Georgia courier. (Augusta, Ga.) 1826-1837, March 03, 1834, Image 1

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VOL. VIII. FUBLIS JED EVERY DAY MONDAY, WEDNESDAY and FRIDAY, A.T 2 O'CIrOJIL Z. M. Howard’s trick Buildings, opposite the Post-Offlcn M’lntosh Street. DIRECTIONS Bates of L««d anil Vegra««, by idministrators.Eaoct •re, or Guardians, art> required, bv law, to bo held o« •.« 1-st Tuesday in the month, between the hours of tea ia re I *trenoon an three iu the the* <to eounty which tho property is situate.—No*' fesso sales .nust bogiven in a publie gaaette SIXTY dayt previous to tho day of sale _ Notices of the sale of personal property mustbeglveein Ute manner, FORTY days previous to the day of sale Notice tothe debtors aud creditors of an estate, inns'nr . published for FORTY days. * , NoUce that application will bo "» d * J® 4 .ary for leave to sell land,mast be publish*! for FOUR * tfalicr for leave to sell Negroes, must be published for <3U ONTH'before any order absolute shall be made a-er the court _______ MAIL ARHAiNGEME.NtT P. O. Sttgasta, 17th Feb. 1834. Northerns Mail. Due at BP. M. Closes at 10 A. M. Western Mail. Que at 10 a m—Closes at 3 p in Charleston Mail. Due at 6 a m—Closes at 5 p in Savannah McU. Due at 3p m — Closes at 6 p <» Athens Mail. Due on Mondays Wednesdays and Fridays tit 4 p m—Closes on Mondays, Wednesdays am! Saturdays at 9 p m GrecnriZk Mail. Due on Tuesdays and Saturdays at 8 p m Closes on Wednesdays and Saturdays at Qp m Carnesville Mail. Due on F ridays at 8 p m—closes on Sundays at 9 p in. Louisville Mail. Dae on Fridays, a« 7 p m—closes on Wednes days at 9 p m. Coosawhatckie Mail. Due on Sundays at 6 p m—closes on Tues 'S avs at 10am. OFFICE HOURS. Open from 8 to 10 a m —ll a mto haif past 1 p m—half past 2to half past 3 p in—half past s 4 io 6 p. iu. Closed from 10 to 11 A. M.—half past 1 to half pist 2 P \l.—haifpast 3 to half past 4pm > On Sundays the office will be open from X pa>t past 12 to 1 P. M and from 5 i< <5 p m. Feb. 19 22 NOTICE. PROPOSALS wjll be received un lit the Ist Monday to March next, t«>r keeping the Public Roads in good ro t-air, for the term of five years from the first day of April next. The proposal- . xuay embrace all the Roads or any piop si i<»n of hem, or a part of any one Road. Any information on the subject can be Warned by application to the Clerk ol 4he Superior Court of Richmond County, 'or to any one of the Justices of the in 1 terior Court. By order of \he Court. JAMES M’L x WS, Clerk. The Ci'v panerg are requested to pub- Jtsh the id Feb 5 t«l 16 DENTIST 71MHE S ■•criber respectfully informs bis 1 friends and tne public, generally, that he has located himself in Augusta, where he antici- ( pates a p; r residence with his family His residence is directly opposite ihe Muonic Hall where he is now in readiness to wait upon suy who may need4tia professional services and hopes by his assiduity a d itteutiou to busjiesx Me from his long ex,iei ience in the practice oi his profession, to merit and receive the Conti fierce of the public The subscriber can alwrysbe found at home, except when on his annual visit to Savannah, e», when, by special invitation, be visits an adjacent village: in either case notice in the public prints will be given at least one week previous to his leaving 'he city, in order that persona residing lerthe country may know where he is to bs found E- OSBORN January 15 _ 1 DENTIST Respectfully informs the citizens of Augusta, and its vicinity that he has re turned to the city, and will resume the duties of bis profession. He is prepared to insert TEETH of all des criptions in the most modem S’yle, in whole or parts of setts. Pei sons who have been so unfor tunate as to loose all ibeir Teeth, may in most instances, be furnished with substitutes which they would find useful and contribute much to their comfort in articulation as well as in masti cating their food He contemplates making Augusta his perma nt nt residence, which will enable him to take the charge of children’s Teeth, during second being the most important period of regard to the Teeth prudent operations during that period will add much to the com foit of the child, and prevent much suffering in after life. He has taken Rooms, at the the Washington Hall, entrance oc Broad Street. Oct 28 __ 129 if TO BENT a The WAKE-HOUSE, and OF FICES, formerly occupied by Alex ander Mackenzie. Possession giv en immediately Apply to P. BENNOCH, JAMES M. CARTER or J. P. KING, Assignees. N. 8. The Assignees of A. MacKenzie have six or seven grown Negroes for sale, among which are a few first rate House Women. ? Oct 9 _ 121 To Rent. TH EI louse and Lot on Rey nnld Street near the corner of l£SalL» Reynold and Centre Street re cently occupies by Joseph B Sockton. Apply to , A. J. MILLER. December 2 ts 144, BOARDERS WANTED. MR. NOYES can accomodate two or three genteel Young Men with Board <s•<:. at the Corner of Broad & Centre Street. Dec. 2 ts 44 Porto Rico Sugar. W Hhdg. Just Received on consignment at d < will be sold low. h 9. H. METCALF. 1 9 M&roka WINE Sand LIQUORS. ■ ASSEUR and Patridge Eye Cham- M A paigne, io quarks and pints. Old Madeira, in Wood and Glass Teneriffe and Sherry, Brown and Pale Rhenish Wine, of Steinberger rfe Rudei s hem er, Brand Vintage of 1822. ! Malmsey Madeira and Old Port St. Lucar <fc Marseilles Madeira Old Champaign Brandy Prime Cognac, Holland Gin, &c. &.e. N. SMITH Co. Nov 29 143 CHAIRS. 1000 Cano, Flag and W ood Seat Sei ting auiHl rckingCh.iirs ot VariousQualil and low prices. , G. H. METC ALF. Doc 27 154 PREPARED COACO, Warranted pure and of first quality Cl Oa*'o thus prepared affords a wholesome / beverage and is recommended by Phys-, cians as nutiiti us not only, to the sick and con valescent but tu the healthy and is very coin, posing to weak nerves. ALSO, Unpre ared Coaco, in its Natnra; state, just received’ by N. SMI I'H &i Co. Jan 8 2 Butter, Buck Wheat, &c. 25 Ferkins, selected Goshen Butter 25 Half Bls Best, Buck wheat 28 qr do do do 10 Casks, prime Cheese 30 Bls W. Ely’s Canal Flour 10 Half do do do 20 Half Bls No 1 Shad 10 do do No I Salmon 10 do do No 1 Beef 8000 Bls Loaf 8t Lump Sugar assorted qualities 100 J rs assorted Pickles 20 Kegs Superior Lard Just Received and for sale by " N SMITH &l Co. November 6 133 A Valuable House and Lot For Sale. At AUCTION, on 'be first Tuesday of March next, if not before disposed of by private sale, The HOUSE last year occupied by Samuel M. Jackson, Esq. and now ten. inted—on Ellis s'reet, near Mr. Meal— ieg’s —for information wish regard to Lot, House and linprovem'’nts examine 'he premises or call on WM. P. BEERS, 241 Bioad-sticet, February 17 21 Received. O-Uk Barrels Irish Potato 25 bbls Canal F'onr 20 boxes Sperm Candles 25 do Canton Fire Craciie 50 do Bunch Raisins 50 do Fresh Prunes 6 bales Almonds 5 bbls Brazul Nuts 5 boxes Cition 2 b’aireis fresh Citrranfs 15 Baskets superior Champaign Wme 10 kejs fresh Goshen Butter Just received which with a Choice selection o GROCERIES, On baud will be sold, low by JOHN COSKERY, Montgomery's Buildings. Dec 6 146 Preserves, Pickles, A LARGE and complete Assortment of /A choice Preserves and Pickles, Consisting Lime*), Citron, Pine Apples Coco Plums, Guavas, lie., West India. Ginger, Chow Chnw, Comiquat Or nges, Dates, Citrons, Marmalades, anion, Pears, Peaches, Q inces, American Peaches, Ganges, Apricots. Brandy Fruit Pickles, Getkius, Ouions. P» p; ers. Mangoes Mushroom, Walnut and Toinatus Catsups. Just received and for sale, by N, SMITH $ Co. Jan 31 14 English and American Garden THE Subscriber hr.sjust rereiv d a large and general assortment of English Seeds, ! direct from Liverpool. These ee ls are all ‘ fresh, being the growth of 1833, He has also, received his supply of American Seeds, all of which may be depended on as no Seeds wil be sold, by him but such as are known to be ge nuine. He has also a fine assortment of Fruit and other TREES, &tc consisting of pplc, Pear, Peach, Plumb,, Cherry Apricot, Nectarine Qnin<e, Alinend, &c. of a'l sorts Also, Gooseberry,Cui rant, Raspberry, Berberries nd uth, r Bushes. Those Trees, are all of the best kinds and if removed soon will no doubt bear Fruit next summer—also, ornamental Trees, Shrubs and Plants, among which is the Moms Multicaulis. a true Chini se Mulberry, (.hinese Ailanthus, or Tree of Heaven, with leaves four feet long ; a large assortment of ROSES, &c. ROBERT PHILIP. Feb 5 16 Btw ORANGES 10,000, Sweet ORANGES Just Received and far sale By N. SMITH & Co. Feb 3 15 FUR TIPPETS ANO CAPES. A New Supply of Rich Fur TIPPE TS & CAPES, Has just been opened by the Subscriber, Together with A VARIETY or OTHER ARTICLES, Amongst which is A Splendid Assortment of CXiOTXXS, CAS3IMS&ES. Well assorted in Colors. J. P. SET ZE, North side of B>o<>d street. I Dec 9 ts 147 BLANK BILLS. /Neatly printed at ibis offiee, and for sale AUGUSTA, (GEO.) MONDAY, MARCH 3, 1834, n . 300 PACKAGES Etrminnham and Sheffield HARDWARE CUTLERY &. HEAVY GOODS rjpjHE Subscribers have just received a JL very comple'e ass-iriment of'liea. bove Goods, including ev r ry variety of articles Dsuallvkept b% Hatdware dealers, which they offer for sale on accommoda ting terms for cash, acceptances, or Mer chants Planter’s in nev, at as low prices as can be obtained in the city. Also, a very extensive assortment of Single and Double Barrel GUNS, RI FLES and PISTOLS; Afamlla Hemp, and C olh>n Rope, of all sizes. C SQUIRE S.ROGERS- Nov 27 ts 142 Heal Irish Potatoes, Hampers. Irish Putaroes ♦ /WF 50 bbls Northern do, 25 do Newark Cider 30 do “ Cream” Ale 10 do .Smoked Beef 10 half barrels Fulton Market Beef 10 h.ilf do F .mily Pork* IO do do No. 1, Shad 10 do do do do Salmon 20 Kits do do do 20 kits Soused do 20 half barrels No 1, Mackerel 2fl Quarter da No 1, do lOui} lbs Codfish ... 500 lbs Snioiie/i Salmon • Just received ‘Ofit.h a, complete assortment of a Hoick FAMILY GROCERIES. N. SMITH if Dec 30 155 Canal Flour, Goshen Butter,&c. HOLE had half Blls Canal FLOUR 33 Kegs prime Gnshen Butter 3 C .sks “ “cheese 10 Boxes Prime apples do 100 Whole and half Boxe* Raisens 50 B >xes Turpentine Soap 23 do Sperm Candles 10 Hlf Blls pickled Tongues ! 20 Bils 2Vn. 3 J/ackerel 23 Hlf do No. 1 Togeiher with a genera! assort meat of ' Groceries, Jos' reneived and fr r sale by DOR TIC & LAFITTE. ' ! 236 Broad Street. Dec 9 147 | JU<l RECEIVED. CANAL FLOUR. J si Received, Cr<>ik 1 V Braud, by ' G H. METCALF- ' Dec 27 154 I Superior LAMP OIL. fl Gallons Fall and Winterslrain- .fl.v) 7■& ed Lamp and Train Oil 20 bbls Plaster Paris , 100 Packages fresh. Drugs al sb, A few Patent Paint Mills, of the most appro- • ved pattern- For sale by- < I R B. HAVILAND & Co. Dec 151 ts Malaga Crapes and Arabian ' Dates. I /K J ARS GR APES. , JL™™ 500 lbs Arabian dates of supreme quality . Jus< received by ‘ IN. SMITH. <fc CO. Dec 9 144 ' Kaisins. 1-00 Boxes Bunch Raisins. 50 do Bloom do 100 half Boxes Bunch do I 50 q tartar Boxes do do < Just Received bv | N. SMITH UiTo. Dec 9 I SOAP. l' 7 hole & half Boxe'first & second ' quality, for sa'e by G. H. METCALF. " i ' II holt sale i lothing Warehouse No. <SB, Pearl-Street. ' TgTIIE Subscribers,wholesale dealers in ready B made CLOTHING, have on hand a large aiul general assortment, manufactured for the Spring trade, of materials suitable for the south ern and western Markets, ami of di-cription, style, siz» , Sfc. to afford satisfaction to purchas ers Their assortment comprises every article usually required f>r those Markets The artic les are market! at regular and stated prices, and in no case will there be the least deviation from these prices. A credit of six months will be given for notes payable at Bai ks in any part < f the country ; and when the- ne is extended, interest will be 1 charged, at th< 'ate of six per cent, p r annum, < two a id a hal per cent, will be allowed for city acceptances, id a very liberal discount lor Cash. van it OOTHOUT, No 68, Pearl slreeL N. Y. . Jan 24 1 I u6' FOR SALE. THE undersigned having business out of this country, wishes to disp se of his Con ftdionary Establishment, in Savannah, com prising an ■ ss runent < f CONFECTIONARIES, Cordials, •ULLiARD T\BLES It is si uated on the t ornerot Bay Lane and Bull and is con.rJ.ered the best stand in thecity sw tmtch for convenience as for prox imity to usinegs. For particuiais, ripply to B. BOUYER. Augusta, or'o VINCENT NAY EL. SrwannnA- Jan 27 »2 2w in Wines and Cordials. WIVADEIRA, Sherry, Teneriffe, |v B Maimsy, Malaga, Muscat, Burguu <ly, Rhenish, Cl act, Pert Champatgne. fisc a few Baskets of still Champaign?, a superior article Cordials French aud American of every kind. N. SMITH. Jan. 31 14 A FEW K-gtof Newspaper /nfc Just Receiv ed and for Sale at this Office. • Feb. 5 ( Mai- .dill FOR SALE MN cot sequence of the distance of m\ residence from this proper-y, and th.- nimensttv of hardship, the care of man ageing it imposes on my sister Mrs. A* lemong; at her instance, I propose to self the , BIAirSIWT With all the conveniences and persona! properly connected wish the same. This properly is situated on the Corner of the Great Not th Square of the To -> h of Sal isbury, N. C. a few steps only from the C<»ur< House, aud is certainly one of the Jjesi situations fm business in the Staib— The ground extends 100 fee on the front of one of the main streets, and about 300 feet along the main cross street, attached to which is part of a back Lot, extending through the whole of the square—there are tw » other LOTS a sB- rl distance off which are used for pasture or cultivation. The House is very commodious and io excellent repair, with a fr< nt Piazzn ihe whole length aud two back Piazz s. ft k s for the use,of (he Tavern a Dining, a Dr twiug v a Ball and a Bar Room, besides eighteen Bed Rooms all neat and comfor t ble: likewise Six Offices on ’lie ground flunri itj ’ a row adjoining the HoteL There is on the premises a most excel lent STABLE. large and well arranged also a smaller Stable wi’h ground fluors, all admitablv sueed to the purpose of the Establishment, There is attached to ihe same a huge two story Brick Kitch en ,an Ice House; two Wells with pumps; Dairy and other out Houses —a good cel lar with almost all the bn> ding conve niences (hat can be thought of. chaediztog in the place, and tho great popularity of the stand, and liberal pa tronage which it has enjoyed in both kinds of business,will ensure to the porch aser a fair start in the race of compe'itinit. On the corner in the main building is a large Store Room, Counting and lumber Room, besides a good Cel lar belonging to the Store. This is one of the most favorable situations for Jfer.. The above </ffer includes also a first rate Hostler name of Jim well known for his skill and fidelitv; he is about 25 yeans old healthy aud siont—likewise a capital Co<-k about, 21 yeatsuld. I likewise pro” pose tojsell- all the Household and Kitchen FU UN IT IRE Bel tiging to the Establishment, con sisung <>t a gieat variety of at tides too tedious to enumerate. The Furniture is ail neat and good, and some of it elegant; there are in tho house.4o good- Feathet B»;<is and furniture, all in good condition. With the rest, I wish io sell a Carry all and H irness, attd a one Horse Wag gon and Gear; a good woik Horse; also a Gig and Harness, three first rate milch Cows; some Hogs, &c. The terms of saie will be made extreme ly favourable to those wishing io buy.— But no part of this property will be sold without the n hole hugh McDonald. N B. Tlit’ ooblic are assured that ’he Mansion II «t< l shall be kept in good preparation fur such as may choose to call, and no pains will be spared to give th* very best accommodation until a sale may be effected—The Cheraw Stage, also the Lincolnton Stage, also Peck and Welford’s great tri-weekly Line of Sta ges, all st..p at this house. Dec 18 4« 151 CJ 5 " he RichmondEeqairer and Geor gia Courier, will insert the above once’a week for four weeks, and forward their accoun’s to ’he Masion Hotel, Salisbury, for payment. TO M AS rER CARTENTERS AND MASONS. Executive Department, Ga, Milledgeville, 12th February 1834 Sealvd proposals will be received at this Departnn it until the 15ih day of March next, fa making the repairs and improvements < the State House,author zed by the late enerai assembly and for effecting which bject, twelne thousand dollars wore app *prtated. The old part o he building is to be made to correspond with he new at the N rib end,and the whole roof to be cov eted with copper. Bond, with approved security will be, requited of the undertaker—the wt rk to be completed by the first monday in Oc tober next. A competent superintendant of the work may be appointed,who must be res-* peered as such. A plan may be seen at this Department. As he work must be executed io tha best manner—the decision of the Executive will not de pend, alone,upon the lowest pioposal,but due regard will be had to the Competen cy and responsibility of the contractor. The nescessary advances, to procure ma erials will be made as soon as the con tractor shalt have filled his bond. By order of the Governor. R. A. GREENE, Secretary. and Southern Recor de<, Milledgeville; Geo'gia Courier and Constitutionalist, Augusta; Georgian, Sa vannah; Macon Telegraph,Columbus Sen tine!, will pubiish the above until the 10 March next. Feb. 17 21 EXTRA size PiNE-AP f’LES 20 Bunches Bananas, ripe 1000 C-iaconuts 25 Bis Newtown pippins Ji. SMITH, & Co. PROSPECTUS OF THE STATE R.IGHLS S£ cZTINTEI,. PUBLISHED in AUGU-TA GEM. BY AUGUSTUS B- LONGSTREET. DAY, the Noith*Ameiican Ga M zei'e changes its name, its Edim<, -and its frolitjeal principles. Hencefo'tb, it will be the advocate of the doct iue. contained in the;.Preamble and Resotu ' 'ions, .of the State Right, Meeting, =at Milledgeville, oh Hie 13<b November last. Those who are unacquainted with the Preamble and Resolutions refened *o,aie informed—Thai they denounce, in un qualified terms, the well known Prucla. mation and Force Bill; They re-assert, the principles of the Virginia and Ken tucky Resolutions .4 ’9B, iq their plain, obviou,, and primitive sense; un- bscmed by ihe sophistry of modern Foderahti, i and unimpaired by the strength.wasting refinement of hare hearted Republicans; They uphold State Sovereignty in a sen sible form,and with intelligible attributes: They of’tiotain that the General Govern ment derive, it, powers fiom a compact between Sovereign S ates; That these powers are limited “sty the plain sense and intention of the instrument constitu ting that compact-, and that in case of a di hbe> ate p t ’pable, and dangerous exer cise o r 'her powers, not granted; it i the 4* duty of the States to interpose, for arr sting the progress of the evil within their respective limits and that the* have she tigh’ “tn judge as well of infrac tions of the Constitution, as of ihe mode and m.-asure of redress.” Thee are the principles of the Slate Rights’ Party of Georgia,” the princi ples of this gazette. We espouse them because we find them blended with a || the original elements of our Governmen ; and because they are admirable >o then., ry, nnd still more admirable in pmc-ice. We deprecate 'heir antagonist doctrines; because their promises have ev«r been Consolidation; and their frtii<s—dissen tions, n<t>t patiun, injustice attd op’ res siou. Their first te i years’ reign, pro duced the Alien and Sedition Laws and they fell. Their last ten ve.arsl reign, have biongh- be country to the verge of civil war; clothed the President with dictatorial power, exhibited his troops, on the march from S<ate jo Stott met>a' cing array—<no They reign on 1 In this state of Jhingtj, it becomes * eve ry man who has life welfare ■ f his coun try at heart, to consider what he can do to redeem her frrtn disgrace, and rescue her from speedy dissolution. We believe • hat we cannot bt”'er direct our time and labor tpthis object, han bv out hen est endeavors t > bdng, back ihe peo i pie iu the tepublicanislh which hey have forsaken. To this end,we take the StXte Rights Sentinel in chargb, and earn eslly solicit the aid of all v ho think, with us up .t this Jefeply interesting subject. As we believe ’here is an inseparable connexion between virtue and happiness, vice and misery, whether considered in leleibnce to bodies politic, or to individ iials, it will be our ceaseless endeavor, to this truth, upon the minds of the people at large, and to make il, if possi ble, the leading maxim of the party to which we belong ail institutions, and asociations,therefore,which have for their object the improvement of the moral con dition of our fellow citizens, will find a warm supporter in rhe Editor of this pa per; and all 'well writieu essays, rending to tho same object, shall be welcomed to our columns. The State R ghts Sentinel shall be an independent paper, or it shall cease to be. It will pay a blind subservience to no party; it will support the intentional errors of none; but it will not visit the er rors of individuals upon ihe party,nor de sert the pany,for occasional errors. When he party which it now advocates, shall depart from the Jeffersonian principles, this gazette will depart from them. No pains will be spared to make the Sentinel instructing and interesting to all classes of readers; though other busi ness of the first importance, so bids me ‘o promise much for a month or two to come. Our printing materials are entirely new and well selected, and we are well sup plied with operatives: we may therefore promise a speedy and handsome execu tion of all Job work which may be entrust ed to us. Terms of the State Rights Sentinel will be published once a week until the Ist February next, and twice a week af terwards— Weekly paper 3 dollars per annum if paid in advance; four if paid at the end of the year—Semi-weekly paper, five, if paid in advance, and six if paid at the end of the year. A. B,LONGSTREET. Editors whn will publish the a bove, will confer a favor on us which will 'be ihankfullv received. Pine Apples, Bananas, Grapes, Oranges, &c. A J"|pk Extra size Pine Apples FVF 100 bunches Bananas 10 Jars Malaga Grapes 15000 Sweet Oranges 60 Coaco Nuts 50 Jrums new Figs 10 4o Sultana Raisins, without seed 100 boxes bunch Raisins 60 half do du do 30 qr do do do 5 ases fresh prunes, in splendid fancy packages, now landieg from Steamer, J. D. Mongin and Lamar’s Baats For sale, *»y N. SMITH & Co. Jan 3 2 declarations.” Neatly printed for ealefK 4»i» Office A THE NS, GEORGIA. ; - , THE Subscriber respectfully informs 1% hi Friends and Ire Public ge>ueit4lyithit he has purchased (he abuvemention.ed Es . tablishmetn.fotmcrh' k&pi by Nr. JOHN t JACKSON. ’ , Tbrr-Ihouse tyill be ' ready for' ihe< <fe» e commodatii RSif <■ . •_ P TRANSIENT AND REGULAR BOARDER 3 Either Single.or in • O'< terms as can be hfforddl » .» 'he place,by ihe first of January next. The undivided attention of himself 'slid • : bimi.v, will be conslai.ily dii the 'and’pleasu'fe of ail who they tall > on him. • • . t .< Hs STABLES, are ample, b>, ROOMS-generally commodious, and no , 'Vr‘ 1 W’Hfbespaled io furnishing I,i a TA BLE wnh the best the market wifi affords SAMUEL ftALLIHER. Dec. 27 2m 154 US NEGROES, &cj~ FOR SALE. Office Superintendent of Hoads r Sfc. > Eastern District, January 11, 1834 J IN obedi. nee to an Act of the Legislature Qf the State of Georgia, >pproved by his excel lency the Governor, on tl»e 21st day of Decem ber, 1833, I will sell, at public out ry, to the highest bidder, at the Courthouse, in the COUN -1 Y of ELBERT, On Munday, the \Hh day of March next. The following named NEGROES, feh nging to <he State of Georgia and attached t > tu« Lnxula '(atiou, together with the, Carts, Too!*, . connected thereto: Rasta (Vl.ils) N<c’ (Zeliars) Abram, (F.- Cullens) Dawson, (*’ - k r.s) Aimst.-a.i, (Glaze) T in,(Dalias) Mose;- (dijusj Rithmoud, (Bulk*) Wailace, (Chariton) Isaac, (Brown) Toil (Rowell) and Jeff, (Wingfield) an.l Ou Monday, the 24th doy of March n<xt. In like manner, at the O<iuthouse. n t’e COUNIY of .’ORGAN, the following- ouimet -'EGROES, be:orgii;gto the anil ait < hed to the Greensboiough and Madison st u ti.n; to gether with the Mules, one Horse Carta, 10. ls, &<*. connected thereto: >. Benjar in. (Bustiwj Willis, (Cr sly), Abr»ham, (Mealing) Billy, (Kennon)’. Axina,. (Cargile) Dick, (bent) Henij (Smith) Joso ua (M’Gar) Jerry, (Bu uells) Larkin. (Firter) Ned (Ramsay) Georg., (S. aseiy) Peter, (Ca - gile) Ji.ri.hain, (Collin-) N rth.nnel. (R* rry ,i Jo, Seplf (Popes toseph, (General Pop JGeorgc (Winter) Joe, (Rowland) London, (Brian!) C.<) leb, (Rowell) Shade, (Jackson) Joe (V; Gar, Nathan, (Coiling) Berrys (t in.-n;ps ■) 5.. >y (Lnippkin) Harry. (Porter) ‘EKirk, ’latk, (Burton) and On Friday, (he 2Slh day ,f >ia>£h next. mauuyr. at h nuthouse rh tt.e UUN IY of LEKALft. tii. following .nam...! AE GROES, belonging •> <h- S’ats and atiaehcd to the Cherokee station, together with the Mules, Carts, Tools, Ike,' connected thereto; John, (Baptist) Adam Zach£. Jesse, Toney, Hamptup. H’.r>y '’’om (Drtnrtrher) Tom,(Ja> K sbn) vt» Il . (ti itheimidj Muses, (Akio-) Jacob, (If out) Guy York, Ben, Isaac, Miles, Ransom, Petei, Tim Beaver, and Bot.; On Tuesday, the Ist day of April next :’fndißo vrtnhnef, at the C <>m h •use in te • OUN TY of HALL*, the f-'li win NEGROES, . eJoog mg to ihe Sti fe, and ,t ta b< to the Gainesville nation, fog <her with the Mules, Carts, < oolg, &lc. conn. vi« 0 thereto: . Peter, (Be 1) Lewis (L?. ) Hardy, Jerry (Ed 50..) Jim (Corbett) F» (Willis) Abrai am (Og'ethrope) Billy,(Ke t- hum) Davy (Mahoney) [tick, ( <i liman) Ann s . 'lahonevj Isaac (Har deman) Matt. Smith) Arthir,'(Dru./m ».id- s D ctor, Longstreet) l-ssex, (W’oo.i) Toney) (Toombs) Joe (Sorrow) facob, Freems.,) At, am, l arry, Freeman ( am, (I'.tks) Jeff (Walton) Peter (Mil's) .»< O’. ( <.-uey) Henry, (Booker) and l»aniel (i n mt. ) tnd On Monday the Ith day of April next In like maoti. r, at the Cou) ih-use ■ ue '*N. Irot BALDWIN, the foilowi. g u> e g. GROES, belonging to the St -t- •><! at < tc the Milledgeville and Hav k.nsvnie st . gether with the Mules. Carts, loo's, o - nected thereto: Scipio, Jesse, July, Andrew. Moses, Fslick. August, Sam, Xliiiip,, Jim, (Hann) March, Joe, Anthony, Brutus, Robert, Billy, anti Gideon. For the information < f those pers >n' w-ho ior.y e- . the folio a ing sections <>• the oetore-menti»nvd actof the Legislature are here with published. •‘Sec. 4. Be it fu, tner xacledby the authority ajaresa’d, That the s.iid Superintendents and ei'ch ol them shall, at <1 they are hereby author ized, as the agent of the Stale, to exetui- to the purchaser or purchasers of said slaves or either of them, good and sufficient titles [ warranting the title thereof only] for and to said slave or slaves, a>ul deliver unto him or them the on said purchasers paying in cash one filth of the purchase money therefor, and the balance in thirty days thereafter, or tendering to the said Superintendent a certificate Irom the Cash, ier of the Central Bank of Georgia, th;t the sard purchaser’s note sci the said halon- e bad been discounted in said Bank, which the said. Bank is hereby directed and att'h itzed t do in snch manner and on such terms as are usual in discounting on loans: Provided the s inie shall not exceed twenty five hundred dollars “Sec. 5. Be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid, That, on failure of said porch, ser to pay the said one fifth of the amount of said pur chase money, at the time of >aid purchase, the said Supttintendt nt shall proceed forthwith to re-sell said slaves, not crying again the bid of such defaulting purchaser during said sale, nd on failure of said purchaser to pay the balaane of said purchase money, or tender said certifi cate as afore aid, within the space of thirty days after said sale, said purchaser shall forfeit the said one filth so paid, and said superintendent shall, on thirty days’ notice being given lheieof as aforesaid, re-sei! said slave, in the manner, at the place, and on the terms and condition® hereinbefore prescribed. WILLIAM C. LYMAN Juary 16ih, 1834. 12 Fire Company Lottery. TITHE Agents of th« Augusta Independent Fire I Company Lott- ry, who have not already done so, are requested to rrake immediate ree turns to VVm. P. Beers. E«q of Augusta, prepa ratory to a final settlement of the same. Hold ers of tickets too. by advising M.- Heers’ ot th fii< t will facilitate am hasten th conclusion of his protracted bust cess. By order of 'he Board of Commissioners. JOHN J. BYRD. Sed'y. Hj* The Editors of the Savannah Geortiari, Milledgeville Journal anti Fed-wal Union and Athens Banner, will please to copy this advef” tiserr.ent once and notice the tame under the Edi torial head. Ao 1-7 * if NO 27