluir inlerest to t all and examine tor themselves. and 1, Ant ust ft 27 kiw PROHPKCTLS OF TIIB .4n Album of Music , Poet'y and Prose. A I<• period like the present, when the Science /V of Music stand* so high in public evliinu tion—forms so important u ft-atute in edur.ition —takes so prominent a pail in the amusements ut , good society aud constitutes a part of the holy offit e* of the Church: it i* no less a matter ot surprise than of regret, that it* iuterrsts sli iulil leiusin destitute oftho»c powerful auxiliaiieg by wlncii the love of Liturafute i* so nobly upheld, { and it* vir.t* are so cite, sivilv promoled. In j • veil other science there now are puhlir chan- | nei* for ihe cointnunit.ttion ot knnuledge, in , w Inch the F’tofrssor < an offer his *peculMtions, or 1 diveu** thos*- of other* nnd the Student ran meet j with information and suggestion* which might otherwise escape him. The general progress of j science, we think, and» mon*irntes that they have j been of essentia) service in theproinoti >n of dis coveiy, and ihe advancement of learning Bat j Music »* wiHinut any »s*i«tiiiir* of the kind, in this country ; and why should ttii* hr I Why should an an so divine and w hich nffirds so spa cious a field for liie display of gcoiu* be depri ve . of that literary support which has been so lit*eially extended toothers not more deserving of it f 1 he fi iced* of Mu«»f in Ihi* entintrv are united iu saying tb»t a ja-iiudieal, devoted to tbe mte revts ol Mu»i< i* much wanted And a* the time has now irim and when suCb a publication wotiM piobably receive *K|iport. the subvcftier seeing no one <iis|»c>»ed to enter op«ii the projert. deems tmnsed justifi'd in making an offer of Iris ser vice* Essays on Moric. style Le. review* of musical <*oik*. particulars of alt kinds of mini' al enter tsmmi t:M critiques on prrfo* mances, and a va i te'y of other anirical information, wi|! ronstitote the ground work of " 7hr Euterpe tad. " F !i»m t»o to four pages of each number wrl be cciupird by ne**, popular, or original Mu*ic, arranged for the voice, the pianoforte, or the organ, and occasionally for the flute, »iobn, clar ion* I. and other instruments Tlie original .Mu sic *»ill be vupp.ied by ptofr-ssioual gentlemen **Bo are idfinlsgromly kno»o to the pnhlic through the medium of their tuu»ica) pioduc tion* Beside* tiie Marie and muural information to l*e fi.irtii»h--d by 15m paper, it wdl be »n oliject to fill* portion of itv columns with *uch literary matter a< shall be t.odi eotertaiuirig and useful to it* readei». The editor wi’d be amsted in bis labors by sev eral gentlemen of abilities and tasl*. Regu a correvpoudeuts wilt be selected to the principal cities of Ihe Union. Intelligence from the nmvi cai f Hies in Euiope will be tecrived periodically, together with new and populai Mu.ic ; and me n»f appropriate articles will be inserted In short no ex» rtvoit w ill spared to render “ Ink F.i lEt'erisii,’' mall respect* worthy the patron age of die pub ic. ( unuiKMicstrim from our patron* on (he *tdr jrrt of Music poet pout, aud directed to the EJ n..r c*r«* of George V 4 Blerk- r, 172 J Broadway. N w-Votk. will Le gratefully received and ac knowledged t HARI.KS DINGLEY TEFvMS —The F.rnxfiisS •ill be published ht GE "RGI. W. No. 172 J Broad »*», >»-*» York, term rr.truthty tn numbers of eight qnartnpages tach. and executed ic Superior *t* le. in fine «* hue paper, at f'i per annum, pay able m entrance i y di«taut subscribers—and • quarterly in advance by sobfenbers io New Folk, f’btfwd-tphia and New Haven.-To noa serd-er* i ,eprice will he 25 rents per number For distant »ulncriber*. tbe work wid l»e care, fill * pul up m shod; wrappers, and regularly farw ardert t.y mail. >» *uß*crip’.iao received for x lest | ervod tkan ooc year. F timas'ers. or others, renfitiaf sl6. roirest ootes. Gee of postage, wil! receive sis topies of ■ ike work by teCarr, moil, July 15 21 i ' Georgia, Richmond County* WHEREAB John Cresvvell applies for Lef* ters of Administration upon the Estate of Peter L. Cantalou, dec’d, and late of Rich* roond County, These arei therefore, to' cite all and singula* 1 the kindred and Creditors of said dec’d, to be and appear at my office within the time prescri bed by law, to file tlieir objectiotis, (if any thejt have) and shfew cause why said letters should not be granted. Geo. A. B. Walker, c. c. o. June 24 Georgia, Richmond County; WHEREAS William Tutt applies for Let ters of Administration upon the estate ot Benjamin Tutt deceased and lase of S. Carolina. These are, therefore, to cite all and singular i tlie kindred and creditorc.of said deceased, to he and appear at my office, within the time prescri bed by law, to file their objections (if any they have) and shew cause why said letters should not be granted, Geo, A. B. Walker, c. c. o. July 1 17 Georgia, Richmond County; TT7HEREAS Charles J. Jenkins applies tor I W Letters of Administration de bonis non- I cum test.imcnto annexo, ou the Estate of Mat, j thins Junes, These are, therefore, to cite all and singular ; the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to bo and appeal at my office, within tlie time prescri bed by law, to file tlieir objections (if any they have,) and shew cause why said Letters should ■ not bo grnuted. Get). A. B. Walker, a. c. o. August 2 ill) 2t Georgia, Richmond County* WHEREAS Dr. Joseph A. Eve applies lot Letters of Administration on the Estate ol James Moore, deceased, and late ol Rich* moml County: These are, therefore, to cite all and singular the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to file tlieir objections, if any they have, in my of fice within the time prescribed by law, otherwise Letters of Administration will lie granted. Goo. A. B. Walker, c. c. o. May 27 7 2t i Georgia, Richmond County* | YI7HEREAS Charles Smith applies for Let* j * f ters of Administration upon the Estate { of George Smith, dec’d, aud late of Richmond County, j These are, therefore, to cite all und singular I the kindred and creditois ot said deceased to be ' and appear at my office within the pi escri bed h* law, to file tlieir objections (if a *, they have) and shewcause why said letters should not j be gi asited. Gen. A. B. Walker, c. c. o. , June 21 JtV Georgia, Richmond County. ! "% 5 / It ERE AS Mary Bussey applies tor Let ! t I ters of Vdmiiustiation uu the estate ot Ci'Miles Bussey deceased, und late of Ricnmoud County, These ere therefore to cit** al! and singular ; the kindii-d ami creditors of said deceased, lo he and appi-ar at my oflice, vwtlitu tin turn: pvt* snibrd ny law. to "file tlieir objections, (if any tiny have,) • ud shew cause why said Ictlct:. should not be gtanted. Goo. A. B. Wulkui. c. c. o, .loly J j; (it’orgin, Richmond County. WHEREAS tico. M. Walker applies for Letters of Adiniiiistratiou on the Estate ot G. < ige Smith, deceased, late of R.cliinond County. These are, therefore, to cite all and singular the kindred ami ereditoiH of s.iid deceased, It* fiie ilieii oiijei tioiis, it any they have in my office wituiii the time prescribed by law, i.ttiei wise Letters "f Adiniuisiratinn will be gianted Geo. A. B. Wdlker, c. v. G* Jnne 17 JT Georgia, Richmond County. WHF.KFIA3 J times Face npjdie* fur !,< tier* of Adiniiiistratiuii upon itic Estate ot H illi nn 11. Butli. dec’d, and late of Uicliiuoud County, I liese are, tlierefore, to cite all and singular tin- kindled and creditors of said dec’d, to Le and appmr «t "•) Office, within tin time pre«.cit lied by law, to file their objections, (it m v th, v have.) amt slir-w caost; why said Li tiers viiouid not be gianted. C!oo. A. B. Wiilkor, c. v. t», June 24 jfi (icorgin, Richmond County. WHEREAS, Wiliam Mi.Gnr applies for Letter* of Adiniiiistrntiou upon t)ie IL tale of David Clarke, dre'd, and of Rich ntond ('ouri'y, These are, thfrefore. to site all and singular tbe kindred and creditors of -aid dfr’d, to be ntul Hp|ie«r at tny office within (lie time piesu). Led by law, to file theit objections, (if tinv tiiey have) and shew cause why said letters slioul'd not be granted. Geo. A. U. Walker, v. l. rj. June 21 )5 Georgia, Richmond County. j A \J FIF.REAS Benjamin F. Kenriik applies | Ye for 1/efters ot Administration *n the >;». j tale of William G. Hyde, deceased, und late us ; Richmond comity. 7 Bcsc arc therefore to cite a',) and siiigu'ar tin: the kindred and creditor* of said deceased, t.. he aud appear at my office within the time pre scribed by law, to file Iheir objections, (if buy they have,) and shew cause why suid litters should not be granted. Giro. A. B. Walker, c. c. o. j An* 20 ;i3 Georgia Richmond County* Benjamin F\ Krnrirk applies v Y for Letter* «»f Adtniiiistratiua up<>u the F state of Job a Kenny ilec’d, end Lite of Rich j rnond icnunly. These are, thrreforr, to cite all and sirgular the kindred and creditor* of *aid deceased, to be and appear at toy office within th*. inu, pr<« vrribed by btw, to file their «bj«-rt;on*, (if any they have,) and v!"w cause* why said Letters should not b* granted. Gen. A. B. Walker, c. c. n, Aug sft 3d Medical College of S. C’arolinn. fIIHE LE(. 1 URE3 of this Institution will be Jl lenuracd the second Monday in .N-veaibor, and CCiOliutie until March Anatomy— John F". ILilbrooft. M. D. Bvrgtry— James Ramsay, M D. Pt'klmo/Medicine | S Hr,ir ? Dicker,, M V. Materia M'dira— /ftfiry RjF'roiL Midwifery 1 and Du //ursi't»/ . T. G. Frioleau, 3J- D. II <>men and Children y Chemistry Se Pharmacy— F.dtn'd Raveael, M D. Pathological and .'surgical f w fM D Anatomy J Demonstrator of Antr'amu—J. Wagner M. D. HENRY R F RO3T, Dear*. Charleston Augnvi 28 45 wtd T'kinthrs’ ink: JUST Recrirei x fresh supply of N EIVSPAr TER INK st! fur Mte «t r.U OCre. A»iptr*t J 5