Georgia courier. (Augusta, Ga.) 1826-1837, December 28, 1832, Image 1

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VOL. 7. PUBLISHED EVERT MONDAY, WEDNESDAY and FRIDAY, AT a O’CLOCK, r. M. At Mr. Howard’. Brick Buildings,oppositetlio PojitClfficc M’lntosh Street. _ DIRECTIONS. 'Sales ot Land and Negroes, by Administrators, EX*cu tor.; or Guardians, are required, by law, to be held on the fret Tuesday in the month, between the hours of ten in cne forenoon and three in the afternoon, at the Court-hot» 3cf the county, u which the property is of those sales must be given in a public gazette St At t ai, s previous to the day cf sale. ' Notices of the sale ofperwmal property must be given m like manner, FORTY days previous to the day of sale Notice to the debtors and creditors of an estate, mu. toe published for FORTY days. _ . Notice that application will be made to the Court ofOr dinary for leave to sell land, must be published for FOUR MONTHS- . . , Notice for leave to sell Negroes, must be published lor FOUR MONTHS, before any order absolute shall be made hereou by the court. We are authorized to announce Jacob C. Bugg, Esq^ * Candidate for Receiver of Tax Returns, sos Richmond County, at the Election in January next. Oct 29 92 wtd MICHAEL F. BOIS ffBr CLAIR, respectfully announces Himself as a candidate for re-election to the office of Receiver of Tax Returns at tiie election in January next. • Dec 19- 114 td _ Notice. MRS. CARTER informs the pub lic that she occupies that commodi ous, three-story Brick Building, a few doors below the United States’ Hotel, well known as the property of Mr. Hays Bow el t |l v where she will be pleased to receive tratfsient company as well as permanent boarders. Dec 19 In» ~CHECK LOST. LOST my Chuck for S6OO, on the Branch Bank, of this State, at this place, drawn in favor of Beers, Booch & St. John, date not re collected hut supposed between the first and fifth inst. It is known that the Check, is in the possession of a countryman and persons are cautioned against receiving it. ISAAC I. COURSE. Dec 14 112 if “ LAW NOTICE. THE undersignetf having taken an. Office, next door to tjiat of Crawford & Cum tiisn.Esqrs informs die public,that he will faith ifiiliy attend, to all business with which he may lie intrusted. ROBERT CLARKE. Dec 12 HT ts __ GEORGIA, in '.he Court of Ordinary for the Coun ty of Richthond, A'uv. 12, 1832. g\ N application ot Stephen Key, praying thnt the Administrator of Wilcox, sen’r. deceased, may be directed to make Titles to all that tract or parcel of. liand situate,'lying and being in t e county ol Henry and State afore- B.iid, in the eleventh distuct, on the waters of South River, containing, two hundred and two and n half acres, more or less, originally grant tui to James Wasden, and the applicant having complied with the requisitions of the law. It is brdered, That the said Administrator will be di rected at the March Term next of this court to piake titles to the said tract of Land to the said r'tepheti Key, unless some good and legal ob jection be made to the contrary, at or during the said term of said court. It is further ordered, that tikis order be published in a public Gazette of this city, and at the City Hall and Market- House in Augusta, for three months previous to said court. A true extract from the Minutes. GEORGE A. B. WALKER, Clerk. nov 28 w3in 105 Scriven Sheriff Sales. WILL be sold on the first Tuesday in Jan uary next, at the Court-House in Jack gjmboro’ Scriveu county, between the usual hours for sale. The twelfth part of a Negro Girl, named Hannah, levied on us the property of James .I. Roe, to satisfy afi fa from the In ferior Court, of Scrivcn county, in favor of 'fhotnas Clifton. JOHN C. FERRILL, Sheriff. Nov 28 107 td Valuable Property for Sale. WILL BE SOLD, at Public Auc tion, at the Market House in the City of Augusta, on the Ist day of Jana ry uext, the House and Lot on Ellis st. Dow occupied by E. J. Black, Esq. and nearly opposite Henry Mealiug’s. Pos session will be given on the Ist October llexi, and the present year’s rent from the day of sale transferred to the purchaser. Terms—uinety days credit. Indisputa ble warrantee lilies will be given. For ftmher particulars enquire of JOHN P. KING. December 14. 112 id AN ORDINANCE *!Fo prevent Slaves frequenting Retail Shops on the Sabbath Day. Sec. 1. Be it Ordained, by the City Council oj Augusta, That it shall not be lawlul for any Li ceifted Retailer of Spirituous Liquors to permit afry slave not owned or hired by him or her, or lawfully under his or her careJ>r charge, to en fr his or her Retail Shop, or remain in it or on e lot attached thereto, at any time during the Sabbath, or between nine o’clock at night and sun-rise at any other time, without a special tick et of permission from his or her owner or hirer. Sec. And be it further Ordained, That any person who may violate any of the provisions of this Ordinance may be fined in a sum not ex ceeding one hundred dollars. Done in Council the 4th day of June, 1832. SAMUEL HALE, Mayor. By the Mayor, G«o. M. Walkeb, Clerk Oranges, Batter and Cheese. Bbls. superior Oranges 20 casks prime Goshen Cheese 20 kegs do do Butter This day received by G. H. METCALF. nov 28 106 Received this day yg of Skirting and Harness Lea ther, of favorite brands, on consign ment and will be sold low bv B. W. FORCE & Cos. M ftf. 273, Broad-street. oor 2$ wß*,~ 106 SEORdIA COURIER. Just Received,, TWO HUNDRED PACKAGES BOOTS AND SHOES, COMPRISING a general assortment of every article in the Trade. ALSO, A large stock of Sole Leather, Calfskins, Buckskins, Morocco and Linings—Shoe Lasts, 800 l and Shoe Tress, and all the materials and Tools for manufacturing AH of which will be offered to ,Country Merchants at Charleston prices for cash or city paper, at No 273, Broad-street nearly opposite the Globe Hotel. B. IV. FORCE. & Cos. October 42 86 COTTON GINS. Boatwright fc jones, of Columbia, S. C. respectfully inform their friends and the public that they have established a Shop in Augusta, Georgia, for the purpose oF Making and repairing COTTON GINS, and are now prepared to furnish these Machines made of the best materials and in the best manner.— We will keep on hand GINS of different sizes, frum 30 to 60 Saws. * tT? Our Shop is about one hundred yards above the Upper Market in this plrfce. Aug 24 63 wtf NOTICE. ON the Ist Saturday in anuary next, the City Council will appoint the following Of ficers, for the ensuing year, with the salaries an nexed, viz— Ji City Marsha), with a salary of SIOOO Clerk of Council “ 400 Collector and Treasurer " 600 Clerk Lower Market “ 300 Clerk Upper do " 76 Jailor '• 600 Three Constables, (each) “ 400 Keeper of Magazine “ 200 City Surveyor, (fees of Office, City Sheriff “ Clerk G. C. Pleas “ Four Vendue Masters. At the same time proposals will be received for keeping the streets and drains in good re pair, for a salary ant exceeding SI4OO. For lighting the lamps, for a salary not exceeding S2OO. Proposals will also b« received for tak ing charge of the City Hospital, and furnishing the patients. By order of Council. GEO. M WALKER, Clerk. December 7. Brought to Augusta Jail, ON the 12th Februavy last, a Negro Boy, calls himself BILLY, says he belongs to a Mr. Henderson, of Troop County, (Geo.) Bil. ly, is 16 or 17 ytars old, yellow complexion 5 feet 1 inch iiigh. Also, on this inst. a Man JOHN, says he belongs to Zachariah Colley, of Wilkes County, (Geo.) near Washington, John is about 6 feet 6 inches high, dark complexion about 33 years old. Also, a man belonging to the State of Georgia, very dark and about 35 years old, calls himself PETER. The owners of said Negroes, are requested to come forward, pay charges and take them away H. B. FRASER, Jailor, R. C. Dec 19 111 3l , Ten Dollars Reward RAN AWAY from the subscriber’s Plantation, in Columbia County, about the first ofAprl last a Negro Boy named GEQRGE, about 25 years aid, 6 feet Bor 9 inches high, has a large bushy head p/bair, rather light complected, and inclined to be roundshouidered—speaks quick when spoken to, has a sullen look, and shows his teeth vgry much when laughing The above re ward will be paid on the delivery- of said Negro to me, in Columbia county, or if lodged in any Jail so that 1 get hlip/igam. It is believed be is lurking aboqt Augusta and Savannah—and it is likely that when caught he would not tell his owner’s Rame, as be refused to do so on a former occasion. TURNER CLANTON Darfiy's P. O. Columbia County. Dec. 19 114 wtf FOUND. A POCKET BOOK, containing a small sum of MonbY, a Letter ad dressed to “ Rev. Charles Evans,” and a pass to boys Ned and Sol, was found in the Street, three or four days since by John Thornton, Esq. of Oglethorpe County, and deposited with the under sigued. The owner, or any ooe autho rized by him, can have it by paying for this advertisement. \VILLIAM BO ST WICK. Augustfi, Dec 6 ~NOTICE. THE Subscriber wishes to .hire two or three good Male Servants, for which a liberal price will be givee. W. G. GRIMES. ” Oct 19 88 Administrator’s Sale. WILL be sold on the first Tuesday in Janu ary next, at the Court House * n De Kalb County, by virtue of ah order of the Court of Ordinary of Burtos County-Lot No 106 in the I7th District of De Kalb (formerly Henry) coun ty Teribs Cash. A. J. MILLER, Adm’r. Os Robert T. Walker dec'd. Oct 24 .90 wtd Administrator’s Sale. ON the first. Tuesday in January next, will be sold at the lower Market Hqnse in (he city of A-igusta, A lot of 7 acres on the Sand Hills in Richmond county with the improvements theieon, foimerly the property of JOHN S*HOLT Sold as the property of Robert T. Walker de ceased an order of the Court of Ordinary of Burke County. ANDREW J. MILLER, Adm'r Oct- 31. t 93 wtd. Administrator’s Sale. WILL be sold* on Thursday the 27th day of December next, at the late residence of John VV. Turner, late of Lincoln County, de ceased the following property tp wit: Corn, Fodder, Cotton, Oxen, and Cart Horses and Cattle of all descriptions Household and Kitchen Furniture sale, to cous tinoe from day, to day until all is sold. Term, made known on the day. SHADRACH TURNER, Adm'r. Oct 29 92 HORSES FOR LUMBER. LARGE STRONG Dray or Wagon Horses will be exchanged for sawed or hewed Lumber at the Market price.—Apply at this Of fice. AUGUSTA, (GEO.) FRIDAY, DECEMBER 28, 1832. SNOWDEN & SHEAR HAVE received this day, per schr. Excel, from New Yoik, a large and beautiful sup ply of - SEASONABLE mmn among them are— Extra rich Thibet Wool Shawls and Hdkfs. with Embossed aud Damask Borders (a vary laige supply) Extra rich Merino Long Shawls Super brown and spotted Fur Tippets Super plain, green and watr’d Gro de Nap Silks Extra dbl. width French black Bombazeens and superior Pongees Super rich Scarlet and Fancy Points Ladies’ sup’r bik. worst.* aud wht. Lamb’s Wool Hose Boys’ Lamb’s Wnol Half Hose Super blue, black and brown Cloths Super fancy striped Cassimeres and Sattinetts (for Boys’ Clothing) Super blue, steel and Oxford mixed Sattinetts 2 cases low priced Oxford mixed Sattinetts Heavy Drab Flushings aud Super Bleached Canton Flapnels Extra heavy 16-4 Bath Blankets. By the above and other recent arrivals, S. &i S. are now in possession of a very large and beautiful assortment of DRY GOODS. all of which will be sold at very low prices. They will also receive, this week, per ship Ma con, and schooner Exact, large additional sup plies, comprising a beautiful assortment of fan cy and staple articles. Country merchants will be supplied at a small advance from New-Yorkprices. Augusta, Dec. 10. 110 6 Lewls barie, HAS set tied in Savannah, Ga. to tiansact COMMISSION business. He will pay strict attention to receiving & forwatdiog respectfully solicits business from bis friends and others. Reference to—thirty years’ residence in Augusta. Savannah, Dec. 21. 114 12 NEW PATTERNS Os Earthen and China Ware. THE subscribers have recently received, per ships Olive Branch and Ganges, at Savan nah, from Liverpool direct, 255 packages of Earthen and China Ware, which makes their fall stock in every respect complete, and embra ces every variety of blue, black, brown, pink, and purple Dinner and Tea Ware—Persian plates, dishes, teas, bowls, and jugs, of entire new patterns, at prices unusually low—together with every article of enameled, edged, C. C. and Moco Ware. Their assortment will bear comparison with any ever offered in the Southern country, and earnestly invite merchants, and others, who have usually bought in Charleston, or elsewhere, to an examination for themselves bofore mak ing future purchases. Prices will be found low and terms liberal. Every attention will be paid to orders, both in selecting and packing—none but experienced packers being employed by us. They have also for sale, every variety of cut and plain Hall Lamps, Astral Lamps, and Shades extra, Billiard and Liverpool Suspend ing Lamps and Glasses extra, fine gilt China Tea Sets—Jugs, Plates, Teas, and Coffees, Li quor cases, iic P. B. TAYLOR & Cos. No. 266 Broad st. under the Masonic Hall, And 363, one door below the Merchants’ and Planter's Bank. a Augusta. Dec. 7. 108 ts MERINO MANTLES. •A. KNOWLTON, NO. 248 BROAD-STREET, HAS just opened a splendid assortment of black, white and scarlet MERINO MANTLES —some of which are very superior, with full Merino Borders, i- ALSO, 6,6, 7 iMid 8 4 black, white and scarlet square SHAVVLo. Also, 8, 4 and 6-4 Thibet wool Shawls, all colors —All of which were purchased at Auction in New-York aud will be sold at a small advance from cost. Nov 16 ts 106 THIBET WOOL SHAWLS. SNOWDEN & SHEAR HAVE receive!, this day, from New-Yoik, a large supply of rich,, crimson, white and black Thibet Wool Shawls, (with Damask Bor ders and new style,)—also one carton of rich scarlet, white and black Thibet Wool Hdk’fs. and a fresh supply of Wild’s improved white Flannels, (warranted not to shrink,) also a large supply of low priced Sattinetts. Augusta, Dec.. 10. 110 6 Ten Dollars Reward, STRAYED from >he plantation of the Subscri ber, uear Louisville, Jefferson County, Ga about the first of this month, Two small yrllow bay mare mules, no patticular marks recollected, any person bringing them to the subscriber shall receive the above.reward and alt reasonable cx pences paid, and any information concerning them will be thankfully Received by , RICHARD K BEAL. IS 4tw 100 Administrator’s Sale. WILL be spld, at Lincoln Court House, in . Lincoln County, on the first Tuesday in January next, agreeable to an order of the In ferior Cout said county, setting for Ordinary purposes, one tract of land r jn said county known as Peorhopes containing one hundred and ten acres more or less and three Negtoes, Isam. Ben, and Harriet,—-Sold as the property of Joseph Henderson, deceased, and for the bene fit of the heirs and creditors. Terms made known on the day. CHARLES JENNINGS, Adm'r. Oct 2£ 92 Id NOTICE. THE co-partnership heretofore existing un der the firm of BRIDGES ti GIBSON is this day dissolved. The remaining busioess of the concern will be seitkd by J. W. Bridges,who is duly authorized to close the and will be found at the old stand, occupied by C. B. Hitt, at the Brick Store on the north side of Broad-Street. JOHN W. BRIDGES. LEWIS GIB'ON. Augusta, Ga. 11th Dec. 1832. N. 8.-'-All persons indebted t» the above con cern either by note or are request ed to come forward as speedily as possible aod settle the same with me, or the claims will bo put in the hands of an attorney for suit ' ' J. W. BRIDGES. dec 12 > 6tw 111 BLANKS Os all kinds neqtly printed and for sa!e at the Office of the GeergiaCourjer wn. a. MABAEXEX ( Two doors below the Eagle and Phoenix Hotel) Has just received by Steam-Boat, William Sea brook, from Savannah. 25 Barrels and half bhls. Canal Flour 20 half and qr. barrels Buckwheat Meal 15 kegs fresh Goshen Butter 10 half barrels No. 1, Mackerel 5 do Mess Shad 2 barrels Northern Hickory Nuts 5 boxes Sperm Candles 2 casks White Wine Vinegar 3 Baskets Champaign Wine, Anchor brand Which in addition to his former Stock, makes the assortment complete and will be sold, on reasonable terms, for cash, or approved papei. Nov 30 106 ts New Crop Georgia Syrup. 15 Hhds. Syrup 25 fihds N. O Molasses 100 Boxes Mustard , * This Day, landing for sale,'by G. H. METCALF. Dec 3 , 107 NOTICE. THE Copartnership heretofore existing be tween the subscribers in the Practice of Law, is this day dissolved by mutual consent; They will both attend to the unfinished business of the firm until it is closed; and persons indebt ed to them for professional service can make payment to either. WILLIAM. SCHLEY, THO’S. GLASCOCK. Nov 2 94 FaUs of Coosa, iWabama. THE desirable sight which for a long time has occupied the attention of the many thousand men of enterprise who have beheld its advantageous and unrivalled location, by recent acquisition of the Creek territory, in Alabama, is becoming an object of such great notoriety, that the proprietors have determined to offer the same for sale, in-Lots of the ordinary size, on Monday, the 4 th<f February, 1833. Persons who have visited the most attractive points, where an interchange of the products of the interior and of foreign commodities take place, are unanimous in the declaration, that this place possesses pre-eminent advantages over any other in the Southern country. Situated at the extreme head of navigation on the Coosa, a river navigable to this point by steam boats of the largest size, foi convenience and health, its location is unsurpassed, presenting to the eye a perfect uubtoken plain, having a declination sufficient only to convey off the superabnndant water. In front extending to the fiver, is a bold Bluff, graduating on its upper and lower extre mities. into the finest natural landings—on each side supplied with never failing- streams of' ex-- cellent water—towards the interior, terminating in gently undulating eminences, offering the most desirable situations for private residences. But all these considerations sink into insignifi cance, compared‘with the unrivalled advantages which it possesses for an extensive trade. Ne cessarily the only'depot for the supply of a widely extended up-country with merchandize, it must of consequence become the mart for the productions of the fertile vallies of the Coosa, the Tallapoosa, an 1 the Upper Cbattaboochie, together with the salubrious and very produc tive uplands of Talladega, the latter of which, in all human probability, will be peopled by a more dense population than any country of like extent south of the Potomac. The entire hill country of these regions, abounds in quarries‘of Marble. Limestone, and in fact all kinds of mineral wealth. As respects the contemplated connexion ofthe waters of the Tennessee with those of the Alabama; if by a Canal it will have its embouchement; ifby a Rail Road, immedia tely at this spot will terminate one of its extre mities. The well known advantages of this place renders further remarks unnecessary, oth er than to say that to the capitalist it affords ! desirable opportunity for profitable investment to the merchant it offers advantages of an ex tensive trade; to the mechanic, the allurements of what must soon become a flourishing town, not of ephemeral existence, but of a permanent and daily increasing importance ; to the plan ter, a desirable and pleasant town residence, convenient to the alluvial bottoms of the Coosa, the Alabama and the Tallapoosa. In addition io which it will undoubtedly, at no remote pe riod, become the location of the State Capital, for which it offers greater inducement than any peint on the eastern waters of the State. Terms of payment—One and two years Sales to take place on the premises until the Lots are disposed of. O’ The Mobile Register anji Patriot, The Spirit of the Age; Turcafoora/Columbus En quirer, Macon Telegraph, Augusta Courier, Columbia Telescope and Charleston Courier, will insert this until the first of February, once each month, and forward their bills for pay ment to GEORGE WHITMAN, Agent for the Company. Oct 31 93 nit F Executor’s Sale. WILL be sold on Thursday 20th of Decem ber next, at the residence of Thomas Glaze, deceased, that valuable Tract of Land whereon he died, containing four hundred acres more or less. Also, Lot No. 235, 3d District, Wayne county; 14 likely NEGROES, consisting of Men, Boys, Women and Children ; stock of Horses, Cattle and Hogs; the present crop of Corn, Fodder &. Oats, Plantation Tools, House holi and Kitchen Furniture, with many other articles too tedious to mention. Sale to contin ue from day to day Terms, twelve mouths cred it, with small notes with approved security, ex cept the Land, which will be on a credit of 1 and 2 years. WILLIAM GLAZE, JSzV. October 8 83 NOTICE. U. S. Arsenal Augusta , Ga. December 4th 1832. SEALED Proposals will be received by the uudersigned until the>2sth inst. at seven o’clock, P M. for furnishing the Troops at the United States Arsenal, Sand-Hills, near Augus ta, Geo with Fuel for twelve months commen cing on thefim day es January 1833,-and end ing on the last bay of December 1833 T he Wood expected to be delivered must be Upland White Oak, Hickory, Black Oak, or. Black Jack, -soundstraight.and free from tot or decay, and delivered at the Arsenal above -stated at such times add in such quantities as the Acting Assis tant Quarter Master at'»4id Post shaH direct. w Bonds in the sum'ofssoo. with two securities to be named in the fetter of Proposals, and to be approved by the/ Acting Assistant Quartet Mas ter,) wUI be required to insure the faithful per formance of the’contract. ■' - The letter of Proposals to be directed to the undersigned and endorsed on the back, Wood Proposals. ' A. C. FOWLER, Lieutenant and Acting Ass't. Quarter Master Dec 5 108 td * H[>FCLARATI(ONS, Printed and for sate fit this Ofltee. * 3*. SaiVZdlb At the Store, corner of Broad and Mac intosh Street , Augusta , Georgia. HAS just received from France and New- York by late arrivals,.a large assottment French,-English and American FANCY & STAPLE ■ I mf Which he offers for sale on his usual moderate Terms for Cash or Town acceptances, pieces rich and splendid patterns Eng lish and American ingrain CARPET ING, at all prices 17 pieces very fine j and 6 4 French black Bom bazines 20 pieces 6 4 and 6-4 assorted colors Merino Cloths, and Merino Circassians, all • ' colors and width ( 7-8 Sf 6-4 Mateoni black Italian Lustrings Assorted French Taffeta Silks, for Umbrellas Rich stripe and figured Silks of all colours Black and colored Gro de Swiss and Gro de Berlin Bottle green, scarlet and other colors Gro de \ Naple Merino, Hernani and twisted Silks, Shawls of rrll colors atid prices ' Crape, Muslin Silk and other Shawls, latest style- While, scarlet'and black Merino Jong Shawls * Ladies embrodered and lined Horse skin Gloves Do Long and Habit White do* do do Do White Cotton, Silk and-worsted Hose all colors and qualities Dish Linens, Sheetings and Diapers English. Long Cloth Ten dozen Landscape Bead and Silk worked Bags, some very elegant patterns Bead Purses and ladies worked Baskets of all siues Ladies plain and ornamental waist Buckles Boxes of elegant Bonnet Plumes and Wreaths White and colored French plain and worked Linen Cambric Handkerchiefs as sorted patterns Ladies hair braids and Curls India Rubber Suspenders and Garters Thread Laces and -Edgings in great variety of patterns * Black Italian and French Crapes Do. Love Sdk Shawls -' 0»1 cloth Silk for children’s Aprons - ’ " Ladies’ cambric Aprons very lich patterns and new style Black, red, green and sckrlet silk Velvets A large assortment of 6 4 and 4-4 French color ed head Handkerchiefs, quite new patterns plain and fringed A large assortment of plain aud cut glass Beads Plain and cut Gold Beads Best of Pins and Needles 100 doz. Spool Cotton (Clark’s) all numbers Blue, black, olive, brown, bottle green and salt mixt Broad-cloths and Cassimeres -some of which are very fine Striped and mixed milled Cassimeres Sattinets of all kinds in gfeat.variety-of ptritHfct 9-4 and Mk 4 London Duffle B ankets 10 and 12 4 colored Counterpanes Mnckiuan Point Blankets, milled Red and blue, white and red mixt LindSeys Blue Plains and twilled Kerseys Carpet Binding Tufted and other Hearth Rugs to m&teh the Car petings Together with v large assortment of Cologne, Orapge, Rose and Lavender Water Rose and Almond Soap, Antique Oil Hair Powder and Powder Puffs, Durable Ink, Sic. December 3 ts 107 ~Sew school, IN CAMPBELL STREET, MR. CHARLES (the present Eng lish Teacher at the Richmond Aca demy,) respectfully iit forme , the public, that on the Ist day of January next he will open a SCHOOL for the instruc tion of youth, in the, house belonging to P. Bennoch, Esq. and lately occupied by Mrs. Kain, on Campbell street. The public are assured that no exer-. lions will be spared by Mr. Charles to render satisfaction, and to merit a share of public patronage. Terms the same as at the Richmond Academy. . . « • Mr. Charles’ Night School will be opened on the Ist January next, at 7 o’clock, P. M. at the same place. December 10. 110 9 Goshen Rutter, <fcc. &c. 25 Firkins superior Gosheti Butter I 60 half ami quarter boxes bunch Raisins 30 boxes Spertu Candles 25 boxes Yellow Soap 10 casks Goshen Cheese 40 h.df and qr bbls Buckwheat Metrt 6 bbls Smoked Beef 30 hags Java Bnd Green Coffee 6 bbls Sweet Oranges '< • , 6 half bbls Fulton Market Beef 2 half bbls dried Currants 5 boxes Citron Just received and for sale/bv JOHN COSKERY. 256, firoad Street. Nov il '• , 102 • ON CONSIGNMENT. - - | JUST RECEIVED 5 PIPES Cognac Brandv 16 Half Pipes Holland Gin 60 Pieces Tow Bagging 60 Coils Bale Rope 10000 Spanish Segars 6 Tierces New Rice ALSO .' Just Landing from Steamboat Augusts Hhds. New Orleans aud Porto Sugars 44 West India Molasses “ S|. Croix Rum " N.E. Ram “ Whiskey » 44 Ciderßrandy N. Gin 44 Mackerel 44 Sperm Oil “ Butter Crackers Casks 'London Porter and Brown Stout “ Prime Cheese Quarter Pipes Cogswell’s Wine “ casks Cargo Wine Boxes White Havaunaand Lump Sugars “ Sperm Candles and Soap 41 Raising 'and Herrings 44 American Segars Bags Prime Gieen Coffee “ Drop and Buck Shot Bales Cotton Bagging “ “ Yaru cases Negfo Shoes ,»«,* And an Assortment of Staple ©IB'S?’ For sale low for cash or approved endorsed notes,. by t I. MARSHALL; NO. 117 } . *"V Information to Trliveliest* f PIIK Offi.p of i l . .Hi.rn h i. Jt Greenville Li*** of Mail Conches is re moved to the Ea 6 le and Phoenix Hotel Past sengerg will be set down or called for at any sf ilii* other Hotels in the citv. ' REESiptf, FULLER Si McLEAN, Dec 12 if 111 Proprietors. The undersigned have purchased Sterling T. Combs’ interest, one of s e partners, of the firm of Slits, W illiams Ss. ‘ j'LSEV. All debts due to, or by the concern will be 'tided to bv us The business will be continued the Subscribers as heretofore under tb? firm of, Sins, ,Williams lx Woolsey. s : • ’ • CHARLES D. WILLIAMS, ABRAHAM M. WOOLSEY. HOT Having sold ray interest as one of the partners of the firm of Sims, Williams Si Wool sey, to C. 0. Williams & A. M. Woolsey—alt claims dtife by or to the concern.wit. b e attended to by them. STERLING T. COMBS. Dec 3 .. 107 ts ; - STOL.CT •• FROM the house of Mr*. Byrd, over the Auction Stoie of Latham Hull, ou the night of the 2nd December, a sil ver Patent Lever Watch, chased case with wreath of r<>s«s and thistle; attached wait a buckskin chain aud three keys, two of which were common, the other had six pipes' around a ring such as aie use and by watch-makers—the number aud maku’tf name-'not recollected. It was taken non* the glass in the dining room after 10 o’clock, the owner remembets to h<»v» wound it up at that time.’' A reasonable reward will be given’tor the recovetv of the watch and detection of ilie thief. December 10. 1,10 if Valuable Lots for Sale. •’ fit HE Trustees of the Augusta Theatre Com i paay offer for sale Two Lots on Broad-St. in front of the New-Theatre. Between them will Bea passage of ISlfeet to the Theatre about ift feet in. height* Each Lot; therofore, on the ground will be 25£ feet front, and above the first story 32J. Each 120 feet in depth. Foi terms apply to either of the Trustees, or ISAAC MOISE, Sec'ry. Dec 10 110 ts v A. KNOWLTON, NO. .248 BRpAD-STItEET, - MAS 'nst opened a handsome assortment <rf 64 MERINO and Real THIBET CLO'THS, embracing: all the Choice and fasli ionoble colors, such as Crimson, Scarlet, Royal Purple, Nazarine blur, Light Do. Light .ud Dark Green, together with a great variety of the Mode* colors. " also, Super. Merino Circassians and Piincettas, all colors. v **’ iiov 16 100 PRESERVES* PICKLES, JUS r RE CEIVED , Per Steam-Boat, Wm. Seabkook, a complete at - Yortment, consisting of PINE APPLE, ) ORANGE, S SI 1 , ;WEST-INDIA.t; CITRON. > GUAVA JELLY, > ginger, V Sates. 15 ' [CANTON. CITRON, J * quince. AMERICAN.# -London Pickles, consisting of Girkins, Onions, Red CabDHge, Melo% Ma-igqes, French Beans, Picalilli, Olives, Capers, Anchovys, Mushroom and Waluut, Catsup Olive Oil, be., > ■J ALSO, •WINES, ofthe following Choice kinds I' Oid Hock, Burgundy, Muscat, Champaign, Cla ret, Port Madeira. / SUNDRIES, CONSISTING OF Butter, Sugar and Water Cfackers in barrvts halves, quarters and kegs Soda Biscuit and Pilot Bread Raisins,.whole, half and quarter boxes Buckwheat half, quarter, and kegs Newark Cider ( - * French .and American Cordial With a complete assortment of Family GRO CERIES. - FOB. SALE. BV N. SMITH & Cos. 275, Broad St. nearly opposite the Globe-Hotel. , Pec 14 112 ts ROBBERY 25 Dollars Reward. person or persons secreted them. selves in my Auction Store, after or during the Public Sale, on the Night, of the 6 h instant, and broke open the Desk Draw, containing the money, and took therefrom 77 or SBO, as near as can be recollected, and perhaps Goods, which cannot at this moment be particularised and then retired through the back part of the &tore which was banedeand locked inside. AS.thefts of this kind are frequent, it wilt be well for all to be on the look out. Anv information leading to the abov# will receive the reward offered, and the thanks of the public's obedient servant. LATHAM HULL. Dec 10 110 Just Received, 40,000 -superior Spanish Segar» 45 GroCe Wine Bottles 20 boxes fresh Prunes, in fancy boxes * 100 gallons Pickled Oysters, by the keg- Buckwheat and Rye Flour, Nos 1 and 8 Mackerel Pickled Salmon Do. Cucumbers Mess Shad, tie. tic. ALSO, 10,000 large sweet ORANGES, FOR SALE, BY DORTIC& LAFITTE '*/ 236. Broad Streefc Nny 16 100 JOB PRINTING, y ALL kiqdsof JOB PRINTING contin -be done at THIS OFFICE at fr owes! Rb