Georgia courier. (Augusta, Ga.) 1826-1837, September 28, 1835, Image 1

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VOL. IX. fUPtISHED EVERY OTHER DAY, MONDAY, WEDNESDAY,* FRIDAY, AT 2 O’CLOCK, P. M. Howard's Brick Buildings opposite the Post Office, M'lntosh Street. _ ——— o | u E c i’ ION S . Sales of band and Negroes, by Administrators, Execn tors, or Guardians, are required, by law, to be he’d on the first Tuesday in the month, between the hours often in the forenoon and three tn the afternoon, at the Court- House of the County in which the property is siuiated. Notice of those sales must b • >’Uen m a public Gazetto SIXTY days previous to the day of sale. Notices of the sale of personal property must ><_giv<n in like manner, FOR I’Y days previous to the “ay ol sate Notices Hi the debtors ami creditors oi an e tute, mu. t l>c published for FORTY days. . n’, two that application will h- made to rhe Court of for I ■avo to sell land, must be published for FOUR MONTHS. . ... , . Notice for leave to sell Negroes, must bo publishcd for FOUK MOX riLS before anyor<i<*» absolute snail be made hereon by the court* r r v ORDERED, that the eight section of the -’•eneral ordinance be published and strictly en forced. mid that the street officer and other offi cers of the Council, report ail offenders.. It shall be the duty of Lot holders, and those having charge of Lots, to keep them clean ami dry. The}' shall permit no cellar or sink to contain water. They shall fill up all low pla ces within their Enclosure, in such manner as to pass into the streets: It shall also be their duty, and they are hereby required on every day, ex cept the sabbath, loremove from their lots all decayed and decaying Vegetable and animal substances, and in general, everything tend ing to corrupt the air, and to place the same in the streets opposite their lots, and twenty feet from the boundary, between day light and nine o’clock in the morning; and no person shall throw trash or filth into the streets from their lots any other time than between day light and nine o’clock, A. M. nor on the Sabath day. GEO. M. WALKER, Clerk. -RENOVATING LIQUID, RECENT DISCOVERY. RS. BERNARDS RENOVATING • LIQUID for extracting all kinds of Oils, Faints, Tar, and Grease from the most delicate coloured Silks, Satins, Cloths, Bombazines, or Velvets, without injuring in the least their Col our or Texture. This recent and valuable chemical discovery is offered for sale by the subscriber. —It almost supersedes the necessity of dying, and the scourer’s “Vocation is gone.” Fifty cents worth will secure a Bacon Merchant’s breech es from criticism for 12 months. It acts like a charm upon silks of the finest texture, by in stantly removing the taints of grease, without in the least affecting the fabric itself—the most inveterate lodgments of wax upon Coat Collars, fly before it like dust before a brush. It is no Quackeiy but the true secundum artem mode of appearing decent in old clothes at the least im aginable expense. It is offered to Gentlemen at 50 cents a Phial, and all other sorts of people can have it at the same price. No danger need be apprehended in using it upon the finest and most delicate Silks—nor is it like the soaps so commonly advertised in our days, which removing one evil, almost invaria bly produce another of double size—nor does it require. th<*preparatory meansofallother renova tors —such as hot irons and the like. Only a lit tle clean water, accordins to the directions, is wanting. Oil or Grease of any kind can be ex tracted from the most delicate coloured carpets, without the usual trouble of taking them up. If used according to the directions, it will at once extract every particle of grease from the finest Cloth, or most delicate Silks, without injuring in the least the colour or texture. For sale bv TURPIN & D’ANTIGNAC. [August 13 96] Augusta Geo. B. W. FORCE * CO. Have on hand, at No. 276 Broad street, in Kerrs & Graham’s new range, three doors above the Globe Hotel, PACKAGES of fresh BOOTS SHOES, a very extensive as sortment of every article in the line, calculated jo suit the City and Country trade—consisting in part of 2,000 pair Men’s Calf Brogans and Shoes 3,000 do do Kip do do 5,000 do do coarse do do 2,500 do Boys’ and Children’s coarse and fine Shoes 3,000 do Ladies’ Prunello, Morocco, Seal skin and leather Boots, Shoes and Slippers 500 pair Ladies’ and Gentlemen’s waterproof Boots and Shoes 500 do do do Carpet and do Mockasins Also a large stock of LEATHER, such as Harness and Skirting, Sole and Upper Leath er, New York, Philadelphia, and Baltimore Calf Skins, Sealskins, Buckskins, Morocco and Lining Skins, stout coarse Leather for Negro | Shoes ; also, Lasts, Boot and Shoe Trees, Shoe I Thread and all the materials and Tools lor ' manufacturing, all of which will be offered to' the consumer and dealer at reduced prices. | O’ FORCE & Co.’s Boot and Shoe Factory in the rear entrance through their Store; where Boots and Shoes of every description are made and repaired. Dec 5 145 MEDICAL COLLEGE OF GEORGIA. THE Lectures in this institution will be re sumed on the third Monday in October next, and continued as usual six months. They will be delivered by L. A. DUGAS, M. D., on Anatomv and Physiology. PAUL F. EVE, M. D., on the Principles and I Practice of Surgery. A. CUNNINGHAM, M. D., on the Principles and Practice of Medicine. JOSEPH A. EVE, M. D., on Therapeutics and Materia Medica. M. ANTONY, M. D., on Obstetrics and Dis eases of Women and Infants. L. D. FORD, M. D., on Chemistry and Phar macy. the terms are: Matriculation Ticket, to be taken once. <»> Tickets fur the Full Course, 100 000 j Tickets fur Practical Anatomy, once. only, 1 () Diploma Fee, . If) OOi JOHN W WILDE; President. L. D Ford. See'y Jjoard of Trustees. Augusta, July 10,1835 July 10 82 The papers of Augusta; Banner and Whig, Athens; Journal and Federal Union, Milledgeville; Enquirer and Sentinel, Colum bus; Georgian and Republican, Savannah,(Geo.) Aiken Telegraph, Columbia Times, Pendleton Messenger, and Greenville Mountaneer, (S.C.) Raleigh Star, and Western Carolinian, (N. C.) Knoxville Register, (Ten.) Floridian, (Flo); Tuscaloosa Intelligencer, Montgomery Jour nal, Huntsville Advocate, Mobile Register, (Ala.) Jackson S. R. Banner, and Natches Couriet & Journal, (Miss.) will publish the ad vertisement to the amount of Five Dollars each and send their receipt with the last No. contain ing it, to L. D. Ford See. and Treas. Medical College of Georgia. F~OUR mronihs afterdate, application will be made to the honorable justices of the In ferior Court of Richmond County, when sitting for ordinary purposes, for leave to sell the real estate ofWilliam Churffiill deceased, for yhe benefit of the heirs and creditors of said dec. JANE CHURCHILL, Admrx. May 15 7 GEORGIA COURIER. PUBLIC SALE OF REAL ESTATE FEW HE subscribers, with the view ofclosing JL their concern, will oiler for sale at the low er Market House, in the City of Augusta, on Monday the 19th day of October next. All their Real Estate in the City of Augusta. About 50 building lots in the village of Spring fie hl. House and lot in the village of Wrightsboro, Columbia County. House and lot in the village of Lincolnton, Lincoln County. Houses and lots in the village of Sparta, Han cock County, Houses and lots in the village of Monticello, Jasper County. Houses and lots in the village of Marion, Twiggs County. Plantation in Hancock county —870 acres. Plan t county —260 acres. 105 Acres RiverSwatnp Land Richmond Co 1000 Acres Land Elbert county. 202?, Acres Land 9th dis No. 72 Monroe co 2021 do do 9 do do 138 Pike do 2021 do do 15 do do 130 do do 202| do do 2 do do 132 do do 202| d . do 10 do do 102 Upson do 202 do do 9 do do 24 Dooly do 2021 do do 13 do do 172 Fayette do 202 jdo do 16 do do 361 Newton do 202 J do do 8 do do 133 Crawford 2021 do do 13 do do 258 Houston 2021 do do 15 do do 118 do do 1021 do do 14 do do 231 do do 490 do do 13 do do 375 Irwin do . 250 do do 3 do do 173 Early do 250 do do 13 do do do do 250 do do 2 do do do do Terms made known at day of sale. McKenzie &. bennoch. August 26 wtd 101 The city papers, Milledgeville Recorder, Standard of Union, Savannah Republican and Charleston Courier, will please copy the above once a week until the day of sale. BROUGHT TO AUGUSTA JAIL ON the Bth instant, three negroes, namely: LEWIS, MARY and her child WIL LIAM, they say they belong to John Oliver, Abbeville District, S. C. Lewis is jwenty-one years old, 5 feet 11 inches high, light complect ed, and he has a small scar on the left cheek ; Mary is five feet high, inclined to belight c®m plected; William, her child, she says is 10 months old. The owner is requested to come forward, pay expenses and take them from Jail. G. S. CLARKE, Jailor. September II w3t 108 AN To regulate proceedings in certain cases against persons violating the city ordinances, and to punish witnesses for non attendance. Sbct. 1. Be it ordained by the City Council of Augusta, and it is hereby ordained by the authority of the same, That from and after the passing of this ordinance, when any individual has been summoned to attend before Council to answer to a charge of violating the city ordi nances, or either of them, or any section there of, in puisuanceof the twenty-fifth section oi the General Ordinance now of force; and shall fail to appear or show sufficient cause for his non attendance, the Council may pass an order requiring the Marshall and the City Constables, or any of them, to arrest such person andbring him or her before the Mayor or some Member of Council, and upon his or her being arrested and brought before the Mayor 01 any Member of Council, it shall be the duty of the Mayor 01 Member of Council to require of such person a bond with security for his or her appearance at the next regular session of the City Council after the arrest, and for his or her abiding the order and judgment of the same—and upon such bond and security being given in a sum at the discretion of the Mayor or Member of Council, the individual shall be discharged from arrest. Sect. 2. And be it further ordained by the authority aforesaid, That in all cases where the bond and security required in the first sec tion of this ordinance shall be given, and the person giving the same shall fail to appear be fore the Council, (at its next regular session, or at any subsequent session, if the case shall be continued, or the Council be adjourned,) the Council shall proceed to try such person, and if he or she be convicted and fined, execution shall be issued against the property of the of fender and his or her security for the amount of fine and costs. Sect. 3. And be it further ordained by the authority aforesaid, That in all cases where the person arrested shall be unable to give the security required by the first section of this or dinance, the Mayor or Member of Council, be fore whom he or she may be brought, shall commit himor her to jail till the uextsessign of Council, or until security be given, or he may discharge such person upon his or her own re cognizance without security. Sect. 4. And be it further ordained by the authority aforesaid, That when any person charged with violating the city ordinances, or either of them, or any section thereof, shall ap pear before Council and stand his or her trial, and shall be convicted and fined, such individu al may, at the discretion of Council, be commit ted to jail till the fine and all costs are paid. Sect. 5. And be it. further ordained by the authority aforesaid, That it shall be the duty ot the Clerk of Council, upon the application of any person concerned, to issue subpoenas for witnesses in any case against an individual for a violation of the city ordinances, which shall be served by the Marshall, a City Constable, or any other person, at least one day- before the session of Council, and it shall he the duty of such witness to attend ; and if any- witness, af ter being duly subpoenaed, shall fail to attend, he shall be fined by the City Council in a sum not exceeding five hundred dollars, and may be by order of Council attached for contempt and committed to jail for any time not exceed ing thirty days, unless such witness make a suf ficient excuse for his or her non attendance, to be judged ofby the Council. Sect. 6. And be it further ordained by- the authority aforesaid, That the City- Council of \ugusta shall meet at the City Hail on the first Saturday in each and every- month for the trial igainst the city ordinances; and shall have p >wer to adjourn to some other day. or from dav to day, if expedient or necessary, and all persons charged with offences and all witnesses shall be bound to attend such regular or adjourned meeting. Sect. 7. And be it further ordained by- the authority- aforesaid, That all ordinances and and parts of ordinances militating against this ordinance be and the same are hereby- repealed Done in Council the 18th day of July, 1835. By the Mayor. SAMUEL HALE, Mayor. G EG. M.WALKER. Clerk. ADMINISTRATOR’S notice? FOUR Months after date, application will be made to the Court of Ordinary of Rich mond county for leave to sell ail the real estate of Daniel A. Weed, deceased,late of said coun ty. A. J. MILLER,Adm’r. Jul - V 17 m4rn 85 GUARDIAN’S NOTICE. FOUR months after date application will be made to the Honorable the Inferior Court of Lincoln Count- to sell the lot of land No. 115, Gth district ot Muscogee county, drawn by- William Cason minor ofE.izabeth Cason. JAMES MeGXLL, Guardian. Saptember 11 jnlt W AUGUSTA, GEO., MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 28, 1835. Treasurer’s Office, Steam Beat Company, I August 25? A, 1835. \ OTICE is given that the following articles ,-I.R were received by the Steam Boat Com pany’s Boats, previous to the Ist of April last, and it not called for by or before the Ist day ol October next, will be sold on that day, to pay expenses. THOMAS McGRAN, Treasurer S. B. Co. II 2 bundles Shovels No mark 1 do. do. Francis, & Hines, I keg Nails Gennessee, 1 barrel Smoked Beef H 1 bundle Band Iron J. A. 20 boxes Glass B B. 1 bundle Sheet Iron B. 1 cask G J. 1 hall barrel Plaster of Paris S K. 1 Corn Mill M S. 3 pieces Bagging No mark 10 do. do. Wm. M. Millwood, 1 Box S &P. 1 bag-Coffee No mark 4 Collars Do. 1 ream Brown Paper Al. 1 box Soap Arthur Ginn, 1 Package Rev. G. A Chapple, 1 do. Rev. J. F. Weathersbee, 1 Box No mark, 1 barrel Fish Do. 1 bundle Band Iron C L S. 1 Barrel No mark, 1 bag Coffee H. 1 coil of Rope. ' Aug 24 wtd 100 Georgia, Richmond County, Hays Bowdry applies for let » * ters of administration on the estate'of Robert AV. M’Keen, deceased— These are therefore to cite and admonish all persons concerned to be and appear at my office within the time prescribed by law, and show cause (if any) why said letters should not be granted. Given under my hand at office this 23d day of September, 1835. _____ GEQ M. WALKER; C. C. O. WHEREAS, Green B. Marshall, and Ma ry Primrose, apply for Letters of Ad ministration, on the Estate of James Primrose, deceased. These are therefore to cite and admonish all persons concerned to be and appear at my office within the time prescribed by law, and show cause (if any) why said letters should not be granted. Given under myhand at my office this9th day of September, 1835. GEO. M. WALKER, C. C. O. September 9 107 Thomas Glascock applies for letters of Administration on the Estate of John Russel deceassd. These are therefore to cite and admonish all persons concerned to be and appear at my office within the time prescribed by law, and show cause (if any) why- said letters should not be granted. • Given under my hand at my- office this 9th day of September, 1835. GEO. M. WALKER, C. C. O. Sept. 9 107 WHEREAS Andrew j. Miller applies for letters of Administration on the estate of Daniaj A. Weed deceased. These are therefore to cite and admonish all persons concerned to be and appear at my office within the time prescribed by law, and show cause (in any) why said letters should not be granted. Given under my-hand at my-office this 3d day of June, 1835. GEO. M. WALKER, C. C. O. June 3 66 Georgia, Richmond County. 7TIEREAS, William J. Rhodes, Admi- V t nistrator de bonis non of the Estate of John D. Walker, deceased, applies for Letters of Dismission from said Estate, All persons concerned are hereby- notified to be and appear at my office within the time pre scribed by law, to show cause (if any- they have) why- said letters should not be granted. ’ Given under my hand at office, this 15th day of April, 1835. GEORGE M. WALKER, C. C. O. april 15 mGm 48 Georgia, Richmond County. WHIEREAS, George W. Crawford ap plies for Letters of Administration on the Estate of David Bowers deceased. These are therefore to cite and admonish all persons concerned to be and appear at my- office within the time prescribed by law, and show cause (if any) why said letters should not be granted. Given under my hand at office this 29th day of Dec. 1824. GEO. M. WALKER, C.C.O. Dec. 29 154 WHEREAS, James Churchwell, applies for Letters of Administration, on the Estate ofWilliam Churchwell, deceased. These are therefore to cite and admonish all persons concerned to be and appear at my- office within the time prescribed by- law, and show cause, (if any) why said letters should not be granted. Given under my- hand, at my office, this 20th day of Feb. 1835. GAO. M. WALKER, C. C. O. Feb 20 22 Georgia, Richmond County. ’®)®7’HEREAS, Mary Ann Mims, and Wm v w Mims, Executors of Britton Mims, late of Richmond County, deceased, applies for Jet ers of dismission All persons concerned, are hereby- notified to be and appear at my oiiice within the time pre scribed bp law to show cause (if any they have) why said letters should not be granted. Given under my- hand, at my- office, January 1.1835. GEORGE M. WALKER, C. C. O' Jan 1 mGm 1 Georgia, Lincoln County. AAS/'HEREAS John Bolerapplies for letters ¥ v of administration on the estate of New bal Covington, late of said coun-y, deceased, These are therefore to cite the kindred and creditors of said deceased to be and oppear at my office within the time prescribed by law to show cause, if any, why- said letters should not be granted. Given under my hand at office this 29th May. 1835. MICAJAH HENLY, C. C. O. June 1 65 NOTICE. _ A GREEABLY to an order of the Inferior hl Court of Richmond County, while sitting for ordinary purposes, will be sold at the Court House in Muscogee County- on the first Tues day- in October next, betweenthe usual hours of sale, a Tract of Land lying and being in the sixth (6) District, Muscogee County, and known in the plan of said district as numbe fifty-one (51) for the benefit of the creditors of David Ly-ner, deceased. Terms at sale. THOS. GLASCOCK, Adm’r. July 20 td R 5 Tfi CASKS best White Lump Lime, IL PJ? just received per Co.’s boats IN STORE, 500 casks best THOMASTON LIME. Forsalebv G. H. METCALF. BYE-LAWS OF THE R A I L R O A D C O M I* A N Y . I. An election of President and Directors of the Georgia Rail Road Company shall take place annually on Tuesday after the second Monday in May, at the office of the company in the town of Athens, of which, at least, ten days notice shall be given to the stockholders 4 by advertisement, in some newspaper of this State; and a plurality of votes given in shall form an election; provided, however, that if it should so happen, that the day aforesaid, so fixed for the annual election of President and Directors, should pass without an election be ing effected, it shall be the duty of the Board of Directors, for the time being, to appoint some other day, within a reasonable period, for hold ing said election, giving len days notice thereof, in manner aforesaid: and in all cases the Pres ident and Directors lor the time being, shall continue in office, and serve till new ones are elected. 11. A general meeting iff the stockholders, at the Rail Road Office in Athens shall, annually, take place on the second Monday in May, for the purpose of taking into consideration any and all matters touching the interests of the company, to which meetings the Direction shall make their annual report of the affairs of the corporation, and at which meetings the Presi dent shall preside, and shall cause a journal, or minutes to be kept of all such matters or ques tions as shall be discussed and decided by the Stockholders in general meeting assembled. 111. It shall be the duly of the President to see to the general interests and the Well order ing of the affairs of the corporation. He shall, except when prevented by sickness, or necessa ry absence, president all meetings of the Board of Directors, preserve order, &c. vote on all questions before the Board, and when, by this vote, a tie is produced, the question shall be decided in the negative. He shall have power to convene the Board of Directors, whenever he shall deem it expedient; and shall, after the first year, receive such salary for his services, as the Direction shall fix and deem adequate thereto IV. The Secretary, Treasurer, and such o ther officers and servants as may be required for the Company’s service, shah be chosen by the Direction, shall be accountable to the Board at all times sot a faithful discharge of their re spective duties; shall give such bond and secu rity as may be required by the Board; and shall after the first year receive such salary, to be fixed by the Direction, as shall be adequate to their services. V. The Direction shall have power to issue to stockholders certificates of stock, which shall be transferable on the books of the Company, only by personal entry of the stockholder, or by his or her legal representative or attorney, duly authorized hyspecial power for that purpose. VI. On all matters and things coining before the Board of Directors, where the interests of the Company may require secrecy, the injunc tion of secrecy shall be laid; —and every- Di rector shall be bound in honor, not to divulge in any- manner, to any- person, the secrets of ihe Board, till the injunction of secrecy is removed. VII. Theelection of President and Directors, as provided for in the first article oftheseffiye laws, shall be by- the stockholders, who may- at tend either in person,'or by- proxy; and vote ac cording to the number of shares each may hold in the stock of the company; Provided, That no stockholder shall be allowed to vote on stock which shall not have been held bona, fide., in his own right, or as guardian, executor, or admin istrator, (as the case may be,) for at least three calendar months prior to the day- of election.— And at all general meetings of the stockholders for considering and determining on measures involving the general interests of the Company, the votingpow-er shall be on such stock only, as shall have been held in his, or her own right, or as guardian, executor, or administrator, for at least three calendar months prior to such meetings: and such stoik may- be represented at all such meetings, either in person or by proxy of .he stockholder. VIII. Upon all measures which may come before the stockholders for their vote or decision, (except that of the election of President and Directors,) at any-stated, or special meeting, it shall be necessary that a majoiityof the whole number of shares in the company shall be re presented and legally voted on, before any mea sure shall be carried, or made of binding effica cy- on the company. IX. So long as the number of Directors shall be twelve,besides the President, a quorum to do business shall consist ofthe President andsix Directors, or, in the absence of the President, of seven Directors. X. No Director shall be entitled to any emo lument, or pay for his services as such, except R a Director shall, at all times during his con tinuance in office, as a Director, have the right of passing on the Rail Road free of charge, whether on his own private business, or the bu siness of the company: Provided, That no Di rector shall have pow-er to set up, or c aim this right in behalf of any other person, going on the road in his place or stead. XI. In case ot absence ofthe President, dur ing any meeting of the Board, the Directors present shall nominate one of their own body to act as President, pro tempore, and the business shall go on as usual. But in case of the death, resignation or removal of the President, the va cancy shall be filled by the Board of Directors, till the next period of general election. Upon all questions before the Board, the yeas and nays shall be taken and entered on the minntes, w-hen required by any two Directors; and the minutes shall be open for inspection of the stock holders, at all times when assembled in general meeting, according to the provisions of the se cond article of these Bye-Laws: and the Com pany, when assembles, shall have the right of inspection of all the books, papers, &c., belong ing to the corporation. XII. Any- number of stockholders, in interest amounting to not less than one third part of the whole stock ofthe Company may, when, in their opinion, the interests of the company may- re quire it, call a special meeting of the stockhold ers, at any convenient time, at the company’s office in Athens, first giving thirty days notice of such time, by public advertisement, and spe cifying distinctly the object of such meeting.— And at each special meeting, a majority of the stock being represented, as hereinbefore pro vided, the stockholders may appoint a Chair man and Secretary, and proceed to examine in to the affairs of the company, and the official conduct of the President and Directors, and,for this purpose, shall have free access to the papers and records of the Direction, and power to send forpersons,and examine them under oath, touch ing the administration ofthe affairs ofthe com pany by the Direction; and if it should appear on such examination, that the affairs of the company have been corruptly mismanaged, in any respect whatever, tire stockholders may, by a vote ofZwa thirds of the whole stock of the company, so declare the fact, and the Direction, or any member thereof, against whom such declaration shall be made, shall be displaced, and a new election had forthwith; and the mem her or members of the Direction so displaced shall be forever thereafter incapable of serving the company in any capacity whatever. XIII. No alteration shall be made in these Bye-Laws, unless by a majority of all the Di detors, and at a regular meeting of the Board ami notice ofsuch alteration shall always begi I ven in writing, at least one meeting before that at Which it shall be brought up for final action. Adopted, by the Direction, March 15, 1834. JAMES CAMAK. President: Attest, William Williams, Sec'ry. OFFICERS. Elected lOlhMarch, 1834, to till Tu-eday after the second Monday in Man, 1835. JAMES CAMAK, President. John A. Cobb, of Athens, ’ John Cunningham, of Greenesboro’, William R. Cunningham, of Athens, William Dearing, of Athens, Absalom Janes, of Talliaferro, g A. B. Linton, of Athens, I ® William Lumpkin, of Athens, [ < John Nisbet, of Athens, g Elizur L. Newton, of Athens, James Shannon, of Athens, Henry B. Thompson, ofTalliaferro, William Williams, of Athens, William Williams, Treas, &l Sec'ry. PROSPECTUS ’ OF THE FOURTH VOLUME OF THE SOUTHERN ROSE BUD, ENLARGED AND IMPROVED UNDER THE TITLE OF THE SOUTHERN ROSE. THE first number of the fourth volume of the “ Southern Rose Bud" will be issued the last week in August, 1835, under the name of the SOUTHERN ROSE. The amount of matter will be nearly double, the paper of a fine quality, and the type improved. The subscribers to the “ Rose Bud ” have in cluded persons of all denominations in religion throughout the Unioh. The contributors to the Southern Rose will he persons of high literary standing, many of whom have contributed to the “ Rose Bud.” TERMS—Two Dollars per annum payable in advance. June 12 70 DOTS ANDSHOES —HATCH, KIM- B ALL & Co. (late A. M. Hatch & Co.) No 110 Water street, are now receiving their full supply of Boots and Shoes, to which they invite the attention of their Southern friends. 30,000 pr. russet and black Negro B rogans 5000 do do do do Shoes 20,000 do men’s kip pegged Brogans 5000 do do do sewed do 3000 do do calf do do 5000 do do do pegg’d do 3000 do do do do do 4000 do do fine calf sewed do 1500 do do do Walking Pumps 2000 do do seal do do 1500 do do Dancing do 1000 do do mo. buckle do do 1500 do do calf lace Jackson Ties 1500 do do do bd. st. do do 1000 do do do Jack Downing Boots 8000 do boy’s russet and black Brogans 5000 do do kip and calf do 5000 do do do do Shoes 2000 do calf and Seal Pumps 1500 do men’s fine calf sewed Boots 1500 do do do pegged do 3000 do do seal nail’d and de do 1000 do do thick do do 10,000 do ladies’ morocco walking Shoes 5000 do do leather do do 10,000 do do do welts 5000 do do heal lasting slips 5000 do do spring do do 3000 do do do morocco do 10,000 do misses do do leather boots & shoes 5000 do children’s lasting,mo. & leather boots Also, Wool Hats, Wrapping Paper, and hair and seal trunks. New York, July 17 12l S 5 NEW YORK SPIRIT OF THE TIMES. A METROPOLITAN GAZETTE Os the Sporting, Literary, and Fashionable World. WILLIAM T. PORTER, EDITOR. The prominent feature in the character of this Journal, is, its devotion to the Sports of the Field and Turf. Gentlemen will find in its col uins regular reports of the races which come off on the principal Courses in the Union, —co- pious extracts from “ Bell's Rife" and the Eng lish Sporting Magazine's, with every kind of Sporting Intelligence accessible to the Editor. Shooting and Angling, with the collateral and necessary information upon each of them, will claim our attention, while Rural, Aquatic, and other exhilirating amusements will not be forgot ten. The owners of the crack Trotting Horses of New York and Philadelphia, may rely upon seeing the perforamances of their nags faithful ly chronicled in the Spirit of the Times. In fine, every endeavor will be made to ren der this paper available, and even indispensi ble, to gentlemen of the Turf, throughout the country. Various and elegant selections from the A merican and Foieign Magazines, with brief original remarks upon current literature, will determine the Literary character of this Ga zette. The affairs of the Stage, with all kinds of Theatrical Chil-Chal,v>i\\ receive constant atten lion. Carefully digested summaries of Foreign and Domestic News will be given, and the whole rendeied as pleasant and acceptable as the Ed itor can make it, by crowding info his columns all the Sayings and Doings about Town. This, we trust, will be a favorite, as it is a lea ding and original feature in our design. Un derappropriate devices will be found the Qw,tps and Quirks of the thousand and one Wags about Town, with the last “good things” of “Figaro" and “Bob Short," together with a dashing Sal magundi of the liveliest sallies of the intire edi torial corps; each spiced and peppered to the taste of the mirth loving votaries of the Fun, Frolic, Flash, and Fashion of old Gotham! Fact, Scraps,Oddities and other Gleanings by the Way side with the latest On Dits, Scan Mag, and do ings in the Fashionable circles, always be carefully collated for the amusement of the gen eral reader. Such are the more prominent features of the plan of our publication. We enter on our la Lfors not as novices in the art of getting up j a paper combining various interests and laden ’ with amusement: our whole life has been em ployed in qualifying ourselves for the task. With such resources as j'ears of experience liaveafforded us,by the certainty of being sustain ed by friends known as approved writers and dis criminating critics, we fearlessly launch our bark on the broad ocean of public opinion, and cheerily spread our sails to the breeze of public favor that already beckons us to its embraces, and may waft us to the goal of our wishes. The New York Spirit of the Times is publish- ■ ed in a beautiful and attractive form, on S'atur- i day Mornings at 171 Zfroadway (entrance at | Courtland street) and furnished to the Country I subscribers at 53,00 per annum in advance, or j SI,OO per quarter, payable quarterly. Advertisments inserted on equitable terms, j with a substantial reduction to Yearly Adverti sers. NOT ICE. FOUR months afterdate application will be made to the honorable the Inferior Court oi Richmond County, while sitting for ordinary purposes, for leave to sell all the interest of Eliza Seaborn Jones in the real estate of her deceased father, the late Seaborn Jones. ELIZABETH JONES, Guardian. June 19 tlsm nov. - 73 NEW SPRING GOODS. SNOWDEN AND SHEAR KESPECTFULLY announce to their friends in the city and country, that they have received by recent arrivals from Netv York and Philadelphia, a very large and splen did assortment of Staple and Fancy Dry Goods, suitable for the Spring and Butntiier season which they have personally selected with great Care from the most recent importations and of the latest London and Paris style, which they will sell at theloWestprices. Among them are:— Splahdid French Muslins(veryrich and entire ly new styles) Superior black and white Muslins (for mourn ing dress) SuperiorFrench,German and Manchester Ging l hams j Extra black and Whitb Ginghatfis, for second mourning A very large and splendid assortment ofFrenck English & American Prints [new patterns] Superior Printed Jaconetts and Cambrics Rich Gauze and Twisted Silk fancy Shawls and Hdkfs. [new style] Extra rich Lace and Donna Maria black gauze Hdkfs. I Superior green, white and black blbhd Gauze : Veils, | Rich Gauze Bonnet, and new style Belt Rib bons A very large and splendid assortment of Nee* dle-work’d Muslin, Collars, Capes, and Pelarines with long and short ends, of the best work and latest Paris styles. Infants Needle-work’d Bodies for diesses, and Needle*wotk’d Bahtls. A large supply of Needle-work’d Edgings and Insertings [new patterns] Superior Bobbinett and Thread Edging and In sertings Ladies’ superior Linen Cambrick Hdkfs. [hem* stitch and plain] Gentlemen’s sup.white and crimson silk Pocket Hdkfs. Do do English and Fancy Pongee do do [large size] Youth’s do do do do do do do Ladies superior blk. Mffit. and fancy col’d H. S. Gloves Do do Long white Kid Gloves Gentlemen’ssup> buck and blk. and col’d H. S. Gloves, Do do brown thread and cotton dd India Rubber) fancy silk, and superior worsted and cotton Suspenders Ladies very superior Corsets, No. 1,2) 3,4, 5, and6—[Mrs. Weatherby’s Manufacture] Sup. hlk. Grode Rmes and extra blk. Italian Lustrings Superior fawn; orown and pea green col’d Poult dcsoies (most fashionable shades) Blk. Sinchew ; and Sarsnetts and assorted col’d Florences Superior blk. Chally, and blk. Crape D’Lyons Plain and fig’d Book Swiss and mull Muslins [extra fine] Superior Jaconett and Cambric Muslins Oriental and very superior check’d Muslins [wide and ver}' smill check Extra French blk. Bombazine, double width (Lupin & Sons manufacture] Sup. blk. and green Crape Cambists and black Lastings Fancy col’d Brochellas and sup. blk. Circassians Extra French and Irish brown and grass col’d Linens, for gentlemen’s and youth’s sum mer wear Brown Holland and superior white Drill Superior white and broWn grass Cloths Mexican Mixtures [a superior article for youths summer wear] Superior blue Jeans and Denitns, Rouen Cassi* rners and fancy Satin Stripes Striped and ffincy Stormonts and Wilmingtefl Stripes [for youths summer wear] Superior blue and yellofv German Nankeens Extra white and fancy col’d Marseilles and Valencia Vestings Gentlemen’s very superior black satin Bomba" zine,and white plaid Mohair Stocks^ of veijf superior finish and style, [some of them quite narrow] Gentlemen’s superior Linen Bosoms and Shirt Collars [plain and double stitch] 5-4 and 6.4 Linen Sheetings [warranted all flax] Extra 7-8 and 4-4 Irish Linens [very superior style and quality] Superior 3-4 and 7-8 Long Lawns [best style] Heavy Table Diapers and brown Table Cloths Superior Birds-Eye, Russia and Scotch Diaper, for towels Russia Sheetings and superior Flax Ticklen* burghs 12-4 and 13-4 Marseilles Quilts Superior black and while corded Skirts Musqueto Netting and coarse Bobbinet for Pa villions Ladies superior wht. and black English Silk Hose Do do wht. blk. and Printed CottonJHose Misses wht. and blk: Cotton Hose [large and small sizes] Gentlemen's superior white, and blown ahd rati dom Cotton half Hose Gentlemen’s superior Brown Linen and Nan keen cotton half Hose Youths random and brown do do do Linen Braids, Tapes, Clark’s Spool Cotton and superior Drill Eye Needles Elegant fancy Bead Reticules [with cut and gilt beads] Superior blk. and wht. Retticules [with gnh beads) Gentlemen’s Palmetto Hats [trimmed in the New York style] Ladies superior Imperial Straw and Tuscan Bonnetts A splendid assortment of Ladies Parasols and Umbrellas of the very best style and finish [made expressly to order for the retail trade] A very large supply of Cotton Fringe of a great variety of Patterns Superior English Long Cloths Slater’s premium 4-4 bleached Cotton Shirtings [undressed and best style] Superior 6-4 Waltham and Peterborough bleached Sheetings A large supply oi 3-4, 7-8,4-4, 5-4, brown Shirt ings and Sheetings Flax and cotton Osnaburgs Superior Shetucket Tickings Apron and Furniture Checks —Striped and Checked Domestics The above with many other atticles required for family use, are of a superior style ahd quali ty. 'the public are respectfully invited to call ar.d examine the assortment. April 21 ts 49 FASHION ABIDE BONNETS. Snowden * Sheat HAVE received this day from New York, a supply of Ladies’ English and French very superior plain STRAW BONNETS of the most fashionable shapes—also, Laee and Florence trimmed Bonnets of the latest styles— also, Ladies’ superior white, black and assorted colors Lace Gloves —Ladies’ superior Whit* Silk Hose—White and Green Oil Silk—supe rior Black Gro de Paris (very rich lustre}— a very large supplyof Green, Black, White, Pur ple and Blue Worsted Lace, and superior Drill Eye Needles. June 8 68 ——— LARD> -g RCfTh KEGS best Baltimore Lard 1 wE For sale bv G. H. METCAEF. June 3 66 NO. 115