Georgia courier. (Augusta, Ga.) 1826-1837, January 07, 1833, Image 1

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VOL. 7. PUBLISHED EVERY MONDAY, WEDNESDAY and FRIDAY, AT 2 O'CLOCK, r. m. Ki Mr. Howard’s Brick Buildings, opposito the PostOflice M’lntosli Street. DIRECTIONS. Sales of Land and Negroes, by Administrators, Execi tors, or Guardians, aro required, bv law, to be held on •* Srst Tuesday in the month, between the hours of ten tn re ioTonoou and-three in the afternoon, at the Court-hoa t the county n which tho property is situnte.—Notic 5< I these sales must be given in a public gazette 51X1 x <*») 5 previous to the day cf sale. . Notices of the sale of personal property must be given in tike manner, FORTY days previous to tiie day ol sale Notice to the debtors and creditors of uu estate, muster published for FORTY days. Notice that application will bo made to the Dmirt of Or dinary for leave to sell lau<i» must be published for FOUR MONTHS. _ ...... Notice for leave to sell Negroes, must be published for FOUR MONTHS, before any order absolute sttail be made .borcou'by the court- Efcgfa MICHAEL F. BOIS CLAIR, respectfully announces himself as a candidate for re-election lo the office of Receiver of Tax Returns at he election in January next. Dec 19. 114 td NOTICE. MRS. CARTER informs the pub lic that she occupies that commodi ous, three-story Brick Building, a few doors below the United Stales’ Hotel, well known as the property of Mr. Hays Bow die, where she will be pleased 10 receive iransient company as well as permanen' boarders. Dec 19 114 Ini DR. AGONES. HAS' REMOVED his office from the Globe Hotel, to tha one formerly occupied by Dr. Cunningham, in the building on.the corner of Washington and Ellis-Streets, and fronting the former—dhe Dwelling part lately occupied by Mrs. Crawley a3 a hoarding house, and now by Mrs. West for the same purpose. Nov .26 104 If J. H. R. WASHINGTON, SURGEON DEMIST, WILL spend n few days in Augusta. Pri sons wishing to avnil themselves of his services, will please make immediate application at the Planters Hotel. Any doubts as to Professional capacity, can be satisfied by an examination of the very re spectable testimonials in his possession. Ladies will be waited ujsdii at their private residences. Oct 24 90 ts Southern, Northern 4|L|SBs*ltw) ' and Western, Land, Loan, Commission and General Agency and Intelligence Office New-Orleans, La. lhe subscribers respectful ly inform the public throughout the Union, that they have opened an office (having also appoin ted iigents in Washington, Baltimore, Philadel phia and New-York,) for the purpose of acting as an agent to transact business in this or any of the above nauuhl cities, having a very exten sive acquaintance through the United States, ad joining territories and Canada, and having made hi r-angements to attend to transmitting and receiving inform.lion fiotn and to England, Fra\ce, and every part of Europe, they most respectfully solicit a shine of public patronage, pledging themselves to use every exeition to giye ciei Iftct satisfaction. Ijiose editors of newspapers who feel well dis pmred towards this establishment, shall have business done free of expense, at any time Jay inserting advertisement, and forwarding ' a paper to us containing the same. We are now piepared to attend to the follow ing business—Purchase self barter, rent and ease landed property of every description; purchase,.sell and exchange ; hank, canal, rail roan and every other k'md of stock; purchase and sell merchandize of every description, at public or private sale. Borrow and loan money on bond and mort gage, or unincumbered real estate- Act as an agent for procuring partners for in dividuals, to engage in eveiy kind of business or profession. Will act as attorney’s agent and otbeis for claiming legacies inheritances, and settling -estates; also, collecting and remitting every ■description of debts dues and demands. Information given respecting the arrival nnd departure of packet ships, steam and canal packets, mail and accommodation stages, and all other modes of conveyance whether by land or water, with their respective rates of fare ac «ommndation. Sic. fife; also, all other informa tion necessary for strangers aud travellers to he in possession of. Information and intelligence on any subject in this com try or Euiope, received and forward ed (confidentially ) Books and records of county or state govern ment offices, searched and examined, and the required information forwarded to each appli cant. A register of public and private boarding houses, their terms and accommodations, will bt kepi at this office, and strangers arriving in this city, have only to apply to this office, to be suit ed at once with boardiug places. Situations, in mercantile, manufacturing and othpr establishments, as bookkeepers, salesmen, and assistant clerks, bar keepers, teachers, col lectors, agents &ic, Sfc., procured, if by leUnr ppstage must be paid accompanied with a fee ■N. B. Reference will be given in all cases to those who require it. as to public and private character, ability, &ic. Sic. All persons forwarding communicetions re specting real estate offered for sale, barter, lease ? r j|* * J . C ?"*«(* bond and mortgage, will recol »ec) it is indispensably necessary to forward a description of the premises; alsoadrafi ©r plan if possible, stating situation, quantity, quality, improvements, distances from cities or tjowns, county seats, post roads, navigable streams, price, terms, Stc. & c . ; also, enclose an advance fee, and postage paid. Charges will be regulated according to nature *nd amount of business. All fit;st applications to be accompanied with q consulting fee, which will entitle the applicant R> any information they may require. No let ters (in any case,) will be taken from the Post Office, unless post paid—immediate answers will be remitted to all communications. L. VANDERBURGH & Cos. No. 10, St. Louis street. Pec 31 118 To the Proprietors of Gold Mines THE Subscriber beg leaveV« say, that he would take employment ns Mine Engineer, fpr the year 1833, or longer if sefficient induce meot is offered His acquaintance with machine *y and experience at the mines (in Georgia 1 ) render him adequate tothepeifonnance. of such duties, as the survey and examination of Lots Assay of ores construction of Engines and working the mines may require. WILLIAM PHILLIPS. *>•« 24 ' ' lie lm x GEORGIA COURIER. LAMPS. Consisting of Plain , Cut , and Ground Glass Hall LAMPS, LIVERPOOL Suspending Brass Lamps Brass Mantle Lamps; Reflecting Lamps, A GREAT VARIETY OF Mantle k Chamber, Glass Lamps, Night Lamps ALSO, LAMP GLASSES. Os almost every size and pattern, for sale, by R. B. HAVI LAND & Cos. Dec 10 a 110 ts SUPERIOR CIDER, &c. IO Bids first rate Cider 3000 large Sweet Oranges 200 bbls Noithern Potatoes 10 do do Beets 3000 bunches Onions 50 bbls do ■ 25 bbls Cranberries -50 boxes Spdrm Candles ' ■ 25 tierces New Rice 60 boxes, 3000 each American bunch Segars * > • hhds superior new Georgia Syrup. FOR SALE, BY G. H. METC ALF. Dec 3 '. ' ' 107 ON consignment. JUST RECEIVED 5 PIPES Cognac Brandy 15 Half Pipes Holland Gin 60 Pieces Tow Bagging 50 Coils Bale,Rope 10000 Spanish Segars 6 Tierces New Rice ALSO , Just Landing from Steamboat Augusta-, Hhds. New Orleans and Porto Sugars “ West India Molasses “ St. Croix Rum “ N.E Rom “ Whiskey “ Cider Brandy Barrels N. Gin “ Mackerel “ Sperm Oil “ -.Butter Cracker# Casks London Porter and ffrown S'tout “ Prime Cheese Qoartar Pipes Cogswell's Wine “ -casks Cargo Wine Boxes White Havannaand Lump Sugars “ Sperm Candles and Soap “ Raisins and Herrings “ American Segars Bags Prime. Green Coffee “ Drop and Buck Shot Bales Cotton Sagging “ “ Yarn cases Negro Shoes And an Assortment-Of Staple mum For sale low for cash or approved endorsed notes, by * J. MARSHALL. Landing from No. 8, and 12. 20 Bbls French Canal Floor 60 boxes Sperm Candles 20 hints, prime Sugar 20 casks prime Rice ,25 boxes Tobacco 25 Coils Bale Rope 200 setts Measures 25 bbls Cramberries 60 obis Potatoes FOR 3ALE, BY G. tl. METCALF. Nov 9 97 C OTTON GINS. BOA l\\ RICH I & JONES, of Columbia, S. C. respectfully inform their friends and the public thatithey have established a Shop in Augusta, Georgia fc-r the purpose of Making and repairing COTTON GINS, a,.d are now prepared to turuish these Machines made of the best materials and in the best manner.— We will keep on hand GINS of different sizes, from 30 to 60 Saws. ttj = Our Shop is about one hundred yards above the Upper Maiket in this place. Aug 24 63 wtf LOST 0/e MISLAID. A NOTE drawn by W. G. Gtimes dated 3d, April 1832, endorsed by Allred W. Jones and P. King, for 470 41 100 dollars. Persons are can* tinned against trading for the above note. Any information respecting the above will be thankfully received at this office or LJ. S." Hotel. Pec 28 - 117 3t stolIF" FROM the house of Mrs. Byrd, over the Auction Store of Latham Hull, on the night tis the 2nd December, a sil ver Patent Level Watch, chased case with wreath of roses and thistle; attached was a buckskin chain and threo keys, two of which were common, the other had six pipes around a ring such as aie used bv watch-makers—the number and maker’s name not recollected. It was taken from ihe glass in the dining room after 10 o’clock, the owner remembcis to have wound it up at that time. A reasonable reward will be given lor the recuveiv of the watch and detection of the thief. December 10. 110 ts The undersigned have purchased Sterling T. Combs’interest, one of s e partnets, of the firm of Sims, W illiams Hi j'lsey. All debts due to, or by the concern will W’ nded to by us The business will be continues the Subscribers as heretofore under the firm of Sims., Williaus <Si WoOLS£Y. CHARLES D. WILLIAMS, ABRAHAM M. WOOLSEY. O* Having sold my interest as one of the partners'of the firm of Sims, Williams Si Wool sey, to C. D. Williams Si A. M. Woolsey—all claims due by or to the concern will b e attended tc by them. STERLING T. COMBS. Pp c 3 107 if law notice? - THE undersigned having takn an Office, eext door to that of Crawfolid Si Cum- MiNo.E-qrs informs the public that lie will faith fully attend to all business with which he may be intrusted, ROBERT CLARKE. Dec 12 AUGUSTA, (GEO.) MONDAY, JANUARY 7, 1833. NUW , CONFECTIONARY. THE SUBSCRIBERS HAVE opened a CONFECTION ARY, at their well known stand, N<'. 200, Smith side of Broad, between M;luiosh and Washington streets, where they intend keeping always on hand every article usually kept in that line of busi ness, such as PLAIN & LEMON SYRUPS, CORDIALS OF EVERY KIND, PAXBiES 3UGAk PX.TTMS, SUGAR TOYS OR FIGURES, <fcc. • Families can alwavs be supplied with TEA CAKE®, Applf, Mince, R.jsin, and Cranbeny, &c. &c. ail of their own manufacture, and which they warrant w ill not be surpassed by any other establishment ip the South ern country. To those tyho are acquaint ed with their knowledge in tho manufac turing department of Confectionaries, (having been solely engaged in that line of business for the last 18 years, both in Richmond, Va. and in this placo,) they deem it needless to say any thing—-but to those to whom they are unknown, and particularly Country Merchants , they would observe, that every article purchas ed of them will be warranted in every respect. Candies, after remaining on hand for some time, become unsaleable ; should any person purchase Candies of them, and they should become so, they are requested to return them, and they may always depend on receiving a pound of fresh and good Candy, for every pound so returned. All orders in their line of business, which they may be honored with,-shall be attended to with punctuality atid despatch, and forwarded to any pan of the State. Their prices will be the same as any similar establishment in this city. LAMBACK & RUSE. THE" BE STORATIV E, WILL be attended to as usual, where can always be had ihe choi cest delicacies the market affords, such as OYSTERS IN THE SHELL, -R CO'JKCD IN ANY AND EVKHY WAY, FISH, VENISON, & BEEF •STEAKS, WILID GAMK, »f every kind. . 'Umwsm* T2A, C2£k*£OLA~:£, AC. AC. Persons from thp country, who may vi sit town on business, for a day or two, can lie accommodated with board and Indp'ng, or with a COLD COT, and can have their Horses properly and tare ftlly attended to. They have spare Ino pains ot expense, to have attentive ser vants, and to make their establishment worthy the patronage «.f Country Mer ch iois, Travellers, or City Patrons few more genteel BOARDERS can be accommodated by applying at the Establishment. L. &. R. **# Th e Federal Union, at Mdledge ville, will please give ihe above ihiee in setiions, and forward thoir account to the subscribers. December 21. 115 ts CON FKC'TIOY All V. THE subscriber continues at his old stand, No. 142, w here he is constant ly receiving, and keeps always on hand, every article in his line of business, of the best quality, and on the most reasonable terms. Such as-all kinds of SYRUPS, CORD I .41,8, SIM! infiTSa © AEIBS9 PIES OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS. ALSO, muiT & both fresh and preserved. ALSO, NUTS OF ALL KINDS, HAZLE-NUTS, PIGNUTS, PECAN, WAL NUTS, ALMONDS, &c. These articles are for sale at retail or by wholesale* and conntty or any other dealers can he supplied with the best 1418 andy, Gin, Rum, VINES Os all kiods, &,c. of the best brands. And other articles in that line, ate ino nofactured by the subscriber, who learned his trade in Paris-r—he keeps none but what are fresh and will be warranted first rate and pure. Such customers as pur chase of him having articles which have become stale, if they will bring or send them down, will not only have the ex pense of transportation paid, but new and fust ra{e articles, pound lor pound, re turned in their place. MARTIN FREDERICK. Five per cent, allowed for all or ders obtained for this Establishment, December 21. 114 jf MOTIVE, THE Subscriber wishes to hire two or three good Male Servants, for which a liberal price will be given. W, G. GRIMES. Oct 19 88 NOTICE 7 ALL persons having demands against the Estate of John \X . Turner, late of Lincoln County, deceased, will please present them pro perty authenticated vvitltin tiie time prescribed by law, and all indebted to said Estate will please make immediate payment to 3* 2K At the Store , corner of Broad and Mac Intosh Street, Augusta, Georgia. HAS just received from FranCe and New York by late arrivals, a large assottment French, English and America , FANCY & STAPLE nmT ®®t©m Which he offers for sale on bis usual moderate Terms for Cash or Town acceptances .* Jk pieces rich and splendid patterns Eng lish and American ingrain CARPET ING, at all prices 17 pieces very fine | and 6 4 French black Bom bazines 20 pieces 6 4 and 6-4 assorted colors Merino Cloths, and Merit o Circassians, all colors and width ,7-8 Sf 6 4 Mateoni black Italian Lustrings Assorted French Taffeta Silks, for Umbrellas Rich stripe and figured Silks of all colours Black and colored Gro de Swiss and Gro de Berlin Bottle green, scarlet and other colors Gro de Naple Merino, Hernani and twisted Silks, Shawls of all colors and pi ices Crape, Muslin Silk and other Shawls, latest Style White, scarlet and black Merino long Shawls Ladies embrodered and lined Horse skin Cloves Do Long and Habit White do do do Do White Colton, Silk and worsted Hose all colors ard qualities Irish Linens, Sheetings and Diapers English Long Cloth Ten dozen Landscape Bead and Si k worked Bags some very elegant patterns Bead Purses and ladies worked Baskets of all sizes Ladies plain and ornamental waist Buckles Boxes of elegant Bonnet Plumes and Wreaths White and colored French plain and worked Linen Cambric Handkerchiefs as - sorted patterns Ladies hair braids and Curls India Rubber Suspenders and Garters Thread Luces and Edgings in great variety ol patterns Black Italian and French Crapes Do. Love Silk Shawls Oil cloth Silk for children's Aprons Ladies’ cambric Aprons very tich patterns and new style Black, red, green and scarlet silk Velvets A large assortment of 6 4 and 4-4 French color ed head Handkerchiefs, quite new patterns plain and fringed A large assortment of plain and cut glass Beads Plain and cut Gold Beads Best of Pins and Needles 100 doz. Spool .Cotton (Clark’s)all numbers Blue, black, olive, brown, bottle-green and salt mixt Broad-cloths and Cassimeres some of which are very fine Striped and mixed milled Cassimeres Satunets of all kinds in great variety of prices 9 4 and 10 4 London Duffle B ankets 10 and 12 4 colored Counterpanes VI Atkin an Point Blankets, milled Red and blue, white and red mixt Lindseys Bide Plains and twilled Kerseys Carpet Binding Tufted and other Hearth Rugs to match the Car petings Together with v large, assortment of Cologne, Orange, Rose and Lavender Water Rose and Almond Soap, Antique Oil Hair Powdet and Powder Puffs, Durable Ink, Sic. P.ecfriftber 3 ts 107 RICHARDS & GANAHL, Have received and opened at the Furniture. Stort of Messrs J Smith. 8f Cos. some sp lev did PIANO FORTES, Particularly selected, jjy one of the Firm for the. Southern market, and which ate warranted what they are represented to be, and those wishing to purchase will find the pi ices, as reasonable us any ever sold heie. December 10. 110 6tw SSKB»asr®JEML A. KKOWLTOJf, NO. 248 BitOAD-STREET, HAS ‘ust opened a handsome assortment of 64 MERINO and Rea! THIBET CLOTHS, embracing all the cnoice and lash ionoble colors, such as Crimson, Scarlet, Royal Purple, Nazarine Blur. Light Do. Light and Dark Green, together with a great variety of the Mode coloii. also, Super. Merino Circassians and Piincettas, all colors. nov 16 ' 100 AUGUSTA FE3IALE SEMINARY. H. L. MOISE will resume the duties lfX of her Academy, on Wednesday, the 2nd of January, 1833, when, as usual, will i»e taught all the branches comprising a complete course of English studies. Also French, Spanish, Mu sic. and Painting in Water Colors, and Drawing in Crayon. Mrs M now occupies that pxtensiyc building known as the MANSION HOUSE, at the corner of Green and Mclntosh Streets, which has been thoroughly repaired for the purpose of accom modating Young Ladies from the countiy as boarders. The terms are moderate, and may be known by application at her residence. REFERENCES! Miss Datty, Charleston; Hon. W. D. Martin, Columbia, S. C.; Rev. S. K. Talmage; Gen. T. Flournoy; Duct. Thos. J. Wray. O" The Georgia Journal will please give the above two insertions. Dec. 28 #,-■> 3t 117 SIRS. REEVES WISHING to make Augusta the place of her permanent residence, respectfully tenders her services to the public as Teacher of Vocal and Instrumental Music. Scholars who wish her services will please to leave their names at the Book Store of Messrs- Richards Si Ganahl and Dr. Wrat’s, where her terms will be made known. Dec 24 - 116 ts Received this day sides of Skirting and Harness Lea ther, of favorite brands, on consign ment and will be sold low bv B. W. FORCE & Cos. No 273, Broad-street. no? 28v wßt 105 Patent Shot, and Bar Lead, Landing this Day, from the Washington 500 Bags Patent drop Shot, assorted 100 do Buck Shot 10 boxes Bar Lead, For sale by G H. MEXCALU— PRESERVES, PICKLES, JUS T RECEIVED , Per Steam-Boat, W», Seabrook, a complete as sortment, consisting of PINE APPLE, ) y ORANGE, > LIMFS \ PLUMS, JWEST-INDIA. CITRON, V GUAVA JELLY, ) GINGER, a ORANGE, I _ . OATES, [CANTON. CITRON, J QUINCE. AMERICAN. London Pickles, consisting of Girkins, Onions, Red Cabnage, Melon, Mangoes, French Beans, Picalilli, Olives, Capers, Anchovyg, Mushroom and Walnut, Catsup Olive Oil, Bic. ALSO, WINES, of tlry following Choice kinds : Oir| Hock, Burgundy, Muscat, Champaign, Cla ret, Port Madeira. SUNDRIES, CONSISTING OF Butter, Sugar and Water Crackers in barrels halves, quarters and kegs Soda Biscuit and Pilot Bread •Raisins, whole, half and quarter boxes Buckwheat half, quarter and kegs Newark Cider > French and American Cordial With a complete assortment of Family GRO CERIES. - 3 FOR SALE, BY N. SMITH & Cos. 275. Broad St. nearly opposite the Globe-Hotel, Dec 14 ■ 112 ts a. JUST RECEIVED. 25 Drums fresh Figs 10 boxes do Prunes 60 whole and half boxes Raisins 40 quarter do do 10 bids sweet Newark Cider 20 do CreHin Ale 60 kegs fresh Goshen Butter 20 half bbls. Canal Flour 10 do Buckwheats do 10 do Rye do Cucumbers in half barrels Pickled Tongues do Fly-Market Beet do Mess Pork do Children’s Willow Carriages 60 boxes Hamburg Caudles Together with a general assortment of GROCERIES, FOR SALE, Eg DORTIC & LAFITTE, 236, Broad Street Dec 31 ns ts New Crop Georgia Syrup. 15 Hhds. Syrup j -25 Hlfds N O Molasses 100 Boxes Mustard This Day. landing for sale, by G. H. METCALF. Dec 3 107 Just Received on Consignment, 50 Barrels Canal Flour . 30 barrels Whiskey 6 pipes pripte Cognac Brandy 3 do- do Holland Gin IN STORE , 1 40 hhds St. Croix and N. O. Sugar 30 bbls and •$ pipes N. Gi-i 15 boxes Hyson Tea FOR SALE, BY COLLINS & MANTON. * ALSO, • 2 Jersey Waggons Jttn 2 HQ 3t COM BS. A, KNOW ETON, Has just direct from the Manufactory , large and spltndid assortment of COMBS, Among which are the following, viz : TORTOISE SHELL carved Tuck Combs, embracing 16 different patterns o. do plain Tuck Combs Do. do quill Top do Do. do puff neck, long, side and Dressing Combs Brazillian carved aud plain and quill top Tuck Combs Do. puff, side, neck and long do. Dressing, pocket and fine Ivory do. Sic. For sale, at a small .advance from Manufac turers cost, by the Dozen or Single, at 248, Broad-Street. Nov 19 101 Witt. 11. M4HAMEY ( Two doors hi low the Eagle and Phcenix Hoh I) Has just received by Steam Boat, Wi-rliam Sea brook, ftom Savannah. 25 Barrels and half bids Canal Flour 2b half and qr. barrels BuCkwhfat Meal 15 kegs fresh G -sheii Butter 10 half barrels No. 1, Mackerel 5 do Mess Shad 2 barrels Northern Hickory Nuts 6 boxes Sperm Candles * 2 casks White Wjne Vinegar 3 Baskets Champaign Mine, Anchor brand Which in addition to his former Stock, makes the assortment-complete nnd will be sold, on reasonable terms, for cash, or approved paper. Nov 30 106 ts Goshen Butter, &c. <&c. 25 Firkins superior Goshen Butter 60 half amd qirarter boxes buoch Raisins 30 boxes Sperm Candles 25 boxes Yellow Soap 10. casks G oaken Cheese 40 htfif and: qr bbls Buckwheat Meal 6 bbls Smoked Beef 30 bags Java and Green Cofffce 0 bbls Sweet Oranges 6 half bids Fulton Market Beef 2 -half bbls dried Cut rants 5 boxes Citron J*»i received and fur safe, bv JOHN COSKERY. 256, Hroad Street. Nov il 102 Information to Travellers. fnHßUffit, ol I ‘ 1 I■■ W-it.rn nil- I Greenville Lines of Mail. Coaches is re moved to the Egjje and Pj»te-iix Hotel. Pits sengers will be Augusta, Jan. Ist., 1833. THE Copartnership heretofore existing be tween Augustus B. Lonqstreet and Wil lum W. Mann, is this day dissolved—and the undersigned have Connected themselves for the PRACTICE OF LAW, under the firm of Longstreet, Jenkins <s* Mann. They will regularly attend the Superior Court in all the counties of the Middle Circuit and in several of the Northern; together with the Cour t of Common Pleas in the city of Augusta. Persons having Professional Business with either of the undersigned, will please address their letters to the care of the firm. Augustus b -Longstreet. CHARLES J. JENKINS. WILLIAM W. MANN. Jan 3 4t 119 JUST RECEIVED. OAK bhls and qr. bbls. Buckwheat, 16 bids Water and Butter Crackers 10 bbls. soft Shell Almonds 15 casks sup. Cheese 6 boxes Pine Apple Cheese 30 Fiikiris best Goshen Butter 93 whole, half and qr.. boxes* Raisins 110 boxes fresh Prunes I 70 boxes Hyson, Gunpowder and Imperial Teas ; 30 M best Spanish 10 bbls. Cider Vinegar 2 pipe* sup Madei ra Wine 3 do Holland Gin JO hhds N. O. Si 2 do Jamaica Rum 10 qr. casks Malaga Wine 10 do and. London P. Teneriffe 20 bbls. Potatoes FOR sale, by JOHN COSKERY. Augusta , Dec 19 114 if THE SUBSCHJ BERS ' OFFERS F-‘R SALE. 50© pieces Cotton Bagging on liberal let ms. Also —ln the Mnrnzine 600 kegs f F and FFF Dupont’- Gun Powder 10 do Eagle Powder in 25 Canisters 20 half ke«s E-»gl • Powder and- loose. PiCiLOT & LE BARB) ER. TbWISBA BIS3~ HAS settled in Savannah, G>. to uausact COM MISSR/N bus moss. He will pay strict attention to receiving <fc forwarding respectfully suite its bnsinoss (rum bis friends and others.' ' Reference to—thirty years’ residence in Augusta. Savannah, Dec. 21. 114 12 TO KENT* MAt 11 o’clock, A . tVf on Monday the 7U) instant, will be rented to the highest bidder, trV the lower Market House iu the city of Augusta. The PLANTATION just above Augusta, lo'hg known as the Cos! bison place, lying on Rea’s creek and Savannah iver There is a commodious Dwelling and convenient out-Houses upon the plena ses' a good Garden” It consists of about one hundred Acres, a con siderable part of which nas been under improv ing culture for seVetnl years. Terms—Notes with approved security—the lessee covenanting to keep tbs .premises in good repair AUGUSTUS B LQNGSTREE V, .... v*. January 2 2t IK) New Crop Molasses, fare Dutch Linseed it’. s*c. Landing, and forsale, on the wharf this da* 19 Hints. New Crop Molasses 10 Bids pure Dutch Linseed. Oil AL«'», - * FOR SALE. AT THE IP/f • RE 4000 Bushels Salt. IN SV’ 600 Blankets, van. 100 box. .) Spt-rr.: ' r . Doc 31 \f. ''JtJ :i ' I <a fcj lE l / ' NQRI.IKRN \|.p S |*7- irtli -r.i '.'leesc N.i;thufn h itter Nor! tern P .tatties No them Onions Northern Mackerel Northern Codfl u and Northern <’ott >-i f’otton Bagging * For « XLE, Low. ity (i tl. ME PGaLF. me«i.\ o Mt AN t,lr. t ii. A. KS'OWLTOX N0.248 st:toat>-s :t. HI vs just opened a spieiidid «ssi.."-c*.nt of black, wiiite and scarlet AlE!il.\() MANTLES —some of which are very superior, with full Merino Borders. , ALSO, 5. 6, 7 and 8-4 Idack, white and scarlet square SHAtVLS Also, 8, 4 and 6-4 Thibet wool Shawls, all colors—All of which were purchased at Auction in New-York and will be sold at a small advance from cost- Nov 16 • * ts 100 One Hundred Dollars Reward. A MAN calling himself Lewis Reives, (a wagoner) and stating that ha lived near the Standing Peach Tree, in DpKalb county, Georgia, took a load of Goods from the Ware house of Rets & Anderson, on the 3rd of November, pro mising to deliver them to us in Fayette ville, Ga. Ho has not as yet made his appearance—and nn doubt has taken the load of goods to his own account. Tho load consisted of 12 boxes, principally Dry Goi.ds, S hunks Shoes, l bale Blan kets, 2 bales Northern Homespun, 1 do. Sheeting, 3 Bellows, 1 bundle Mill Saws, and 1 do. Cross Cut do. and 1 bundle Sieves. All the packages marked T.} Burne & Cos. Fayetteville. Th© above .eward will be given for uny information ro that we can get the goods, or the ras cal who stole them. Direct to Rees & Anderson, Augusta, or to us, Fayeueville, Geo. T. BURNE D Cos. 05 s * The Augusta Chronicle, Green ville Mountaineer , and Columbia Hive, will please to publish the above 3 times, urd forward their bills to the Advertisers, December 31. 118 4 NO. 3.