Georgia courier. (Augusta, Ga.) 1826-1837, November 11, 1833, Image 1

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VOL. 7. published every MONDAY, WEDNESDAY and rRIDAY, . AT Sk O’CXiOO-®* r. x*l- -•lStr. Howard's Brick Binding’,opposilotUe Post-Office M’lntoah Street. f i i■■ directions. B.l—f Land “{oxherd oiJ ue fn?Tuosday betweeo the hou ” of ten *“ ' h f forenoon and three in the afternoon, at the CoUrt ’! xo ‘ th. county which the property is situate.—Notice cf hoie sales must begiven in a public gazette SIXTY day. ■rovious to the day cfsale. . . Notices of the sate of personal property must be given in like manner, FORTY days previous to the day oi sal ° , Notice to the debtor, and creditors of an estate, mu.'- f e ■ublished for FORTY days. rn Notice that application will be made to the Court oi or dinary for leave to sell land, njust bo published for ruun MONTHS. ~. . , - Notice for leave to sell Negroes, must be published ror FOUR MONTH'S,before any orderabsolute shall be made here in by the court. Wo St jO1T8®8» AVGUSTA. SOLICIT a continuance of patronage from their friends and the public. Their CO 1- TON WAREHOUSE, is all wood; but toplace their customers on quite as safe a those who Store in Brick Building*, all Cotton Stored with them, is fully insured against tire in the Office of the Augusta Insurance and Bank ing Company, without any additional charge against the owners. They will at all times make liberal advances on Cotton in Store for sale, or to be shipped t<> their friends elsewhere; either in this country or Europe. Sept 27 116 ' CHARLES LABUZAN, ' w n.L CONTINUE TH§ COMMISSION BUSINESS IN AUGUSTA. a ND solicits the patronage of the friends of Z\_ the late firin of A Slaughter & C La euzan. and of the planters generally The sale of Cotton and the purchase of Goods wi I be at tended to exclusively by himself. Cotton order ed to be sold on arrival, will meet with prompt attention, and if directed to be stored will be .placed in a first rate Fire Proof Ware House i and the usual advances made if required. Auer 23 101 ts I 60 Packages o f Fresh Medicines & Dye-Stuffs, NELSON CARTER, nZ - Si-t doors below M'Kensie & Bennoch's Corner {at his old stand) North side of Broad street. IS. now receiving in addition to Stock on hand, an ex , jg tensive Stock of FRESH DRUGS, MED ICINES and DYE S TUFFS. which be offers to Itis f. lends and the Public, Wholesale and Retail, at very low prices, for Cash or approved pager. IE? Country Merchants and Planters, will do well to call am! examine his stock and prices. Oct 25 3t Fresh Drug's, Medicines, fye subscriber having understood, that JL there is <V.i impression abroad, ii the country, that, ia consequence of the late unfor tunate in which he wag connected, in busiof - s that he has decline'! doing business l a '^'.’...rr,‘t ( tms of mformine < < (S friends, and the public generally, t..ii so lai t ** -from it being the fact, he is determined to pm ' sue it, if possible, with more vigor than ever.and i has made arrangements to be regularly suppled, i ns heretofore, vith fresh and genuine articles He therefore, solicits from his friends a contin uance of their orders, and invites the public to cal! and ex/ mine far themselves ; and pledges i himsef for '.he faithful discharge oi his duties both as v> prices, quality, and attention, in the ’ cxecutie a of orders. JAS. M. CARTER. Oct 23 - - REMOVAL. Subscriber has removed bis store,from | his old stand, above the upper Market; North side of Broad Sfieet. opposite to J. K. Kilburn’s where h&z-ffers for sale 5000 BUSHELS fine Liverpool Salt, I 1500 do coarse Alum do 100 Pieces Hemp Bagging 1000 Ready made Cotton Bags With a Genetai Assortment es GROCERIES, &c. &c. Which he will dispose of on the lowest terms. JACOB DANFORTH j October 4 119 • NOTICE. ALL persons are cautioned especial ly Boatmen and Wagoners, aghinst harbouring in any manner whatever, a certain white Boy, named WILLIAM -WHITEHEAD, who left tnv employ ment on ihe 28ih ult. He had on when he left a pair of copper colored Panta loons, without Shqu? nr Coat. His left hand was burnt when y»t_ag. Tthich causes the three smaller fingejs to tall ip upon * the baud. JOHN WILCOX, jun’r. Oct 4 119 ts Prices of Board, &c, AT THE / AUGUSTA RESTORATIVE. Ao, 228, Bread-street. -SoaRD per Mo< h with Lodging $17,00 d° do do without do 14,00 u° d", week with do 6.00 do d o do without do 4.50 Dinner per Month 7 00 Singl'd Dinner 50 Breakfast 37 Si>per 37 Our Table will at all times be found at least equal t« nny in the city. Dinner, Breakfast or Supper -jan be had at all times. LAMBACK & RUSE. Oct 25 . 128 ts Potter’s Catholicon AND r SioainCs Panacea, WARRANTED GENUINE for Sale by R. B. HAVILAND 4c Co. M*.y 13 67 £»It’KLES, SAUSAGES, &C.~ WH ALF bbls. Fresh Pickles 100 lbs. real Bologna Sausages 200 do imitation do do 10 hampers Empty Bottles. Just received and for sale, by DORTIC& LAFITTE. Oct. 16 GEORGIA COURIER. UNION HOTEL. MILLEDGEVLLE GA. SEARCY and MANGHAM inform the r friends and th*P-L..v, inar ttiey I have united their interests in the a establishment, lately kept by Aaron Senrcy, (formerly by Captain M’Comb) on Way'ne-otreet.-—The establishment is in the centre.of business in the metropolis- &. the very extensive experience of the undersigned warrant them in soliciting the custom of regular boarders, transient persons, and members of the. Legisla ture. Their preparations are all made to afford comfort to all who may call on them. AARON SEARCY. HENRY MANGHAM. * * The Macon Telegraph, Georgia. Courier, nnd*Columbus Democrat will insert the abova till the first Monday in November, and forward lheir accounts to the subscribers. Oct. 18 125- Merino Cloths. SNOWDEN & SHEAR HAVE just received from New Fork, a very large supply of French Merino CLOTHS, of Lupin’s Manufacture, (warranted all wool.) which will be sold at reduced prices. A large supply of Thibet Wool Handkerchiefs and Rich Damask Thibet Wool Shawls. October 11 1-t 122 Administrator’s Sale. \T7ILL be sold at the late residence of Mary VV Wheat deceased, in the county of Lin coln, on Friday the 29th of November next, the personal Property of said deceased. AL9 >, According to the will ot said deceased a lot of land number 400 in the 2nd disti let and 4th section of the Cherokee Territory, lot diawn by said deceased. HARVY WHEAT Adm'r With the will annexed. get. 14 td 123 Administrator’s Sale. WILL be sold, at Lincoln Court House, on the first Tuesday in January heit, with in Ihe usual hours qf sale. - Two Negroes Bob and Lucy, belonging to the estate of Mary Ann Cutliff, de ceased, sold for the benefit of the heir 8 a cre ’ di tors of said deceased, by order of the Court of Ordinary of Lincoln County, to be sold, a( ,we l ve months < redit. JEREMIAH GRIFFIN, Afl™' r - Sept 6107 Guardian Sales. ETTII'I' l* e sold, at Lincoln Court-House on V V the fiist Tuesday in January next within the usual hours of sale: Four Negroes, Frank, Stoker, Richard and Hannah, belonging to Joseph R. Holliday, a niinor, sold for the benefit of said minor, by OTuC-T of the Court of Ordinary es Lincoln County, with a credit of twelve months JEREMIAH GRIFFIN, Guardian for said Minor. Sept 6 107 td YA LIABLE PROPERTY? FOR SALE THE Subscriber, offers his Possessions for sale, Ijing on Flint River and known by the name of Flat Shoals in Pike County, con taining nearly 60V acres of prime Land, 200 acresof which is cleared and in a high stateof cultivation. On the premises there is a good Store House. Post-Office. Gin House, Blacksmith Shop and a go<>d set of Grist Mills, all in good order The Mills have the best run of custom of any within a great many miles of the place The waier power is sufficient for any kind of m ichi ry; it is also, one of the best stands in this section tbr a Public th use. lying 12 miles from Green ville and 12 miles from Zebulon on the Stage Road. Applv to tbe Subscriber o>- the Premises C. W. HARRIS. Sept 16 111 *f Adniiniriistrator’s be Sold oh the first Tuesday V F irt December next at the Court House in Laurenceville, Gwinnett county Ga. between the usual hours of Sale, pursuant to an order of the Honorable the Inferior Court of Baker County when sitting for Ordinary purposes. A lot with a Dwelling House and other out buildings in ihe Town of Lauience ville, Containing two or more acies of Land, Sold, as the Propertv of John S. Porter, deceased, fur benefit of the heirs and creditors. Also at the Court House in County of Baker on the same day, will be sold, two negroes, to-wit Charles and Jenny—ti tles good, as the Property of John S Por ter deceased, for the benefit of the heirs and creditors. Terms of sale, Cash, SAMUEL M. JACKSON Adm'r. de bonis non Sept 27td 116 FOR SALE. fllllE LOT, on the River Bank, formerly the JL property of Ben Harris, and adjoining G. B Luuiar, Esq. and others, it willbe devided to suit purchasers | terms of payment will be liberal, enquire of SAMUEL HALE. | Aug 5 Nw 100 NEGROES for Sale. ON the 10th and 11th days of January next, at the Court House in Charlotte, Mecklen burg County, North-Carolina, I will sell 100 Negroes, the property of WiHiam Davidson, by virtue of two Deeds ofTrust to me executed by the said Davison, for the benefit ofthe Bank of Newbern, John Irwin, Samuel McComb and others.— Terms, Cash. W MORRISON, Trustee. Charlotte, N. C. Sept slh, 1833. 110 The Editors of the following papers will in sert the above advertisment, once a week, until ihe first of January next and foward a paper im mediately with their accounts to this office for settlement, viz: The Times and Gazette, Colum bia, S. C ; Courier, Augusta and Journal, Mil ledgeville, Ga.; Spirit of the Age, Tuscaloosa, Journal, Montgomery and Register,Mobile, Ala bama. RUNAWAY FROM the Subscriber, in Jefferson County, (Geo.) on the 19ih October, a MULAT TO BOY, hardly grown—has a forged free pass —callshimself DANIEL SHAW, his right name is RYLE. He wore a fur hat, mixed frock coat, or a roundabout, trim built, and has rather a careless look It is likely he will try to get over into ~outh Carolina. Any person arresting the above boy, will receive the thanks of the sub • scriber. JOSEPH MARSHALL. Nov. 1 3p 131 AUGUSTA, (GEO.I MONDAY, NOVEMBER 11, 1833. Merchants & Planters Bank W .JIOTEB, -m. abied and the highest price paid by II RATHBONE & HOLLAND. Ks* N. B SALT sold, at one dollar the bushel and Merchants and Planters Bank Note taken in payment as above. Jude 28 77 ts Merchants &. Planters Bank A’otes Wanted FOR which the highest price, will be paid in Cash.— Apply to J, MARSHALL, Montgomery's Range. Sept 20113 ts CITY SHERIFF SALE. WILL be sold on the first TUESDAY in December next, at the Market House, in the city of Augusta, within the legal hours of sale: One Negro Woman, named EVELINA—Le vied on as the property of Rebecca Merideth, to satisfy aJi fa Samuel Hale vs. said Rebec ca Merideth. E. B. GLASCOCK,’ Sheriff C. A. * Nov. 1 . 131 EXTENSIVE SALE OF CITY LOTS IN AUGUSTA. THE Subscriber will offer for sale at the lower Market House, in the City of Au gusta, on the first TUESDAY in December next, A large number of LOTS, from Broad-street to Bay street, and between Campbell-street and the Subscriber’s Western Boundary, near the Upper Market—the Ware house occupied by Mr. Rees, and the oire re cently occupied by Messrs. Slaughter La buzan, together with the Lots occupied by Messrs. Moise, Finn, and Messrs. Kenrick & Walker, and other Lots on Broad-street, inclu sive. Terms made knflWn on the day of sale. Any portion of the above property would be disposed of at Priv ite Sale. (EP A Plan of the Lots will -be left at the Planter’s Hotel for insppetiow E, F CAMPBELL. Nov. 6 wf 133 NOTICE. VK7 ILL be sold, on the first TUESDAY in VV December next, at the Court House, in JaCksonborough, Scriven county between the usual hours of sale: « 80 Acres of PINE LAND, (more or less) joining lands of Angus S- Jones. Benjamin Wil liamson and others—levied on ns the property of James R. Roberts, to satisfy an execution in fa’ vor of Nathaniel Wade —Levy made and re turned by a Constable. ALSO, One Negro Girl; named MARY—levied as the property of Matthew Rodgers, to satisfy an execution in favor of Feriby Freeman Levy made and returned by a constable. JOHN C. F ERR ILL, S. C. C. Nov. 4 132 BANK ROBBERY. 500 DOLLARS REWARD. Mechanics’ Safe, ? Augusta, August 29, 1833. ) THIS BANK having been broken open last night, and robbed, by picking the lock of the Teller's Fault, o£five thousand four hundred and twenty tight dollars, in the Notes of this- Bank, the above reward will be paid for the ap prehension and securing of the robbers, and the money, or a proportionate rewa< for the re cover} of any part thereof, is believed the greater part of the mon/ey stolen h in •mail bills. GEO. W. LAMAR, Cashier. At>£ IC4 If ~fcANK OF AUGUSTA, I October 29th, 1833 J THE Board of Directors, considering an in crease of the Capital Stock of this Bank expedient, It is Ordered, That a meeting of Stockholders be convened for Ihe purpose of de liberating upon that subject. In compliance with this resolution, the Stock holders of the Bank of Augusta, are hereby de sired to assemble a' their Banking House, on Wednesday morning, the4th ot December next, at 10 o’clock, to deliberate and determine ttpon the expediency of extending the Capital Stock of sai. Bank, under authority cf an act of the General Assembly of December 22<’, 1826 ROBT. F. POE, Cashier. (LT The Savannah Georgian; Georgia Jour nal; Federal Union; Macon Messenger; Ma con Telegraph, and Washington News, will pub lish the above once a week for four weeks, and forward their accounts, immediately afterwards, for settlement, Nov 1 131 4t CAUTI *N. THE public are cautioned against purchas* ing spurious or counterfeit Medicine, un der the assumed name of Pottet’s Catholicon, Bz.are informed that the only agents for the sale, es the Geniuue article, in Augusta, are TURPIN & D’ANTIGNAC. Oct 11 122 w3t A UC TION~NI7 : rTcE. TN future all persons purchasing GOODS at my Auction, an*l not calling the same during the day following, they will be resold on ■heir a cop nt and risk and the names made pub lie. JOHN MARSHALL, Auctioneer. Oct 30130 6i NOTICE. HAVING interested A. W SMITH in busi ness with me, in this place, it will in fu ture, be conducted under the firm of ROWE & SMI HI. ADNA ROWE. Nov. 6 wfmw4 133 EDUCATION. aT is proposed to open a school on Monday the 11th Inst, in a house on McKinne Street near the Spring under thechargeof a well quali fied teacher. Parents and guardians, desirous of availing themselves of the advantages it may present, will be informed of all necessary par ticulars. on application to. J. &. W. HARPER. November 6 3t 133 NOTICE. < LL persons indebted to the Estate of R McCoombs, deceased, are requested to make payment, and those who have claims against the estate will present them within the time prescribed by law. JOHN S. COOMBS, Adm’r. March 27 wtf 37 JOB PRINTING. A LL kinds of JOB PRINTING continued to £’V be done at THIS OFFICE at the verv lowest price. NOTICE. I "KURING the absence of S. Rogers from the I State, Edwin R Belden, is our authorised attorney. c. SQUIRE & S ROGERS. Sept 9 108 id “cash WILL be paid fur a Smart active Boy from 15 to 18 years old, one accumstomed to House work will be perferred Apply at this Office. August 30 104 LOST. ON Wednesday ISth inst. a small POCKET BOOK or WALLET, containing sundry papers, amongst which were three Notes of Hand, given by Rachel Pierce, to me for one hundred and fifty dollars, each, one payable first July 1833, a second payable first July 1834, and a third payable first July 1835. All and every person is hereby sot warned from ’rading for said Notes oi any one of them Any person finding said pocket book, with the notes, Bxc. and leaving it at the office of the Georgia Courier, shall be suitably rewarded. DAVID CLARK. - Sept 23 114 ts MILCH COWS. THE Subscriber has • number of very su perior MILCH COWS; mostly of the English blood—which be will sell. They can be seen at his farm adjoining this city, and will on inspection, recommend themselves, as of the very first quality. PAUL FITZSIMONS. Oct 11 122 Im siLks?" SNOWDEN & SHEAR, HAVE just received from New York a large supply of new and fashion able SILKS, for ladies’ Dresses—among them are : Rich watered and Figured Col. Poult de Soi’s (new style) Rich Ggured and Satin Strip’d col’d Silks (new style) • Extra col. plain Poult de Soi’s and Gto denaps (very rich colours) Superior Mattioni’s black Italian Lus frings and Gro de Swiss Sopetior Blue and Jet black Poult de Soi’s (very heavy) Extra heavy black watered Poult de Soi’s and heavy black Watered and figured Satins Also, a large supply of Rich, plain and Cut Veivet Belt Riba Irons, (new styln) Extra rich fancy Belt & Bonnet Ribbons The above Goods have been selected with great care from the latest importa jions, aud will be sold at very low prices. Oct 21 NEGRO CLOTHS. SNOWDEN & SHEAR, Have just received from N. Y. a large supply of Stout Kerseys, Plains, Linsays, and o her articles suitable for Servants Clo thing, which will be sold low. Oct, 21 12t 125 Wotice7 THE STALLS in the Market-Houses will be rented on the first Monday in Novem ber next, for one year from that time, on Ihe asual terms; renting to commenced at 10 o’clock A. M. By order of Market Committee. GEO. M. WALKER, C. C. Oct 30 130 2t SNOWDEN <fc SHEAR, HAVE received this day from New Yotk, a large supply of LADIES’ FASHIONABLE TUSCAN BON NETS,(«ith small fronts. ALSO, 4 Cases La die’s superior fine Straits- Bonnets (with small fronts,) 1 case Mises superior fine Straw Bon nets (largo size) All -f which will be sold at reduced prices. O c£2l J. A. C tWELAWB, DENTIST. RESPECTFULLY informs the citizens of Augusta, and its vicinity that he has re turned to the city, and will resume the duties of his profession. He is prepared to insert TEETH of all des criptions in the most modern style, in whole or parts of setts, Persons who have been so unfor tunate as to loose all their Teeth, may in most instances, be furnished with substitutes which they would’find useful and contribute much to their comfort in articulation as well as in masti cating their food He contemplates making Augusta his perma nent residence, which will enable him to take the charge of children’s Tertb, during second dentition, it being the most important period of life, in regard to the Teeth prudent operations during that period will add much to the com foi t ol the child, and prevent much suffering in after life. He has taken Rooms, at the the Washington Hail, entrance on Broad-Street, Oct 28■ 129 if Family Groceries. N SMITH it Co. are receiving their usual • supply of Choice Family Groceries with supply of Fruit s’c &c. Nov 6 133 FRUIT. ORANGES 30 Boxes New Rasins. 7 N. SMITH & Co. Nov 6 133 TOYS, BA .GING. 200 P-ces TOYS, best BAGGING. Landing from Company’s Boats. FOR SALE, B¥ G. H. METCALF. Nov 4 132 FRUIT AND CONFECtfIO KZIXJS THE Subscriber grateful for past favors, would inform bis friends and the public, that he has now on hand, nnd is constantly re ceiving from Strvannah, Charleston, New York, and Philadelphia, a complete assortment of French Confectionaries, West India Fruits, Preserves; &c. fcc AMONC WHICH, ARE Rose, : - Perfect Love, Life of Man, M Annisette, CORDIALS. Mint, Orange, and Cinnamon J A complete Assortment qf French Chrystalised SUCAR FIGURES — consisting of Toys, Roses, Geraniums, Flowers, fee. &ic« ALSO, Limes; 'j C 'co Plumbs, | , Gua e vt PP,eS ’ } W- 1- PRESERVES. Peach and | Citron J Guava Jelly Dried f ifrott Oranges Bunanna* Northern Apples Raisins Almonds Filberts Brazil Nuts English Walnuts Fire works Best Spanish Segars do Crackers Bologna Sausages Dried Beef, A complete assortment of Wood and Ala., blaster TOYSfor Children, —ALSO— JiTst received a large assortment of French PERFUMERY, such as Soaps, of every description Shaving do, in boxes, (a superior article) Lavender *«T07...„d JWATSR. Florida J French Pornude, Antique Oil, Btc. &C.. ALSO, ON HAND, OJ his own manufacture : A complete assoitment of every description ot Capdies and vvi Jlils, Limon Syrup, Stough ton Biftcrs, Bzc. inferior to none in the Country. He would likewise inform his country customers that his Stock of Wines and Liquors, together with every article, for furnishing a Confection ary js now complete and all orders for Goods, in his line will meet with careful attention and quick despatch and pledges hlmselfthat no exer tion shall be wanting on his part to render sa tisfaction to those who may favor him with a call- MARTIN FREDERICK. Oct 25 128 <f Truly grateful for past favors, receivedat the hand of a generous public, lake this method of return ing their most sincere thanks, and tespectfully solicit a continuance of patronage at the AUGUSTA ’ Ladies Confectionary, Where will at all times be found a general assortment of CONFECTIONARIES, such as Chrvstalized, Transparent Sugar and Gum TOYS, Rock Spunge ’ Lemon Pound Mint Q Sugar Q Rose Queen Sassafras Macarone I M Barley M Cncoanut [-J Hoarhound Lemon S Cinnamon Black • Cream and And Blown J Ginger J Fine * P 1F Fine . ne A PP ,eB \ _ Crab Apples j S Limes I Pears I 2 Oranges £ Figs I Gliiger J- m Plumbs > £ Citrqp g Greengages I t*< Plumbs Quinces I Dates Oranges and J tq T"lu&iinds I b Limes j | P> aches J. Perfect Love/ L. P. Madeira 1 Life of Man \ W. Champaign Rose f R Champaign . Clove f ’ 135 Sherry Cinnamon f Port m - Mint \ Si Muscat Tanscy f FJ Claret Ginger k Teneriffe X Noyeau > . An< V #l Anniseed and ) Marseilles ( offee ' ALSO, FRUITS OF ALL DISCRIPTXONS IN SEASON. Together with sundry other articles such as, French Fancy Chystabzed Work, Pastries, Al monds, Raisins, Filberts, Brazil Nuts, English Walnuts. Prunes, Dates. Orgeat, stuffed Olives, Mustard, Mats, Market Baskets, Willow Cradles and Carriages. ALSO, ON THE RIVER 10 boxes Lemons 1000 Oranges ’ All the above articles We will be able to sell as low as any other House in the place. , Oct 30 ' 130 gfeggpa The Annual Meeting of* the Georgia Temperance Socie ty. will be held on Tuesday, after the 2d Monday in November next, at 10 o’clock, in the Metho dist Chapel of this place. Auxiliary Societies are requested to appoint their Delegates and forward their Reports, in compliance with the requisitions of the Consiuutj""* Such as cannot be represented, will forward their Re ports to the Chairman of the Executive Com mittee. R. K. HINES, C. E. C. Millt.dgeville, Oct. 23, 1833. Several Gentlemen, Col. Joseph Henry Lump kin, Judge Longstreet, F H. Cone Esq. and others, haste been invited to addresss the meet ing at 7 o’clock, P. M upon the subject of Tem perance. Editors friendly to the cause of Temperance, are requested to give the above an insertion. We are authorized to announce fWfe DANIEL AfAGAfURPHY, as a can didate for the Office of Receiver o Tax Returns, for Aichtnond County, at the Elec ion, in January next. f Oct. 23tj We are au th° r * se d to announce Fkeeman W. Lacy as a candidate for Sheriff of Richmond County at the Election on the first Monday in January next. . Oct 14 td 23 LAND DEEDS, Jost printed and for sale at Ibw OSkS I 1 SITUATION WANTED I a Young Man, as Clerk in a Store or Counting House ; he writes a plain expe ditious hand, and is conversant with accounts, is , willing to devote the whole of his time to busi. , ness ; Employment being his principal object, . would have objection to go into the Country. , A moderate npensation only would be requir f ed. • , Satisfactory reference will be given.—A line addressed to “A. B.” Box No 53, Post Office, will meet with immediate attention. , Oct 28 - 129 4t ' A few STONE MASONS immediately. Apply at this Office or to PAUL FITZSIMONS. , Oct. 286t129. Female Cook Wanted. WR Wish to employ a good ‘ Female Cor k ▼ V Vvasiief Ironer without incum bance, by the month or year; for one that can come well recommended, liberal wages will b& paid, tAMBACK i August 30 104 TUSCAN BONNETS. FOR RALE BY, ( Rathbone & Holland. Oc« 16 124 ts FOR SALE. T A PRIME NEGRO FELLOW. 20 of /V age—strong and healthy. Apply at this Office. Oct. 16. ’ Executor’s Notice. SHOULD there be unsettled accounts, or de mands of any kind, against the Estate of the late Doctor John Powell, (of Louisville ) de ceased, they must be presented by the first of January next, or payment will be barred. JOHN M’KINNE, Ere'r. Oct 30- |3Q 3, T £ wse have com JU fflCjifed receiving, ami wm to receive throughout the winter OYSTERS , 4 .” Shell. Having agents in Charleston as well as Savannah,they will be able to have them regular * r< J/neilher of the above places- EF Families can be supplied at the shortest notice, by sending Orders. Oct. 23 , JUST Received k and for sale, at Richards’s Bookstore, the following WORKS. Discourses, by William* Ellery Channing; a new collection, principally devoted to the Evi dences of Christianity. Statement of Reasons, for not believing the doctrines of Trinitarians, concerning the nature of God, andtthe person ot Christ* by Andrews Norton, late Professor of Sacted Literature in Harvard University., ■ Friendly Letters to a Universal!st; on Divine Rewards, and Punishments “Am I therefore become your enemy, because 1 tell you tbu truth?” by Rev'd Bernard Whiteman. ■do, Offering of Sympathy to the afflicted ; by severa! Unitarian Ministers The Sunday Library, Edited by Rev Henry- Ware, jnn. vol I. Life of the Saviour, by rfte Editor , , The Sunday Library, vol. 11. (Lives of the Philanthropists, vol I.) Life of Howard, by Mrs John Farrar Plain Letters on Important Subjects, by Jona than Farr •- - ■ ' Sermons, designed to teach plainly the Doc trines of the Gospel, and Earnestly to Enforce the precepts of Jesus Christ; by Jonathan Farr Times of the Saviour, by Harriet Martineau The Essential Faith oi the Universal Church* addressed to Roman Catholics; by Harriet Mar tinenu T’ae Faith as Unfolded MarffProphels; by Harriet Mqrtineau On the Formation of the Christian ChardCitS addressed to those who are seeking to lead a ri ligious life, by Rev Henry Ware.jr .■. Contemplations of the Saviour; a Series of Extracts from the Gospel History with reflec tions. and original and selected Hymns; by S G But finch Sept 4 106 ’ NOTICE. THE subscriber having recently take-- cut letters patent from the United States for a new principle of applying Animal jx>wer.’Which I call the Accelerator; the discriptton of tj/S machine is such that it can be applyed to Mi’Js generally, where animal power can be applied I offer the following ste.'ement to the public to show that I have proved the power of my ma chine, I erected a temporary saw mill, with one iaw, to which I put,2 horses, (the hornes were not - i accustomed to wbrk tn a circle,) and sawed thro* a fourteen •/;eh loss *dh more ease than two' h°rSes can Gin tn the common tnot'e t£applica tion; the horses being removed, eig.t>t®en worked the machine, and cut at the rata of ih’lttep dred & e hty feet per day.—Say ’ at one t’nr.T of the time is lost in returning the log a." put ting on fresh logs, themaohine is (bur | to saw eight or nine hundred feet per day wit;. I two horses, RICH’D. S. SCHEVENELL, Orangeburgh, S C- June 15,. 183 g. The undersigned do certify I that we have seen Richard S. Scheveneil’s horse power and Accelerating Machine,applied to the 9 sawing of timber, constructed in a very tempo rary manner worked by two horses, and we feel no hesitation in saying that this machine con- I strutted of such materials as saw mills are built of,is fully adequate to saw any quantity or dis crintieii es timber. ■ -., SAM’L. RICKtfNBARKEJI, GEO. H. POOSER, L. J. CROSS. CHARLES GLOVER, JOHN A. TYLEB, N. R. CANNON. SOUTH-CAROLINA, > Orangeburgh, Dist. »J ’ - ff Joseph Winningham, Clerk of the Court of ■ I General Sessions and Common Pleas, in and I for the District of Orangeburgh, do hereby cer- I tify that the gentlemen who have signed the a- I b >ve certificate, are respectable citizens of this B village, and Ido heartily concur with tbeml H having seen the operation. Certified this 15th day of June, 1833. M J. WINNINGHAM. ITT The Editors of the Charleston Observer, 1 Louisiana Advertiser, Yorkville Republican, ■ and Cincinnati Daily Advertiser, will insert the I above every other week for three months, and forward their accounts to tbe proprietor in Or* angeburgh, South Carolina, for payment, which •shall be promptly-remitted. R. 3. S. June 24 75 BLANK DEEDS. Neatly printed at the this Office NO. 133.