Georgia courier. (Augusta, Ga.) 1826-1837, February 06, 1833, Image 1

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VOL. 7. PUBLISHED EVERY MONDAY, WEDNESDAY asd FRIDAY, AT 2 O'CIiOCISi P« Mu Mr. Howard’* Brick Buildings, opposite the Post Office M’lntosh Street. DIRECTIONS. Sales of Land and Negroes, by Administrators, Execu tors, or Guardians, are required, bv law, to be held on he Irst Tuesday in the month, betwientbo hours or ten in he • forenoon and three in the afternoon, at the Court-boa*e ts the county n which the property is situate.—Notict if these sales must be given in a public gazette SIXTY diva previous to tho day cf sale. Notice* of the sale of persona* property mast be given in like manner, FORTY days previous to the day of sale Notice to the debtors and creditors of an estate, SltfStbe published for FORTY days. Notice that application will bo made to the Court of Or dinary for leave to sell laud, mast be published for FOUR MONTHS. ’ „ . . , Notije for leave to sell Negroes, must be published lor FOUR MONTHS,before any order absolute shall be made hereon by the court. ■. ~ELECTION NOTICE. AN Election will be held, at the and fferent places of Election for the County of Rich mond on Monday the llth day of February next, for a Tax Collector for the present year to fill I lie vacancy of Oliver Reed, Esq. who declines serving GREEN B MARSHALL, j i C. R. c. WILLIAM SHANNON, j i. c r e. EDWARD THOMAS, j i c r. c 53* The different Gazettes, of the city, will give the above three insertions. Jan 16 7 3t Kysg-a The subscriber respect fully announces himseif a candi date for the office of Tat Collector* to fill the vacancy occasioned by the resig * nation of Oliver Ref.d. SAMUEL TARVER. J in. 13. td 8 RjgggpThe Subscriber aniioitn pes himself a Cawiidaie foil Tax Collector, of Richmond County, to fill the vacancy occasioned by ihe resignation ol Oliver Reed. JAMES PRIMROSE. January i l id 5 ROBEIIT RAIFORD I'l®*©' respectfully annountfes himself to the voters of Richmond Coun y, for the office, of Tajc C»dtev *r in place of Oliver Reed, E«q. who declines serving. Jan J i 5 if Wo are authorized toan nuance Mr. Christ-ther C. Taliaferro a Candidate fur Tax Col lector of R'choiond county in place of Oliver Reed, Esq resigned. Jan 14 We lire authorized to announce Captain V\ m. H MAGRE. «U a candidate tofr Taa Collector of Richmond County. January 30. hi IMPORTANT VICTORY. Sylvester against the World !! J The ever forutna'e Sylvester has again cause to announce to h s Patron’s the pre„ .eminent sUccesS which has attended the efforts of one of his distant correspondents. Drawing of the. Virginia State t.olVcry. Class \ •. 7, drawn at Richmond t)ec. 21 40, 45, 65, 34, 58, 7- 46, 48, 6\, 44 Combinetion 7 34 58 'he grand of 10,000 dollars Was sent by SYLV ESTER in a letter to a gentleman at Nashville,Tenn. Adventurers look to the above, and if you value wealth send vonr O rlers to.the PRIZE SELLING SYLVESTER: AGAIN. IN THE NEW YORK LOTTERY, •Drawn Dec. 26-h, 1832, SYLVES TER sold the second Capi tal 1 : j ;> of 4,000 dollars It was owned, by an Adventurer, who fir a long time had been wooing the Fickle Goddess. NEW YORK LOTTERY, Class N-., 2, for 1833, To be drawn x>n Wednesday, January 15 66 No. Lottery—lo drawn ballots $20,000* CAPITALS 1 Prize of 20 000 dollars 1 do 5,000 dollars 2 do 1,600 dollars 2 do 1,500 dollars 2 do 1,270 dollars Tickets FIVE Dkllars VIRGINIA S TA TE L > TTER Y Class No. 1, for 1833 Vo be drawn on Friday, Jan 18th, M 33. 66 No. Lottery—lo drawn ballots* $24,000. CAPITALS 1 Prize of 55,000 dollars 1 do G.OOO dollars I do ’ f 3,000 dollars 1 do 2,000 dollars &c Amounting to 2,282,000 dollars Tickets $6. Halves $3 Quarters $1 60 For Prizes direct vour orders to s. J. SYLVESTER# Baltimore Jan 14 7 ts LAW. THE Undei signed hay® associated them selves In the practice of Law. They will attend the circuit Courts in the Counties of Tal hot, Muscogee, Stewart, Randolph, Lee, Sump ter, Marion, Harris, Merriwether, Troup, Cowe la, Campbell and Heard of the Chattahoochee t ircuit; Biltb, Crawford and Upson of the Flint Circuit. All communications addressed to them at Talbotton, Geo. will receive prompt attention. HIRAM WARNER. GEO. B. TOWNS. January 28. 3t 12 joiTprinting. A I-1* kinds of JOB PRINTING continued to be done at THIS OFFICE at the verv owest price, OEORgIA COmtlßtt N. SMITH & CO. 275, Broad-Street. Hat t received per recent arrivals and offer for sale whole, half »fcq r . boxes Rai- 20 drums fresh Turkey Figs 6 Jars Malaga Grapes 15 Bbls Sicily Filberts 15 do Brafcil Nuts 20 do Soft Shelled Almonds 5 cases Bordeaux Prunes, contain ing Trunks Reticules, See. 20 bags Groundnuts 2 kegs Xante Currants 5000 Sweet oratiges 10,000 Spanish Cigars 20 cases rt I. C.” Chartlpaigne, war ranted a superior article lO baskets “J. C.” Champaign pints. 10 cases Lambert Champaign 10 do Old Hock Vintage, 1822 ,10 do Old Port bottled in Oporto Harris Sc Sons brand and su- ( perior 5 cases Burgundy, Coiftet abd oth ei brands i0 do ClaTet 10 do Muscat „ 4 1 pipe L. P. TenerHre 1 do Port 1 do Brown Sherry 1 do Pale do R.ivitia & Alburtes and Duff Gordon Sc Cos. brands 5 qr. casks common Sherry 5 do do Madeira 25 dozen assorted Cordials 10 do Spanish Cordials fahey bot tles 10 baskets Anizette 10 cases American, Canton Sc West India Preserves Containing Peach, Quince, Green and Blue Gauges, Orange, Lime, Pin 6 Ap ple, Ptum, Preserved Ginger, See. See 10 cases American, London and French Pickles,Cucumbers, ike 5 baskets supeifine Olive Oil 2 cases Italian, Vermicelli and Macaroni 2 do. Genoa Citron 5 do. Olivo Capres Sf Anchovies A do. Cinnamon, Nutmegs, Cloves and Mace 4, cases Mushroom and Walnut Catsup 5 do. London Mustard in >bs. halves t& quarters '5 do. fiesli Chbcolatb 25 boxes Sperm Candlci 25 do. Georgia do. 50 do. Herring [ers 20 bbls. Butter, Sugar and Walter Crack -20 half; 20 qr. and 30 kegs do. 10 bbls. Pilot Bread and Soda Biscuit 200 doz. Mapes’ and Mrs. Millers sweet scent and fine cot Tobacco 20 casks American and London Porter 3 do. Scotch paloAle 20 bbls. Beache’s Canal Flour 20 half do. and 10 half do. Rye Flour 1 bt>x smoked Salmon 5 half bbls. and 10 kits pickled do, 10 kits soused Salmon 10 do. No. 1 Mackerel 5 bbls. smoked Beef; 3 bbls Tongues 10 cases Pine Apple Cheese 5 do Canton Fire t?racker& Goshen Butter ; Leaf Lard Sugai House and West- India Molasses Albany Ale and Newark Cider Gunpowder, HySon and Imperial Teas Pearl Ash, Salaeratus ground and race Ginger Louisiana loaf arid lump Sugar lted Pepper and W. Ir.dia Pepper Sauce Buckwheat, halves and qr. bbls. Jan 7 . 3 NOTICE. IWILL attend at my Officte, North East Corner, Basement Story, City-' " f "»m 2 to 5, o’clock, P. M. every day (Sunday’s excepted) for the purpose of receiving the returns of taxable pro perty in the Citv of Augusta. All per sons interested will pay attention to this notice. OEO7M WAXKETJ, e. c c. Jan 9 4 ts Scriveri Sheriff Sales. WILL be sold, on the first Tues day in March next, at the Court House, in Jacksonboro,’ Scriven County, between the usual hours of gale. 100 acres of plrte Land, (more or less,) levied on as the property of Eli as McCleland, the said land, joining land of Nicholas Siregle, Mrs. Emily ftobats aod others’ to satisfy sundry Executions in froth a Justice’s Corirt, in favor of Jas. H. Wade, John L. Martin and Peter Ar nett. Properly levied o'u and returned by a Constable. ALSO, At the same place and time a Negro Woman, named Judy, levied on as 'lie property of William Oliver, to satisfy sundry Executions in favor of Augustus S. J'-nes, said Executions issued from a Justice 4 * Court. Levy made and return ed by a Constable. JNO. C. FERRILL, Sheriff. Jan 30 13 td Administrators Sale. ON the first Tuesday rn April next, will be sold, at the lower Market House, in the City, of Augusta, agreeably to an order of the Justices of the Inferior Court, sitting for Ordinary purposes, a •net of Land, containing five hundred Acres, more or less, situate in Richmond County, belonging to the estate of Mary Daily deceased ; sold for the benefit of the heirs and creditors of said deceased. WM. SKINNER, Adm'r. Jan 30 13 w2m BLANKS Os all kinds ne«tly printed and for sale at the Office of the GeergiaCourier AUGUSTA, (GEO.) WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 6, 1833. SUPERIOR CIDER, &c. 10 Bills first rate Cider 3000 large Sweet Oranges 200 bbfS Northern Potatoes 10 do do Beets 3000 bunches 'Onions 60 bills do 25 bids CVaffberrieS 60 boxes Sperm Candles 25 tierces N* w Rice 60 boxes, 3000 each A'nterWfan bunch Segats hhds superior new “Georgia Syrup. P»R SALE, BY G. H. METCALF. Bee 3 107 ON CONSIGNMENT, ■i.«r i . - JUST RECEIVED 5 PIPES Cognac Brandy 15 Half Pipes Holland Gin 60 Pie,ccs Tow Bagging .60 Coils Bale Rope 10000 Spanish Segarfe 6 Tierces New Rice : . ALSO Just Landing from Steamboat August#, Hints. New ( Orlean% and Porto Sugars “ 'Vest India Molasses “ St. Croix Rum “ N E Ram 11 Whiskey “ Cider Brandy Bnrrels N. Gin *• Mackerel ** Sperm Oil “ Butter Crackers Casks London Porter and Brown Stout “ Prime Cheese Quarter Pipes Cogswell’s Wine “ casks Cargo (Vine Boxes White Havannaand Lump Sugars “ Sperm Candles And Soap *' RaiiSs and Herrings “ American Sejgars Bags Prime Gieen Coffee “ Drop and Buck Shot Bales Cotton Bagging “ “ Yarn cases Negro Shoes And an Assortment of Staple lEUBH For sale low for dash or approved endorsed notes, by j. Marshall. NOTICE. AT a Meeting of the City Counted on the I7*h inst* the following notice was ordered to be published In all the ifetVspapeH of this ci ty, until the first Tuesday of February next : “The City Council of Augusta, hereby cau tidn the public against renting from the Trustees of the Richmond Academy, the Comrton of this city br any part of it, as they consider it their duty tb protect the right of the citizens to the use of It as a Common, and will use all legal and proper means to prevent that right from being invaded.” By order of (ht Cily Council GEO. M. WALKER, Clerk. January. 30. CTThf Board of Trustees of the Academy of Richmond County, have noticed with surprise the caution interted by the City Council of Au gusta, in the Gazettes of the city, against any, persons renting the Common front the Board which is held by them in Trust for the bse of the Academy afoiesaid. This cauiion is the more extraordinary, inasmuch as the City Council haVe been for the last ten years up to the Ist inst. Tenants of the Trustees of the very Com mon referred .o—arid also,'that within the last two weeks a negociatinn has been pending be tween the parties f"r a farther extension of the lease- The Trustees deem it only necessary to advise the public, that lessees Os any portion of the aforsaid Common, will be protected in (he enjdyrtient of their rights, by a convenant set forth in the deeds of lease from the Trustees to that effect The Common will he offered for Lease on the first Tuesday in February next, as previously advertised. By order of tha Board: E F. CAMPBFLL President oj the Board of Trustees. The Gazettes containing the caution of the City Council, will he pleased to insert the fore going notice until the first Tuesday in February next and present their accounts to Mr M’Laws flfr payment. Jan. 30 td 13 COTTON GINS. BOATWRIGHT &. JONES, of Columbia. S. C. respectfully inform their friends and the public that they have established a Shop in Augusta, Georgia, Tnir the ptirpose of Making anil repairing COTTON GINS, and are now prepared to furnish these Machines ratine of the best materials and in the best manner.— We will keep on hand GINS of different sites, from 30 to 60 Saws. IG 5 Oiif Shop Is about one hundred yards above the Upper Market in this place: Aug 63 wtf NOTICE. FOUR months after date application will be made to the Honorable ffiftrior Court of this Cottnty, for leave to sell the estate of Rob- McCoombs. deceased* consisting of Negroes, Household Furniture, Land, &c JOHN s. COOMBS, Adm'r. Jan 2 119 m4m LAW NOTICE. THE undersigned having taken an Office, next door to that of Crawford ft Com ming Esqrs informs the public that he will faith fully attend to all business with which he may be intrusted. ROBERT CLARKE. Dec 12 111 ts Georgia, Lincoln County. WHEREAS William Jeter, Guar dian for the minors of Jesse Har dy, sen’r. deceased, viz: Whitwell H. Hardy and Dicy S. Hardy, applies for Letters Dismissory, from said Guardian' ship. These are therefore to cite summon and admonish alt and singular ttiMe cun. cerned to be and appear at my Office, within the tiffte prescribed by law, and shew cause why sa'fcT letters should trot be granted. , , Given under my hand in office, this 7tb day of January 1882 Vj F. f*. FLEMING, c. c. o. i,. c. Jan 14 6 m6nr NOTICE. THE Subscriber wishes to hire two or three good Male Servants, for which a liberal price will be given. W. G. GRIMES. Oct 19 88 Oct ISJ NEW STORE. STOVALL & HAMLEN Are now opening an entire new St tick of Staple arid Fancy Combs , Brushes, Perfumery, Stc life. AH which have been purchased in New York, withiA the last month, .a’fid aro now \ ready for sale, chertp for cash , or appVoV ed paper, “at their store, diiecfly opposite the Theatre. The citizens of Augusta and its Vicini ty, and persons from the country are re spectfully invited to call and examine our assortment. 'Jannaty,7,„, __ 3 NE W PATTERNS ~ Os Earthen and China Ware. THE suhscribeig have recently received, per ships Olive Branch and Canges, at Savan nah, from Liverpool direct, 255 packages of Earltien and “China Ware, which makes thei r fall stock in every respect complete, and embra ces every variety of blue, Alack, broWn, pink, and purple Dinner and Tea Ware—Persian plates, dislies, teas, bowls, and jugs, of entire new patterns at prices unusually low—together with every article of enatkeled, edged, C. C. and t Moco Ware. Their assortment will bear comparison with any ever offered in the Southern country, and earnestly invite merchants, and others, who have usually bob’glit in Charleston-, or elsewhere, to an eka&matioii for themselves before hiak ing future pttechafces. Prices will be found low and terms liberal. Every attention will be paid to orders', both in selecting and packing~none but experienced packers being employed by us They haVe also Tor sale; kt?rj Variety of cut and plain Hall Lamps, Astral Lamps, and Shades extra, Billiard and Liverpool Suspend ing Lamps and Glasses extra, fine gilt China lea Sets—Jugs. Plates, Teas, and Coffees, Li quor cases, &z.c I*. B. TAYLOR & Cos. No. 266 Broad si. under the Masonic Hall. And 363, one door below the Merchants’ and Planter's Bank. Augusta. Dec. 7. log ts DISSOLUTION. TH E firm of Kibbe, Kirtland Sc Cos. Augusta, and of the firm of S. C. Kirtland, Son Sc Cos Bridgepoit, Conn, is this day dissolved, by mutual consent. S. C. KIRTLAND, B. B. KIRTLAND, WM KIBBE, WE theuridesign a7C«js23ff™® ed have purclrnsed the interest ofWta kibbe, jgJpllyQp one of the partners of kibbe, Kirtland &c Cos. Atlgusta, and S. C. Kirtland, Son St Cos. Bridgeport, C«nn. all tlie debts due ei t!ier of the above firms, will be settled by uJ. All those having claims against ei ther of the above fi ms, will please present thettii S. C. KIRttAND, B. B KIRTLAND. Jan 21,1833. —ts t WHOLESALE BOOT 6l SHOE STORE. A. M. HATCH &CO; BEG leave to inform their friends and the public, that they have .petted the Store, No. 265, Broad-S'reet, oeii door to Messrs. W. &, H BrYson, under the firm of HATCH & CO. where they have and intend keeping con stantly on hand a large and extensive as sortment of Gentlemen’s and Ladies Boots, Shoes , Strati BdHHett, Sfc. 4’A And will be fcontinuailv recelvihg from iheit Hoiisdt it New-lofkj and Charles ton fresh fbpplies of articles in their line, and which irttey will dispose of, oil accom modeling terms. Jan 21 . . !? Ct Notice. tHii Tiustefes of the Academy of Richmond County will le,*e, for a term of y fears, on the firSt Tuesday in February belt, at tile Mar ket HditSe (if not leased by private contract be forfe that time) all the lots lying south of Wat kin’s-street, to the north side of the Beaver Dam, as laid out by Robert Raiford, Esq. City Survey or. Fof terms, apply to JAMES M’LAWS, Clk. of the Board. January 16 3 7 NOTICE. THE Copartnership heretofore existing be tween the subscribers in the Practice of Law, is this day dissolved by mutual consent; They will both attend to the unfinished business of the firm until it is closed ; and persons indebt ed to them for professional service can make payment to either. WILLIAM. SCHLET, THO’S. GLASCOCK. Nov 2 94 POCKET BOOK LOST* ON the 27th inst. on the Washington Road, a Kip skin POCKET-BOOK, containing two bank bills, ass and $3 bill; also 4 number df Promissory Notes, and receipts frotff differ ent individuals. The finder may (tave the Mo ney, if he will again place the papers in the own er’s hands, by leaving them where he on get them, or inclosing them (o Allen CoMty, Ken tucky, to H. S. MITCHEL. Jan 30 . . 13 ts TO HIRE, BY THE JMONTH GOOD second hand, PIANO FORTES. Ap ply at Latham hull’s Auction Store. Jan 18 ~ it 9 LAMIIACK. & RUSE, alwa fs ahead! IVERTON TAFFEY, a fine article for Colds Scotch Cakes ; black Cakes, and Honey Cakes, all of which are new article*. Just Received, a email lot of very fine Oranges and fresh Figs Fresh Pies, every day at 11 o'clock. Alsou can be had a few gallons first-rate Pickles put up in the very best style. ; Jan 28 9 * At the Sfare\ 'cbrrier of Broad and Mac- Tntb'sJi Strict, Augusta, Georgia. fT ,just received troth France and New r reinch, English artel American FANCY & STAPLE »«* A®*^ ol or acceptSh'cVs *va A ptec'eS rich and splendid patferh) Eng ja\W *»si» and Amencan ingrain CARPET ING, at. ( all prices 17 piece) Very fine| and 6 4 French bkick Bora .bakines 20 pieces 6 4 and 6 4 asserted color* Merino Cloths, and Merii.o Circassians, all coloVs and frTdtn 7-8 8f 6 4 Mateoni black Italian Luptripgs. Asserted French Taffeta Silks, for Umbrellas Rich stripe and figured Silks of all colours . ®l* £ 4 and colored, Gro is Swiss and Qro de Berlin Battle green, scarlet and other colors Gro de Naple Merino, Hernani and twisted Silks, Shawls of all color) and pi ices ; Crape, Muslin Silk and other Shawls, latest .style ( . White, scarlet and blacA Mfr'mo long Shawls Ladies erahrorfered and lined Horse skin Gloves Do Long and Habit White do , do,, do Do White Colton. Silk and worsted hose all u httl’drt ar.g qualities itish Linens, Sheeting) and Dinners English Long Cloth , , l’en doiten LahdiVape Bea'd ajtd Silk worked Bag), some very elegant patterns Bead Purkek ahd ladies woiked Baskets of all sixes Lndre* plain anß oftiatticntal waist Buckles Boies of elegant Bonuei Plumes and .Wraiths White and colored French plain and worked Linen Cambric Handkerchiefs as- Stoned patterns Ladies hair hi aids and Curls 'lndia Robber Suspenders and Garters Thread Laces and Edginis in great variety of patterris Bl&ck Italian and French Craptei Do. LoVe §3i)U Shawls Oil cloth Silk for children’s Aprons Ladies’ cambric Aprons very ilch patterns and new style Black, red, green and scarlet silk Velvets A large assortment of 5 4 and 4-4 French color ed head Handkerchiefs, quite new patterns'plain and fringed A large assortment of plain and cut glass Beads Plain and cut Beads Best of Pins anti Needles 100 do*. Spool Cotton (Clark’s) all numbers Blue, black, olive, brown, bottle-green and salt mfxt Broad-cloths and Cassimetes some of ryhich are Vfery fine Striped and mixed Milled Cassimeres Sattnielk of all kinds in great variety of prices 9-4 and 10-4 London Duffle B ankets 10 and 12 4 colored Cohnterpnne* Mackinau Foint Blanket, milled Red and bide, white and red mixt Lindseys Blue Plains and twilled Kefteys Carpet Binding Tufted ana other Hearth Rugs to match the Car petings Together with v large astirlment of .Orange, Rose and Lavender Water Ros'e and Almond Soap, Antique Oil Hair Powder and Powder Puffs, Durable Ink, tic December 3 troshferi Blitter, &c. &c. Jd*9 Firkins superior Goshen Butter 60 half and quarter boxes bunch Raisins 3(1 boxes Sperm Candles 25 boxes Yellow Soap 10 casks Goshen Cheese 40 half and qr bbls Buckwheat Meal 6 bbls Smoked Bfeef 30 bag! .jaVa and Green Coffee 6 bbls Sweet Oranges 6 Half bids Fulton Market BeOf 2 hitilf bbls dried Currants 6 boxes Citron Just recejvfed arid for sale, bv JOHN COSKERY. 236; Biroad Street. Nov il .. ■ 102 THE SUBSCRIBERS OFFERS FOR SALE. t) W pieces Lotion Bagging on liberal terms. Aflb—-In the Magazine. 60(5 kegs FF and FFF Dupont's Gun Powder 10 do Eagle Powder In 25 Canisters 20 kegs Eagle Powder do loose. PILLOT & LE RARBTER. SALT! SALT!! SALT!!! 15,000 .Bushels Salt now on the River, pr Steam Boat Co’s Boats—fur Sale low from the wharf, by G. H METCALF. January 28 ts 12 Lime! Lime!! Lime!!! Lime!!!! 100 Casks Extra White Lump Lime. 300 do Fresh Tbomaston do. just Received by , G. H. Metcalf. January 28 ts 12 POTATOES# ITIIISKEY&c ♦B4TK H Bbls Northern Potatoes, O* \W 50 Bbls and iO Ilhds Bal timore Whiskey, 400 Nests Measures, 100 Do Boxes. k- ; ■:> Just. .Received by G EORGE 11. METCALF. January 28 ts 12 Ffg's, Figs, Figs. "■ Druips Fresh Turkey Figs, JL 10 Kegs Looghfine' Her rings, Just deceived and for sale low by JOHN COSKERY, 256 Broad Street. Jan. 14. . „ “ JUST RECEIVED" 5000 Large Sweet OffiagiM 25 bbls Apples 1 Tierces Spanish Honey 75 bbls Irish Potatoes 500 Bunches Onions iff bbls do a ft SMITH & Cos. 275 Broad-Street. Jan 25 W .if Waited to hire. AN active Servant to Cook, Wash, Iron, tic. for a small family. Apgly at this Office. j Feb l *4 2t TitE AUGVS TA fb'c&E Y ClkM HH'CaSi ■ X •* r **' iiii?i commence on Tuesday the M*rc or yielding from any part of the world- /. Ist days race, 4mfie heats for ft’purse qf*4qQ 2d do 3 mile heritor a pitrie off3f(to 3rd do 2 jjo [do for a purse of*2GQ 4th do a hapdy cap, best 3 out of t for *2OO The sanyr Rules and Regulations goVerhmi •k? Ckmlesion Turf arc, adopted for tnje fPvcVn n»ent of this, with the exception dial ail are to be entered on the.pight previous to the day of running, will Ve hung up at the stand on each tfay aud paid ov'er immediafetv re the wipuef. . The Georgia Journal, . tfnicW, CfiaV leston Courier Richmond inquirer, and Savant nnh Georgian will insert tKe atjove j*eeftly unit’ the day of rjpidnfc, aftfl for* aft tVJr >Ccountt so the AVigusta Joekey Clnb for payment eluriit the week of the Races. By order of tWb Club, u . , b„.4,.-,y. c. Mmoh, s«c‘> EAGL3 PCAtTERNr WARliEsioj, GEORGIA; The übseribers beg leaVe tb Inform the public, tbeir friends And travellers particularly, that they have taken • kllov V" establishment, the EAGLE TAVERN; be . r * ‘hey. are ready toaceom* h nn* Wh ? * ,ve I ‘‘ t >« establishment 'heir patronage,—! lie subscribers will p y the most strict at* teution to the comfort of their guests; their Table shall BtaMM i sh^l'h ,h « * ITV **»« *Mh« can afford, and thoir atablesAhall be attended with attentive hostlers The übswdws wish Travellers to try. their Establishing, and determine for themselves; whether they deserve ps!*l ‘ JOSEPH CeloiiHrtg fbfr Liquors for sale by R. B. HAVILAMO- Leo r<«n- 10 ts 9 Cicfer, Vinegar* ifit Honey, for sale by Ri 8. IIWILAND &.co J «»- ™ls 9 Crtrk Wbba, Bale; fofr sale by R B HAVJLAND iico- Jani 19 v ,v. . ,f g sfesnrxßT&Y. fTllfte SlltafcHbei-ielpectlttliy begs leave to JL make tne following communication to the public. In thfe tibpe ei teitending hie Usefulness and affoiding relief t« those whose residence is at so great a distance from Savannah, as to pie elude them trout that aid .which otherwise liter might dbtain from his adviee and skill iu Den «y! Siirgfery, will make the following distribu tion of his tirite, viz: three months, alternately, in SaVflhfUh and, Augusta, to com mence in sristk the first dkt of Febrtiaty and August, and in Savannah en the first of Majf and November. All df li ii. operations will be perforated Iglfeil' ablp to modern Improvements and ori scientific principles, with the least possible {faiti and . cor rect professional skill. Asa Surgeon, bSwilUxtract teeth, remov* tumors of tHe giiros all dehil and useless roots, re duce irregUlar teeth to symmetry, Extract the Nerves of tfefetfi when exposed, remove Dental Gangrene, ami operate on the Hare lip, Soft palate; Alveolar abscess, Gum boil*, Fungus, Cancerous and Boney Exci essceuces of the Au thim, by opening that cavity, &c. fcc. His Medic.ii practice embrace the treatment of all the diseasts of l.hc uiouth—sucji as Scul vy, Übers, Thrach, Caiicbrum Oris, Sore throat, Lips, Sfc. &c. . . Hi* Mechanical.operations extend to all di-ll <',.'encies of the moutn. He will set teeth i<i every possible situation in a stj le not surpassed m the United States for beauty, durability and use,— He will supply the lijss of gUntg jaws or sections of the j;iw, t|»e lioncy palate or the palate process, *6 as to Correct degiutitidn and restore the speech. Also, cleanse, separate and fill the cavities of decayed teeth, to a* to prevent fyither decay, br uiture suffwriuas from t,.otb ache,be. feci, A number of ladies and gentlemen of rcapect ability, both in Savannah and Augusta,for whom the subscriber has performed vmy ditficjlt and critical operations, haytt jury generously per milled him, to refer person* alike unfortunate to them fol particulars iu confirmation of his pro fessional skill, ( : », , f Pot ftirthef Ihlormation, the public are refer red io the following gentlemen who have very kindly t In Savannah:— Br. DanjeH, p r . Habersham, Dr. Barn*"', Rev. Mr. Traaton, Rev. Mr Wyer, Rev. Ms- Maally, Judge J. C. Nicoll, Robert W. Pooler, Esq. , . Liberty County —Col. Jot. Jonas, Rev. C. C. ' Jones JMilledgeville —His Excellency Governor Lumpkin, Dr. Boykin, Dr. White, Major O. H. Prince, Messrs. Hines & Hatris. Seottsborough.— Pr Brown. Augusta.-Dr. Cunningham,- Dr. Anthony,. Dr.. Robertson, Dr. Rev. Mr. Tnisnnge,' R#v. Mr. Read, Hon. Batnuel Hale, Robert F. Poo, Esq, + *f Athene. —Dr. W. W. Wadel, Rev. Mr. Shan non, Rev. Ml. Hoyt. E. OSBORN. Jan 9 4 12m LOST, .. "B" AST nighi, at the Theatre, a jet JLi MEDALLION, for which the. finder will be suitably rewarded, on leav it at this office. JafttMiry 11 w 5 Georgia, Richmond County. , WHEREAS John Moore, surviving Eae ‘ cater of John Willson, apptiee for Let ters Dismissory, on ihe Estate of John Willson, deceased', add late of said county. These are therefoie to cite all add singular the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to be and appear at mV office within the time pre-'" scribed by law, to file their objections, (if any; they have,) and shew cause why said letters should oot be granted R. M’KINNE, e. c. o it. es. Dec ft 111 mfim n’o. lev