Georgia courier. (Augusta, Ga.) 1826-1837, January 04, 1833, Image 1

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VOL. 8. PUBLISHED EYEUIi MONDAY, WEDNESDAY and FRIDAY, at 2 O’CLOCK. T. WE. 41 Mr- Howard’* Brick Buildings, opposite the Post Office M'intosh Street. 4 ' ■■ -j; DIRECTIONS. Sales of Lend anti tVfgrof s, by Atl:ninistraft>rs, Exec! tors, cr Guardians, aro re<juired, by law, to be hold on ,ne UritTnosilay in the month, between thejtours of ten in t forenoon and three in the afternoon, at the Court-hot t the county n whieh tho propertyissitnate.—lVotic - ( -these sales must be given in a public gazette Six Uti'i previous to the day c f sale. . Notices of the sale of personal property must bo given m like manner, FORTY days previous to tho day of sale . -Notice to the debtors and creditors of an estate, muster published for FOlCi'Y.dnys, ■ Notice that application will be made to the Court of Or ■dinari for leave toioll land, must ho published for FOUR months *: .. • Notiso {or leave to fell Nogrooe, must be published lor IPOUR MONTH*, before any order absolute shall be made hereon by the court- j&g32p» We are authorized to iPgjjg? an notincp Jacob C. Bugg, Esq. • r ’ a Candidate for Receiver of Tax Returns, for Richmond County, at the Election in January next. Oct 29 92 vetd MICHAEL F. BOlS jvjsigjjr 'CLAIR, respectfully announces himself as a candidate for re-election to vjfciQ qffifce of Receiver of Tax Returns at tiie election in January next. Pec 19. td NOTICE . MRS. CARTER informs the pub lic that she occupies that commodi ous, three-story Brick Building, a few doors below the United Stales’ Hotel, well known as the property of Mr. Mays B iw die, where she will he pleased to receive transient company as well as permanent boarders. Dec 19 114 Im CHECK. LOST. OST my Check for S6OO, on the Branch | j Bank, of this State, at titis place, drawn in favor of Beers, Booth & S» John,‘date not re collected but supposed between the first and fifth inst. It is known that the Check, is in the., possession of a countryman and persons are cautioned against receiving it. IS4AC I. COURSE, s Dec 14 112 ts j LAW NOTICE. fTIHE undersigned having taken an Offi-e. | next door to that of Crawfokd fa ’'um unto F.sqrs informs the public that lie will faith fully attend to all business with which he may Ve intrusted. , . ROBERT CLARKE. Dec 12 . Ml if RICHARDS & GANAHL, Have received and opened at Ihe Furniture Store of Messrs J Smith Jf Cos. some splendid PIANO FORTES, , I’itriicoiariy selected by one .ot tlie fir'ni for the Southern market, and which are warranted tvhat they Hie represented to be, and tltoSe wishing to purchase w ill find the pi ices as reasonable as any ever sold here. December 10. 110 6tw CIDER, tfec.” ~~g & Bls first rate Cider 3000 targe Sweet Oranges 200 bids Noitlie.rn Potatoes 10 do do Beets 8000 hunches Onions GtVbhls do £5 tihls Crmrlierries 60 boxes Sperm Candles 26 tierces New Rice 50 boxes, 3000 each American bunch Segais •hhds supeiioi new Georgia Syrup. FOR SALE, BY G. H. METCALF. Dec 3 107 Landing from No. 8, and 12. 20 Bids French Canal Flour 50 boxes Sperm Candles? •20 hhds. prime Sugar ’.A *2O casks prime Rice 25 boxes' Tobacco _ 25 Coils Bale Rrfpe 200 setts Measures f 25 bbls Cramberries 60 bbls Potatoes FOR SALJE, BY G. H. METCALF.. Nov 9 - 97 Oranges, Butter and Cheese. Bids, superior Oranges s£j\W 20 casks prime Goshdb Cheese 2U kegs, «lr> d,o ' Butter This day received by- G. H. METCALF. nov 28 105 Just Received, -k Qik Doz. Wool Hals 1 26 cases black Roram Hats For sale by JOHN MARSHALL. Oct 29 92 LAMPS. Consisting of Plain , Cut, and Ground Glass Hall LAMPS, ir IVERPOOL Suspending Brass Lamps ;I A Brass Mantle Lamps; Rejecting Lamps, * *- • > A GREAT VARIETV OF iHantle ii Chamber, Glass Lamps, Night Lamps s ' ALSO, LAMP GLASSES. Os almost every size and pattern, for sale, by R. B. II AVI LAND & Cos Dec 10 110 ts 30 bbls N. Rum. Gjn and Whiskey 10 Quarter casks Teneriffe Wiue 10 quarter do Sweet Malaga do 1 pipe old Sherry do 2 pipes pure Holland Gio 2 do Coenac Brandy 5 tierces New Rice ' la half bbts Canal Flour ‘ 20 hbts Irish Potatoes 600 bunches Onions • 200 boxes Table Salt 175 jars pickled Onions, Gerkins Mangoes, Walnuts, Cabbage, &c 6 dozen bottles fresh Cayanne Pepper 6 do do do Capers Just received, and for sale, by JOHN COSKERY. Nov 5 m 95 Jll4 Received, TWO HUNDRED PACKAGES BOOTH AND SHOES, COMPRISING a general assortment ofevesy article in the Trade. t . , ALSO, A large stock of Sole Leather, Calfskins, Buckskins. Morocco and Linings—Shoe Lasts, Boot and Shoe Tress, and all the materials ami Tools for manufacturing. All of which will be offered to Country'Merchants at Charleston prices for cash nr city paper, at No 273, Broad-street nearly opposite the Globe Hotel, B. VV. FORCE & Cos. October 12 JkBS COTTON GINS. Boatwright & jones, of Columbia, S. C. respectfully inform their friends and the public that they have established a Shop in Augusta, Georgia for the purpose of Making and repai ri g COTTON GINS, and are now prepared to furnish these Machines made of tire best materials and in the best manner.— We will keep on hand GINS of different sizes, from 30 to 60 Saws. O’ Our Shop is about one hundred yards above the Upper Market in this place. Arte 24 63 wtf NOTICE. ON the Ist Saturday in anuary next, the City Council will appoint the foliowi »g Of ficers. for the ensuing year, with the salaries an nexed, viz— * City Marshal, with a.salary of §IOOO Clerk of Council “ 400 Collector and,Treasurer “ 600 Clerk Rower Market “ 300 Clerk Upper do “ 75 Jailor. *' 600 Three Constables, (each) “ 400 Keeper qf Magazine “• . 200 City Surveyor, (fees of City Sheriff flHr Clerk C. C. Plea* “ w Four Vendue Masters. . At the same time proposals will be received for keeping the streets and drains in.good re pair, for a salary not exceeding §I4OO. For Ughtiijgtthe lamps, for a gnlary not exceeding §2OO- Proposals will also be received for tak lug charge of the City Hospital, aud furnishing the patients By Order of Council. GEO. M. WALKER, Clerk. December 7. New Crop Georgia Syrup. 15 llbds. Syrup m 25 Hhds N. O Molasses 100 Boxes Mustard This Dap, landing for sale, by G. 11. METCALF. Dec 3 107 Just Received, 4 superior Spanish Segars 7 45 Groce Wine Bot'les 20 boxes fresh Prunes, in fancy boxes iOO gallons Pickled Oysters, by the keg Buckwheat and Rye Flour Nos I and 3 Mackerel Pickled Salmon Do. Cucumbers Mess Shad; &e. &c., 10)000 large sweet 072ANGES, a FOR BAI.R, BY • D6RTIC & LAFITTE 236, Broad Street. Nov 16 ioo " Administrator’s Sale. WILL oe sold, at Lincoln Court House, in Lincoln County, on thj first Tuesday in January next, agreeable to an order of the In ferior Cnuit of said county, getting for Ordinary purposes, one tract of land, in said county known as Poorhopes containing one hundred and ten acres more or less and three Negioes, Isani Ben, and Harriet, —Sold as the property of Joseph Henderson, deceased, and for the bene fit of the heirs and creditors. Terms made known on the day. CHARLES JENNING3,.A<imV. Oct 29 92 id NOTICE. THE co-partnership heretofore existing un der the firm of BRIDGES & GIBSON »* this day dissolved The rernanrog business nt the concern will be seitl, and by J, W. Bridges,who is duly.authorized to close the 8 sid business and wilt be found at the old stand occupied by C. B Hitt, at the Brick Store on th* north side of Broad-Street. JOHN VV. BRIDGES ■„ LEWIS. GIB'ON. Augusta, Ga. 11th Dec. 1832. N. B.—All.persons indebted to the above Con cern either by note or book account are request ed to come forward as speedily as possible and settle the same with me, or the claims will bo put in the hands of an attorney fortsnlt J. W. BRIDGES. dec 12 stw 111 At Private Sale. A FIRST RATE CARPENTER, not exceeding 22 years of age, and as good a workman ns any of his colour in the Sonthern country, and as fiee from fault—sound and Wealthy. L*ATHAM HULL. ANOUdIMANCE • TO regulate the weighing of Fodder, Hay and Oats in bundles brought to the city of Augusta.its wagons, or carts for sale by weight. Sec. Ist, Be it ordained by the City Council , f Augusta, That all Fodder, Hay and Oats •> ught to this city jr,. wagons or carts for sale, ;hV.i be weighed the scales prepared for that purpose near the lower market. Sh. 6 2d. Be it further ordained, That it shali be the duty of the clerk of the.lower market t 6 uperintend the weighing of all Fodder, Hay and Oats, jit all hours of the dav, from sun rise till sunset. And ,tlia party selling such Fodder, liny or Oats, shall pay to thesaid clerk fifty cts. ‘or each wagon, and twenty-fire cents for each wt or dray. Sec 3d Be it further ordained, That every ■erson who shall violate the provisions of this bill nance, may be fined in a sum not exceeding ''cnty Dollars Done in Council the 6th day of Dec. 1832. SAMUEL HALE, Mayor. Y ’he Mayor : * Geo. M. Walker, c. c. o. Dor 21 114 ts BLANKS i all kinds neatly printed and for sale at tin Office of the GeotgiaCourief AUGUSTA, (GEO.) FRIDAY, JANUARY 4, 1833. -NE W CONFECTIONARY. THE SUBSCRIBERS HAVE opened a CONFECTION AR Y, ni their well known stand, N«. 200, South side of Broad, between M'intosh and Washington streets, where they intend keeping always on hand every article usually kept in that line of busi ness, such as . , ■ PLAIN & LEMON SYRUPS, CORDIALS OF EVERY KIND, : - * candies suGA t rz.trafcs, SUGAR TOYS OR FIGURES, &c. Families can always, be supplied with TEA CAKES} Apple, Mince, Rasm, and Cranbeuy, JPIES} &,e. ♦fcc. all of their own manufacture, and which they warrant will not be surpassed by any other establishment in the South ern country. .To those who are acquaint ed with their knowledge in the manufac turing department of Confectionaries, (having been solely engaged in that line of business for the last 18 years, both in Richmond, Va. and in this place,) they deem it needless to say any thing—but to those to whom they are unknown, and particularly Country Merchants , they would observe, that every article purchas ed of them will be warranted in every respect. Candies, after remaining on hand for some time, become unsaleable ; should any person purchase Candies of them, and they should become so, ti-.ey are requested to return them, and they may always depend on receiving a pound of fresh and good Caudy, l’or every pound so returned. All orders in their line of business, which tjtey may be honored with, shall be attendee! to with punctuality and despatch, and forwarded to any port of the State. Their prices will be tho same as any similar establishment in this city. LAMBACK & RUSE. RESTORATIVE, WILL be attended to as usual, where can be had the choi cest delicacies the market affords, such as OYSTERS IN THE SHELL, R CooRED IN ANY AND EVERY WAY. FISH, VENISON, & BEEF S T 1 AKS Wl LI) GAME, ’-f every kitul. TZA, CHOCOXA AC. AC. Persons from the country, who may vi sit town on business, for a day or two, can be accommodated, with board and lodging, or with a COLD CL'T. and cau have their Horses properly and ’are folly attended to. They have spare Ino paiirs or expense, to have attentive set vants, and to make their establisbmee' worthy the patronage of Country Mer chants, Travellers, or City Mtr<>ns (£/**A few mere genteel BO ARDERS can be accommodated by applvtug «• the Establishment- L. & R. *% The Federal Union, at Millcdge ville, will please give the above three in sertion*, and forward their account to the subscribers. December 21. 115 ts CONFECTIONARY. TH E subscriber continues at his old stand. No. 142, where he is constant ly receiving, and keeps always on hand, every article in his line of business, of the best quality, and on the most reasonable terms. Such as alt .kinds of SYRUPS, CORDIALS, SWB&fR ©M£iß3 a PIES OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS. * ALSO. rmwiTs b oth fresh and preserved. ALSO. NUTS pF ALL KINDS, HAZLE-NUT3, PIG NUTS, PECAN, VVAL NU IS, ALMONDS, sac. These articles are for sale at retail or by .wholesale, and couotiy or any other dealers can he supplied with the best LIQUORS, B.andy, Gin, Rum, WINES Ofali k I'uis, &c. of the host brands. And oshei articles in tbaj line, are_ ma nufactured by the subscriber; t/ho learned his trade in Paris—he keeps none but what are fresh and will be warranted first rate and pure. Such customers as pur chase of him having articles which have become stale, if they will bring or send them down, will not only have the ex pense of transportation paid, but new and fust rate articles, pound for pound, re turned n their place, martin Frederick. QJ 8 * Five per cent, allowed for all or ders obtained for this Establishment. December 21. 114 if r NOTICE. fTIHE Copartnership heretofore existing be | tweeft the subscribers in the Practice of Law, is this day dissolved by mutual consent; They will both attend to the unfinished business of the firm until it is closed ; and persons indebt ed to them for professional service onn make payment to either. WILLIAM. SCHLEY, THO’S. GLASCOCK. Nov 2 94 Transfer of Draws. JUST PRINTED, and foi sale at this office Blank Powers of Attorney, for transferring, Draws in the Land Lotteries! JUST RECEIVED. Northern Apples Northern Cheese Northern-Butter Northern Potatoes Northern Onions, Northern Mackerel . * Northern Codfish and Northern Cotton Cotton Bagging FOR SALF., LOW, BY , G. H. METCALF. MERINO MAKTL.ES. A. KNOWLTON, NO. 248 BBOAD-STREET, HAS just opened a splendid assortment of black, white and scarlet MERINO of which are very superior, with full Merino Borders. ALSO, 6. G, 7 and 8-4 black, white and scarlet square SHAWLS Also, 8, 4 and 6-4 Thibet wool Shawls, all colors All of which were purchased at Auction in New-York and will be solcf pt a small advance from cost Nov 16 „ ts 106 New Crop IM Glasses, Pure Dutch Linseed Oil , dpc. landing, and forsale, on the wharf this pay 19 Hhds. New Crop Molasses 10 Bbls pure Dutch Linseed Oil ALSO, # FOR SALE, AT THE WHARF. 4000 Bushels Salt. IN STORE, 600 Blankets, various qualities 100 bSxes Sperm Candles. G.H. METCALF. Dec 31 118 3t jSpsSta Southern, Northern « aud Western, Land, Loan, i&Fq/fSS' Commission and General Agency and Intelligence Office. New-Orleans, La. The subscribers respectful ly inform the public throughout the Union, that they have opened an office (having also appoin ted agents in Washington, Baltimore, Philadel phia and New-York,) for the purpose of acting as an agent to.transact business in this or any of the above named cities, having a very exten sive acquaintance through the United States, ad joining territoriesand Canada, and having made arrangements to attend to transmittting and receiving information from and to England, France, and every part of Europe, they most respectfully solicit a share of public patronage, pledging themselves to use every exertion togiye perfect satisfaction. Those editors of newspapers who feel well dis posed towards this establishment, shall have their business done free of expense, at any time, by inserting advertisement, and forwarding a paper to us containing Ibe same., We are now prepared to attend to the follow ing business—Purchase sell, barter, rent and |ease landed property of every description : purchase, sell and.exchauge ; bank, canal, rail road and every other kind of stock; purchase and sell merchandize of every description, at public or private sale. Borrow and loan money on bond and mort gage, or unincumbered real estate- Act as an agent for procuring partners for in dividuals, to engage in every kind of business or profession. Will act as .attorney’s agent and others for claiming legacies inheritances, and settling estates; also, collecting and remitting every description of debts dues and demands. Information given respecting the arrival and departure of packet ships, steam and canal packets, mail and accommodation stages, and all other modes of conveyance whether by land or water, with their.respective rates of fare ac commodation. sac. sac ; also, all other In forma tion necessary for strangers aud travellers to be in possession of. Information and intelligence on any subject m this corn try or Euiope, received and forward ed (confidentially ) Books and recoids of c muty or state govern ment offices searched and examined, and the required information forwarded to each appli cant. A register of public and . private boarding houses, their terms and accommodations, will be k-pt at this office, and strangers arriving ih this city, have only to apply to this office, to he suit ed at once with boardiog places. Situations, in mercantile, manufacturing and other establishments, as book keepers, salesmen, and assistant clerks, bar keepers, teachers, col lectors, agents sac, sac., procured, if by letter postage must be paid accompanied with a fee- N. B. Reference will be given in all cases to those who require it, ns to public and private character, ability, sac. sac. All persons forwarding communicetions re specting real estate offered for sale, barter, lease or to b% given on bond and mortgage, will recol lect it is indispensably necessary to forward n correct description of the premises ; also a draft or plan if possible, stating situation, quantity, quality, improvements, distances from cities or towns, county scats, post roads, navigable streams, price, terras, sac. sac.; also, enclose an advance fee, and postage paid. Charges will he regulator! according to nature and amount of business. All first applications to be accompanied with a consulting fee, which will entitle the applicant r tounv information they may require. No let ters (in any case,) will be taken from the Post Office, unless post paid—immediate answers will be trembled to all communications. L. VANDERBURGH & Cos. No. 10, St. Louis street. Dec 31 'llß ON CONSIGNMENT. 5000 YDS. NEGRO CLOTH F>---ra 20 to 42 per yard, comprising the best assort meat and the most.approved GOODS, of the kind, that has been offered in this Market.— Purchasers are respectfully invited to call and examine them, they will, he sold, in quantities wanted, for Cash or approved eudorsed Notes, at 60 and 90 days, by L. HULL, Auct'er. N»v 19 - 101 ~NOTICE. A LL persons having demands against tlie A Estate of John W. Turner, late of Lincoln • 'minty, deceased, will please present them pro perly authenticated within the time prescribed by law, and all indebted to said Estate will please make immediate payment to SH TURNER, Adm'r. Oet 29 92 td LOST OR MISLAID. A NOTE drawn by W. G.Giimes dated 3d, April 1832, ondorsed*by A (red W.*J«nes and John P. King, for 470 41 100 dollars. Persons are cau* ioned against trading for the above note. Any information respecting the above di be thankfully received at this office r U. S. Hotel. Dec 28 117 3t sr* aaraaNfe At the Store, comer of Broad and Mac Intosh Street, Augusta, Georgia. HAS just received from France and New- York by late arrivals, a large assortment French, English and American FANCY & STAPLE Which he offers for sale on his usual moderate Terms for Cash or Town acceptances . - pieces Tich and splendid patterns Eitg lish and American ingrain CARPET ’ ING, at all prices 17 pieces very fine j and 6 4 French black Bom bazines 20 pieces 6 4 and 6 4 assorted colors Merino Cloths*. and Merii.o Circassians, all colors and width 7-8 5f 6-4 Mateoni black Italian Lustrings Assorted French Taffeta Silks, for Umbrellas Rich stripe and figprpd-SUks of all colours Black and "colored Gro de Swiss and Gro de Berlin ■ I v Bottle green, scarlet and other colors Gro de Merino; Hetttani and twisted Silks, Shawls of all colors and pi ices Crape, Muslin Silk and other Shawls, latest ‘ ; White. Acarlet mm black Merino long Shawls Ladies t mbro.lered and lined Horse skin Gloves Do Long and Habit White do do do Do VVhitp Cotton, Silk and worsted Hose all colors ard qualities Irish Linens, Sheetings and Diapers English Long Cloth V, - leii dozen Landscape Bead and Si ! k «-orked Bags some very elegnut patterns Bead Purses.and ladies woiked Baskets of all • 'siW :•«. * Ladies plaiu and ornamental waist Buckles Boxes oi elegant Bonnet Plumes and Wreaths White and colored French plain and worked Linen Cambric Handkerchiefs as sorted patterns Ladies hair braids and Curls' India Rubber Suspenders and Garters Thread Laces and Edgings in great vßrictv of patterns Black Italian and French Crapes Do, Love Silk Shawls Oil cloth Silk for children’s Aprons . Ladies’ cambric Aprons very «ich patterns and new style Black, red, green and scarlet silk Velvets A large assortment of 6 4 and 4-4 French color ed head Handkerchiefs, quite new patterns plain and fringed A large assortment of plain aud cut glass Beads Plain and cut Gold Beads Best of Pins and Needles 100 doz. Spool Cotton (Clark’s) all numbers Blue, black, olive, hrpwn; bottle-green aqd-lalt inixt Broad-cloths and- Cassimeies tome of which are very fine Striped and mixed milled Cassimerea, -., Sattinefs of all kinds in great variety of prices 9-4 and 10 4 Loudon Duffle B ankets 10 and 12 4 colored Counterpanes Macliinan Point Blankets, milled Rt-d and blue, white and red mixt Lindseys Blue Plaintand twilled Kerseys Carpet Bindinr Tufted and other Hearth Rugs to match the Car pe tings Together with a large assortment of Cologne, Orange, Rose and Lavender Water Rose and AlmotiJ Soap, Antique Oil Hair Powder and Powder Puffs, Durable Ink, sac. December 3 ts 107 JUST RECEIVED. 25 Drums fresh Figs 10 boxes ,do Prunes 60 whole end half boxes Rauins 40 quarter do do 10 tibia swept Newark Cider 20 do Cream Ale 50 kegs fresh Goshen Butter 20 half bbls. Canal Flour 10 do Buckwheats do 10 do Rye rfe Cucumbers in half barrels Pickled Tongues do Fly-Market Beet do Mess Pork do Children’s Willow Carriages 50 boxes Hamburg Candles Together with a general assortment of GROCERIES, FOR SALS. BY DORTIC A LAFITTE, _ 236, Broad Street. Dec 31 118 ts r-;- • ON CONSIGNMENT. JUST RECEIVED 5 PIPES Cognac Brandy 15 Half Pipes Holland bin 60 Pieces Tow Bagging 60 Coils Bale Rope 10000 Spanish Segars 5 Tierces New Rice - ALSO- 5 Just Landing from Steamboat Augusta, Hhds. New Orleans and Porto Sugars “ West India Molasses “ St. Croix Rum “ N-E Ram “ Whiskey “ Cider Brandy Barrels N. Gin “ Mackerel “ Sperin Oil “ ButierCrackers Casks London Porter and Bro>*n Stout “ Prime Cheese Quarter Pipes Cogswell’* Wine “ casks Cargo Wine .i . Boxes White Havannaaud Lump Sugars »• Sperin Candles ami Soap “ Raisins and Herrings “ American Segars Bags Prime Gieeu Coffee “ Drop and Buck Shot Bales Cotton Bagging “ “ Yarn cases Negro Shoes And an,Assortment of Staple ®(B)(E)0D8 For sale low for cash or approved endorsed notes, by . . J. MARSHALL. Brought to Augusta Jail, ON the 12tb February last, a Negro Boy, calls himself BILLY, say* he belongs to a Mr. Henderson, of l'roop County, (Geo.) Bil ly, is 16 or 17 years old, yellow complexion 5 feet 1 inch nigh. Also, on this inst. a Man JOHN, says he belongs to Zarhariah Colley,.of Wilkes County, (Geo.) near Washington, John is about 5 feet 5 inches high, dark complexion about 33 years old. Also, a man belonging to the State ol Georgia, very dark and about 35 years old, calls himself PETER The owners of said Negroes, are requested to cometorward, pay charges and take thereaway H. B. FRASER, Jailor , R. C. Dec 19 f 111 31 Information to TraveUesr . ■ kreenvdle I.u of Mail Coaches is re moved to the Er*;*? end Phoenix Hotel Pas-* sender* will he set down or called for at any «f * the other Hotels in th.ecitv , REESIDE, FULLER & McLEAN. Dec 12 if 111 Proprietors. ’ 7,..* .-* ~~3 — "T"— u. . , . . The undersigned fliPr-liSp ~ h ;| ve put chased Sterling gwSjgJ’' T. Combs’ interest, one of ’ „ r . s <* partners, of the firm of Si*ts, W illiams & All debts due (6, or by (he concern will b. t uded to by us The business will be continued the Subscribers as heretofore under the firm of Sims, Williams & Woulsky. CHARLES D. WILLIAMS, ABRAHAM M. WOOLSEY. \XT Having sold my interest as. erfe of the partners of the firm of Sims, Williams &. Wool.. see. to C. D. Williams & A. M. VVnolsey—alt claims due by or concern wii’. t» e attended to by them. STERLING T. CiOMBS. Dec 3 107 ts STOLEN FROM the ho use of Airs. Byrd, over tin; Aocliun Store nf Latham Hull, oh life nigh? nf ths 2nd December, a siL ver Patent Levet Watch, chased rasa with wreath >f roses and thistle; attached was a buckskin chain and threw keys, two of which were common, the other had si* pipes around a ring such as are usm] by wutcft-iuakers—the number and mnker’a name not recollected. It was taken (lie glass in 'he dining tootn after 10 o’clock, the owner nmicmbois to have wound it up at that time A reasonable reward will be given ’of tb* recovery tff the wutch and detection of die thief. December 10. HQ ts Valuable Loti for Sale. THE Trustees of rhe August* Theatre Com | Hwy offer for sale Two L-fs on Bioad-St. lo front of the New-Tht-atre, B*r»v, t-n them will be a passdgc of 12 feet to Ibe Theatre about 12 -feet iu height F.- .h Lot, therefore, on the ground jvill be 26$ feet front, and above the first .story 32$ Eacls 120 feet in depth For terms apply to cither of the Trustees, or ISAAC MOISE, Sec'rt/. Dec 10 110 if BnMa»«rj& t ira.» . A. IMOWI.TOX, NO. 248 BKOAD-HIKEET, WAS just opened bandvouu- ussoruneut of STjL 6 4 MERINO and Real THIBET CLOTHS, embracing all tnc cnoic*- and fash ionoble colors, such as Crimson, Scarlet, Royal Purple, Nazartne Blu». . igb; Do. Light and Dark Green, together with a great variety of the Mode colors., ALSO, Super. Merino Circassians and Piinccttas, all colors. nov 16 ]OO PttESEitVES, PICKLES,&c JUST RECEIVED , Per Steam Boat, Wm. Seabroojc, a complete flf sortment, consisting of PINE APPLE, ) ORANGE, V ruiMS. jWEST-INDIA. CITRON, > GUAVAJELLY, S GINGER, 5 ORANGE, ~ I DATES, (CANTON. C ITRON, j - -i QUINCE. AMERICAN. London Pickles, consisting of Girkms, Onions, Red ,CahiiHgp, Melon, Mangoes, Freuch Bean*, Picalilli, Olives, Capers. Anchovys, Mushroom and Walnut, Catsup Olive Oil, sac. . - •'•- ALSO, WINES, of the following Choice kinds ; Oid Hock, Burgundy, Muscat, Champaign, Cla ret, Port Madeira. r .»r SUNDRIES, CONSISTING OF Butter, Sugar and Wafer Crackers in barrel* i halves, quarters and Kegs Soda Biscuit and Pilot Bread Raisins, whole, half and quarter boxes Buckwheat half, quarter aud kegs Newark Cider French and American Cordial • ' • -_ With a complete assortment of Family GRO CERIES. FOR SALE, DY N. SMITH & Cos. 275. Broad St. nearly opposite the Globe Hotel. P«c 14 |i2 ,f FOi/iyx>. A POCKET BOOK, containing a small stint of Money, a Letter, ad dressed to “ Rev. Cb»rle* Evan*,”j»nd a pass to boys Ned and Sul, vpas found in the Street, three or four days since hjf John Thornton, Esq. of Ogletbotpe County, and deposited with the under signed. The owner, or an-y one autho rized by hint, cau have it by paying for this advertisement. WILLIAM BOSTWICK. A "gusta, Dec 5 NOTICE. ~ THE Subscriber .wishes to hire- two or three good Male Servants, for which a liberal price will be given. W. G. GRIMES. I Oct 19 88 To (he Proprietors of Gold Mines THE Subscriber beg leave to say, that ha would take employment as Mine Engineer, , for the year 1838, or longer if sufficient induce* meat is offered, liis acquaintance * ith machine ry and experience at the mines (in Georgia) render him adequate to the performance, of such duties, as the survey and examination of Lots, Assay of ores construction of Engines and working the mines mav re.qu'ue. WILLIAM PHILLIPS Dec 24 li6 A B ARGAIN. \ PAIR of Urge Wagon or Dray HORSES will be given for one share of L*>gle ano Phoenix Hotel Stock. Apply at this Office December 24. ! “* ' 8 NO. 2.