Georgia courier. (Augusta, Ga.) 1826-1837, December 17, 1832, Image 1

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VOL. 7. PUBLISHED EVERY MONDAY, WEDNESDAY and FRIDAY, A S J? 2 O'CLO CK, P. At Mr. Howard’* Brick Baildiugs, opposite the Post Offi M’lntosh Street. ■- ' directions. Sales of Land and Negroes, by Administrators, Execu tors, or Guardians, are required, by law, to be held on the irst Tuesday in the month, between the hours of ten in the forenoon and three in the afternoon, at the Court-hoi .9»I county n which the property is situate—Noticr f tltfeie sales must be given in u public gazette SIXTY d»i f previous tef the day of sale. -Notices of the sale ofpsrwaol property must be given m ,ifih manner, FORTY days previous to the day of sale. Notice to the debtors and creditors of an estate, must be published for FORTY days. Notice that application will be made to the Court of Or dinary for leave to sell laud, must be published for FOUR MONTHS. Notice for leave to sell Negroes, must be published for FOUR MONTHS,before any ordor absolute shall be made horeon by the court. H s ■ ■.■■■■■ —» "•SS MECHANIC S’ SAMS. \f . Notice to Stockholders. WHEREAS on the 17th of October, 1832, the Board of Directors of this Institu tion passed an order that an instalment of 25 '•f»eT cent, on the Capital Stock of this Bulk be paid in, on or before the 18th of December inst. and a further instalment of 10 per cent, on or before Ft iday the 28lh inst between the hours of 9 and two o’clock; which said order has been regularly published from the date thereof; And whereas, on the Ist day of December inst. the Board of Directors passed another order the object of which it to revoke so much of the above stuted order as requires the payment of 25 per cent, as therein stated, against which said revoking order a minority of said Directors entered the following protest t “The undersigned enter their protest ngainst the resolution revoking the order lor an instal ment of 25 per cent, on the Capital Stock ol this Bank, to he paid on or before the 18th of Decern ber, 1832, for the foil , wing reasons Ist. Because the order of the Board of Direc tors calling in said Instalment was passed b> a Board consisting eight members, and with ail the forms required by the ehartei —ad because some ol the Stockholders having paid said in stnlinetit pursuant to public notice, and received a certificate for the saute, refuse to have them cancelled—and because there was suffi :ient time 1o have given the legal notice required by ihe charter calling a meeting of the stockholders to ascertain whether a majority of the stockholders were in favor or against a payment of said in stain e,d. 21. Because two of the members voting for 6 till resolution compose a part of a number con sisfiug of not more than six persons, who have purchased up a majority of the slock of this Bank, fir the purpose, as we believe, of con trolling its operations, and the said members having declared at this Board their object in purchusifg said stock was not for an iuteres-t of 8 p r cent. Md Because they believe it a duty they owe -t,; the stockholders as well as to the public—to 1 ji»r v,-id as fur as in their power the stock getting *■ t.iio the hands of speculators, and thereby bc coiui; a private institution, and subject tuall the ‘changes and uncertainties of individual com ' establishments, and consequently liable 'lo become a ifdisance to the pu die,, as has re cently happened to a Bank under gimhar cir in the slateo-raO which they conceive {itoit duty to oppose and prevent if possible. JOHN PHINIZY, MOSES ROF|T, juu’r. AMOiIY SI DUE Y, Aud whereas, for the reasons meutioneil in Kititl protest, and for other good and sufficient re«B«ns in !nw, we consider the said order of te vocaliur. as null and vojd, the said Directors having no power to pass the same. We there inre, the undersigned, in behalf of ourselves and nil stockholders who have paid into the said I*,ink i!.e said instalment of 26 per cent, in obe dience ti> said order, and on the faith of the same, am! in behalf.also of all who rauy pay or tender the same on or before the said 18th of December instant, do hereby give notice, that We consider the order of the 17th October, as stilt in full force, and shall insist on a complt since with the requisitions thereof, or in default n forfeiture of stock will be claimed in behalf of, and for the* benefit of the Bank, in terms of its charter. JOHN PHINIZY, AMOKY SIBLEY, MOSES ROFF, Juo. Augrsta, Dec. 7. 108 td nJchooumaWev &, Whiting, MERCHANT TAILORS. EGS leave to inform the citizens of Augus -11 ta and the public, that they have taken the Store lately occupied by Mr. Gatlin, under the United States’ Hotel, where fl ey have opened a L ARGE AND SPLENDID ASSORTMENT OF CONSISTING OF CLOTHS. CAS3IMERES, & VESTINGS, SChjch they will make to order in tiie best man ner, and most fashionable sty ip, and at the short est notice. Also, every other article in their line of business. Gentlemen are respectfully invited to call and examine for themselves. Orders from the country will be thankfully re ceived and promptly attended to. WANTED. ' A GOOD HOUSE SERVANT, wanted. Applv to L. 3CHOONMAKER. Nov 21 lm gp; AIN ORDINANCE Eo-(Prevent Slaves frequenting Retail Shops on 1 tae Sabbath Day. Ssc. 1. Be if Ordained by the City Council oj ' Augusta, That it shaH not be lawful' for any Li -censed Retailer of Spirituous Liquors to permit -any slave not owned or hired by him or her, or lawfully under his or her care.or charge, toen er hi* or her Retail Shop, or remain in it or bn the lot attached thereto, at any time during the Sabbath, or between nine o’clock at night and sun-rise at any other time, without a special tick et of permission from his or her owner or hirer. Sec. Aud be it further Ordained, That any 'person who may violate any of the provisions of this Ordinance may be fined in a sum not ex ceeding one hundred dollars. Done in Council the 4th day of June, 1832. SAMUEL HALE, Mayor. By the Mayor, Qxo. M. Walked, Clerk , NOTICE. THE Subscriber wishes to hire two or three good Male Servaots, for which a liberal pi ice will be given. W. G. GRIMES. Pel 19 88 Executor’s Sale Postponed. WILL be sold on the first Tuesday' in Jan. next, all the Household and Kitchen Furniture, belonging to the estate of Lovey Powers, deceased, at her late residence* JOSEPH COLLINS, £xV. Oct 2 80 td GEORGIA, COURIER. We are authorized to announce Jacob C. Bugs, Esq. a Candidate for Receiver of Tax Returns, for Richmond Couuty, at the Election in January next. Oct 29 92 Wtd Goshen Butter, &c. &c. 25 Firkins superior Goshen Butter 50 half and quarter boxes bunch Rairfns 30 boxes Speini Candles 25 boxes Yellow Soap 10 casks Goshen Cheese 40 half and qr bbls Buckwheat Stefl? 5 bbls Smoked Beef 30 bags Java and Green Coffee 6 bbls Sweet Oranges A half Mils Fulton Market Beef 2 half bbls dried Cut rants 5 boxes Citron JM»t received and for sale, bv JOHN COSKERY. v 2 bP> y tlroad Street. Nov il 102 WM. H. MAIIMRE7 ( Two doors bdow Ihe Eagle and Phoenix Hotel) Has just received by Steaui Boat, Sea brook, fiom Savannah. 25 Barrels and half bids. Canal Flour 20 half and qr. barrels Buckwheat Meal 15 kegs fresh G- shen Butter' 10 half barrels No. 1, Mackerel 5 do Mess Shad 2 barrels Northern Hickory Nuts 6 boxes Sperm Caudles 2 casks White Wine Vinegar 3 Baskets Champaign Wine, Anchor brand Which in addition to his former Stock, makes the assortment complete and will be sold, on reasonable terms, for cash, or approved paper. Nov 30 106 if NOTICE. r THE Copartnership heretofore existing be tween the subscribers in tbe Practice of Law, is this day dissolved by mtitual consent; They will both attend to tire unfinished business of tbe firm until it is closed ; and persons indebt ed to them for professional service cun make payment to either. WILLIAM. SCHLEY, THO’S. GLASCOCK. Nov 2 94 COTTON GINS. Boatwright & jones, «f Columbia 3. C. respectfully inform llieir friends and ttie public that they have established a Shop in Augusta, Georgia, for the purpose of Making i\nd repairing COTTON GINS, and are now prepared to furnish these Machines made o 1 the best materials and in the best mariner.— We will keep on hand GINS of different sizes, from 30 lo 60 Sa\vs. DU* Our Shop is about one hundred yards above the Upper Market in this place. Aug 24 63 wtf "notice. ON the Ist Saturday in -anuary next, the Ciij Council will appoint the follow! ig Of ficers, lor Ihe eusuing year, with the salaries an nexed, viz— City Marshal, with a salary of SIOOO Clerk of Council “ 400 Collector and Treasurer “ 600 Clerk Lower Market “ 300 Clerk Upper do “ 76 Jailor “ 600 Three Constables, (each) “ 400 Keeper of Magazine “ 200 City Surveyor, (fees of Offi.ce, City Sheriff “ Clerk C. C. Pleas “ Four Vendue Masters. At the same time proposals will be received for keeping the streets and drains in good re pair, for a salary nut exceeding SI4OO. For lighting the lamps, for a salary not exceeding S2OO. Proposals will also be received for tak mg charge of the City Hospital and furnishing the patients By order of Council. GEO. M. WALKER, Clerk. December 7. "notice. ~ THE co-partnership heretofore existing un der the firm of BRIDGES & GIBSON is this day dissolved. The remaiti'ug business of the concern will be settled by J. W. Bridges,who is duly authorized to close the said business and will be found at the old stand occupied hy C. B. Hitt, at the Brick Store on the north side of Broad-Stieet. JOHN W. BRIDGES. LEWIS GIBBON Augusta, Ga. 11th Dec. 1832. N. B. —All persons indebted ta the above con v;rn either by tide or book account are request ed to come forward ns speedily as possible and settle the same with me, or the claims will bo put in the hands of an attorney for suit J. W. BRIDGES. dec 12 6tw 111 SCHOOL. MRS. TRAUB will open her School for small children, aud young ladies, on the first of November next. Spelling, Reading, and Writing, with the first rudiments of Grammar, Geography, and Arith metic. will be taught, also the French language The afternoons will be devoted to needle work exclusively, vix: (.lain work, mnrking, rug work, lace work, flourishing, and bead work, and embroidery. Grateful for past patronage she promises hei best exertions to merit encouragement. Forterms, apply at her residence next door below the Masonic Hail. October 26. _ 91 ts RICHARDS & GANAHL, Have received and opened at the Furniture'Start of Messrs- J Smith 8f Cos. some splendid PIANO FORTES, Particularly selected by oae of the Finn for the Southern market, and which are warranted what they are represented to be, and'those wishing to purchase will find the pi ices as reasonable as any ever sold here. December 10. 110 6iw Lime! Lime!! Lime!!! casks superior white lump Lime 200 casks fresh Thomaston Rock Lime Will be received this week and for sale by G. H. METCALF. nov 5 95 New Crop Georgia Syrup. 15 Hhds. Syrup 25 Hhds N. O Molasses 100 Boxes Mustard This Day, landing for sale, by G. H. METCALF. Dec -f 107 AUGUSTA, (GEO.) MONDAY, DECEMBER 17, 1832. ON CONSIGNMENT. 5000 YDS. NEGROCLOTH Fi--m20t042 per yard, comprising the best assortment and the most approved GOODS, of the kind, that has been offered in this Market.— Purchasers are respectfully invited to call and examine them, {hey-, will be sold, in quantities wanted, for Cash or approved endorsed Notes, at 60 and 90 days, by L. HULL , Auct'er. Nov 19 lOi JUST RECEIVED. Northern Apples Northern Cheese Northern Butter Northern Potatoes Northern Onions Northern Mackeref Northern Codfish and Northern Cotton Cotton Bagging FOR SALE, LOW, IJY G. H. METCALF. 30 bbls N. Rum. Gin and Whiskey 10 quarter casks Teneriffe Wine 10 quarter do Sweet Malaga <fo 1 pipe old Sherry do 2 pipes pure Holland Gin 2 do Cognac Brandy "'8 tierces New Rice 10 half bbls Canal Flour 20 bbls Irish Potatoes 600 bunches Onions 200 boxes Table Salt 175 jars pickled Onions, Gerkins Mangoes, Walnuts. Cabbage, &z.c 6 dozen bottles fresh-Cayanne Pepper 6 do do do Capers Just received, and for sale, by '.. JOHN COSKERY. Nov 5 ' 9s' Landing from No. 8, and 12. 20 Bbls French Canal Flocgr 50 boxes Sperm Candles 20 hhds. prime Sugar 20 casks prime Rice 25 boxes Tobacco 26 Coils Bale Rope 200 setts Measures 25 bbls Cramberries 60 bbls Potatoes for sale, BY G. H. METCALF. Nov 9 , 97 Northern Bum and Gin, 100 Bbls. N. Rum, Landing IN STORE. 30 barrels N. Gin 10 pipes du 30 hhds. Ntnv-Orleans Sugar for sale low, by COLLINS & MANTON. Dec 12 111 3l THE SUBSCRIBERS OFFERS FUR SALE. 500 pieces Cotton Bagging on liberal terms. Also —ln the Magazine 600 kegs FF and FFF Dupont’s Gun Powder 10 do Engle Powder in 25 Canisters 20 half kegs fiagle Powdei and > loose PILLOT & LE BARBIER. ~SUPERIOR CIDER, &c~ 1 Bbls first rate Cider 3000 large Sweet Oranges 200 bbls Northern Potatoes 10 do do Beets 3000 bunches Onions 50 bbls do 25 bbls Cranberries 50 boxes Sperm Candles 25 tierces N< w Rice 50 boxes, 3000 each American bunch Segats bhds superior new Georgia Syrup. FOR SALE, By G. H. METCALF. Pec 3 107 Information to Travellers. fJYHE Oflke of the Northern, Western and I Greenville Lines of Mail Coaches is re moved to the Eagle and Phceuix Hotel Pas sengers will he set down or called for at any of the other Hotels in the city. REESIDE, FULLER b McLEAN, Dec 12 ts 111 Proprietors The undersigned Jj have purchased Sterling T. Combs’ interest, one of ® the partneis, of the firm of Sims, W illiahs fa Woolsey. All debts due to, or by the concern will be attended to by us The business will be continued by the Subscribers as heretofore under the firm of Sims, Williams fa Woolsey. CHARLES D. WILLIAMS, ABRAHAM M. WOOLSEY. S3" Having sold my interest a3 one of the partners of the firm of Sims, Williams fa Wool set, to C. D. Williams fa A. M. Woolsey—all claims due by or to the concern attended to by them. am STERLING T. COMBS! , Dec 3 107 if LAMPS. Consisting of Plain , Cut, and Ground Glass Hall LAMPS , LIVERPOOL Suspending Brass Lamps Brass Mantle Lamps ; R- fleeting Lamps, A GREAT VARIETY OF Mantle fa Chamber, Glass Lamps, Night Lamps ALSO, LAMP GLASSES. Os almost every sixe and pattern, for sale, by R. B. HAVILAND & Cos. Doc 10 110 ts TO KENT. To Rent, the STORE, No. 232, at present occupied by Win. B. Savage For terms, apply at the Store, to AmIHL Mr. Savage or to SAMUEL CLARKE. Aug 20 Cl DECLARATIONS, Printed and for tale at this Office UNION HOTEL Property Lottery Tick FOR SALE AT Mr. H. J. JEWETT’S (under ihe Globe Taver u,) Mr. L DVVELLE’S Store, Mr. B YV. FORCE’S duf Mr. E. DOUGHTY’S do. Mr. TALMAN’S Office, Messrs. J. &. J. AI‘BR IDE’S Store, Messrs. SQUIRE & ROGERS’do. Dr. D’AN riGNAC’S du, Augusta, Dec. 10. 110 3 Fa\\s of Coosa, Alabama. ff IHE desirable sight which for a long time JL has occupied tbe attentiou of the many thousand men of enterprise who have beheld its advantageous and unrivalled location, by recent acquisition of tbe Creek teriitory, in Alabama, is becoming an abject of such great notoriety, that the proprietrrs have determined to offer the same for gale, ia Lots of the ordinary size, on " Monday, the 4th <f February , 1833. - • Persons who have visited the most attractive points, where an interchange of the products of the interior and of toreign commodities take place, are unanimous in the declaration, that this place possessespre-emiuentadvantages over any other iu the Southern country. Situated at the extreme bead of navigation on the Coosa, a river navigable to this point by steam boats of the largest size, foi convenience atul health, its location is unsurpassed, presenting to the eye a perfect uubtoken plain, having a declination sufficient only to convey off the superabundant water. In front extending to the river, is a bold Bluff, graduating on its upper and lower extre mities, into the finest natural landings—on each side supplied with never failing streams of ex cellent water—towards ihe interior, terminating in gently undulating eminences, offering the most desirable situations for private residences But all these consideiations sink into insignifi cance, compared with the unrivalled advantages which it possesses for an extensive trade. Ne cessarily the only depot for {he supply of a widely extended up-country with merchandize, it must of consequence become the mart for the productions <of (he fertile vallies of the Coosa, the Tallapoosa, an ithe Upper Chattahoochie, together with the salubrious and Very" produc tive uplands of Talladega, the latter of which, in all human probability, will be peopl, and by a moie dense population than any country of like extent south of the Potomac. The entire hill country of these regions, abounds in quarries of Marble, Limestone, and' iti fact all kinds of mineral wealth. As respet ts the contemplated connexion ofthe waters of the Tennessee with those ofthe Alabama ; if by a Canal it will have its erabouchement; if by a Rail Road, immedia tely at this spot will terminate one of its extre mities. The well known advantages of this place renders further remarks unnecessary; oth er than to say that to the capitalist it affords ‘ desirable opportunity for profitable investment to the merchant it offers advantages of an ex tensive trade ; to the mechanic, the allurements of what most soon become a flourishing town, not of ephemeral existence, but-of a permanent and daily increasing importance ; to the plan ter, a desirable and pleasant town residence, convenient to the alluvial bottoms of the Coosa, the Alabama and the Tallapoosa. « In addition to which 1 .it will undoubtedly, at no remote pe riod, become ihe location of the Stale Capital, for which it offers greater inducement than any point on the eastern waters of the State. Terms of payment—One and two years Sales to take place on the premises until the Lots are disposed of. » abr The Mobile Register and Patriot, The Spirit of the Age, Tuscaloosa. Columbus En quirer, Macon Telegraph. Augusta Courier, Columbia-Telescope and ’ Charleston Courier, will insert this until the first of February, once each month, and forward their hills for pay ment to , GEORGE WHITMAN, Agent for the Company, Od 31 , - 93 mt F Executor’s Sale. WILL be sold on Thursday 20th of Decem ber next, at the residence of Thomas Glaze, deceased, that valuable Tract of Laud whereon he died, containing four hundred acres more or less. Also, Lot No. 235. 3d District. Wayne county; 14 likely NEGROES, consisting of Men. Boys, Women and Children; stock of Horses, Cattle and Hogs; the present crop of Corn. Fodder b Oats. Plantation Tools, House hol and Kitchen Furniture, with many other article* too tedious to mention. Sale to contin ue from day to day. Terms, twelve months cred it, with small notes with approved security, ex cept the Land, which will be on a credit of 1 and 2 years. WILLIAM GLAZE, Ex'r. October 8 83 Valuable Lots for Sale. fTYHE Trustees of the Augusta Theatre Com- X pa«y offer for sale Two Lots on Broad-Sl. io front of the New-Theatre. Between them will be a passage of 12 feet to the Theatre about 12 feet in height" Each Lot, therefore, on the ground will be 26£ feet front, and above the fiist story 324 Each 120 feet in depth. Foi terms apply to either of the Trustees, or ISAAC MOISE, Stc'ry. Dec 10 110 ts NOTICE. U. S. Arsenal Augusta * Ga. December 4th 1832. SEALED Proposals will be received by the undersigned until the 25th inst. at seven o’clock. P M. for furnishing the Troops at the United States Arsenal, Sand-Hills, near Augus ta, Geo with Fuel for twelve months Commen cing on the first day of January 1833, and end ing on the last bay of December 1833. The Wood expected .to be delivered must be. U.pland White Ouk, Hickory, Black Oak, or Black Jack, sound straight and free from tot or decay, and delivered at the Aisenal above stated at such times and in such quantities as the Acting Assis tant Quarter Master at said Post shall direct. Bonds in the sum of SSOO. with two securities to be named in the letter of Proposals, and to be approved by the Acting Assistant Quarter Mas ter,) will be required to insure the faithful per formance of the contract. The letter of Proposa lto be directed to the undersigned and endorsed on the Wood Proposals. A. C. FOWLER, Lieutenant and Acting Ass't. Quarter Master Dec 5 108 td NOTICE. ALL persons having demands against the Estate of John W. Turner, late of Lincoln County, deceased, will please present them pro perly authenticated within the time prescribed by law, and all indebted to said Estate will plewse make immediate payment to SHADRACH TURNER, Adm’r. Oet 29 9-2 td EAGLE AND PHCENIX HOTEL T hf „. .. , Augusta, geougia. l f , ' ve , ,l, » P“ bli ' eenerally, ,f,a. he .ill c,.mint!, to keep this Hotel,, WHh »U extensive range ..f Stables, iu ha best style for tbe accommodation of those who will honor hiifi w,th their company. * I his establishment stands.on the she of ihe old City Hotel, on Broad street, and ,' vah lbe *W imp!"Yemenis, has b, Sis 8 with each room, &c. &c.) renders i. super,or to »„v ,b 0 Sosthern epuntry—h is pleasantly.situated, and contiguous to .lie Sieatu Botit whaif, and to ihe, point of active business in the city. It is customary with p/qprietmjs in giving such information »o the public, to t xtol and render as conspicuously as possible ihoir establishment. However, of his own serv.ces and the generaUccommodatiou he shall say nothing, leaving iheo, lo speak for bemselves It ,s due hts f.iends to say, that no pe.sonal exertions or expense He L/ ,? ar . Ttv > r, i,ors and boardßrs «verv respect orofo, table. , H k| h n • a " d obll ,S ,n e c,erk8 ’ and ac «' v « sei vanfs, and he w.ll .-rovide for h.s table all tho variety and Injury which this and ihe city ma.luts can ttf can d be a p?eture<} ab W,,b ' B °° d Jnd cafiab,e os,lerß . aud «be best provendei whtth The Subscriber renews his services so the public, and hones to merit the liberal share of patronage which has already been extended to this estab’lishmen . I o those who have h-mored the establishment with their company, be gratefully ackooyvmdges .he.rfavors. ' HENRY COSNARD. • Augusta, 15th October,. 1832, Just Received, : . . and TWO HUNDRED PACKAGES BOOTS AND SHOES, COMPRISING h general assortment ofgvery article in tbs Trade , ' ALSO, A large stock of Sole Leather, CalfskiHs, Buckskins. Morocco and Linings—Shoe Lasts Boot and Shoe Tress, and a)l the materials and Tools for manufacturing. Ail of which will he | offered to Country Merchants at Charleston prices for cash or city paper, at No 273, Broad street' nearly opposite the Globe Hotel. B. IV. FORCE b Cos. October 12 gg r, v pissolution. HE' co-partnership heretofore ex isting under the firm of Cosnard & bvrd, was dissolved on the 13 h inst. All persons to whom said firm may be in debted will render their accounts to Mr. Henry Cosnard, who is legally* author ized t<>. settle them—and hy whom all debrs of said fir,m will be paid—he is also authorised to collect all debts due the firm. 1 HENRY COSNARD. J. J BYRD Augusta, 15th Oct. 1832. 85 ts Administrator’s Sale. , WILL be sold, at Lincoln Court House, in Lincoln County, on the first Tuesday in January next, agreeable to an order of the In ferior Com t of sard county, setting for Ordinary put poses, one tract of laud, in said county known aa Poor hopes containing one hundred"and'* ten! acres more or less and three Negmes, team' Ben, and Harriet, —Sold as f|ie property of Joseph Henderson, deceased, and for the bene fit of the heirs and creditors. Terms made known on the day. CHARLES JENNINGS, Adm't. Oct 29- 92 «and Administrator’s Sale. WILL be sold, oirThursday the d7»H day of December next, at the late residence of John W. Turner late of Lincoln County, de ceased the following properly to wit: Corn, Fodder, Cotton, Oxen, and Cart Horses and Cattle of all «teS<-riptions Household and Kitchen Furniture sale, to cons tinue from day, to day until nit is sold. Term made known on the day. SHADRACH TURNER, Adm’r. Qct 29 92 Ten Dollars Reward, STRAYED from the plantation of the Subscri her, near Louisville, Jefferson County, Ga. about the first of this month, Two small yellow bay mare mules, no particular marks recollected, any person bringing them to the subscriber shall receive the above reward and all reasonable eg pences paid, and any information concerning them will be thankfully received by RICHARD K BEAL. Louisv'lle, Noo. 16 4nv 100 Administrator’s Sale. WILL be sold on the first Tuesday in Janu ary next, at the Court House in De Kalb County, by virtue of an order of the Court of Ordinaljrof Burke County Lot No 106 in the I7th District of De Kalb (formerly Henry) coun ty., Terms Cash. A. J. MILLER, Adm’r. Os Robert T. Walker dec'd. Oct 24 90 wiii Administrator’s Sale. ON the first Tuesday in January next, will b< sold at the lower Market Honse jn the city of Augusta, A lot of 7 acres on the Sand Hills in l.ichmonfl. eyuuty with the improvements thereon, foi merly the property of JOH N S’HOL'l Sold as the property of Robeit T Walker de ceased under an order ofthe Court of Ordinary of Burke County. ANDREW J. MILLER, Adm'r Oct. 31. 93 wtd. Just Received, -g QA Doz. Wool Hats 25 cases black Roram Hats For sale by $ JOHN MARSHALL. , Otjt 29 >- * , - , 'SCMiKY 25 Dollars Reward. QO-WE person or persons secrtir.d ilitun selves in my Auction Store, after or during the Public Sale, on the Night, of the oih instant, and broke open the Desk liiaw, containing tilt money, and tank therefrom 77 or SBO as nea, as can be recollected, and perhaps Goods which cannot at this moment be nartieularised and then retiled tbiough the back part of the Store which was barred and locked inside. As thefts of this kind are frequent, it will be well for all to be on the look out. Any information leading to the above will receive; the reward offered aud the thanks of the public's obedient servant LATHAM HULL. j -d™ to 110 FROM the house of Mu B.rd, over ihe Auction Store of Latham Hull, or the riigb> in ttit* 2nd December, a sil ver Patent Level Walfcb, chased cus* wiilt wreath • f r< ses and thistle; attached was a buckskin chain and thteo keys, t‘.vo of which were common, tht* other bad six pipes 'around a ring such as ate used by watch-makers—the number and maker's name not recollected. It was taken frrm the glass in the dining robin nfer 10 o clock, the owner* rcniembeis to have wound it up at thut time, A teasortable rewind will be givert Tor the ren.veiv of the waichawdiriewctioti of the thief. December IQ. no (jf I NEW BCIIOOG, ; ! tN < AMP BCL L itHEE TANARUS, MR. CHARLES (the present Eng, lish Teacher at the Richmond Aca demy,) respectfully informs the public, >htp on the Ist day of January next he will open a SCHOOL f>'r the instruc tion ofjfouib, in the house bolongmg to P Bentmch, E-q; and lately occupied by Mis Kaiu, on Campbell stieet. The public are assured that no exer tions will be spared by Mr. Charles to render satisfaction, and to merit a share of public patronage. Teuris the same as at the Richmond Academy. Mr. Charles' N ght School will be opened on the Ist Januaiy next, at 7 o’clock, P. M. at the sume place. December 10. 110 9 NEW SCHOOL. /.V THE UPPER PART OF AUGUSTA, MR. J. 11. SP ALTER, will open a School , in the upper patt »<f Au. gusta in the vicinity of the New commencing the 10th of December ? Mr. Spatter, mil instinct in all the variotit blanches of the English Language ; and hopes that by a strict attention to (he morals and welfare of his pupils and ad-, vanceuient in Studies, that his exertions will not be permitted to pass by unnoticed. I Terms. —s 4, per quarter for Element, al Scholars, and $6, for th >se further ad* vanced. P. S.—Pupils will be admitted rill af ter the Ist. us January, also, agreeable tie the usual custom, pupils will be charged one dollar per quarter (winter quarter) 1 for fuel. Dec 5 108 51 Just Received, 40,000 superior Spanish SegSLf* 45 Groce Wine Boples -20 boxes fresh Prunes, in fancy boxes 100 gallons Pickled Oysters, by the ksg Buckwheat and Rye Flour Nos i and 3 Mackerel Pickled Salmon Do. Cucumber# Mess Shad, fae. tie. AL«M>, 10,000 large sweet ORANGES, • rps SALE, BY "■ ■ DORTIC 6l LAFITTE 386, Bread Stretf: Nov 1$ ISO. NO. 113.