Georgia courier. (Augusta, Ga.) 1826-1837, June 12, 1833, Image 1

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VOL. 7. PUBLISHED EVERY MONDAY, WEDNESDAY and FRIDAY, AT 2 O’CIsOOK. F. WT. nt’ir. Howard’. Brick Buildings,opposite the Post-Office M’lntnsh Street. ~ " DIRECTIONS. ’ Land and Mgroes, by Administrators, Execu tars or Guardians, are required, by law, to be held on tee Cr.t Tuesday in the.month, between the hours of ten in the PWenoon and three in the afternoon, at the Court-hoa c f tie ounty which the property is situate— Noticjcf t jsj sales must be given in a public gazette SIXTY dart. F . j»ious to the day cf sale. r Notices of the sale of personal property must be given n> like manner, FORTY days previous to the day of sale Notice to the debtors and creditors of aa estate, mustbe published for FORTY days. Notice that application will be made to the Court ofOr fil iary for leave to sell land, must be published for FOUR M JNTHS . v j , Notice for leave to sell Negroes, must be published for FK R MONTHS,before any order absolute shall be made h yrein by the court. _ ' POST OFFICE DEPARTMENT, Washington, 4th March, 1833. ... la future, the following rules and regulations "wisXSrf .■..««.<.»• General. Chief Clerk and Subordinates, are dis tributed into three divisions. . _ The first, the Southern Division, under * he , o J,ri„Se.e..r C.K. •>» S»- Assistant, will comp, ise the States of vi s±b i ’ i r h ■ I-"”*"* - * Roni! Carolina, South Carolina, £"? uc ky Georgia, Kentucky, Florida Territory, J" d,a . na » - Alabama, MiX’ri. ThVsVcond the Northern Division, under the superintendence of S. R. Ho.BtE, Assistant, will comprise the Slates of New" Hampshire, Jew Jersey, Vermont, Delaware, Massachusetts, Maryland. Rhode Island, Pennsylvania, Connecticut, T° b ‘?’ r - and Michigan Territory. 2<l Each of these Divisions shall embrace an office of Appointments and Instructions, and an office of Mail Contracts; the office of Mail Dep redations to remain as at present orgamzed, aux ,h3d. *To each of these Divisions shall be as signed four Corresponding Clerks, two foi the office of Mail Contracts, and two for the Office of Appointments and instructions, a Contract ■ Clerk an Appointment Clerk a Route Book Clerk’a Recording Clerk, and Clerks for regis- One o< the Corre,pno<«»S Clerk, I. Division, shall be designated as the principal Clerk of the Division. ... . ... sth. The Senior assistant w ill be charged with the business of procuring Mad .Portmanteaus Canvass BagsCLocks and Keys and with al the incidental duties. .A ck«K shall be as>igned to aid him in performance, who, under the direction of the Assistants r ”P keen YJif the checks couu e. signed bvuiem. ’ . A 6ll un?s“ e L b ocks n Key°l. Po« OfficT£».£ sec shall be performed under the direction of the'Assistants, within their respective Divismns. Ith The principal Clerk of the Division only, shall sign official correspondence, and that, in case of the absence of the Assistant. Bth. The third division, will be th at of fi nnnee, under the superintendence of the Chief _Clerk. O B Brows, who shall be the Treasurer_°f the Department. There shall be under his control the “Book Keepers,” the “SolicitorO® o *’ the “Pay Office ” the ‘-Examiner s Office, the “Register's Office,” and the “Dead Letter Os CceAo the last, of which shall be attached the business of the general letter file. Sth. No money shall be paid Into the Depart ment. directly to the Treasurer, nor paid out of it; directly by him. - K ESOLVED, That the City Coun cil of Augusta, will pass An Oi dinaace prohibiting the sale or delivery of intoxicating Liquor to Slaves, within the limits of the city, after the first day of October next, a ticket from their owners or their agents and that this Resolution be published.' A true Extract from minutes of Couu cil, passed the 4<h day of May 1833. GEO M. WALKER, Clerk. ' AN ORDINANCE TO regulate the weighing ~®f Fodder, Hay and Oats in bundles brought to the city of Augusta in wagons, or carts for sale by weight. Site. Ist. Be it ordained by the City Council of Augusta, That all Fodder, Hay and Oats brought to this city in wagons or carts for sale, shall be weighed’at the scales prepared for that purpose near the lower market. _ Sec. 2d. Be it further ordaihed, Tbatiit shall be the duty of the clerk of the lower market to superintend the weighing of all Fodder, Hay and Oats, at all hours of the dav, from sun rise till sun set. And tha party selling such Fodder, Hay or Oats, shall pay to the said clerk fifiy cts. or each wagon, and twenty-five cents for each cart or dray. Sec. 3d- Be it further ordained, That every perron wfru the. nrovisious of this Ordinance, may be fined in a sum not exceeding Twenty Dollars. Done in Council the 6th day of Dec. 1832. SAMUEL HALE, Mayor. By the Mayor: Geo. M. Walker, c. c. o. The General Ordni auce, to revise, amend and con* solidate the several Ordinances of the City Council or Augusta, is now ready for delivery to the citizens. They can be had by application to the Clerk of Council. GEO. M. WALKER, Clerk. May 6 54 ts TO PRINTERS. THE Subscriber, having been appointed Agent in this city, for the extensive Type Foundary of JVHITE» HAGAR Co. of, New- York, begs leave to.. tender his services to the Printers of South-Carolina and Gorgia, for procuring any materials they may need. He will execute orders for any? description of TYPE, PRESSES, CASES, FURNITURE, INK, SfC. on the same terms as the Nety-Yorjr establishment, with the utmost promptitude. Printers wishing specimens, can be supplied, k,.ppl,i og «> , jamess .bpkges. 44 Queen-street, Charleston, S. C. The Augusta Courier, Savannah Georgian, Columbia Hive and Times, will please publish the above once a month, three times, and for ward their accounts as.above for payment. April 29 •' 61 PROTESTS. tale, at the Co»iti’ft-v«** t minted and for GEORGIA COURIER. The New York Steam Packet, DAVID BROWN, Capt. Jab. Pennoyeb, WILL resume her trips between Charleston and New-Ymk for the Season, by..leav ing N-w York on Saturday the 20th April (inst.) and will depart from Charleston for New York or Saturday the 27 th April (inst.) and. continue to run as heretofore,leaving New York and Chales ton each succeeding Saturday at 3 o’clock. P M This Boat is fi;ted with forty eight births, and a spleudiyi dining cabin separate. For passage only, apply t®- s WILLIAM PATTON, Agent, No. 6 Fitzsimons’wharf. Charleston, S. C. April 15 45 16t (Lj*. During an absence of a few weeks from the State, Wkstkrn B. Thomas, Esq. will at tend to any business in which we may be i iter ested. The settlement of accounts with this Office will be corfided to Mr. Henry Lyons, who, from a long acquaintance with them, will be able to give our customers and friends fujl satisfaction. j. g. McWhorter. May 8 ts NOTICE. THE following articles have been received by the Steam Boat Company’s Boats, are now in Store, and if not called for within thirty days from date they will be sold to pay expen ces, viz:— , No mark 10 Barrels Liquor “ 1 do do “ 4 Smiths Bellows “ 6 Horte Collars “ 1 Bundle Spades “ 1 Lot wagon Boxes “ 73 pieces castings “ 1 Keg Nails “ 3 Anvils 9 Bars of Iron “ 1 Dofep S'cythe Blades “ &.£oiisof Rope ,- ■ “ 5 barrels Cider A. R. Smith 1 hhd Sugar Waldron, 1 dozen Scythe Blades C. P. S Augusta, 1 barterPoik W. H B 1 half barrel Fish S. & t. Augusta, I half barrel Fish S. 1 ban el G Smiih-l box B 1 barrel Liquor, P. &H. 1 Barrel Liquor Rev, S. Tally 2 boxes. B M R. 1 bbl. Liquor P. 1 bundle Spade*, D C. 2pieces Iron S. T. I keg Nails. G&. T E I barrel THOS McGRAN, Treas'r S B. Co. Augusta, June 3 66 Im (TF i he Milledgeville Journal wih please pub list, theabove f airtimes, and forward his account to the Treasurer’s Office. .Scriven Sheriff’s Sale, w next, at the Court-House, in .lacks >"f- | bojtyugh, Scriven County, between the usual fiouxs of sale. One negro girl named le vied.,on as the property of John Buford to sat isfy sundry- Executions from Justices Courts in favor of Elisha Morgan, James H. and others. Levy mnde it retArncdby a Constable JOHN C. FERRILL, 5 S. C. June 1 67 fi! Columbia Sheriff Sales. WILL be sold at the Court House Door on the first Tuesday in Juiy next, the follow ing property, viz: One hundred and Eighty A cres of Land more or less on the waters of Uche«* creek joining Green and Haynes to satisfy sun dry fi fas Thomas Colverd Vs. Thomas Culbreath ALSO, One hundred acres of Land, more or less on the same water course, and par ties as the above. ALSO, One hundred acres pine land, more or less, on the waters of Head Stall creek,'Magehee and Screws to satisfy sundry fi fas Samuel Millican vs Win. Anderson. ALSO, Two hundred acres, more or less, on the waters of Hard Fortune Branch, joining Screws and others to satisfy sundiy fi fas Samuel Millican vs. Win Anderson; ALSO. One hundred acres, more or less, on the waters of Hard Fortune Branch joining Screws and others, to satisfy sundr fi fas. Samuel Millican vs. Wm. Anderson ISAAC RAMSEY, . Sheriff Columbia County. Jone 8 66 4tw Administrator’s Sale. be" sold by an Order of the Honor «»VV "bl® Inferior Court of Richmond county, on the first Tuesday in July next—Ail the Per sonal property of R McCoombs. deceased, con listing- oLfitteenor twenty likely Negroes : and cm Che first Tuesday io September atf-Clarkes ville, Habersham County, 1 3. interest in Lot of Land, in said County, also, three Hous.-s and Lots and one vacant Lot, in the lower end of the city of Augusta—tjrree of .the above Lots, are improved with good Gardens.—One of the Lots ■> having a two Story Dwelling House. They may be purchased at private sale by application to Samuel Hale, Esq. or to .4 JOHN S. COOMBS, Adm'r. May 855 td 50 Dollars Reward. INDUCED or Runaway from the subscriber on Tuesday morning 22d fast, a mulatto Ne gro’Woman, by the name of HETTY, and NAN CY her daughter, and WILLI L M her son, well known about Augusta, belongihgto the estate of R M’Cooinbs. Hetty is alow bright Mulatto about 41 years of age. Nancy is low, rather darker her mother, about 15 years of age, very thick lips William is a pale mulatto about 10 or 12 years old. The above reward will be paid on conviction of any White person harbor ing said Negroes; and if taken up as Runaways, and put in.any Jail in this State Fifteen dollars, or Five dollars for either. They are .supposed to be lurking about Augusta or its vicinity. Hetty's husband belongs to'Mri Andrew Dill, and I nude:stand was in Augusta on Mpntjay, he is hired out in Burke county, and may have in duced them to Burke. I am determined to prosecute any person harboring, concealing,or inveigling said Negroes. JOHN S. COOMBS, Adm'r Estate R McCoombs. May 24 62 if Superior fresh Tamarinds, For sale by R. B. HAVILAND &, Co. I«ril 29 - 61 AUGUSTA, (GEO.) WEDNESDAY, JUNE 12, 1833. In addition to a heavy Stock on hand, the sub uss bers are receiving weekly, ; . A general assortment of FRESH WWS & Intending to keep at all times a large Stocsf which shall be offered at reduced prices, would invite the attention of the Country Merchants, and the public. ALSO, Harness and Skirting Leather, And every variety of SHOE LEATHER, and all the materials and Tools for Manufacturing at 273, Broad Street. B. W. FORCE & Co. EF FORCE’S Boot and Shoe Factory, Jackson street, in the rear of B W. F. 8i Co’s Store, where Boots and Shoes, of every discrip tion are made and repaired at short notice Feb 27 ls FRUIT! 0/1 j"k/"k large Sweet ORANGES OU VzVF Pine Apples ; Banannas and Co coanuts; just received per Moogin by GEO H. METCALF. June 5 67 PRIME RICE, &c. 10 Casks prime RICE 40 boxes fresh LEMONS 20 hhds. N. O. SUGAR 5 cases WIRE SIEVES This day Landing, for sale, by G. H. METCALF. May 1 52 Potter’s Oath licon and, , Swaim's Panacea, WARRANTED GENUINE for Sale by R. B. HAVILAND & Co. May 13 57 One hundred barrels incinnatti FLOUR, ( Equal to Canal, for family use.) Por sale at IJ>7 per ban- I !,y SIBLEY MORRISON. OY CONSIGNMENT, , Fwo Hundred Dozen PAIiM EtMAF HATS. May 27 tw2w 63 FRESH COX Git < J NSW A TP 37! n F >R SALE, BY R. B. HAVILAND & Co. .May 3 53 if Champaign Cider, &c tec. Boxes Champaign Cider 10 Caskes London Porter; 10 do Philadelphia do 10 quarter Casks Malaga Wine 20 bbls Canal Flour » 20 do Loaf and Lump Sugar 1 pipe Champaign Brandy 24 boxes fresh Gunpowder Tea ' 100' <bs fine Shape Twine 10 Mats Cinnamon Just received and for sale low. by JOHN COSKERY. /> 256 Broad Street. April 24 -a 49 ts “NOTICE. CHEAP SHOES AND CLOTHING, THE subscriber having purchased,')!Samuel Parsons, his entire Stock of SIK/ES & CLOTHING, now offers it lor sale at New-York Cost. He is also receiving regular sup plies of fresh stock from Philadelphia, which will be sold ata very small advance, for cash only, at the Store lately occupied by S. Parsons, No. 230, Broad street. J. B. ROBERTSON. May 24 3w 62 NOTICE THE copartnership heretofore Existing be tween the subscribers under the firm of P. B. Taylor &. Co is this day disolved by mutnal consent. The unsettled business of the late firm will be ttended to try P. B. Taylor who alone is author - ized to settle the same. P B. TAYLOR. JOSEPH WHEELER. May 11 M 57 ts "THB SUBSCRIBER, HAVING purchased the entire interest of Joseph Wheeler, in the of P. B Taylor Co. will continue the Earthenware bust ness on his own,account, at the Store 357 Broad Street &. under the Masonic Hall. ■ P. B. TAYLOR. May 13 ts, -i 57 Superior Champaighe. 25 BASKETS Champaigne, Sillery, An chor Braud, FOR SALE BY, JOHN COSKERY, TYo. 256 Broad street. ~ June 3 1 66 ts " HAVANA SUGAR. sßoxes5 Boxes White Havana Sugar of Superior qual ity, Just received and for sale bv ’ » N SMITH &i Co. No 275 Broad st. May 15tf 58 For Sale or Rent, Possession given on the Ist October next. A large and commodious three story Brick Store and Dwelling, No. Broad Street, between Mr Bow- LJHLdre and the United State Hotel. The Cellar belonging to said House is sixty feet long and thirty wide, and the store twenty feet wide apd sixty ong,.with three rooms on the second and third stories each; together with a Kitchen, Stable and all other necessary out— The lot extends through from Broad to Ellis St. The above property will be sold or rented on accommodating terms. Apply to B. BOUYER, or G. T. DORTIC. May 20 60 4lw 1 BB LS. best Canal FLOUR JL nf mF 100 do Virginia do. 30 hhds. best Baltimore WHISKEY 100 bbls. do. do. do. 50 do. do. Northern RUM 100 boxes Sperm CANDLES 50 bags COFFEE 20 PEPPER and SPICE 500 do. SHOT . 10 boxes LEAD . .. f ■ ' 50 kegs and boxes TOBACCO 30 pipes Cognac BRANDY and Hol. GIN 2p bales Domestic Shirtings &. Sheetings 5Q 000 Spanish SEGARS lOOOOtTAmerican do. 10 pipes best Cider VINEGAR 200 DEMIJOHNS 300 sefs MEASURES 20,000 lbs, CASTINGS (assorted) /• 100 dozen best London MUSTARD 20 casks Lamp OIL 300 pieces BAGGING Loaf SUGAR, Lernons, Tea, Raisins, Powder, Cotton and Wool Cards, Wines, Cordials, &ic. For sale by GEO. H. JfETCALF. April 22 ~FRUIT. 5000 Large’ Sweet. Oranges 10 boxes Sicily Lemons 5 bbls Apples 25 boxes Prunes Bunches Bananas JUST RECEIVED, BY N. SMITH & Co, 275, Broad Street. May 10 56 NOTICE. The Subscriber, having sold his Slock of Dry Goods to Mr. S. W. Wade, who continues the business, solicits foi him a continuance of ihe custom and friendship of his former friends and customers. B BAIRD. February 4. ts T 5 DISSOLUTION. ~ THE firm of Rees & Anderson is this day dissolved. JOHN REES, . L. ANDERSON. April 17 48 ts Georgia, Lincoln County. WHEREAS Malcom J. Walker, applies to me for Letters Administration on the estate, of Maik Golden, late of said' County, de ceased. These are, therefore, tpcite summon and ad monish all and singular Ae kipdred and Credit ors of said dec’d, to be and appear at my office within the time prescribed by law, .to file their objections, and shew cause (if any they have) why said letters should npt be granted Given under my hand hi office this 23d day • f April, 1833. AfICAJAH HENLEY, c. c. o. Georgia, Richmond County. Whereas j«*u- « t-w. „<■ Willson, applies for Lqj ters Lbsmissory, on the Estate of Johu Willson, deceased, and late of said county- These are therefore to cite all and singular the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to be and appear at my ofiice within the time pre scribed by law, to file their objections, (if any they have,) and shew cause why said letters should not be granted. B. MJCINNE, c. c. o. r. c. Dec 12' 7 111 m6m Georgia, Richmond County. WHEREAS John L. Anderson, Adininistra t ,r on the Estate of .Moses Tibbits, de ceased, applies to me for Letters Dismissory from said Estate. These are, therefore o cite, summon, and admonish all and singular the kindred and cred itors, of said deceased, to be and appear at my office within the time prescribed by law, to shew cause (if any they have) why said letters should not be granted. Geo. A B; Walker, c. c. o. Georgia, Richmond County. WHEREAS Isaac .Course and John Moore, apply for Letters Dismissory, on the Estate of John Course, late of Richmond coun y deceased. These are, therefore, to cite and admonish all auj singular the kindred and creditors of eaid dec’d, to be and appear at my Os fice within the time prescribed by law, to shew cause, if any they have, why said Letters shoulo not be granted; ? E. M’KINNE, D. C. C. O. R. C. Jan f m6m j TO THE PUBLIC IN astnuch as the Drawing of the, Uni on Hotel Property Lotteryis not com pleted, it is due to the Public to have a plain statement of facts. Good Titles to prize holders, wore not published by the superintendants, till the Bth day of last September,(the time the Lotterry truly came before the Public) to be drawn jhe 24th day of December thereafter. It was then postponed tiH the 2d day of this month, and from casualties could not be drawn. The proprietor in the first time given, from the situation of his family, could not leave Thomaston to sell Tick ets till the sth day of Dec. &. in the last time from the duties of office, could not leavetill after the 2d Monday in January. Therefore be has not had time to sell ar many of the Tickets as be wishes. He wil! make no apology —but still state fact. He owes the amount of the Lotterry and rom the possition of some of his credition he is compelled to <ake the un sold Tickets. To the others he returns many thanks, and could he bestow cash as easy as thariks he would have all paid It is to be hoped that this.indulgence will be allowed by a generous public. He has placed the drawing when the Tickets are sold, or most certainly .the first of next January. It is the last notice he shall make, unless he draws before that time. The drawing shall be final. . It is due to thdseL who have bought Tickets to be informed that the money is in the hands of respectable Agents, and in the hands of the Treasmer of the Su perintendants. , Who will return it to purchasers, should the Lotteiy, by any unforeseen circumstance, not be drawn. The unsold tickets are offered with prida, Then come forward and buy. Or he Proprietor will be nullified, And you a FORTUNE, slip by. J. B. BATEMAN. March 27 37 JUST RECEIVED, 20 Cases Ladies and Misses TUSCAN and DUNSTABLE BONNETS. f' J. J. JEWETT, Underr the Globe-Hotel. May 31 65 4t Fresh Fancy and Staple 2 Cartoon s rich'Hemani Itaoikerchiefs J do d <> Shawls 1 do silk muslin Handkerchiefs 1 no gauze do, 1 do - rich muslin Edg. and Insertings 1., “ new style Bobinet Edgings Strp. Satin stripe, black Love Hhdfs. “ lightand dark col’d Kid Gloves Swiss, Jackonet and Book Muslins French Muslins, low priced ? Sup. Muslin stripe pink Ginghams ; slate col’d Pongees; crape Camblets; brown Linens ; sup Long Cloths, with a variety of desirable Goods which are offed at a small advance by LOUIS CRESS &. Co No. 262 Broad-Street. may 31 ts 65 Treasury Department, April 12»h 1833. IN the late conflagration qfthe Tresury build ing, nearly »ll the correspondence of the Sec retary of the Treasure, from the establishment totlie 12st March, 1833, was destroyed, including, as well the original ietteis and communications addressed to the Secretary of the Treasurv, as the records of the letters and communications written by him. With a view to repair the loss, as far as may be practicable all officers of the U qited States, are leqiuested to cause copies to be prepared, and authenticated by them, of any let ters (excepting those hereinafter alluded to) which they may at any time have written to, or received from, the Secretary of the Treasury ; and all those who have been in office, ai d other individuals throughout the United States, and elsewhere, are invited to do the same That this correspondence may be arranged into appropri ate books, it is requested that if be copied on so lio foolscap paper, with a sufficient margin on all sides to admit of binding, and-that no more than one lettei be contained on a leaf. Hisalso requested, that the copies be written in a plain and distinct or engrossing hand Where the or iginal letter-can s- ared. it would be prefered. The reasonable axpense incurred in copying the papers now requested, not exceeding the rate ot ten cents forevery hnndred words, will be defray ed by the Department. The correspondence which has been saved, and of which, therefore, no pppies are desired, are the tecoids'of the letters written by the Secre tary of the Treasury to Presidents and Cashiers Banks, from the Ist October. 1819, tn the 2-'tf of Febuary, <833, all the correspondence' to Revolutionary cairns n'nder the act of 15th May, 1826, and to claims of Virginia officers t>> half pay, under the act of Ihe Sth Jnly.lß3l ; and to applications for the benefits of the acts of 2d March, 1831, ai d 14th July 1832, foi the relief of certa'n insolvent debtors of the United filnUin nf some ciicclar *«‘<l iu-_ structions, written Secretary, have also been preserved ; and it is requested that, before a copy be made of any cjrcufqr letter or instruc tion, written by the Secretary of the Treasury, the date and object of the circular be fir t stated lo the Department, and it y/ishes on tbersnbject ascertained. t louis McLane, Secretary of the Treasury. may 8 55—ts CONTENTS OF THE , Southern Agriculturist, NO. SxFOIi5 x FOIi MAY. ANSWERS to Querries on the culture of Rice ; by C olumella. Observations on the culture of Grasses ; by A Highlander. Account of the Cotton Crop of 1832 in West Filiciana. La. with Observations on Reeling Silk; b • J B Brewer. On the Culture of Rice on high land, Corn &. Peas; by Geo. Wilson On the making of Raspberry and Strawberry Cordials, Cider aud Wine; also, Observations on the growing of the Sugar Cane, in the lower part of South-Carolina*, by Small Planter. Account of an Agricultural Excursion made into the South cf Georgia in the winter nf 1832 , by the Editor, (Continued ftom page 169.) BROUGHT TO MIC IN Jacksonboro’, Scriven ebunty, on ,the sth FebruaryJast, a Negro Woman, SARAH, a bout 30 or 35 years old, dark {complexion and has lost hvr fore teeth, says she belongs to one William White, a Negro speculator, she run away about first Feb. from her master in Ham burg, South-Carolina, and, ’that her master had recently brought her from Maryland. The owner is requested to come forward, pay expences, prove the Negro to br his and take her away. JOHN C. FERRILL, Jailor S. C. May 3 3t 53 brought to Augusta Jail, O : N the 19th inst. a Negro Boy, who, calls himself SQUIRE, says he belongs to Star ling Evans of Warren County Georgia, near Sweet Water Squire is 5 feet*’s inches high ; dark complexion, and about 16 or 18 years old. ALSO, On the same day a Negro Man, who says he belongs to the States of Georgia, named PETER, says that Mr. Lyman ha»?he control of him— Peter is 5 feet 6 inches high, daik cotnpTfexion and about 38 or 40 years old. Owners of said" Negroes, is requested to come forward, prove property, pay expeuces and take him away. H. B. FRAZER. Jailor, r. c. May 20 ; Brought to the Augusta Jail, O-N the 20th inst a Negro Man. who calls himself JOHN, says he belongs to Wm Bvne, of Burke county, Geo. near Waynesboro’. John is 5 feet 5 inches high, dark complexion, and about 35 or 40 years old, a small piece off of each ear. ALSO. On the 21st inst. a Negro B<>y, who callshimself WILLIAM, says he belongs to James Diayn,„of Columbia county. Geo. Jil lian) is 5 feet 2 inches high, dark complexion, and about 15 or 16 years, old. Owners of said Negroes is requested to come forward, pay ex penses and take them away. H. B. FRAZER, Jailor, R C. May 22 3t_ 61 Auministratpr’s Notice. ALL persons having, demands against the estate of Lawreuce Hayden, deceased, will please present them duly attested within the time prescribed by law, and all persons indebt ed to said deceased, will please make payment, without delay, to * JOHN J MAGUIRE, Administrator with the will annexed. May 27 63 6tw ( ICECREAM. menced making Ice Crea'm this day.X.ll ZZ a constant supply on hand every day from Io O clock A. M. to 10 P. M. during Ibe Season; families snpplied by sending. He-woefd n i ßo re mark that the ladies room is preparedTfor their reception, and that no gentleman will be admit ted unless in the company of ladies. —He has also neatly furnished an airy Room for the accommodaiion of Gentlemen, who are respect fally invited to call. Also on hand, a constant supply of martin Frederick, 142 Broad Street Augusta. — ls 58 ts ICE CREAM AT THE AUGJSTA RX:STOKATIVE and CONFECttXON’.aiuf, THE Proprietors of this Establishment hav r ■ t W»* n ” a g;‘d the. valuable services of one or tne first workmen in this country, together with the well-known experience of one of the concern, enables tnein and they respectfully in form the ettizens of Augusta and Hamburg that they are now prepa r edT« gomffieuce This Day a«d continue every day throughout th. seas. 4 to make ICE CftE.AMS of „f| and every kind ‘".I" S '\ |P s “P7 ,or .‘° »»y ‘hiug of ihe sort ev. r attempted before in this place. Parlies a..d families can be furnished at any time and with <u *y M'rat tity 6y short notice- It will be to any place required, in small fre.sers made for the pm pose, containing one pint and upward?. Io those who may visit the establ ’ ment for the purpose of partaking of this -i«> cious luxury, it wdl be ready at 11 o’clock .r. forenoon and be coi tfnued to be serv • ‘any hour when called for. The very Ip. * extensive patronage bestowed on tin - ‘ ’heir cqmmendSment in Business calls h he wannest thanks oFthe Proprietors and ; s sure the public that their uur mitted car. d attention will be devoted to make their H , >e an agreeable Retreat for Gentlemen of • si uess as welt as those of pleasure , .. J( .. fi XAMBAf K & RU>E " April 29 ‘ 5| Important Notice. SHOULD there be living n liy of the heirs 1< g atees or creditors .if Levy Allen, who is supposed tb have lived ‘ ithef i or South Carolina about the year 1796. they may hear somethii g-toAbeii advantage bv application at this office. “ ' The Augusta Courier and Columbia (S. C. ‘Telescope will give she above threo insertions and forward their accounts to this office for pay • .ment. — Savannah Georgian -j£ ne 10 3t 69 NDTICb:. POUR months after date, application will be made to ihe Honorable the l.if,-ri.,r r ot Lincoln county while sitting for ordinary pur poseg, for Jeave to sell Lot one hundred and Seventy-four, in the fourth district and fourth section of the Cherokee purchase. ~ '-/• 'ALS Lot seventy, in the first Dis trict anti firdt section of the Cherokee Pm eWase, drawn by the Orphans of A .ihur Frazr , de ceased, for the benefit of said Orphan. ADHON FRAZER, '* " Guardian for said Orphans. June 10 lm4in fig NOTICE. A LL persons indebted to the firm of C C. /A. Lockhart & Co,, for the year 1832 are particularly requested to come forward and set tle their accounts for that year without further delay. T, C. LOCKH ART Si Co. may 17 - «4 W 59 - Kogers’ Orange Gun Powder. THIS veiy superior article warrant ed to possess, in a remarkable de gree of perfection, all ihe essential quali ties of strength cleanliness and quickness, suitable for all kinds of Gons and of Shooting, is offered for s |e, by the sub scriber, of th'e” following Marks, viz r 3.8. Canisters of great power, iu k<*gs—• Fine Grain pp * 1.-fT Coarse Grain J'g . <• SOLOMON KNEELAND, Agent. Augusta, May 3 53 3m University of Georgia. Extract from the minutes of the Board ot Trustee at their meeting in August, 1832. " ON motion of Howell Cobb, Eq — Resolved, That all graduatesf')!this College on mak ing application for the second, or master’s de. gtee, shall furnish the Board with the certificate 'af some respectable or distinguish’d individual, of their good moral character and respectability in the community in which they reside Resolved further. That all graduates of other Colh ges, applying for the second degree, ahalL furnish the Board with their diplolomas, and a* ■■certificate oFSome distrtiguifneci or respectable person in HiCcomoiui iiy in which they reside. Resolved further?, That the foregoing resolu tions be published. ASBURY HULL, Secretary. June 10 ’ 69 2t Georgia* Lincoln County. By theCou/t of Ordinary for said County, Jilay Term, 1833. * ' \¥T*>HEREAS legal notice had been given by x/J the Administrators of the estate of Wil liam Fleming of Lincoln County, deceased, that’ they would apply to the Court of Ordinary for said county, for leave to sell the real estate of said deceased, (except the widow’s dower) and the Court of Oidmary for said county, being satisfied that legal notice bad been given by the said administrators of such, intended appli cation and no person appearing to object to an order absolute for the sale of said real estate an order at Term of said court of Ordinary passed authorizing the administrators to sell the real-estate of said deceased (dower excepted.) And whereas upon examination of the records and minutes of said court of Ordinary no such " order is to be found enter' d*.’'' 7/ is Ordered, That James Ramsay, administrator of said es tate and the heirs and distributees thereof or theii legal guardians, and all other persons con cerned be and appear before the court of Ordi nary for said county on the first Monday in Ju ly next, and shew cause, if any, why the said court shall not cause said order absolute for the sale of the real eslate of William Fleming dece ased to be entered on the minutes of the Court- . Now for them and this rule nisi be published in one ol the public newspapers of Augusta, thirty days before said day. True copy from the Minutes of said 'Court of Ordinary, "23d, May 1833. ’ ‘ , MICAJ AH HENLY, c. c. a. May 73 NO 70-