Georgia courier. (Augusta, Ga.) 1826-1837, January 21, 1833, Image 1

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VOL* 7. PUBLISHED EVERY MO NDAY, WEDNESDAY and FRIDAY, AX 2 O'CliOCtiZi P■ JVC* Mr. Howard’* Brick Buildings,opposite the PostOflicq M’lalosh Street. directions. Sales of Land and Negroes, by Administrators, Exocu tori «>r Guardians, are required, by law, to bo held on u.e **»tTuesday in the month, between the hou*of ten in .he forenoon and three in the afternoon, at the ®ourt-liov.»a<f fha county, n which the property is situate—Notice if thoie sales must be given in a public gazette SIXTY days previous to the day cf sale. Notices of the sale of personal property must bo given in like manner, FORTY days previous to the day of sale Notice to the debtors and creditors of an estate, mustbr published for FORTY days. ■v>'Notice that application will be made tQ the Court oi ttr iluar> for leave to sell land, must be published for rOUIi MONTHS. , Noli 56 for leave to sell Negroes, must life publisho l lor FOUR MONTHS,before any order absolute shall be made hercou by the court NOTICE . MRS. CARTER informs the pub lic that die occupies that commodi ous, tiiroo-story Brick Building, a few doors below the United States’ Hotel, well known as the property of Mr. die, where she will be pleased to receive, * uansient company as well as permaueru iioardeis. Dec 19 114 fat DU. A. JONES. HAS REMOVED his office from the Globe Hotel, to tlu one formerly occupied by Dr. Cunningham, ift the build ng on the corner of vVashington and Ellis Streets, .and the former—- the Dwelling pari lately occupier by Mrs. Crawley as a boarding huuse, and now by Mrs. West for the same purpose. Nov 26 104*tfc_ J. 11. It. WASHINGTON, SURGEON DENIfiT, WILL spend a few aay.fin Augusta Per sons wishing to avail themselves ot his services, will please make immediate application at tne Planters Hotel- Anv doubts io Professional capaeily, can be satisfied by ho examination of the veiy re l*l>ectahU testimonials in his possession. Ladics ; w ill be waited upon at their private Yeifldeoces Oct 24 90 if & _ Southern, Northern § 1 J^^SJ?*I***oi 1 ***oi and Wti :«rn, Land, Loan, Unnitiiission and Genet a' 9r Agency anu Intelligence Office. New-Orleans La. file »iibt crijvrs respectful* ly inform the public tinoogfioiit the Curort, tout they have opened an iflice (having til o "ppoi.u tul agents in Washing:fou, Baltimore, Fhil-.ulsi |>)iia ami New York.) f.r the purpose id aiding as ati .gent to transact business in this or any of the above named > iiici, having a very exten sive acquaintance through the United tales, ad joining terrilui iesainl Canada, end having made mr ngemeots io Attend to transmit tihrg ami tCc'-ivuig inform ition iiom and to Eo/iam!, France, nd every part -if Europe, they movi j respect fully solicit a sfraic of public patronage, j pledging themselves to use every exntiou to-giye peileCt if.ttisf.etioh. Thuwfci/ ditors of newspapers who fuel Weil uis posed- towards- mis- e-d.ih' .«», fcbatl tnvc their business don • free of'ojspcose, a; any time, by inserting t is advertisement, and forwarding a paper to us :oi'jf;uoiiig the same. We are m>w prepared to aitend to the follow jug business— Tire base sell barter, rent and ease landed property of every desciijiiivt. : purchase ySell and exchange ; .bank.-canal, rail- . load and every other kind of stock; purchase and sell merchandize of every description,- at public or private sale. Borrow Hiid ioan unney oil bond an<l nu)t‘- gage, or unincumbered real estate- Act as an agent fur procuring partners for in dividuals, to engage in eve y kind of business profession. - * Will act as attorney’s agent and otlueis for claiming lega ies inlveriiauces, and settling estates; also, collecting and remitting every description of debts dues and demands. Information giv- n respecting the arrival and depaiture of pocket ships, steam apd canal, packets, mail »ccomniodation stßges, an til'i other modes of conveyance whether >y laud or water, with ; their respective ‘fate* of fare ac itivm-. 4i.c. sfc ; also, all other tit for inn ti n; necessary for strangers and travellers to be ij(t possession of, i . , ' Information and in'clligeupe on any subject in Uris :oui try or Em ope. received and forward ed (eo'-fidentiully ) Book-- and records of r. urity orslate govern ment offi :es searched and examined, and the required inform itiou forwarded to each appli cant. A register of public arid private boarding houses, their e ms and accommodations, will he kept at this office, and strangers airiving in this city, have only to apply to this office, to be suit ed st once with heur.dtug place's Situations, in mercantile, manufacturing and other establishments, as book keepers, salesmen, and assistant clerks, bar keepers, teachers, col lectors, agents tkc, Sfc , procured, if by letter postage must be paid accompanied with u fee- N. 11. Reference will be given in all cases to those who require it, as to public and private character, ability, &ic. Sic. All persons forwarding cominunicetions re specting real estate offered fur .safe, barter, lease or to be given on bond and mortgage, will recol lect it is indispensably necessary to forward a correct description of the premises; also a drat or plan if possible, stating situation, quantity, quality, improvements, distances from cities or towns, county scats, post roads, navigable ■(reams price, terms, &ic tkc ; also, enclose an advance fee, and postage paid. Charges will lie regulated acc tiling to nature and amount of business. AU first applications to he accompanied with a consulting fee, which will entitle the applicant tp-ayy information they may require No let ters (it, any case,) will be taken from the Post Office unless post paid—immediate answers will be remitted to alt comnuiuicaiions. « L. VAN D B U RC2IS & Cos. -Vo. Id, St. f.ovi* street. , Dec 31 118 To the Proprietory of Gold Mines The Sullen tier !»<■£ leave t« say, that lie would take employ n*, n t as Mine Engineer, for the y-ar 1813. nr longer if sufficient induce ment is offered llis vuth machine ry and experience at the mines (in Georgia) render him adequate to the performance, of such duties, as the survey am^exßinlnatit n () f Lots, Assay of ores construction of Engines and working the mines tnav require. WILLIAM PHILLIPS. Dec 24 116 lm LOST, W AST night, at the Theatre, a je ! : ■ A MED ALLION, (Vr which tin* finder will be suitably rewarded, on leav it at this office. January 11 5 GEORGIA COURIER. LAMPS. Consisting of Plain, Cut, and Ground Glass Hall LAMPS, LIVERPOOL Suspending Brass Lamps Brass Mantle Lamps ; Reflecting Lamps, A GREATvYAKIETY of Mantle Si Chamber, Glass Lamps, Night Lamps ALSO, X.AKEP ©2.ASS.ES. Os almost every size and pattern, for sale, by R. B. IIAVI LAND & Cos. Dec 10 110 ts SUPERIOR CIDER, &c. 1.0 Shis first rate Cider 3000 large Sweet Oranges 200 bblg Not them Potatoes ■lO do do Beets 3000 bundles Onions 50 bbls do 05 bblg Cranberries 60 boxes Sperm Candles 25 tierces New Rice SO boxes, 3000 each American bunch "Segais . Idids supeiiot new Georgia Syrup. For sale, by G. 11. METCALF. Dec® * 107 ON CONSIGNMENT. JUS T RECEIVED j* ■’JPIPES Cognac Brandy ts 15 Half Pipes Holland Gin 60 Pieces low Bagging 50 Coils Bale Rape 10000 Spanish Segars 5 Tierces New Rice ALSO Just Landing from Steamboat Augusta-, Hluls. New Orleans and Porto Sugars “ West India Molasses “ St. t'roix Rum “ N E. Rum “ Whiskey.. “ Cider Brandy Barrels N. Gin “ Mackeiel “ Sperm Oil “ Butter Crackers Casks London Porter mid Browm Stout “ Prime Cheese Quarter Pipers .Cogswell’s Wine “ casks’Cargo Wine Boxes White Havanan and Lump Sugars “ Sperm-Candle* anti Soap “ Raisins and Herrings “ American Segars Bags Prime Gieen CofTee “ Diop and Buck 8ho.; Bales Cotton liag. i.ig ” 11 Yam rases Negio Shoes And an Assortment of Sta;dp . For sale low for cash or approved endorsed .l ives, by ■[. mV! » RSil \ LL. bushels fru it .ground.— Just teceived and for sale by : TIIOS. QFi ZEN BERRY; At No. 134 Broad-strict, August*. Janoat vll 3 5 ' C OF T-ONUIXST Boatwright &i j-ones. of Columbia. 3 C.'respectfully inform their friends and the public have established -i Shop in Augusta..(Jenrg a f., r the purpose of Making ">•1 repairing COTTON GIN'S, and are now prepared to furnish these Machines made of the ._b.est materials and if live best manner. Wc wiii keep, on band GIN-3 of different sizes, from 30 to 60 Saws. ICJ J Our Shop is about one hundred yards tbnyjt the Upper Market in. this place. llg 2 . 4 1. 1)3 vvtf NOTICE It LIE Subscriber wishes to hire two or three good Male Servants, fay which a liberal )pi ice will be given. W. G, GRIMES. Oci If) ■ 88 NOTICE I ~ \LL persons having demands agfiinst the Estate of John VV. Turner, late of Lincoln C unty, deceased. wiH please present them pro oerly authenticated within toe lime prescribed by law. and ail indebted to said Estate will ule.tse make immediate paymeiK to SH ADRACH TURNER. Adm'r. Out 29 _ 92 ul NOTICE. months after date application will be made to the Honorable Interior Court of County, for leave to sell the estate of Rob- IcCoomhs tieceased, co'.«i->ting of Negroes, fYutst.huhl Furniture, Land, fkc JOH ' S. COOMBS, Adm'r. Jan 2 lip m4m .LAW NOTICE. '3IH E undersigned having- takrn an Office, 1_ next door to that ot Crawford &.Cum mono Esqrs informs the public that lie will faith 'itlly attend to all business with which he may 'ie intrusted. ROBERT CLARKE. Dec 12 lll'tf TO THE PUBLIC. 1AM BACK & HU'E would inform their 1 friends and tbo public generally, that they have engaged a fiist rate \V>IKivMAN, (not fri m Paris) and will, in future, keep always.on h, a large and general assortment of every thing in their line, especially C AN DIES and SY RUPS. .Tar.uaty lf> 7 1L BWIS BARI K, HAS sealed in Savannah, Ga. to uaosAct co m Missi on business. He will pay slric.t attention to receiving & forwarding respectfully solicits btJsiness from his friends and others. .■ Reference to thirty years’ in Augusta. Savannah, Dec. 21. 114 12 NOTICE. ‘ jJAHE Copartnership heretofore existing he * tween the subscribers in the Practice of /.ilia, is this day dissolved by mutual consent; ’ hoy will bolh attend to the unfinished business of th» firm until it is closed ; >md persons indebt ed to 'hem fnr professional service cun make payment to either. WILLIAM. SCHLEY, TUO’S. GLASCOCK. Nov 2 «. 94 AUGUSTA, (GEO.) MONDAY,. JANUARY 21, 1833. NEW STORE. STOVALL & IIAMLEN Are now opening an entire new Stock of Staple and Fancy ■'©®*'-®<a<DlDS 9 Combs , jßruski's, Perfumery, tec £c. All which have been purchased in. New York, within the 1 .VSt month, and ready for sale, cheap for cash, or ed paper, ai their store, directly opposite the Theatre. The citizens of Augusta and its vicini ty, and persons from the country are re spectfully invited to call and examine our assortment. January 7 3 New Crop Georgia JSvrup. 15 Hhds. Syrup 25 Hlids N. O Molasses 100 Boxes Mustard This Day, landing for sale, bu G. H. METCALF. Dec 3 107 NEWARK CIDER. 15 Barrels Newark CIDER, of fiisi qualily, just received, and for sale, By M. ROFF. _Jan 2 119 3iw THU SUBSCHIBERS OFFERS FOR sale. 500 pieces Cotton Bagging on liberal terms. Also —ln the Magazine 600 kcgsFF and FFF Dupont’s Gun. Powder 10 do Eagle Powder in 25 Canisters 20 half kegs Eagle-Poivdei and > loose I’iLLOT & LF, BARBIER. JUST RECEIVED. O it £m'KP Drums fresh Figs 10 boxes do Prunes 60 whrde and half boxes Raisins 40 quarter do do 10 obis sweet Newark Cider 20 do Cream Ale 60 kegs fresh Goshen Butter 20 half bids. Canal Flour 10 do Buckwitt*;s do 10 do Rye do Cucumbers ic half barrels Pickled Tongues do Fly-Market Beet do Mess Pork do Children’s Willow Carriages 60 boxes Hamburg Candles Together with a generttl assort went of GROCERIES, FOR SALE BY DORTIC & LAFITTE, 236, Brand Street. Dec 31 _ H 8 ts DENTISTRY, f JIHE Subscriber respectfully begs leave to JL make the following communication to the public In the hope of extending his usefulness and affording relief to those whose residence is at so gieat a distance from Savannah, as Cos pre clude ilieni trom that aid which otherwise they might obtain from his advice and skill in Den tal Surgery, will, make the following distribu tion of his time, viz: three mouths, alternately, in Sayannah anq Augusta, to commence in Au gusta the first-day of February and August, and in Savannah on the first of May and November. All ol his operations will he performed agree ablp to modern improvements and on scientific principles, will) the least possible pain and cor rect professional skill. Asa Surgeon, hejvill extract teeth, remove tumors of the gums ah dead and useless roots, re duce irtecular teeth to symmetry, Extract the Nerves of teeth when exposed, remove Dental Gangrene, ano operate on the Hare lip, Soft palate, Alveolar abscess, Gum bodes, Fungus, Cancerous and Bouey Exciesscences of the An trum, by opening that cavity, tkc. &tc. His Medical practice embrace the treatment of all tile diseases of the mouth—such .<$ Scur vy. Uicers, Thrnch, Canchrum Oris, Sore Throat, Lips, Sf . ike. His Mechanical operations extend to all defi ciencies of the mouth. He will set teeth it every possible situation in a style not surpassed in. the United Slates for beauty, durability and use,— He will artificially supply the loss of gums jaws or sections of the jaw. the honey palate or the palate process, so as to correct deglutition and restore the speech. Also, cleanse, separate and fill the cavities of decayed teeth so as to prevent further decay, or future sufferings from touth ache, Sic. iic. A ..umber of ladies am) gentlemen of respect ability. both in Savannah and Augusta, for whom the subscriber has performed very difficult and ciitical operations, have very generously per mitted him. to refer persons alike unfortunate to them sot particulars in con r ti mutton of bis pro ft ssionaVskill. F<u further information, ihe public are refer red to the following gentlemen who have very kindly offered their names ; In 'avnnnnli. — Dr Daniel). Dr. Habersham, Dr Bartow, Rev. Mr. Preston, Rev. Mr Wyer, Hev. Mr. Meally, Judge, 1. C. Nit oil, Robert W. Pooler, Esq. Liberty ‘-.aunty —Col. Jos. Jones. Rev. C. C. Jones Milledgcville His Excellency Governor Lumpkin., Dr.Boykin, Dr. White, Major O. H. Prince. Messrs Hines &i Harris, Scoitsborongh. — Dr Brown. Augusta. —Dr. Cunningham, Dr. Anthony, Dr Robertson, Dr. Savage, Rev. Mr. Tatmage, Rev Mr.':Read, Hon. Samuel Hale, Robert F. Poe, Esq, Alliens. —Dr. \V. W. Wadel, Rev Mr. Shan non, Rev. Mr. Iloyt. E. OSBORN. .fair 9 4 12tn Georgia, Lincoln County. WiIEREAS William Jeter, G.iar-' diau for ihe minors of Jesse Har dy, sett’r. deceased, viz; Wbiiwell 11. |ljLrdy and Dicy S. Hardy, applies for itagers Dismissory, from said Guardian ship. These are therefore to cite summon and admonish all and singular those con cerned u> be and appear at my Office, within the time prescribed bv law, and shew cause why said lefers should not be gra nted. Given tinder my hand so office, this 7th day of January 183)2. ff. Fleming, c. c. o. i.. c. Jan l‘i (5 m6m -AT* Vw tnvvadu At the Store, corner of Broad and. Mac-. Intosh Street, Augusta, Georgia. HAS just received from France aqd New- York by laic arrivals, a largo, assortment French, English and American FANCY £ STAPLE Which he offers for sale on his usual moderate Terms for Cash or Town acceptances pieces rich and splendid patterns Eng-. mXF lisli and American ingrain, CARPET- ING, at all prices 1,7. pieces very fine sand, G 4,French black Bom bazines 20 pieces 5 4 and 6-4 assorted colors Merino Cloths, and Merit o Circassians, all colors apd, width 7-8 t; 6-4 Mateoni black Italian Lustrings Assorted French Taffeta Silks, foivUmbrellas Rich stripe and figured Silks of nil colours Black and colored Gro de Swiss and Gro de Berlin Bottle green, scarlet and other colors Gro de Naple Merino, Hernani and twisted Silks, Shawls of all colors and pi ices Crape, Muslin Silk and other Shawls, latest style White, scarlet and black Merino long Shawls Ladies emhrodered and lined Horse skin Gloves Do Long and Habit White do do do Do While Cotton, Silk and all colors arid qualities Irish Linens, Sheetings and Diapers English Long Cloth Ten dozen Landscape Bead and Si k « orked Bags, some very elegant patterns Bead Purses and . ladies woiked Baskets of all sizes Ladies plain and ornamental waist Buckles Boxes of elegant Bonnet Plumes and Wreaths While and colored French plain and worked Linen Cambric Handkerchiefs as sorted patterns Ladies hair bi aids and Curls India Rubber Suspenders and Garters Thread Lace 9 and Edgings in great variety of patterns Black Italian and French Crapes Do. Love Silk Shawls Oil doth Silk for children’ l : Aprons Ladies’cambric Aprons Very iich-patterns and new style Black, red, green and sce.rlet silk Velvets A large assortment of 5 4 and 4-4 French color ed. head Handkerchiefs, quite new patterns, plain and fringed A large assortment of plain and cut glass Beads Plain and cut Gold Beads B<>st of Pias and Needles 100 doz. Spool Cotton (Clark’s) all numbers Blue, black, olive, brown, bottle-green and salt ipixt Broad-cloths and Cassitneies some of which are very fine Sttiped and mixed milled Cassimcres Sattmets of all kinds in great variety of prices 9-4 and 10 4 London Duffle B ankets 10 and 12 4 colored Counterpanes Mackiiian Point Blankets, milled Red and blue, white and red mist Lindseys Blue Plains and twilled Kerseys Carpet Binding „ Tufted and other Heal th Rugs to match the Car petings Togeiher with v large assortment of Cologne, Orange, Rose and Lavender Water Rose anil Almond Soap, Antique Oil Hair Powder ami Powder Puffs, Durable Ink, &c. * Deceml>er 3 ' w ts 107 BACHLS T&VMMM, WARRENTOS, GEORGIA. Tho . utiscribers l>eg leave io inform the p-iblic. their friends and travellers particularly, that they have taken that well known establishment, the EAGLE TAVERN, in VVarrcnton, Georgia, where they are ready to accom modate all those who may give that establishment their patronage.—The subscribers will p-y the most strict at tention to the comfort of tliei> guests; their Table shall be provided with the best the Market can afforef, aiid their Stables shall be attended with attentive hostlers. The ‘ übscribers wish Travellers so try their Establishment, and determine for themselves, whether they deserveiput ronage. JOSEPH C. HARRIS, James McDonough. Warrenton, (ha. January 10, 1833. The undersigned have purchased Sterling ’tjafysijjjSr T. Combs 1 interest, one of ® *’e partneis, of the firm of Sims, W ilt.ia-ms (c. j'lsf-y. All debts due to, or by the concern will be ndetlfo by us. The business' will be continued the- Subscribers as heretofore under the firm of Sims, ‘ Williams Bz. Woolsey. CHARLES D. WILLIAMS, ABRAHAM M. WOOLSEY. iET Having sold my interest as one of the partners of the firm of Sims, Williams &, Wool sey, to C. D. Williams Ik A. M. Woolsey—all claims due by or to the concern will 'lc attended to by them. STERLING T. COMBS, j Dec 3 107 ts i Georgia, Richmond County. WHEREAS John \Y. Wilde, Administra tor, on the Estate of Maria Stuart, ap plies for letters of Dismissoiy, on said Estate, These are therefore, to cite all and singular the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to be it appear at my office, Within the timejtrescri bed by law, to file their objections (if anjt they have,) and shew cause why said Letters should not be granted. B. M’KINNE, v. c. c. o. R . c. Jan lG niGm 7 A Situation Wanted, / BY a young man who is thoroughly acquainted with the business, in a wholesale and retail Grocery, or Shoe Store, or most any respectable Mercan tile business, eilherin this city or country, and would be satisfied with u liberal com pensation. Permanent employment be ing his chief object. Satisfactory refer ence given. A line addressed to L. C. P, at the office of the Georgia Courier will be attended to. January 14 . w3t 6 Notice. THE Trustees of the Academy of Richmond County will lease, fora term of*years, on the first Tuesday in February next, at the Mar ket House (if nut leased by private contract be fore that time) all the lots lying south of Wat kin’s-street, to the norili sidepf the Beaver Dam. as laid out bv Robert Raiford, Esq. City Survey or. For terms, apply to JAMES M’LAVVS, Clk. of the Board. ! January 16 3 « Goshen Butter, &c. &c. Firkins superior Goshen Butter 60 halt anil quarter boxes bunch Raisins 30 boxes Sperm Candles 25 boxes Yellow Soap 10 casks, Goshen Cheese d0 half and qr bbls Buckwheat Meal 5 bbls Smoked Beef 30 t.ags Java and Green, Cofiee 6 bids Sweet Oranges 6 ball bills Fulton Market Beef 2 halt bbls dried Cut rants 5 boxes Citron Just received and fop sale, bv JOHN COSKERY. 256, Broad Street, __NW il 102 PROSPECTUS. FOR PUBLISHING, BY SUBSCRIPTION, IN CHEROKEE County, A Weekly Neuspaper, to be entitled the C\\evokee InteH’igeucev To be conducted by Howell Cgrb. ■ ON presoming t<. the people this pro spectus, the Editor dee ms it super fluous to say olie word ivitli iegurd to the utility of newspapers. There, ate how-' ever, particularly at this lime, other du ties that tnay not lie avoided so easily. In entering the political arena, tie may ♦not conceal -our sentiments, for we con ceive it our duty, to our ft iemls and op ponents, frankly to avow them. The State Rights’ Doctrines as contended for by the best expounders of the constitu tion are those we avow; we hold that each State has reserved to herself, all and eve ry righ,, not tip and enumer ated in the Constitution of the United Slates; that they may, nay should, and have reserved for the very purpose, those rights, thijl whenever occasion requires they may be exetcised; but tbs States should Be careful in the exercite of what are called and supposed t-» be re served tights, tbose. surrendered up are not violated, for they are no mu: elite rights of the States than if they had ne ver been exercised'by them. The Gen eral Government toy must move within its legitimate sphere, carefully observing » hat powers it may exetcise—what are reset ved to the respective sovereignities, and what have not been granted. While here we remark that we ate uncomprom ising Union men, and feel and consider ourselves identified with all those that now raliy under the standard of the twen ty-four States, Whatever minor distinc- ■ lions may, heretofore, have separared us As respects the parties in Georgia, tuu we have a word to say —We have acted with perfect satisfaction to ourselves with the Republican party. The spirit of that party will be carried into our lubots; but we wish it understood /hat we have not, and cannot now con-ent to advance oar patty views and prospects by contending against those opponents; we offer to out opponents the free use of our columns, il they are properly used. L is,useless to say any thing of .lie in teresting country in which the Jnteltigcn cer will be located—the farmer is invited there by its fertile lands—the unhealthy by its waters and air—the thy mist by the valuable treasure found in its bosom. The earliest attention and notice w ill be given of nil new discoveries of gold mines or other valuable curiosities, The Editor will practice' Law in the counties of Cherokee, Cass, Forsyth, Lumpkin and Fioyd, andjiyill be thankful for any business committed to bis atteu tion in those counliesi All letters and communications to the Editor, relating to the Office, or other business must be post paid to entitle them to notice: this rale will be firmly adhered to. All communications intended for pub lication must be accompanied by a res~ pousible and respectable name. Nothing of a persoual ehm acler, either in the form of a communication or adver tisement, will, it 4 any instance, he permit ted to appear in our columns. Our subscription' will be three dollars each year, when paid in advauce, or foui dollars at the end of the year. Advertising and Jolt "Work solicited and executed with neatness and despatch A synopsis ftf all iho Sheriffs’ sales will be published in Augusta, Milledge ville, and Macon, at the expense ol tin proprietor. The paper may fee expected to appeal by the 20 h of Febuary. Our cotrespojtdeuts will direct their communications to Cherokee Court House. Editors in Georgiaare requested to publish the above.- Jan 4 27 CAUTION. THE public are hereby notified, (hat a man well known in this city, by the name of James McDonnouoii, came to ntv Store and purchased a lot of goods, which he represented he would pay casit for evidently with the ioteutiVn of swind ling me out of the amount : he purchas ed them io fits name of Joseph C. Hat ris &. Cos. of Warrenton, and under prt; tence of going out for the money, he <ii rected the wagoner to move off with the goods. This is to caution others untlet sitnilai circumstances to beware of him. JOHN CpSKERY Augusta, Jan 9 4 TO HIKE, TO Hire a likely Servant BOY. about 16 years old, of good chaiut ter and accustomed to House business.- Applv at this Office. BLANKS Os all kinds neatly printed and for sale at lit Office of the GesrgiaCourier ssrotrosar & she ah. Have just received from New- Yo,k. Ea IBA blue, black £ fancy colored Cloths superior fancy striped and buff Cassitners Extra tine German GoAie lialr'Camblot perior Pongees Superior green and brown Imitation Merino3 Super fancy colored and'black figured Gro de Naps Extra black English Lustrings Super Scarlet and black Thibet w'Ool lldkfs, Ri It Scailet Merino Long Shawls Fancy Bead Retticules and Put’ses Rich Blond Gauze Veils and fancy carved Combs Super 1 tilde Diaper anti Damask Napkins Extra fine and wide Furniture Dimities 2 Bales 8 4 Duffle Blankets 2 Bales low pried Negio Kerseys I Bale Scotch Carpetings Heavy 3-4, r 8 and 4-4 Lowell Cotton Osuaburgs 1 Bale low priced and superior red and white Flannels ala nar: sum y Low priced and fancy sattinelts Jan -4, , 2 tflt . Figs, Figs, Figs. TB Br u ‘«W Fresh Tuikey Figs,. JL 10 Kegs Longlifine Mee tings, Just received and for sale low by JOHN COSKERY. 256 Broad Street . Jan. 14. ON CONSIGNMENT, JUST RECEI VED. - aS> piprs COGNAC BR AN L> Y 2 Hall Pipes do do 4 “ “ Holland Gib 30 qr & half qi casks of Madeira, French Madeira, Sherry and Malaga Wineg 10 cases Slums assorted 10 bales brown Sheetings and Shirtings FOR SALE BY J. MARSHALL. Jan 16 7 if lieceived this day sines of Skirting and Harness Lea- TC" W\W .liter, of favorite brand #? on consign, inent and will be sold low bv ” s B. W. FORCE & Cos. . * No 273, Biped street. S a«v 28 «8t 10ft • Received this Day, BY BOATS AOS. 11 and 12. ICASE Ladies whito and black Sstk tin Slippers 14" Gunlleinen’s pruuella btickled P ufnps 1 d<» do Galfskin ' do ‘ do 1 do Dm vs I\:d and Morocco do do B. VV. FORCE tfc Cos. Jannaiy 7 3 f MIIS. REEVES WISHING to make Augusta the place of her permanent residence, respectfully tenders her services to lire public hs Teacher of Vocal and Instrumented Music. Scholars, who wish her services w ill please'to leave their names at the Book Store of Messrs Richards £ Ganahl and Dr. Wray’s, where her terms w ill bu made known. Dee 24 116 if MRS. S. 31. IK)WEN Wi LL rcsiiiM j tho exercises of he* Sclini.| for Young Ladies, on Mon* dav the 7th of January next. For terms ripply ai her icsufcr.ce on WHsiiington street. • December 31. 113 3 , - Executor’s Sale. WILL be sold <m the first Tuesday, in March, next at the la e Resi rlenc <>f L >voy Powers, hv an order ob tained fmm ijie Court of Ordinary, all the Household mid Kitchen Furniture, and two milch Cows; also nn ihe same day tit the Market negro slaves to wit. Funny, Lucy, & her 3 children, Louis, ZeJda, pud Demits. The said ptopefry soiJ for ihe hviufst -.of the heirs mid ctedi'ors of said E-tale. JOSEPH COLLINS, K-v’r. Jan lG will 7 NOTICE. 1 WILL attend at rn-y Office, _\ at It East Corner, Bispinent Su-ty, Citv il.ill, horn 2 to 3, o'clock, P. M. i very day (Sunday’s cxcepied) for iho porposu of receiving the returns of taxable pro periv in the City of Augusta. All per -.nns in crested will pay-atolriou to this GEO. V. WALKER, c. c. c. Jan 9 4 if T THE undersigned having purchased die Fire Proof WARE I/O USB, lately owned and occupied by Sims, Williams Ac Woolsey, have appointed ! Mr. William M. Martin their A treat, ! w ho is and ily authori/.ed to attend to a!! un | -settled business of the Ware-House, and to whom all persons indebted will pleusu make paynwenl. He is also duly autho rized to deliver all Ct 11on or Merclian* I ze no.v in Store to the owners or their -Aider, on payment of expenses anJ ad vances JOHN HOWARD and W M. JOHNSTON. For themselves, and the other proprietors. Augusta, 7 3 2w 'Pile Athenian, Washing!* n News Geoigiit Journal and the Gemgia Con ; iutionalist will insert, the above for two vi-eks, and send their accounts “notice: H\ VING stopped making Buck, .he subscriber will attend more par ,a»ly tr> ins tiad© «»f laying them eih i in town <>r country. He will rectify !1 chimneys, that smoke, and if that evil i pot prevented, no compensation will nr req iit ed. GABRIEL S. CLARKE. January 4 2 G. NO 9.