Georgia courier. (Augusta, Ga.) 1826-1837, September 23, 1830, Image 1

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VOL. 5. PUBLIoIIKD EVERY MONDAY AND THURSDAY at 2 O'CLOCK, r. m. At Mr Howard's Lnckßuildings,opposite Mr.Cumminz’,, f,aw P.uihlings, M’lntosh Street. DIR EOT IONS. Salesnf Lnvd and ffr.grtit.t, liv Administrators, Even tor*, or Guardian*, are required, by law, to be held on the first Tuesday in tjie month, between the hours of ten in the forenoon and throe in the afternoon, at the Court-hot *e of the county in which the property i* situate-—Notice of these sales must be given in a public gazette SIXTY days previous tothe day of rale. Notices of the sale of personal property must he given in like manner, FORTY days previous to the Jay of ante. Notice to the debtors end creditors of an estate, must be published for FORTY days. Notice that application Will be mode to the four’ of Or dinarv for leave toscli land, must be published for FOUR AJVrNTHS. Noti for leave to sol! Negroes, must, lie published for FOUR MONTH'Sbefore any order absolute shall he made hereon by the court The following gentlemen are candidates for i>eat» in the Congress of the United Stales, at the election in October next. JUCHARD II WILDE, of Richmond THOMAS IJ. I* C HARLTON, of Chatham THOMAS F. FOSTER, of Lireenc SEATON GRAN 1 LAND, of Baldwin DANIEL MEWN AN, of Henry huger l gamble, ofeoYi*on WILEY THOMPSON, of I ll.ert WILSON LUMPKIN, of Walton CHARLES E HAYNE3. of Hancock HENRY G. LAMAR, of BioU REUBEN C, SHORTER, of Jasper JAMES ,M. »V AYNE. of Clint bam IfJ * Our fti(Mills w II ohli. e us by sending us as tally h» |i<issihle, the result of the nt it elec tion in their respective Counties lit'raitsfrom Judgt llichtirdsutt x jucch at tlir tftatesburg Dinner ; »* In iliis mtNistiiM, propitsrtl fur lltts ulii* malt: rnaoi i <<l lint Slain ol Soutlt Cat olm.i, we tirliolti ilit: iinchur of linpc, nil ihu one li.uni —oi tilt* liiitl of dirnat oimiu •it the i.lltfl, IKCtiltlillg In lilt! tlivihion ol opn i,m Mpoii iht: immiuntnii* vubjrcf, fir ihu tit l.bni.tiiou ol lh(* puttple. Tlie pfople itluiin must ilocitlt! it :—no otliei body can. A convention may enrol tint tlnrrnp ; but t annul niuLn it. lie not Jxuiiu.d in this vital distinction. l a lot t|nti ilixiiiiciion, \oiir jiaiicncn would novor bavo burn taxed l»v llPar»l»|{ mi*. Could a enliven (mu mi ol imf,iilured —|o dolibcrnle—-itnd Iniirl, or n *1 i'» net, iticording to tlieii i.wn sound (linen tintt, l would *»ay, " be ii Mi,” it I tie inn |<n il v will it. Ibil that not be, and w», lilt |ion|tlt iilute, li**lil m our p(t<|»ut bands, tin; lain nf tint question, Hiul are to decide, jiroviotl* In dm inert »t,u nl die cnnvtiitiion ; nnd m ilirriM llieni, by die fall itself, In enrol our derision, Mini to nullify die icvemie laws; or they Uie nut in meet at all, unless lliuy meet In talk, In iuinonstiale, to uiemorulize, t<» euwrgixn, if von will, iunl then in return lionie, like men alltn a omfk iiivttfion,—- widi trii»u*|ib«nl cockle shells in lliei* liel uiets, adninud well the “spud# o| the uni oi.” AH u for argument now; bin lifter dm meeting ol the convention, all must hr fur actum, lo t every man. llien, editor cleave to nqj! ifii aiiun, as the strong bold, snd saving ark , »»n wlnch he depends; if bn think H Worthy Ins cmilidsiic# ; or ovoid it, inn In*ud, if bo thinks it would •infuil the banner id divcnid, ur .« orecedont, so rntitaginus, as :o be fatal in the dututtnii of the Auu'iican onion ; or, il he dunks that the utleoipt must end, ill it, and toi'Ailtathitl nil out pint, iliagr nctlul in itself, and unwoitby ol ibe Stale el St tub Carolina. Os tin* last opinion 1 am." Upon this question nt nullification, out Vtaievmrn ate, at ben, div idt'd ; and with opinion* ulirmtd, ngntmt u*. ian 11111*1- esl«dne#e tlaell wtuk so haul, as not to %«o that die President and Congress, peace ably uo doubt if they can, but loicibly it they must, will coetce obedience. ’Ha lolly In ft) out “they date not!" Our own Courage lurlmlt nil vnspicnm of pu killaliuiity in t’.iein , and the approved conduct of Us it. Wit'hiogtnn, Hi tbu » Inx l.ev mis or ie. imu of lv*ma, would lead lieu. Jackson down upon hi* native Malt*, with the same array ol force Oi dnvtry fmesigbt ol consequences, w. uK! lotbi.l huo in sullvt the extmpic to pass tinrrproved 01 onquelled. It would b.tvc to b« d'Mie. And wlmt w.mld billow! I answer, either disgraceful submission on out part, after unmanly bravado, or entire srputatinn from the union. It wo are jnopaiesl for the dUgmce ol tho one, or tltt) alterttAtivri ol ibr other, then mil* Idv tiss: Vah It But let u* cberiab no fislxe expectation; ior, be assured, (Hat uo more svmpatliy would be tumudod to us, ia such an event, we would have lelt lor Massachusetts, bail ihe Hartford Convention *.idd!*J »bU state woh us scheme of oppovilrou to the general gov ernment ; —and no m»are than «f actually extend, and to Peruitylvauia. I here would not be wanting slates, too, who would re iuirf in the extenuation el their uolailb lul cotnb natious, b\ our adhesion to fbetr example. They would rejoice 10 see our glorious character stained, by so much precipitation. \Vs ar* to do this, for what I 'To nul lity a Uw-—which we bold to bo in uv-|f null i Mils convention could make that more void which w* declare to be void ol itaelf. W hat an impotent and bootless ACI ta tbit, to spend lama ji4d,UV to bring togethar t»om* 130 men, to cry ah-ud that • Us ts vend, which a majority of the stale sav in uucooslitutnioal, and already void. Will truth be mare thae tree, b,- cause men, whb united v«*cet, proclaim m loud and long I The cuoveuttaa must be for some further ekpNt. I ,J •• # rt t therefore j*ercei*r that the en i • ill be were ftoend, and nothing fh* 1 uo.eM it be In snend the Jm us war, and le seas * *».a «i to thf fi#l4t Tba rem#4j bjr a convention is, therefore, ** Steel Diet" or it is an arrant quackery. But is our case so desperate as to require the one ; and are we not too much of men to brook the other ? For my country, and its integrity I will hope, while my pulse beats ; and while I regard the Union as the bulwark of our national sovereignty and individual liberty. The dawn of the republic rose with auspicous birth—the ill-omened va pours, that bad gathered for a moment, could nm settle on her brow—they were dispersed bv the influence of the parental man, whose virtues and whose wisdom, 1 u!ed a happy land. He bade his country “ frown indignantly on the first dawn of disunion”—and, dying bequeathed in bis example, an assemblage of practical vir tues, unknown to other history, from the remotest annals, to the latest page. The father of his people was succeeded in the administration of the comniucwealili, by men, who ofijlged from the same great age with himself. Anarchy and misrule had spread <>ver the laud sf our sores.- iliors. Kuiopc was convulsed for thirty years. But the foresight of these great statesmen, by the noble alchemy of mind and patriotism, transmuted 'he disorders of lb** Old World into wealth, power, and stab* iy for the New. Under their guid ance, prosperity chose us for her own, and liberiy and independence took, for their abode, the land of Columbus. The enter prize and sagacity of the mighty Genoese be-canu* the characteristics of a grateful people. But die encroachments of Ku r<<po fastened upon us a second war. It seemed like a blight to stop our rising fortunes. But a compeer of Washington still directed the helm of state. The sol diers of lire second generation of disen thralled America breasted the shock, and dispelled the storm ; first in the field up on the deep the very first. These now succeeded theii great -.iies, in lll** labors mid the honors of governing the Union. Tlu* world again at peaco and tom merce restored : Fnrnpenn nations, once more, became equal competitors for the I wealth they bad lost, and we bad found. In this situ nioii, and thrown back upon our own resources,—but unused, for thir ty years, to meet with impediment or! slop, — we look with natural nutonishinerrt, when Inteign nations reclaim the com merce ihhl navigation, which we bad ob tained through their atiarcbv. America seems depressor), because tlu 1/ recoil mid rise, from ilicir (Jeep depression. Hence arise disappointment nnd unavoidable dis content, at what we might have foieseen, ftom the very restoration "f I'.mope t.> peace, commerce and w nttb ; and the consequent subtractrion from our accu mulated means, 111 icing front tho emulous reclaimjtioii ol tlieii share, which we bad f* rll tun'*, made .ur own. Bui shall ilie restless discontent of man wtuk itself, info! fixed disease, to mfrst the nation, pu!s\ our Union, ant! jap, at i’s very base, ihe wr»ild’s (test hope that a gi»tti republic 11MV endure, and flourish forages? Men of America ’ lot bid the fieri apprehension. The ntixiou* looks of three and twenty status nro bent single-eyed upon Cuiotiiia, to see, if that gallant Stale will lake a step to verily the day-dream ol F.dmund Burke, that the republic run fnus within itself, flic seeds of its own dissolution. oG*v- V'rom On* Albany l*«ily Ailvertm-r. ritr actors i\ rut m i st -\<> i \ Uv gretil of ili*’ men who art* no* concrrtifd in the Fitnrh revnluiimi, give* strung assurance that ihov uill go through the wmk ili**y have coainu-ncud 10 fearlessly. Our rradei i must have noli rod (■oneml Get aril rnmmunds the Na Guards under La Fayeil©. He is a Count by rank, nod an officer ofgreat reputation. I u his early campaigns he was the aid of B<**nadotte now King of Sweden. In or 7 he was made commander of •he Legion of Honor and headed the t tench SulT in Demntik. He distin guished himself ut I'lpar, and at Wag mm at the head of the Salon cavalry. His Conduct in the Itussian campaign led N 1- poleoo to make hun 4 ( of Divis ion. At Frankfort, on the Older, he hid a bulbin', .iffur with ionic Humuii Caval ry, and in ISI l captured 3000 Austrians at Mnntcrcau, in the department of Sente and Marne. N ip-deon railed it "an he roic action." On tins . ccasuvi the Duke of Bcll«nu*s command was given to the Count GetauL After «lie* restoration of I.m i» he was honored with an important mission to Hamburgh, and received distinguished marks of kindness {>o«n the K \\ hen the reign of the hundred days commenced, Gerard was uguti m reive service for h.» old tuas'er, as Ceoeral in Chief of ihe army of Mostdic, and hi that chai trtrr he took ihe village rs L»gny, and defeated the veteran lllucbcr. The village of login i* situated, as our reader* perhaps know, near Kleuius m the Nether lands, and fiom this the battle changed ground to the fatal field of Wateil.vo. ft was at L-gny that Blucber wit rode over by a corps of French cavalry in a charge and escaped without injury. Had he becu kiled, the Prussians would ttevri have shewn theur laces at Waterloo. Gerard, by a change of posh Son, be came a part of Marshal Grouchy’s force, and niaouruvred with it, though not with out receiving « severe wound. S oce the tall of,>n hr has not be* a employed m any public capoci'V un id the preseui tics. It was piej.cted of him by his thwo master, that be »as devtmed to rise to great distinction, and the predtetroa seems about lobe rra r ?ed AUGUSTA, (GEO.) THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 23, IS3O. At all events, .ve may expect from him in his military career a combination of great skill and undaunted bravery. His well known character gives a pledge that he at least will acquit himself well in this eventful struggle. STORAGE AND rrommisatou Business. rj tHK Sutiscribers, grateful for past favors, P. renew the tender of their services, to their friends and the public, with Itie assurance that they will ns heictofore, devote their time to the iuterest of their Employers. Their Mare-House will he in good order for the reception aud safe keeping of Country Prod uce and Merchandize. They dt-esn it due to tlieinsive* to state the situation of (lien Ware-House—thus—Tiiey are ho Hided on the North hy Bay-street ar.d the River—On the West by an open space of about 180 feet—Ou the South by ReynoM-street, about <>s feet wide, and on the East hy Canrpbcll-street, about 65 feet wide. —ln addition to the security against fire, which the above location presents, they have about the centre of their Lot, a Hy drant which delivers VVater from the aqueduct lately completed 111 this city. They will grant me usual facilities, by advan ces of money or otliervv ise, to such as may favor them with custom. A SLAUGHTER -V C. LABUZaN. sept 2D 4U 8 f FOR SALE ur SIBLEY & MOHKISON, No j EiiOAD STRKfcT. 50,000 POUNDS PRIME BACON 3u ipds I'or to Rico Sugar 15 d‘* low New Orleans do 50 Bid- Coffee 10 Htuiv Molasses -5 iliids and 6o Bills Baltimore Whiskey -O Htils M •uougHhela Whiskey 8 jear* old 20 Pipe* and 100 Bbls supei ior Nartt.ern Gin do Bols Not tlieu'll Kiiin 20 -do O.d Peach Brandy 20 do Apple 111 andy 1 Pipe supeiinr Port Wine 10 Doxen Bottles do do 25 t ask* M.duga do 30 2*r Gallon Casks French Madeira ).s**o tia.s Shot. 15m Biniilies Bar 1.-ad d.<KH> Yaids Negro Cloth AO Bale# 3 4-1-1 5 4 Brow n biiirtitijs and Hheetings 2 Casts domestic Plaids 6 do Mnry Print* 2<Si Preres American Ragging fttl do Osnabiirgs, 50 Pie. is Sacking I Bale steel Mised Broad Cloth 2CMM» Gail*. Stone Jugs, Jars and Pitchers lO keg* Old Cavendish t obacco 25 do pound twist no 20 do 12 twists to tire pound IO Hose* Adki.t* plug 20,010 >p*in*b Cigars. 20 Tons Iron fto Cask* Na I*. 3 I oris Hollow Ware |uo lie,.in. Writing P.ipci 200 do Wrapping do 6 D > Pine Apple t’hee<e 35* Mint Boxes Bunch Raisins lO.mmm Bushels L.verpoooi Grouuii Bi.U 2<n) do 1 able do 4l> Boxes Gunpowder. IniprrialL: Hyson Tea 5o do Soap, A Boxes Chocolate 30 Bags prime Feathers 10 Dot lan.y*. It' Dot Windsor do tiOMO Pair 'tn.e* ron*i ling ol men* call ami kip Brogans, mens low qts>Ml«i Calf shoes. La die* Prnnel shoe*, do leather ibn.l* and shoes do M otocco Walking do. Mixes Leatlier Boots t it till iin * I.e ui her Shoes anil Negm Shoei sept 20 406 t FALL cV winter goods. \VM. 11. MOUGAN cV CO. 13 O E receivi and a part of ih< ir supply of i t l'Al.l. AM) It IS rt li GOODS AMOVUST WHICH Any, 10 4 Ui mith 6nretings 6 4 lush du Klat k li.ilmo Lusliiogi I sun colored do Changeable .*. Fancy colarcJ Gtos de Nap* Blai k t.msde Nip* biatht Meiiiio Shawls Do do Ma»tl. s Mith a variety ol other Fancy and Staple Ar tictr* win h tliry »tlf sell as ciirap #* am house ui the city September V* Bi 3? Fresh Ten, «Vc. dec. lOM . < lirxts :1 v *ni) Ft*a SlrfP ;i *2 ie.xr. and tiarrei* I >al And SS KRJLSI! . l.mnp Sugar .., H _ J! 10 boxes sperm Candles 11 * 6 matt CinuaWnn J* 5 td r casks Malaga W ioe 1 do do Port Wine 1 bait pipe old Madeira Wine I H >i'*l»e*d -'*ng*r House N|olas*es Jus: K<((ir(il fuJ fjr tah u- ly JOHN COBKKRY. <i£»C liro ui strut. Ju>t Ueceived. arr * Northern G.u ito Apple Brands I'*' -»ir> r.llo* Csudlrt 20 Demijohns, iuperwvr old Cognac Brar.dv 13)* S Kl 9, tr C. PHILLIPS August 9 23 ts Stiijar *N; Raairinij. [Mn.ling l his /taw. ntd tor *alt low lion the II Oarrf. l)3 MUDS >c« Or lea u* >UGAR VI I’itre* Hf.MP BAGGING G. H METCILF. Ju’y IV 22 tt :>oo KV.t.s m'Vo.w s rr. a rrr. «;i >po\vi>kk ADt) bags Coffee ‘2t)o coit* B«<e Kip. * litre* Tata* For sale bv PILL T k LEBMiBIER July 6 if 18 BACON. 75,000 IWSSMi.It i*>C« BACON* rot uti uit iv SIBLI.I A. MORKI-'ON i 4 36 4* N irginia .Manulactur tl Tobacco. lo kEGs Vrn af.VtJ TOBACCO. 1 or sjsht t>y l HULL IImm) k «• (S COTTON & COMMISSION THE Subscribers tuinounce to their friends and the public, that they have rented the W’arehouse in Camphetl-streel, Augusta, lately occupied bv Mr. John Rees, ane opposite the Warehouse of Messrs Slaughter ii Labuzan ; where they are now ready to receive Cotton and other produce, and tender their services therein, being sanguine that the attention which ivili be paid to the interest of their friends, will sccuie for them a shaie of public patronage. T COLEMAN, W M. J. WTGUTMAN. August 23 22 wtf NVesl- \ v\d’\a Vvoscyn es, &. c. DOZEN Guava JELI Y in jarsSi boxes 2 dozen Jars Preset *ed Pin » Apples 2 do do do Guavas 2 do do and > Litnes 10 Boxes white !l ivaua Sugar 5 Baskets superior Champagne 5 Bids. Fresh Biazii Nuts 5 do do Madeira do 5 do t'o Filberts 10 ito do Soft shell'd Almonds 25 Boxes do Olives and Capers Fresh Gunpowder. Imperial, and Hyson, T f AS, in Caddies mo<l Boxes, i'cc. Sic. Lauding this day. and for sale by G. T DOR TIC Cos. sept. 16 3y 242 Brond-St. NEW SCHOOL. THE SUBSCRIBER takes have to inform | his friends ami the public that on the Ist Monday in October next, he will open a School in a House on the North side ol Broad-Street, above file upper Market, belonging to the Estate of Nesbitt, and solicits n share of pub ic patron .ge GEORGE J. McCLESKEY. •«pt. 30 wtt 40 ; WOOLI.ENS, &c. 43 Piece* BROAD CLOTHS, nxoiicd 5 do Fine Saiiuett 35 do Negro Cloths 5 Bales London Dnfiii Blankets 1 do Rose do 2.500 Fair i*hoes, assented Totftthtr uUh ii Ir.igr end Central STOCK OF GROCERIES. l ot Sale Ly STUART BF.NT sept 16 wot Sy j SCtiMOL. \| ISS BLOME and MISS ( ABRK iiuforiu 1T w their triemls and the public in geueial. ! thry ml. mi to u|ien a school, on il>e )»t ! mouday in October next hi Mr Bridges’ House, next to Messrs K* lily 6i Shieis on Biond-xlrcet. j atmve tlie upper M.uket. 1 hey will leadline Fieuch mid English lan guages, Reading. Writiu , amt Arithinrtic, (y --ogiaptiy, Needle Work. Maiknig, Sewing ire Terms mule k mwu on utiplicaliou. sept 20 40 fit UKOCRRIKS. 20 HH 1)8 Piinie Si. Croix Sugar 20 do second qualify do 120 Bags ptitna tueru t IT-e 75 Bartel* Bye Gin 40 Do Potilaud Ruin 60 Do Ohio Whiskey 20 B .xes sperm ( and lex 20 i)o Baldwin * and » liM Pieces Hemp Ragging 20 Qr Cask* Malaga IVl«« lot) keg* Nail* assorted 15 Bhlx Loaf an I Lump Sugar 10 llhds M..!as*»< Cognac Brandy, llollan't Gin, Jamaica Rum, Madeira. Marseilles, Ciaiet nnd t hampaigne Wine., Soap Luff's Crackers, smoked Be«l. Don Lead fltol, Salt. Pow l. r, tic lor tale on teaiuuabk' terms, bv GEORGE R lE vl’P 3.40 Broad-Strut. June 17 13 if kemoval' f I3IIE > 'ubsc l lie* rs have mil > r,| n sea iloort I below then lurmri staid and one door above \)t. John Monre'a corner. where they bate r< o >*ed v part of their *u|iply of SIAPI. E and 1 \N( \ Rl bUdl)* aud daily a tui thet supply Pei->>in witliiog »• purchase are requested to call nnd examine them, ms the* «|!| be sold very low fat c«»h N 11. WIIITLAW Jr Cos. sept 20 4o 8t (>0 ll»ID>. St I roii u. Porto R to Sfgiut 2% bote* hr >*n M i*annah Vugar 76 h*g« Coffe* 100 casks rut N .its and brads 75 hatrr s Gio 30 do Ruin 2ia» Hirers h.-a*y I’Dx Bag,% <£ ItO •!»» prime Hemp Barging l'*A) :<v harglng Twin*, he. Jw Ec. Ear w.’t Sf A B H ALRER L Cos. •ep!emi*er V ,'pj 1 \ock a\u\ NN*;vU*\i V. CIIKFI’, CM Leturo. (H* thank* lo the (ml Ik f«r Ihrir lihetal |.«- <fn ‘ H* An,i IhM.ip f.* , 'yG / p -'tu' i) <• ir.' i. mg ti.eia ,* \ jflt 1 *1 hr lta« t»k o I, C •!»- js. i * . BrS ri»m la fink k Wats, nSi 3‘ *, tier airing Mr r \ r-al A fs.ksiaU A..V w. ik m troil and Ii hi* > *r» » *il i>e caretu'ly .liratitd to and si i .e »li..r'rs( noficr. n hand ar.d offers f<r ‘‘j e an stiortioenl of JKWFUiUHV. I f Mr t . wdi MiSul.rlarr »r>.| Repair »li kwl* »l Jur-llrry <* w k, and »ill also give it O* I’Mtii.'.Tr t Ij.ji. sept 16 »3m "J TIIK STItSCIUIHAI nAs jail re cr.ftd r»o first rale Carriages. , together «itn a itusober ot light and laity ose nwl two hurt** Gig* and Sttlkrrr Alto 25 tent Gig and D,.i te.rn Harreai On the river and expeetrd sSait*. two CctfirM co< C’Wsri«4te« and • number of Oigi and Slkri ‘ t-ife«i»e» wit a Gtg and L* roach ipiu.gx; spring ilr»t Gtg lop bow plated work l>»i Carpet be persons witbiif t I or-ler CaVTiage* from the North ra « hate rheir orders personally *tfeoded to by addresfog ihe ruatnvr tt Augusta or al Newark ant i»t*r between f-.s atwi Ihe In *1 September aex*. TUOMA« 0. HALL. *oD 2" W rs JOHN GUIMARTN, WATCH 31 AKER, •No \4l, Bvoad-Strecly . HAS again began business, in the Brick House. No. 147, Broad-Street, lately oc cupied as the CITY HOTEL, where he will be stow all his attention on repairing WATCHES AND CLOCKS, of every description, in tlie best possible manner, and at very reasonable prices. He solicits the patronage of his friends and former customers, and all who wish to have their Watches made to keep good time at a mod erate price, lie will sell his remaining STOCK, consisting of WWTCHBS k CLOCKS, LAST*. ills, &c. &c. For less than they cost, ns Whole-oil- and Rohail Th ck Patent W ATCH Gi,AS?ES, and all other descriptions ot Watch Glasses, constantly kept on hand. May 3 104 COT lON GINS, &c. II E Subscriber has on hand COTTON JL GINS of a very superior quality, of from 30 to 60 Saws, sing.e aud double breasted. From recent improvements introduced into those Gins, tircy have lieeu pronounced by those having them in u*e to tie of the very Irest kind, botli as to furnishing a clean and good Staple, as also to lightness of draught; also Moating Flues. O’ GINb repaired at shoit notice. lli. Slock of .I GIHCULTUH.4L IMPLE MUSTS is extensive, consisting of all tlie luost approved 1 LOUGHS, us which he has a large quantity, an I from the increasing demand, the pri' e will be much reduced. ILF Wheat Saw*, Corn Shelters. Cultivators, Diiil Machines, and also an excellent nssmt uient of Fresh Wauauted GARDEN SEF.DS. KOBF.KI PHILIP. Four I’.jors Lrlow the Merchants' Sf I’hmUrs' Lank. sept, lfi wSt 39 Si\Mvnna\\ Steam Loat COM PAX Y. 1 |JHF. Steam Boat Company of Georgia, in J oAter to give iocreasod certainly and de»- j*■«t li lo then opi't aiioiis in (lie transporiaiiini of met(liamlir.c bclweeu hitvauuuh nu<l Augusta, base, dumg the |>asl season, added such n ouin h. r of Boat* of light drafts, expressly calculated to navigate the River in it* lowest stale, h* it is hoped, and confidently expected, will, with the (til liitl-es enloluie possessed bv them, cn» blc them to pite enliic (•atiilaction to *uch as Itlli forwaid tltcir property hy their boat*. Ihe Con* pa tty ha* upon it* Wharf spacious W.vri house*, bit the reception of Good*, which an protected during the night by careful watch men. '1 here will Be no delay in the shipment of Ihe Good*, and no expense will he spared to deliver tlirm ui the ah irlcsi posxihlc tune hM. P HUNTER Pres St IS. i owi'y. Angnvt 9 28 ts O’ I he Cooititutionalist and Übrouicle w ill iosi f i the alueve 11. PARSONS HO j’nt ri relvcil fr>‘Oi tlie Manufactory, Iwo ver* Siq..-ii«o 8 o«tatc li a!(*n made PI AN*) Poll IE- tit tdain Mahogany canes Ih* loot w vkmau* ilp n. e rqu.,l to the l.igh »»f uutshr <) Niew.ll woitliv the iiispeclioti of loose whu m«y wish a food instrument nl a moderate |.t It • . June 3 t> ts SPARTA TAVEBA fI y O III.N I t ~aci m»» and well nr i ane< and I 1 AVI.RN i,| Ihe Ji.WOi.f S|>st|s, lUll c.>. k ( t.unty ai present occupied bt Mi. tt i'lijui M»' klr 1 tii. e,r»til!t , 'rj*cnt i« ml »nrpa*.*d l,v any < f a s mi ar ktmt in up < roinirt. anti »id, *• lilt judkiou« manaremerit, \ irl<l n GbJoiinr iii,tin ■ •it the < vpitaS employed. Tlie furnnuf* *.«• tto< k will iae t ,and on a creiiit for uppr.o Ipa p»l to ant |*n ot or pert..- » who may i o tr*. I loi the premrte* In will be g seii on the Ist, Not* inber Apr.iy t.» McKCNZIE k BENMJ H. JJ_/’ I r Oi orgia 1 mriial ai.'l f r bit f o.oi. J t Athenian, I ahint t * ,1 Ala«hii;t o New,. • itl ins, tl the *bor» nso « week («.« s,* marks ar.<i scud thetr •ccounts 10 Mckt-uci* ELcnrioCh Aogotia. trpl 4 flff ts IO 'n rirtS J. SMITH 6c VO. HAVE jil.t recet»e,l in *d<l'fion to theii for mer Slick, an cb-gaift sttnrtmrnt nt fur i.ituie, coiitKlrw- ,«f -idet-oarJ* Bureaux, h ,ok Cates. Wardrobes, Ist le*. ( heirs, 4i.c. kr ail of wr.irh wit! be sold at cheap as ea» lee boaght in thit City, (or Cash or tow u acceptances July 1 17 If House, Bisn, and Ornnmont<ii JtMSXeXXG. I) P hfI.LM AN having returned from I I , N» w \ wk, and t aeing roatie kims-tf ac qustf.te t with Ike Latest Sty!* of Paiotrug, re* fretfully s .ilf >'t front bis friend* and for«»*.er rul 10-nert a roatraaawce of she pat elteod e-d lo him for Ine last sen year*. U’ Csosiry Merchantt can be supplied with -ign* al the ibortol notice, aid os the trust reasonable terns* raiVly packed fua any ,Bs fa ace A-sriit 12 mis NOTICE. THE Subscriber wishes to purchase fifiy likely young negroes, of good character; the desciiptiou wanted are Roys from 12 to 15 years, and men from 15 to 25. A few young women would be purchased, if likely. Non* need be offered unless they can he certificated. Tho above number of negroes aie wanted imme diately; poisons wishing to sell, can find me Hi Messrs Mnsgrovc, Wetinore, &cos. Warehouse or at George Rountree’s Store; in my absence mv son, Henry Grimes, will act lor roe. Win. G. GRIMES. Nov 9 64 ts TC»OUR months after date, application w ill lie 8. made to the Honorable the Justices of the Inferior Court ol Richmond County, while sitting for ordinary purposes, for leave to sell all the Real Estate belonging to Edmund ceased, and late «l’ Richmond County, viz.— 1401) acres of Pine Land in Richmond County, 202£ Acres of Land in Lee County, and 2A)2t£ Acres in Hall Countv. ALEXANDER MURPHY, Executor. July f> w4m 18 • RICHMOND ACADEMY. rilllE Ti uste sos the Academy of Richmond .JL comity will on the last Saturday in Dcceitf her next, proceed to elect the following Teachers and Otfit.eis forthe term aud space of twelve months, from tlie tint** of appointment 10-wit . A Rector, with a salary of Eight Hundred Dol lats, and half of me Tuition money. An Englisu leachei.uiih a salary of Five Hundred Dollan, and one half of the Tuitiou money. A Teacher for the Sami Hills without salarv, hot with the use of the House one! Lot at tfie Band Hill*, the Teacher to receive the whole of the Tuition money. A Teacher of Modern Languages, with a sal ary of Two Hundred and Fifty Dollars, and the whole of the Tuition money—the price for id* sti notion (o be Eight |) .liars per quartei A Clerk, Sicwatd and Treasurer, with a Sala* r* of Four Ilundted Dollars Written application will be made to the Un ler signed. Hi; order of Ike ftortni, JAMES McLAWS. Clerk. September 2 m(D3t—Bt 34 >75 REWARD RAN A WAY, on the Bth Inst from the Subset i b» i, in Augusta, a negro fellow named JACK an excellent barber, about 30 years old, and 6 feet fi inches high, with bushy hair, large mouth, diffident look and talk, and resprcttul manners He had on when he went away, a Coatee and pantaloons of cinrse light blue Sati net, and a white hat. The subscriber believing, from the easy disposition o< .1 ick, that he was peisuaded to go assy by some villain with the intention of selling him, will give SSO to any bo dy. who will furnish him with » videuce sufficient to convict the thief, and $25 t lodge the Negro in a 'ail whete he can gel him, or the s .tne sum, ( 4>25 ) with reasonable expenses, to deliver him in An u.ita. N. DELAIGLE. Augii*i 23 30 ts TAILOKING BIJSINKSS. bnl'scriliers < using ronoertbit them- Jl selves in ili*- Tailoring Ihiiimss, under I lie fimMiHiOODRII H «i CJiAFKE. I»g leave to tender thr-ir services to their fiiiinJs and the I’u <• lie. i hey li.ivc taken tin- Mote fto. 226, RronH sir. next door to Wilson dorter, sci Cos. where they will constantly ke.p on tin and. * well selected »» ortment ol Cloths, ('nsiiiiisra*, Sic. ciuaprising every article in their line. LtmiEH COODItICH. Ft>lV A l> O C aFF.E. N. C. Ail or<li r* promptly niteniled to, anil t* ’ enn. and with iieMlnt-ss and despatch. A in; u*t 23 32 fit FAINTING f| lIIF. Siibtetilerr would respectfully liifnim fi the citizens ol Antaisia nn<t its vicinity, ' that they have entered into co partnership under i ic firm «and MILLER sis jASEP/i, and intend i rallying on House, Sign, ('hair ii Orrmiientai 1 Painting mid Glazing, Papei Hanging o,t in i itl! its various branches. They hope ;h v from t the neatness in tlie exec ution of their woik and : strict attention In (licit business, to merit a litre j rat slime ul public patronage. Persons disposed i ■ pair* luxe them may find them at their '-hup, ■ No 203 Kroad-Slieet. N B —Oiders from the Country punctually alb tided to. REt- ERENCES i Da Thom** I. Wrk, Augusta. Dh. Mm.ledov. Gslpbim, . Col A Wh.t. ey, \ Beach Maid BSMI'kl. ( I.XtiK. D. A IKI *SUM. / July 22 23 ts SHI 1.1, (OMBS f|lliF, 'I KiCRIBKR r*'*|n-i (fully iaforms J the L idles of AI»fU»(M arid vicinity, that ).- * (u< pared himself with ail the imple,uei,is i. ...-iiv for > eineuling ami polishing broken (' an i ..ri at e short notice, cement or (ii jih i,ter old r irub*. in suck a manner, as tu i ak mem r all respects, equal to new. * UO, A.i a , rtrncnt of b*d Combs, which he •*»); t .la.lfe Os sell upon the mokl SOOlllffiO. !a-»i>: '-'tiia. bj*r;ci»u-ns ol work ni.-jf be * i . ui .iiy time. Jewelry, kc repaired as usual. D. HI < T. .Vo 3rl, Proud t AugU'ln, a Cut doors above the Planters' Ihu). April 22 101 if JAfLOK’S SALK. be *‘»M on lli>- firat 'lui-i-lav in Octo • jf b’-r nr it wiibin ti.» utu«tl imam of »tie, 4 \t|fi<» Woman, mio rail* hrrteif fto'kv *i»d »*y» »he , >na County. so <1 agr. ra' It In i>o Order nl the Honorable sh» <*y < J'njocil of Ani;ii«la, »o pay j*il fve« an t thars**. provided tlm **nl ,Negro it not preyi »«j*iy claimed, ciiaiget (.Mill, mik] taken **«r H. ft Flt ISER. Jailor, it c Mpbrmbrr 9 fdif7 NOTICE. \f,l. prrioni indebted to lh« late firm of ii Hanna, by note or otbenviae are rrq levied lo make iinru-dfate pay. in-nt lo HtHjn mm Hull, »»bo alone i< authorised lo rerrive payment of lurh riaimt—t hr boo ha paper*. a.,.i unveil led buiioeu of the frm, ceoeialiy. Ir-ih; tefi in hii band* by content. BENJAMIN HALL. EDA AKI) J. II a:.oi> *ep»ember 2 B» sif> MItS. ADAM IH TANARUS( III.NSOX BtliS leave lo >afoi<m her (turn i* and trie public in that tneesercite* of bee Sebo-.i, •ill. oith Uitmr penni»4i-<«, lie re ni*H m AuruVa «• the dm Mo.h!«i of Oile her neat. The School Koota uiu the Budge Bank Hiuidiny, 133 Aof|l23 NO. 41.