Georgia courier. (Augusta, Ga.) 1826-1837, January 18, 1833, Image 1

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VOL. 7. PUBLISHED EVERt MO NDAY, WEDNESDAY and FRIDAY, AT 2 O’CLOCK. P. M. V , Mr. Howard’. Brick BuilJinira, opposite the PostOflhe M’lntoah Street.. / , DIRECTIONS. Sale.of Land unit Hegruts, by Adminiatralors, Execu tor., or Guardian., are required, byIUA to be hold qn u.e frit Tueiday in the month, bclyyepn the hOnVs of teh in ite forenoon and three in tho afternoon, at the Court-box. a it tiio county* n which tho property is situate.—Noticxf those .ale. must be given in a public gazette SIXTY d*» s previous to the day of aale. Notices oft he. sale of ptrsanal property must be given in |4 Ae manner, FORTY days previous to the Jay of sale Notice to the debtors and creditor, of au estate, mus-i>c published for FORTY days. ; . . Notice that application will bo made to the Court of Or dinary for leave to sell laud, must be published for FOUR MONTHS. ... . . , Notice forleavo to sell Negroes, must be published ior FOUR MONTHS,before any order abspluio shall be made hereoh by the efturt. - NOTICE . Mas. CARTER inftrrma the pub lic that she occupies lhat commodi ous, three-story Brick Building, a few doors below the United Slates’ Hotel, well known as ihe property of Mr. Hays Bow die, where she will be pleaded in receive transient company as well a* permanent boarders. Dec 19 114 Im t Dll. A. JONES. ~r% A'S REMOVED his office from the Globe ! XJL Hotel: to tho one formerly occupied by Dr. t'unning'hani, in the on the corner of Washington ar.d Ellis Streets, and fronting the forinpi—lhe Dwelling part lately occupied by Mrs. Crawley as a hoarding house, and now bv Mrs. West fog the same purpose. . , Nov 26 v 104 if J. If. U. WASHING I ON, SURGEDX I)EXIST, WILL spend a few nays in Augusta. Per sons wishin". to avail theuiselives of his services, will please make immediate ft'pjilicalion' at the Planters Hotel. Any doubts as to Professional CHpacily. can bo satisfied by an examination of the veiy re -s pec table testiuiouials in hi,s possession. * Ladies will be wailed upon ut (heir private residences. Oct 24 90 if 'WF St r~ Southern, Northern nuKP>Si" and Western, Land* Loan, Gommi»»ion and General *> Agency wi»l Intelligence Office New-Orleans, La, TB6 fttbscrihi rs respectful jy.jiifonii die public throughout the Union, that ruey have opened ati office (having also appoin ted agents in Washington, Baltimore, Philadel phia and New-York,) for the purpose of acting us an agent to transact business in this or any, #>f the above named cities, having I 'a Srefry exten sive acquaintance through the United States,ad joining territories and Canada, and having made airangeineuts to attend to trausmittting and receiving information fiotn and to England, France, and every pari of Europe, they most respectfully solicit a share of public patronage, pledging themselves to use every exertion to giye per feat satisfaction. Those editors of newspapers who feel well dis posed towards this establishment, shall have their business done free of expense, at any time, by inserting advertisement,' and forwarding u paper to us containing the same. We are now prepared to attend to the follow .ing business—Purchase sell barter, rent and ease landed property of every desctipiiin: ■purchase, sell aud exchange ; bank-, canal, rail road and every other kind of stock; purchase ami sell merchandize of every description, at public or private sale. Borrow ami loan money on bond and mort gage, or unincumbered real e*late- Act as an agent for procuring partners fur in dividuals, to'engage in eveiy kind of business or profession. '* Will act as attorney’s agent and-Whets fur claiming legacies inheritances, and' settling estates; also, collecting and remitting every description of debts dues and demands. Information given respecting the arrival and departure of packet ships, steam and canal packets, mail and accommodation stages, and ull oilier inodes of conveyance whether by land or water, with their respective rates of fare «c* comniodatioii, fiir. fife ; also, all other informa tion necessary for sliatigerf and travellers to be })i possession of. Information and intelligence on any subject i.n this com try or Em ope, received and forward ed (confidentially ) t _Books and recoids of c unty orsiatc govern them offices, searched aud examined, and the required information forwarded to each appli cant. A register of public and private boarding houses, their teims~aml accommodations, will be kept at this office, and strangers arriving in this city, have only to apply to this office, to be suit ed at once with hoarding places. Situations, in mercantile, manufacturing and other establishments, as book keepers, salesmen, and assistant clerks, bar keepers, teachers, col lectors, agents file, fife-, procured, if by letter postage must be paid accompanied with a fee- N. B. Reference will he given in all cases to those who require it, as to public aud private character, ability, file. file. , All persons forwarding communications re specting real estate offered for sale, barter, lease .or to be given-oa bond and mortgage, will recol lect it is indispensably necessary to forward a icorreci description of the premises; also a draft or plan if possible, stating, situation, quantity, quality, improvements, distances from cities or tp,wns, county scats, post roads, navigable streams, price, terms, Bic. &c.; also, enclose an advance fee, and postage paid. Charges will be regulated acctuding to nature and amount of business. All first applications to be accompanied with a consulting fee, which will entitle the applicant to any information they may require. No let ters (in any case,) will be taken from the Post Office, unless post paid—immediate answers will be remitted to all communications. l. Vanderburgh & Cos. n No. 10, Si. Louis street. • Pec 31 118 T 6 the Proprietors of Gold Mines THE Subscriber beg leave to say, that he would take employment as Mine Engineer, for the year 1833, or longer if sufficient induce went is offered. His acquaintance with machine sy and experience at the mines (in Georgia) fender him adequate to the performance, of such duties, as the survey and examination of Lots, Assay of ores construction of Engines and wotkiug the mines may require. WILLIAM PHILLIPS. Dec 24 116 In* , : LOST, "■T AST night, at the Theatre, a jet 1 A MEDALLION, fur which ibe finder will be suitably rewarded, on leav* il at this office. January li 5 LAMPS. Consisting of Plain, Cut, and Ground Glass Hall LAMPS, LIVERPOOL Suspending Brass Lamps Brass Mantle Lamps; Reflecting Lamps, A GREAT VARIETY <>P Mantle & Chamber, Glass Lamps, Night Lamps ALSO, LAMP GLASSES. Os almost every size and pattern, fo'f Sale; by R. B. IIAVILAND & Cos. Doe 10 IIP if SUPERIOR CIDER, &c. ID BbTs first rate Cider 3000 large Sweet Oran.ges 200 hbis Northern Potatoes 10 do <lo Beets 3000 bunches Onious 60 bids do 25 bbls Cranberries 60 boxes Sperm Candles 25 tierces New Rice &0 boxes, 3000 each American bunch Segais hhds superior new Georgia Syrup. FUR SALE, BY G. H. METCALF. Dec 3 , . v 107 ON CONSIGNMENT. JUST RECEIVED 5 PIPES Cognac Brandy 15 Half Pipes Holland Gin 60 Pieces Tow Bagging «> 50 Coils Bale Rope 10000 Spanish Segars 5 Tierces New Rice V' ALSO Just Landing from Steamboat Augusta, Hints. Newv.Orleans and Porto Sugars “ West ItHlia M<*luss< j .j “ St. Croix Rum “ N E. Ram “ Whiskey “ Cider Brandy Barrels N. Gin *• Mackerel “ Sperm Oil » “ Butter Crackers 11 ' Casks' London Porter and Brown Stout “ Prinie Cheese Quarter Pipes Cogswell’s Wine “ casks Cargo Wine Boxes White Havaunaaiul Lump Sugars “ Sperm Caudles and Snap “ Raisins and Herrings “ American Segars Bags Prime Gieen Coffee “ Dmp and Buck Shot Bales Cotton Bagtiing •* “ Yarn cases Negro Shoes , And aipAssortinent of Step's W&t For sale low for cash or approved endorsed nates, by J. MARSHALL. COTTON GINS. Boatwright &l jones, «f Columbia. S. C. respectfully inform their friends and the public that they have established a Shop in Augusta, Georgia,'for the purpose of Making and repairing COTTON GINS, and are j now-prepared to furnish these Machines made of the best materials and ih the best manner.— We will keep on'hand GINS of different sizes, from 30 to 60 Saws. '•’ 01? Our Shop is about one hundred yards above tiie Upper Market in this place. Ang 24 77 63 wtf : NOTICE. THE Subscriber wishes to hire two or three good Male Servants, for which a liberal pi ice will be given. YV. G. GRIMES. Pel 19 88 notice:: ~~ ■ ALL persons having demands against the Estate of John W. Turner, late of Lincoln County, deceased, will please present them pro perly authenticated within ttie lime prescribed by law, and all indebted to suit) Estate will please make immediate payment to . SHUXRACIi TURNER, Adm'r. . Oet 29 . .% . 92 id > xNOTICET ~ {N OURtnonths after date application will be made to the Honorable Inferior Court of this County, for leave to sell the estate of Rob- McCooinbs,- deceased, consisting of Negroes, Household Furniture, Land, file JQH \ S. COOMBS, Adm'r. Jan 2 119 m4m LAW NOTICE. THE undersigned having tak< n an Office, next door to that of Crawford & Cam ming,Esqrs informs the public.-that lie will faith fully attend to all business with which he may be intrusted. ROBERT CLARKE. Dec 12 111 if New Crop Molasses, Part Dutch Linseed < HI, Bfc. Landing, and for sale, on the wharf this day 19 Hhds. Netv Crop Molasses 10 Bbls pure Dutch Linseed Oil ALSO, FOR SALE. AT THE IVIJARF. 4000 Bushels Salt. IN STORE, 600 Blankets, various qualities - 100 boxes Sperm Candles. G. H. METCALF. Dec 31 118 3t LEWIS BABIE, HAS settled in Savannah, Ga. to tiansact COMMISSION business. He will pay strict attention lo receiving &, forwarding respectfully solicits business from his friends an<J others. Reference to—thirty years’ residence in Augusta. Savannah, Dec. 21. 114 12 NOTICE. THE Copartnership heretofore existing be tween the subscribers in the Practice of Law, is this day dissolved by mutual consent; They will both attend to the uflfinished business j of the firm until it is closed; and persons indebt ed to them for professional service oan make payment to either. WILLIAM. SCHLEY, THO’S. GLASCOCK. Nov 2 94 JOB PRINTING ~~ Executed with neatness and despatch at this office AUGUSTA, (GJEO.) FRIDAY, JANUARY 18, J 833. NEW STORE. . STOVALL. & HAMLEN Are now opening an entire new Stock of ' Staple and Fancy ID Hi'S? ®®(DS>© a Combs , Brashes, Perfumery , tkc. Bfc. All which have been purchtteed in New Yttfk, within the last month, and am now ready for sale, cheap fur cash, or approv ed paper, at their store, diiectly opposite the Theatre. \ > The citizens bT Augusta and its vicini ty, and persons from the country are re spectfully invited to call and examine our assortment. Jaopat y 7, , 3 JUST REckIVED. 35 Hhds St. Croix & Porto Rico Sugars 5 Boxes White Havanoa do Barrels Loaf and Lump Sugar Pipes Cognac Brandy !i “ Hour Glass Gin lllids Jamaica Rum N. E. Rum in barrels Dm do Gin do do Teneriffe & Sweet Malaga Wine . in quarter Casks M. M. Wine do do Cut Nails in 100 jbs kegs Baldwin’s Caudles Soap, &c. FOR SALE, BY BARBER 4* BLAIR, Bridge Bank Building. Jan 4 2 3t JUST RECEIVED. O Drums fresh Figs 10 boxes do Prunes 50 whole and half boxes Raisin’s 40 quarter do do 10 bbls sweet Newaik Cider 20 do Cream Ale 50 kegs fresh Goshen Butter 20 half bldg. Canal Floor 10 do Buckwheats do 10 do Rye do 'C\i< uuibers in half barrels Pickled Tongues do Fly-Market Beet do Mess Pork do Children’s Willow Carriages 50 boxes Hamburg Candles * Together with a general assortment of GROCERIES, FOR SALE. BY DORTIC <fc LATITTE. 236, Broad btreel Dec 31 118 If • »EWT TIST’RY. TITHE Subsetiber respectfully begs leave to JL make the following communication to the public In (he hope of extending his usefulness and affording relief to those whose residence is at so great a distance from Savannah, as to pre clude them from that aid which otherwise they might'obtain from his advice and skill in Den tal Surgery, will make the folio win. distribu tion of his time, viz : three months, alternately, in Savannah unq Augusta, to commence in Au gusta the first day of February and August, and in Savannah on the first of May and November. All of his operations will he performed agree ablpto modern improvements aud on scientific : principles, with the least possible pain and cor rect professional skill. Asa Surgeon', he will extract' teeth, remove tumors of the gums all dead and useless roots, re duce irregular teeth to symmetry, Extract the Nerves of teeth whet* exposed, remove Dental Gangrene, anu operate on the Hare lip, Soft palate, Alveolar abscess, Gum hoiles, Fungus, Cancerous and Bouey Exciesscences of the An trum, by opening that cavity, Bic. &ic. llis Medical practice embrace the treatment of all the diseases of the mouth—such as Scur vy, Ulcers, Thrucli, Cauchrum Oris, Sore Throat, Lips, Sfc file. ' His Mechanical extend (o all defi ciencies of the mouth. He will set teeth in every possible situation in a sty le not surpassed in the United States for beauty, durability and use, — He will artificially supply the loss of gums, jaws or sections of the jaw, the honey palate or the palate process, so as to correct deglutition and restore the speech.. - Also, cleanse, separate and fill the cavities of dlecayed teeth, so as to prevent further decay, or future sufferings from touth ache, file. file. A number of ladies and gentlemen of respect ability, both in Savannah and Augusta for whom the subscriber has performed very difficult and ciitical operations, have very generously per mitted him. to refer persons alike unfortufiaf* to them for particulars iu confirmation of his pro fessional skill. ‘ " For further information, the public are refer red to the following gentlemen who have very kindly offered their names ; In bav'annah. —Dr. Danish, Dr. Habcriham, Dr. Bartow, Rev. Mr. Preston, Rev. Mr. VVyer, Rev. Mr. Meally, Judge J. C. Nicoll, Robert YV. Pooler, Esq. Liberty County. —Col. Jos. Jones, Rev. C. C. Jones. JUilledgevitte —His Excellency Governor Lumpkin, Dr Boykin, Dr. White, Major O. H. Prince, Messrs. Hines & Harris. Scottsborough. —Dr Brown. Augusta. —Dr Cunningham,'' Df. Anthony, Dr. Robertson, Dr. Savage, Rev. Mr. Talmage, Rev Mr. Read, Hon. SaAnuel Hale, Robert F. Poe : . Esq, • Athens. —Dr. W. W. Wadel, Rev Mr. Shan non, Rev. Mr. Hoyt. »: E. OSBORN. Jan 9 ■ 4 12m CORN MEAL. ft* OR <3O bushels fresh ground,— Just received and for sale by THOS. QUIZENBERRY, At No. 134 Broad-street , Augusta. January 11 33 notice! H WING stopped making Brick, die subscriber will attend more par to ulady tqhis trade of laying them eith er in tuwu or country. He will rectify all cbiftinfys, that smoke, ami if that evil is not prevented, no compensation will be required. GABRIELS. CLARKE. January A 2 6 At the Store, corner of Broad and Mac »• Litosh Street, Augusta, Georgia. HAS just received from France and New York by late arrivals, a large assoiintent French, English and American FANCY &e STAPLE JWtffc Which he offers lor sale oh his usual moderate TermsJbr.Cash or Town acceptance^ pieces rich and splendid patterns' Eng list, and American ingrain CARPET ING, at all priced 17 pieces very fine J and 6.4 French black Bom bazines 20 pieces 5 4 and 6 4 assorted colors Merino j. , Cloths, and Merit.o Circassians, all * • colors and width ~ • 7-8 Sf 6 4 Mateoni black Italian Lustrings Assorted French Taffeta Silks, for Umbrellas Rich stripe and figured Silks of all colours Black aud colored Gro de Swiss and Gro de Berlin Bottle green, scarlet and other colors Gro de Naple Merino, Hernani and twisted Silks, Shawls of all-colors and piices Crape. Muslin Silk and other Shawls, latest style White, scarlet auiJ black Merino long Shawls Ladies emhrodered and lined Horse skin Gloves Do Long aud Habit White do do do Do White Colton, Silk and worsted Hose all colors ard qualities Irish Linens, Sheetings and Diapers English Long Cloth { Ten dozen Landscape Bead and Siik worked Bags, some very elegant patterns Bead Purses and ladies woiked Baskets of all sizes Ladies plain and ornamental waist Buckles. Boxes of elegant Bonnet Plumes and Wreaths While and colored French plain and worked Linen Cam uric Haudkercbiefs as sorted patterns Ladies hair braids and Curls India Rubber Suspenders and Garters thread Laces and Edgings in great vuriety of patterns Black Italian and Freuch Crapes Do. Love Silk Shawls Oil cloth Silk fov Children's Aprons Ladies’ cambric Aprons very tich patterns and new style Black, fed, green and scarlet silk Velvets A large asSoi tmeut of 5 4 and 4-4 French color ed head Handkerchiefs, quite new patterns plain and fringed A large assortment of plain aud cut glass Beads Plain and cut Gold Beads Best of Pias and Needles lOOdoz. Spool Cotton (Clark’s) all numbers Blue, black, oiiyc,’brown, bottle-green and salt mixt Broad-cloths aud Cassimeres some of which are very fine Stiiped and mixed milled Cassimerez Samuels of a|j kinds in great variety oT prices 9 4 and 10-4 London Duffle B ankets 10 and 12 4 colored Counterpanes Mackitian Point Blankets, milled Red and blue, white and red mixt Lindseys Blue Plains and twilled Kerseys Carpet Binding Tufted and other Hearth Rugs to match the Car petings Together with v large assortment 'of ‘ Cologne, Orange, Rose and Lavender Water Rose aud Almond Soap, Antique Oil Hair Powder and Powder Puffs, Durable Ink, file. December 3 ts 107 EAGLa WAR RENTON, GEORGIA. The 'Ubacribera beg leave to Inform the public, their frieuiU and travellers particularly, that they have lakeu that well known establishment, the E\CLK TAVERN, in Warrenton, Georgia, where they are ready to accom modate all those who inav give that establishment their patronage-—’Tiie subscribers will pvy the most strict at tention to the comfort of their guests; their Table shall lie pro' ided with the best the Market can afford, and their Stables shall be attended with attentive hostlers. The Subscribers wish Travellers to try their Establishment, and determine for themselves; whqther they deserve pat ronage. JOSEPH C. HARRIS, JAMES MCDONOUGH. Warrenton, Ga. January 10, 1833. Information to Travellers. friHE Office, of the Northern! Western and ■ Greenville Litfre of Mail Coaches is re moved to the Ee b }e and Phoenix Hotel. Pas sengers will be set down or called for at any of the other Hotels in the city. ; ; REESIDE, FULLER h McLEAN, Dec 12 if 111 Proprietors. The undersigned " have purchased Sterling T. Combs’ interest, one of ; *»£' partners, of the firm of Sims, W illiasbs &. a 'lsey. All debts due to, or by the concern will bt 'nded to by us The business will be continliea the Subscribers as heretofore under the firm of Sims, Williams & WooLsey. ; 1 , CHARLES D. WILLIAMS, ;} 1 ABRAHAM M. WOOLSEY. ■' S3* Having sold my interest as one of the partners of the firm of Sims, Williams it Wool set. to C. D. Williams b A. M. Woolsey—all claims due by or to the concern wit'.b e attended to by them. STERLING T. COMBS. Dec 3 107 if RICHARDS & GANAHL, Have received and opened at the Furniture Store of Messrs J Smith Sf Cos. some splendid PIANO FORTES, Particularly selected by one ol the Firm for the Southern market, and which are warranted what they are represented to be, and those wishing to purchase will find the pi ices as reasonable as any ever sold here. December 10. 110 6tw thesuMcrTbers OFFERS F‘‘B SALE. 500 pieces Cotton Jlagglng on liberal terms. . , , Also —In tlie Magazine 500 kegs FF and FFF Dupont’s Gun Powder It/ do Eagle Powder in 25 Canisters 20 half kegs Eagle Powdei do loose PILLOT Ac LE BARBIER. Goshen Butter, &c. &c. Firkins superior Goshen Butter • vi. an ‘* 3 u «fter boxes bflnch Raisins boxes Sperm Candles 2o boxes Yellow Soap 10 casks Goshen Cpeese - '“** ® ,ul fir bids Buckwheat Meal 6 bbls Beef n “ n< * Green Coflee o bbls Sweet Oranges 6 half obis Fulto., Market Beef - half bbts dried Currants 6 boxes Citron Just received hVId for sale, by JOHN COSI^ERY. _ _ 256, Broad Street. 102 f ROSPECTUS. FOR PUBLISHING, BY SUBSCRIPTION', IN CHEROKKE County, A Weekly Ntuspaper, to-be entitled the Chevokee InteUigencer 7'o be conducted by Howell Cobb, ON presenting t<- the people this pro spectus, the Editor deems it super fluous to say one word with regard to the uiility of newspapers. There, aie how ever, particularly at this time, oilier du- lies that im ay nut he avoided so easily, lu entering the {V'liti-cal arbiia, we may uoi <>ur tfeuiiuieuis, for vve con ceive it-our .iui}>, to our l.iunds and Op ponents, frankly to avow them. The Stato Rights’ Doctrines as contended for by the best expounders of ilie constitu ' lido are those we avow; we hold thtr each State has reserved to IteVself, all and eve-, iy righ., not surrendered up and enumer ated in the Tjdoitituiion of the United &tnies; that they may, nay should, and have reserved for the very p’urposry those rights, that whenever occasion requires* they may be exercised; but tlio States should be cureful in the exercise of what are culled and supposed to be to served rights, those sur.endemd up are not violated,’ for’they arts no iuure the’ rights of the States than it they had ne ver been exercised by them. Tlte Gen eral Government too must move within its legitimate sphdre,'-carefully observing what powers it may exerefse 1 - —whay ate reserved to the respective Sovereignities, and what have out beCli granted. YVhile here we remark that ivt- ate uncomprom ising Union men, and leel and consider ourselves identified wftth all thirse that now rally under the standard of the twen ty-four Stales, whatever minor "distinc tions may, heretofore, have sepul’aned us. As respects the parlies in Godrgia, too we have a word to say YVe ItaVo acted with perfect satisfaction pi ourselves with the Republican pafnyi. ' The spirit of that • party will be carried into our labors; but we wish it understood /hat we have not,, and cannot now consent ur advance out partv views and prospecis by contending against those opponents; we offer io out | opponents the free use of our columns, if they are properly used. [ It is useless to say any' iliihg of iheTfi*] teresiing country in which the Jntcltigen cer will bo located—the farmer is invited there by its lerlile lands—the unhealthy by its waters and air—tiie cbyniisl'by tbe valuable treasure found in its bosom. The earliesi attention and nonce will be given of all new discovet ies ol gold mines or other valuable curiosities. ' The Editor will practice Law in the counties of Cherokee, Cass, Forsyth, Lumpkin and Floyd, and will be thankful for any business committed to his aiteu* tion in those counties. All letters and communications to the Editor, relating to the Office, or other business must be postpaid to entitle them to notice: this rule will be lirmly adhered to. All communications iu<eudedD»r pub lication must be accompanied by a res* possible and respectable haute. • Nothing of a personal character, either in the form of a communication or adver tisement, will, ia any instance, be permit* led 'to appear in our columns. Our subscription will be three dollars each year, when paid ih advance, or four dollars at the end of die year. Advertising and Job-Work solicited and executed with nearness aud despatch. A synopsis r»f all tho Sheriffs* sales will be published in Augusta, Mi Hedge ville, and Macon, al the expense of the proprietor. The paper may be expected to appear by the 20th of Febuary. Our correspondents will direct their communications to Cherokee Court House. Editors in Georgiuare requested to publish the above. Jan 4 27 CAUTI ON. THE public are hereby notified, that a man well known in this city, by the Dame of James McDonnoegii, came to my Store and purchased a lot of goods, which he tepreseuied he would pay cash for, evidently with the intention of swind- ling me out of the amount: he putchas ed them iu the name of Joseph C. Har ris Ac Cos. of Wurrentun, and under pre tence of going out for the money, he di rected the wagouer to movo off with the goods. This is lo cautioo others uudet similar circumstances to beware ol him. JOHN- COSKERY. Augusta, Jan 9 4 tcThike, TO Hire a likely Servant BOY. about 16 years old, of good charac-' ter and accustomed to House. hugiaess.— Apply at this Office. BLANKS Os all kinds neatly printed and for sale at th« Office of the GeefgiaCourier , NEW UtISFECTIQXARY. - THE BUBBCUIBEUB HAVE opened a CONFLCTION ARY, at (heir well Known stand, N< . 200, South side oi Broad, between M lutosli and Washington streets, where they intend keeping always ok hand every article usually kepj In that line of busi ness, such as > PJLAIN & LEMON SYRUPS, ~ v conm&Lh ~ i OF EVER* ICIND, CANMt S, SUGASI PLUMS,' SUGAR TOYS OR FIGURES, Ac, F tmilies can afwav.- be supplied with TEA CABLES, Vp*. Mince, Rasin, and «Vc. all of their own maui.laciuie, mid which they warrant will not be surpassed by any other establishment in ihe Souiß ern country. To thus* who are acquaint ed with their knowledge in the manufac turing department oi Confectionaries, (having been solely engaged in that lin'e •■f business for the last. 18 years, both in Richmond, Va. and in ibis'place,) they deem ii needless in say any thing—hut to those .to whom'iliyv are udki-..w o, and particulaily' Country ’ Merchants, they would observe, thu> every article purchas ed of them will he unpaired in eveiy respect. Candies, alier reqiauiuit; on hand for some time, become unsaleable; should any . person pur chase Gandies of (Item, and they should become so, tney are requested to return them, and they may always depend on receiving a pound >d fresh and good Candy, for pound so returned, 4 1 All orders in their line of business, which they may be honored wiih, shall he attended to with pqnciualiry and despatch, and forwarded, to any part of tile State. Their piices will be the same as any lintilar establishment in this city LAM BACK & RUSE. TIIE PE S TO« AT JIVE, WILL be attended ;*> ,t> usual, where can always be had ilte chop' cest delicacies,the market affords, such as " OYSTERS TN THE SHELL, R COKED IN ANY AND 1 EVERY‘tVAY, , FISH* VENISON, & BEEF STEAKS, WILD GAM »f every kind. T:‘A, CB,ICOLA U, «LO. dtO. Persons from (lie coun’ry, who may vi sit town on business, ipr a day of two, can be accommodated with board and lodging, or with a ( OLD Cl>T, aud can’have their Horses properly aid "are fully attended to. They have spare Ino pain? or expense, “to have attentive er vantS, and to, make their .establishment worthy the patronage of Cminirv Mer chants, Travellers, or City Patrons {£"?*A few more genteel BO ARDERS can jte accommodated by applying a. the Establishmeni 1 L. &. R The Federal* Union , at Millptige'* ville, will please give ’ho above three in sertions, .atid forward their account to the subscribers. December 21. 1 115 ts C ON rECTIO\AR ¥. THE subscriber continues nt his old stand. No. 142, where he is constant ly receiving, and keeps always on hand, every article in his line of business, of the best quality, and on the most reasonable teViih'sa ‘Sucfi as all kinds of SYRUPS, CORRIAI.S, a'JJBAiB <BAI£OSS® PIES pr all otaciupriox\ ALSO,' FRUITS b oth fresh and preserved. ALSO, NUTS OF ALL KINDS, HAZLE-NUTS, PIG NUTS, PECAN, WAEr NUIS, ALMONDS, fiic. These articles are f.*r sale at retail or bv wholesale, and cotintiy or any other dealers can ho supplied with the best LIQUORS, B undy, Gin, Rum, WIRES Os all kinds, &,c. of the best brands. <e©»»a©Sfa:©sriy®'^ 9 ; And other articles in that line, ate ma nufactured by the subscriber, who learned his trade in Paris—he keeps none bat what are fresh and will bo,.warranted first rale and pore. Such customers as pur*, chase of him having articles which have become stale, if they will bring or send, them down, will hot only have (he ex pense of transportation paid, but fiew and fust rate articles, pound for pound, re turned >n their place. MARTIN FREDERICK. ' ders obtained foV this Establishment. December 21. * ; 114 ts 1 > Figs, Figs, -m gp Drunfs Fresh Turkey Figs,. B 10 Keg» Lougbfine Her mes. Just received and lor sale low'by 6 JOHN COSKERY, 256 Broad Street. Jan. 14. * *■''- TO THE PUBLIC. LAMBACK ti. KU-SE would inform their friend* and the public geuerally. that they engaged <t first rate WuKJKMAN, (not •:r .tn Pari*) a til will, tn future, keep always on mud, alaiee wild general ’assortment of every ling in t.wjr iuic, especially CANDIES and 3T IUP3. 1 January !6 • NO 8