Georgia courier. (Augusta, Ga.) 1826-1837, July 10, 1833, Image 1

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VOL. 7. PUBLISHED EVERY MONDAY, WEDNESDAY and FRIDAY, AT 2 O’Clr3<3K, ?■ M. ' SlMr. Howard’s Brick Buildings.opposite the Post-OC/ M’lntosh Street. gl “ directions' //. Sales of Land and A'egrew, by Administrators I//- or Guardians, are required, bv law, to be held / first Tuesday in the mouth, between the hours ofter 4 forenoon and three in the afternoon, at the Court-lc/ the county which the P«P°«y » Bn ‘i««--N I hose sales must be given in a public gazette hIX y ll Previous to the day es sale. **/eu in P Notices of the sale of personal property must be l® u • Ike manner, FORTY days previous to the day □ / e . Notice to the debtors and creditors of an estatt/7 u ’'* H Published for FORTY days- 1 /nfO. Notice that application will be made to the C< / or dinary for leave to sell land, must be published r vun K NMic”For leave to sell Negroes, must be FOUR MONTHS, before any order absolute aoq De raafJfl Lere3n by the court. Marr— —* POST OmCEDEPARTSENT, Washington, 4th Marc, 1833. In future, the following rules and rgulations are to be observed : -„j stan t Astmasters General and Suborns, are dis Divisio 7 under the !W T X”d«»<-e of c. k. oiwoJ Ws Seo '°' Assistant, will comprise the Columbia.) Arkatias Territory, North Carolina, Arkat. Florida Territory, *" t ’ , ? ,a ' Alabama, M'.'oiiri TW second, the Northern Dvision, under the M p.X"» of S. R. Homs. »■" compmc <!>" SIMM of York, iVi'-ijnc. » New Hampshire, Vermont. Jia Massachusetts, ’ ia Rhode Island Pennsylvania, Connecticut, and Michigan Territory. 2d. Each of these Divans shall embrace an office of Appointments aid I’£"’ c, ‘°" s , an * a " office of Mail • ootracts;ihe office of Mad Dep redations to remain as atpresent organized, aux ’,l3d' of thes< Divisions shall be as signed four Correspoming Clerks, two for the office of Mail Contracs, and two for the Office of Appointments am Instructions, a Contract Clerk, an Appointment Clerk a Route Book Clerk, a Recording Clerk and G.etks o - teriug orders, finei and other misce laneous One of the Corresponding Clerks in each Division, shall be designated as the principal Clerk of the Division. . .. . Sth. she Senior assistant will be charged with the business of procuring Mail Port , mai ?’s a ''!j Canvass Bags, Locks and Keys, an* • 4 the incidental A clerk shall be assigned to aid him in their performance, w o, in <- er > direction of the Assistants, v, keep the registry of the cheeks countersigned bv them. .. , r 'dth. The business of forwarding Blinks foi Accounts, Locks, Keys, Post Office Lists, Laws. &.C. shall be performed undei .be direction of the Assistants, within their respective Divisions 7th The principal Cl rk of the Division only, shall sign official correspondence, and that, m case of the absence of the Assistant Sih The third division will be that of finance mid. r the superintendence of the Chief Cjerk, O B ...R'avs, who shall be the Treasurer of the Department. There shall be under his control the Book Kt-epeiS.” the '‘Solicitors Office, the Pay Office.” the -Examiner 9 Office the “Blister’s Office," ami the ‘Dead Letter Of fice, to the last of which shall be attached the business of the general lettei file. 9th. No money shall he paid into the Depart ment. directly «-’• the Treasurer, nor paid out ot it. directly by him. Resolved, Thrttthe city c-no cil .4 August*, will pass An O - dits iiice prohibi'ine the sale »'r delivery of inmxicaliug Liqu-r to Slaves, within the limits of he city, after the first dtv of October ncx’, witboot a ticket fr in their >wners or he r agents and that this Resolution be published. A true Extract from minutes of Coun cil, passed the 4th day of May 1833 GEO M. W \LKER. Clerk. anoT? biS; a \ ce CIIO reguiate the weighing of Fodder, Hay | and Oats in bundles brought to ‘he city of Augusta hi wagons, or caits for sale by weight. Sec Ist Be it ordained l>y the City Council of Augusta, That all Fodder, Hay and Oats brought to this city ir. wagons or carts for sale, Shall be weighed at the scales prepared for that • purpose near the lower market Sec 2d. Be it further ordained. That it shall , be the duty of the clerk of the lower market to superintend the weighing es all Fodder, Hay and Oats, at all hours of the day, from sun rise till : sun set. Au t tha party selling such Fodder, ■ Hay or Oats, shall pay to the said clerk fifty cts. oi each wagon, and twenty-five cents for each cart or dray. Sec. 3d Be it further ordained, 1 hat every person who shall violate the provisions of this Ordinance, may be fined in a sum not exceeding Twenty Dollars. Done in Council the 6th day of Dec. 1832. SAMUEL HALE, Mayor. By the Mayor : Geo. M. Walker, c. c.o. The General Ordni* aiice, to revise, ame'.d anti con solidate the sevetal Otdinances of the City Uouncibof Augusta, is now ready for delivery to the citizens. They can be had by applic tion to the Clerk of Council. ' GEO M. WALKER, Clerk. Mav 6 54 T ~ TO PRINTERS? rpHE Subscriber, h .vine beer, appointed I Agent in this citv. for the extemive Type . F OU ndary of WHITE, HAGAR St Co ,f N p y . York, begs leave to tender his services to the Printers of South-Carolina and Gorgia, s ot procuring any materials they may need '{ f . wi'l execute orders for a, y description o TYPE, PRESSES CASES, FURNITURE, INK &c on the same terms as the New York establishment, with the utmost-promptitude Printers wishing specimens, can be supplied, by applying to j A meS S.’ BURGES. 41 Queen-street Charleston. S C The Augusta Courier, Savannah Georgia i. Oolumbia Hive and Times, will please publish the above once a month, three nines and for ward their accounts as above for payment. April 29 5 J " balniTTrotests. BLANK Bank Protests, just printed and foi gale, at the Courier Office. Wip ft J) JnE KSwl /3k KUf; ft 1) ail I wft A.W 2 - f* , ’,,A- Mr. JAMES McDOW ell will attend to any busi uess in which the subscriber may be in (crested, during his absence tr *m the Suite. ROBERT A. RED. June 24 la«j3w 75 NOTICE. THE following articles have been received by the Steam Boat Company’s Boats am now in Store, and if not called for within thirty days from date they will be sold to pay expeie ces, viz:— No mark 10 Barrels Liquor • “ 1 do do “ 4 Smiths Bellows “ 6 Hon’e Collars “ 1 Bundle Spades “ 1 Lot wagon Boxes “ 73 pieces castings 1 keg Nails “ 3 Anvils 9 Bars of I. on 1 Dozen Scythe Blades “ 5 coils of Rope “ 5 barrels Cider A. R. Smith 1 bhd Sugar Waldron, 1 dozen Scy the Blades C. P. S Augusta, 1 barrel Pork VV. H. B 1 half barrel Fish S. 8i L. Augusta, 1 half barrel Fish S. 1 bariel, G Smith 1 box B 1 barre' Liquor, P. 81 H. 1 Barrel Liquor Rev S. Tally 2 boxes, B M R. 1 bbl. Liquor P. 1 bundle Spades, D C. 2 p eces Iron S. 81 T. 1 keg Nails. G 81. T ’ E. 1 barrel THOS. McGRAN, Treas'r S B Co. Augusta, June 3 66 Im (LF The Milledgeville Journal will please pub ish the above four times, and forward his account io the Treasurer’s Office. FRESH CONGRESS WATER F‘>H SALE, BY R. B, HAVILAND & Co Potter’s Cath. licon AND Swaim's Panacea, WARRANTED GENUINE 1 >r Sale by R. B. HAVILAND <fc Co. May 13 67 NOTICE. A LL Persons indebted to the Estate of E / Wood by contracts made at the Store in Augusta', are Requested to make payments to Mr. John Winter who is duely authorized to Receive the Same. WM. HALE Eze’r. Augusta, March 4 27 wtd Champaign Cider, &e &c. Boxes Champaign Cider 10 Caskes Lcotkm Porter; 10 do Philadelphia do 10 quarter Casks Malaga Wino 20 bbls Canal Flour 20 do Loaf and Lump Sugar 1 pipe Champaign Btandy 24 boxes besh Gunpowder Tea 100 ibs fine Shape Twino 10 Ma’- Cini ani di Just received and for sale low, by JOHN COSKI RY, 256 Broad Street. April 24 49 t* WAIN f! D A SITUATION, AS B"t>k-Keeper and Salesman, or Book- Keeper alone (would be preferred.) in both of which he has had several years of service a young man of steady habits ie well experienced in business in genetai, unquestionable reference will lie given if required, he would like to beer, gaged either immediately or from the first ot September or Octobei. Aline addressed to A B. C through the Post-Office will meet withat teiitiou june 24 2aw4w 75 , Ry a Resolution of < **'e City Council of Augusta, parsed the Bth June, instant, th< following persons were appoint ed a Committe of Health for the present year, viz : For District No. I—Messrs. P Ciump, Edw’d Henderson &. P. H Maniz. “ “ No. 2—Messrs. J Keo J. H. Mann and F Brail ford “ •' No. 3—Messrs J B Bishop, Jona Meigs, G 11 Paddock,and U. B. ('latke. The foregoing committees are requested to enter on the duties assigned them by the fore going Resolution, as early as may be practicable. Ry or 'er of Council GEO. M. WALKER, Clerk. • June 24 75 DrssbLirrfoNT fI'IHE firm of Sibley & Morrison was di— H solved by mutual consent on the first inst all persons having demands against said firm am' all those indebte > will call on A. Sibley for set tlement he having pm chased the entile interest A. SIBLEY. JOHN MORRISON Augusta, June 3 66 3w ~NOTICE? FOUR months after date, application will be made to the Honorable the Inferior Court of Lincoln countv while sitting for ordinary pur poses, for leave to sell Lot one hundred and seventy-four, in the fourth district and fourth section of the Cherokee purchase. ALS-«, Lot seventy, in the first Dis trict and first section <>f the Cherokee Pm chase, drawn by the Orphans of Arthur Frazer, de ceased, for the benefit of said "Orphans ADISON FRAZER. Guardian for said Orphans June 10 Ln4.ii 69 ——| C E ~ y OUR months afterdate application will be C made to the Honorable the Inferior f. ourt of Richmond County, silting as a Court ot Oi din ary for leave to sell for-y shares of stuck, of the Bank of the Stattr of Georgia; the propei ty • f Gabriel Murray, deceased, for the bemfit of his heirs I P GARDNER. Adm'r Mav 24 2g m4m Administrator’s Sale O‘ lV e first ' uesday i r < September next will be ® Ol ‘ at the lower Market Hous, in the city of Between the usual hours: — of Land on the south 8 { e *i in the eity of Augusta, «iear he New House fronting on hroad . Bt i-t'r" e< **’ a , n< ‘tunning back same wi.hh to hl’H-street. bouts . u M o t> .. » . , . °n by Brewster & Pre»coft. a-d others - tz- ’ ,e propejty of the estate nt David McKinney, k . J .u . c r . i . . 7 ceased, for the benefit of said estate. — JOHN \ KING, July 1 73 AUGUSTA, (GEO.) WEDNESDAY, JULY 10, 1833. V STATES XIOtEEIi AUGUSTA, (Geo ) * 1 11 HE Undersigned, grateful for the patronage th t has been extended to him since he has had the management of the above Establishment respectfully informs bis friends and the public, geneially, that the Hotel is now open, and will continue sn during the summer a id at all times and all seasons, am'pledges himself that his ex ertions shall be to render the accommodations of this Establishment i-ferior to none in the ci ty- The Stables are amply supplied with an abun dance of provender, and under the management of a careful and experienced Ostler JOHN R JNDERSON. O’ I he papers of this c'uy. the Georgia Jour nal, Macon Telegraph, Columbus Enquirer Southern Banner, Washington News and West tin Herald wll publish the above once a week for one month, and forward their accounts for Daymen! to J R June 2’ d ”4 ? NEW i L.zi>. Park-tges Imperial Gu powder Hy. . e.* son and Black Teas, of the latest im portations and finest chops.—Cheap G H METCALF, inav I? 5p SACTSTIT® WEII3 ID AITo Per hteam b at edgefield. 200 Bags prime green Co.lee, 65 Kegs Nails, (assorted) 35 <»00 best Spanish Sugars, 11 Hhds Lamp Oil 8 Boxes Wool Hats, 40 Gi oss Wine Bottles, 13 Boxes Havana white Sugar, FOJ? SALE AF G. H METCALF. June 24 75 NOTICE r I' 1 l HE copartnership heretofore Existing be S tween the subscribers under the firm of P. B„ 1 aylor 8t Co is this day tlisolved by mutual consent. The unsettled business of the late firm will be attended to by P. B. i aylor who alone is author ized to settle the same. P R. TAYLOR JOSEPH WHEELER , May 11 57 tj THE SUB'-’CRIBll’t, HAVING purchased the entire interest, of Joseph Wheeler. i,« the late firm of P B 1 aylor 81 Co. will continue the Earthenware busi ness on his own account, at the Store 357 Br .ad Street 81 under the Masonic Hall. P. B TAYLOR. May 13 ts 57 NOTICE. THE Co-partneYship heretofore existing in this place, under the firm of LUKE REFaD & C<>- Is Uiis Jay dissolved b, mutual con,ent all per s >os having demands against said firm a<e re quested to present them during the present week, and all persons indebted wiP be tequired to make payment. LUKE REED, F. S THOMAS, Per Allo tiey LUKE REED JSC AMt IELD. Augusta. June 3, 1833 Vhe undersign d ha\’\ng purchased the interest r f J. 3. Camfield m th. tbove concern will proceed to close it up with out delay. Mr Camfiel i Ims eitga-ed to attend to closing accounts and selli g offtlie balance of ihe Stock for u" during the present month—af ter which time the notes and accounts due will be put out for collection. LUKE REED F 3 THOMAS. notice: ~ 4 LL persons indebted to the firm of T C. 'A Lockhart 81 Co. for the ye r 1832 are particularly requested to com - forward < id set tie their accounts for that year without further dplay. T. C. LOCKHART 81 Co. may 17 w4w 69 notice: \LL persons indebted to the Estate of R. _ McCooinbs, deceased, are requested to tn ke pay ment, and those who have claims against the estate will present them within the time prescribed by law JOHN 8. COOMBS, Adm’r. March 27 wtf 37 - DURING our absence from the State A. J. Miller Esq. is our authorised agent and Attorney COLLINS & MANTON, June 26 76 4t Drought tothe Augusta Jail, ON the 17tb mst a Negro Man, who calls hiniselt tOM, says he teloogs to Lynion Paiker, of Bibb c< unty Geo. Tom, is 5 feet five inches high, dark complexion, and about 25 years old. ALSO, On the IS h inst. two Negroes Cyrus and .‘lib's, Cyrus says he belongs to Jones Per sons of Upson County, Cyras is dark 5 feet 6 inches high, and about 35 years old. Miles says he belongs to 'Vii! B<d f Butke county, ark complexion 5 feet inches high and a out 16 years old. Owners of said Negroes is requested to come forward pay expenses and take them away H B. FR \ZER, Jailor, R C. june 19 3t 73 Fresh Arrival from Paris. 150 Large and small fancy boxes fine I’niystaliz?'! '•'Ugar Work, in ail its varieties, just received and for sale, t v LAMB ACK 81 RUSE. June 19 73 ts Notice, months :;f r date 'triplication will be made to the H1 i' Je the Inferior Court f Lincoln County while situn . for Ordinary .imposes for leave to sHI. a ■■.'-jr ■ girl, belong ing to the estate of James B. Whee er. deceas ed for the purpose of div si > mungst the heirs at 1 distributee? of said estate NICHOLAS G. BARKSDA: E, Administrator with the will anntxed. April 8 42 H>4tn -Sb In addition to a heavy Stork on hand,thesubscn bers are receiving weekly, A GENERAL ASSORTMENT OF FRESH Intending to keep at all times a targe Slocy which shall be offered at reduced prices, would invite the attention of the Country Merchants, and the public ALSO, Harness and Skirting Leather, And every variety of SHOE LEATHER, and all the materials and Tools so Mauufacttiring at 273, Broad Street. B. W. FORCE & Co. XF FORCE'S Boot and Shoe Factory, Jackson street, in the rear of B W F. &, Co’s Store, where Boots and Shoes, of every discrip tion ate made and repaired at short notice Feb 27 ts SODA WA ER AND ME AD. & JCffSSg Vi if 1 gtb h.vetbf. i.if .sure of a.moui.riug to . their customers and the public generally the arrival of their SOD A M ACHINE, which is m win full operation, where Soda Water and Mead can be bad during the warm weather. They would further remark that all the pipes belcog i gio their mm hint are Hned with Btoek Tin. w hit h preveo's the possibility of ‘ iiy Canker or Corroding humor coming in contact with the -ioda or Mead. ALSO, A new kind of CAKE of superior flivqtir _ July 5 so law: VER AM MAR I IN, Attorney at LAW, Montgomery Alabama, will give strict at tention to busi .essxonfided to him References H<m Job . P King Augusta. Andrew I. Miller, Crawford 8z Cumming. July 5 80 9.lip LA\V N< >TICE. ~ THE undersigned having tak n an Office next door to that of Crawford 81 Cum MiNG,Esqrs informs the public that he will faith fully attend to all business with which he may be intrusted. ROBERT CLARKE. Dec 12 in if CX>N I’LNTS ” t>? Tf?E Southern Agriculturist, NO. 5 FOit JULY. PRA 11..AL0 e.ivajioiis on the t eclaiming of Marsh or Rush Land, putting down Trunks in these Lands and preparing the land for the se.'d; by Q E D Observations i> hr Planting of the Vine and Rot in Gt apes ; by N. Herbemont. Observations on curing Coin and feeding of Cattle, by B Nicolau On the dot at'o, of Vitality iu Garden Seeds; by Thomas Parker Accou.u of the May Ex übition of the Horti cu rural Society of Charleston ; hy tne Editor Account of a.» Agricultural Excursion made into the South of Georgia in the winter of 1832 , by the Editor. (Cent nued from page 304.) July 5 ts NOTICE. FTS HE subscriber recently taken out 1 letters patent from th. United States for a new piinciale f xpptying Animal power winch I rail t e Accel.irntor; the disr ription of this machi. e is such .hat it can I.e applyed te MiUs ge >< rally where animal powe r can be applied. 1 off- r the following statement to the public to show that I have proved the power of my ma chine I erected a temporary saw mill, with one saw, to which I put 2 horses, (the horses were not accustomed to work in a circle,) amt sawed thro’ a fourteen inch log with more ease than two horses can Gin in the ccmmon mode of applica tion; the horses being r- moved, eight men worked the machine a; d cut at the rate ofthirteeu hu dred & f <vy feet per day —Say that one third of the i- . is lost in returning the log and put ting on fresh logs the machine is then adequate to saw eight or tune hundred feet per day with two horses RICII’D. S. SCHEVENELL. Orangeburgh, S. C. June 15, 1833. The undersigned do certify that we have seen Richard S. Schevened’s horse power and Accelerating Machine, applied to the sawing of timber, constructed in a very tempo rary manner worked by two horses, and" we feel no hesitation in saying that this machine con structed of such materials as saw mills are built of,is fully adequate to saw any quantity or dis cription es timber. SAM’L. RICKENBARKER, GEO. H POOSER, L. J. CROSS. CHARLES GLOVER, * JOHN A TYLER, N. R. CA.V\ON. SOU TH CA R HINA,} (J RANGEBURGH, DliT. J I Joseph Winningham. Clerk of the Court of General Sessions and Common Pleas, in and for the District of Orange burgh, do ereby cer tify that the gentlemen who have signed the a b ve certificate, are respectable citizens of this village, and Ido heartily concur with them; having seen the operation Certified this 15th day of June, 1833. J. WINNINGHAM. (EJ’ The Editors of the Ch»r ! e.t->u Observer, Louisiana Advertiser, Yorkville Republican, and Cincinnati Daily Advertiser, will insert the above every other week for three months, and forward their accounts to the proprietor in Or angeburgh, South-Carolina, for payment, which shall be promptly remitted. R. S. S Jane 24 75 Georgia, Lincoln County. WHEREAS Malcom J. Walker, applies to me for Letters Administration on the estate, of Mark Golden, late of sa.d County, de ceased. These are, therefore, to cite summon and ad monish all ano singular the kindred and Credit ors of said dec’d, to be and appear at my office within the time prescribed by law, to file their bjections, and shew cause (if any they have) why said letters should not be granted. Given under my hand in office this 23d day of April, 1833. AfICAJAH HENLEY, c. o. NOTICE. CHEAP SHOES AND CLOTHING. THE subscriber having purchased of Samuel Parsons bis entire Stock of SHOES & CLOTHING, now offers it tor sale at New- York Cost He is also receiving regular sup plies of fresh stock from Philadelphia, which will be sold at a very small advance, for cash only, at the Store lately occupied by S. Parsons, No. 230, Broad sheet. J. B. ROBERTSON. M»y 24 3w 6 . 2 Scriven Sheriff’s Sale. WILL be sold, on thr first Tuesday in Au gust next, at the Court-House, in Jack sonborougb, Scriven County, between the hours of ten and four o’clock. One negro girl named Patience levied on as the j ropeity of John Buford to sat isfy sundry Executions from Justices Courts in favor of* Elihu Morgan, James H. Wade and others. Levy made 81 returned by a Constable. ALSO, 300 Acres of Pine Land, ad joiniug Lands of Benj. Ferritl, A. S. Jones and .theis, levied on as the property of Henry Bit ford o satisfy sundty Executions from a Justices Court, in favor of James H Wade* Levy made and returned by a Constable. ALSO 150 Acres of Pine Land ad jmiiiog Laud if Win. W Black, Humphrey’s, and Others, levied on as the property o f John Everi .gham, to satisfy an Exception from a Justices Court in tavoi of John C. Lege. Levy made and returned by a Const .hie JOHN C. FERRILL, S. S C- 5 80 td Brought to Augusta Jail, ON th? 191 bi- st. a N gro 3oy, who, calls himself bQUIRE, says he belongs to Star ling Evans of tVarien County Georgia, near Sweet Water Squire is 6 feet 5 inches high; daik complexion, and about 16 or 18 years old. ALSO, On the same day a Negro Man, who says be belongs to the Stat s of Georgia, named PETER, says that Mr Leman has he control of him Peter is 5 feet 6 inches high, daik complexion an.! about 38 or 40 years old. Owners 1 s -id Negroes is requested to , ome forward, prove property, pay expences and take biiH a was . H B. FRAZER, Jailer, r. c. Mas 20 3t 60 Adniinistrato 's Notice. ar'OUii months aitei date. ..p)>:ieation will 87 be ni de to the Court of Ordie ai vcf Rich mond County for tea ve to sell a HuUSE and LOT, on the Sand Hills, now oct upied bv .Mr. James Hig>'iiibothani, belonging to the estate of Alexander -spencer, deceased \LS' , All the NEGROES belor, •- g »© s-'-id Estate JOHN’ CO SKI’. RY. ><lnTr. July 3 7y ,41, 50 Dollars L'.e’.vard. INDUb ED or Rtii aw y trnm the subscriber . or. Tuesday moreiug 22d mst. , mulatto Ne gro Woman, by the h «u . .4 HETTY, and NAN CY her daughter and ‘VILLI. M hei son, well known about Augusta, bemngingto the estate of R M’Coombs. He'ty is a lew bright Mulatto about 41 sears of age Na.icy i- low, lather darker than her lumber, ;<bmt 15 rears of age vtty thick lips William is a pale mulatto about 10 or 12 years old. The above reward will l.e paid on conviction of any white person harbor ing said Negroes; and if taken up is Runaways, and put in any Jail in tins State Fi teen hollars, or Five dollars foi either. They are supposed to be luikmg about Augusta or its vicinity. Hetty’s husband belongs to Mr. Aiutrew Dill and 1 understand was in Augusta on Monday, be is hired out io Burke county and nay have in dured them to Burke I am determined to prosecute any person harboring, concealing,or inveigling said Negroes. JOHN S. COOMBS, Adm’r Estate H Mci oombs. May 24 62 -l Kogers’ Orange (run Powder. ’IS vety superior atticitj JE. t‘d 10 possess, >n a remarkable de gree of perfection, all the essential quali ties of strength cleanliness and quickness, suitable for ail kinds of Gons and of Shooting, is offered for s Je, by the sub scriber, of the following Marks, viz : j. S. Canisters »f great power, in kegs— Fine Grain pp- ■ < F Coarse Grain < (< p SOL >MON KNEELAND, Agent. Augusta. May 3 53 3m Georgia, Lincoln ’ ounty. By ’he i.ourt of Ordinary fur said County, May Term, 1833. legal notice bad been given by \f J the Administrators of the estate of Wil lum Fleming of Lincoln County, deceased, that they would apply to the Court of Ordinary for said county, for leave to sell the real estate of said deceased, (except the widow’s dower) and the Court of Ordinary for said county, being satisfied that legal notice bad been given by the said administrators of sue- intended appli cation and no person appearing to object to an order absolute for the sale of said real estate an order at Term of said court of Ordinary parsed authorizing the administrators to sell the real estate of said deceased (dower excepted.) And whereas upon examination of the records and minutes of said court of Ordinary no such order is to be found entered. It is Ordered That James Ramsay, administrator of said es tate and the heirs and distributees thereof or their legal guardians, and all other persons con cerned be and appear before the court of Ordi nary for said county ou the first Monday in Ju ly next, and shew cause, if any, why the said court shall not cause said order absolute for the sale of the real estate of William Fleming dece. ased to be entered on the minutes of the Court Now for them and this rule nisi be published in one ot the public newspapers of Augusta, thirty days before said day True copy from the Minutes of said Court of Ordinary. 23d, May 1833. MICAJAH HENLY, c. c. e May 27 63 td A SITU A TION WANTED BY a young man. from the North, of steady and industrious habits, a situation either in a Co/timisHon o, Dry Goods Store, would be pre ferable. A note addressed to Lamback Bißuse, through the Post-’ ffice, or otherwise will be a kiuiiy received June 19 73 ts ~T‘E( LAK ATI <) A Primed and for sale at this office. I! TO THE PUHLIC N asumch as the Drawtng ~f ihe Uni- •>n H uei Property Lit'eryis not com pleted, 11 is due to the Public to have a olain statement ul facts. Good Titles to prize holders, were not published by the superintendants, till the Btb day of lasi September (the time the Lot.eny truly came before the Public) to be drawn the 24th day of December thereafter. It was then postponed till the 2d day of this month, and from casualties could nm be drawn. The proprietor in the first tune given, from the situation of his family, could not leave Thomaston to sell Tick ets till the slh day of Dec. in the last time from the du its of office, could not leavetill after the 2d Monday in January Therefore he has not had time to sell as many of the Tickets as be wishes. He will make no apology —but Mill state fact- He owes the amount of the Lotterry and roin the possition of some of his credition he is compelled to ake the un sold Tickets. . To the others he returns many thanks, and could he bestow cash is easy as thanks he would have all paid It is to be hoped that this indulgence will be allowed by a generous public. He has placed the drawing when the Tickets ate sold, or most certainly the first of next January. Il is the last notice he shall make, unless he draws before that time. The drawing shall be final. h is due to those who have bought Tickets m be informed that the money is in tlTe hands of respectable Agents, and in the hands of the Tteasmer ofthe Su perintendants. Who will return 11 tn purchasers, should the Lotteiy, bv any unforeseen circumstance, not be drawn. “ ' Tlie unsold tickets are offered with pride, Then come forward and buy.’ Or he Proprietor vill be nullified, Aad you a FORTUNE; slip by. J. B. BATEMAN; Match 27 37 Treasury Department, April 12. h 1833. [N the late coi.Bagration ot the i resury build ing nearly ,JI the correspondence of thb Sec., retary of the Ireasnu. from the estatdishineiit tothe 12« t March, 1833, was destroyed, including, as well the original letters and comintinications a Idiessed to the Secretary ofthe Treasury, as the records of the fetters and conu. uuicutious written by him. With a viewt<. repair the less, as far as may be practicable all officersof the li nked States, are requested to cause copies to be prepared, and authenticated by them, of any let ters (excepting those hereinafter alluded to) which they may at any time have written so, or receive'! from, the Secretary of the Treasury ; and ah inose who have been in office, at <i other individuals throughout the U . ted States and eisew here, are invited to do the aue 1 hat this correspun tenet may lie arranged into appropri a’< books, it is i quested that it he copied o.i fo lio foolscap paper. «ith a sufficient maigin on all sides to admit’of binding nr-d ihtit no more th in one lettei be coutaiuei, <m a. 1 at. It is also r- quested, that the copies be wi ti . in .■> plain ind distinct or engrossing hand Wt.ere the or iginal letter can i.e s ared. it would be mes.-red. The reasons ie expense incurred n <■<•.,>> mg the papers now r. quested, not exceeding ih>. rate of ten cents foievery hundred words, w ill be defray e>’ by the Department the correspondence which has been saved, arid ot which, therefore, no copies are desired, me the records of the letters written bv the Secre tary of the Treasury to Presidents and Cashiers Ba ks from the l«t Get--ber, 1819, to the 2”th of Febuary, .833, all the correspondence relating io Key lutlonary cairns nmlcr the r.ct of loth May. 1826, and to claims of Vi gmia officers to half pay under the itet of the 515 .fitly. 1831; and to applii iitiiois foi the hern fit*, of thr acts of 2d ii»rch 1831 a> d I4’li Juiv 1832. for the relief ofcerta n i. solvent det tois ot die United Stabs. Copies of some ci.cciar letters nnd in structions, written b the Secretary, bate also been preserved ; and it is requested that, before a copy be mane of any circular letter o - instruc tion. w<i men by the Secretary of the reasury, the tl.ite and object of the circular he fir t stated to the Department, and it wishes on the subject ascertained. LOUIS McLANE, Secretary of the ’treasury. may 8 65—ts University of Georgia. Extract from the min ales of the Board o Trustee at their meeting m August 18 /2 ON motion ot Howell < < bb Esq - Resolved, I'hat all graduates of this Colt- ( ( mk ing application for the second, or mastei > de gree shah furnish the Board with the certificate ot some respectable or distinguish, d individual, of their go -d moral character and respectability in the community in which they re ide Resolved further That all graduates of other Colleges, applying f r the second degree, shall furnish tne Board with their diplolofnas, and a certificate of so ne distinguished or respectable person in the commui ity in which they reside. Resolved furth'r, That the foregQiop ’■csctL.-"~ tions be published. ASBURY HULL Secretary. June 10 69 2t Georgia, Richmond County? WHEREAS John L. Anderson, Administra* t r on the Estate of Moses Tibbits, de cease.!, applies to me for Letters Dismissory from said Estate. These are, therefore o cite, summon, and admonish all and singular the kindred and cred itors of said deceased, to be and appear at my office within the time prescribed by law, td shew cause (if any they have) why said letters should not be granted. Geo. A B. Walker, c. c. o. Georgia, Richmond County. CC HFREAS Isaac Course and John yV anply for Letters Dismissory, on the Estate of John Course, late of Richmond coun y deceased. These are, therefore, to cite and admonfeh al. and singular the kindred and creditors of said dec’d, to be and appear at my Os flee within the time prescribed by law, to shew cause, if any they have, why said Letters shoulc not be granted. B. M’KINNE, D. C. C. O. R. C. Jan J. m6u- VALUABLE REAL ESTATE, FOR SALE. IT7"ILL be sohl, on accommodating terms V V the LOI S, situated on the south side of Broad Stre t, below- Campbell s Gully and nearly opposite the Planters’ Hotel, comprising front of 190 feet on Broad street, it is offeree for sale, in separate Lots, or the whole together for further particulars. Enquire of Mr Rubel IValton at the Insurance Bank, or to WM. P. DEARMOND. A»4gttsta, Feb 25 24 ts NO 82-