Georgia courier. (Augusta, Ga.) 1826-1837, January 25, 1833, Image 1

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VOL. 7. P.UBLISHKO EVERY !UtO ND.\Y, WEDN E S DA,V ani> FRIDAY, 2 3?• B®' Mr. Howard’s Brick B.iiMi.itfs, opposite the PoslOffico MMiuosli Street. OIKK.CTIONS. Silos of Land and Nigrtiti, by Administrators, Ex«ni ‘ ‘ fjinrdions, are re<]ttirod, by law, to bo Jveld on ti e first Tuesday in ilic mouilt. between the hour* of .ten in e forenoon and three in the afternoon, at the Court-ltov .?< ihe county a which tlio properly is situate.—Not_ici U Utcse sales must be oivon in a public gazette SIXI \ dais orevious tothn day of sale. 1 Notices of the s.*lo of personal property must be given ic ‘like manner, FORTY days previous to the J»y ol sale Notice to the debtors anil creditors of tin estate, inu*»ne ■ ibtished for FORTY days. Notice tliat application will bo made to the V*M} /»Or- dinar.v for leave to soil laud, must be published lor l tUJtt leave to sell Negroes, fhairkl^hdi FOUR MONT U-t, before any order absolute sba.i .»< iiiauo iioroon by the court- _ TIONN () TIC E VN lviec*iot> will be held, at the (Liferent l lacea of Election for the County of Rich mond on Monday the 11th day t'f February, next, for a Tax Collector for the present year to 111 l the vacancy of Oliver Reed, Esq. who declines servine GREF,N B. MARSH ALE, j t. c. n. c. WILLIAM SHANNON, J t c. r c. F-DWAKD THOMAS, j t c R. c CT The different Gaz ties, of the city, tv-ill sivc the above three inset tion's. Jan Hi ' •** The subscriber respect rjiggr fully announces himself ;t candi rlute fur the office of Tax Collector, to fill ihe vacancy occasioned by the resig nation of Olivfu Reem. SAMUEL TARVER. Jan. 15. id iff ® Subscriber annonn i-’PESfet ces himself a Candidate tor Tax Collector, of Richmond County, to fill i lie vacancy occasioned by the resignation of Oliver Reed. JAMES PRIMROSE. January 11 id 5 non ert ua l e«7r Jj respectfully announces himself Tn llio voters of Richmond Conn V, for the i ffice, of Tax Cnhect-r in place of Oliver Root!, E v q. who decline* serving. Jon II sli _ We imrauthorized to an y&Ztel? nminco Mr. CmusTnriiEft C. J T'-AX.tAFFttittt ft Caodirl.r e for 'Tax Col,- Jector of Richmond county in placet of Oliver Reed, Esq. resigned. Jan 14 VVe are authorized to nn noiince Jacob C. Burg a Can didate for Tax Oyllnctor of Richmond county in place of Oliver Reed, resigned. Jan 14 ttl 6 POST OFFICE, X Aujtpula, Jan 23i 1, 1833. j THE Northern and Western Muds, Will hereafter nrive at 8 P. M. 6c Close at tho same In ur. This nrrant’Ciiie'nt wid continue until the Ist «'f April when the arrangement heretofore existing, will be resumed. OFFICE HOURS- Until the Ist of Aptil, the Post Office will he opon from 7 A. M. to 2 P. M. from 3 to 6 P. M. On Sunoavs the office will be open from i past 9 to 10 A. M. and from 5 to* 6, P. M. WM. Micon P. Jan. 23 i° tU IMPORTANT VICTOIUV - Sylvester against the World !!! The ever luriutia e Sylvester lias again cause to announce in h s Patron’s tho pre-- eminent success which has attended ilie t Iforts ofbno of It is distant correspondents. Drawing of the Virginia State Lottery, Class No. 7, drawn ;u Richmond Dec. 21 40, 45, G;., 34, 58, 7. 40, 43, Gl, 44 Combination 7 34 58 the grand prize of I©,ooo dollar# Was sent by SYLVESTER ina letter Jo a gentleman at Nashville,Tenn. Adventurers look to the above, and if You value wealtlcsend vonr O'ders to the rRIZE*SF.LHNG SYLVESTER: AG AIIS. IN THE NEW YORK LOTTERY, Drawn Dec. 2Gth, 1832, SYLVESTER sold the second Capi tal Prize of 4,000 dollars It was owned, by an Advenidrer, who for a long time Imd been wooing the Fickle Goddess. NEW YOKE LOTTERY, Class No. 2, for 1833, To be drawn on Wednesday, January 15 66 Nn. Lottery-—lO drawn ballots $20,000. CAPITALS. •1 Prize of 20,000 dollars 1 do 5,000 dollars 2 do 1,000 dollars 2 do 1,500 dollars 2 do i,270 dollars Tickets FIVE Dollars VIRGINIA S Fa FIT LOTTE R Y (Hass No. 1, for 1833 o be drawn on Friday, Jan 18ilt. 66 No. Lottery—lo drawn ballots. $25,000* Capitals. 1 Prize of 55,000 dollars 1 do 6,000 dollars I do 3,000 dollars 1 do 2,000 dollars &c Amounting to 2,282.000 dollars Tickets $6. Halve* $4 Quarter* $1 60 For Piites directnyoor orders to S. J. SYLVESTER, \ BALTIMORE Jan 14 -7-ts IX. SMITH & CO. 2 rs. Broad-Strekt. Have received per recent arrivals and offer for salt -* sk4lkwhole, half &qt. boxes Rai- Hflfsins 2ft drums ires!) Turkey r igs 0 J ais Malaga' Grapes * 15 I3hls Sicily Fhberts 15 do Brazil Nuts 20 do Still Shnlled Almonds 5 cashes Bordeaux Prunes, contain ing; Tiunks Reticules, Jbc* £.O bags Groundnuts 2 kegs Zante Currants 5000 Sweet Oranges lO.OQO Spanish Cigars 20 cases “ I, C.” Champaigne, war tnnied a superior article 10 baskets “J. C.” Champaign pints 10 cases Lambert Champaign ... 10 do Old Hock Vintage, 1822 1,0 do .Old Port bottled in Oporto Harris & Sons brand and su perior 5 Burgundy,.Ct met and oib* ei brands 10 do Claret 10 do Milynf, i pipe 'Li P. Tenenflo 1 do Port l do Brown Sherry 1 do Palo do Ravina & Alburtcs und Duff Gordon & Cos. brands 5 qr. casks common Sherry 5 do do Madeira £5 dozen assorted Cordials >0 do Spanisjt Cordials fancy hol lies IQ baskets Aoizeite 10 cases American, Canton £c Wesr Ifidia Preserves Containing Peach, Quince, Grscn and Blue Gauges, Orange, Lime, Pine Ap ple, Pium, Preserved Ginger, &c. &.c 10 cases American, Lund ui and French Pickles, Cucumbers, &c 6 baskets supsifino Olive Oil 2 cases Italian, Vermicelli and Macaroni 2 do. Genoa Citron 4 5 do. _Olivo Crtpres tip Anchovies 4 do. Cinmunon, Nutmegs, Cloves and Mace . £ cases Mushroom and Walnut Catsup l 5 do. Loudon Mustard in ibs. halves 6c quarters , 5 do. fiettltjEltocolaie 25 boxes Sperm Candles 25 do. Georgia do. 50 do. Herring . [ers 20 bbls. Butter, and Water Cracky, 20 half; 20 qr. and 30 kegs do. JO 1)1)1*. Pilot Bread and Soda Biscuit 200 doz. JVlapes’ and Mi*. Millers sweet s.ceni and fine cut Tobacco 20 casks American and London Porter 3 do. Set tell pale Ale 20 bids. jßeaclie’s Canal Flour 20 half do. and 10 halfdo. live Flour * 1 b< * smoked Salmon 5 half bbls. and 10 kits pickled do,. 10 kits soused Sahuon iO do. Wo. 1 Mackerel . - . 5 bbls. smoked Beef; 3 bids Tongues 10 cases Pine Apple Cheese 5 do Canton Fire Crackers Goshen Butter ; Leaf Laid House and West-India MulassOs Albatiy Ale qrjd Newark Cider Gunpowder, Il>son and Imperial Teas Teati Ash, Salueta'us giound and race, Ginger Louisiana loaf and lump Sugar Red Pepper,and din Pepper Sauce Buckwhent, halves and qr. bbls. Jan_7 3 rms iapor wAas hous». sow miM "fS'tt7TLlj bo sold, at Auction, to the ▼ w highest bidder, at the JLower Market House, ill the City of Augusta, on the fust Tuesday in March next, unless previously disposed of at private sale, that well known Eire Proof WARE< HOUSE , lately owned and occupied by Messrs. Sims, Williams &. Woot.sey. The advantages and conveniences of. ,lhis valuable properly, having a Wharf attached to it on the river, 'lie location the oldest established and perhaps the best in the city, the extensive and lucra tive run qf custom it enjoys, comprising, a large number of the most wealthy Plan ters and Merchants throughout ihe interi or of Georgia and South-Carolinn, which it is thought tin early purchaser may se cure the continuance of, offer great in ducements to those who are desirous to engage in rhe Ware-llouse and Commis sion Business. Person? wishing to purchase are invited to examine the property ; it may be pur chased at pi ivate sale, bv application to the Proprietors at any time previous to ilie day qf sale. Terms made known on application, or on the day of sale. JOHN HOWARD and WILLI AM JOHNSTON, For themselves and the other Proprietors. Augusta, 10th January, 1833. Georgia Journnl at Milledge ville, 'he Charleston Courier, the Geor gia Gazette at Athens, and the Telescope at Columbia, Si C. are requested to insert the above once a week until the day ol *a!e, and send their accounts to us. Jan 14 ts 6 To. the Proprietors of Gold Mines THE Subscriber beg leave to say;, that he would take employment as Mine Engineer, for the year 1833, or longer if sufficient induce ment is offered. His acquaintance w ith machine ty and experience at the iqities (in Georgia) render him adequate to the performance, of such duties, as the survey and examination of Lots, Assay of ore.s construction of Engines aud wot king the mines may require. WILLIAM PHILLIPS. Dec 24 11(5 lm AUGUSTA, (GEO.) FRIDAY, JANUARY 25, 1833. LAMPS. Consisting of Plain , Cut , and Ground Glass Hall LAMPS, LIVERPOOL Suspending Brass Lamps Brass Mantle Lamps ; Rt-fleetiug Lamp 9, A GREAT VARIETY OF Mantle Si Chamber, Glass Lamps, Night Lamps ALSO, LAMP CLASSES. Os almost every size amt pattern, for sale, by IL'B. HA VI LAND & Cos. Doc 10 110 if SUPERIOR CIDER, &c. X-Bills first-rate Cider 3000 large Sweet Oranges 200 bbls Not them Potatoes 10 do do Bfc’els 3000 bunches Onions .60 bids do 25 bbls Cranberries 60 boxes Sperm Candlfs 25 tierces Ni w Rice 50 boxes, 3000 each American bunch Segnis hbds superior rtew Georgia Syrup. FUR SALE, BY G. H. METCALF. Doc 3 107 ON CONSIGNMENT. jus r it is c /•:/vbd 5 PIPES Cognac Brandy 15 Half Pipes Holland Gin 60 Pieces Tow Bagging 60 Coils Bale Rope 10000 Spanish Segars,.- 6 Tierces New Rice ALSO Just Landing from Steamboat Augusta, Hhtls. New Orleans a:id Porto Sugars “ Wcst’li.dia Molasses “ St. Croix Rum “ N E Rum “ Whiskey “ Cider fi/nntfy Barrefs N. Gin '• Mackerel “ Sperm Oil “ Bnttey,Crackers Casks London Porter and Brown Stout . Prime Cheese Quarter pipes Cogswellj# Wine “ casks Cargo .\Vino Boxes White Havannaand Lump Sugars “ Sperm Candles and Soap “ Raisins and Herrings “ American Seearg Bags Prime Gicen Coffee “ Dtop amt Buck SlioJ Bales Cotton Bagging “ “ Yarn cases Negro Shoes And an Assortment of Staple w>mn (ftcsxDiDS For sale low for cash or approved endorsed notes, by *•- J. MARSHALL. DR. A. JO IVES. HAS REMOVED his office from the Globe Hotel, to thj one formerly occupied by Dr. Cunningham, in the building on the cornet of Washington and Ellis Streets, and fronting the former—the Dwelling part lately occupied by Mrs. Crawley as a boarding liuuse, and now Uy Mrs. West for the same purpose. WASHINGTON, SURG EON DENIS TANARUS, WlLL.spenda few clays in Augusta. Per sons wishing to avail themselves of his services, will please make immediate application at the Planters Hotel. Any doubts as to Professional capacity, can l* satisfied by nn examination oj the very re spectable testimonials in bis possession. Ladies will be waited upon at their private residences. Get 24 90 ts Notice. rXI HE Trustees of the Academy of Richmond JL County will lease, for a term of years, on the first Tuesday in .February next, at the Mar ket House (if not lensed by private contract be fore that time) all the lots lyjng south of Wat kin’s-sfrret, to the north side ot the Beaver Dam as laid out by Robert Raiford, Esq. City Survey or. For terms, apply to J AMES M’LAWS, Clk. of the Board. January 16 3 7 ■ COTTON GINS. BOATWRIGHT L JONES, of Columbia , S. C. respectfully inform their friends and the public that they have established a Shop in Augusta, Georgia, for the- -purpose of Making and repairing COTTON GINS, and are now prepared to furnish these Machines made n't the best materials and in the best manner.— We will keep on hand GINS of different sizes, from 30 to 60 Saws. O’ Our Shop is about one hundred yards, above the Upper Market in this place. Atig 24 63 wtf NOTICE. THE Subscriber wishes to hire two or threat good Male Servants, for which a libera] price will be given. W. G. GRIMES. Oct 19 88 NOTICE. ALL persons having demands against the Estate of John W. Turner, late of Lincoln County, deceased, will please present them pro perly authenticated within the 'dime prescribed t>V law, and all indebted to said Estate will please make immediate payment to SH YDRACH TURNER. Adm'r. Oct 20 92 id NOTICE. FOUR months after date application will be made to the Hono.rable IhTerior Court of this County, for leave to sell the estate of Rob- McCooipbs,, deceased, consisting of Negroes, Household Furniture, Land, 81c JOHN S. COOMBS, Adm'r. Jan 2 119 m4m New Crop Georgia Syrup. 15 Hhds. Syrup 25 Hhds N. O Molasses 100 Boxes Mustard This Day, landing for sale, by G. H. METCALF. Dec 3 107 "NEWARK CIDER. 15 Barrels Newark CIDER, of firsftquality, just received, and for sale, By M. ROFF. Jan 2 ' fl 9 3tw NEW STOBE. STOVALL & IIAMLEN Are now opening nn entire new Stock of find Fancy Combs , Brushes, Perfumery, See Hfc. All which have been purchased in New York, within tho last month, and aro ntrw ready for sale, ciieap fur cash, or approv ed paper, at thpir store, directly opposite the Theatre. The citizens of Augusta and its vicini ty, and persons from the country are re spectfully invited to call and examine our assortment, January 7 3 NEW PATTERNS Os Earthen and China Ware. f 1 1H E subscribers have recently received, per 1 ships Olive Branch anti Ganges, at Savan nah, from Liverpool direct, 255 packages of Earthen and China Ware.-bwliiclt makes thei fall stock in every respect complete, and embra ces every variety of bine, black, brown, pink, anti put pin Dinner and Tea Ware—Persian plates, dishes, teas, bowls, anti jugs, of entire new patterns, at prices unusually low—together with every article of enameled, edged, C. C. and Moco Ware, Their assortment will bear comparison with any ever offered in the Southern country, and earnestly invite merchants, and others,who have usually bought in Charleston, or elsewhere, to nn examination for themselves before mak ing future purchases. Prices will be found low anti terms liberal. Every attention puU'bepaid to orJers, both in selecting and packing—none but experienced packers being employed by us They have also .for sal*, every variety of cut ansi plain Halt Lamps. Astral Lamps, and Shades extra, Billiard and Liverpool Suspend ing Lamps and Glasses extra, fine gilt China tea Sets—Jugs, Plates, Teas, and Coffees, Li quor cases, &.c P. B. TAYLOR & Cos. No. 266 Broad st. wider the Masonic Hall. And 363, one door htlow the Merchants' and Planter's Bank. Augusta. Dec. 7. 109 ts DISSOLUTION. E firm of Kibbe, Kiutlan© 6c Cos. Jt- of Augusta, and nf the firm of S. C. KIRTt.ANr), Son & Cos Bridgeport, Conn, is litis day dissolved, bv snot uni consent. S. C. KIRTLAND, B. B. K JUTLAND, WM KI.BBE, WE the undesi^n ' ■ lave purchnsed the if interest ofW&x. kibbb, one of tiro partners of Kibbe.Kirtland $c Cos. Augusta, and S. C. Kiitland, Bridgeport, Conn, nil the d ,j bts due ci ther of tire nbnv«» firms, will be settled by us. All those having claims against ei ther of tho abuyeitrms, wiU-please present them. S. C. KIRTL AND, B. B. KIRTL AND. Jan 21, 1833.—ts WHOL E S ALE ~ Eoof .& skes STOSIS. A. M. HATCH & CC>. BEG leave to inform their friends and the public, that they have opened the Store, No. 265, Broad-Sirect, next door Messis. W. A II Brys ON, under ihe firm of HATCH & CO. where they have and intend keeping con stantly on hand a large and extensivo as sortment of Gentlemen’s and Ladies Hoots , Shoes, Straw Bonnets, 6pc. And will bo continually receiving front their Houses in New York, and Charles ton fresh supplies of articles in their line, aud which they will disposo of, on accom modating terms. Jan J2l 9 6t Law notice. . THE undersigned having taken an Office, next door to tliat o I Crawford h Cum- MiNO.Esqrs informs the public ihat be will faith fully attend to all business with which he may be intrusted. ROBERT CLARKE. Dec 12 ill if TO THE PUBLIC. LAMBACK Si RUSE, inform their friends and the public generally, that they have engaged a first rate WORKMAN, (not from Paiis) and will, in future, keep always on hand, a large and general assortment of every thing in their line,especially CANDIES and SY RUPS. January 16 7 Tewis barie, HAS seiiltqi in Savannah, G;i. to tiansoct COMMISSION business. He will pay. strict attention to receiving &, forwarding respectfully solicits business from bis friends and others. Reference to—thirty years’ residence in Augusjta, Savannah, Dec. 21. 114 12 NOTICE. THE Copartnership heretofore existing be tween the subscribers in the Practice of Law, is this day dissolved by mutual, consent; They will both attend to the uflfmished business of the firm until it is closed ; and persons indebt ed to them for professional service can make payment to either. WILLIAM. SCHLEY, THO’S. GLASCOCK. Nov 2' 94 “notice. HAVING Stopped making Crick, the subscriber will attend more par ticularly to his trade «>f laying them eith er in tuwn nr country. He will rectify all chimneys, that smoke, and if that evil is not prevented, no compensation will be required. GABRIEL S. CLARKE. Janunrt 4 3 At the Store, corner of Promt and. Mar. Intosh Street, ' Augusta, Georgia. HAS just received from France and New- York by late arrivals, a bilge assortment French, English ami American FANCY St STAPLE .. ©irir Which he offers tor sale on lijs usual moderate I eritis for Cash or Town acceptances pieces rich and splendid patterns Eng iish and American ingrain CARPKT ; fJ • nt all prices 17 pieces very fine 2 and 6 4 French black Bom b'i zincs 20 pieces 5 4 ar.d 6 4 assorted colors Merino Cloths, anil Merit o Circassians, all colors .and width ! 7-8 S( 6 4 Mateoni lilac k Italian Lustrings Assorted French TailVta Silks, i’.r Umbrellas i Rich stripe and flgmcd Silks of all colours ; Black and colored Gro de Swiss and Gro de j Berlin Bottle green, scarlet and other colors Gro de i Nnp«le -‘S Merino, Hernanrami twisted Silks, Shawls ofj all colors and pi ices Crape, Muslin Silk and other Whawjs, biflest ! stylo White, scarlet an I black Merino long Shawls | Ladies rmhrodered and !,inpd Horse «Uin Glnvtsij Do Long and IJabllTVbile do ando ~sd o White ’Cotton, Silk and worsted Hose alt Colors ard qualities Itish Linens, Shgctings anil Diapers English Long t'jqtit.. ' Ten dozen Landscape Beait and Si k " orked Bags, some very elegant patterns - ! Bead Purses nod ladies worked Baskets of fdlj sizes Lndies plain and ornament a I waist Buckles ( Boses of elegant Bonnet Plumes and Wreaths While and colored French plain and worked Linen. Cambric Handkerchiefs as sorted patterns"' Eariies hair braids and Curls India Rubber Suspenders and Garters Thread Laces and Edgings in great variety ot patterns Black Italian and French Craprs Do. Love Silk Shawls Od cloth Silk for children’s Aprons Ladies’ cambric Aprons very iicb pattern's ansi 1 new style Black, red, green and scarlet silk Velvets A large assortment of 5 4 and 4-4 French color ed head ITuidkerelitefs, quite new patterns plain and triugt-d A targe assortment of art-glass .Beads Plain and cut Gold Beads Best of Pins and Needles lOOdoz. Spool Cotton (all numbers Blue, black, olive, brown, bottle green find salt Broad-cloths and Ciisstiß some of which arc very line Stiiped and mixed milled Cassimeres , Sattinets of all kinds in great variety of prices ' 9 4 and 10 4 London Du file I> aukets 10 and l? <1 colored Counterpanes Mackinan Point Bl'atikets, milled Red an»l blue, while and retlYnixt jLiudscys Blue Plains and twilled Kerseys Carpet Binding Tufted niid other Hearth Rugs to match the Car : prtings Together with o large a. iorlment of Cologne, Orange, Rose and Lavender Water Bose and I Soap, Antique Oil Hair Powdei and Powder Putt’s, Durable Ink, &.C. * December 3 ts ,107 GosTrVn Butter, *fec, <&c. 25 Firkins superior Goshen Butter 50 half and quarter boxes hunch Raisins 30 boxes Spetin Candles £5 boxes Yellow Sump 10 casks Goshen Cheese 40 half and qr bills Buckwheat Meal i 6 bbls SmoHed licet 30 bags Java and Green Coffee 6 bbls Sweet Oranges 6 half bbls Fulton Maiket Reef 2 half bbls dried Cu-rants 5 boxes Citron Just Received and for sale, hv JOHN COSKERY. 256, I'-road Street. N.uV 11 io2 TOIiIKK, TO Hire n likely Servant BOY, about 16 years old, of good charac ter and accustomed to House bitsi less.— Apply at this Office. THU SUBSCRIBERS OFFERS for safe. pieces Cotton Bagging on liberal terms. A Iso —ln the Magazine 500 kegs FF and FFF Dupont’s Gnu Powdei 10 do Eagle Powder in sis Canisters 20 half kegs Jvigle'Piiwdej d> loose > TILLOT &LE BA R BIER. JUST RECEIVED. <*>/? Drums fresh Figs 10 boxes do Prunes 60 whole ami hall boxes Rauirrs 40 quarter do do 10 bbls sweet Newark Cider -20 do Cream Ale 60 kegs fresh Goshen Butter 20 half bbls. Canal Flow 10 do Buckwheats do 10 do Rye do Cuvuinbers ir. half barrels Pickled Tongues do Fly-Market Beet do Mess Pork do Children’s Willow Carriages 50 boxes Hamburg Candles Together with a general assortment of GROCERIES, FOR SALK, 8V DORTIC <fc LAFITTE. 236, Broad Street. Dec 31 118 ls Georgia, Lincoln County. WHEREAS William Jeter, Guar dian lor the minors if Jos se Har dy, sen’r. deceased, viz; Whiiwell 11. Hardy and Diry S. Hardy, applies foi Lexers Distnissory, frum said Guardian ship. These are therefore to cifa summon and admonish all and singular those cmi. cerned to be and appear at my Office, within the limp prescribed-bv 81H * shew cause why said lepers should not be grafted. Given under, my band in office, this 7th dny of January 1832.'" " f. f. Fleming, c. c.«. i..c. Jan 14 6 m6m THE A UG US TA JO CKE f CL UP WILL commence on Tuesday the 19lft day rif Jfebrtutry irgkt; for any Horse, Mare or Gelding, from any patVof the woild. Ist days race, 4 mile heats'for a purse of !®4OO 2d do 3 (idle heats for a purse of S3OO 3rd do 2 do do for a purse of rjUJO'J '4th > tW a jiand.r cap, best 3 out of 6 for §2OO The same ft flirt ’ nii.4 Regulations- governing the Cloiilcston Tm fare (idupted for the govern ment of ibis, with the exception that nil Horses are to be entered on the night previous to the* day <>l t outline, ’t he-cash will be hung up at the stand on each Ua_\ and paid over immediately to the winner. •- .( The Georgia Journal, Federnl Union, Char leston Conner- Richmond Enquirer','«n«l Savan nah Georgian will insert (tie above w’eekly until tbrf day of t Unbiiig, and forward their accounts to ihe Aiigtista Jockey Clnb for payment during the week of the Races’ liy order of The Club, C. MINOR, Sec’y. ' Jan. 21, If. EAGLB TAVERN. WAItttEXTOX, GEOIIGIA. Tbo 'iiJiscrihers line leave to inform tho p'dilic, frininls anil travotlcrs particularly, that lliey lihvp t'nkioi that well Known y.tMiUdllueut. tlio K'VGI.IC TAVERN, in VVai renron, (ieorgiu, wlicro they nro ready toncanyr incKWe nil those who m'av give that ostalilinli.i.ont diWr patnmngH—The subscriber* w ill p v tho most strict af toiition to the comfort of their guests; their Tulile s|ia!l tm provided with the host tlio Market can ntt'onf.bmd their Slnlilos sliatl lie attended with nttentiie hostlers Tho f-nbacriiicrs ivish Tntvrllcrs to try tlieir Fstalijislinieii], and deternihre lor ihemtelves, whether they du.nrvo pat. rmuqe. * JQSEWI C. HARRIS, JAMES M^DONbUGH. IVarttnlon ; On. January 10, 1833. i\EW STOKE. COMBS.- THE attention of purchasers is re specifbily invited to an entire new stock of COMBS, Which we ate n»w opening at the Brick Siortq diiectly npppsite ihe Theatre, consisting »<f Richly wrought Tortoise Shell COMBS, Now Patterns, and carved .on both sides. Tortoise Shell plain Tuck do from $2 to ’slo D«» do Puff and Sido do' Do do Neck and Long do Do Ldo Dressing and Pocket do 700 d<‘Z Brazilian 'l’uck do 900 “ ** Side do 200 “ “ Ciescent and Cut! uj 50 *• “ Long do 400 “ fine and supei ftite Ivory di» 100 “ Ivoty and Horn Pocket do 80 “ English and American Dressing do The above Combs, recently purchased in New-York, aie otforod cheap for cash. <>r approved paper, by STOVALL <& IIAMLEN, Nu, 287 llroacl sheet. January 7 3 Lime! Lime!! Lime!!! casks superior white lump Lime 200 casks fresh Tliouiaston Hot It Lime iVill be receivetl this week and fnv sale by , (Jr. ii. 51'ETCALF. nev 5, 95 Colouring for Liquors for sale by R. B. ll.\VifANl)‘ Siw Jan. 19 'lf 9 Cider, Vinegar, & Horsey, lor sale by ft. B. f f!i v IL*AND fiico Jan. J 9 ts i> Cork Wood, One Bole, fur sale liy R' B lIAVIL AND. itco- Jan. |9 <v- if- If 9 y Notice. * ALL persons having claims against the psiatA of Michael C. IJession, are hereby required to present them according to law. And persons indebted are r< quested jo make payment to, • AY. B THOMAS admr. 6tw 9 ; Georgia, Richmond County. WHEREAS JoJin Moore, surviving Exit, cutor of John Willson, applies for Let | ters Disniissory, on llic Estate of John Willson, deceased, and late of said county. T.tu sc are tberefote to cite all' and singular the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to be and appear ai tny office within the time pre scribed by law/to fi ft, their objections, (if any they have.) and shew ennse why said Icltei* should not be granted. ; £ B. M'KINNE, c. c o r.. c. Dec 15 ”• lit ui6iii Georgia, Richmond County. WHEREAS Samuil Clai k, with the will annexed applies fur Let- Jeis of Administration <*u tlie JCsttite of Arthur Harper, deceased, aud late of tho city of Philadelphia, Penn. These are therefore to cite all and sin gular the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to be and appear at tny office within 1 lie time prescribed by law, to fil«*. their objections, (ifany ihey have) and. shew cause why said letters should nor ba granted. B. M’KINNE, o. «. c. o. r.,c, . .Inn 14 NO, 11.