Georgia courier. (Augusta, Ga.) 1826-1837, December 14, 1832, Image 1

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VOL. 7. ' PUBLISHED EVEET MONDAY, WEDNESDAY axd FRIDDAY, AV % O'CLOCK. ». M. At Sir. Howard’. Brick BqildinfS.opposiMtbe Port Offi M’tptoih atrcot. DIRECTIONS. i Bala, of L*n4 and Ntgrees, by Administrator., E.ecu • tor*, or Guardian., aro required, by law, to bo held on the Int Tueaday in the month, between the hour, of ten in the forenoon and three in the afternoon, at the Court-hov .« «r the county, a which the property i» »ltuate.—Noticr there .ale. mu.t be given in a public gazette SIXTY day. ■pteriou. to the day ct rale. Notice, of the .ale ofp«r.rtt«l property mu.t be given in like manner, FORTY day. previous to the day of .ale. Notice to the debtor, and creditor, of an date, multo. published for FORTY daya. „ Notice that application will be made to the Court of Or dinary for leave toaeii land, mu.t be published for FOUR MONTHS. Notice for leave to .ell Negroea, mu.t be published for POUR MONTHS,before any orderabtolute .hall be made hereon by the court. MECHANICS’ SANK. Notice to Stockholders. WHEREAS on the 17th of October, 1832, the Board of Director! of this Institu tion passed an order that an instalment of 26 ‘fter cent, on the Capital Stork of this Bank be paid in, on or before the IBtb of December inst. and a furiher instalment of 10 per cent, on or Before Fiiday the 28th inst. between the hours of 9 and two o’clock; which said order has jheeii regularly published from the date theieof; And whereas, on the Ist day of December inst. the Board of Directors passed another order the object of which is to revoke so much of the jpbove stated order as requires the payment of '96 per cent, as thereia stated, against, tvhich ' jqidj revoking order a minority of said Directors entered (be following protest: “ The undersigned enter their protest against the rMiAuinn revoking fhp-oijder for an instal ment 0?26 per cent, on the Capital Stock of this Bank, to be paid on or before the 18th of Decern ber, 183-2, for the following reasons."— Ist. Because the order of the Board of Direc tor* calliug in said Instalment was jtassed by n Board consisting' i.f eight members, and with all the farms required by the chartet—ai and because some of the Stockholders bating paid said in stalment pursuant to public notice, and received js certificate for the same, refuse to have them cancelled—and because there was sufficient time to have given the legal notice required by tbe Charter calling a mefetliig of the stockholders to ascertain whether a majority of the stockholders were in fayor or against a payment of said in stalment. v" • 'V .*’>, ■ r 2-1. Becausl! two of the members soling for said resolution compose a part of a number con sisting of not more then sia persons, who have purchased up a majority of the stock of this Bank, for the purpose, as we believe, of con trolling its operations, and tbe said members ‘having declared at this Board their object in basing said stock was not for an interest of 8 pvr ceut. fid Because they believS it a duty they owe to the stockholder* a* well as to the public—to pi event as far as in their power the stock getting into the hands of speculators, and thereby be come a private institution, and subject to all the changes and uii cert ain lias of individual com mercial establishments, and consequently liable .to become a nuisance to the public, as has re cently happened'l6 Vk Bank under similar cir Cumstknces in the state-MII which they conceive (indr duly to oppose ambpreveiit if possible. JOHN PHINIZY, MOSES HOFF, jun’r. AMORY SIBLEY. And whereas, for the'" reasons mentioned in gaid protest, and for other good and sufficient reasons in law, we consider the said order of re vocation as null and void, the said Directors having no power to pass the same. VVe there fore, the undersigned, in behalf of ourselves and all stockholders who have paid Into the said Bank tbe said instalment of 25 per cent, in obe dieuce to said order, ancj on the faith {}f the Same, and in behalf also of all who may pay of fender the same on or before the .aid 18th of December instant, do hereby giU notice, that we consider the order of the 17th October, as Still in full force, and shall insist on a entnpli ance with the requisitions thereof, or In default a forfeiture of stork will be claimed in behalf of, and for the benefit of the Bank, in terms of its charter. JOHN PHINIZY, AMORT SIBLEY. MOSES ROFF, Jun. |! Augrsta, Dec >. 108 td ischooumaker & Whiting, MBftOBANT TAILORS. . BEG3 leave to inform the citiflens of Augus ta and the public, that they have taken the Store lately occupied by Mr. Catiin, under the United Slates' Hotel, where they have opened a LARGE AND SPLENDID ASSORTMENT OF CONSISTING or CLOTIIS, CASSIMERES, & VESTINGS, / Which they will make to order in the best man ner, and most fashionable style, and at the short est notice. Also, every other article in their tine of business. - Gentlemen are respectfully invited to call and examine for themselves. Orders from the country will be thankfully re ceived and promptly attended to. ? WANTED . k GOOD HOUSE SERVANT, wanted. Apply to L. SCHOONMAKER. Nov 21 1m j;oi V AN ORDINANCE To.prevent Slaves frequenting Retail Shops on r 1 f the Sabbath Day. Augusta, That it shall not be lawful for any Li Sensed Retailer of Spirituous Liquors to permit Any slave uot owned or hired by him or her, or lawfully under his or bar care .or charge, to en ir bis or her Retail Shop, or remain in it or on the lot attached thereto, at any time during the Sabbath, or between nine o’clock at night and «Un-riae at any other time, without a special tick et of permission from hie or her owner or hirer. , Sec. And be it further Ordained, That any parson who may violate any of the provisions of this Ordinance may be fined in a sum not ex ceediug one hundred dollars. Done in Council the 4th day of June, 1632. . SAMUEL HALE, Mayor. By the Mayor, Qao. M. Walker, Clerk r NOTICE. THE Subscriber wishes to hire two or three good Male Servants, for which a liberal ptice will be given. | W. Q. GRIMES. Oct 19 88 .Executor's Sale Postponed. 'ljjffTlLL be sold on the first Tuesday in Jan. yfjf next, all the Household and Kitchen Furniture, bdo*»gb»ff to the estate of Lovey Powers, deceased, at her late residence* JOSEPH COLLINS, Ex\r . , Oct s SO t* ■BBBBBM *' - _ >SJ FI / Übi \ I \ I HI i B i ] j I L aß f^^V) i bbbp I 1 f | I rflj Bn B™ 1 I I I I ■Bp I nB I ■ I aBK ! SBOR | > TO THE STOCK HOLDERS OF THE MSCBANXO’S BANK. ACTUATED by unenviable motives, three Directors of the Mcchanics Bank, of this city, published on the 6th inst. (December.) a statement accompanied by a protest against an order rescinding a previous order for the pay ment of an instalment of 26 per cent. It is uni versally conceded, that small Capitals, invested' in Banking Institutions,are wielded moreprofita bly than large ones I for this, and other good reasons, the Board of Directors of the Mechanics Bank, Resolved, on the first day of December, instant, to resciend so much of the order: (passed, on the 17th October 1832.) as requires the pay ment of 25 per cent; of the Capital Stock of bis Bank on the 18th of December 1832. Mechanics Bank, Augusta , Dec. Ist, 1832. THE order for an Instalment of 26 per cent, on the Capital Stock .of this. Bank, called for on the 18th of the present month, was, by a, resolution of the Bank, this day revoked. GEO. W. LAMAR, Cashier . In addition to other reasons, tor rescinding such order for the payment of the 26 per cent, the Board was presented with a petition, signed by the owners, and representatives of a majority of the whole Stock j pray ing a revocation of the order of the 17th, October; so far as relates not only to the pay ment of the 26 per cent on the 18ih December 1832, but also, the 10 per cent, on the 28th December. '* ‘ ' To the President and Directors oj the Mechanics Bank. By a public notice we observe, that you have called in the residue of Instalment due on the Capital Stock of the Bank, over which you pre side. That this measure appeared to you advantage* ous to the institution, and that you were actua ted in passing the resolution by motives of the best interest to the Stockholders we do not doubt. However we cannot but differ from you in opinion, believing that the iustitution with its present Capital, can be managed, more to the interest of the Stockholders, than if the Capital should be increased to the amount you propose: We would beg leave to call your attention, to other Banks oflarger Capitals in our city, and will find on examination, that they rarely have half the amount of their Capital in circu lation, and it wouita he ,very questionable, whether or not we should succeed in getting a larger circulation, than we at present have, even in the event of the Capital being incieased to double ity present amount; and if we should not, obtain the saimfe ratio of circulation, we of course cou'd not pay so large an interest. With these view, of the subject we are decidedly ppposed to calling for additional instalments We by no means wish to dictate to you but think as Stock holders of the Bank that we have the right to express to you our opiniena and if they should on due consideration accord with yours, we do hope that theoidcrs for calling in further instal ments will ;f>e revoked; alt of whith is respect fully submitted. Yery respecfutly. IVm. A. Mitchell , Edward Bustin , Musgrove Sf Bustin, _ <?</?. Rountree, Richard Allen # Robert Dillon, James Hubbard, Austin R. Gordon, Rob. F, Poe, Trustee, tV. 11. Morgan. A Cos. Fielding Brad fold, R- li- Musgrove , E. U. Webster, G. B. Marshall t Luther Roll, ’ John P. Greiner. Proprietors of twelve hundred and eighty Shares Previous to the passage of the order of the Ist of Dec. double had been suggested by the pro testing members,, relative to the power, of the Board to rescind a previous order for the pay ment of instalments-A.this subject together with the Charter wits submitted to the Attorney of tbe Bank, who returned a written opinion, asserting (he right and power on the part of the (Board, acting under the Charter, to pass the said reso lution. Which Opinion hat been sustained by all other Attorneys since consulted. So far as re gards that part of the notice relative to the for feiture of Stock, we deem that position entirely untenable. Without pretending to enter into any argument on that subject, it is thought suffi cient rb'sfete, that on the 14th day of July, 1832, kn order was passed by the Board to res* ciud an order for the payment of 10 per cent of the Capital Stock of the Bank payable on,(he 4th day of October, 1832, and that tin consequence of said ervotation no instalment was paid on the above last mentio ed day ; therefore, upon this principle all tha Stock bad already became sot , foiled. 4 distinction is indeed sought to be made, j between the rescinding of the order Bailing in the 10 per c.ent in October, and the 25 per cent recently rescinded, in consequedce of certain in dividuals-'fone of whom is one of the protesting member*) having paid said 25 "per cent upon a small number of shares, with the hop* of retard ing the operations of the Bank. Rut by a refer ence to the bonks, it krill, be perceived, that no such instalments have been incorporated with the Capital of the Bank,sothatther« is no ground for the accuration of attemptipt; to impair or e-1 ven diminish the Capital Stock. The protesting members for the purpose of giving a> assumed dignity to the communication have taken the liberty of dating Mechanics Bank. G. R. ROUNTREE. , ROUT. M’DONALD. A. CUMMING. W. A. MITCHELL. In explanation on my part I will here state, that up to the 26th Ni»v. last, I advocated the culling in of the whole of thh Capital Stock of the Mechanics Bank. A difference of opinion as to the propriety of such a course existed, some of the Stockholders wishing the limit' of the 60 per cent on the Capital Stock to remain, others desirous that the whole should be called in— Therefore, with the sole view to effect a compro mise, 1 voted for tescinding of the order calling for 26 per cent on the'Hith inst. !j ROBT. M’DONALD. * This member has paid the 26 per cent on all the stock lie owns. Pec 10 110 2tw Lime! Lime!! Lime!!! casks superior white lump Lime JS W 200 casks fresh Thomaston Rock Lime ’ Will be receired this week and for sale by G. H. METCALF. nov 5 95 New Crop Georgia Syrup. 15 Hhds. Syrup 2d Hhds N. O Molasses Boxes Mustard This Day. landing for sale, by G. if. METCALF. Dec 6 107 AUGUSTA* (GEO.) FRIDAY, DECEMBER 14. 1832. ON consignment. 5000 YDS.. NEGRO CLOTH Fiona 20 t 042 per yard, comprising the best assortment and the most approved GOODS, of the kind,.that has been offered in this Market.— Purchasers are respectfully invited to call and examine them, they will be sold, in quantities wanted, for Cash or approved eudorsed Notes, at 60 and 90 days, by L. HULL, AuiVer. Nov 19 101 JUST RECEIVED. Northern Apples Northern Cheese ; Northern Butter Northern potatoes Northern Onions t Northern Mackerel Northern Codfish and Northern Cotton Cotton Bagging ■ FOR BALE, LOW, BY , G. H. METCALF. J. H R. WASHINGTON, > SURGEON, a EXIST, WILL spend a few days in Augusta. Per sons wishing to avail themselves of his services, will please make immediate application at the Planters Hotel- Any doubts as to Professional capacity, can be satisfied by an examination of the very re spectable testimonials in his possession. Ladies will be waited upon at their private residences. Oct 24 *, v , 90 ts GEORGIA/ In the Court of Ordinary for the Coun ty of Richmond. Ivt v. 12,1832. ON application of Stephen Key, praying that the Administrator of John Wilcox, sen’r. deceased, may be diiected to make Titles to all that tract or parcel of Land situate, lying and being in ti>e county of Henry and State afore said. in the eleventh distiict, on the waters of South River, containiag two hundred and two and a half acres, more or less, originally grant ed to James Wasden, and the applicant having complied with the requisitions of the law It is ordered, That the said Administrator will be di rected at the March Term next of this court to make titles to tbe said tract of Land to the said Stephen Key, unless some good and legal ob jection be made to the contrary, at orduting the said term of said court. Jt is further ordered, that this order be published in a public Gaxette of this tf'Hy, and at the City Hall and Market- House to Augusta, for three months previous to said court. A true extract from the Minutes. GEORGE A. B. WALKER, Clerk. nov 28 w3m 106 Administrator’s Sale. IN pursuance of an order from the Honorable the Inferior Couit of Richmond County, when sitting for Ordinary purposes, will be sold at the Lower Market House, in the City of Augusta, on 1 the first Tuesday iu January next, the following property belonging to the estate of Enoch 1C night, to wit: Zadock, Sam Bartop, Frank, Nathan, Bunkum or Richmond, Sandy, Bannister Adam, Windsor, Stephen, Sam Cooper, Ben, Dublin, Paddy, Stepney, Stephen Bacon, Daniel, Au gust, Alfred, Davey, Andy, Louisa, Harriet', Nancy,. Fanny, Mary, Suckey, Sarah, Rose, Lucy,Charlotte, Harriet, Jinny, Robert, Sarah, John, Hannah, Harry, Billy and Daniel—Also, all that tract of land or plantation and improve meats, situation the Savannah river, about four miles below Augusta, bounded by the Savannah river on the Ekst, William Eve on the NOrfh, by land belonging or claimed by the estate of Wil liam A. Bugg on the West, and by a tract of land called Egypt on the South—also an undivi ded half of said tract called Egypt, belonging to the estateof William A. Bugg—also a house and lot on. the Sand Hjlts, about two and an half miles fioin Augusta, Containing about fifty acres, bounded by Lamar, Woolsey, Mrs. Hill, and Green B. Marshall. Sold for the benefit of tbe heirs and creditors. Terms on the day. SUSAN 3. KNIGHT. AcTmx. October 16. 86 2m Scriven Sheriff Sales. WllL be sold on tbe first Tuesday in Jan uary next, at the Court-House in Jack sonboro’ Scriven county, between tke usual hours foe sale. ’ • • The twelfth part of a Negro ' Girl, named Hannah, levied on as the property of James J Roe, to satisfy afi fa. from the In ferior Court, of Scriven county, in favor of Thomas Clifton. i JOHN C. FERRILt, '.. Sherifi. , Nov 23 107 td NOTICE. ON the Ist Saturday in „.■anuary next, the City Council will appoint the following Of ficers, for the ensuing year, with the salaries an nexed, via— City Marsha}, with a salary of SIOOO Clerk of Council “. 400 Collector and Treasurer “ 600 Clerk Lower Market “ 300 Clerk Upper do “ 76 Jailor " 600 ?Thrve Constables, (each)- 1 * 400 Keeper of Magakine " 200 City Surveyor, (fees of Office. , City Sheriff •• Clerk C. C. Pleas “ Four Vendue Masters. At the same time will be received for keeping she streets and drains in good re pair, for a salary not exceeding SI4OO. For lighting the lamps, for a salary not exceeding S2OO. Proposals will also be received for tak ing charge of the City Hospital, and furnishing the patients By order of Council. GEO. M- WALXER, Clerk. December 7. NOTICE. THE Copartnership heretofore existing be tween the' subscribers in (he Practice of Lav, hi this day dissolved by mutual consent? They will both attend to the unfinished business of the firm until it is closed; and persons indebt ed to them for professional service can . make payment to either. WILLIAM. SCHLEY, THO’S. GLASCOCK. Nov 2 >1 94 COTTON GINS. Boatwright &. jones, of Columbia, S. C. respectfully inform their friends and the public tfikt fbey have established a Shop in Augusta, Georgia, for the purpose of Making and repairing COTTON GINS, and are now prepared to furnish these Machines made of the best materials and in the best manner.— We will keep on hand GINS of different sizes, from 80 to 60 Saws. ITT* Our Shop is about one hundred yards above the Upper Market in this place. Ang 24 63 wtf DECLARATIONS, Printed and for tale at this Office. m’ H. MAHAftStB* (Two doors below the Eagle and Phasnix Hotel) Has just received by Steam-Boat, Wulliam Sba v BRoox, flora Savannah. 25 Barrels and half bbls. Canal Flour 20 half and qr. barrels Buckwheat Meal 15 kegs fresh G >shen Butter 10 half barrels No. 1, Mackerel 6 do Mess Shad 2 barrels Northern Hickory Nuts 6 boxes Sperm*Candles 2 cask* White Wine Yinegar 3 Baskets Champaign Wine, Anchor brand Which in addition to his farmer Stock, makes the assortment complete and will' be sold, on reasonable terms, for cgsb, or approved paper. Nov 30 106 if Goshen Butter, &e. &c. 25 Firkins superior Goshen Butter 60 half and quarter boxes bunch ftallfbs 30 boxes Sperm Candles 25 boxes Yellow Soap 10 casks Goshen Cheese 40 half and qr bbls Buckwheat Mpal 6 bbls Smoked Beef . 30 bags Java and Green Colfiee 6 bbls Sweet Oranges A half bbls Fulton Market Beef 2 half bbls dried Cui rants 0 boxes Citron Just received and fo i sale, by JQHtf COSKERY. 266, Broad Street. Nov,ul v 102 t from No. 8, and 12. ! 20 Bbls French Canal Flour 60 bosses {Sperm Candies 20 Wlids prime Sugar 20 casks prime Rica 26 boxes Tobacco 26 Coils Bale Rope 200 setts Measures 26 bbls Cramberries , 60 bbls Potatoes ' FOR SALE, BY G. H. METCALF. Nov 9 97 JUST RECEIVED, 20 Barrels Superffne Canal Flour 20 boxes Sperm Candles 20 do Smoked Herrings 10 do Poland Starch 60 boxes and Cattys fresh TEA 10 do yellow Soap 6 do Pine Apple Cheese 6 do Londou Mustard 12 do Cavendish and Plug Tobacvo 10 bbls, fresh Crackers 6 do soft Shell Almonds 1 do dried Currants 1 Hhd Sugar House Molasses |£J* Which with a choice selection of CERIES, on hand, will be sold, tow for cash or approved paper, by JOHN COSKERY, 256, Brftad Street. Oct 17 87 30 bbls N. Rum. Gin and Whiskey 10 quarter casks Tenerifie Wine 10 quarter 'do Sweet Malaga do 1 pipe old Sherry do 2 pipes pare Holland Gin 2 do Cognac Brandy 6 tierces New Rice 10 half bbls Canal Floor 20 bbls Irish Potatoes 500 bunches Onions 200 boxes Table Salt 176 jars pickled Onions, Gerkins Mangoes, Walnuts, Cabbage, be 6 dozen bottles fresh Cayenne Pepper 6 do do do Capers Just i eceived, and for tale, by JOHN COSKERY. Nov* r \ -y - 95 t RICHARDS & GANAHL, Have received and opened at the Furniture Store of Meters J Smith t; Cos. some splendid PIANO FORTES, Particularly selected by one of the Firm for the Southern market, and which are warranted what they are represented to fte, and those wishing to purchase will find the pi ices as reasonable as any ever sold here. December 10. 110 6tw The undersigned glflSB""* have purchased Sterling T. Combs'interest, one of ■ the partners, of tbe firm of Sims, W illiams 8i Woolsey. All debts due to, or by the concern will be attended to by qs. The busiuess will be continued by the Subscribers as heretofore under tbe firm of Sims, Williams k Wools ie y. CHARLES D. WILLIAMS, ABRAHAM M. WOQLSEY. ST Having sold my interest as one of the partners of the fir-m of Sims, William* Is Wool set, to C. D. Williams ti A. M. Weolsey—all claims due by or to the concern wif, b e attended to by them. > STERLING Ti COMBS. Dec 3 , 107 ts NOTICE. THE co-partnership heretofore existing un der the firm of BRIDGES fe GIBSON is this day dissolved. The remainiug business of the concern will be settled by J. W. Bridges,who is duly authorized to close the aaid business and will he found at tha old stand occupied by C. B. Hitt, at the Brick Store noth* north-aide of Broad'Street. JOHN W. BRIDGES. LEWI9 GIBBON Augusta, Oa. 11th Dec. 1832. N, B.—All persona indebted (• the above con cern either by note or book account are request ed to come forward as speedily as possible and settle the same with me, or the claims will bo put in the bands of an attorney for suit J. W. BRIDGES. dec 12 6<w 111 SCtiOOL. MRS. TRAUB will open her School for small children, and young ladies, oa the first of November next. Spelling, Reading, and Writing, with the first rudiments of Grammar, Geography, and Arith metic, will be taught, also the French langnage. The afternoons will be devoted to needle work exclusively, vix: plain work, marking, rug work, lace work, flourishing, and bead work, and embroidery. Grateful for past patronage she promises her best exertions to merit encouragement. Forterms, apply at her residence nest door below the Masonic Hail., Octo&V BR . f ■' r EAGLE AND PHGSNIX HOTEL Ton , : AUGUSTA, GEORGIA. . * H Subscriber begs leave to inform the public generally, tfiat he will coniirf&« to keep jhis Hotel, with Up extensive range pf in the bust style for the acmmimudation of those who will honor him their company* - - This establishment **nds on the site ofdhe old City Hotel, on Broad street, and ? point of cqnitnodiousuess, with the many recent improvements, (such as fcells nnmv bered ami corresponding with each room, «fcc. 4tc.) renders it superior to <rny in the Southern it is situated, *od contiguous to the Steam Boat wharf, and to the point of active business »n the city. V • n , It is customary with proprietors in giving such information to the public, to extol and repder ag conspicuously as possible thoir establishment. However, of his own services and the general accommodation he shall say nothing, leaving them to speak «£lll h K mSe,VeS *i 1 ‘% due ?.‘ 8 fr . ,eods *° sa ** ,ha ‘ no pe«»onal exertions or expense Jail be spared to reuder hts visitors and boarders in every respect comfortable. Hehexatteouveund obliging clerks, and active servants, and'he will provide for his table all the variety and luxury which this and the neighboring city markets ran af ford, and his stable with good capable Ostlers, and the best provender which can be precured. ' The Subscriber renews his services to the public, and hon«s to merit the liberal share or patronage which has already been exteuded to this usTtftiJishmenr. . To those wire have honored tho establishment with their company, lie nratefuirp acknowledges their favors. HENRY COSNARD. * Augusta, 15th October, 1832. gg Just Received, TWO HUNDRED PACKAGES BOOTS AND SHOES, COMPRISING a general assortment of every article iu the Trade. ALSO, A large stock of Sole Leather, Calfskins, Buckskins, Morocco and Linings—Shoe Lasts, Boot and Shoe Tress, and ah the materials and Tools for manufacturing. All of which will be offered to Country Merchants at Charleston prices for cash or city paper, at No. 273, Broad street nearly opposite tbe Globe Hotel. B. W. FORCE fc Cos. October 19 m <»>>t pg Dissolution. THE co-partnership heretofore ex isting under the firm of Cosnafd A byrd, was dissolved on the .iSih iost. All persons to whom said firm may be in debted will render their accounts to Mr. Henry Cosnafd, who is legfflly author ized lo settle them—and ,by whom all debts of raid firm will be paid—he is also authorized to collect all debts due the firm. HENKY COSNARD. J. J. BYRD Augusta, 15th Oct. I&S2. 85 rs Administrator’s Sale. WILL be sold, at Lincoln Court House, in Lincoln County, on the first Tuesday in January uext, agreeable to an order of the In ferior Couit of said county, setting for Ordinary purposes, one tract of land,in said county known as Poorbopes containing ode hundred and ten acres more or less and three Negi oee, (sum Ben, and Harriet,—Sold a* the property of Joseph Henderson, deceased, and for tha bent fit of the heirs and creditors.'-, f- Terms made known on the day. CHARLES JENNINGS, Adm'r. Oct 29 .. t . •• 92 Id Administrator’s Sale. WILL be told, on Thursday the 27th of December next, at the late residence of John W. Turner, late of Lincoln County, de ceased the following property to wit: Corn, Fodder, Cotton, Oxen, :fttid>Cart Horses and Cattle of all descriptions Household and Kitchen. Furniture sale, to cons tinue from day, to day until nil is sold. Term made known on the day. SHADRACH TURNER, AdmW. Oct 29 92 ; Ten Dollars Reward, STRAYED from the plantation of the Subscri ber, near, Lpuisf-ille, Jefferson County, Ga. about the firsf of this month, Two small yellow bay mare mulos, no patticular marks recollected, any person bringing them to the subscriber shall receive (fie above reward and all reasonable es sences paid, and any information concerning them will be thankfully received by RICHARD K. BEAL. Louisville, Moo. 16 4tw IUO Administrator’s Sale. WILL be sold on the first Tuesday in Janu ary next, JU the Court House in De Kalb County, by virtue of an order of the Court of Ordinary of Burke County~Lot No. 106 tn the J7th District of Da Kalb (formerly Henry) coun ty. Terms Cash. , A. J. MILLER, Adtu’r. Os Robert T. Walker dec'd. Oct 24 90 wtd , Administrator’s Sale. ON the first Tuesday in Januarr next, will be sold at the lower Market House iu the city of A'lgusta, A lot of 7 acres on the Sand Hills in t.ichmond county with the improvements thereon, formerly the property of JOHN S’HOLT Sold as the property of Robert T. Walker de ceased under an order of the Court of-Ordinary of Burke County. ANDREW J. MILLER, Adm'r Oct. 31. 93 wtd. Just Received, *1 Doz. Wool Hats 1 Oww 26 cases black Roram Hats Fot sale by * JOHN MARSHALL. Oct Vis IVO* 112* *, ROB3ESY 25 Dollars Reward, (£OME person -or persons secreted them. selves m my Auction Store, after or during the Public Sale, on the Night, of the O h instant, and brake open the Desk Draw containing the money, and took therefrom 77 or SBO, ns near as can be recollected, anti perhaps Goods, whieh cannot at this tpomenf be particularised and tl»tn retired through (he back part of the Store which wa* harrefi and locked inside. As thefts oT this kint| *fe frequent, it w|ll be well for all to be on the look but. Anr information leading to the above wi|| receive the reward offered, and the thanksuf the public’s obedient servant „ V' LATHAM HULL. IQ . no * STOIaKUT ■ jNROM the house of Mrs Byrd, over ’*K.' - Auction of Latham Hull, on the night of the 2nd December, s siU ver Patent Levor Watch, chased case with wreath of roses and thistle; attached was a btiUtskin chain and three keys, two ot which were common, the other had si* pipes around-a riqg such as are used by watch-makdrs—the number and maker's iiMaq not recollected. It taken from the glass in the dining room after 10 o: clock,, the owner remembeis to have wound it< up at that lime. A reasonable reward will be given for the recovery of the watch and detection of the thief. December 10. « jiq * NEW SCHOOL, ", IN CAMPBELL STREET/ MR. CHARLES (the present Eng. iisb Teacher at the Richmond Ad* demy,) respectfully informs the public, that on the Ist day of January next ha will open a SCHOOL for the instruct lion of youth, in the house belonging to* P. Bennoch, Esq. and lately occupied by Mrs. Kain, on Campbell street. The public are assured that no e*er tions will spared by Mr. Charles te render satisfaction, and to merit a share of public patronage. Terms the same as at the Richmond Academy. v . ~ Mr. Charles* Night School will be opened on the Ist January next, at 7 o clock, P. M. at the < December 10. no 9 NEW SCHOOL. IN TRE UPPER PART OF AVGTUSTA, MR.J. H. SPALTER. will open » School, to the upper part of Au. gusts,.in the vicinity of the New Market, commencing the 10th of December. , Mr,, Spatter, will insirnct in all the variod* branches of the English Language ; and hopes that by a strict attention tn the morals and welfare of his pupils- aud ad vancement in Studies, that his exertions will oot be permitted lo pass by unnoticed. Terms. —s 4, per quarter for Element, al Scholars, and $6, for those further fid-' vanced. P. S.—Pupils will be admitted till af ter lha Ist. of January, also, agreeable to the usual custom, pupils will be charged one dollar per quarter (winter quaitcr) for fuel. Dec 5 108 5t Just Received, 40,000 superior Spanish Segafx -45 Groce Wine Bottles 20 boxes fresh Prunes, in fancy boxes 100 gallons Pickled Oysters, by the tag; Buckwheat and Rye Flour Nov 1 and 3 Mackerel Pickled Salmon Do. Cucumbers Mess Shad, be. be. ALSO, IP,OOO large sweet ORANGES, FOR SALS, BY 4 DORTIC dc. LAFITTE 1 2®6,. Broad Stdtft^ Nov 16 v ’ J0»V~ T