Georgia courier. (Augusta, Ga.) 1826-1837, January 11, 1833, Image 1

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VOL. 7. . ' ' . PUBLISHED EVER* MONDAY, WEDNESDAY awd FRIDAY, AT 2 O'CLOCK* 7* AS. At Mr. Hazard’s Urw* Buildings, upposiUtfro PoslOffioe M'lotosh Street, Dl RUCTIONS. Sales of Ln.d and Negro**, by Administrator*, Execu -or* or Guardians, are required, bylaw, to be held on tee Irst Tuesdav in the month, between the hours or ton to :he 1 oreaoon and three in the afternoon,at tho Courl-hov.trl be county n which the property ia vbeae sale* must be given in a public gosoue SIX! Y dor ureviou* to tho day of sale. . Notices orthe sale of-personol property ramal be gtveu in t»e maanor, FORTY days previous to the day of sale Notice to tUo dehw« and creditors of an estate, rnua-D* Nonce that will be made to tho dliiary for leave u> soil tjfad.muai be published for |OUU W NoJi l for leave to aeH HTegreies, must be paUlrtnd ft>r 8008 AjidSiTlfd, before any order absolute shall be made Ueroan h» the court ~_j, agfe MICHAEL F. HOIS IIQBF CLAIR, respectfully announces himself as a caiulidaic Cot YO-election to the office of Receiver of Ynx Returns at the election in January next, Dec 19- 114 td —NOTICE. ,m»RS. CARTER informs the pub e, 1T ■ He that she occupies that commodi ‘ -.mis, three-9tory Brick Budding, a few ’ ilaers below the United States’ Hotel, well ktftiwn as the property of Mr. Hays Buw dic, where she Will be pleased lo receive ■' transient company as well peituanenh boarders. r * Dec 19 Vt >ll4 Ie» DU. A. JONES. LTir A9 REMOVED Ilia office from (lie Globe . JLX-Hotel to <l>a one formerly occupied by ■Dr.iCuiiiiiughaor, to the build rig on »he corner -us VV«sbyrg*>n and Ellis Str. cts, end fronting tin* lor me i—.t|»* Dualling part lately occupied i.y Mrs. Crawley as a boarding huUse, and now by Mis. West for the same purpose. Nov 26 ' i t N s^!o4jf J. 11. It. WASHINGTON, SURGEON DENtSt\, l WILL spend a few «»j» in Augusta. Per sons wishing to avail themselves of nis services, will please make immediate application' at I lie Planter* Hotel. Anv n* to Professional capacity, can t>« satisfied l>y an examination of the veiy re spectable testimonials in bis possession.. undies will be waited upon at their private fegideiicos. * Qc(,24 90 ts Southern, Northern a (id Westei n, Land, Loan, 1 ravffiSfljr Commission and Genera! Agency and Intelligence Office ISew-Orleans La. The subscribt rs respectful-* ly inform the public throughout the Union, that li.ey have opened an office (having also appoin ted agents in Wwsbineton, pliia au.l New-York,) f.r the purpose of acting us ap agent to transact business in this or any of the above named cities, having a very exten sive acquaintance through the Uiihed Slates, a-t-j; joining territories and Canada, and having made atraiigeiuents to attend to tmiinwttlint and ‘jucuiviiijj inform itk.ii fjfd.n and to England,' France,-aud every pail of, Europe, they most, respectfully solicit a shale of public patronage, pledging themselves to use eyery exertion logiye pei lent satisfaction. Those < ditois of newspapers who feci well dig-, posed towards this establishment, shall have; their business done free of expense, at any time,', by inserting, Ajid forwarding’ a paper to us containing the stone. , We are now pi spared to attend to the follow ing business—r’ttrchase sell barter, rent aud ' ease lauded property of every- desci iptiun; purchase, sell and exchange ; bank, canal, rail toad and every other kind of stock; purchase and sell merchandize of every, description, public or private sale. ~ burrow and loan tmtuey on bond atnl, mort gage, nr unincumbered real e»tate- Act as an vgent for procuring partners for in tT.yiduals, to engage in eve.y k,ind of business or profession. ‘ i Will act as attorney’s agent and otheis fnr claiutiiig legacies inheritances, anil settling ■ estates; also, collecting and remitting every description ol debts dues apd demands. / inibniialioi) given respecting the arrival ami Idepai tine of packet ship's, steam and canal packets, mail and accommodation stages, and -all other inodes of conveyance whether by land or water, with, itieir respective rates,of fare ac commodation. Sic. Sic ; also, all other informa hop nectssnty for sli anger* and.travellers to be in pits session of. information and intelligence on any subject ircihU coui try or Europe, received and forward ed (confidentially ) Book* and records of c unty or state govern ment offices, searched nud examined, and the required information forwarded to each appli cant. A register' of public ami private boarding houses, llie'ir terms and accommodations, will be kepi at this office, and strangers arriving in thii ciiy, have only to apply to this office, to be suit* cd at once with boarding places. Situations, in mercantile, manufacturing and oilier establishments, as book keepers, snlegmeu, and assistant clerks, bar keepers, teachers, Col lectors, agents Sic, Sf c., procured, if by letter pa#tnge must be paid accompanied with a fee- N. B. Keference will be given in all cases ro those who require it, as to public and private character, ability, tic. Sic. All persons forwarding communicetions re specting real estate offered for sa,le, barker, lease or to be given on bond and mortgage, will recol lect it'is indispensably necessary to forward a ebnregi.description of tbe premises; also a draft or plan ts possible, stating situation, quantity, quality, improvements, distances from cities or fpyvivs, ‘ctjunty seats, post roads, navigable Streams, price, terms, Sic. Sic.; also, enclose an advance fee, and postage paid. ; Charges will be regulated according to nature aud-auvount of business. ■ Mm applications to be accompanied with a consulting fee, which will entitle the applicant to any information they may require. No let ters (in any Case,) will be taken from the Post Office, unless post paid—immediate answers will be remitted to all communications. L. VANDERBURGH & Cos. No. 10, St. Louis street. i.Oec 31 118 To tVie Proprietors of Gold Mines fWIHE Subscriber beg leave to say. that he I would lake employ meat as Mine Engiheer, Jor the year 1833, or longer if sufficient induce meat is offered. His acquaintance with machine ry and experience at the nines (ta Georgia) render him adequate to the performance, of sucb duties, as the survey jpd examination of Lots, Assay of ores construction 0 f Engines mud working the mines may require. WILLIAM PHILLIPS. Dec 24 116 lm Georgia Gcmmmm. LAMPS. Consisting of Plain, Cut, and Ground Glass Hall LA UPS, L IVERPOOL Suspending Brass Lamps Brass Mantle Lamps ; Reflecting .Lamps, A GREAT VARIETY OF Maotle la Chamber, Glass Lamps, Night Lamps ALSO, LAMP GLASSES. Os almost every size and pattern, for sale, by R. B. HAVILANO fc Cos. Pec 10 * iio ts SUPERIOR. CIDER, &c. io Bbls first rate Cider 8000 large Sweet Oranges 200 bbls Northern Potatoes 10 do do Beets 3000 bunches Odious 60 blits do 25 bbls Cranberries 60 boxes Sperm Candles 25 tierces New Rice 60 boxes, 3000 each American bunch Se<*s hhds superior new Georgia Syrup. FOR BALE, BY G.H. METCALF. Dec 3 iO7 ON CONSIGNMENT. JUST HECHIVED sPlPES,Qogrtac Brandy 15 Half Pipes Holland Gin 60 Pieces Tow Bagging 50 Coils Bale Rope 10000 Spanish Segnrs ' s,.Tierces New Rice ALSO Just Lauding from Steamboat August A, Hhds. Nety Orleans and Porto Sugars “ West India Molasses “ St. Ctotx Rum “ N E Rum “ Whiskey “ Cider Brandy Barrels N. Gin *• Mackerel * * “ Sperm Oil " Butter Crackers Casks London Porter and Brown Stout “ Prime Cheese Quarttu* Pipes Cogstvell’s Wine * “ casks Cargo Wine Boxes White Havanuaand Lump Sugars “ Sperm Candles and Soap “ Raisins and Herrings “ American Segars , Bogs Prime Gteen Coffee “ Di«>p and Buck Shot Bales Cotton Bagging •V “ Yarn rases Negro Shoes Ami an Assortment of Staple QtEXjpSDS For sale low for csah endorsed notes, by j. marshall. COTTON GINS. BoVi vtfKrbuy jones, of Columbia, S'. C. respectfully inform,their friends and the public have established n Shop in Augusta, Georgia, for the purpose of Making and repairing C!QTTON GINS, and are now prepared toJuVnish these Machines made ol the best materials and in tire best manner.— We will keep qp hand GIN3 of different.sizes, from 30 to 60 - O* Our Shop ii*about one hundred yards above the Upper Market iu this place. A(lg 24 _ > 63 wlf LOST OR MISLAID. A NOTE drawn by \V . G. Gt lines dated' 3d, April .1.532, endorsed by Alfred WVJones and John P;,K ng, for 470 41 100 dullard Pet sous am cati* tinned against trading for the above note. Any information respecting tbe above will be thankfully received at this office nr U. S. Hotel. Dec 28 117 3* n* . ' STOLEN FROM ti»o house of Jli*. IJyrd, over the Auction Suite of Latham Hull, on the night of tlie 2nd December, a sil ver Patent Levoi Watch, chased case with wreath of roses and thistle; attached was a buckskin chain and three keys, two of which were common, the other had six pipes aroulid a ring such as ate used by watch-makers—the tiunrber and maker’s name not recollected. It was tukenTiom the glags in the dining room after 10 o'clock, the owner reniembeis to have wound it' that time. A reasonable re ward 'will be given fttr fha recovery, of the watch'aiuFdetection of tbe thief. December 10. t 110 ts The undersigned have purchased Sterling . .T. Comos’interest, .one of ’>e .ofnthetiirm of Sims, W illiaus {*. j 'lsey. All debts due to, or by the concern will lit nded t.q by us The business will be continued . the Subscribers ris heretofore under the firm of Sims, Williams & Woolsev. - / CHARLES D. WILLIAMS, AB,RAHAM M. VVOOLSEY. fj* Having sold my iuteiest as one of the partners of the firm of Sims, Williams & WopL set, to C. D. Williams It A. M. Woolsey—all claims due hy or to the concern will b e attended to by them. STERLING T. COMBS. Dec 3 107 ts LAW NOTICE. rj~l HE undersigned haying taken an Office;, JL next door to that of Crawford & Cum (MiNO.Esqrs informs the public that he will faith fully attend to all business with which l*e may be intrusted. '* '• *’ ROBERT CLARKE, i Dec 12* ' 1 ‘ 111 ff New Crop Molasses, ' , Pure Dutch Linseed Oil, fyc. LANDING, AND FOR SALK, ON THE WHARF THIS DAT 19 Hhds. New Crop Molasses 10 Bbls pure Dutch Linseed Oil ALSO, FOR SALE, AT THE WHARF. 4000 Bushels Salt. IN STORE, 600 Blankets, various qualities 100 boxes Sperm Caudles. O.H. METCALF. Dec 31 118 3t AUGUSTA, *GEO.) FRIDAY, JANUARY 11, 1833. NEW ... CtIMFECTIOIfARY. " The subscribers MWaVE opened a CONFECTION ■U. ARY, a-t their well known s'aud, Ni.j, 200, South side .of Broad, between M;luiusfi and Washington streets, where they intend keeping always on hand every article usually kept in that line of bush 'ness, audios . • ** PIsAIJMfe LEMON SYRUPS, .CORDIALS . , OF EVERY KIND, CANDTI'S, SU&JL'X 7KUMS, SUGAR fOYS OR FIGURES, &c Cifn **,be,..supplied with TEA CAKES 9 Apple, Rasin, and Craoheriy, &c. Ate. all of their own manufacture, and which they warrant .t» v iil not be surpassed by any other establishment ju the South ern country. To those who are acquaint ed with their knowledge in the muuofac iiring department of Confectionaries, ’having been solely engaged fin that line •of business Tor the last 18 years, both in" Richmond, Va. and in this place,) ihey deem it needless to say any piling—but ti th-oKe to whom they are .unknown.,, and particularly Ctiuutry Merchants , they would observe, that every article purchas ed ol them will be warranted in every respect. Candies, after regaining on hand for some time, become, unsaleable ; should any person purchase Candies of them, and they should become so, they are requested to return them, and they may always depend on receiving a pound 7 of fresh and good Candy, for every pound so returned. All orders in their line of business, whipb they may be honored with, shall be attended to with punctuality and despatch, and forwarded to any part of the Stale. Their prices will be the same as any similar establishment in this city LrAMBACK & RUSE. . THE RESTORATIVE, Wl LL by? attended to as ostial, where can always be had the choi cest delicacies die market affords, such as OTSTEEB IN THE SUEI.L, or COOKED IN ANY AND EVEUY WAY, FISH, VENISON, & BEEF v 'v. *'■ STEAKS, Wl LI) GrAM&S* of every kind. /jiUMr 'mwm&m* TTPA, CHJCOLA iS, *57 dtC. Persons from the country, who may vi sit town on business, .for a day or two, can be accommodated with board and lodging, or tjjdth a COLD COT, aud can have their Horses properly and 'are fully amended to»n They have spare I no pains or expense, to,have attentive sm vants, and to make their establishment worthy the patroqage of Country Mer chants, Travellers," or City’'Pajr'w.s {t?*A few more genteel BOARDERS c t be uc. ompigdated by applying at ’he. L. & R. #** The Federal Union , at Mi Hedge ville, will please give the above three in seitiuns, and forward their account t* tbe subscribers. December 21. 115 ts CONFECTIONARY. PWNHE stib'-ctiber continues at his old JL vt.uid, No. 142, here ho is constant ly receiving, and keeps "always on hand, every article in his line of business, of the best quality, und on the, most reasonable farms. Such as al* kinds of SYRUPS, CORDIALS, 3'tf'BAiH OHIO* <BABSIBS9 PIES OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS. ALSO, TBJJIT3 both Iresh and preserved. ALSO, NT7TS OF ALL KINDS, PIG NUTS PECAN, WAL NUTS, ALMONDS, 81c. These articles are for sale at retail or by xv! ,o l esa * e * and country or any other dealers’ can be supplied with the best LIQUORS, Brandy, Gin, Rum, WINES Os all kinds, See. of the best brands. <s<iisr®a®sa(Dsiiia^r o And other at tides pi that line, are ma nufactured by the subscriber, who learned his trade in Pari^—he keeps none but what are fresh ,and'will be warranted first rate and pure. Such customers as pur chase of httn having articles which have become stale, /if will bring or send them down, wifi not only have the ex pense of transportation paid, but new and first rate articles, pound for pound, re turned in their place. „ ' MARTIN FREDERICK. Five per cent, allowed for all or ders obtained for this Establishment. December 21. 114 ts notice- THE Subscriber wishes to hire two or throe good Male Servants; for which a liberal piicepriU be given. W. G. GRIMES. Oct 19 88 NOTICE. ALL having demands against the Estate ofJohn W. Turner, late of Lincoln County, deceased, will please present them pro perly authenticated within the time prescribed by law, and all indebted .to said Estate will please make immediate payment to StUDRACH TURNER, Adm r. Oet 20 92 td ' 3L SP» ' At the Store, corner of Jflroad and Mac Intosh Augusta, Georgia . HAS just from anil New York by late arrivals, a .large assortment French, English and America:! FANCY & STAPLE Which he i.(Fers for snle'oii bis. qs'uitt moderate Teiips for Cash or Town acdepfaifces > piefces rich and splendid patterns Eng; lish and American ingrain CARPET ING, at all prices r 17 pieces very fine | and 6 4 French blacit Bom: bfftziues 20 pieces 6 4 and 6-4 assorted colors Merino Cloths, and Memo Circassians, flit .. colors and width 7-8 Sf 6-4 Matebni blHi.k Italian Lustrings Assorted F'rench Taffeta Silks, for Umbrellas Rich stripe and figured Silks of nil colours Biitck and colored Gro de" Swiss and Gro de Berlin _ Bottle green, scarffct anrt other colors Gro de Naple ' 1 Merino, Hernani and twivted Silks, Shawls of all colors andpiices 1 i Crape, Muslin Silk and other Bitawls, latest Style * While, scarlet and black Merino long Shawls Ladies embrodered and lined Horse skin Gloves Do Long and Habit White do do do Do White Cotton, Silk amt iVbrsted Hose alt colors,and qualities Irish Linens, Sltfcfctih'gs and Diapers • English Long'Cloth ' Ten dozen Landscape Bead and Si'k «» orked - Bags, tnine very elegant patterns Beau Purses and ladies winked Baskets of all sizes Ladies plain and ornamental waist Buckles Boxes of elegant Bonnet’ PlumeTarid Wreaths White and colored French plain and worked ' Linen Camhric Handkerchiefs as soried patterns Ladies hair braids and Curls India Rubber Suspenders and Garters Thread Laces and Edgings in great variety ol pattern!* Black Italian a»d FrendbTrapes '. Do. Love Sdk Shkwls ' Oil cloth Silk for children’s Aprons Ladies’ cambric Aprons, very tich patterns and new style ! Black, red, green and scarlet silk Velvets A large assortment of 5 4 and 4-4 French color ed head Handkerchiefs, quite new v- _ i( ; patterns plain and fringed ‘ A large assortment of plain and cut glass Beads Plain a.xUcut Gold Beads , ! * Best of Pitas and ” * 100 doz. Spool Cotton (Clark’s) all numbers Blue, black, olive, brown, bottle-green and salts mixt Broad-cloths and Cassimeies some of which are very fine V* ' { Sniped and mixed milled Cassimeres Sattinets of all kinds in great variety of prices 9 4 and 10 4 London Duffie B ankets 10 and 12 4.colored Counterpanes Mockinan Point Blankets, milled Red and blue, white and red mixt Lindse-ys Blue Plains and twilled Kerseys Carpet Binding Tufted aud other Hearth Rugs to match the Car petings Together with o large assortment of Cologne, Orange, Rose and Lavender Water Rose and Almond Soap, Antique Oil Hair Powder and Powder Puffs, Durable Ink, fcc. December 3 ts 107 JUST RECEIVED. Q « Hhds St. Croix & Porto Rico Sugar* 5 Boxes White Havanna do Barrels Loaf and Lump Sugar Pipes Cognac Biandy “ Hour Glass Giu Hhds Jamaica Ruin N., E- Hum iu barrels Do do Gin do do Teneriffe Sc Sweet Malaga Wine in quarter Casks M. M. Wine do do Cut Nails iu 100 lbs kegs Baldwin's Candles Snap, See. FOR SALE, DY ! BARBER 4* BLAIR, i,... * v Bridge Bank Building. Jan 4 ft '<2 3f B. B. lAFHAMt SUR&£ONrJ)ENTISTr RESPECTFULLY tenders his professional services to the citizens of Augusta, and its vicinity, in the several branches of OEN*TAL SURGERY. From his-knowledge end practi cal experience «t a Surgeon DenPtt, b« flatters himself thn't he shall be able to render satisfac tion to those who may favor hiui‘with a call. Dr LAPHAM will insert in the most appro ved mauner, Porcelain or N&tuYai _ Teeth : Thereby restore articulation and preserve the figure of the mouth, lie will adjust irregulari ties of the teeth in tbe mouths of Children, caused by the teeth remaining too long in their alveolar processes. Ha will also preserve those teeth that-are carious and decay ing—extract alt teeth and roots with much ease, cure scurvy of the teeth, and perforin every other operation us a dental chatacter, in the best and most advisable'manner. Broad Street, A O. 238, At Mrs. Carter’s a few doors brtow the Uni ted States Hotel. ' SEP Hours of operation from 9 o’clock. to 1, and from 3, to SP. M. Families visited if pre ferred. - Jail 2 119 ts MRS. REEVES WISHING' to make Augusta the place of her, permanent rcgidfncg, respectfully tenders her services to as Teacher of Vocal arid Instrumental Music. Scholars who whflif her services will please to leave their names at the Book Store of Messrs* RtcHisßßS &i Ganabl and Dr. What’s, where iter terms Will be made known. Dfe'e- Sd '* . :. 116 ts. > . f' - - - - ■ '*- . New Crop Georgia Syrup. 15 Hhds. Syrup 23 Hhds N. O Molasses .100 Boxes Mustard This Day, landing for sale, by G. H. METCALF. Dec 3 107 t Newark cider. 15 Barrels Nseark CIDER, of first quality, just received, apd for sale, By M. ROFF. • Jan 2 3ttr Goshen Butter, &c. Ac. O/t ' v F,r^in, “ superior Goshen Butter ’ Sx “ < M f H " d quarter boxes bunch Radius JO boxes gpe.m Candles 26 boxes Ytfloqf Soap . ‘ R> casks G6*hfeh Chee.e " r . t 1? **ff atitt' qV bbls Buckwheht Meal 6 bbls Smoked Beef ' • 3 2 , b ,T J" VH £P and Gr *«n, Ccffire v 6 bbls Sweet Oranges * 6 half bblh' Fulton Market Beef - half bbls dried Cut rants * sbo .ft* Citron‘S \ • -«. *, ' V Just received and for sale, bv JOHN COSKfeRY. • . ; • 4 256, broad Street. ’ Information to Travellers, f f iIHE Office of »*b Nhiihern, Western and J. Geeeuville Linos of Mail Coaches is re moved to the and Phoenix Hotel Pas sengers wiM be set down or called for at any af ■ the other Hoteli tn thecitv, & . REESIDE, FULLER Si McLEAN, «f 111 Proprietors. RICRARDS & GAJVAHL, Havfyreceifad aib£;opened at like Furniture Store of Messrs J Smith 5? Cos, some spleiutid PIANO FORTES, Particularly selected by one of the Firm for-the Soiuhern market, anil-which are wot ranted what they .te|)fesented to be, and those wishing to purchase oili find the (mices-as reasonable.:as.uny ever sold heie. ‘ t j , December 10.' jVs no 6tw ’ A. KNOWLTON. NO. 248 BKOAD^STKEET, Has /mst opened a handsome assoi ltne»t of 64 MERINO Rdhl' i'HIBET CLOTHS, erahracing all tne cftdice knd sash-: ionoble colors, such as Crimson, 'Scarlet, Royal, Purple, Nazarine Blue. Light Do. Light and Dark Uredo, iVgether with a great variety of the Mode colors. als6. Super. Merino Circassians Hjld Piincettas, all' C ° lu f*‘ ■ .; , nOV y „ .KX) AtrctcrsTA FEMALE SEi>l IN ARY. MRS H. L. MOISE wiit resume the duties of her Acadffoay, on Wednesday , t|iO'snd of January, 183& usdal, wiFfie taughU all the branches comprising' a c'otriplete 1 course, of English studies. Also French, S|»nisl», Mu t sic. and Paintingfri.^Water Colors, riiid uilwing* in Crayon. *■ ' ’ 'o' Mrs. M now occupies that extensive building known as the M ANSION HOUSE, at the corner ol Green and Mclntosh Streets, which hft»>'been ; thoroughly repaired for the purpose of accorn-; niodating; Young Ladies from the country as boarders j The terms are moderate, and may be known by application at he^kidence. reUrkncks: Miss Datty, Charleston; Hon. W. D Martin/ Columbia, S. C.; Rev. S. K Ttdrangr; Gen. T. Flournoy; Duet. Thos. J. Wrnv. D* The Georgia Journal will please give 'the above two insertions. , Dec. 28 8t * » t ’ m Sweet and Sour Orttn*jjs, 8500 Veryifioe Sewt ORANGES 1000 Sour j < Receiving by the Washington , to day. G. H. METCALF. Dec 31 •> Tils If J At Private Sdle. FIRST RATE CARPENTER, |L not exceeding 22 years of age, and as good a woikllnao as any of bis colour in the Sonthern cypntry, and as sum front fault—soumTand healthy, V : . * **;• LATHAM HULL. •> JLime! Lime!! Lime!!! ras,u superior white lump Lime Av V ; ?00 cask's fresh Thomaston Rock Lime * ’• Will he received this week and for sale by G. JI. METCALF. nov 5 95 f ' ;. /NOTICE. 1 3 HAVING stopped -making Brick, tiie,subscriber will attend more par ticularly to his trade of laying ihem eith er in town ...or-country. He will rectify all chimneys, that smoke, and if that evil is not prevented, no compeuxalidn wilt be required. GABRIELS. CLARKE. Janunry 4 ’ \ * 2 6 Sheriff’s Sale. WILL' be sold, on the first Tuei>day in Feb ; ruary next, at tbe Court House, in Jack sonboro.’ Scriven County, between teii and four o’clock. ; One Bay Horse levied on as the property of William Sowell, to satisfy a fi. fa. from the Superior Court of Scriven, in farm of Jesse Collins Administrator, tic., on Francis Sowell’s sstafe'vg. said Wm. Sowell. Property pointed out by John S. Maner. JQIJN C. FERRMLL, Sheriff. J an 4 2ld - Received this day A |b Jk sines of Skirting and Harness Lea tbor, of favorite brands, on consign ment and wilt be sold low bv B. W. FORCE & Cos. ~~~No. 273, Broad-street. nov 28 wßt 108 Patent Shot, and Bar Lead, Landing this Day, from the Washington 500 Bags Patent drop Shot, assorted -g 100 do Buck Shot 10 boxes Bar Lead, For sale by G. H. METCALF. Agent for the Baltimore Shot Company. Dec 31 '■ 118 ‘f " Transfer pf Draws. JUST PRINTED, and for sale at this offipe Blank Powers of Attorney, (or tr.onrfarmi Draws in she Land Lotteries). iLAir swa<eaL' • Augusta, Jan. Ist., 1833. ' Copartnerslup heretofore existing te. ,1 « ,v « n Au<3 . u * Tt7B b Lonostrkxt anil Wu,. LUit \V. Mann, is this day dissolved—.and the «SSS& STtrsraSrWrj” 7 Longstreet, Jenkins § Mann. They will reguia, I v attend the Superior Cou/t m of the Middle Circuit, and in veralof together w ith the CotHt of Common Plea, in the city of Augusta. ei,i:™^ rrofe ** io "« l Business with i her of the undersigned, will please Address their letters to the care of the firm;’ i Augustus b. longstreet. CHARLES .1. JENKIN& WILLIAM W. MANN. Jan 3 . 4t I|9 , JUST REGUIVfeD. Qd% «p 4 qr. bMs. BuchSvheat, 30 and hair l>i,ls. ,4’anal Flour 15 btds Watei and Butter‘CracMv/s 10 bbls. soft,Shfcll Almonds 15 casks sup] Cheese 6 boxes Pine Apple Cheese T 30,'Firkins best Goshen Butter* 93 tvhple, half and boxes Raisins * 110 bopes fresh Prunes 70 Hvsivn, Gunpowder ami Imperial; Jeas 30 M best Spanish Segars 10 b&Ts. Cider Vinegar 2 pipes sup Maderia Wine R.'do Holland Gin , Itt hhds N. O. fc St. Croix, 2 do Jamaica Rum 10 qr. cask« Malaga Wine 10 do do London P. Teneriffe 20tbbls. Potatoes V POR SALE, BY J,O H N CO SKEi?Y. f Augvlta, Dec IS 114 n ? :: TIIKSt ItJSCKIBEKS ' ' f > ' OPFURtf FOR SALE. pieces, Cotton Bagging on liberal terms. * . , # Also —ln the Magazine kegs I-F and FFF Dupnm's Guo Powder 10 do Eagh. Uowder i« 26 Canisters 20 half keg*. Eagle Powder and , | ooge LEWES li ARIE, WtTAS •.soithitJ i,K Sav.maah, Gh. hv flLii.i«ansaci COM WISSfUN busiftuss. He will pay strict' attention to receiving Sc for War anding res pec ilu Ily solicits business from lits frieiids and others. -ReferenceHo—thirty yaati’ lesuletice iu Augusta. 2f, - lt 4 12 TO KENT. JaL 11 o’clock, A. M on Monday filTltt Ty* instant, will be rented t<> the higlftfts bidiler, at tit* lower Maiket House in the city of Augusta ■V-Ttii PLANTATION just above Augusta, lung (Known as the CobbisVn place, lying on Rea’s creek and Savannah river fhere t< a commodious Dwelling and convenient out-Houses. upon/the premises a good Garden* it consists of jdiout one hundred Acres, a con sirieraltltt pßrf of which has bfen under imptov k « ingcullOte for'/seyet .1 years. with approved lessee coveniaritiitg to keep the premises hi good repair "j AUGUSTUS B LONGSTREET, _ ’ '• 'i* * Trustee. January 2 1 2t 119 , »-■’ NOTICE. ylt MK Copartfiers.lilp lir-retofore existing be |> tweet, the'subset ibers in the Practice of t^iliis riby'dissolved. J>y mutual consent; I hey will both attelul to tlie unfinished business of the liriVi i* closed ; aud persons indebt ed to them for ’professional service e«n make payment to either. ** 4 William. schlev, ' r THO’S. GLASCOCK. ffuv 2 , - ' 94 Oiie Hundred Dollars Reward. . A MAN pa I htrg himself Lewi* ttcivM, SjKL (a gonet) and stating that lie lived near the Standing Peach, in DeK .lb £;fnnty, Georgia, took a l "ud «f Goods from the Ware bouse ol lit t * Sc Anddraion, On ihe 3rd of November, pro* mising to deliver them t.» us io viile, G* ■ He has not as yet made his appuatance—aud no doubt has taken th« load of goods tc his own account. ' Thu load consisietf of 12 boxes, principally Dry- Go. dfc, 3 tiunks Shoe<, 1 bale ‘Blair* keis,'2 bales Northern Homespun, I do. Sheering, 9 Bellows, 1 bundle Mill Saws, and 1 do. Ctoss Cut do. and 1 bondlo Sieves. All the packages marked T Borne Cos. Fayetteville. The above reward will be given for any ibformaiidn so that we can get the goods, or the ras cal who stole ihpm. Deed to Reds «Sc Andprson, Augusta, or 'o w*, Fayetteville, Geo. t.burne&c;.. QCjf* Tbe Augusta Chronicle , Green ville Mountaineer , and Columbia >i4ive, will please to publisluthe above 3 times, aud forward dieir bills to the Advertisers. December SI. ♦ •> :« 118 4 NOTICE THE undersigned have been appoint-' ed a Committee by the President of tbe A rm-TarilF Convention lately hol den in Milledgeville, for the purposo of ascertaining the sense of the Pebpte of Richmond County in telaiiun to the pro. ceedings «fsaid minor t For the accommodationoft he chieettt a book trill be kept oima by each of them and one deposited in the Clerk's office of lhe*Su perior Court, in wbich"bndk» every in dividual entitled to Tote for Members of the Legislature may have an opportunity of enteripg his name at any time between -.his day and thevfifteeotb of February next. 'AH sucb penrims are respectfully equested to come forward and signify their approbation or tfisapprobaTWm of Abe .jaid proceedings. Polk# will also be n jened at the City Half on the first-Mon* lay u t tbe prepent month. . t William W. Montgomery? * John C. Holcomb, franklin C'i' Heard, Holland Me Tyre. Gtyrla I. Jenkins. Jao 4 & Z m |;