Georgia courier. (Augusta, Ga.) 1826-1837, January 14, 1833, Image 1

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VOL* 7. PUBLISHED EVERY MONDAY, WEDNESDAY and FRIDAY, Af 2 O’CXjOOS. P. &£• Mr- Howard’* Brick Buihlings.oppositethe PoslOlßco M’lntnsh Street. DIRECTIONS. Sates of Land and .YegruM, hy Administrators, Exec:- tor*, or Guardians, are required, by law, to be held on at; 'AutTues.iay in the mouth, between the hours of ten in I r forenoon and three in the afternoon, at the Couit-hot jsi 1 cotfaty. n which the property is situate.—Notic s t t thftlus S»lh* mast be given in a public gazette di«» previous to the day cf sale. ’ , Noticoaofllieaale of personal propercy must be given it like manner, FORTY days previous to the .lav of sale. Notice to the debtors and creditors of no cstato, must Dr e iblislted for FORTY days. rn Notice that application will be made to the t-ourt ol Ur dinarv for leave to*eU land, must be published for FOLK MONTHS. . Noti to lor loavo to soil Negroes, must be publish ad lor fOUtl MONTHS,before any orderabsoluto shall be made horeon by the mgwfa. minilAF.f.F. BOIS JJjBSr CLAIR, respectfully announces himself as a candidal? for re-election in the office of Receiver of Tax Returns at the election in January next. Dec 19- 114 td NOTICE. MRS. CARTER informs the pub lic that she occupies that commodi ous, throe-story Brick Building, a feu litio.s below the United Stß'e*’ Hotel, well known as the property of Mr. Hays Bow die, where she will be pleased to receive transient company as well as pennanetu boarders. Dec 19 111 fm DU. A. JO NKS. HAS REMOVED lot cffl.e from the Globe Hotel. to thj our formally. occupied by Dr. Cunningham, in the on the corner of Washington .not Ellis Streets, and fronting the former —lbe Dwelling part lately occupied by Mrs. Crawley as a boarding bouse, aud now by Mrs. W«»t for the same purpose. N« v 2G • 104 ts 11. U. WASHINGTON, sunaE o. v i) i:\is r, WILL spend a few nays in Augusta. Per sons washing to avail .'ihe.ursetves ol bis services, will please make immediate application: i.l the Planters Hotel. i Any doubts as to Professional capacity, can be satisfied by an examination of the veiy re- , sped able testimonials in his possession. Ladies will be waited upon at their privati residences. Oct 24 90 ts 3 JA Sgßtlierii, Northern aMfe? «»«uv extern, Land, .Loan, (Commission and Genera! "® Agency and Intelligence Office New-Orlcans La. Hie snbfccviinrs respectful Jy inform ilie pulilic throughout the Union, that they have opened an office (having also app da ted agents in Washington, Baltimore, Philadel phia and Near-York,) fir the purpose of acting sis an, agent to transact business in this or nnv of the above named cities, having a very exten sive acquaintance through tlie United Slates, ad joining territotiesand Canada, ind having made oiVangetaents to attend to transinittting and receiving information liotn and to England, France, and every part of Europe, they most respectfully solicit a share of public patronage/ pledging themselves to use every ex< t tion to giye pet feet satisfaction. Those editors of newspapers who feel well dis posed towards this cst>ibiislitn n nt, shall have their business done free of expense, at any time, by insetting t.ds advertisement, and forwarding ti paper to us containing the same. Wears p.epared to atieml to the follow ing business /urelmse sell barter, rent and ease landed property of every desciiptitn; j> ircliase, sell and exchange ; bank, canal, rail t nad and every other kind of stock; purchase aud sell merchandise of every deset iptioiv, at public or private sale. t. Borrow and loan money on bond and mort gage, or unincumbered real estate- *.q. Act as an agent for procuring partners for i>V tliviiluals, to engage in eve, y kind of business or profession. Will ad ns attorney's ageut and otheis fori claiming legacies inheritances, and settling estntes; also, collecting nod remitting tvery description of debts dues and demands. Information given respecting the arrival and departure of packet ships, strain and canal packets, mail anil accommodation singes, and hII utlier modes of conveyance whether by land nr water, with their respective rates of fare ac (ommodation, fcr. Ifc ; also, all other infonna. tion necessary for strangers and travellers to be in pms cssioo of. ' Information ami intelligence on any subject in this coui try or EiiVopc, received and forward ed (confidentially ) Books and recoids of c unty or slate govern ment offices, searched and examined, and the required information forwarded to each nppli ’cani^ , A register,, of public and private boarding houses, their terms and accommodations, will he kept at this office, ami strangers arriving in this city, have only to apply to this office, to be suit cd at once with boarding places. , Situations, in mercantile, manufacturing anil other establishments, as book keepers, salesmen, aud assistant clerk*, barkeepers, teachers,'col lectors, agents be, Sfc , procured, if by letter postage must be paid accompanied with a fee ls’. 0.. Reference will be given in all cases to those who as to public and private character, ability, be. be. All persons forwarding communicctions re specting real estate offered for sale, barter, lease ?>r to bi* given on bond and mortgage, will recol et;t it is indispensably necessary to forward a vf:orreci description of the premises; a draft f>r plan if passible, stating situation, quantity, quality, improvements, distances from cities or goittni,. county seats, post roads, navigable, Streams, price, terms, be. be.; also, enclose an advance fee, and postage paid. • •«,. Charges will be regulated according to nature aud. amount of business, Alt fifit applications to be accompanied with a. consulting fee, which will entitle the applicant |o any information Ihev may require.. No let ters (hi any cast,) be taken from the Post pffice, unless post panl-rimmediate answers will be-remitted to all communication,. L. VANDERBURGH & Cos. 10, St. Louis street. -t>6C SI 118 To the Proprietors of Gold Mines THE Subscriber beg leave to say, that he would take employment as Mine Engineer, for the year 1833, or longer if safficient Induce ment is offi red. His acquaintance with machine iy and eaperience at the minea (in Georgia) render him adequate tothepeiformauce. of such duties, aa the survey and eaamlnation of Lots, Assay of ores construction of Engines and H oiking the mines may require. WILLIAM PHILLIPS. Dec 24 KG l«n Jfllf />■ I HvLMj r I fln / vgn& \ I I * I nUHEI i Hffl H ~85E3m 1 r — I ||||| | HSIrfH ■■ I HB 1 f PH I \ fl| / H f IIP i fgpjpj i Jg| : Wfp^- 7 jg» i yf | HhLZBP ) / Jlfna|ys Sp| flllll ISP* §||||l JB\ <■ I jSSySIj LAMPS. Consisting of Plain , Cut, and Ground Glass Hall LAMPS, LIVERPOOL Suspending Brass Lamps Brass Mantle Lamps ; Reflecting Lamps, A GREAT VARIETY OF .Viaiitie Si Chamber, Glass Lamps, Night Lamps ? ALSO, LAMP GLASSES. Os almost every sire and pattern, for sale, by R. B. HAVILAND & Cos. Dec 10 110 ts SUPERIOR CIDEU, &c. Ji Bids first rate Cider 3000 large Sweet Oranges 200 bbls Northern -Potatoes 10 do do Beets 3000 bunches On-ions 60 bbls , do • 25 bbls Cranberries ‘ 60 boxes Sperm Candles 25 tierces New Rice 0.0 boxes, 3000 each American bunch Segais liluls supciiOr new Georgia Syrup. FiUt sale, uv - G. H. METCALF. E)e» 3 ~ 107 ON CONSIGNMENT. JUST RECEIVED 5 PIPES Cognac Brandy 15 Half Pipes Holland Gin 60 Pieces Tow Bagging 50 Coils Bale Rope 10000 Spanish Segais 5 Tierces New Rice ALSO Just Landing from Steamboat Augusta, Hhds. Ne\y Orleans and Porto Sugars “ West India Molasses “ St. Croix Rum “ N E Rum “ Whiskey “ Cider Bmndy Barrels N. (tin *• Mackerel “ Sperm Oil “ Butter Crackers Casks Loudon Porter and Brown Stou{ “ Prime Cheese Quarter Pipes Cogswell’s Wine casks Cargo Wine Boxes White llavannaiind Lump Sugars “ Sperm Canilles aiid-;3wap “ Raisins and Herrings “ American Segars Bugs Pr ime Gieeu. Coffee “ Drop and Buck Shod Bales Cotton Bagriirg “ “ Ya*n case* Negro Slioes Am! au Assortment -of Staple \ mmz , For sale low for cash or approved endorsed nates, by J. MARSHALL. X’Wi’TQ# GINS. BOATWRIGHT &i JONES, of Columbia, S. C. respec t Cully inform tlieir friends and the public that they have established a Shop in Augusta, Georgia, for the purpose of Making and repairing COTTON GINS, and are itorwprepared to furnish these .Machines made of the best materials and in live beat manner.— vVe will keep on hand GINS of different sizes, from 30 to 60 SaWs. IET Our Shop vjs about one hundred yards above the Upper Market in this place. Aug 24 - ; Cr3 wtf Notice. fT'rllE Subscriber wishes to hire two or three A. good Male Servants, lor which a liberal price will be given. W. G. GRIMES. Oct 19 , • 88 1 NirFicE. ALL persons having demands against the Estate of John W. Turner, late of Lincoln County, deceased, will please present them pro perly authenticated within tlie time prescribed bylaw, and aIL indebted to said Estate will please make immediate payment to SH VDRACiI 'lt) UN EEL Adtn'r. Oet 29 92 id ~ notice. {jIOUR months after* date application will be made to the Honorable Inferior Court of this County, for leave to sell the estate of Rob- McCoomhs, deceased, consisting of Negroes, Household Furniture, Land, &c. ' JOHN S. COOMBS, Adm'r\ Jan 2 119 m4m AUGUSTA FEMALE SEMINARY. MRS H. L. MOI3E will resume the duties . of her Academy, on Wednesday, the 2nd of January, 1833, usual, will be taught a|l .the branches comprising a complete Course of English siudies. Ajso French, Spanish, Mu sic, and Painting in Water Colors, and Drawing in Crayon. Mrs. M. now occupies that extensive building known as the MANSION HOUSE, at the corner of Green and Mclntosh Streets, which has been thoroughly repaired for the purpose of accom modating Yeung Ladies from the country as boarders. The terms are moderate, and may be known by application at her resilience. REFERENCES *. Miss Dotty, Charleston;,. Hon. W. D. Martin, Columbia, S. C ; .Rev. S, K. Talmage; Gen. T. Flournoy; Doct. Thos. J. Wrsjf. . O* The Georgia Journal will please give the above two insertions. Dec. 28 3t 117 LAW NOTICE. TIHE undersigned having taken, an Office, , next door to that of Crswford Ri Cum- MiNG.Esqrs informs the public that lie will faith fully attend to all business with which he may be intrusted. ' \ * ROBfcRT CLARKE. Dec 12 ill t£ Nevv Crop Molasses, Pure Dutch Linseed Oil , fyc. Landing, and roll sale, ox the wharf this dat 19 Hhds. New Crop Molasses 10 BUs pure Dutch Linseed Oil ALSO, FOR SALE. ATTIIE WHARF. 4000 Bushels Sail. IN STORE, 600 Blankets, various qualities. 100 boxes Sperm Candles. G. H. METCALF. Dec 31 118 St AUGUSTA, (GEO.) MONDAY, JANUARY 14, 1833. NEW STORE. STOVALL & HAMf.ES Art nmo opening m entire new Stock of Staple and Fanjpy IDIE^T Combs, Brushes, Perfumery , be. «pc. All which hare been purchased iu New York , withiji the last month, and aro now ready for sale, cheap fur cash, or approv ed paper, at their store, ditecily opposite ihe Theatre. Tiio citizens of Augusta and its vicini ty, and persons from the country are re-; specifully invited to cell and examine our assortment. J -" l i lill l' 7 ■ ■ , . .i-A JUST IIECUIVED. 35 Hhds St. Croix & I Supaia 5 Boxes White ILivanna do Barrels Loaf aid Lutftp Sugar Pipes Cognac Brandy “ Hour Glass Gin Jamaica Rum N. E. Rum in bands D<> do Gin do do Teneriffe dc Sweet Malaga Wilts in quarter Casks * M. M. Wine d° d.9 .. Cut Nails in 100 lbs kege Baldwin** Candles Soap, See. Pott SALE, BY I BARBER 4- BLAIR, Rritfgc Sank Ruitdhig. Jan ,4 2 3t , JUST HEULIVIiI). [25 Drums fresh Figs 10 boxes do Prunes 60 whole and half boxes Raisins 441 quarter do cto 10 Uhls sweet Newark Cider 20 do Creiim Ale 5u kegs fresh Goshen Butter 20 half bbls. Canal Flour 10 do Buckwheat#* do -10 do Rye do Cucumbers in half barrels Pickled Tongues do Fly-Market Beet do M»*ss Poik do Children’s Willow Carriages 60 bcxe.s Hamburg Candles Togtlher with a general assortment of GROCERIES, FOR SALK, BY DORTIC & LAFITTE, 236, Broad Street Doc 31 118 if DSNTZSTEY. THE Subsetiber respectfully begs leave to make'the following communication to the public. In the hope of extending his usefulness and „ affording relief to those wlipse residence is at so great a distance from Savannah, as to pre clude them from that aid which otherwise they might obtain from Isis advice and skill in Den tal Surgery, will make the following distribu tion of his time, viz: three months, alternately, in Savnnnab anq Augusta, to commence in Au gusta the first day of February and August, and in Savannah ou the first of May and November. All of his operations will lie performed agrec nblp to modern improvements and on scieutific principlcK, with the least possible pain and cor rect professional skill. Asa Surgeon, he will extract teeth, remove tumors of tlie gums all dead and useless roots, re duce irie/uhir teeth to symmetry, Extract the Nerves of teeth when exposed, remove Dental Gangrene, ano operate on the Harelip, Soft pda tr, Alveolar abscess, Gum-boilet, Fungus, Cancerous and Coney Exciesscences of the Au- Irum, by opening that cavity, &c. Sic. His Medical practice embrace the treatment of ail the diseases of the mouth—such as Scur vy, Ulcers, Thntch, Canchrum Oris, Sore Throat, Lips, ftc Sic. *•* His Mechanical operations extend to all defi ciencies of the mouth. He will set teeth ii every possible situation in a style not surpassed in the United States for beauty, durability and use,— He will artificially supply tlie loss of gums, jaws or sections of the jaw, the honey palate or the palate process, so as to correct deglutition and restore the speech. Also, cleanse, separate and fill the cavities of decayed teeth, so as to prevent further decay, or future suffering# from touth ache, fee. Sic. A number of ladies ami gentlemen of respect ability, both in Savannah and Augusta for whom the subscriber has performed very difficult aud ciitical operations, have very generously per mitted him, to refer persons alike unfortunate to them fur particulars in confirmation of his pro fessional skill. For further information, the public are refer red to the following gentlemen who have very ktudly offered their names .* In Savannah. —Dr. Daniell, Dr. Habersham, Dr. Bartow, Rev. Mr. Preston, Rev. Mr.. Wy«r, Rev. Mr. Meally, Judge J. C. Nicoll, Robert W. Pooler, Esq. Liberty County. —Col. Jos. Jones, Rev. C. C. Jones. * ii Milledgcvillt —-i-His Exctfilency Governor Lumpkin, Dc B6ykiu; Dr. White, Major O. H. Prince, Messrs. Hines &i Harris. Scottsborough. —Dr Brown. Augusta.— Dr. Cunuiugham, Dr. Anthony, Dr. Robertson, Dr. Savage, Rev* Mt. T'almage, Rev. Mr. Read, lion. Samuel Hale, Robert F. Poe. Esq, ;*■ Athens. —Dr. W.iW. Wadel, Rev. Mr. Shan non, Rev. Mr. Hoyt. E. OSBORN. Jan 9 4 12m COUNT_MEAL. ffb OR 60 busliela fresh ground.— Just received arid for sale by THOS. QUIZENBF.RRY, At No. 134 Broad-strect, August a. January 11 33 - LOST, T AST niglu, at the Theatre, a jet 1 A MEDALLION, for which the finder will bejuitably rewarded, on leav it at this office. Januaiy 11 3 DECLARATION S, Printed and for sale at this Office. 3L At the Store, corner of Broad and .Mac Intosh Street , Augusta, Georgia. HAS just received from Frltroce and New- York by late arrivals, a large atsoitmeitt French, English and American FANCY <fc STAPLE »> Uicn we offers for sule on his usual moderate Terms for Cash or Town acceptances pieces rich,and splendid patterns Eng dm Yr lish and American ingrain CARPET ING, at all-prices 17 pieces very fine J and 6 4 Frendi black Bom • b»zines '• '=• *< 20 pieces 54- aud 0-4 assotled colors' Merino Cloths, and Merit o Circassians, all colors and width • 7-8 if 6 4 Mateoui black Italian Lustrings Assorted French Taffeta Silks, for Umbrellas Rich stripe and figured Silks of all colours Black amJ colored Gro de Swiss and Gro de Berlin Bottle green, scarlet and other colors Gro de , Nriple ’ t, »I* Merino, Hernaiii and twisted Bilks, Shawls of all colors niid pilces Crape. Muslin Silk and other Stiawls, latest style Wlnte, scarlet ami black Merino long Shawls Ladies rmbrodered and lined Horse skin Gloves Do Long and Habit White do do do Do White Cotton, Silk and worsted Hose all colors ard qualities Itish Linens, Sheetings and Diapers English Long Cloth Ten dozen Landscape Bead and Sfi k -•rked Bags, gome very elegant patterns Bead Turses and ladies winked Baskets of all sizes Ladies plain and ornatm ntal waist Buckles Boxes of elegant Bonnet Plumes and Wreaths While and colored French plain and worked Linen Cambric Handkerchiefs as sorted patterns Ladies'hair braids and Curls - India Rubber Suspenders and Garters Thread Laces anil Edgings in great variety ol patterns Black Italian and French Crapes Do. Lt>ve Silk Shawls Oil cloth Silk for children’s Aprons 1 Ladies’ cambric Aprons very ticli pnlterivs and new style Black, red, green and scarlet silk Velvets A large assortment of 6 4 and 4-4 French color-. ed head Handkerchiefs, quite new / ■ "**' ' patterns plain anil fringed A large assortment of plain and cut glass Beads Plain aud cut Gold Beads Best of Pins and Needles 100 doz. Spool Cotton (Clark’s) all numbers Blue, black, olive, brown, bottle green aud salt mixt Broad-cjoths and Cassimeies some of which are very fine Striped and mixed milled Cassimpres Satlinets of all krndsiiu great variety of prices 9 4 and 10 4 London'Duffle B aukets 10 and 12 4 colored Cbtfuterpanes Milkman Point Blankdts, milled Red and blue, white anil red mixt Lindseys Blue Plains and twilled Kerseys Carpet Binding <'* Tufted anil other Health Rugs to match the Car petings Together with u large assortment of Cblogne, Orange, Rose and Lavender Water Rose and Almon.l Soap, Antique Oil Hair Powder and Powder Puffs, Durable Ink, Sic. December 3 ts 107' ~ CA UTION. THE public are hereby notified, that a man well known in ijtytciiy, by the name of James McDonnoUgii, came to my S'ore andvput clused a lot of goods, which ’he represented lie would pay cash for, eviJeutly with the intdntir nos swind ling me out of the amount f dje put chas ed them in 'he name of Joseph O. Har ris <fc Cos. of Warrenton, and uhder pre tence of going out fur the thoory, ho di rected the wagoner to move with the goods. This is to caution others under similar cii cuinstances in beware of Hut*. ' JOHN COSKERY. Augusta, J<in 9 ' * 4 NOTICE. IVVI LL attend at my Office, N- >rtli : East Corner, Basement Story, City Hall, from 2 to 5, o’clocky every day (Sunday’s excepted) for the purpose of receiving the telurns of taxable pro perty in ihe City of Augusta. All per sons interested wilt pay atieniiiD to this notice. GEO. M. WALKER, c. c. q. Jan 9 | • 4tf * • KINAL NOTICE. ALL claims against John Course Esq Deceased, or against the Executors of the last will and Testament of said Deceased, not presented to the under signed on or before the Ist day es Feb ruary nex>, will be debarredpayment, as a final saulement of the Estate will then be made, and the whole of the asso's re-, maining in tho hands of the Executors, paid over to the Legatees. JOJBN MOORE. Acting Eas’r of John Course. January 10. 1833. 4tlf . TO HIKE, TO* Hire a likely Servant BOY, about 16 years old, of good charac *ter and accustomed to fiuu&e business.— Apply at this Office. t t. Jan 7 3 gl A BARGAIN. A PAIR of large Wagon or Dray HORSES will be given for one share es Eagle anti Phoenix Hotel Stock. Apply at this Office. December 24. 115 ts HORSES FUR LUMBER. LARGE-STRONG Dray or Wagon Horses will be exchanged for sawed or hewed Lumber at the Market price.—Applv at tbisJJf fieg, - ■ MRS. S, M. BOVVER WILL resiMH3 Ihe exercises of her School fur Young L?dies, on Mon day the 7»h of January next. For terms apply at her residence on Washington street. December 31. 118 3 ~JOB PRINTING ~ Executed with neatness ati'd despatcbrit ibis office Goshen Butter, &c. &c. Pirkiirs superior Goshen Butter [ l " ls a)MI quarter boxes bunch Rafting 30 boxes Spenii Candles 2,» boxes Yellow Soap lo casks Goshen Clire.-e 40 half and qr bbls Buckwheat Meal f> bbls Smoked Beef 30 bags Java and Green Coffte 6 bbls Sweet Oranges 6 half bids Fulton Matirtt Beef ' j half bbls dried piAraiiU o iioxes Citron and f«»r saVj bv > JOHN COSKERY. i 25 G, broad Street. iNov it ‘ iQ2 Information to Travellers. .pill OK., of ... 1 1 1 rri.. \V....... a, ns,,. JL Greenville I4ofs of Mail Coaches is re moved to the Ea 6 :‘«? and Phoenix Hotel Pas sengers will be set (down or called for at any of the other Hotels in the cifv. REESIDE, FULLER L McLEAN, P f ' c 1«1_ • f 11] Proprietor ». RICHARDS & CANAHI” trove rece'ti'td and opened at the Furniture Store ■of Messrs J .‘•piit/i If Cos. some splendid PIANO FORTES, Particularly ‘selected by one ol" ihc Firm fur thfe Sutrlicrn market, and which ate wui ranted what they are represented to be, and thuse wislfiug to purchase will" find the pi ices as reasonable as any ever sold hete. December 10. no fy xv ,c undersigned^ huVH purchased Sterling l T. Chairs' imerest, one of **« partners, of'the firm or Sims, W ii.liaXlS fa ’ -t.sey. All debts due to, or by the concern will bt -mled to by V*s. The business will hecontinuen the Subscribers a» ; heretofore under the firm of Sims, Williams fa WoulskY. CHARLES D. WILLIAMS, ABRAHAM M. WOOLSEY. UIT Having sold my inteiest at one of the partners of the fii m of Sims, Williams fa Woer. set. In C. D. Williams fa A. M. Woolley—all claims due hy or to the concern wif.'.i e aWended to by them, STERLING T. COMBS. Dpc 3 H 107 if EAGL3S TAVBm WARRENTON, GEORGIA* The subscribers beg leave to inform the public, their friends mill traveller! particularly, thst they Imve taken that well known eslat lulnueiit, tho TAVERN, in Warrenton, Georgia, wftfcro, they are ready toaccom miniate ail ll|ose who uiav gjve that establisiiu ont iheir patipuar*:-—Tlie Bitltfpnbers will p y the inn«t strict at-, tention to jlie eomiort of tijifir guests; tlieir Table shall* be pro jileil with the best the M.irketean nfforil, ami thoirj Stable*, shall Ik* utt>-ii(luJ »it!l nltctr'i«e hostlers. T*|ie feub-criliers tv-ish Traveller, to try their Kstublishment, and dciermiue for tlreruselves, whether they deserve pat rons e. JOSEPH C. HARRIS, 1 JANIES MCDONOUGH. IFarrenton, Gn. January JO, 1833. SVfeeet and S6ui* Oranges, 8500 Very fine Sweet ORANGES I JUOO Sour ORANGES. Receiving by the Washington, to day, G. ii. METCALF. Dec 31 118 ts At Private Sale. A FIRST RATE CARPENTER, not ns g»od a wozkniau as any of his colour * in the Sniiilieur coun'ry, and as fice from fault—souad and healthy., Latham Hull. < Lime! Lime!! Lime!!! casks superior while lump Lime 4m%W\W 200 casks fresh Thomastau Rock ' Lime sVill be received this week and foi* sale by G. H. METCALF. nr>v 5 95 NOTICE, HAVING Stopped making Click, the subscriber will attend more par ticularly lo his trade of laying them eith er in town or country. He will rectify all chimneys, that smoke, and if that evil is not prevented, no compensation will bo required. GABRIEL S. CLARKE. January 4 - 2 6 "Sheriff’s Sale. WILL he sold, on the first Tuesday in Feb ruary nest, at the Coart House, in Jack sonbnro.’ Scriven County, between ten and four o’clock. j •. • ■ One Bay Horse levied on as the property of WilliaVn Sowell, to satisfy a fi. fa. from the Superior'Court of St riven, in favor of Jesse Collins Administrator, be. on Francis Sowell’s -state vs. said YVm. Sowell. Propei ty pointed out by;John S. Maner. JOHN C. FERRILL, Sheriff. Jan 4 2 id Received this day jIAA siiles of Skirting and Harness Lea tber, of favorite brands, on consign ment and will be sold l*>w bv B. W. FORCE & Cos. No 273, Broad-strut. nr.v 28 - "6l 106 MRS. REEVES WISHING to make Augusta the place of her pe-maiicut 'residence, respectfully tenders her services to •the public as Teacher ot Vocal and Instrumental Music. Scholars who wish her services «il| please to leave their names atthe Book Store of Messrs- Richards b Ganahl ami Dr. What's, where her terms will be made known. i Dec 24 llGlf . Avgusta, Jan. Ist., 1533. THE Copartnership existing be ivveen Augustus B. Lokostbkxt and Wic liah W. Mann, is this day dissolved— and the undersigned have connected themsefve* for the PRACIICE OF LAW, undlr thefirib'of ■Lvngstrect, Jenkins Mann. . w iß regularly attend the Superior Courr* '« all the counties of the Middle Circbit, and in °f *he Northern ; together with the Court ol Uoraniou Picas in the city of Augusta. -l‘ r ® ong llav *'’ e Professional Business WHB ••«ther of the undersigned, will please address trietr jo the care of the firm. . • • Augustus b. longstreet. CHARLES J. JENKINS. WILLIAM W. MANN-.. - Jan 2 4t . 119 j JUST RECEIVED. ! bbls and qr. Uhls. Buckwheat, 1 CjaF 30 w hole and half bbls Canal Flour 15 bbls Water and Butter Crackers 10 bids, soft Sbefl Almonds 15 casks sup. CheesS 6 boxes Piue'Apple Cheese 30 Fitkins best Goshen Butter 93 whole, half and qr. boxes Raisins 110 boxes fresh Prunes 70 boxes Hyton, Gunpowder and Imperial Teas 30 M. best Spanish Segais 10 bbls. Cider Vinegar 2 pipes sup. Maderia Wine 3 do Holland (Gin 10 hhds N. O. fa St. Croix, 2 do Jamaica Bum 10 qr. casks Malaga Wine 10 do do Lpnd.-ii P. Teneriffe 20 bbls. Potaloes for sale. By JOtsN CO’SKEfcY. AugKsta, Dec 19- 114 ts TllK SUBSC«T«ERS Ol i’ERS Fi’B SALE. 500 pieces Cotton Bagging on ÜbocAl let ms. .. >. *' Also— ln she Magazine ’ 600 kegs FF and'FFF Dupont’s Gun Powdmr 90 do Eagle Powder in 25 Canisteri 20 half kees Engle Powdet and • loose P ILLOT-dt fcE BARBIER. LEWIS BARIK, HAS settled in Savantiali, Ga. to transact COMMISSION business. He will pay stricr atie’ntion to receiving & forwaiding lesftenfully solicits business from his friends aud others. Refer mice lo—thirty years’ residence in Augusta. * ' Savannah, Dec. 21. 114 12 TO KENT. ; JlilHL At II o’clock, A. Mon Monday 'he 7lh instant, will be rented to the I | highesr bidder,at the lower Maikct House in the city of Augusta. The PLANTATION just above Augusta, long known at the Cobbison place, I jing on Rea’s creek and Savannah river There is a commodious Dwelling and convenient out-Houses upon the premises* a good Garden* It consists of about one hundred’ Acres, a con sujeraifiv phrt of which has been under improv ing Culture for st'.veiiil years. - Terms—Note* with approved* security—the lessee covenanting to keep the premises in good repair* AUGUSTUS B LONGSTREET, T. ustee. Janwnry 2 2t 119 •', noticeT~ ■ fl.l flE’CejiitfiterShlp heretofore existing be* L tween tl»e subscribers in the Practice of LaWj is this day dissolved by mutual consent i They will both attend to the business of the firm until it is closed ; and per sans indebt ed to them for professional service mo . make payment to either. » WILLIAM. SCHLEY* THO’S. GLASCOCiC; Nov 2 94 ' One Hundred Dollars RewarJl .A MAN calling himself Lewi* Reiver t .flßi- (*‘ wirgoirQi} aiid->stating that he lived uear >he Standing Peach Tree, DeKalb county, Georgia, tuok a load sd Goods from tire Ware house of Rees dt Anderson, <>u the 3rd of November, pro mising* to deliver them to os in Fayette* ville, Ga. He has not as yet nuide but appealance —and no doubt lias taken (be load of go4ids to his own account. Tht} load ctrnsisted of 12 boxes, principally Dry Goods, 3 tionks Shoes, 1 bale Blan** keis, 2 bales Northern Homespun, l do. Sheeting, 3 Bellows, 1 bundle Mill Saws, and 1 do. Cross Cut do. and 1 bundle Sieves. All the packages marked /Tjj Burae &. Cos. Fayetteville. Tlie above, reward will be given for any information so that we can get the goods, or the ras cal who stole them. D.itect to Rees & Anderson, Augusta, or*<i us, Fayeiteville, Geo. T. BURNE & Cos. (£/“* The Augusta Chronicle, Greets ville Mountaineer, and Columbia Hive, 'fill please’ to publish the above 3 times; and forward tlliir bills to tho Advertisers. December 31. 118 4 NOTICE. THE undersigned have been appoint ed a Committee by the President of the AVoi-Taritf Conv§|)tion lately hul den in Milledgeville, for the purpose of ascertaining ‘he sense of the People of Richmond Cttunfy iit.relation it> tho pro ceedings of said Convention. For the accommodation of the ciiiaens a bonk will, be b e P l open by each-of Client and onb deposited in the Clerk’s office of (he Su perior Court, in which bonks every in dividual entitled t 4» vote for Members of the Legislature may have an opportunity of euteting his name at any time between this day and the fifteenth of February next. All sjuch persons are respectfully requested to come forward and their approbation or disapprobation of the said proceedings. Polls will also be pened at tlie City Hail on the first Mon-* dav <*f tlie present mon’th. William W. Montgomery, \ John C. Holcombe, Franklin C. Heard % Holland Me Tyre, Charles J. Je'nkuii. [ * Jan 4 Bv. * - ...NO.. 6-